Showing Posts For Schumi.4285:

Nevermore Collection 1 Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Nevermore I – Protector of all definitely not working.

Asked after dragon event on map again. Nobody got it.

So definitely bugged.

I hope this gets fixed asap. I really wanna have that staff



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


The funny thing about everybody complaining and comparing prices is that they forget one thing:
- Prices change, gathering does not!

So go ahead farm 1000 gold to buy it from trading post… but what if it costs 1500 gold then? Farm another 500 only to see it’s at 2000 gold then. Precursor prices might double while you farm 1000 gold. But 10 Deldrimor steel are 10 Deldrimor steel, even in 100 days!

Another thing is that a lot of materials doubled in price since the release of HoT. Because you need material for guild halls, precursors and other things, like new armors.
So AT THE MOMENT some precursors might be cheaper to buy than to hunt for.
If you want to have it NOW, you might want to check out these threads. But it could change every day. And I doubt these people will update their threads with daily prices!

Check back in like 6 months and compare prices again. Then take a look at the QQ threads and you might start to laugh!

Another thing with crafting these is the fun involved in it. I laughed so hard when I read that I have to paint certain spots in the world for the legend (bifrost pre).
And when I checked what I have to do for quip, I really thought ANet devs smoked some really good stuff while doing these hunts.
Oh, and you also get APs (yeah, only 9 per precursor, but at least something).

I love the hunt too. But I agree that more different materials would have been nicer than to farm 6k wood.

[idea] Mini Gwynefyrdd tradeable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285



since one can get the mini Gwynefyrdd for 100 candy corn cobs and candy corn is tradeable via trading post why is the miniature itself not tradeable?

Another point speaking for removing the account binding is:
You can get it from ToT bags.
I was lucky and got one last year and again lucky this year (sorry guys) and got it again.
Now it sits there in my inventory (the other one was “used” for my account) and I can do nothing with it. I cannot even gift it to a buddy or anything. It’s basically trash now, which is sad since there are so many people out there wishing for it.
It hurts my heart to destroy such a nice item while my friends have to try so hard to get it.

So please ANet, fix this and make it tradeable.
Or tell your support to let them do transfers of that item to other accounts.
Or add a gift to… (other player) function on it.

Please don’t make me trash Gwynefyrdd, pretty please!

And sorry guys, I know this is a stupid and disgusting (for some of you) “problem”. And sorry for making some people hate me for my luck now :/

Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Contest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


bump once again.

Any news on this?


Collectors Edition CBT Access

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I think that’s a great idea.
150 bucks were too expensive for me at that point so I did not get one.
But since it was the biggest edition and something for true fans and supporters some reward like this would be nice.
And in the end, it’s just a beta. No new great expensive stuff.

100% supporting this!

This Beta Portal is a freaking sham....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Schumi.4285


RNG is always a bad choice when it comes to select people.
But no matter how Anet decides how to pick people, it will always give some that are unhappy with their decision.
If they pull 20k people out of all the newsletter subscribers, this is nothing but a large scale RNG. Either you’re in or not.
Let’s say you have to match 5 criterias they set up, like doing daily pvp, pve and wvw, playing 5+ hours a day, 100+ posts in forum, 20k AP, etc. etc. and you only match 4 at the time they checked (and you maybe had 99 posts in the forum and 19,999 AP). That would also suck, while people with new accounts, playing for 2 months now could match to 5 criterias.
What if they make a little contest, in which you have to program a small piece of code, because they only want software developers in the beta. Wouldn’t that be unfair too?

So, as bad as this sounds, RNG is just as fair as everything else. Trying hard to get the portal is always a pain, believe me, I had to farm like 30-40 hours before I got my drop, and that was like 10 minutes before I was going to give up for good. (Usually I am “in favor of the RNG gods”)
I got mine by clearing the south waypoint in sw all by myself shortly before vinewrath event. After killing one of these mordrems there was a “chest” on the floor (just like when u get a rare/exotic item). This chest contained the portal.

At the end, it’s only just a beta. No one knows what you will see there. Maybe it’s the same as in the first beta. Maybe you’re forced to do Jumping Puzzles with max sized Charrs. Or it’s between 3am and 4am on a Wednesday. No one knows. It could be fun, it could also suck.
So my recommendation is, to only play sw when you have nothing better to do. And don’t try too hard to get it. Just have fun there and don’t care so much for a closed beta. There might be enough open ones until the release of HoT.

And about all these “got mine within 10 minutes posts”. The chat code was out like 1hr after patch. So do not believe when people are posting stuff like that. Also some keep farmind and are reposting their portal again and again. So it looks like a lot of people get portals but that’s not the case.

Anyways, I only wish you all the best and most luck to still get one of these portals!

What to do with the gold.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


The main reason I say don’t go for a legendary is in about six months you will be dead tired of how your character looks, and you will go to redo it with a new outfit or new armors that are added, and then your legendary will no longer match and you will have wasted all of that time since you can’t sell it. After that, the only way to make use of it is to move it to an alt who it will look good on.

This depends a lot on the legendary weapon someone got. While some of them are really hard to match with anything, others might be fitting to more skins. With the new specializations in HOT the legendary might fit to a new character, to another class. This might make it interesting again.
Also for some people legendaries are some sort of feel-good-symbol. To show the “i am rich” – status. Some find it nice to have some lightning bolts around their weapon etc. etc.
So I would not go with “don’t get a legendary” but more with “think carefully before getting one”. Btw.. with HOT there will be new legendaries. Maybe they fit way better to armor. So maybe keep that money and wait for the new skins. They might be awesome!

