Showing Posts For Robles.7458:
After 1 year working for legendary armor, we have got it for just 2 months and now are you going to nerf its prestige? Why shoud we do the hard content for the next expansion if you are going to give us an easy way to get the best items?
Why should only raiders be entitled to legendary armor?
Dificult content should have better rewards, and raids are harder than losing in pvp or following a zerg in wvw.
I don´t say give legendary armor only to raiders, but after 1 year working on it, finally we get it and after only 2 months whatever person can get it?
I could understand giving legendary armor to people with rank 2k in mvm ( at least they have been playing for years) but this easy way ( yes, you will need some months, but it will be easy) it´s not fair.
If you want legendary armor for wvw and pvp then, in wvwv you should need rank 2k at least and for pvp, you should need to win ( yes, win, because you can lose always and still get the precursor and probably the legendary too).
(edited by Robles.7458)
After 1 year working for legendary armor, we have got it for just 2 months and now are you going to nerf its prestige? Why shoud we do the hard content for the next expansion if you are going to give us an easy way to get the best items?
Raid armor will have exclusive skins, but for many people the possibity to change stats/runes was even more important than skins. Now we have lost this exclusivity.
I could at least understand making legendary the wvw armor that requires rank 2k, but making legendary a wvw t2 armor which you can get in a few weeks? Although the same could be said about pvp, you don´t have to win, just play enough games and you will get all you need.
I have only one last question, how many games do you have to lose in spvp to get a full legendary armor? And now tell me if legendary armor has not lost a great part of its prestige.
(edited by Robles.7458)
Were not talking about people with multiple armor sets clogging their bags but instead one set of armor compared to another set of armor. The argument I’m hearing is that pvp players need several armors to equal to one set of legendary armor. That sort of odd statement in itself proves my statement and if its the person is going to need countless sets of ascended armor to stay competitive I’d say your only fooling yourself and probably wish for the death of pvp. People reading those kind of comments aren’t going to like those kind of remarks at all.
Why do pvp players need several armor sets? Have you ever played pvp? And more important yet, do you know how the stats work in pvp? Please learn about pvp before saying these arguments.
You do know that wvw=pvp and Spvp=pvp right?
If people talk about pvp with armors its not Spvp since its lacking the big S S S S S infront of it.
No, some people here are saying how in pvp matches legendary armor is better, so not all people are talking about wvw. The person I answered was one of them.
Were not talking about people with multiple armor sets clogging their bags but instead one set of armor compared to another set of armor. The argument I’m hearing is that pvp players need several armors to equal to one set of legendary armor. That sort of odd statement in itself proves my statement and if its the person is going to need countless sets of ascended armor to stay competitive I’d say your only fooling yourself and probably wish for the death of pvp. People reading those kind of comments aren’t going to like those kind of remarks at all.
Why do pvp players need several armor sets? Have you ever played pvp? And more important yet, do you know how the stats work in pvp? Please learn about pvp before saying these arguments.
And it was also (to me) what makes Gw2 special, but when you making the best gear in the game only obtainable by raiding, you are not giving me a choice, the only choice I have here is either do raids or quit game if I want to stand a chance to play against someone is fully geared.
In pvp you don’t need legendary gear because you already have all the stats and runes you need. In pvp it does not matter if you use exotic or ascended or even white items, you always have the same stats. Saying that someone with legendary items is more powerful in pvp is not true.
However, in wvw stats do matter but ascended is as powerful as legendary, so again you don’t need legendary items, only ascended.
The main problem of pvp is that blocked players can still be in your team. If you have blocked a player because he goes afk or has an inappropiate behaviour you shouldn’t be forced to play with him.
More important than the mmr in not to play with people that you hate, because if you see one player of this type in you party you know before starting the game that you are going to lose.
I have had some afk players in my games but today has been incredible. I had a player who went afk at the beginning of the match. When I told my team to report him, he said that he would go afk whenever he saw me in a game but I though that I would never see him again.
However, I was wrong, although I had blocked this player, I had him in my team in the next match, and of course, he went afk. Then I decided to stop playing some hours so this didn’t happen again.
When I returned and went to pvp, in my team was the same player, and he did the same, he went afk again.
Therefore, I don’t understand that I am forced to play with people like this player because we can be in the same division or we have the same mmr, blocked lists should be more important and if you blocked someone you should never have him in your party.
I wonder if anet will do something about this item next patch or we will still have to suffer this RNG.
Another week more waiting to open the chests only to get the bloodstone infused ectoplam and no luck.
I have already been waiting 4 weeks. How many weeks should I be waiting until deserve to finish this collection?
If this does not change, legendary armor will be a symbol of great RNG and no skill.
