Hey, guys!
We’re looking for a medium-level raid to do once or twice a week. Our goals are to do challenging content – we already have all the LI we’ll ever need, so that’s no focus! We don’t mind being in a guild, but we might not be active outside of raid times!
What are we like?
- We’re two multiclassers, as in between the two of us we can fill any raid role twice (our first, second, third, and usually fourth specialties are full ascended).
- We’re seasoned, as in we used to do everything quite regularly. We took a break just before downing Deimos.
- We’re rusty, as in it’s been a few months since we stopped, so reflexes need a bit of work!
- Our time-zone is (currently) CEST+1!
If all of this sounds interesting, leave me a pm here, or reply!
- Jazz Seal, Seal Jazz
We are filling up our last static raids and closing recruitment tonight! If you want to apply, now’s the time!
Next recruitment campaign will be in 3 months!
Due to the overwhelming amount of applications, we’re pushing the response time till the end of the week, when we’ll also close the applications and have a look at them altogether!
Sorry for that
Hey guys!
We’re The Right Trolls [JiVE] and we are recruiting!
We are currently in the process of changing to a static raid model! So we are looking for:
1. Experienced pro/casual raiders willing to command static raids (no previous commanding experience required).
2. People who are looking for pro raids.
3. People who are looking for casual raids.
4. Exceptionally good players who are brand-new to raids.
Expect a social raiding community with no salt, good commanders, and hardcore requirements for the pro raiders. Our daily activities include T4 Fractals, PvP, goofing around, occasional map metas, and raiding most days of the week.
Our current goal is to set up static raid teams with varying goals and skill levels.
- Our requirements are 100% rep / age 18+. Participation in a static raid is optional, but will soon be the only way we guarantee raiding.
- We use Discord – mandatory. Mike recommended.
- Up until now we’ve raided 6 times a week – beginner, casual, and pro raids. Raids were scalable and we could have multiple teams at the same time. Now we’re turning all of this into static raids.
- We currently stage 6-10 separate raid teams a week.
The static raids we are currently filling will be seasonal – new teams will be set up for next season. Times will be flexible. As you can see, we’re still in the process of nailing this contraption together!
SO how’s that, Raiders? ;>
Apply here: http://bit.ly/apply_to_trolling
Questions? Contact one of us!
- Seal Jazz
- Jazz Seal
Recruitment is closed for now! Thanks for the awesome responses
See you next time!
Great applications so far! We’ve recruited plenty of you and are now open only for people willing to command!
Hey guys!
We’re The Right Trolls [JiVE] and we’ve opened applications for (listed in order of priority):
1. Experienced pro/casual raiders willing to command pro, casual, and beginner raids (no previous commanding experience required).
2. People who are looking for pro raids.
3. People who are looking for casual raids.
If you don’t fit the priority list above, never fear! We’re open to taking in anyone; our space just gets more limited, as you go lower on the priority list.
Expect a social raiding community with no salt, good commanders, and hardcore requirements for the pro raiders. Our daily activities include T4 Fractals, PvP, goofing around, occasional map metas, and raiding most days of the week.
We have separate raids that are attended by:
- Beginners (0-3 LI per week with focus on learning advanced strategies from the get-go);
- Casuals (6 LI per week with little to no trouble, also no hassle);
- Pros (9 LI in a night, with the goal to always improve).
- Our requirements are 100% rep / age 18+ / 1x weekly raid.
- We use Discord – mandatory. Mike recommended.
- We currently raid 6 times a week – beginner, casual, and pro raids. Raids are scalable, can have multiple teams at the same time.
- We currently stage 6-10 separate raid teams a week.
To make raiding within the guild more scalable, we’ve nailed it down to the following days:
- Pros – Mon & Tue 19:30 CET;
- Casuals – Wed & Fri 20:30 CET;
- Beginners – Sat & Sun morning and evening.
SO how’s that, Raiders? ;>
Apply here: http://bit.ly/apply_to_trolling
Questions? Contact one of us!
- Seal Jazz
- Jazz Seal
Hey guys!
We recently revamped our schedule, so here’s a new recruitment message!
We’re The Right Trolls [JiVE] and we’re recruiting:
- People brand-new to raiding (have beginner raids);
- People who’ve raided for a while (have casual raids);
- People who are looking for pro raids (have pro raids).
Expect a community with no salt, good commanders, and hardcore requirements for the pro raiders. Our daily activities include T4 Fractals, PvP, goofing around, occasional map metas, and raiding most days of the week.
To make raiding within the guild more scalable, we’ve nailed it down to the following days:
- Pros – Mon & Tue
- Casuals – Wed & Fri
- Beginners – Sat & Sun
- Our requirements are 100% rep / age 18+ / 1x weekly raid.
