Showing Posts For Ryltair.2857:

Solo Queue Ranked Match Making

in PvP

Posted by: Ryltair.2857



I’m just getting my feet wet in PvP and figured I’d go queue in ranked, seeing as how the game claims it puts players of comparable skill into a match. About a year ago I last played GW2 and attained the rank of Deer even though I’m quite terrible at it.

Now, it occurs to me that the people I play against are of ranks Tiger and Wolf, with some having the Champion Profession titles for winning a set amount of matches.

After a 10+ losing streak, I still encounter those people. How is this possible? How is it that someone who has won hundreds of matches gets put in the same match as someone who’s won 3 and is on a nasty losing streak? I can’t imagine that’s by design!

Anet Should Really Have a Negativity Forum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


The problem is that people are too entitled in this day and age. They pay 60 dollars/euros and think that grants them the right to order ArenaNet around. It doesn’t. You paid 60 moneys for a product which allows you to use it.
Anger would only be justified if they would remove your ability to use the product (take the servers down).

Will GW2 be a depressing topic in the future?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


sadly for the 80% of the people that bought this game this summer, it’s already what you described.

Why not 99.99%? While you’re busy pulling numbers out of your kitten might as well come up with some pretty ones.

Is this game..dead?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


The game is dead for at least half a year. There are only 3 people playing and they’re all devs!


In my personal experience, the game is alive and well. My guild is actually growing. The improvements that ArenaNet has planned for the coming months will be vital though.

You want replayability?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I definately would like to have some more incentive to return to the beautiful earlier areas. Not sure if I like this solution, but I’d definately like a reason to run around in Queensdale again.

Something to consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


2013, be less negative and more useful posts? Please, that would be nice.

That’s a very healthy new years resolution.

How Long Have You Been Playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


763 hours and 49 minutes since launch. I got 3 level 80s now, but only my main in full tier 3 armour transmuted with exotics.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


This thread is the reason I’d love to see an official RP server with naming rules enforced :/

I always use in-character names myself, but I can laugh at the creativity of others. Besides, if you’re really roleplaying, you won’t know someone else’s names

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Guildie of mine had made a Sylvari Necromancer named Twiglet Zone.

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Probably 12 copies of an expansion. I support this company ankittenhoroughly enjoying GW2.

In my view, the Trinity Needs to Come Back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


OP, you want GW2 to not be GW2 at all. I do not support this.

In WoW, you can enjoy quite the waiting time to enter dungeons if you’re DPS. With tanks having the easiest time (as they require significantly more efford to play) and healers close behind.

In GW2, everyone needs to pull his own weight and I’m all in favor of that. I agree that the dungeons at present need some work (bigger health pools don’t mean a harder challenge), but this is a solid combat model that I personally thoroughly enjoy.

Lack of communication during holidays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Although the devs are most certainly not ignoring us, I can understand that their relatively few posts would create a view like that.

Angry joe show

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


what made him blow off GW2 anyway? he was hardcore into it pre-release.

He said something about GW2 the viewers didn’t like. As a result, he was flooded with angry people. He called them rtards and quit showing GW2 – was around the final betas.

The way I recall it, it was more along the lines of this:

Jesse Coxx his friend posted a 40 minute final impressions video about the game during beta where he factually got everything wrong in almost every way possible. He’d basically done no research and was just repeating the things he’d been told by his friends, also present on the video.

This got Jesse a lot of negative feedback for obvious reasons, both constructive and destructive. (it’s youtube)
Jesse got depressed about it, TB white knighted him and started calling the GW2 community “The worst community ever” and deliberately provoking people on twitter and reddit. Didn’t seem interested in legitimate criticism and only focused on implying the worst of the guild wars 2 community represented all of us.

TB stopped his GW2 videos around this time.

You’d think someone who has a youtube channel would have a thicker skin…

how are those concurrent users numbers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


about 40% of the population is left since Aug 25. The ascend gear cost them aprox 30% at the time.
But the game continues to bleed people out at a fast rate.
Pve – Orr and all other zones are dead.
Dungeons dead uless it is fractals.
Pvp/Tpvp on life support at the moment
WvW a huge mess and outside of EB no one on those maps unless a T1.
The game is in trouble and Anet continue to make bad decisions.

Made up percentages. Gotta love ’em!

My experience:
Orr: Always people running around, forming farming groups and doing events
Dungeons: No problem getting parties for most, except maybe the story modes
sPvP: Did you even play it?
WvW: Can’t comment on that myself as I rarely play it, but friends of mine are in an active alliance and can hardly stop talking about the fights they have.

It does seem our experiences differ greatly.

how are those concurrent users numbers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


First of all, there’s NO need to jump down the guys throat for asking a question born of his own personal anecdotal experience, his guild up and bloody disappeared on him and he’s perfectly entitled to ask those questions imho.

