Showing Posts For Scapper.4236:
Condi mes isn’t hard to play, it’s just hard to beat. Besides if someone has played mes (namely shatter) the transition isn’t all too difficult, but condi mes gets punished if they have no outs.
Why I liked playing mesmer in the first place, cause you had to be good at it.
+1 #AlpineLivesMatter
What would be a nice QoL change for Pistol Whip if it behaved the same as Blurred Frenzy for mesmer and actually tracked the direction of the player, and not just sometimes randomly find yourself slashing in the air, i mean so many classes have these weird channelled skill for a thief in stealth which always insta down you, Rapid Fire, Mesmer AA, Druid Staff 1 spam. Why this skill can’t get just this target tracking ability is my question.
Hello there, I have been testing and having so much fun with a build recently. (roaming in wvw)
Lots of haste on opener, Pistol whip, is hard to land yes, but it is a low stealth build and like all sw builds requires a disengage. This build can also run away very well with the Sw 2 mechanic, but if you land the burst it’s great. Also the amount of interrupts complement the Pulmonary Impact trait and since it is low stealth it doesn’t really affect the build, much. Try it in a 1v1/2 sorta situation in wvw (roaming) and tell me what you think. Cheers
Low stealth, build, like it. What’s the matter?
It seems to be a layer-weapon arming issue where the back piece specifically the Synergetic Spinal Back piece will be wielded.
Condition is more viable as well as rupt builds, but after a couple of balance patches I think we will see hard-shatter back on the field. Yes it is very hard to play because of PU nerf+Gs3nerf+ the fact that anything starting with a ‘r’ owns. Give it time, to early to tell.
From the glkittenter side of things, Rune of Strength or Pack Couple well with your Gs3 and Shattered Strength, and this is polished off with Time Marches on in a Dom/Duel/Chro Build, very glass, yes but super effective.
Doing Twilight Vol. 1: The Experimental Nightsword. Did Modniir Ulgoth and got the relevant achievement from Kessex Hills. Please fix, will report if the achievement does not activate in vice versa for the boss in Kessex Hills
It’s a fallacy, a fallacy based off a single premise which was highlighted here ‘the 1v1 setting’ and somehow people think it’s justified. (Anet plz nerf ppls opinions!!!)
Played a build akin to this yesterday. Except with Cele Amulet and it was a duel, but very high sustain. So much survivability it’s actually sick, boons and cleanse on shatter, double heal and invuln well. Thief couldn’t kill me because of the amount of protection I was able to stack, but who cares, Cele was also viable and adds more of an edge to staff condis. Like the build #chronobunkermeta
try some duels vs thieves. You’ve got something coming for you…
I don’t think we would get anywhere with this due to duplicity claims :P
It’s been modified for BWE3 with essentially a .25s ICD on gaining stacks, specifically to break the interaction with Spatial Surge.
Even without that, it wasn’t a noticeable factor in BWE1 or BWE2. In theory, permaslow is super powerful, but in practice it doesn’t matter that much compared to the more direct forms of lockdown we have access to, nor is it as much of a game changer as Chronophantasma.
Speaking of which, can dazed phantasms still Shatter?
Shatters are instant skills. Daze only prevents the use of skills with a cast time.
And in this case since it is an AI the clone/illusions from moving to the target. What does this imply if I shatter with dazed clones they will shatter in their position?
I agree, a strange nerf to offset PU burst. Would like to see it reverted.
RIP Team Phalanx {FullZerk Meta 7k+ Guard, 2xEle, Thief, War}
Well, considering the last patch balance took over 6 hours I suspect these are just the major highlights of the profession balance (teef is dyeing), otherwise there may still be more changes which may come out on Tuesday! \o/
Although I enjoy the challenge of mesmer PvE this is a comprehensive summary of what we lack. +1
Mesmers are tools :P I am called the Portal-b****h in my guild for the exact reason, but only because nobody else can do it like I do :s
Only a WvW player has an app on their phone to check up on the PPT.