- We use Discord – mandatory. Mike recommended.
- We currently raid 6-7 times a week – beginner, casual, and pro raids. Raids are scalable, can have multiple teams at the same time.
- We raid around 19:30 CET (+/- 1 hour on different days).
- We are now recruiting responsible players who are not too afraid to lead a raid team. No commander tag or previous commanding / raid experience needed.
Interested? Contact us in-game and we’ll see what’s what! ;>
- Seal Jazz
- Jazz Seal
Hey guys!
It’s 2017 and with that, it’s time to improve and expand our guild!
We’re The Right Trolls [JiVE] and we’re recruiting:
- People brand-new to raiding (have beginner raids);
- People who’ve raided for a while (have casual raids);
- People who are looking for pro raids (have pro raids).
Expect a community with no salt, good commanders, and hardcore requirements for the pro raiders. Our daily activities include T4 Fractals (100CM as well), goofing around, occasional well-polished open-world PvE thanks to the commanders, and raiding (most days of the week).
- Our requirements are 100% rep / age 18+ / 1x weekly raid.
- We use Discord – mandatory. Mike recommended.
- We currently raid 5 times a week – beginner, casual, and pro raids.
- We raid around 19:30 CET (+/- 1 hour on different days).
- We need more commanders for all difficulty levels of the raid! That means we’re open to trainee commanders, casual commanders, and pro commanders all the same!
Interested? Contact us in-game and we’ll have a niiiiice informative chat! ;>
- Seal Jazz
- Jazz Seal
If you’re up to the challenge of raiding, we’re a social + raiding guild. Still, we have some regular PvPers and WvWers (but no strict WvW).
If you’re looking to get into a team like that, give me a shout in-game and we’ll have a chat.
Might interest both of you:
We’re a social + raiding guild. If you’re looking to get into a team like that, give me a shout in-game and we’ll have a chat.
Heya, Petredy! We’re a social + raiding guild. If you’re looking to get into a team like that, give me a shout in-game and we’ll have a chat.
Hey guys!
Happy Wintersday!
We’re The Right Trolls [JiVE] and we’re recruiting:
- People brand-new to raiding (have training raids);
- People who’ve raided for a while (have normal raids);
- People who are looking for pro raids (have pro raids).
Expect a community with no salt, good commanders, and hardcore requirements for the pro raiders. Our daily activities include T4 Fractals (100CM as well), goofing around, occasional well-polished open-world PvE thanks to the commanders, and raiding (most days of the week).
- Our requirements are 100% rep / age 18+ / 1x weekly raid.
- We use Discord – mandatory. Mike recommended.
- We currently raid 5 times a week (2 serious, 3 training).
- We raid around 19:30 CET (+/- 1 hour on different days).
- If you want to test us out, this week (19.12.2016 – 24.12.2016) is our last raiding week for the year!
- We are specifically looking for more responsible players – commanders and possible future officers.
Interested? Contact us in-game for interviews!
- Seal Jazz
- Jazz Seal
Recruitment’s still open! In other news, we’ve made the guild 100% rep!
Did I mention we offer free tuba lessons besides being awesome?
[EU] The Right Trolls. Eeeeeeveryone raids!
The guild now has a goal and a direction: Raiding.
We’re a medium-sized medium for mischief, fun, and success.
As we’re a bit more serious about raiding, here’s our set of rules:
- That you are 18+
- That you represent us 100%
- That you raid with us once a week (in one of our serious or training raids)
We currently:
+ use modern tools to keep track of our raid activity
+ raid seriously twice a week (Tue – Wed)
+ have training raids (Mon – Sat)
+ do not skip Guild Missions (Thursday)
+ organize all there is to do in PvE, when we feel like it
The standard event time is 19:30 CET!
Our goal is to grow in numbers and develop our skills together, creating a closely-knit team of beast players!
Skilled New and Skilled Experienced raiders, as well as Commanders for Training raids.
Want to be part of that?
Contact one of us online via mail or whisper!
- Papa Seal Pizzeria
- Mockingjazz
PS: We use Discord
(edited by Seal.5964)
what you have written sounds interesting. I’ll add you in-game.
- Seal
Recruitment is closed, for now.
If you are very keen on joining and have something to bring to the guild, contact us. Exceptions happen.
Kick bottoms in Tyria, and see you soon!
Microphones are not needed. Later on in the ranks, there are some challenges that involve leadership – and talking.
In fact, you will have no responsibilities until you hit Officer rank, which will be plenty of challenges later.
For the raiders, we’re currently open for all professions. However, be ready to polish everything very well in preparation for the raid!
Hello, everyone!
We are the Thornwolves. We are EU-based and cap at around 100 members, aiming to keep as many as possible active.
