Showing Posts For Seal.5964:

Adopt a Newbie - Welcome Committee!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Sounds great!!
Aahhhh, the Secret Toymaker was a blast, I just wish there was some in-game LFG tool for the purpose of matching up needy new players with willing mentors… What we have now is very scary (and may unlock much later for players, due to the NPE?)

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Where do I go at lv80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


For stuff to do, give me a poke online
I’ve been hooked for a long time and there’s an asuran cubic league of things to do!

Dungeons are one choice. But you might want to set little goals for yourself. Get a certain set. Go for a certain title. Achieve a certain thing – do all the jp’s, for example.

Based on those goals, do a little bit of research and explore the aspects of the game, from then on!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

I'll Miss PAX :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Exams showed up at that exact time of the day, of all other times

Does anyone know if the Twitch stream will be published as a video somewhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

aetherblade path

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Yeah, I do it a couple times a week
Give me a poke in-game.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

I'm buying this laptop, is it good enough?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I parsed through a few articles and saw people reporting a time reduction of ~25% for OS booting (20 seconds with HDD down to 15 seconds). I have limited experience with SSD, but I think that should be an accurate mark.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Thief Ascending: Vitality vs Precision

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


One more tip, Asumir:

So it boils down to ‘glass cannon with group’.

As someone above already mentioned, defensive stats are mostly training wheels for Thieves. You do not really -need- power-vitality-toughness for world bosses.
I usually run about with only one set; the one I’m wearing. Part of how I’m staying mobile and still dealing damage is through conditions. You should consider that as well.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Sword and Shield for Guardian?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


-bro fist-

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Sword and Shield for Guardian?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I have somewhere between 1500-2000 hours on my Guardian and I’d say all weapons are viable. I disagree with metaldude about the meta-builds and would caution you against them – a site claiming to provide such “universal, but actually common-sense” content is bound to be biased from the elitist’s point of view. Relax and improvise until you find out your own meta

Your idea about a sword-and-board paladin is good – but! consider the image of a paladin, the concept of how they move and how they fight. A mace is a good weapon as well! A sword, as a main-hand, is more suited toward a “zealot” type of character. This is just in terms of flavor.
As for utility, I do not use swords much, since their utility is not applicable as often as I’d like. Your Sword of Wrath chain may deal seemingly good damage, but the final skill is actually a triple projectile attack, so you might get stuck damaging yourself against a reflecting enemy. Flashing Blade is cool as well, for mobility, and the blind – but it’s a little gimmick only. Zealot’s Defense is a good skill to go for only when you make use of its full utility – blocking projectiles.
My advice: Try a mace. You can be very devastating with a mace – while at the same time being very helpful to your team. You also make use of Symbols, which allows you to use a bigger variety of builds.

Shields are amazing. Shields are love. Shields are life! Shields really are cool. But I rarely use them either. Among Guardian off-hand weapons, Shields are the most volatile – in other words, you’ll spend most of your time waiting for cooldowns and you will seemingly burst out their potential very quickly. The perks are, Shield of Judgement is cool, but it’s not cool enough for its cooldown. Shield of Absorption is the real spotlight here because it allows you to knockback someone instantly and heal yourself when you’re done. It’s also a good refuge if there’s 20 rangers and Lupi shooting at you, for a couple seconds and a long cooldown.
My advice: Try a torch, or a Focus. Torches are an uncommon choice and somewhat niche, but Foci are a real blast (literally). You get a blast skill (and the toughest single hit Guardians have, coupled with 3 blocks, all rolled up into one), a powerful cleanse / regeneration / blind lazor, and the benefit of not looking like you’re hiding all the time.

That’s my 50 cents. There’s a place and time for everything. The best way to play is to cope using the best tool for every scenario. Give me a poke if you want some more tips the way I do them


EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Great Job Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seal.5964


Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a Sylvari

I don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.

You should read the books and read between the lines of their dialogues! (my answer to everything)

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Dye To Match The New "Flame" Hair?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


There is a dye called “Flame Dye”, although it goes around for ~50g on the TP.

Try (brightest first):
Adobe Sunset

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Suggestions on building a low/med computer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Hello! I’m not a pro, but I have been looking into building one for myself, so I have some entry-level tips for you

It’s a bit complicated ensuring compatibility between all parts, so it’s a good idea to use a site like PCPartPicker. Here’s a (Black Friday intended) guide covering from very low to glorious gamer builds:

Good combos in there, with price tags (and you can buy their parts piece by piece).

