I’m always swapping. My playstyle revolves around it. It’s not quite the same depth as Stance Dancing in WoW, but it’s a similar concept.
As a Warrior I generally swap just before my Adrenaline hits max because I want to use the Burst skill on my Longbow for Fire Field self-combos.
I could really go for a third weapon slot to be honest.
You seem to lack the knowledge of how products evolve in the real world marketplace. If someone was to start a new car company and they tried to sell a car without the standard amenities like power windows, a radio etc, and they were aiming their product at the luxury car consumers, would you be making excuses for their lack of features as well because they were new?
It’s the same logic you are using to defend ArenaNet.
And you seem to lack any knowledge on how the video game development pipeline works. Comparing cars with video games is apples to oranges. Cars can be manufactured with modern printing technologies on assembly lines. Video games cannot. Imagine if each piece of a car was crafted and assembled by hand. Then maybe you have an apt comparison.
Players are asking for a brand new game to come out with the same/similar amount of content that another game has built up over 13 years. It’s asinine that people can even think this way. Regardless of the leaps we’ve made in the development process, it still takes the same amount of time now to develop an MMO as it did 5-8 years ago.
Remember, humans make these games and they can still only put in between 40-60 hours a week (in crunch times… more). Content development is still bottlenecked by the fact that we need to sleep and there’s only so many hours in a day/week.
I don’t really care if I come across as a fanboy. I make games on the side. I literally have to sacrifice all of my free time if I want to get anything done and I don’t get paid until the game launches. I don’t even have time to play games anymore. I work a full-time job, then come home and then spend 5-8 hours developing. I might get an hour or two a week to play games if I’m lucky.
I can only imagine how incredibly frustrating it must be for the professionals. Listening to children with no concept of the amount of effort an MMO takes to develop, crying for more content barely a month out after they just worked themselves to the bone for years on end.
More maps and modes will come. Show a little integrity and have a little patience. Like I said earlier, if the general attitude of this thread is how the general public feels about new MMOs, the entire genre is doomed. Not just GW2.
World of Warcraft’s Honor system wasn’t even patched in until 8 months after launch. Battleground’s weren’t launched until a month after that. Wanting new maps or modes barely a month after launch is ridiculous.
Gamer’s these days. What the kitten? Have some patience. That game the majority of you are basing your expectations off of didn’t even have a PvP system in place at this stage in it’s life.
This is 2012 not 2005. GW2 don’t compete with 2005 WoW, it compete with 2012 WoW and many other modern games on the same market.
That’s a good one. Do you do standup? I’d like to come to one of your shows.
That is a bad one. It is hard for you to argue against simple facts, isn’t it?Simple facts? It took WoW 5 years of development and then 8 years on top of that to generate the amount of content it has now. That’s a fact.
Your logic dictates that all new MMO’s have to spend 13 years in development before launching just so that they have enough content to compete with “current” MMO’s.
Sorry, but it’s not going to happen. Players need to check their expectations against reality. Unfortunately, technology has not yet advanced so far that game developers can pump out exponentially more content in a short enough timeframe to keep up with the ADHD generation.
Game content takes a lot of man hours to develop. Until procedural generation becomes reliable enough to put a bunch of people out of jobs, we have to “cope” with MMO’s all launching with less content than established MMO’s.
From a marketing-competition point of view, he’s right.
Realistically though, he’s wrong. You can’t live up to WoWs level in the first blow. Over time however, definitely!
Thus why I quoted it and said the MMO genre is doomed. If that’s the expectations that players have now, it’s simply not feasible for an MMO (unless it had an astronomically high budget and no development deadline) to live up to those standards.
World of Warcraft’s Honor system wasn’t even patched in until 8 months after launch. Battleground’s weren’t launched until a month after that. Wanting new maps or modes barely a month after launch is ridiculous.
Gamer’s these days. What the kitten? Have some patience. That game the majority of you are basing your expectations off of didn’t even have a PvP system in place at this stage in it’s life.