(edited by Robles.7458)
I have other areas where I am more unlucky with RNG such as precursors (2 drops in 11k+ hours) and tequatl hoards (2 in minimum 500 kills, I stopped counting). While this is unfortunate, it makes looting more interesting because you never know when you get lucky again.
Looting a precursor is different, because it exists the possibility of buying/crafting it. Therefore, if you want to make a legendary weapon it is great if you loot the precursor, but if you are not lucky you can always buy or craft it.
However, with this item RNG is different, you can’t buy it for 1k gold or 1k magnetite shards, you can only try to loot it but if you don´t get it, you will never finish the legendary armor.
RNG makes loot meaningful and interesting. I find token systems and guranteed rewards very boring.
Easy to say that when you were lucky an got the drop the first time. However, it shows very little empathy for the people who are not so lucky.
RNG can be fine when it doesn’t really matter if you get or not the item. However, when you have been working for months towards something like legendary armor, the possibility that RNG stops you from progressing is just horrible.
Your should think that many people can´t finish the tier 1 of the collection because they don’t get the item, and when something is stopping you from getting your objective you don´t see it as interesting.
I think the droprate is fine. Got it on 2 accounts on first chest.
I have opened all chests for 3 weeks with no luck and the same has happened to a friend, so not all people is as lucky as you.
What makes me angry is that we have been waiting 6 months to be able to finish tier 1 of the collection and now at the end, we have the biggest RNG wall.
In my opinion there is no excuse for not changing it since there are many easy solutions:
1.- Drop 100% the first time you do the event.
2.- Add to the merchant 500-1k shards.
3.- Allow to get the chests each time you do the event the same week.
RNG is not fair for players who work hard, clean the raid each week, but are not lucky.
(edited by Robles.7458)
EDIT: Oh wait, from your other posts it seemed that you bought raid runs. So basically you complained that you bought 3 wing 3 runs and didn’t get a single ectoplasm? XD
It doesn´t matter if he bought or not the raid runs and if you think so, I think you have not understood what this topic is about.
There are many players who have already been waiting 3 weeks to finish t1 collection because the infused ectoplasm didn’t drop. However, waiting 3 weeks is not the worst, the main problem is that we can´t know how much time we will have to wait until it drops. It can be just a week more or even a year from now. If someone thinks that this system is fine he is absolutely wrong or he already has the infused ectoplasm.
First I buy many mystic coins and put them in the materials tab.
Then, mystic coins are reintroduced in an event and I try to sell them.
I can´t and price crashes.
PSA: If you do “Love Is Bunny” every time, there’s a 4th chest that spawns in the maze. Or so I’ve heard.
Are you sure that you can get the bloodstone-infused ectoplams in that chest too? In the description it says that it can be found inside the twisted castle. And the first chest isn´t inside.
(edited by Robles.7458)
I got mine first try, and so did everyone else in my raid team.
Are you sure you’re not doing something wrong?
I am just opening the 3 chests of twisted castle each week, should I do anything more?
I have to say that I am really angry with this item. This is the third week I clean the raid and I don’t get the item. I just need this item to finish the tier 1 collection so… how many weeks will I be waiting?
I am a player who hates rng, that’s why I don’t use mystic forge, but now I am forced to play a rng game 3 times a week. If I have bad luck I can’t do anything but wait another week. Is it fair?
In my opinion there are 3 options to solve this problem:
-First option: change the drop rate, so it is 100% the first time you do twisted castle.
-Second option: Allow people to buy it in the merchant for 500-1k magnetite shards if they have bad luck.
Third option: Allow people to do twisted castle many times each week. Each time you do the event you should be able to get the chests. So, if you have bad luck at least you don’t have to wait for one full week to try again.
I was one of the people who thought that 150LI were too many, but seriously, now I think that I will get 150LI before I get the bloodstone-infused ectoplasm.
(edited by Robles.7458)
I agree that 150 LI are too many. I am in a guild in which many people only get 1 or 2 LI each week and since they would need more than 2 years for the legendary armor playing regularly, they say that they won´t do more raids if the price doesn´t change.
We were told that people who did raids “regularly and successfully” would have enough LI. So, what is the meaning of regularly and succesfully? To do 3 full wings for 4 months? I´m sorry, but I can´t believe that these words mean this. I can only think that were were told one thing and got a very different one.
(edited by Robles.7458)
Disconnect timeout is 45 minutes. If your friend did indeed afk farm for 5 hours during night, then either he wasn’t really afk, or (more likely) he did use some disallowed method to circumvent that forced logout.
If you have the mastery that takes the items, then you don´t lost connection after 45 min.
The bans have already started.
One of my friends has been farming afk this night (about 5 hours) and he has been banned for 3 hours for using bots. The other farmers with him seem to have been banned too.
