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Blackgate here as well.
I’ve gotten a couple mails in the last few days, but it’s nothing like it was. I sort of miss getting more of them. They were all written in a butchered form of English that was a blast to make fun of.
OP has an opinion that I happen to feel the same way about.
Many may not agree with this opinion, but please do not dismiss it or try to argue it away. This is not an attack thread. The OP’s purpose was not to incite a riot or promote controversy.
I wish the OP the best in acquiring an adequate computer to enjoy the game they love.
Went from 2500 to 1600’ish.
Grats. The sword looks HUGE, and I bet the sound it makes is just icing on the cake. Now they should focus on creating a staff that looks like an intimidating landscaping tool.
If you are dropping $50/month into this game when it isn’t needed, perhaps you should give some of that wasted money to charity.
Well indrectly there are. The players who are dropping $50+ a month into the gem store are helping the rest of us to play subscription free, so it’s a form of charity. As long as it’s just ‘pay for fluff’ rather than ‘pay to win’ we should all be pleased they are.
Personally I will never spend real money on gems. I have bought some gems with gold, when the exchange rate was more favourable than it is now, to buy an extra bank and character slot, but won’t again unless the exhange rate improves.
This is good stuff ^
Conversely, as someone who buys gems with cash, I will never convert gems to gold unless the exchange rate improves. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Thank you, that makes quite a bit of sense.
So even though you are looking forward to all the changes as a whole, keeping the progression model horizontal would also have been perfectly acceptable in your views?
It’s a bit of a misleading question. If keeping the progression model horizontal WOULD have been acceptable, then by inference this is no longer the case.
Adding a tier, that must have been in the works before the game went live, does not constitute a radical departure from their stated philosophy in my book. What stinks of conspiracy, and what I feel is getting people upset is that they stated they are bumping legendaries up to the level of ascended.
This makes sense from a purely technical perspective as ascended items were meant as a filler between exotic and legendary, or quasi-legendary. A filler specifically designed so that people finding legendaries absolutely daunting to acquire would have something to strive for. What doesn’t make political sense is that they consider bumping the stats over exotic a non-issue.
I can accept the changes because:
1) I don’t believe their goal is introduce a limitless number of tiers; thus introducing a treadmill of upgrading.
2) A few points of anything extra on a piece of gear does not excite me personally. I do get excited by fancy looking skins.
Wow. Content looks great! I’m really excited.
Thank you Arena Net.
Clarification: The content includes everything. I am lumping everything together. This includes ascended gear. I wasn’t being exclusionary.
Do you mind if I ask you how the act of raising the stat ceiling beyond exotic gear increases your enjoyment of GW2? Or rather, what current issue you have with the game that this addresses?
I don’t personally get any enjoyment out of stats, and I have no objection to Arena Net introducing a new mechanic, like infusion, which does not impact a pre-existing portion of the game.
I can only guess that the new tier was introduced for some technical difficulty with changing all currently available and existing exotics. This would be the obvious choice, but perhaps there is a systemic problem with doing so.
Also, I believe they must have have been working on this content for longer than the game has been live. Surely it would take longer than a couple of moths to plan, code, develop and implement content of this scale? We as a community can hope that they take great care when rocking the boat, and make no decision lightly. I expect nothing less from a group of professionals.
Wow. Content looks great! I’m really excited.
Thank you Arena Net.
Clarification: The content includes everything. I am lumping everything together. This includes ascended gear. I wasn’t being exclusionary.
Wow. Content looks great! I’m really excited.
Thank you Arena Net.
Traits are the key. Thank you for the feedback guys.
I had recently changed my traits for one reason or another. Before then I had not changed them for a long while. I had begun to assume that these skills should automatically break stuns and roots and immobilize.
The last week of playing (since Nov. 7) and working on map completion I have noticed that stun breaks do not seem to be working. Specifically Armor of Earth and Lightning Flash.
Has anyone else noticed this, or is it my imagination?
It would have been better if NOTHING was said about Ascended accessories; instead leaving discovery to the players upon release. It would have sufficed to bring up infusion and agony in connection with the awesome new dungeon.
If this content is being released mere months after the game launched it must have been completed, or near completion, before the game was even in the player’s hands. I would wager that this mechanic was initially shelved because it simply wasn’t quite ready for prime-time. Well it’s ready and here comes the CONTENT.
I’m excited to start exploring a new area, a new dungeon, new creature types (super-crabs!), new weapon skins and hopefully some new light armor that looks good on my male scholar. Hopefully.