This is 2012 not 2005. GW2 don’t compete with 2005 WoW, it compete with 2012 WoW and many other modern games on the same market.
That’s a good one. Do you do standup? I’d like to come to one of your shows.
That is a bad one. It is hard for you to argue against simple facts, isn’t it?
Simple facts? It took WoW 5 years of development and then 8 years on top of that to generate the amount of content it has now. That’s a fact.
Your logic dictates that all new MMO’s have to spend 13 years in development before launching just so that they have enough content to compete with “current” MMO’s.
Sorry, but it’s not going to happen. Players need to check their expectations against reality. Unfortunately, technology has not yet advanced so far that game developers can pump out exponentially more content in a short enough timeframe to keep up with the ADHD generation.
Game content takes a lot of man hours to develop. Until procedural generation becomes reliable enough to put a bunch of people out of jobs, we have to “cope” with MMO’s all launching with less content than established MMO’s.
World of Warcraft’s Honor system wasn’t even patched in until 8 months after launch. Battleground’s weren’t launched until a month after that. Wanting new maps or modes barely a month after launch is ridiculous.
Gamer’s these days. What the kitten? Have some patience. That game the majority of you are basing your expectations off of didn’t even have a PvP system in place at this stage in it’s life.
This is 2012 not 2005. GW2 don’t compete with 2005 WoW, it compete with 2012 WoW and many other modern games on the same market.
That’s a good one. Do you do standup? I’d like to come to one of your shows.
None of those games launched with all of their current features yes. The problem? They have those features right now.
GW2 is severely lacking in features when compared to their current competition. That’s the bottom line. They need to fix ALL of their major missing features and they need to do it FAST. If nothing major has changed by the end of the month, then GW2 is probably toast.
Bolded part is the reason why the MMO genre is doomed. Players now have insane expectations that far exceed the reality of game development.
World of Warcraft’s Honor system wasn’t even patched in until 8 months after launch. Battleground’s weren’t launched until a month after that. Wanting new maps or modes barely a month after launch is ridiculous.
Gamer’s these days. What the kitten? Have some patience. That game the majority of you are basing your expectations off of didn’t even have a PvP system in place at this stage in it’s life.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
Yeah, someone at ANet got invincibility and invisibilty mixed up.
People have been conditioned to believe bars and numbers going up is fun. It’s sad really.
They should probably be playing this instead: http://progressquest.com/
With the sheer amount of time it takes to get into WvW, I oftentimes will sit in the spawn for a little while prior to playing.
I want to get comfortable and ready before I start what will be a long PvP session. I generally need between 15-30 mins to bio, grab a drink + snack, let my dog out and have a smoke.
If there wasn’t a queue, I’d do all this prior to queuing up… but since the wait is sometimes 4 hours long, I don’t have the luxury to do that.
While I can’t say what I do accounts for everyone sitting “afk” in the spawn, I’m sure that there are quite a few people just like me.
Less whiners that want to shoehorn in a PvE endgame raiding system when it was highly advertised that no such system would exist years prior to launch.
Isn’t this only useful against other Mesmer’s?
And thieves. Have you ever downed a thief?
I haven’t played an sPvP since beta. Always wuvwuv…
I always just assumed those teleporters were Mesmer’s. Hard to tell in the middle of a zerg.
Isn’t this only useful against other Mesmer’s?
“…what ANet is trying to do…”
“…the vision…”
“…doesn’t fit into GW2 lore…”
“…go back to WoW…”Listen, everything taken into account, I believe we can all agree that not everything is going according to the “master plan”. GW2 is not revolutionary, is not moving the genre forward (it is in fact degrading MMORPG genre into a casual soup), and has not impressed the world. ANet might as well admit they made a mistake, and actually make something awesome of this game.