Another option is to save the gold to buy HoT. It may be offered in the gemstore, similar to how the digital delux upgraded is offered now. This means that when it finally comes out, you wouldn’t have to spend a dime of real money ($50 is approximately 1000 gold right now). ArenaNet hasn’t yet confirmed if this will be possible though, so it is a hit or miss investment…

ArenaNet (Gaile Grey) has already confirmed, that you cannot get it via gems!
Link to post

Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Contest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I’ll be posting a list of winners (by display name) so that’s another way we can coordinate all the information to make sure the winners get their prizes.


any news?
please also post in other language forums.


Re-Read the op…

RANDOM DRAWING: Potential winners will be selected in a random drawing on or about May 8, 2015* *from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

*WINNER NOTIFICATION: *Potential winners will be notified via e-mail from an ArenaNet staff member to the winner’s forum account & will have 72 hours from notification to respond to Sponsor. The failure to respond to such notification or a potential winner’s noncompliance with these Official Rules may result in disqualification, & at Sponsor’s sole discretion, prize may be awarded to an alternate winner.

So we have to wait a few more days

(edited by Schumi.4285)

Dailies are still no good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


In case some were wondering why my reaction was so strong, well, it’s quite simple.
As an AP hunter I am sad, that daily playing is being rewarded so much at all while getting those few AP to have more than others is so extremely hard to manage.
And then I see people QQing about not getting 10 AP for basically doing nothing at all.
As stated before, try to get 20 AP a day, 10 for dailies and 10 any other way… let’s see how many days you can manage to do that.
Imho QQing about dailies is because players are too spoiled with free AP.
You already get stuff just for logging in. No need to do 5 daily tasks to get these laurels, no need to farm anything to get an exotic item now and then, even T7 stuff is given away for free once a month (if you choose that option).
Dailies were so extremely boring before the new system, because you got 1 AP per task. So you had to do 10 Tasks for 10 AP. That took quite a while to accomplish.

Now you have to do such horrible horrible tasks like visit a vista in shiverpeaks.
Wow, port to Hoelbrak and walk 20 steps, there you go.
Now harvest 4 plants in Maguuma. Port to Metrica and harvest 4 Potatoes (close together in a field) or those 4 salads south of Beetletun in Kryta.
Two tasks, each 1 minute of work.

Then jump into PVP on a RankFarm X caps server with whatever character you want. Follow other players to the point under B and use standard attacks on enemies. Don’t bother to skill yourself, thats not neccessary. Just attack them and fall down like everyone else. If u managed to hit 3 people, you got your 3 PvP Killcount and if it’s daily you can leave immediately. If not, repeat until one team gets to 500 points. You should get some rank points at least and by that get at least 1 PvP daily reward.
PvP Timeframe 1-5 mins (5 if people are doing it wrong )

Congrats, you just received 10 AP for doing basically nothing at all and spending maybe 5 mins beside your daily routine.

See what I am saying? 5 Minutes of your time, simple tasks, now try getting 10 APs by doing something else.

Do it for 28 days and then come back and tell me which 10 APs were easier to get.

Besides that, I already got some ascended rings, weapon and armor chests out of PvP reward track boxes. And I am not playing PvP besides my daily routine.

I hope you are now able to understand what I am saying and why I am thinking that getting 3 points per task etc is nothing but spoiled in my eyes.
Before this system it was 1 AP per daily. Would you be happier with that?
How about a 1-1-8 AP meta system? At least 1 AP if there’s nothing in for you ?
Still ok? Or how about a 1-1-1-1-6 system with 5 dailies per 10 points.

The most funny part about all daily QQ threads is that everyone’s basically saying they don’t care about dailies any more, since they got so specific and everything but like everyone is demanding at least some APs for daily playing.

But was finding 30 white animals or rezzing 5 dead players not quite specific too? Didn’t you go to specific places to find dead players or these white creatures too?

Running after like 10 different things every day took quite more time.

Now it’s way easier, it only takes 5 minutes of your time. Think about that!

Dailies are still no good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


My fix for this:
‘Daily meta’
Tier 1 : Complete 1 daily – 3 AP
Tier 2 : Complete 2 daily – 3 AP
Tier 3 : Complete 3 daily – 4 AP
Total: 10 AP for 3 dailies (same as now)

This seems to be a nice fix for YOUR way to play.
But why not make it T1: 8AP, T2: 1AP, T3: 1AP ???
Or maybe 1-1-8 ?

You see, there are many ways to handle this and there will always be some unhappy people. But to be honest, if you don’t even care enough to do 3 simple dailies for 10 AP, why bother at all? It’s just 10 AP. Not tons of gold or anything. And if these 10 AP were so important to you, you would find a way.
There are PVP rank farm servers. All you do is run to a point, attack some people and fall to death. No PvP Skills or experience required. This will give you 1-3 dailies every day! So everything blocking you from 10 AP is your own personal behaviour. I don’t want to do this or that. Well, that’s your bad. No AP for you!
WvW Players have to kill thousands of dolyaks in hundreds of WvW hours to get 3 AP.
And people are still whining about 5 mins spent in PvP or travelling to PvE places they don’t like for 10 AP. Are you kidding me?

Let me say it again for everyone out there whining about the new daily system:
It’s as simple as this: If 10 APs are not worth it for you to get up and do something, then forget about them. If you REALLY REALLY want them, pull your head out of your a….. and do something for it.

All it takes now is 5 minutes of (maybe uncomfy) work and you get 10 APs. Not worth it? Then don’t do it! But don’t try to change something that 99% of the GW2 population are enjoying.

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


500G may seem like an entirely arbitrary number, but I guarantee it is not. I took a look at our mail data (believe me, you guys really like mail and there is a lot of data) and set the value based on that. At 500G, it is not only functionally effective, but also it will only impact 0.175% of our players during an entire month’s worth of mails (if an account would hit the restriction once per month/30 days).