Only a WvW player thinks that LA, DR, BC, TC, RS are all camps (in fact cities)
Only a WvW player sulks about how many noobs are on their server and how it is dying.
Only as WvW player spends gold on gems no matter the cost and regardless of the exchange rate.
Only a WvW cancels their weekend to kitten the other servers. Oh wait, that’s me.
Well the new Engi and my name, not really that surprising. Doesn’t help that my guild lead has name problems so I was the new class since half-a-year ago. Still won’t make me reroll engi ;-)
Edit: please gief name change.
Okay let me contextualise and reiterate. Reiterate. It’s the crux of my post, and what I’m saying not the post as a whole, and yes, I believe it should have a ranged buff if you did not read that I do affirm to the change but I am still of the opinion that for what it offers it is alright if it has poor implementation/difficult to use because the utility as it stands is great.
Contextualise. Being able to move zergs and guild groups to and from a fight is overpowered and the irony is that 8/10 times you don’t even need to use the max range to do that! So stop fannying about with something so arbitrary because there is nothing else to complain about.
I agree, it should have a rangebuff. Yet @Fay the crux of this post is not to dwell on what the problems are but how to deal with the status quo, and that is to learn otherwise you aren’t helping yourself either. Keeping in mind there may or may not be a buff around the corner, I am merely providing criticism on why it is seen as difficult to use. Tip to any new players zoom in your minimap completely and voila you have a rough max. portal range to the perimeter of your map, not 10.4 chaos storms. I don’t see how it is used in open world pve, or more so rarely used, and if it is not self taught by a new player in the competitive scene, it is taught by the oh so friendly community.
This can be due to several things. If you blink onto terrain that isn’t viable since it is on a different level or plateaued. This can also bug if the terrain you want to blink up to is right next to you or vertically above you. Another issue which is quite prevalent is to use the fast with ranged indicator over a target or any other form of UI. This will cause the blink to appear static as you haven’t in a sense “targeted” anything on terrain but you have still activated it (similar effect is gained when you just click the utility with the mouse) . Try not to blink to high but rather laterally within your line of sight, because sometimes it makes a difference. Hope this helps!
I’d say it doesn’t matter in pvp that much because most portaling is done between mid and close/far. What I think Robert’s main issue would be with the pace arrow and portal direction marker would be if the portal is over different terrains or the Exeunt is vertically above the Entre. Regardless, portal is an excellent skill as is, unique in its own right with powerful utility, for its worth I think it has an appropriate skill level to use it properly, just use it more.
Good Morning Pvpers!! I will be on the whole Sunday so if we have 4-men/women good to go lets do it!
Ahhh that makes a lot more sense, thanks!
I have been experiencing something similar except text and commander tags are also positioned weirdly. I don’t know if this is normal, it doesn’t seem like it.
I have been experiencing an issue over the past few days with my upscaled charr guardian in WvW. Upon swapping into Great Sword, while in combat. Either dodging/evading attacks on open field or using my Great Sword 5 (Binding Blade) within the proximity of buildings be it tower, keeps and the like would cause the involuntary halt of my character. I am fixed in position, I can toggle camera angles etc, I can also use my skills which can be cast when in a static position but not move using my mouse or keys. The only way I have been able to break it is to use movement skills such as the Great Sword 3 (Leap Of Faith) or using Judge’s Intervention.
I have been experiencing it exclusively on Great Sword Guardian in WvW, don’t know to what extent with other races. I will start recording if I experience it for future reference. Thanks!
Well, considering it isn’t being fixed these are the solutions. AA while is stealth is annoying, but it is some sort of a mechanic which I think they put in to annoy us, or the difference between being in combat or not while being ‘invisible’ is not differentiated by the latter. So you attack while in stealth because you still technically are in combat so the mechanics still apply, ridiculous, I agree but it exists.
Projectiles can be a problem, with mass invis(traited) which has a reflect which will dispel your invisibility if you have a channelled ability or projectile heading your way before you finish activation. This I find ridiculous as you gain mirror which being in stealth when you finish your mass invis… why tho?