Of course, my friend wasn´t using a bot, but it seems that afk farm = bot.
He wasn´t using any skill, he didn´t use the health, he was only afk with minions killing the mobs.
At least, since it was the first time that he was doing this, the ban was only for 3 hours. He could have been banned forever, so he was lucky.
They made a clear statement. People will misinterpret any- and everything ANet says to suit their agenda. If you see people AFK farming, report them and let ANet sort it out. If they see an epidemic, they’ll take further action, like creating a blog post.
If they had made a clear statement people would not disagree about the legality of the farm.
When many people ( not only one or two) read the same official answer and they understand something opposite, then there is a problem with the official answer.
3 years ago, we didn´t have a mastery to take the items so if people were farming afk, they had to use bots.
Moreover, statements change with time. Some months ago, they were going to release a full set of legendaries, but they changed their mind. We shouldn´t use a post which is 3 years old to say what is forbidden or not.
Yes, they don´t give permission to farm, but if they do not forbid it, then you can do it if you want. At least that is what I understand when I read the post.
Maybe you are looking for this post:
GM says:
“If your pets are doing the killing and your mastery is doing the looting; you’re okay as far as GMs are concerned. This does not mean design can’t/won’t/should/shouldn’t update the system as it works today.”
Allow the possibility to disable the glider.
I love it, but sometimes I want to do a jumping puzzle and I don´t want to use it. However, when I jump, it sometimes opens although I don´t want.
I agree too, timers are a lazy way to make a fight difficult and completely unnecessary for gorseval and sabetha.
What I like:
New shatterer is better than old one, not too easy and not too hard.
Glide in Tyria, no more deaths because I forget where I am playing.
What I do not like:
Many achievements of shatterer but you can´t get any mastery point with them. However, you can get 3 or 4 mastery points with triple trouble. Your should get at least 1 mastery point for the meta achievement of shatterer.
We should be able to use 2 different keys for jumping and gliding. Sometimes I want to jump and I don´t want the glider, but now it opens. It wasn´t so important when in Tyria I coudn´t glide, so I had this problem only in HOT but know it appears in all the jumping puzzles of the game and it is more important than ever.
(edited by Robles.7458)
It only happens with rings which have or had a crafted infusion. It does not change anything if you extract it.
(edited by Robles.7458)
It looks bad and it plays bad, I found myself squinting to see if my F2 was off CD yet, hiding it behind the F1 is just bad UI design, I hope to see this changed before HoT.
I want a 2 hands legendary axe. It would be great, maybe better than eternity.
People only use the best weapons for damage, and I don´t think that polearm or land spear were suitable for that, instead they would be defensive weapons.
(edited by Robles.7458)
5000 karma for 3 obsi´s (same price on balt tempel)
I thought it was 5 obsidian shards for 4998 karma.
Yes, please, allow me to use the old tp so I can cancel my sell orders.
The most important problem is that there is a maximun of orders and sales than you can see in the tp, but if you do more orders or sales, the last orders and sales disappear. People say that you still get the items if you had an order, or the gold if you had a sale, but if you want to cancel the order or the offer it is impossible.
I would want to cancel about 500 sales in the tp and I can´t do it. So please solve this problem soon. Until the bugs of this tp have been solved the old tp will be 100 times better than this one.
Before this pacth I had about 800 items for sale in tp. But now when I look at the tp I can´t see 800 items, I only see a few hundreds of them but not all of them. I know for sure that my items have not been sold because they had a really high price.
Theferore, have my items items been deleted or is there a maximum number of items that you can see at tp?
Moreover, if I try to sort my items at sale for date I have the problem that I can only see items of 3 days old, but I had items of 1 month or more in the tp, so this doesn´t solve this problem.
And more important, if I want to cancel the sale of my item number 800, what should I do? Because I don´t want to cancel the first 200 items or more to arrive to the last items.
(edited by Robles.7458)
Maybe we will get a one time free pass for sab. If someone want to go more times, some more 1 time passes will be sold for 200 gems each one.
Best investments usually are cheap items which in some months get an high price. Remember that it is better to buy 1k items for 2 silver each and sell them for 1 gold each, than buy a precursor for 1k gold and sell it for 1,5k.
Now, the best items are the celestial recipes. In the last month the price of some recipes has gone x2 or even x4 and I think it could go easily be in x 15 or more in some months more.
I bought some exalted celestial recipes at 6 silver, they are at 30 in offer and about 50 at sell. If you look at you will see that if it happens more or less the same than last year ( and for this month we could think it will happen) the price will rise a lot of more.
The same will happen with draconic and emblazoned celestial recipes, but it will need a little more time. Therefore, if you want a really good investment, buy some of them.