We’ve been given a teaser, but too much was said. To nix the rampant speculation going on here, all Arena Net can do is tell all, just a few short hours before update! Nonsense. Why is everyone so filled with angst and graced with precognition? We should be thankful the live team is so hard at work expanding Tyria.
You ARE the best. You play a hero!
Timberline Falls. Most aesthetically pleasing hands down.
The light, color and terrain are the best I’ve seen.
As far as great design, but purposely not beautiful in the conventional sense, I’d say Fireheart Rise.
In terms of fixes. I want the Orr events to work all or at least most of the time.
In terms of additions. Multi specs/ gear set tool would be nice. A simple Dungeon finder tool. More events events events! Love ’em so much.
Multi specs/gear tool kinda like changing select-able traits and armor automatically when changing weapons? That would be great.
This should be something that get addresses. It’s a UI shortcoming. Make sure it gets reported. Bug it and let them know it’s not okay in it’s current state.
We should be able to sell it back to the same vendor at least until re-zoning or loading.
It’s only farmville if you play it like it is. Others see a long term goal they will eventually hit. 1000 G, 6 bazillion karma, a thousands ecto and a dozen stacks of ori and a legendary weapon for each hand… There is no race to “the finish”. It WILL take time.
RMB toggle. Or option to always free look.
My fingers are getting very strong from holding the button down continuously.
GW2 is not immune to criticism or opinion. The fans try to direct bluntly negative opinions into constructive means, and for this they are derided. Feeling jilted because the game does not meet your expectations (buyer beware) does not mean it’s time to endlessly complain that it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. Then demand that things need to change. When the COMMUNITY speaks up in it’s defense they are derided again.
Just ask for a refund if it’s all that bad.
Tough call. Take’em all to 80 and then decide which profession you like more. That’s what my plan is.
First to 80, Guardian would most likely be the easiest.
I just find stacking MF gear to be a wasted effort. It’s a stat like any other, but with low returns and combat uselessness. At least I can craft MF jewels that sell for stupid amounts on the TP for now; at least until people realize that it’s not all important.
I really liked Diablo 3. And after playing through nightmare on every class I was done. There was nothing else for me there, and seeing the same story-line 10 times would have been too much if the classes were no fun to play.
GW2 blows my mind though.
completionist /= “hardcore” player
In my opinion completionist = dedicated player.
Not to re-rail the thread topic:
In my opinion GW2 is the best form of MMO to come out in a long time. If that makes me one of those “fanboys” on the game’s own forums then so be it. It’s better than being a hater on the game’s forums.
Shael and Sprty are correct; very correct.
Also, as sotose said, all games after UO are casual.
Definitions in gaming evolve over time. What was normal in the beginning with UO is now what I would consider to be “hardcore”. Now everyone’s opinion could be different concerning what hardcore is, but you cannot deny the fact that it’s definition evolves and changes.
If I was to demand that ArenaNet make this game more “hardcore”, and then go on to explain that I want player looting, PKing, no fast-travel system at all, you’d laugh at me and tell me I’m crazy.
In GW2 the entire game is “end-game”. They said it themselves. It is NOT a lie because some people have wildly different definitions of what “end-game” is. It was stated that you do the the same things at level 1 as at level 80. Period. Kinda like UO.
There is no yard stick for demonstrating player skill in PvE, never has been. You go to PvP for that, and do some PKing. Does it matter if the system is slightly broken if you rick-rool the same stooge over and over? Or take on 4 in a skirmish and come out last-man-standing? I’m pretty sure they remember your name.
Now that you bring it up; I am still unsure if I noticed this exactly. I had a nagging feeling that something was different, but couldn’t put my finger on it. It wasn’t an entirely good change either.
Sarcastic thread is sarcastic.
I liked monks. Mine was actually the third class I rolled with, and it quickly became my main. Then Rits came along and I felt like I was betraying my monk. Went back to monk and sucked at it like I’ve never played it before. Had to watch people’s health bars constantly. My only gripe, but what else was the class really good for? Rits were better.
The best thing is that all of the professions changed considerably over the life of the game. Each one was noticeably fine-tuned continuously. I would only expect the same with GW2 professions.
I put about 5k hours in GW1, and it had some exploration, but nothing like GW2. It was huge but felt largely empty. With GW2 I feel as if my character is IN the world, and not just acting the part.
I feel the same about this game. It’s been a long while since an MMO broke the mold enough to make exploration fun again. The last one that came close for me was Vanguard, and that was a hot mess. My largest gripe with exploration is the feeling I get when finding hidden chests throughout the world. I was giddy the first couple of times, and now I couldn’t care less about opening them. Makes me a little sad.