(edited by Scapper.4236)
1. As Fay said turn off auto attack
2. Careful for projectiles that are flying, and then running into stealth will break you stealth
3. I find personally sheathing your weapons cancels any prompt to use your AA so that can also be used
So something worrying I came across. I was in Temple with my D/D getting taken by a med guard and a Reaper beta necro. I got downed and instantly finished… is this some sort of necro downstate finisher?
The swap in and out of Torch to scepter is plenty of blast for me, considering I provide different skills, Feedback, Timewarp. Mesmers are not considered unviable, they just tend to be incompetent players in pve which lack skill. :P
The short stealth duration (untraited) is not only an effective escape mechanism, yes it is broken, but also good for opening up on a target. That being said the current spvp mesmer build is very reminiscent of WvW roaming/gvg build within this and the previous patch and has a high-short bursts but lacks the sustain.
I can agree with what is being said, the development of phantasms is headed in the right direction, I just want to see those long awaited tweeks, but all in good time raises hands in prayer to Robert Gee, Omnipotent God of Kitten I do think that these changes will come about and I truly always forget about, the forever alone in skillbar, iMage :’(.
This thing.
Every time I log in.
I check it, training is fine, red “!” disappears. Then I log back in and here it is again, even if training is at max already.
This problem persists solely with my mesmer as well for some odd reason.
As of the latest build 29/07
I am unable to sell instantly. I will sell a charged core for x amount of gold and receive no gold for the transaction or, when the Trade Post loads it buffers in random lower values (usually copper values) and I will then sell it for these ridiculously low priced values. I have unfortunately lost several piece of gold in this process and it is a frustrating set back. What I can further describe is the listing is being created and is visible if I review my transaction log but the transaction itself and my money that I am supposed to get is not being registered. Thanks for your time!
I really like quickness with Furious Interruptions in pvp for some of the fasts 2 second no scope moments where you interrupt the first skill and just proceed to throw out phantasms left right and center, feels so good. Best part is it is on a 5 sec ICD really love this trait sometimes over boonstrip.
I myself don’t play much pvp because it’s almost effortless. WvW is more captivating for roaming in my opinion as situations can change and vary the whole time.
Mesmer now sort of hints towards frost mage from WoW at the moment, high damage, but low health. Mesmers love the mind game with stealth, asking you to predict where they are. If you guess wrong you loose and get bursted, if you guess right it usually leads to a crushing defeat for the mesmer, luckily Anet added a dodge roll so if you are to half- kitten d to make an attempt at guessing the correct location just dodge – really useful mechanic which was added to the game. The lesson is count to five and dodge, if not count to 7 and dodge. Play the profession, understand it. I find it really easy to beat on my other toons because you understand the mind games and when to dodge.
I agree with all that is being said here, although the objective of a focus party is to camp in stealth and wait for the other team to reveal or to move around the blob without being seen and burst down the range. This is all easier if I have my own stealth > torch4 > gs2 > F1 combo and then also hop back into stealth as I swap weapons before combat and can then use cooldowns at my leisure. The aim is not to camp, but to out sustain the enemy which I am worried when running with thieves you can do vs. another focus group. Mindful I am running PU and The Pledge for this.
Powershatter mesmer
D/D roamer
I find seeing a mesmer coming, it’s easy to predict and if you see a mesmer in spvp at the beginning just keep in mind that their is potential to be instagibed. They are generally easy to predict as many new mesmers are joining the profession and repeat the same combination on players who haven’t ever played the class and don’t know the skill rotations.
Just to be clear, from the point of view of a focus party mesmer it adds insult to injury being that mesmers already have PU most probably traited. What I am saying is even if it the blast instance does run out the fact remains you have a fresh Prestige back on cd and this is a bug, even if minor it does impact the game play of focus parties negatively as you are exploiting two instance of stealth to last longer than your opponent, simple. If I do open up on your enemy it wouldn’t matter if got opened upon because I have a restealth on cooldown almost instantly thus taking advantage of the double instance post to the stealth up.