Our daily activities are varied. You will see regular dungeoneers, arena fighters, and a small WvW crowd based on Blacktide. There is also a huge stash of homebrew challenges waiting for everyone! On top of that, we have all the basic features unlocked for your steam-venting, node-gathering, and special-mini-buying needs. On top of a bunch of fun quirks.
So what are we looking for?
The plan is to cap at 100, but we can always improve the current 100 we have. Thus, we need leadership – people who are ready to improve their surroundings, lead teams, raids, and have the tools for that.
We are also expanding our raiding teams. We are looking for all professions, but only certain builds, so be sure to contact me online for information.
IF you are itching for a project to improve, for progress to make, or
IF you are looking for a raid to hone your skills and gear in, or
IF you want to be part of a cozy and at the same time powerful guild,
Contact me.
For a quick peek, see our website.
All the best,
Seal Narei.
THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL
Can anyone confirm this?
I can confirm. I ran across both traps, killed the wolves fast, ran into Taimi’s room, and there.
Hello, everyone!
Guild Halls are amazing! ANet deserves all the praise for doing such a good job on them, from the missions, through the development, to the decoration.
But, we cannot login in them.
I understand that they are instances and that players cannot login in instances. However, they also share some characteristics with static content. People enter them freely and the decorations are as static as they can get. Ideally, there is only one instance per guild (except when an overflow is needed).
Do you think it would be a good idea to let players login in their Guild Hall, provided that they last logged out there?
Guardian is one of my strong suites. Give me a shout in-game and I’ll bring you back up to speed
Easy! You need to trespass! Usually that involves trying to get on the outside wall of the city cube
Fun fun fun!
Hehe, you know where to find me
Aliosne is a proper fundungeoneer, I’ve seen first-hand!
There is also the option of having a super, super hard fundungeon, but only for the very brave!
I happen to RP every week! I’m not that hardcore and I can’t introduce you to any hardcore RP-ers, but I can show you the game (and give you hints where to find the real RP-ers!)
If you’re interested, hit me up in-game – EU, btw
Have great fun!
I haven’t posted in a while, but your thread drew my attention.
I believe I have what you need! However, I most likely cannot guide you through WvW, due to servers. I also have no idea which Continent you’re on.
I’m European, on Gunnar’s Hold. I’ve done all areas of the game and I’m part of a small, inspired community. You can click me to see some of the posts I’ve posted. If you like my spirit – hit me up! I’m on every night, usually!
Have great fun!
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cup_of_Potato_Fries we do have Fries! In certain places of the world, those are called “potato chips”. And it makes sense – like chips of wood, but potato chips. Maybe your friend meant that?
Last Christmas, my Secret Santa sent me an amazing present. Until the very end, I was skeptical that it would work. But my Santa sent me one, and they sent me a haiku, as well! It wasn’t so much about the present as it was about the gesture, the little things that mattered!
Mesmers benefit from bleed on crit, as well. With such gear, you can multi-task confusion and bleeding, with a Torch/Pistol
Mine is in the game directory. Under Win7, it should be in Documents. It’s not a file, but a folder.
I don’t know if you can modify it just a little, though. If you specify your own playlists, only they are going to play. You simply put everything there, from what I see. So, if you want to keep GW2’s music, you’d need to include it in the playlist yourself.
Good luck!
Aye, it’s a good idea to “do what you want to do”. Finding a good guild is key, but don’t forget you can have multiple guilds at the same time; you can only represent one.
Want to talk about the game, the guilds, or anything else?
Give me a poke in-game
Have fun!
From what I see – yes, there is an easy way to get a point! In fact, you’ll most likely get 2, at the minimum.
3 options:
Either get 1 Tormented / Destroyer / Oppressor weapon
OR get 1 hero statue
OR get 1 exotic armor
All three should be pretty simple!
I’m up for helping you, if you need said help though pm me here, or in GW2!
Amazingly, we’re stationed in GH as well, although we’re a multi-server guild! Maybe we’ve seen each other, too
Have a look:
We’d love to have you
If you’re interested, poke me in-game!
Don’t listen to whoever is saying Fractals will be incredibly difficult / impossible with lowbies. You can do them naked with a lvl 15 party! If you’re a good gamer, you’re a good gamer – you got it
According to Wikipedia, here’s what Post-Processing can be used for in 3D-rendering:
- High dynamic range rendering
- Bloom
- Motion blur
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- Cel shading
- Crepuscular rays
- Film grain simulation
- Depth of field
- Shadow mapping
Some of those are used in-game
Aye, that’s the only way you can get a custom resolution. But I’ve been having this “screen flicker” problem for a while – appears when I alt-tab a lot. Just now, with this update, it became permanent.
I’ve tried that solution and it seems the problem never appears when windowed fullscreen, yes! The only problem is you cannot have custom resolution when windowed fullscreen!