Am I able to get the desired framerate without a dedicated video card?

The short answer is: No.
Some of the more recent Intel processors are very good at integrating graphics – not as good as a video card, by far, but they are worth considering, if you want a PC without a GPU. Look up Haswell in particular.
When my laptop’s GPU died, I was pretty much left integrating everything through that poor Intel CPU. It was a good one – i7, too, – which let me continue playing the game, if a little choppily.

Would an AMD APU handle this game without being choppy at low/med and not run too hot?

If by “handling”, you mean “integrating”, then to my best knowledge, AMD won’t handle that at all. But if you have a GPU backing you up – and a reasonably good CPU, – you’ll be fine! Intel and AMD are rivals, so at the very least you can expect good performance for the run-of-the-mill tasks. Not integrating, though. (that may be Intel-proprietary, for now)

Edit: I looked it up and AMD can integrate indeed. I seriously, seriously doubt a chip of theirs can outperform a GPU.

Trying to keep the price around $300. I already have a hard dive with windows 7 ready to go so all I need is the case/psu/CPU/ram.

Don’t forget a motherboard, utility circuits (if it’s an old mobo and needs extras), and so on! Look at that guide I linked you. It has the price ranges and you can pick cheaper parts which will also be riskier.

Good luck!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

(edited by Seal.5964)

Help needed?

in API Development

Posted by: Seal.5964



You should have a look here:
Specifically at the apps and wrappers.

I imagine developing parts of the API is not a one-man job, but from all them wrappers and apps, some should need some help!

There are some more useful tools that haven’t been written yet.

If you’re keen on expanding your linguistics, have a look at wrappers written in languages you don’t know. The wrappers themselves, if written well, are simple enough to showcase a language clearly enough.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Need help choosing a main

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I’m neither a pvp or a wvw person, but from what I’ve read on here:

  • Warriors are hard to play well in PvP.
  • All three are welcome in WvW.
  • Guardians are more sought after in PvE than Necromancers.
  • Guardians are more fun to play, for me personally.

The way things are right now, I would stick with a Guardian!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Size of this last patch pls?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


The last file is 64mb; the launcher will keep downloading stuff if there’s an error in the download (but not writing). So my guess is, large files have to be repeated due to network errors. Could be wrong! But it’s not 3gb, and 3gb don’t get written to your hard drive

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Returning Player Wanted Advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I would stick with the Thief! The skill-cap is high enough for you to not be bored, and soloing challenging things leaves a very rewarding feeling. Also you have the opportunity to “face stomp” stuff in several different manners, all very action-like and rewarding! Pew pew pistols, like James Bond, or get in close like a commando, or stealth about and do JP’s in stealth? You got it all. Great flavor in the Thief!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Returning Player Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


rub forehead
What hasn’t happened!

Bog Otter has a great Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs series which you should watch:
It’s meant to welcome back returning players – old and new!

We’ve had 2 Feature Packs in total. The latest one is the September Feature Pack. I recommend seeing it for all those new features

Story-wise, a LOT of things have happened! Thankfully, you can re-play these episodes, so I won’t spoil anything to you! If you want to read a streamlined, very spoiler-free description of each, have a look here:

Ah yeah, and finally, if you need any help, feel free to pm me on here

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


If you want everything to be peachy, pick a newer Intel i7 processor (Ivy Bridge or the newer Haswell architecture – or you might even want to consider Broadwell, the newest).

Based on your motherboard RAM slots, I would recommend filling all of them, if you can. You won’t have to upgrade at all and part of those seemingly long freezes will be avoided, as you won’t have to swap data to the HDD when your RAM runs out.

GeForce GT 220 is a bit old and won’t allow you to release the game’s full potential. After you have a good processor and good RAM under your belt, dedicate a sizeable chunk of your budget to your GPU – with culling gone, huge WvW raids, lots of bling-bling, and many other games to consider, you want to have all the firepower you can get now.

In the end, the PC has many purposes and unless you are an animator / specialist designer, you won’t use your graphics card’s extra features, so I would leave it last (but not least important).