I already tripped over some limitations with my new account I bought like 3 weeks ago.
I sent like 100g to this account to buy gems and unlock some parts of living story season 2. Then I sent another 100g to get the 200g achievement. Now I want to send 100g back and there it is… an annoying message that I can’t. Now I have to wait to send 100g back to my main account just because of these limitations.
Another problem I see: I am in a very small guild. We all know each other personally, have met in real life and even meet from time to time. In our guild we see money as what it is, fun. So if anyone finds a precursor and wants to craft the legendary but does not have the money, people send money so it can be built. That person then sells the legendary and sends the money back to the people. Something that now won’t work again.

So I already know 2 cases in which all this “protection” stuff is more of a problem than an advantage for me.

My solution: Simple.
Just add the guild membership time to your limitations.
Let’s say I am more than 6 months in a guild. Isn’t that worth something? Doesn’t that mean something? I mean come on, someone being 6 month in the same guild should have access to stuff (if the guild rank fits). Why limit 2+year old guilds with members being there for 2+years at all? Just give them free access to as much money they want.
What about friends lists. 2 years of friendship should be enough prove to not be a gold seller.

That’s the whole point, isn’kitten Limit short-time guild memberships to 100g, 1+ month to 250g, etc. etc.
No one would join a gold sellers guild and pay today and get gold within 12 months (e.g. full access to 5k gold).
A system like this will limit hackers to transfer gold to other accounts (no friendships, no guild memberships), will limit gold sellers (same reasons) but won’t affect friends playing together for a long time or people stuffing gold to their “private” guilds to not have to worry about the TP.

Please ANet don’t just limit people because of gold sellers, even those mentioned 0.175% are players that should be valuable to you. Think about them too. Give them a chance to play the way they are used to.


Town Clothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Wait, they converted into tonics? I thought they were just removed. Why don’t I have any?

Just visit the black lion armor guy in lions arch or divinitys reach etc. and talk to him. He will convert your town clothes etc.
You have to do this with EVERY CHARACTER! That way everything will get converted.

[Suggestion] Change Ascended Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Wouldn’t it be nice to have an item to change the stats of a piece of ascended equipment? (…)

First of all, the idea is good, but I don’t think it should be done with ascended items.
ANet should bring legendary armor with this ability, and make that armor almost as difficult to craft than legendary weapons.
We would need a new crafting component, because who would buy blood for 60s/piece when you could craft it with totems at like 30s/piece and just change stats.
Something like this would totally mess up T6 material prices. They would all end up at 60s/piece and lots of people would be QQing about the expensive price.

The fact that loot boxes have “useless” stats is only because the whole game only has like 2-3 useful stats, because the other stats are NOT REQUIRED.
So instead of keeping stats useless, they should change content so that it makes sense to wear cleric or shaman or whatever equipment. Some berserk killing mob extremely hard to dodge with tons of damage to one-hit berserks. That way people might consider using something else. But that’s another topikittenil then these stats might be useless but still should not be changeable.

Ascended items are cheap in comparison to legendary weapons, but still offer the same values. It’s probably cheaper to build an ascended sword with each of the different stats than crafting the legendary sword.
And that way it should be with legendary armor. If you want the luxury of changing stats, spend lots of time and gold.

Gemshop is also a bad idea, since it might be considered pay2win and also might raise the gold/gem exchange to the extreme.

So, referring to your original question it’s a nay for me but a yes for legendary craftable armor.

what does pvp magic find affect?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


whenever you complete a part of the reward path you will get a chest. Sometime it’s a weapon chest from the dungeon, the other times it’s a loot chest.
Something like “Champion Mouth of Zhaitan Loot Box” from the arah path.
Afaik it affects the loot in these loot boxes.
At least we recognized a certain raise in ascended drops from these boxes during the boost weekend.

Please Come to Console.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


The problem with consoles (their hardware) is that they are great when announced, good when released, outdated after a year and old after two years.
The same goes for PCs obviously. But you CAN upgrade a computer but not a console.
So you can develop new content, designed for faster computers, use new directx versions etc. on PC but not on console.
If a game has a console version, content always has to be playable with the console, even after 5 years on a dead system.
So consoles are the biggest brakes in game development.

And because of that I truly hope that never ever ANet thinks about any port of GW2 for consoles, tablets or any other hardware brakes. Better use resources for future-proof engine upgrades, performance optimizing and support of new technologies for an even better gaming experience.

Look forward not back!

Ascended Weapon Cost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


2 shiny vs. 1 shiny

it’s all about the skins.

So 2 weapons unlock 2 skins, while 1 weapon unlocks 1 skin.
There’s your explanation

NEW update problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


The game will only download the required files, not the whole game again.
It might start with some big files, for example videos. So it will download 10 files of 1000 required files (1%) but with a size of 200MB.
So 200MB = 1% but then the 999 remaining files are all 10KB in size, so 10 MB = 99%
In this case the patch would be 210MB and said 1% at 200 MB downloaded.
This is the problem with percentages pointing to remaining files.

Don’t worry about the patch size, since you will see the percentages rise fast when downloading lots of small files.

Comparing gw2.dat file sizes is also useless since it depends on your client / language setting (and maybe some other things too).
Setting ingame language to english but client to spanish may give a different file size than setting ingame language to spanish but client to english (or obviously any other language combinations). Also if an event was only temporary and might not be needed any more, it’s possible that some files won’t be loaded now. My dat size is 24.0 GB, just btw (voice english, text german).

Last but not least:
You can cancel the download at any time, the files you already downloaded won’t have to be downloaded again! So if it said 5.000 files in the beginning and you close at 4.123 remaining and then open it again, it will continue at 4.123 remaining.

What happens to my arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Schumi.4285



I was playing with the idea to get my own PVP arena, to play with some friends, maybe do some daily reward points etc.
In the wiki I read that it costs 200g to create my own arena. It will be “alive” for 30 days.
When the 30 days are over, I have to extend by either tokens from black lion chests or for gold.
Now I was wondering… let’s say I do not want to extend since nobody is playing any more after these 30 days. Then after like 2 more weeks, me and my friends want to play again.

