the key word is ‘exploit’ identifying a flaw in logic and exploiting that flaw is not skill, in fact it usually indicates an ‘easier’ way of doing something so quite the opposite of skill.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
So many people playing PvE are now it for the commercial side,, farming, zerging. I have come across so many PvE who are so bored. Everyone is doing the same as everyone else. I look at the map screen longingly at Crystal Desert and other areas that are not opened yet craving a bit of something different rather than the huge zergs that just run around doing what everyone else is doing.
I will address the reasons you have mentioned for your boredom: repetitiveness & not wanting to compete for money and loot.
I agree that PvE currently has a bit of content drought, because the “Current events” keep dedicated players only active for a few days, until the next step (they bounties were designed a bit differently, because you had to do the hunts every days for some time – but still, should be finished by even the casual player).
But what about going into the PvP league if you are a pure PvE player. You might enjoy it, even if you only try to get to Emerald. You could also meet more active players in WvW, due to the server linking. Find a small sized roaming group & don’t zerg. You will have fun for some time.
Over all, I think Anet knows that HoT content has not slowed down an ageing game enough and Raids are nice – but have not reached the majority of players.
Perhaps you should just make adjustments to your in-game schedule and take longer periods “off-game-time” to make you come back with motivation again.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
Oh, is it over? Was there an announcement? I must have missed it.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Go team! It’s been an absolute honor serving everyone to help make sure that ANet has been aware of what the community is thinking at every step. We’ve definitely been doing this for a long time, and it has been a wild and enjoyable experience for us all.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
It essentially “breaks” things if the topic is too long — makes a mess of the index page and the post itself. Plus it’s of little value to have a novella as a subject, since the display line on the index page will not accommodate such beefy verbiage.
I rather like what people are suggesting: Give some thought to a short, snappy, meaningful title. It’s not difficult and it helps encourage reading a good thread!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I don’t want this.
Software development, and especially game development, is rife with unexpected delays, budget reallocation, and unpredictable production/programming walls.
The policy of not telling us something until it ships is a mature business decision, because it takes into account those systemic problems with software development.
I’d rather be pleasantly surprised getting something I didn’t know about, than disappointed that something I was expecting didn’t happen.
Earrings are accessories ingame. They’re the jewelry that isn’t a necklace (amulet) or ring
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
Actually a town crier or inn gossip would be really nice. Or some other form of daily/weekly/biweekly news outlet that people could check. A single line in an event pop-up, or mail would just clutter either someones mail, or event windows that would be missed if someone doesn’t play for 2 weeks or longer if they are removed after that.
I think it’s wrong to assume that players never ever will pay attention to it, but in time players will know there’s some little events every two weeks. Players need to be taught to pay attention first before we can say that this is too obscure right now.
Either way, if there’s something else that only encourages to interact with the game world rather than blindly follow some schedule message or running in a scheduled farming champion train, I’m all for that. But other than that I don’t think it’s that obscure that people will never find it. You just have to kill bandits/dragon minions to get started, which at some point will happen anyway.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I would have liked a bit of other notice, but I find the mini-events to be fairly amusing. There’s a little moment of discovery in getting that “what the huh?” item, but I worry for other players who might not stumble on them before they’re gone.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Well, E has dropped off to irrelevancy now, so it would at least bring them to the forefront again. I asked some guildies about who they thought E was the other day and no one could recall E even being mentioned in the story.
Who sets Gem prices? source
John Smith
There seems to be some confusion:The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.
If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.
If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.
The exchange rate changes based on the scarcity of each supply. You cannot inflate it, it’s an exchange rate. As players purchase in one direction, it entices purchases in the other direction.
So, what exactly do you want ANet to do?
ANet may give it to you.
I disregard most of these lines, but every time some ditsy Sylvari says “All things have a right to grow” I want to turn around and say, “No, they don’t.”
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
What about the creepier line “I know your face from my dream!”
Because I dream.
About your faaaaaace O.O
May The Stars Guide You in your quest to get rid of this.
That kitten Asura and his fictitious deals..
My prices are not negotiable O.o
How ‘bout these annoying kids
“Let’s play investigators"
“I wanna be Kasmeer”
Your lucky the old Lions Arch was worse … AHHHH Ghosts………
I think my favorite banker is “I’m Ready to Go” uhh wat.
(edited by Dante.1508)
How ‘bout these annoying kids
“Let’s play investigators"
“I wanna be Kasmeer”
I would just like to let Anet know: I am up for randomly controlling some NPCs and have them comment on people walking by and stuff. In fact I WOULD LOVE THAT!!! I would sign something that binds me to not mess around and make them say stupid things, too. I think it would be awesome.
About “May the stars guide you.” – every time it comes up my husband started to repeat it in a really messed up tone of voice. And because it happens SO often I have now started to do the same. Trust me it is even more annoying to have the NPC say it and then hear my husband and me repeat it in our special voice afterwards >.>
Well, op..
Do you need something?
You got gold, right?
But seriously, don’t ask for less repetitive dialogue, or you’ll break the game.
And if you break it, I break you.
:D I properly loled right there.
The comedy factor of repetitive dialogue is worth keeping.
More violence, less violets.
Well, op..
Do you need something?
You got gold, right?
But seriously, don’t ask for less repetitive dialogue, or you’ll break the game.
And if you break it, I break you.
Let’s play investigators!
I miss the old kids..
“Let’s play Destiny’s Edge!”
Charr Cub: “I’ll be Logan Thackery… and run away!”
Ugh PC quotes.
Screaming “RETREAT!!!” when the boss has a bare sliver of life left.
Charr. “Remember Ascalon” Yeah. I do. And I want to frag them.
My son doesn’t play GW2. He runs, and mentioned the other day he was nearly up to “Outrunning a Centaur”.
One NPC I truly miss, Lyasa. “chicken on the table soon”.
May The Stars Guide You in your quest to get rid of this.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
“Hi!…Oh…it’s you”
I kinda want SPORT sunglasses more =/
I want an asura launcher. Not a launcher made but asuras but one that shoots asuras as projectiles.
performance performance?
Fixed it. Not sure if it was an autocorrect error or a disconnect between what I was thinking and what I actually typed out.
Hello everyone, Shameless[Lust] is guild of vulgar drunks and enlightened poets looking to recruit more players for raids.
We are focused on full clearing SV, and Tackling SP with competent and experienced players.
We are looking for players who genuinely are eager to raid. We understand ‘real life’ takes priority over GW2, but please be able to make all raid times and days needed to clear content or at least let us know your schedule for raids, so we don’t waste anyone’s time.
*If you have muti-professions ++++
*If you have exp with your profession(s) and Raid bosses ++++
*Have TeamSpeak (with or without a mic) ++++
*Have at least 1 of your professions “raid ready” ++++
*Make raid dates on time and consistently with genuine interest in participating ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We are able to help those who need practice but we are looking for exp. raiders
Time Zones and locations can be worked out for raiding schedule if you are serious.
Our goal is to get core teams able to clear content.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kira Hotaru.7865
You can contact her in-game or send an in-game letter and she will get back with you ASAP.
Ty for your time and may you have a great day
(edited by Quasar.1756)