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seal.5964


When you use Light Dash and Assisted Leap together for the first time… <3

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

No-life looking for a home!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seal.5964


That’s an impressive list of articles to be addicted to!
Poke me in-game, I may have what you need!
*push skooma under table*

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

After a TP crash I no longer can start GW2 up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


You should post this in the Technical Support Forum here:

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Making the most out of my Ascended

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


For PvE, most people will tell you that you just need zerker gear and that’s the best there is.

A friend of mine went about with a Valkyrie d/d ele. Said the extra bit of health meant a lot!

As for Carrion, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt a necro to go about with that?

Keep in mind it takes a while to get to Ascended gear, so you also might want to get it all for one character. The sense here is that you may want to do Fractals with that character, so you’d want to put agony resistance in those pieces. Other than that, they are account-bound, so that’s good

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Picking a class for my wife

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Ozzy, if you will be levelling together, I have a very good (I think) tip for you!

My SO and I levelled a bunch of characters like that. Without exception, playing a pair of professions that synergize well is a real blast!

If you’re open for suggestions on what you’re picking for your character, see what she picks and then select something that synergizes well with it!

I would have a good look at all those profession advice threads we have here, but none of them are about good dual profession synergy, so I’ll give you a couple of examples:

Profession → Synergy

Elementalist  - Any melee class that can make use of fields. Thief ideal.
Guardian       - Squishies, like a daggerdagger ele.
Ranger           - Means 4 team members, if you are two Rangers!

And so on, and so forth

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

A sugestion

in API Development

Posted by: Seal.5964



You ought to post this in the Game Discussion forum. This forum here is for API discussion (a technical aspect of GW2 programmers are interested in).

Have fun!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

For the Children!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


The collection won’t get removed, for sure. The Festive achievement section will, though, and there will be no more random festive loot drops. In other words: no snowflakes, no gifts, no ugly socks from random monsters.

What I know is, after the first time you can keep getting those fishy burlap bags the grawl hid in the JPs. After the first time, you start getting valuable junk items. And I bet those fishy burlap bags will be removed after Wintersday ends.

I’d hurry and get the last one, if I were your friend

Edit: Those fishy burlap bags drop from treasure chests, too! That might make it easier!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

(edited by Seal.5964)

How to advance in GW2 step by step?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Behellagh covered half of my good points, so I’ll cover the other half

1. As Davey said, all classes are versatile. I personally feel the class that makes me feel the most versatile (just feelings) is the Thief. Thieves have some very powerful direct damage, condition damage, evasion, and utility skills. Their gameplay mechanic is very versatile too – Initiative allows you to pop 4 stunning slugs in a boss, or evade a couple more times, or get into stealth sooner. That lets you enforce your informed decisions with much greater ease than anyone with cooldown-based skills!

2. To add to what Behellagh said, there are some crafting items which will be useful (and nice) to have, and I mean bling-bling awesome upgrading backpacks. Levelling most crafting professions yields 1-2 levels per 100 skill, so that is very useful to have, if you are stuck.

3. As a new player, I would recommend that you pick from two choices:
A massive guild
A small expert guild

Massive Guilds are easy to find and you will be shown lots of stuff, and fast. However, they can feel cold despite their size, and you can stock up on bad habits.

Small Expert Guilds are hard to find. You will be shown less stuff because there’s less people, but you will get taught the best techniques and you will become a stronger player in the end. All those “best techniques” are transferrable, of course

4. What Davey said about dungeons is a bit imprecise. Dungeon storymodes are unlocked at lvl 30 and every 10 levels thereafter. Storymodes unlock explorable modes, which are for the dungeon base level +5 (so starting at lvl 35). You will find it easier to do dungeons on lvl 80, clearly, but you can always use the experience if you are lower than that (it’s great xp).

5. What Behellagh said.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Can't Pick a class, constant rage deleting!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Thief, there are no hard counters! x)
It’s too variable! The skill cap on playing right is too high for there to be a “hard counter” in this game!

Also, you said it yourself: you are still fairly new. I would add, you are as fresh as spring grass!
You do not know what everyone can do, so it’s natural for you to be seemingly “hard countered” by people. But really, just learn your game and you will know how to fight an average necro, an average thief, or an average elementalist.

There’s no shortcut to learning the game

Find a profession you like and play that. Don’t call lack of skill and knowledge a “hard counter”. That’s all there is to it!