So my question is: Will my arena still be available so I can extend it or do I have to pay 200g again since it got a timeout.
Will it become a permanent gold sink for me or can I just let it rest for a while?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Can my pc run GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


It should be enough to run Guild Wars 2 but running and enjoying are always 2 different things.
I know it’s always a matter of how much money you can and want to spend. The problem with this configuration is that it might be enough now. But what if the new expansion has bigger levels, more enemies, bigger fights. For low-end systems this always results in even lower graphics settings and less details etc. So at the end your great and beautiful GW2 graphics might end up as some low quality goo on your screen.
To make it short: Yes, it should run on this system but it won’t be lots of fun. Especially when going to world boss events it won’t run smooth.

To be honest, the specs you posted are some of an already outdated computer. Gamers would replace these computers now to get new ones.

If you want a system where it starts to be fun you should consider something like:
AMD A8 / AMD FX 8-core or even better Intel i5 or i7
extra graphics adapter like nvidia gtx 470 or even better 970
8 GB of RAM
and optional (to load maps faster) kitten-Harddrive.

If you stay somewhere in between these specs you should get a good experience. The higher you go the better it will be. And the longer it will take until you need a new computer.

Can you list some gaming pc you think will be good with the game and my price range is 400-500 if you reply thanks

Do you need a complete PC with everything or only components of which you can assemble the computer?
400-500 of what currency?
And in what country do you want to buy the computer?

I checked some computers in the UK
AMD Computer Link 1
Intel i5 Computer Link 2

The AMD Computer only has a quad-core (4-core) processor, that could be a bit better..
The Intel Computer only has 4GB of RAM… 8 would be fine…

And both don’t have an operating system, so you would have to get windows and install it yourself.

400-500 pound / euro for a complete system and good in gaming is almost impossible.
Because if we start to calculate: 100 for windows, 50 (maybe even 100) for case and power supply, 50 for harddrive, and that’s already half our budget. We still need mainboard, cpu, ram, graphics adapter, etc.
If you know someone who can assemble a computer from its parts its always cheaper, so maybe check if that’s an option for you too.
Or start with a computer like one of these mentioned above and when you saved some money, upgrade some components. Adding a better graphics adapter or upgrading RAM is something everyone can do.

What to do until HoT expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Thanks for the replies but please stick to the original question which is:

What previous GW2 content would you love to see back in game until HoT release and how to match it into current game state (lore compatible)?


Making Jumping puzzle alive again [SOLUTION]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I love JPs and did every single one in the game more than once. I loved the clock tower and jumped up there just for fun. So I do love the idea of making them more rewarding.
As cruel and hard as this may sound I think not being “young” or “fit” enough to do them should not be an argument against that. Since you can do other things to get rewards. So if all you can do is doing the boss train, well then do it and get rewards there. No one forces you to do jumping puzzles.
BUT – and this is important – forbidding a mechanic like a mesmer portal should be a no go. This should always be available.
The reason is simple: Other situations.
If a mesmer manages to hide inside an enemy keep and ports his team in, lets say other mesmers which again port etc. and at the end 80 people are in and killing the lord, should they also get a smaller reward since they did not open the doors with rams?

What if people join the karka queen fight when queen is at like 10%? Should they not get rewards since they did not shoot off her armor?

If you restrict place A you should also restrict place B.

Can my pc run GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


It should be enough to run Guild Wars 2 but running and enjoying are always 2 different things.
I know it’s always a matter of how much money you can and want to spend. The problem with this configuration is that it might be enough now. But what if the new expansion has bigger levels, more enemies, bigger fights. For low-end systems this always results in even lower graphics settings and less details etc. So at the end your great and beautiful GW2 graphics might end up as some low quality goo on your screen.
To make it short: Yes, it should run on this system but it won’t be lots of fun. Especially when going to world boss events it won’t run smooth.

To be honest, the specs you posted are some of an already outdated computer. Gamers would replace these computers now to get new ones.

If you want a system where it starts to be fun you should consider something like:
AMD A8 / AMD FX 8-core or even better Intel i5 or i7
extra graphics adapter like nvidia gtx 470 or even better 970
8 GB of RAM
and optional (to load maps faster) kitten-Harddrive.

If you stay somewhere in between these specs you should get a good experience. The higher you go the better it will be. And the longer it will take until you need a new computer.

disabling gems -> gold conversion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


So you define what Pay 2 Win is?

Isn’t Pay 2 Win simply Paying too Win? And if winning it getting the best cosmetics, is paying to get the best cosmetics not paying to win?

Why would paying for stats be pay to win? Because getting best stats is winning for you?

What are best cosmetics? Please define it!
I think for example that the legendary greatswords are just so plain ugly and I’d prefer a 5g greatsword. So in my humble opinion a 5g skin is better than a 3000g skin. So is it a pay2lose now? Since I can buy money to buy crappy skins? Cosmetics are about personal preferences. If you think ALL gemstore items are more beautiful or the more valuable the skin the better, then it might be pay2win for you. But not for a lot of other players.

disabling gems -> gold conversion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


You do know that the gold -> gem and gem -> gold ratios are affected by how much players trade in either direction? If you trade gold -> gem you basically buy the gems that someone else traded gem -> gold
tl;dr No, don’t disable it!

Yep I know that and that’s why the price has risen from 3g per 800 gems when I started to – what’s it currently? – 100 gold per 800 gems now.
The point of my “IF-” part was that the gold to gem exchange is favoring traders and lucky people over those having to work hard for 100 gold. Those whose prayers are not heard by RNGesus have to work hard for 100g. So IF there was no such exchange and everyone had to buy gems to get gemstore items, good, valuable drops worth the time you had to work for would not be such a problem to ANet.
Yes, the prices for gems would rise if people were getting better drops and buying gems for it, but that would make a gem to gold exchange also more interesting for gem buyers.