ANet philosophy, just as everything else, is prone to change. The market dictates what is in demand, not the manufacturers. Their job is to hit the golden vein and get as many people interested. If “their vision” has failed to impress, maybe it’s time for a new vision?
A new vision would need a new game.
Open PvP simply cannot be shoehorned into a game that wasn’t designed from the ground up for it. Over the last 15 years, I’ve seen plenty of games attempt it and not one of them succeeded. PvP always felt shallow and pointless as again, the game wasn’t designed for it, so no real point to the PvP existed.
So, we could have ANet go to task of re-designing the game to work in open PvP, or have them continue on with their current plan and “fix” the existing PvP systems. Personally, I prefer the latter.
When/if a worthy open PvP game launches, I’ll jump ship… but only then.
I haven’t played a single PC game in the last couple years that didn’t have people complaining about FOV. Unless there’s a slider (sometimes even then) it’s almost like clockwork.
I think it’s time to forcibly move players that have transferred to some of the highest population servers after X date. That will take care of the leechers, reduce populations and queue times.
Give these players two weeks notice so they have the opportunity to transfer to a lower population server of their choice. Once transferred off, lock out their ability to transfer back to that server.
Honestly, I don’t see any other option at this point beyond releasing more WvW maps to field a bigger population.
As much as I love open PvP games, GW2 just isn’t designed for it.
From the outset the game was designed to have completely seperated PvP and PvE areas. Changing that after the fact would likely lead to a situation where very few players could get any PvE done due to ganking.
GW2’s design fosters community collaboration. ANet wants each server to have a strong community that will stand together in WvW. Through things like event sharing, scaling and ability to rez anyone players are encouraged to work together.
Adding in open PvP would cause in-fighting and bad blood in WvW. As much as I hate to say this, it’s just not a good idea
That’s pretty neat… The fisheye is rather bad though. The stretching at the sides of the screen is horrible. I don’t understand how anyone can stand that much stretching.
Also, any FOV that fisheyes gives me a massive headache directly behind my eyes within a few minutes of playing.
FOV of 90 is the sweet spot always.
Your question is moot. Players don’t like losing, thus they transfer off of your server leaving you undermanned. It all ties into everything else I’ve been saying throughout the thread.
I also highly doubt that the scenario you’re quoting is widespread. I can’t imagine that there are many instances of one full server facing off against two low pop servers. Even if they did, those two servers would lose then be paired up against servers they should have a chance against.
Besides, if the information I’ve seen is correct it’s 166 people per side, per map. If your server can’t field 166 people then it must be seriously dead and that sucks.
Hahahahaha no.
World pride can only go so far. Not everyone is enamored with how their server looks in the world. People want to get paid for their time.
Please tell me you’re joking. This is a game. As with any game if you want to win, you have to put in some effort. Period.
There’s no need to incentivize the losing side. There’s PLENTY of incentive for the losing side.
It’s simple: Stop losing. Try harder. Come together as a community and win. Winning against seemingly impossible odds is one of the most satisfying feelings on Earth.
Not: Quit until ANet makes losing fun.
The whole above statement sounds even more ludicrous after typing it out. I can’t believe this is what gaming has become.
Yes, it’s a game. It’s a game you lose if you don’t try.
You didn’t start the match week down by 500,000 points. You got there because everyone on your server QUIT. Plain and simple.
I’ll repeat it, since you missed it:
“Why are we losing?”
“We don’t have enough people!”
“Why don’t we have enough people?”
“Everyone quit queuing because we were losing!”…it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That cycle starts when a server is down by about 20,000 points or so. Which is a completely recoverable shortfall. But since kids these days (yes, I’m old) seem to think quitting is preferable to losing, and since they’ve been raised to believe everyone should win, you all just give up. And then you blame the game rather than yourselves for losing.
Here’s the truth: You lost because you quit. And you quit because you thought you were losing.
Want to win? Stay and fight. Don’t run away crying like a coward, and demand the game be changed to make you feel better about the fact that every single match, 2/3s of all servers in GW2 will lose.