You just ignored my math completely. Why? Probably because I proved you wrong, but let’s have another go.
You do NOT have a fresh Prestige back on cd.
30 second cooldown for The Prestige.
Let’s say you manage to keep up this double-stealth until the Prestige gets off cooldown.
So every second, The Prestige sheds 1s of cooldown naturally, then another 3% of its cooldown.
.03(30) = .9
So every second, The Prestige sheds 1.9s of its cooldown.
At what time does The Prestige come off cooldown?
t(1.9) = 30
t = 30/1.9 = 15.8sThe prestige doesn’t come off cooldown until 15.8 seconds. For the record, that’s a whopping 47.3% cooldown reduction.
To accomplish that, you need double stealth for 15.8 seconds.
The Prestige itself granted 6, so you need another 10.
Popping Mass Invisibility gives you the 10 you need.Now you just need 16 seconds of stealth from another player. You can get 6s or so from a thief blasting a smoke field, and then they just drop shadow refuge and you’ve got it.
Now you just pop The Prestige and get your extra 6 seconds!Skill usages:
The Prestige, Mass Invisibility, Shadow Refuge, Smoke ScreenTotal stealth: 6(Prestige/Smoke) + 15(Refuge) + 6(Prestige) = 27 seconds on you, 21 seconds on the thief.
NOW let’s not do the double up thing.
Activate Mass Invisibility. When it runs out, the thief activates and blasts smoke screen.
When it runs out, the thief activates Shadow Refuge. When it runs out, you activate The Prestige.Skill usages:
Mass invisibility, Smoke Screen, Shadow Refuge, The PrestigeTotal stealth: 10(MI) + 6(Smoke) + 15(Refuge) + 6(Prestige) = 37 seconds on you, 31 seconds on the thief.
BOTH OF YOU get more stealth by not trying to exploit this.
Why? Because the exploit gets you a measly extra 1.5% cooldown per second of stealth, while doubling-up on stealth skills is a 100% stealth time loss for those skills, because you are wasting them.
I understand the mathematics, and I do not disregard it. What I want to emphasize is that the Pledge should only be active for stealth provided by the mesmer and not second parties, even though it would require you to waste cooldown, but frankly it wouldn’t matter because I am sitting in stealth for such a long time, until I decide to open, by which time I have a stealth off cooldown.
I am not planning to sit in stealth for the whole duration and of course there is a point where I would burst, also adding to that a very sound way of bursting for mesmer when running solo is to use The Prestige and then bursting, (had North of 2,8k burst Prestiges myself) What is the issue? Obviously I don’t care about the math because practically I have tested and successfully was able to burst twice when running with a thief because of the “amazing cool-down reduction”. Of course this is all situational, but what happens when the thief is not there, well, I can then sustain myself by wasting cooldowns which I would not have done in the first instance because the aim is not seeing how long I can sit in stealth but to what extent it can be abused and played around with when running with a focus party.
Firstly refrain from being sardonic when replying as it makes it very difficult to make my reply constructive and secondly understand the situation and test it, and see how I can successfully burst twice in an ideal situation, where one burst from a mesmer should be more than sufficient considering how strong it is now.
Just to be clear,
Clones – Deal small damage which does crit, thus if traited it can result in bleeding stacks. If they did the main mesmer’s damage it would make the mesmer a bit too strong for it’s own good
Phantasms – Are almost transparent/glowing clones each with their own special mechanics similar to other profession skills and deal greater damage than clones, put very simply.
Just to be clear, from the point of view of a focus party mesmer it adds insult to injury being that mesmers already have PU most probably traited. What I am saying is even if it the blast instance does run out the fact remains you have a fresh Prestige back on cd and this is a bug, even if minor it does impact the game play of focus parties negatively as you are exploiting two instance of stealth to last longer than your opponent, simple. If I do open up on your enemy it wouldn’t matter if got opened upon because I have a restealth on cooldown almost instantly thus taking advantage of the double instance post to the stealth up.
(edited by Scapper.4236)