Makes me sick to see such aggression and simultaneously curious as to what’s motivating said aggression, aside from FEAR.

Actually, most posts on this forum are all about how the game is dying and how Ascended gear is scaring off people. Which is Warg crap. Comments that aren’t filled with doom and gloom aren’t necessarily made due to fear.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


- An Elite Skill to summon nude drunk Norn women

Most gold you've had at one time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


120 gold. Saved it up for my tier 3 cultural armour.

Just Reached Level 80 -- Now What?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Do what you feel is fun. What do you WANT to do? sPvP? Alting? WvW? Dungeons? Fractals? Crafting? Farming for your Legendary?

Have we got the welcome mat rolled out? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I do hope they won’t come to the official forums for advise. They’re not exactly representitive of the in-game community.

Skipping getting out of hand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I personally play dungeons and fractals for fun. I don’t want to skip anything, I want the challenge and the synergy of group play that requres a specific build and gear layout. I have learned to ask beforehand if the group wants to skip content. If they go for ‘speedruns’ I’ll tell them that’s not my cup of tea and leave.

Famous last words.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


“Why is lieutenant kholer raising his sword like that?”

Most of my guildies for some reason seem to keep asking themselves that question 14 times during the fight.

Famous last words.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


“I’ll be able to defend this capture point until help arrives.”

Many times during sPvP.

Am I too late to join the game ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


The game is very much alive. I have no problem getting dungeon groups, structured PvP is filled with people, WvW always has battles going on and there’s not a zone that is empty.

The forums are a bit of a cesspool with a few people who think just because they don’t enjoy the game, it must suck for everyone.

Internet 101: Never judge a game based on the official forums.

You know you play too much Guild Wars 2.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


When you close your eyes for a moment while commuting to work and you see undiscovered points of interest. True story.

Lack of Female Thief Armour skins :-(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I agree with the OP. Most medium armour consists of a trenchcoat and a mask. Furthermore, there are very few armour sets that don’t contain some form of skirt, even the male varieties.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Why quit the game over Ascended gear?

1) There was already vertical progression out of the box: white > blue > green > yellow > orange > purple
They just added a magenta-ish colour between orange and purple.

2) According to the AMA, Ascended gear was already planned and no new rarity will be added anymore.

3) The differences between Ascended gear and Exotic gear so far are minimal.

4) You’re perfectly competitive in full exotics.

Emotion plays a large part in this entire discussion, but let’s not blow things out of proportion now.

Passion Flower/ Passiflora / Apothecary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Everytime I see the new Apothecary runes, the phrase “Apothecary here” from Dawn of War rings in my head in a deep, rumbling Space Marine voice.


in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Yikes! God forbid someone enjoys something you don’t… I’m with you on this one Syreal. Although the one-time event kind of failed, the new Fractals are amazing!

New player... unimpressed.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


The advise that I give my friends trying out the game for the first time is to just start at the beginning and not try the one-time events. They’re not a very good representation of how the game is and if you just start from scratch, you experience everything: Regular events, Hearts, crafting, leveling, exploration, map completion, personal story, etc, etc.

Fractals [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Despite the topic’s title, there seems to be no shortage of words for the fractals.

They’re absolutely amazing! My favourite one is the Colossus. The lore-infused member of the team went nuts over it. “What is it? I don’t know it. I have to look it up!”
Setting the big kitten free felt very satisfying. Almost like a message to Kratos: Hey, you don’t always have to kill them!

I don’t much care for the rewards involved personally as no way in hell am I going to grind THAT many tokens for the good stuff.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Not gonna read all the crying, but I can say that Piken Square is quite full. I always run into people and never have to do group events on my own. The Trading Post is also a vicious fighting pit with hundreds of thousands of items being traded daily.

I found ceiling cat in Guild Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


That is simply amazing.

Post your amount of hours played!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Why not? Don’t be shy now.

Pine is not a hard wood

in Crafting

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I think we should be able to chop down Sylvari NPCs for wood.

Shield #4 Skill Opinion

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Anyone who says that shield is useless should learn how to play a guardian. #4 is huge, any damage reduction for your group mates is good. It is the role of the guardian, you are not soloing dungeons.

Of course group Protection is incredibly powerful, but the point is more that getting it to land on as many group mates as possible is a bit finnicky at times.


in Guardian

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


I agree with the OP’s statement. I don’t take the skill because it’s called Retreat. The only direction my Guardian is going, is TOWARDS the enemy!

Post your amount of hours played!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


Hello kittens!

Let’s show off how hooked we are to the game. Type /age in the chat channel and post the number in this thread.

229 hours, 46 minutes over the past 28 days.