Wonderful game. Great art direction and character design. Nice combat system (I don’t have to stare at my bars for cool-downs anymore!). Fun environments and way more than I was expecting on launch.
In-game community is great as well with a design that avoids on-server player conflict. The worst thing I can think of do to someone is train them with a group of mobs. This used to cause indignation and fury when it happened to me in other games, and now I instantly feel the need to rescue someone! Why would I think that!?
I may play way more than is healthy during my free time, but I kinda figured it’d happen. Thanks Arenanet.
Summoning stones are a neat idea. Gem store/Artificing craftable would be cool.
I like to think long-term. I have long-term goals for what I want to accomplish in-game. Sort of a nebulous ever-changing miasma of adventure and kitten-kickery. (I just made up a new word!) It is important to look good and feel good. It is real real nice to have 1000 gold (I can only guess). I plan on getting to that point, but I also plan on that taking a long time. If those goals were able to be accomplished in weeks or days I wouldn’t count them in my long-term goals list. I’d be angry in fact because my list just got shorter.
Going on most of the comments from people in the “pro-grinding” camp; I can only take home the fact that some people want their time to be worth more than mine.
I still feel WP is and should be a luxury; and yes there are situations where the cost is excessive or prohibitive to grouping/helping-out.
That said; I would hope that ANet is at least looking into possible modification of the current pricing structure. Travel to LA should be free from anywhere. The rest of the issues are troublesome and have no easy solution without making other things in-game and the gem store useless and redundant. Best we could hope for now, sans an official statement, is to keep some ideas flowing. And NO, suggesting free travel always is not a solution this game needs.If travel to LA is free, then travel to all major cities might as well be free.
Then they might as well remove the asura gates. It’s a slippery slope to tread. I only bring up LA because travel to LA is currently free from anywhere and it still makes me think twice about doing it because the return trip will not be. From LA I can take a gate to any of the starting cities and run out to help the lowbies, or just run over to where it will cost me less to WP back to whence I came.
Ok, I think I got it. The “unfun” is being forced upon your desire to look cool and have lots of wealth. Free-to-play with pay-to-win cash shop and horrible grind. Sounds bad. I definitely wouldn’t play that game.
I still feel WP is and should be a luxury; and yes there are situations where the cost is excessive or prohibitive to grouping/helping-out.
That said; I would hope that ANet is at least looking into possible modification of the current pricing structure. Travel to LA should be free from anywhere. The rest of the issues are troublesome and have no easy solution without making other things in-game and the gem store useless and redundant. Best we could hope for now, sans an official statement, is to keep some ideas flowing. And NO, suggesting free travel always is not a solution this game needs.
I guess they decided success is better measured by number of gems bought?
Thank you Elusive. There’s a few gems in there that actually negate a core misconception about the loot.
For example, “Fun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.”
I believe this article is a must read for anyone. Definitely goes over most of ArenaNet’s core philosophies.
ZOMG. We can’t have fun when the things that were making it fun are being taken away… at 80 all you care about is lookin good whilst killing people. don’t say make another character, i want to finish my main before I make another…. “Enjoy the game” Hard to do when what makes it enjoyable is slowly disappearing.
I don’t like to single people out on forums, but I’m having trouble understanding exactly what is being taken away from you. I can get that the fun could be taken away, but it must have a precursor as fun is not a thing. What is changing that’s removing your fun? I can only go by what was posted previously, but I’m guessing that the “grind” is getting just too “grindy” and taking too long. When will your main be complete and finished? I’m just curious and you don’t have to respond.
Hey, I thought the topic was grind-to-win!!!
ArenaNet doesn’t want you to be able to grind for gear in a reasonable amount of time.
The only way ArenaNet wants you to get money at a reasonable pace if you want exotics in less than 2 months after hitting level 80 is to abuse the trading post to take money from other people(and make 15% of it disappear into thin air) or to buy gems to turn into gold.
mostly the Latter.
Both options are viable, but you’re forgetting the other option. Play the game and have fun for a long time. The gold, karma and gear will come eventually.
I will firmly stand and say that I believe travel TO Lions Arch from anywhere should be free once it’s unlocked on the map. It’s supposed to be the hub city. It’s got everything a player wants, and asura gates to the different regions. From there it’s a few minutes of running to the Priory/Vigil/Whispers gates to go to Fort Trinity. Granted the Whispers gate is much closer than the other two.
TL;DR – WP to LA should be free from anywhere. Period.
Hey, I thought the topic was grind-to-win!!!