I hope you can understand my point now.

On the other hand, I don’t care about the current system since I know how to get gold ingame but also buy gems for cash to support ANet.

What to do until HoT expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Since no release date for HoT has been given it might probably take some more time until it gets released. News talk about demo versions etc. so we might have some free time to spend until we can explore the maguuma jungle.
I understand that ANet is quite busy with this addon, so I respect the fact that no new content is coming until then but what about simply adding “old” content?

What do you think would be worth coming back to game until HoT release?

- Molten Facility (Link) – put an asura portal in the areas it was and an asura in front of it with one dialog saying they built it as a temporary attraction to replay it. (I know, a part of it is in fractals but it would still be fun doing the whole thing again!)
- Super Adventure Box – No achievements required, no new levels required, just activate it so people can play and spend some time plus get some skins for their wardrobe – this won’t harm anyone. Or is there a problem with megaservers not allowing the SAB to open again? Then people should be refunded for their coin (which lies around dead in inventory for 1 year+.
- The crown pavilion – so many people donated on wintersday, why is queen jennah not opening this fun area as some sort of appreciation?

Lore problem? Nope – New recruits must be trained, so why not open new training areas like mentioned for new heroes getting ready for maguuma jungle?

So all it takes are like a few portals, maybe some characters with 1 dialog page and that’s it. And people have fun waiting for HoT instead of running to other games or only checking in periodically. Plus new players can learn something about previous events.

What previous GW2 content would you love to see back in game until HoT release and how to match it into current game state (lore compatible)?

(edited by Schumi.4285)

Any tips, tricks or advice?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


First of all, make sure you bring some time with you. Crafting a legendary requires time, at least the first one does.
The next thing you should do is to decide which one you want to craft and what the requirements for that legendary weapon are.
Now you should have a plan what to look for and about how much money it takes to get there. Still interested? Ok, go on…

Since you have been playing WvW for a long time, you should have some karma available. Go and get 500 obsidian shards, if you have space in your bank. Don’t buy 500 but fill your bank until you have 500. Get some globs of ectoplasm and some mystic coins. Then use them (with crystals / stones) to craft mystic clovers. You will need 77 clovers, so keep on crafting them in the mystic forge. While creating clovers you will get some T6 materials along with other stuff you might need later.
Besides crafting clovers you should now spend your time to get all maps to 100% completion. So visit every vista, every poi, do every quest and so on. You will have to do this with one character every 2 legendaries you want to craft, since you will get 2 gifts of exploration per 100% map completion character. And you will need one of these to craft the leg. weapon.
Now, these are the basics you should do to start crafting the legendary weapon. When you got all this done, you got some materials for completing maps and for crafting clovers. And you got some gold also. So the amount of gold you require for the rest of the materials already went down. Maybe use some online legendary calculator to calculate what else you need.
Congratulations – as stupid as this may sound – you finished the hard part (at least according to some other wvw players).
Now just keep farming money / materials wherever you like, Cursed Shore, Silver wastes, Frostgorge Sound, Southsun Cove (for T6 blood).
As soon as you got the money and bought the remaining components (or farmed them) put all the stuff in the mystic forge and voila, there you go.

- T6 Material can be crafted with T5 material
- This also works for lodestones
- But watch prices! Sometimes it’s cheaper to buy T6 material.
- If you have laurels, you can get T6 material for it (laurel merchant)
- Precursors are a random drop, either have that luck or buy it.

disabling gems -> gold conversion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


A short definition of “pay2win-Games” from Urban Dictionary:
Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

You can neither buy better gear nor can you craft them faster as anyone actually playing the game. Even if you buy the best gear (i.e. legendary weapons) then you’re still not stronger as someone with ascended gear. You may look more shiny but that’s about it. So there’s also no imbalance given.

Side note: You would even have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get legendary weapons.

So, OP, there is absolutely no p2w given here.

p2ls (pay to look shiny) maybe but it’s not for the win

Not even the “boosters” in the shop will give you advantages to someone actually knowing how to handle his character by playing for a while.

the topic is interesting anyways since:

- ANet makes money with the shop
- ANet only makes money if people buy gems for real cash, not for gold.
- This said, giving tons of gold to players actually harms their own income.
- Because they don’t want to destroy their income, RNGesus does not listen to your prayers.
- Drops are not worth a lot.

so IF (and that’s a big, big IF) ANet removes the gold→gem conversion and people had to actually spend real cash to get gem store stuff, ingame drops could be way better and everyone could have one or two legendary weapons easily, because it does not matter if people are hoarding gold. Traders could not buy fancy costumes, not even with 1000s and millions of gold.
But as long as gold interferes with ANets monthly income, you will always find gold sinks and RNGesus mechanisms all over the game.

Just my 2 cents…

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I would love to see some more individually designable legendary weapons.

You can buy “shoelaces” for 10k wvw tokens.
Rainbow shoelaces give some sort of bifrost effect, pitch black shoelaces give the twillight effect, disco shoelaces, flower shoelaces etc. etc. for all the different effects.
By completing a pvp path you get a token to add another part to your weapon, something like making it “flower-power-style”, another one gives a dark shadow to the weapon.
For Map completion you can select the glow on your character and so on.

So everyone can create their own personalized legendary to fit their wishes best. Of course these weapons have to be account bound, since selling a combination like this in trading post would be difficult.
But that way the weapons would be truly legendary again and not some sort of expensive skin. And people would have to work hard for them and think what might fit their wishes best.

Optional: Components can be replaced any time. If you don’t like your rainbow footsteps, you can change them later by buying the required component.

