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How does one 'see' Anomalies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


If you cannot see them try this

Set your volume sliders EXCEPT music to high, ensure that Mute GW2 when in background is unchecked.

Goto a very quiet area without much ambient noise, many of the open ascalon fields are good for this (Don’t go into the corrupted area as thunderclaps tend to happen around there)

Here switch windows and amuse yourself with web pages or something that won’t cause too much noise. When you hear a buzzing sound, switch back and QUICKLY look around you, you will have extremely little time, the Anolomy should be there, touch it.

You must have completed the Ley-line Anolomy event in previous CEs to get this to happen.

[Suggestion] Heritage armor in gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Nope, It’s a marker for GW1 players who imported and should stay that way.

Ecto's at an all time low.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I’m absolutely astounded that ML has been allowed for so long..

Don't make the mursaat the "good guy"

in Lore

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Humans have a BIG thing against the mursaat, remember the Saul incident?

He won’t get an easy ride.

6 Mistakes Every Ahem (GW2 PvPer) Makes

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Oh cracked, what a wonderful site that is….

Can you see the sarcasm dripping

If no DX11, DX12 must be a must!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I’m with the upgrade crowd, Vulkan/DX12 are making big improvements and this game would be no exception.

Coliseum & Capricorn Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


And already we have jerks picking against the new map..

Episode Content Unavailable after 20 September?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Yes, as I said, Ley Line Gliding is a optional mastery that adds, in my opinion, fun to the episode but is not required.

:Also as someone else said the new living story chapters are helping with completing masteries, both by giving more points and by giving us more stuff to do to train them up so we’re not having to play the same maps over and over.

Yep! Thanks for pointing that out.

I believe you meant to say the former wouldn’t have been required, not the latter, which was standard gliding.

Capricorn achievements be avail later?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Right now it’s getting beyond frustrating trying to enjoy that map because unranked queue is full of yuk yuks who vote against it.

The achievements for this map are time limited to this PvP season based on it’s beta availability…so when the map goes full live can we finish them then?

Recently joined back, clueless

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


1. Consider checking the wiki here
There are lots of new events up, some with good items up for grabs.
2. Living Story Season3 is up and the next elder dragon we are taking on appears to have been identified.
3. Check Fractals, it has been given a big facelift.
4. A raid wing has been implemented.

Ranked or Capricorn...

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Capricorn should be it’s own queue.

It’s getting irritating clashing with people who vote anything other than it just to annoy those trying to get the achievements done (Really, what were they thinking?)

Bring Back the GW1 Skillsets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


The GW1 system works for that game, but even then it’s an utter nightmare to balance, to the point the term “smiter’s boon’d” was coined to refer to when a skill is completely nerfed to the point of it being intentionally unusuable due to it’s previous OPness.

I wouldn’t like that same nightmare in GW2.

Option to hide other player's backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I want people to see my skins, so I have to -1 this

But those people don’t want to see your skins. Why do you want those specific people to see your skins?

Because I worked for them. If they dont want to see them they should close their eyes.

I would only be ok with this if hiding a specific skin required permanently destroying it from your wardrobe.

and what about ppl with a slow rig, do they have to be punished for your selfishness?

if they have a slow rig they should be on lower graphics settings to compensate

Yeah umm, still going to add up in large areas, and not to mention, it’s still visual mess in some areas where sight is required.

Option to hide other player's backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


There are times when I wish I could hide all backpacks. It’s very odd that even when I put the graphics all the way to their lowest setting, backpacks still show up. Distracting during a big world boss fight, which is really the only time I put graphics all the way down.

Nothing like trying to fight a world boss at 15fps with a screen full of sparkles in a mass of people.

Option to hide other player's backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I mean, I worked hard for those legendaries and I didn’t work for them just for me to see them.

People who want to see them, can.

Option to hide other player's backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


The appearance of player characters are getting quite annoying. These are examples you see pretty much all the time, and everywhere, and it’s really taking its toll.

They do not look overly flashy to me. Customizing your character is the endgame of GW2.

Back on topic

While customizing your own character is all fun an that, some other players would rather it not get in the way of their own game.

Be it by putting pressure on hardware in large amounts, i.e seeing huge amounts of pure atheistic particles piling on top of effects from damage.

Visually being a nuisance in areas where precision is required (Mad King’s Tower anyone?)

You know the idea, it’s no bad ask for a way to tone it down on a user’s end client.

Option to hide other player's backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I agree with the option to restrict the particle effects of other player’s items.

Not everyone has stupidly powerful hardware. and would heavily benefit from being able to tone it down to the point where they can….you know, actually play at some kind of FPS during huge group events.

A dedicated button to mute job-o-tron and all his incarnations would be lovely too.

Does Diamond skin need a nerf ?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Sorry but anyone going “OH IF YOU CANNOT BREAK IT IT’S YOUR FAULT”

Remember, Eles have a plethora of heals on them.

Replace soul bound with account bound items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Make all soul bound account bound?

May as well give all Digital Deluxe Perma bank contracts….

The Guild Team Leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Is it just me or does having one guild control nearly all the top slots seem a bit…….weird

DH problem is not the traps....

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


There are problems with DH traps, they give far too much for little effort.

You just fire and forget with them, no setup risk.

Server transfer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


You don’t need to worry about server transfers unless you are wanting to switch between NA/EU.

WvW is dead as a dodo.

Updates after not playing 6 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


If you want to get the latest build, add -image to the target in the properties of a GW2.exe shortcut, they have also released a 64-bit client which you can get from your player control panel here at the site.