Except that in GW2 you have an option for which “penalty/punishment/expense/execution” you prefer. Old EQ had only one option for getting together.
Or they could do what they did with instances in GW1. Die a few times until you’re practically useless through death penalty; forcing you to leave the instance and try again from scratch. This would alleviate the repair costs and FORCE the players to adapt and learn the content to progress. Death-zerging has become too accepted as a form of veiled progress.
Way-pointing is a luxury. Like owning a helicopter.
I find it more immersive to just run everywhere and take asura gates when possible. It definitely drives home the size of the world, and reminds you of the possibilities for fun-making.
Yes, it takes more time to run from place to place, but it’s not frivolous like the OP posted. It’s actually fun. Frivolous is using the way-point system almost exclusively for travel. Now THAT’S frivolous.
You are welcome to run everywhere if you like to. There’s no reason everyone should have to. You do it because you like it, not because you feel forced, right?
I do enjoy running everywhere. I see the way-points as essentially saving my progress. If I should die on the next group of mobs I don’t have to run back as far to continue. I never WP in-zone, and seldom do I WP to the next zone over. When I NEED to go back to town or find a banker I pay the silvers to get back. No one is forcing anyone to use them or not use them.
I just find it odd that many seem to be struggling to keep their gold when they WP everywhere like it’s a necessity, AND then complain about the expense of travelling to the WP(s) closest to them. When I was younger……
Way-pointing is a luxury. Like owning a helicopter.
I find it more immersive to just run everywhere and take asura gates when possible. It definitely drives home the size of the world, and reminds you of the possibilities for fun-making.
Yes, it takes more time to run from place to place, but it’s not frivolous like the OP posted. It’s actually fun. Frivolous is using the way-point system almost exclusively for travel. Now THAT’S frivolous.
This topic has come up since before BWE1 and I don’t see the reason why.
1) ArenaNet has offered their official stance.
2) More good than harm is done by not incorporating “face-to-face” trading.
3) We don’t have to stand in Lion’s Arch and be constantly bombarded by WTS/WTB spam all the time. This was happening when the TP was down, and abruptly ended when it came back up. Normal conversation (read: character interaction) ensued.
Or you could just walk the 100 ft.
On a serious note; is this what the cost would be if you were downed and defeated right there as well? I’ve never personally noticed as I rarely tend to be defeated alone (I’m an engineer main).
It’s a slippery slope. Could you imagine the other classes cry for fairness if elementalists were allowed to do this out-of-combat. And warriors with their thousand weapon combinations had no out-of-combat sets to switch between.
Just trying to see it from a different perspective. I’d guess that in time we will have something like this for an option, but I’d much rather they gave underwater dps some love first!
I’m more concerned with the fact that 80% of lighr armor looks hideous.
And those masks…what…just..WHY?
Forget the masks. As a human male elementalist, the options are terribad. I can only imagine how it is for a charr. That’s right charr casters are definitely the minority for a reason.
Not everyone wants to roll a female elementalist.
I see no problem with the way-point costs. If a WP right next to me costs 3S to port to I’d much rather walk the 30 seconds. After refusing to use the WP system you begin to discover the value of your time.
Yes, there is a value to my time. If I just need to get two zones away I usually walk/run and end up making money along the way. If time is pressing I’ll WP; when it really will cut into what I’d much rather be doing.
I feel they are fine the way they are; most likely an unpopular opinion. However; I do think there needs to be more available for the player out in the field. Merchants are nice. Trading post access is nice. But WHY do I almost always NEED to go back to a city to craft!?!?
P.S. I agree with what Venator ^ says regardless.
After reading the thread so far I get this out of it:
Air does not seem to be the single target DPS it was advertised as. Fire does more.
Discounting entirely how you skilled up your points.
I am not sure where I stand.
With staff, I agree fire does more damage than air.
With dagger, Theoretically air should do more, but it seems pretty situational at the moment. Ride the lightning and lightning whip both seem to need some debugging.
With scepter, I feel it’s a toss-up. Aside from the fact that I dislike both fire and air #1 skill animations.
Elementalist needs some work. all the classes need some more polishing. I think elementalist just may be the most difficult to balance. Personal skill can bring soooo much to the table with this one.
While I agree that this would be a nice ‘quality of life’ addition; I’m not sure how it would be fair.
If they do this for elementalists, why can’t other classes have extra weapon sets to switch out between combat. I know a few rangers and guardians that would love to have a third set queued up after combat.
Just playing devil’s advocate here; but I don’t have a problem with the way it’s set up currently. If eles were to suddenly be able to use more weapon types I might have serious issue.