Showing Posts For Sabertooth.2374:
I’ve been gathering some achievement points so I could get my next reward for 15k AP, but when I did the ‘Agent of Entropy’ and ‘Hobby Dungeon Explorer’ achievements, I didn’t get the points, i should be on 14,964 but after doing the achievements, i’m still on 14,957.
Aye, they all have a gap but male Norns are huge compared to other races
I know i’m just being picky but is there anyone else that kinda hates the gap between the back and weapons/back items of a male Norn?
i know it isn’t a massive deal but i think that being able to customize your pet with color, accessories etc, would make my pet more unique other than just the name
Hope some of you agree
i think that being able to maybe change the colour of your pet or add an accessory (hat, tattoos etc…) would be a good idea because it makes your pet seem more unique.
it would make it feel more like the pet belongs to your ranger and is not just ‘another pet’
WOW, actually sounds really good, i see you put a lot of work into this, i for one would like to see it happen
gw2 already has all these bosses such as jormag, megadestroyer, frozen maw etc but there isnt one for underwater, i dont go underwater a lot of the time but if there was an underwater would boss i would deffinately go underwater a lot more
if he means having the hide button JUST for focus then people in pvp and wvw would know if they are holding a focus if it was hidden
Just an idea for a new weapon, thought a 2 handed axe would be pretty interesting
just recently i was in dredghaunt cliffs and there was a small area where the sky was purple and there was lightning
guild events are gonna be added next week i think
during a fight i would like to know what boons and conditions my pet has without having to target them, i would really like this to be in the game
like i said
Look, i thought of this idea because i think it will be better than bothering people who are just trying to play the game, i dont know where all this copying or “elitism” came from but most of the gear i would like to inspect is heavy and i wear medium so there is no chance of me copying
These are some really good ideas, for skill 5 i was thinking maybe add to / instead of cripple we could have bleed or burn
I play as a ranger and i would definately equip this skills, good thinkin g e o
Sounds like an awsome idea , i would definately play guilg v guild if it was on gw2
A suggestion i had was race vs race pvp
I like this idea, nice thinking sam
Look, i thought of this idea because i think it will be better than bothering people who are just trying to play the game, i dont know where all this copying or “elitism” came from but most of the gear i would like to inspect is heavy and i wear medium so there is no chance of me copying
People are afraid this will breed a community that subjugates others for not wearing the “right” equipment. I somewhat agree with that, because I’ve seen it happen.
At the same time I hate asking someone, “What is that [insert equipment here]” only to find out they’re afm or just ignoring me, or missed the tell. If mousing over inventory of an inspected person only showed you the name of the item in white or some other color not associated with its quality I would be all for it. The name is all I want to know anyway.
thats fair, after all we can see what the armor looks like anyway, names are all that we need
fishing sounds nice, it could add more veriety to gathering
its only really easy if you like a certain class or if you know how to play them and also by about level 10 you should know the basics
you could always just call yourself your race and class
norn ranger- example
sometimes i want to know what gear or weapons another player has
I think the next patch is introducing customisable dailies
Well im a ranger and my traits have been mentioned
I would to see some these suggestion in game is it gives each rangers pet a bit of a personality and would make them unique
Any one else got any suggestions for ways to customise pets?
I think this would be a nice and realistic touch to choices of weapons
What i tend to do is name my alts after my main but spell it differently or add some e.g
My lvl 80 ranger is called dekcora and my lvl 37 necro is dark dekcora
There was a time i had dekcora II (2) which isnt a bad idea, besides at least people mnow who you are when you are on your alt without treaing you like a stranger 1st
I think its safe to say that the higher level you are the easier it is, thats how it turned out for me but a leveling tip i used is always do your dailies
A problem is, gettin a team together that will allow an arah unexperienced player in the party
oh kool, iv been wanting to do this story for so long
iv got full exotic armour all with (whispering karma gear) exotic runes
most of my trinkets are exotic with exotic upgrades, i just need new back peace
i got the ghastly longbow (AC dungeon weapon)
my traits are 30-20-0-20-0
is this enough to go to arah?
the ghastly longbow looks really cool with the animation but the animation completely stops when you attack and i would greatly appreciate it if this was fixed
this is being added on the 27th or 26th
this sounds like a good idea laurel, it would actually give the most credit to those that actually deserve it. as it is, someone could be tearing it up in the dungeon and someone would just stand back and not try as much but still get the same rewards
yeah, or possibly fur patterns, much like charr, but with a rangers pet
sorry for turning this orb suggestion into a crossbow thing
iv made a crossbow thread if anyone thats interested
okay , thanks a lot guys =)
sounds like a good idea
only problem is that you will get those people who will keep asking you to duel, and will not leave you alone until you do
Sorry, but this has been addressed several times throughout the thread with the idea of having an option to disable duel requests.
you could get people constanly whispering you then
jennifer scarlett had a good idea, about the trading cards, lootable cards to build a deck perhaps
like /slap or /punch or /kick
now im a big fan of many games and i thought it would ammusing to see costumes and weapons skins from other games e.g medium armor could be link from zelda , heavy could be war from darksiders and to complete the set, either a skin or legendary weapon, the master sword from zelda or the chaoseater from darksiders, this idea came to me because i noticed the triforce pendant i think it is that seems like a zelda referance
just throwing it out there
i think we have established that we likethe more emotes idea lol
i prefer pve atm
how about /rave
pretty much dancing…but better
haha, get a group of people in water and do /synchronisedswimming
creative idea, i wouldnt mind a nice game of nauts and crosses (tic tac toe) or rock, paper scissors
just an idea from the top of my head, a lot of rangers pets would look the same (obviously if it was the same pet) so why not have fur/skin colour? or accessories? like metal around thier legs or something stylish like that
much like the weapon swapping but with armour , so you could switch between your pve armour and your WvW armour or farming armour or something like that , personnaly i stick with one set but others may like to change every hour and again, i think this would be a good idea just to keep WvW and farming armour out of the backpack