Last year I thought that all people who wanted these recipes had got them in the event. Moreover, I have always thought that berseker is better than celestial (although I have some friends who prefer celestial), so I didn´t invest anything because I thought it would be a bad investment. However I could not have been more wrong, in only 6 months the price rose x 50 or more.
Here is some data of 3 recipes:
Celestial exalted coat ( price x80)
Last year in the event: supply 275 buy offer 25 silver
5 months after the event: buy offer 24g
Today: supply 586 buy offer 16,5 silver
Celestial exalted gloves ( price x63)
Last year in the event: supply 423, buy offer 7,87 silver
5 months after the event: 5g
Today: supply 617 buy offer 2,19 silver
Celestial draconic helm ( price x 54):
Last year in the event: supply 613 buy offer 5,97 silver
4 months after the event: 3,25g
Today: supply 943 buy offer 1,37 silver
This year the supply is almost twice than last year so in 6 months the price should not be as high. Moreover this year there are some new recipes of celestial boxes that can be bought too. However, I still think that after 6 month there will be little supply and high price either for people who want the armor or speculators who buy recipes.
Therefore, what do you think about this investment for long term?
(edited by Robles.7458)
I got them by the citizen reward but I am not sure if it was for 100 citizens saved or 300.
Every one of the 6 events has one merchant in the camps outside Lion Arch. If you do the event, you can speak with him and he will told you something, if you haven´t saved him yet, he won´t say anything. So, it is easy to know what event you haven´t done if you speak with them.
I can get better rewards in 8 minutes in cof p1, so I won´t complete these achievements again. Bye WvW.
Uh, bullkitten?
You can get better heaps of blues and greens, but I don’t see dragonite dropping in CoF. I don’t see transferable levels dropping there either. And having watched the buying power of gold turn to sparkly motes and blow away on the wind, I’m not sure that big ol’ 1 whole gold coin at the end of the dungeon is all that spectacular either.
I get about 1,6 gold for cof p1, more than I got in WvW chest with the 2 yellows and greens.
Althoug I got 7 items for 1 lvl in the WvW chest, I don´t need them, so it´s trash.
I don´t need more skill points, I have 700+. And pls no more dragonite, I have to destroy it because I don´t have more space.
(edited by Robles.7458)
I can get better rewards in 8 minutes in cof p1, so I won´t complete these achievements again. Bye WvW.
do you mean that you have it sitting to pick up from the TP or you listed it on the TP?
Listed. But next time I won´t buy silk, too much time to list all. I had the anti-bots error every 10 stacks listed. So every 10 stacks listed I had to wait some time.
That’s over 2000 inventory/bank spaces. Where the hell do you keep all this stuff? I would hoard the same, but I don’t even have the space for it. And that’s including the personal guild bank and 5-6 extra bank tabs.
Easy, I have put at tp all the silk, so I only have now 645 slots dedicated to materials.
(edited by Robles.7458)
My shopping list:
Bolt of wool → 145 stacks
Bolt of cotton →75 stacks
Bolt of linen → 125 stacks
Bolt of silk →1360 stacks
Hardened leather section→240 stacks
Gossamer scrap → 60 stacks
And maybe I will buy some more.
It´s bugged. I did 250k damage using a siege to a door. Finally the door broke down and it didn´t count.
I think that this error should only apply if you sell a lot of items ( 100+) and not if you try to sell a few (10+).
I have seen this error a lot of times, because after I finish my daily farm I have around 20 items for tp which I must sell slowly or error appears.
Therefore, I think it annoys players and combat bots isn´t an excuse to a bad design.
Power>Precision, dont see a big reason for it to go up. It’ll most likely go up some but not a huge amount.
I have been told that berseker warriors use signet of fury( +precision) and not signet of might( +power) because, they get more dps, so maybe an armor with more precision than power could be better.
Next Tuesday all existing drops and crafting recipes that have created Magic Find gear will be replaced with new combos:
Explorer’s recipes will be replaced with the Assassin’s stat combo (Precision, Power, Critical Damage)-> It uses Vicious claws which cost about 15 silver.
I think that this new gear can be very used because now a lot of people use berseker armor (Power, Precision, Critical Damage). It uses Vials of Powerful Blood which cost about 36 silver.
In my opinion both gears are similar, so I think that people will use more vicious claws and their price will rise. What do you think?
Don´t worry if you legendary isn´t upgraded because you transmuted it, you should be able to solve it with a new gem store item.
Advanced Transmutation:
Double-click to separate a transmuted item into the two base items it is made from. If the target item has been transmuted more than once, only the current appearance item and the current stat item will be recovered.
They are still cheap, if you farm it is easy to get about 500 gems/day or more.
I think that their price will drop to 20gems/gold after this event, but in the next months it will rise slowly until 4 gems/gold. Then I don´t know what will happen.