Losing sucks. Nobody likes to lose. But 2/3rds of everyone playing this game MUST lose every week. There can be only one winner in each bracket of 3 servers.
The only solution to losing is to suck it up and try harder. Or resign yourself to the fact that you will continue to lose in perpetuity. That’s been true since time immemorial.
Were I a mod on this forum, I’d sticky this right at the top. Bravo.
I’ve been gaming for 25 years now, playing MMORPG’s for 15. I’ve had the worst luck with MMO’s and landing with kitteny servers/guilds that can’t PvP their way out of a wet paper bag. In WoW I was on one of the worst servers for Alliance PvP, Maelstrom. We ALWAYS lost to the Horde. Always. It got a little bit better when they went cross-server, but we lost more often than not.
What did I do? I didn’t quit. I didn’t transfer servers. I started leading and organizing PvP groups and guess what? I won a lot of games that way. Despite being on a server that had a population that was generally bad at PvP. In fact, I eventually got to be ranked 3rd in the vanilla PvP system on my server doing this (before I burnt out entirely).
I honestly have to agree that the whole “Everyone is special. There are no losers, only winner’s.” mentality that society has been pushing has severely damaged the competitive gaming space. Quitters used to be looked upon with disdain and blacklisted. In the 90’s and early 2000’s people would stick it out to the end regardless of how bad they were losing. Now it’s swung the other way. If you’re winning by any margin, usually you win by default because everyone quits.
It’s a real shame that things have gotten this bad.
Honestly, we’re giving you valid suggestions here and you’re simply not listening. You want your way and don’t want to hear anything else.
You state that you can’t fathom the usefulness of another weapon until you hit 80? I shall quote Yoda: “Do or do not. There is no try.” You can’t fathom their usefulness because you are voluntarily ignoring your options. I had already tested out all the weapon combos by the time I hit level 60. Upgrade your weapons at least every 5 levels. You can buy some seriously good gear for CHEAP if you look on the TP.
You want frame canceling? Fighting games are —→ thataway. Otherwise, let’s let this thread die now please.
How about no?
Everyone paid the same price for the game. So why should my contribution to WvW or ability to participate be diminished in any way simply because I work in an industry that doesn’t allow me to play at primetime?
Anyone asking for nightcapping to be removed or changed in any way is being incredibly selfish.
Endgame to me was an answer to all the players who lacked an imagination to create an endgame of their own. Game designers were pressured by subscribers give them infinite value for their montly fee. So they gave us a treadmill to run on rather than give players the tools to drive content themselves as UO originally did.
I remember coming out of Ultima Online to Dark Age of Camelot having skipped over EverQuest and there was all this foreign talk about “endgame”. Took me awhile to understand the whole concept at first.
Personally, all I care about is a solid PvP endgame. I got my fill of raiding in vanilla WoW and it just isn’t worth my time.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
This wonderful piece of literature brought to you by BUTTJUSTICE!
No but seriously, the end game is PvP based. Have you ever heard of Sisyphus? He was cursed to forever roll a boulder up a hill in Tartarus. Right before he reached the top, the stone would roll back down the hill and he’d start again. I’m tired of MMO’s treating me like that. I just want to PvP in peace without constantly grinding to stay on the upper eschelon of the power curve. That’s what GW2 offers and I love ANet for that.
It just sounds like the endgame offered to you by GW2 just isn’t your thing. I hear MoP has end game raiding.
A game with open PvP provides the best roleplaying experience possible. Conflict is at the heart of every great story and PvP is conflict centric. Having enemies that you can truly interact with creates the most memorable experiences.
RP community seems to disagree.
RP community disagrees that conflict drives the best stories? I guess they don’t read enough fantasy novels then.
Nothing in the game should ever mix PvE objectives with PvP objectives. That is bad design and must be changed immediately. PvP and PvE should always remain absolutely separate.