Bank Slot Sale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Used ingame gold to get it, not busting out the card again til stuff is sorted.

Game Direction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Guild Wars 2 will never succeed as an esport and unless they actually start caring and do proper balance it’s salty players will ensure it stays that way.

GW2 forums over the last few weeks...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


The last few weeks have been far worse due to the horrendous balance issues with the game in sPvP and how that filters through to PvE. Warriors and Thieves have been kicked down the crapper, metacrap has been all the rage and not even having a pro-team QUIT ON STREAM is enough to get Anet to push out more MEANINGFUL BALANCE CHANGES.

I’m happy to see all the negativity, because it’s reflective of my own feelings on the PvP situation.

Anyone else having this bad luck?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


GW2 sPvP ranked mode is russian roulette effectively, you just haven’t had that luck.

Afk MMR tankers?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


1. Do not name drop in threads

2. Use the botting report reason.

Logic of the lack of pre-league balance

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Anet would heavily benefit from a test environment.

Let’s call it….Asuran Simulation Arena, an asura heys “Oh hey brave Mists Warrior, we’ve been tinking around with the ins and outs of the combat environment and want to get feedback on if our changes are helping, would you like to try and queue to see how it works? Here’s some notes on what we have changed if you’d like to see!”

Then the player IN GAME can see the changes they are testing and do a queue to test it out. Then at the end a little form can be filled in similar to what was used in the first BWEs where proper feedback can be given on their balance changes. To encourage players to try it, given them some ingame silver for their help, no rank change.

Then they have no excuse for making such utterly ridiculous changes.

League System Amazing

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


At this rate there will be no next season, Anet’s reputation for PvP is going down the pan extremely fast, the most kitten ing incident being when players ragequit a match due to the horrendous meta on STREAM.

They are just acting fast enough to put in emergency changes to restore the playability of the sPvP game.

Amount of Crowd Controls

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Don’t change it, I absolutely loooooooove getting into endless daze chains and being thrown around like a pingpong ball.

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I got told off for playing a warrior in a match, guess who cleaned house in the teamfight once all mass CCs were blown at the mid point?

I enjoyed rattling his cage after that.

The Final Countdoooowwwwnn

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


You’re gonna have a bad time, if you keep take one more step and are too confident, you REALLY Aren’t gonna like what happens next.

Tier List

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


With Auramancers and so many ways to get outpaced, Condi Zerkers are in a horrendous spot, infact using Primal Burst Sword against most people is outright dangerous due to reflects or the simple act of SIDESTEPPING.

Passive Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Waaa waa waa Auramancers cannot hear you.


in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


can we stop now please?

(get it?)

Has there ever been a less enjoyable meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


This meta is by far the worst it has ever been.

viper berserker vs viper revenant

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Make Warrior Primal Burst Skills unblockable/unevadable, how would that break things?

Game has never been more frustrating to play

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I have to agree, PvP has never been as bad as it is now.

Your top 3 specs that should be nerfed?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


1. Bunker Mesmer – So powerful it actually made a team member ragequit on a ESL stream.
2. Auramancer – Condition Immunity, aura spamming, stupid ammounts of healing.
3. DHs – Traps are just way too easy to use right now in conquest.

extra bag slots to account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Anet would have to refund over 16,000 gems to my accounts if this ever happens. so yeah.

No they would not. You got to enjoy that extra space for that price. Things change, and you would just accept it with a smile.

Do you really think that ANet would want to go through another round of hostile feedback? They might not be required to refund the gems; they would be under pressure to do something for folks that had bought more than a few extra slots.

Accordingly, it’s not as simple as the OP suggests.

This, it’s FAR too late to change it.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


The absolutely absurd grind for the shoulders….I really wish I didn’t burn all those mystic coins.

I wish I could go back and kick my past self, telling me to simply sell all the booze as I’d have been much happier with the money than the soul destroying JP/Bells.

I may as well find a low resource using Turn Based Strat game and just play Bells on the side while playing that.

Anet, give us all a 5k xmas booze care package. For at least remaining with the game loyally.

(edited by Sarevok.2638)

Road to Legendary.. Here's how I did it

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


If I don’t play a cheesy bunker spec what would you advise oh master of pvp? Reroll? Wait for balance patch? Uninstall?



Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


1) Fix MMing so that people cannot team up with lower ranking players to get easier matches, base MM off the highest partied person’s MMR. The highest MMR person takes most of the hit of any loss because they made the choice to team with a lower person, people they got matched with feel less of a hit for losing.

2) Fix the bunker meta. This crap has never been good and now it’s putting the turret engie bunker meta to SHAME. Why can’t we have the glorious days of GW1 elimination PvP?

3) Buff Core specs. The new specs should be an alternate way to play, not THE standard.

Did we Over React to Leagues and SoloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


No, we didn’t react enough.

Look at what that got us.

why do we lose pips for 4v5s?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Because the system is broke beyond belief right now.

Balance changes seriously overdue

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


It’s like we don’t know that Anet completely screwed up on their balancing with leagues.

Meanwhile, we have the same cheeser builds running around running the game.

Road to Legendary.. Here's how I did it

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


How to win, cheese the game, there is no honor or balance in this game.

Cheese it

I'm not even mad.

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


And Anet must think big esports outlets won’t see this is the home league aka development turf.

Will there be a living story season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Most likely they will, the next elder dragon it’ll lead towards is leaning toward Kralkatorrik.

I imagine Zojja, Rytlock and Logan will be on focus here.