Edit: if you’re hoping to find one killer combo that kills everyone, like those thieves hoping to kill those guardians just by backstabbing them a few times, then it’s a no-go as well.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Question to might stacking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


My best guess:
Let me describe it to you algorithmically.

1. Imagine your might stacks as a queue, ordered by duration of stack.

  • The maximum size of the queue is 25 stacks of might.

2. As seconds tick, the duration of each stack of might reduces.

  • If a stack is at 0, it leaves the queue (is dequeued).

3. If you get a new stack, it gets added to the queue in its right place, so the queue is still ordered by duration.

  • If the queue isn’t full:
    → The stack gets added in its right place, so the preceding stacks have less or equal duration, and the next ones have more or equal duration.
  • If the queue is full (25 stacks):
    → Is there a stack with less duration at the exit position of the queue?
    If there is, swap that out with the new duration and put it in its right place, so the queue remains sorted.
    → If there isn’t any stack with less duration, do nothing.

Keep in mind that that’s just an algorithm. It may be implemented differently in GW2, for reasons I haven’t thought of.

PS: CS people, forgive my erroneous use of the term “queue” (it’s for simplicity)

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Veteran player lf PvX guild (Gunnars Hold)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seal.5964



[REAP] Devilsreapers
We’re a PvX guild – we’ve got plenty of fresh souls running about PvP, fractals, and dungeons. The guild is based in Whiteside Ridge, but there’s people from all over. I’m a fellow Gunnarite. So not too much WvW to be expected! If you are looking after “small coordinated groups” though, there’s some other Gunnarites in the guild, too.

We’re closing in on 500 members, so plenty of people to explore with.

We have a site:

The only problem is, we aren’t well-established yet. The guild is still a work in progress, along with the site (and the community). If you like having an open project in your hands, poke me in-game, or bump us on the site

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

So what about the poison...

in Lore

Posted by: Seal.5964


Sounds good, at first glance! But Mordremoth has his twisted nature on his side, while Scarlet “merely” had technology! Maybe it’s not a good idea to give him a hard-earned antidote?

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Returning player seeks class advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


My 50 cents

I agree with what Tribio said. Tribio though, you should consider how much warriors have been nerfed. I think people keep asking for them in dungeons a great deal out of habit! (I’m a skeptic)

Joshua, a Warrior is a great choice, but for a returning player like you, it might not offer new and interesting insights / playstyle. That’s a huge reason to play and discover, for me!

Why don’t you try something new? Why not an Elementalist, a Ranger, or a Necro? Of these, only Eles are the prime time queen right now, but if you get good enough, you can do magic on all of them

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seal.5964


When you’re Asuran…


EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Crafting a Legendary Weapon to Give Away

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Had to rub my eyes a couple of times! Good going!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Divinity's reach

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I may or may not know what you are referring to… we had consistent trouble loading DR a few days ago, but that ought to be gone by now!

If your home world is bad with DR, try Gunnar’s Hold!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Just got back into GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


If you’re into all sorts of stuff except huge, organized WvW, give me a poke
We’re a guild with ~500 people, lots of cool people, and many smelly ones too!
If you’re interested, I’ll post more

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Dead state to Full alive

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964



There’s no “dead state to full alive” gimmick, as far as I know.

He could have rallied at the last moment?
He could have been rezzed by an utility skill?
E.g. Elementalist Revival of Air / Water / Earth, Mesmer Illusion of Life, and so on.


EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Getting 1600 gems for the store?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


What I like to take is upgrades for my account – character unlocks, bank tab unlocks, and collection unlocks. Those are all very useful to me – I have plenty of space to keep my stuff, and that’s important!

The only reason I didn’t take the Copper Salvage, or any gathering tools, is because I would have to switch them across characters – and I play many of them regularly!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Swiftness / Speed Cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


The way all curtains work is like that (I think). The reason is that if it could stack, you could stack full just by pressing left-right on them several times.

As for swiftness, there’s something I’ve noticed:
The maximum speed bonus you can have is 33%, as some people have said. There are some traits that say “50% speed”, but the cap is still 33%. The purpose of this 50% is, say, when you are crippled. When you are crippled and get a 50% boost, you run at at the combined speed, which is much higher! (but still the cap is 33%!)
So that superspeed is very useful when you get chilled and crippled, and you need to get out of a pickle fast! It restores your regular running speed, and sometimes even up to 33%, and you just zip away!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Where to Go? Want Best of Everything

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Hahaha you sound very eager! Great!