I disagree. I’m of the mindset that PvP and PvE go hand in hand. I’ve found that games without open PvP, without permanent equipment loss that seperate PvP and PvE have kittened up economies because there simply isn’t any better gold sink than having to potentially replace your gear everytime you die. Inflation is always out of control in the “safe” PvE type games.
A game with open PvP provides the best roleplaying experience possible. Conflict is at the heart of every great story and PvP is conflict centric. Having enemies that you can truly interact with creates the most memorable experiences.
It’s an MMORPG with a PvP endgame, based upon a franchise that has been well known for it’s PvP for years.
What was the expectation here?
Warrior’s have plenty of control over their abilities. The issue here is that you’re looking at the Warrior through the lens of a Thief. You need a perspective shift, not a change to the class.
Once again, I invite you to try the different weapon combos. The “control” you’re looking for can likely be found in other weapons.
Sounds like the Thief class is more what you’re looking for then.
Yeah, it’s an extremely unfortunate trend that began in 2004 doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to get better. It used to be that you could go to a forum and talk constructively about the game in question with ease. For the most part forums had plenty of civil discussion going on, with the odd troll and complaints.
Now in 2012 it’s swung the complete opposite direction. You have to wade through the complaints and troll posts to find the civil discussion. It sucks because I love foruming, but lately I’m becoming very disenchanted by this old hobby.
Warrior’s have an ability similar to Deathblossom. It’s called Whirling Axe. It’s the dual-wield #5 skill.
Whirlwind serves a different purpose entirely.
This is why I encourage you to try different weapon combos. You’ll likely find what you’re looking for outside the Greatsword.
I think you’re missing the point of a lot of these abilities.
Hundred Blade is working as intended. The long animation is the drawback to using it. You have to be situationally aware if it’s safe to use.
Whirlwind Attack is used for mitigation and movement. You control the direction. You can use it as an escape option to shoot away from enemies, or use it when close to an enemy to do damage while moving out of melee range. Melee Attacks are NOT hitting you while you do this, so take advantage. Follow up with Blade Trail while you’re moving back into melee range for optimal synergy. I often use it for shooting back behind my party when I’m in danger, all the while damaging my enemeis.
Blade Trail is your ranged option and great for hitting runners. Under ideal conditions it boomerangs back and hits the target twice.
Rush is known to be bugged. However, don’t neglect to use it AND Whirlwind when you’re not in combat to speed up your travel times.
Honestly, try some different weapon combos. Try them all. I personally think the Greatsword to be the most boring of all the weapon choices.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
@Ragnar : Have you looked in the other classes bugs ?
Necro got major ones, and it’s normal they’re debugged first. But else, apart from Ranger and Ele that looks to have a bit more issues, there’s no game breaking bug as you’re saying. Please look into before saying such things.
Yes, I have “looked into” other bugs, but I always take these things with a grain of salt. Players typically have no clue about balance. They have very specific tunnel vision towards their preferred class. If your entire understanding of what’s “broken” is derived from complaints you’ve read on this board, then you can’t make any claims one way or another as to what needs to be fixed first.
None of us have access to the game design docs, class data and bug data parsed from gameplay and internal testing. Very few, if any of us, have a masterful understanding of how each class interacts with one another. Not one of us can know what ANet’s intentions are for class balance. Only ANet can see the “big picture” and they work towards it with a methodical approach fixing what they believe to need fixing most first.
I don’t claim to know what priority to place on fixes either, but I am not so self-absorbed as to think that MY class needs fixing RIGHT NOW because of a few minor bugs, which is how the majority of these posts play out.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
There is a reason for not bug fixing the Warrior (yet).
Our bugs are not as game breaking or important as other more serious issues. The bugs we have are generally an annoyance and don’t prevent you from playing the class as intended.
Warrior’s aren’t on the top of the priority list because we’re far more functional than other parts of the game. Is it really that hard to understand?