There’s also Stealth, of which you have (in order of time):
Thief > Mesmer >= Engineer
Hello there!
The Thornwolves are a guild with varied interests. We’re kind of all over the place. Our main direction is Casual Homebrews with a high skill challenge. Also, we have an interesting custom guild progression system in place.
To structure this as an alternative to Guardian’s post, we like to value attitude and personality as well – but we also put a focus on dedication and skill, leadership and “gallivanting-ness”.
Have a look here:
Have fun!
It really depends on the stat combination you are after! All – you can craft. Some, you can craft and sell, so you can buy them, too. Some are available from dungeons, as well. The safest bet is crafting them. Not necessarily the fastest or easiest.
I believe you’re looking for this?
Have fun!
Hello and welcome back to GW2!
I’m kindly inviting you to join us on Gunnar’s Hold!
For the guild or the levelling, give me a poke online!
Let’s have a look at your style:
Kill everything as fast as possible.
Guys, does that not sound like a Necromancer? Blekotak, when you want to kill “everything”, that “everything” will eventually close upon you and surround you. The hands-down best spellcaster in that scenario is the Necromancer. From Wells, through Minions, to Death Shroud. It’s a total YES.
To compare the professions’ deadly capabilities in terms of geometric shapes:
A Ranger is a deadly cone. Everything in front is in danger.
An Elementalist is a powerful discus. It takes precision to throw, and it works – but you aren’t so good when you’re expected to throw it at your own feet.
A Necromancer is a huge sea urchin with afterlife capabilities.
Enough geometry – pick a Necro.
People will say, “But Necros are not wanted in PvE…!” Necros rock.
You’re always welcome to my dungeon runs
Give me a shout in-game. We always need extra hands for our homebrews – and we’d likely be able to help with your Guild Challenges.
Let’s see what we can think of.
I agree completely with Barna, except the Guardian bit.
I read your whole wall of text and from what I see,
You will appreciate:
- flexibility in professional utility
- the capability to multi-task
So I wouldn’t recommend a Guardian. A Guardian is by no means flexible – you do not have access to many of the mechanics other classes have access to. Guardians are a bit straightforward. Not as much as Warriors, but still – the only level of skill you need is to know when to cleanse yourself, when to block, and when to dodge.
That said, from your tale, I believe a Thief or an Engineer would be the best for you.
A Thief is an utility knife. An Engineer is an utility… shovel/pick/flashbang.
First, I wouldn’t pick a Mesmer because the playstyle is very advanced. Mesmers have some easily accessible utility, like Invisibility, and Quickness. But the real, real playstyle and utility are neither straightforward, nor easily reachable.
Second, a Thief is a master tactician, as you thought. Initiative allows you to prioritize your weapon skills to their maximum effect. If you need to, you can stun someone 5 times in a row, dodge 4 extra times in a row, teleport away 4 times in a row (huge distance), and keep a bunch of mobs blinded. In short: it’s intelligent. It allows for your skill to build gradually, while the bigger part of Mesmer potential is unlocked more when you know what everyone else can do and you kind of dig into the obscure skills you have. The utilities you bring are: maximum Stealth, maximum Stunning, good Blinding, maximum Single-Target DPS, maximum Evading (for survival).
Third, an Engineer is one huge awesome multi-purpose Shovel. In many aspects, you are a Jack of All Trades. You have access to a baffling amount of skills, so you might get lost like a hamster in a haystack, if you insist on set rotations. They name it, you got it. If you apply yourself properly, you can also win the field. Any field. Utilities: medium Stealth, high CC (but spread out, so you can’t use it all at the same time), medium Boons, maximum Survival, low-medium Confusion, and… a bag of treats, really! A Personal Battering Ram. A Mobile Mortar. Access to both Reflection and Stealth. You can turn into both an Elementalist Tornado -and- a Warrior’s “Avatar” state. Don’t forget you can also opt to be immune to movement-impeding conditions.
Have great fun!
Welcome back!
Want to re-start? Make a new character!
There have been changes… you’ll see them even in the new player areas.
What you are asking is a bit complicated to explain in words. It’s more about technique.
For 1): It’s mostly about your mouse dexterity skills. Try with higher mouse DPI.
For 2): Your safest bet is releasing your RMB and hitting an attack skill. That will let you “automatically” turn towards the new target.
For 3): Practice your target cycling. Cycle your targets by nearest with TAB. Don’t be afraid to set your new target early – you can (F)inish a downed enemy without actually having them targetted.
Hope this helps! I’ve played on a laptop with and without a mouse (it was fun without a mouse, learning to be effective on a micro-managing level) – and it went well, in the end. Give me a poke, if you want me to show you anything! I’m on EU.