By making them fully customizable there would not have to be a discussion about what is more legendary – Gothic or rainbow. Some prefer dark, some prefer light, some prefer rainbow. Why not let the players choose for themselves.
Imho twilight is ugly, sunrise even worse. But bifrost is beautiful. Just like my “pony-bow”. But that’s my opinion. I don’t want everyone to have to shoot rainbow unicorns just because I like it And I hope no one forces me to wear gothic dark weapons on all my beautifully skinned and colored characters, since gothic would not fit my armors at all.

Can I lvl up a friends char (his account) ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I really dont know of anyone getting banned because letting someone else log in with his account, BUT:

9. (b) Each Account may only be used by one person. (…)

Germans get the caveat that people living in the same household are allowed to get access to same account. Dunno about other countries.

Imho this section means that there has to be one “main” user of the account. You can not buy and use an account together with some friends. Like friend a may play from 8-12, friend b from 12-4, friend c from 4-8 etc.
Also you are not allowed to make an account publicly available.
And – and this is the most important part I believe – you are not allowed to transfer the account to someone else, like on ebay etc. Because then the account would be used by more than one person. It’s bound to the one person who bought it.

I think ANet won’t ban people for helping friends or logging in to get daily rewards or anything for them. I can not guarantee nor will I encourage people to do this, but I see this realistic mixed with some idealism.
Why would ANet have a problem with this? There are so many bots, cheaters, spammers, scammers and other bad guys out there worth being banned. Why should they ban someone for actually helping a friend?
If they ban both, one for using another person’s account and the other one for sharing the account they will lose 2 people caring about the game so much they wanna pull people in (by leveling their characters) or helping them (by doing dailies while friends are unable (hospital etc.)). That would be a really bad idea for a publisher banning those people enjoying the game most.

As stated before, this is my opinion, I can not guarantee for your safety. All I do is hoping that ArenaNet feels the same way as I do and loves their fans as much as their fans love them!

An official statement would be nice though….

anyone else not into living story stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I hate to say it, but I stopped caring about the story after level 60 or so when we were sidelined and Trahearne took center stage. The personal story was really nice at first and I enjoyed it a lot. Until plant man stumbled into the scene and was crowned lord savior of our realm.

I missed living story one as well, so I can never catch up. So the story will essentially never mean anything to me since I don’t know the characters anymore or what actually happened.

If you really care about what happened and don’t want to be tortured by playing in the shadow of “Mr.Tree is always right”, read what happened in Wiki or watch the story in youtube. I am sure you will find a summary there.
In case this will bring your interest back, find a friend having ls season 2 and ask him to play everything with you. If that person is a good friend, that person will help!
And there you are, back in the game, up to date and understanding what’s happening in the expansion.

If you don’t care about anything, have fun doing all the events and stuff all over the map where no knowledge of any living story is necessary at all!

Or did anyone ever need to know how southsun cove was introduced in ls season 1 to kill the karka queen now?

BTW: Yep, Trahearne killed the story, 100% ack! That’s why he has to die @ ANet! Pls! And make US slaughter HIM! With the fiery axe of tree shredding eternal pain! (Man, how I’d love to see that weapon in the game!)

oh and @ OP:
the expansion will continue where ls season 2 ended. But it’s not just a story expansion. It will add content, areas, character development, new legendary weapons and a lot of more stuff to the game.

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Yep and because of that, scaling is not the problem. But lots of other things are! See above!

People will be people. Larger events, Vinewrath included, hardly ever fail.
So no problem.

Have you been lately in silver wastes at around 5-6pm on Sundays? When all the casual gamers are on. On a non-organized server? You can see a lot of failures there.
I have seen like 10-20 ppl lying around not WPing during boss 2 fight in one single try (most of them dead within the first 120 seconds of the fight).
And like 3 vw event fails in a row. Maybe you were lucky with your servers…

Arguing that events hardly fail is btw not solving the issue of the discussion here, it’s more not wanting to accept other arguments.

>>People in my neighborhood almost never die of hunger so there is no hunger/poverty problem on this earth and no need to change anything.
People will be people.<<
Do you see the flaw in this argumentation?

anyone else not into living story stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Well, if you watch Season 1 of a TV show, then not bother to watch Season 2, 3 and 4 but return in Season 5 how do you manage to pick up the story without buying (or renting) the missed story (illegal sources do not count!)? Season 2 was free, all you had to do was logging in once in 2 weeks. This was announced. If you did not bother then and now do, you have to pay something for it. And not even real money, since you can exchange your gold for gems. If you don’t have enough gold, go get some.
Or read in Wiki what happened instead of enjoying the game itself. It’s your choice.

And btw… the living story is just a little background story for opening new map content. Map content, everyone can enjoy now for free, no matter if ls was played or not.

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I’ll just leave this here :

“Events can detect that players have not performed any actions relating to the event within a period of time and will scale down the event accordingly.”

I understand that it takes time for “downscaling”, but that would be no different to dead players not scaling the event.

Yep and because of that, scaling is not the problem. But lots of other things are! See above!

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I’m going to preface this by putting it in the context of the Golem Mk II event.


Within the first 30 seconds of the event, all I see on the minimap is a platform full of skulls and cross-bones. The platform is essentially a graveyard. I find a lot of these people will not resurrect themselves at the nearby waypoint. Instead they’ll expect others (I see it happen daily) to resurrect them and put their own lives at risk. It’s dangerous and selfish.

For a fight like Golem Mk II, I’ve stuck around on the ground not because I expect to be revived, but because I’m trying to pick up the mechanics of the fight without someone teaching me. I enjoy that process of discovery and trial and error, and hanging around for a minute to see what’s happening to other people helps me piece together how the fight works.

Plus, it’s not like you can make Golem Mk II fail, or like there’s much of a time investment leading up to it.

Edit: Maybe I should just start typing “Do Not Resuscitate” in /say or something so that people don’t feel bad about ignoring me.