Warrior’s are that kid with the overprotective parents in the ER with a cough. It sucks that we have to wait for treatment behind that dude who’s bleeding profusely, but that’s how it is.
I love how MMO game forums are always filled with armchair software engineers who think fixing bugs is an easy thing.
Bugs are prioritized and triaged. Warrior’s literally have no class breaking bugs right now. Other classes do. Also, what you may think is a simple thing IE. “Fast Hands” may very well exceeding complex and “fixing” it may end up breaking another system.
If it were an easy fix, it’d be done already. Either Warrior’s are going to receive a major update in an upcoming patch, which is why no fixes have been implemented… or the bugs pertaining to the Warrior class are in actuality, very difficult to fix or not as important as other bugs.
Patience is a virtue.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
This is why collision detection is a good thing.
Allowing players to clip through one another gives way for botters to simply stack a half dozen characters directly on top of one another, increase the power of a single character exponentially and farm without fear. At least with collision detection, bots would have to be more sophisticated so they didn’t get in each other’s way. They also stand out more.
You’ve probably seen these bot clusters and never even realized it because they were stacked so perfectly.
I got dawn and will play till I least get sunrise. But after that there is nothing really appealing to a casual player like me. That said things can change and I hope my dwindling guild population has hope like I do that anet will correct it’s most glaring issues. Punishing players trying to earn money is the one issues that have forced us to see the realities of this game.
Wait-a-minute. I’m just trying to process this. You say that you already have a legendary in one sentence and then claim you’re a casual in the next.
Does not compute.
Anyway, as for the OP’s question. I’ve never been impacted by the DR. So the question is moot for me.
(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)
Please do something about the 2 hours queues for WvW
in Suggestions
Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806
It’s not high population players fault that ANet set extremely low player caps on what is arguably THE selling feature of the game. They really should have realized how popular it was going to be and took steps to ensure there would never be a queue.
It just sort of boggles the mind that ANet did so much in their design to make the MMO genre more accessible yet didn’t quite manage the same success with the best feature of the game.
Yes, I am on HoD but I rolled there on day one of Early Access. I am not a bandwagon jumper. Regardless, it may come down to ANet forcibly splitting servers to undo the mistake they made with free server transfers.
The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.
in WvW
Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806
The problem with showing everyone in LOS is that it is impossible for the server to handle that amount of outbound traffic.
If that is truly the case, then they should have scaled back the graphics until it could handle hundreds of players simultaneously. From concept they had planned on having massive WvWvW battles.
Not being able to see the entirety of both armies seems like a major oversight to me. I can hardly call it a war when at any given time the majority of the enemies army is hidden behind a magical invisible field.
The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.
in WvW
Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806
I bought a video card with 3 gigs of DRAM, dropped 16 gigs of RAM in there and have an SSD that is being largely underused due to design decisions like this.
Please give the client a culling slider and let us decide how much bandwidth we want the client to consume. As far as limiting client side processing goes, you’ve erred on the far side of too much. The amount of culling and processing limitation going on here is an unnecssary software imposed bottleneck to players who built a monster rig.
Please let me take advantage of my computer’s specs. She’s begging you to put her to the test.
@Cribbage that’s partly true, what it the cops stayed around the bank and arrested anyone under the assumption that they are there to rob the bank. How many future customers do yo think the bank will have?
Anet stands to loose lots of future customers if word gets out that Anet punishes everyone any time a gold seller does something wrong.
I see what your saying, and it’s clear from these forums that some people are VERY dis-satisfied with DR and that probably means players will leave over it.
However, I don’t think it is so simple. I am not the only one who is glad to see strong action against gold sellers, even if it means some aspects of the game are impacted too. The DR is more likely to keep me in the game than send me out of it.
Yes, we call them the vocal minority. They often shout the loudest but typically comprise a very small population of impossible to satisfy players.
Don’t about the silent type that leave and don’t say a word. Those are the people I fear the most because most people simply cant be bothered by posting on a forum.
That or maybe they have better things to do than come and post on a forum filled with negativity like… oh, I don’t know… actually playing and enjoying the game.
Please, if you have a better way to handle the bot issues, post your constructive suggestions here. ANet is listening.
ANet is a team of highly specialized professionals. Maintaining a virtual economy is difficult. Heck maintaining any economy is difficult, just look at the problems we’re having all over the world right this moment. How would it impact the world if true AI launched tomorrow and suddenly all menial jobs were replaced by robots? People would be clamouring up and down for the government to place limits and sanctions upon companies using them.
There’s a similar situation going on here. If ANet doesn’t so something then all these players who enjoy farming will be out of “work” because the economy will be absolutely clogged with materials from bots that ran rampantly unchecked.
They are doing what they think best to handle the situation and prevent their virtual economy from collapsing upon itself. While many players may not agree with these measures, they simply don’t see the big picture nor do they have access to the data that ANet does.
@Cribbage that’s partly true, what it the cops stayed around the bank and arrested anyone under the assumption that they are there to rob the bank. How many future customers do yo think the bank will have?
Anet stands to loose lots of future customers if word gets out that Anet punishes everyone any time a gold seller does something wrong.
I see what your saying, and it’s clear from these forums that some people are VERY dis-satisfied with DR and that probably means players will leave over it.
However, I don’t think it is so simple. I am not the only one who is glad to see strong action against gold sellers, even if it means some aspects of the game are impacted too. The DR is more likely to keep me in the game than send me out of it.
Yes, we call them the vocal minority. They often shout the loudest but typically comprise a very small population of impossible to satisfy players.
Kids, listen.
Mounts are the one thing that will seperate a flourishing MMO from a niche MMO. Period.
Every.single.whiny.complaining.elitist that doesn’t want mounts is MAYBE, .05% of the entire population of the game. MAYBE LESS.
The rest of us, that will actually make or the games success wants mounts. If ANet intended to make an MMO for the masses they’ll implement mounts. If they know what I know and that this games “iPhone Shiny!” will wear off in 6 months like all other MMOs that have failed to do what is required to make a long lasting, successful MMO, then they won’t bother with it, becuase they know it’s dead by February. This will appeal to the MUCH LARGER crowd that don’t flex kittens in gear, pvp, pve etc.
So, what have we learned kids? Shhhh.. you’re the minority. Mounts need to be implement, if they don’t then, well. On to the next MMO for 2-3 months, and then rinse and repeat. It’s quite easy.
Again, I need to remind you because you’ve already ignored it once. Those of you that DO NOT want mounts. are 0.5% of the entire population or LESS. You don’t matter, nor to you count. Shh..
Sorry to break it to you, but we forum posters are the minority.
The majority of players never come to the forums so it’s extremely presumptuous of you to assume that the majority of players want mounts. I’m willing to bet that most people don’t care one way or the other. It’s not a game breaking feature in the slightest.
Real men wear kilts.
Finally a game that gives me kilts again and you want them to change it? Do you realize how many years I’ve been waiting for this?! No! :P
I agree it would require major revamping the game, but in fairness… other MMOs didn’t have dodging, nor was dodging given the primacy of mitigation it gets in GW2. It would depend on the bonuses, but personally, if lighter armor made it possible to dodge more often or effectively? I’d wear light or medium on every character. Maybe heavy on my ranger since I like using sword/dagger on him, and that combo suffers from having tons of baked in evasion while also rooting you in substantial animation.
Outside of the required time to implement it, the idea has merit because of how different GW2’s approach to damage mitigation is.
Considering the balance issues, bugs and cries for additional content we’re getting already, I just don’t believe this suggestion to be very constructive nor in the best interest of the future of the game. It’s a balancing nightmare that would take months of planning, work and testing.
This type of system needs to be in place from pre-production. It’s not something that can be slapped on after the entire system has been solidified and balanced to the point that it already is.