Ok but why aren’t you staying like 5 steps outside of the danger zone while alive and watch the mechanics? You can do that too while alive. Or watch a youtube video for mechanics? Most world bosses are easy to understand and you will know the mechanics within 1 minute.
By lying around dead, you trap other people into helping you which might get electrocuted.

But yes, MKII will always go down in time, so I guess it’s not that big of a deal. But you know… people watching MKII mechanics might also be watching Teq mechanics and Vinewrath mechanics, 3 headed worm mechanics and so on. And with some bosses it really makes a difference. And it sends a wrong signal to others. It should be common sense to run. But if too many players lie around, new players won’t port either.
I don’t care if you lie dead at MKII, I will ask all dead to port and I won’t rezz you, so we’re both good but please do not do this at harder bosses! Thanks

Feedback and Personal Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


1. LOOT – There doesn’t seem to be any kind of specific loot table implemented as of yet…

As stated before, afaik there are loot tables. Basically a level 1 enemy could drop a precursor weapon but maybe with a 1:1 gazillion chance. While level 80 mobs maybe have a 1:1000 chance. So it might seem as if both give mostly the same loot, but it’s not like that!

2. BOSS LOOT – As stated above, I have personally fought boss after boss. World bosses included.

The only guaranteed drop with world bosses is one rare item. Once per day.
But the world bosses have specific skins, which are almost only obtainable there.
Like that staff from Behemoth or the valuable things like rhendaks item or dwaynas items.

3. MAP COMPLETE – Ok, this is very annoying to me, and I am sure to a lot of others too.

You probably meant WvW. People are complaining about this since almost the beginning and it seems as if ANet is finally changing this. According to some rumors (screen shots of map completion not needing the amount of things you can explore in WvW) you might not need WvW for map completion any more when the addon is being released.
!!! This is not confirmed yet, though !!!

4. DAILIES – Ok, I thought when this was first changed, that it was going to be better. I was wrong again however.

Actually it has become easier. I know, a lot of people don’t want to play PvP or WvW and may restrict themselves to PvE. Well, that’s your choice. But think about this:
I don’t wanna go PvP, don’t wanna go WvW, don’t wanna leave queensdale, don’t wanna fight, don’t wanna have to spend money for harvesting tools etc. etc.
The more I don’t want to do the less I can actually do or achieve.
So if you WANT to have the daily reward, you might have to do something you don’t like that much. So let’s give you some very very very easy examples:

- WvW: Kill a WvW Veteran creature: Most of these are located close to your spawn point (no matter what color you are). You will probably not see any enemy player here and you can kill that creature just as if you were in PvE
- WvW: Kill some guards: Might be a bit more difficult and you might see some enemy players. If not, same as before. These are just veterans, protecting a supply camp. Kill 5 of them, and it’s done.
- WvW: Obtain some land. Have you seen those little flags on the map? There’s ONE veteran. Kill him and step into circle until it’s yours. Done.
- PvP: Get some rank points. The only thing you have to do is maybe kill one player. Stick with your team and it’s done so easily. Or step into an area to take control of it. Again, stick with your team. It’s so easy to achieve. As soon as one team reaches 500 Points, the round is over and you will get your rank points. That’s it. Yep so easy.
- PvP: Take control of an area: As stated before, stick with your team and you will see, that’s an easy task. Or maybe walk to an unprotected one and get it all by yourself!

Special PvP hint: If you got 1 friend (yeah just one!) select an empty server (0/x), get to different teams and each one of you take control of different areas. Until other players join (if at all) you’re done and you will get your rank points no matter what happens then. Just stay in until one tick reaches 500. If the daily task was to take control of one area, you’re already done at that point and can leave immediately when both are done.
In that case, PvP took you like 30 seconds of your time…

So by not restricting yourself to one game mode, you can actually do the daily within like 5 minutes now (depending on which tasks you have it’s even doable in like 2-3 minutes). 10 AP for 5 minutes of work. Now tell me it has not become easier
It’s all about the restrictions you put on yourself. Stay open minded for other game modes and you will see how easy it can be. Believe me!

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Let me try to explain the problem I see with dead people lying around:

Let’s take a look at the vinewrath fight:

What people should do:
- during lane fight: Build up defense weapons (catapults, arrow carts, etc.), kill enemies, protect sieges.
- during boss fight: Kill Boss, destroy objects (pustules, “flowers” (boss 3))

Now, the boss fight lasts for example 2 more minutes and someone dies.
That player decides to lie around for the rest of the time waiting to be rezzed.

By lying around dead the player does:
- Pull people from damaging boss to pick him up
- By this prevents people from doing damage to boss and by that risking to fail the event.
- Also rezzing people do not destroy pustules etc. and by that risking to be in a big aoe field when pustule explodes and by that are lying in down state there too.
- Dead people might get rezzed before the players in down state, making them get killed too and start the whole problem again.
- Boss 2 might stun rezzing people who might miss the window to step in front of the boss.

What the dead players could have done instead of:
- WP and run back to the lane.
- Start building defense weapons while others are finishing the boss
- Give their lanes a good start when people return from fight.
- Rezz the people dying within the last 15-30 seconds (no need for them to run any more)
- Have their skills and health ready when lane starts again instead of being in regeneration and reorientation phase after rezz.

So what you see is that the big problem is not scaling the event up, the bigger problem is distracting others from fighting. They might have to use a dodge to get out of reviving others and by that not being able to dodge when they need one to survive.
People lying around dead are simply NO HELP AT ALL, while people WPing and running back, can prepare the next defense and be of some use at least.

That should be the main reason for WPing. You saving one silver by not WPing might cost you 2s as event reward plus the chance for a 800g item and might be ruining the event for everyone. So stop being selfish and only think about your own money and own loot and start thinking as a big team. We can only win as a team. Not as a bunch of selfish lone warriors.
Everyone being too lazy to port and run or too cheap to pay 1 or 2 silver should consider playing a single player game instead of a multiplayer game.
And compared to other MMOs GW2 is way nicer in giving players loot since you don’t have to roll a dice for maybe getting loot. So stop the selfish thoughts you learned from other games and do something useful for everyone fighting to make events a success.

’Nuff said. Good luck, good loot and have fun playing!

(edited by Schumi.4285)

[Suggestion] Finish totally dead players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Or you know… disable ressing dead people while IN COMBAT and during a boss fight. Solves everything

Yep that would do the trick too

But some part of me would still prefer some sort of punishment for lazy non-porters

so since player’s aren’t able to be ressed, they might as well implement a forced WP after 10-30 seconds.

Will they have to pay for port?

(edited by Schumi.4285)

[Suggestion] Finish totally dead players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I have participated in dozens of boss fights and dead people not porting were always a big issue. And lots of times it was not because of up- or downscaling.
There are other way more simple things lots of people forget.

Some people seem to feel the need to pick everyone up. Even in big events. So not only is there one player lying around dead doing nothing, there’s also a living! player (and so IS upscaling the event) not doing any damage. Since resurrecting another player solo while under attack takes very long, some of these players go down themselves and by that pulling others towards them to help. So even more people are busy resurrecting and not fighting. During Vine fight some may miss the window to step to safety and so die too. And there goes the damage….

Another point is, there are 3 players dead, lying around at practically the same spot. Now someone goes in downstate there. People try to pick up the one in downstate but crap… resurrecting one of the dead. So they cancel and try again. And again they are missing. Now, because of conditions the downstate player dies. Too bad.. he could have made it if it was not for the dead players lying around!

This is not a fantasy of mine, I have seen this happening during vine fight in lane 2. Some missed the window and got stunned and died. People ran to rezz and got killed too. Someone went to down state, so someone came, set a reflect skill and started to help downstate player. About 10-15 secs later the boss went to center and that player missed the triangle. And so both died. In 10-15 secs someone in down state should be rezzed. So there must have been another reason. Maybe all the dead people lying around.

In Tequatl fights (even mostly in public ones) people got used to port and run and for some reason in 95% of all runs (probably 99.9% in organized ones), people succeed. Seems as if there is some connection, doesn’kitten

So imho even a cleric or a full tank player CAN do a good job (by setting walls, reflect etc.) and in the meanwhile heal and pick up people in down state, but ONLY if people make it easy for others.
I am almost 100% sure that most of the players lying around are either too cheap to pay 1.5silver for the port or just way too lazy to run from waypoint. So they prefer to fail before even considering to run. Because they get their loot anyways.

So maybe ANet should start their punishment there. If not getting rezzed for 15+ (or 30+) seconds (there could be a timer) and then not using wp makes you lose your guarantee for loot. So no chest for lazy people.

And if you think this is unfair, why should it be? If your colleague goes to work and picks his nose for 8 hours instead of working, do you really think he deserves the same money as you?
So while others are busy fighting the boss down and doing their jobs, it’s the job of the dead players to run and get ready to defend again, building up defense (like catapults etc.) or even helping other lanes if they are in trouble. Lying around dead helps no one.

If all people would start realizing that in GW2 we all play TOGETHER and we all want to succeed, they might get over their selfishness and act as a team, not as a single player. Too bad there are so many people only caring about their own good and their own loot.
So if you think “kitten , the event failed, I am glad, I did not port, otherwise it would have cost time and money”, congrats you’re officially a bad player!

Lying around dead also prevents people from helping others in down state or makes them forget boss mechanics for a few seconds and gets them killed to. So it’s in everyone’s interest that dead people port, no matter if upscaling or not.

Unlimited Gathering Tools - Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


You should be glad that there are people still gathering stuff.
If everyone would just play TP and not gather any more, prices would be way up.

Would you still think gathering is a waste of time, assuming prices would be 5g per Orichalcum ore?

On the other hand.. if you’re exploring maps to get 100% (yes, some people still wanna craft legendaries, not just buy them) why not gather materials on your way?

Unlimited Gathering Tools - Worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


Can someone do the math on this one? XD assuming 100g = 1000 gems

Ok, here we go:

Orichalcum harvesting Sickle (50 Uses) costs 4 silber.
25 Sickles = 1g = 1250 Uses
2500 Sickles = 100g = 125,000 Uses

Orichalcum axe / pick (100 Uses) costs 4 silber.
2500 axes / picks = 100g = 250,000 Uses

The unlimited tools as well as the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic should be seen as comfort items and not to save money. Remember, you don’t have to think about taking tools with you any more, you don’t need space for extra sickles etc in your inventory and so on. The salvage o matic is so great for doing long trains. You never have to stop at any merchant again. Just great!

Salvage-o-matic maths (just in case someone wondered):
3 copper per use, costs 800 gems.
basic salvage kit (same stats) = 88 copper (25 uses)

s-o-m = 75 copper for 25 uses.
b s k = 88 copper for 25 uses.

this means s-o-m saves 13 copper in 25 uses.

800 gems ~ 80 gold (quota from above)

80 gold = 8,000 silver = 800,000 copper
800,000 copper / 13 = about 61,538
61,538 * 25 uses = 1,538,461 uses.

So, after about 1.5 million uses you can actually save money with the s-o-m.

See, all about comfort, not about the money!

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I opened a similar thread in the german forum. Including a story about how they came into Guild Wars 2.

Actually, there is already something in the game:
[&AgHE+gAA] = Engagement Ring
[&AgHF+gAA] = Ring Box

Dunno if and when it will be implemented...

what is this medium armor‘s name is?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I believe the Skirt is the Legwear of the Viper Medium Armor Skin.