First: World Choices are not final! You can transfer for gems! Prices vary; crowded servers tend to be more expensive to transfer to! Some servers are free to transfer to

Second: No guesting needed! That has been made obsolete (at first glance) with the Megaserver technology! Read up on that!

Third: Have fun!

See you around!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Which profession should I be?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


The whole concept of combat, the general scheme of what each profession is “meant to do” – those are a bit different in GW2! Have a look here: (watch the video!)

All the professions play differently, and the most similarities you’ll find are with the Guardian profession! That’s both combat-wise, skill-wise, and flavor-wise.

Happy gaming!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Skritt Mercenary Hire?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Hello guys!

I played a bit of Toypocalypse today and I’m wondering, how do you hire Skritt Mercenaries?

I vaguely recall paying them with scraps last year, but it doesn’t seem to work this year! Or maybe I need to put them in their feet?
Happy Holidays!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Bring Back Ogden's Hammer guy.

in Lore

Posted by: Seal.5964



EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Best ways to raise a dual-wield thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Also, some boss attacks are negated when you stack on the wall

I keep hearing this, but no one wants to explain it. Ever. Examples?

I can think of several examples in AC at prima vista.

  • The Spider Queen won’t throw poison wells if everyone is at melee range.
  • Tunneling Gravelings won’t tunnel if everyone is at melee range.

Or TA up, the Spider Lady – the one certain way you have of beating her is by retreating in the tunnel and negating her “wake up my darlings”.

Or the Aetherpath and the final Cogface boss – he won’t fling cogs at nearby people.
And so on, and so forth.

Or that stacking on a boss who pew-pews much will make it easier to reflect all his projectiles.

I agree though, I find stacking boring and I never do it, but you have to admit there’s some sense in it. As a Thief, stacking is obviously a huge no-no, as people have pointed out. Melee range is cool – and everyone should do it, when the tactics require it.

Why in the world run p/p for ranged condition build?? That is just nuts. You can do p/d and actually USE conditions.. P/P is unload build which nets you nothing with cond build

Aye, sorry, I forgot to mention I use P/P only as a fall-back set. They’re useful because I can root and stun people, because the main attack is a bleed, and because of the smoke screen.

You should consider that as a thief, you don’t have cooldowns and you shouldn’t care if all your weapons are optimal. If you’re optimal with one set, D/D, there’s no need to add another redundant set, unless you’re absolutely certain you will be sticking to it. P/D can’t compare with D/D for condition damage and brings less utility to a D/D main set than P/P. Although do switch around!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Seeds of truth help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Just add me in-game, we can do them sometime

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Easiest way to unlock trait?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


You need all of them. Click a trait in-game, you’ll see a spyglass – it will show you where to go. There’s one feat you need to complete for each.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Best ways to raise a dual-wield thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I’m an advocate of condition damage thieves because it’s simply way more fun for me.
I run about with D/D as my main set and P/P as my off-set.

I like to use Steal creatively, so I invest points in that traitline. That is also good for condition damage. From the same traitline, Ricochet is a great trait for pistols. Uncatchable helps you get away from enemies and whittle them down. From the grandmaster traits, it’s up to your taste!

Double Daggers are well suited both for condition damage – Death Blossom (combined with the Uncatchable trait) – and direct damage – Stealth, then Backstab.

  • Death Blossom is better by far in aoe.
  • Backstab is better for single-target.
    → Heartseeker is best of all for finishing targets, regardless of build.

Since people often put down stray bleeds in dungeons, it’s often better to switch to backstabbing. Keep in mind that Death Blossom helps you live longer.
If you are going to count on Uncatchable, be sure to put some points in Acrobatics, for the Endurance regen.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Noob needs help creating a spreadsheet

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I’m comfortable with the API. I’ve written one of the wrappers for it, too.
Although I don’t understand spreadsheets, I can point you to the right API elements, which may or may not be useful.

Obviously, to do the tweaks you need to set your spreadsheet formulas to your own taste. The data itself you can access through the GW2 API ( If you prefer to code rather than fiddle with spreadsheets, I recommend grabbing one of the wrappers and making a little application of your own (it’s not rocket science, even if you have never coded) (give me a shout if you need help).

What you need:
TP Prices - this endpoint is the most useful – – see how it’s used; it returns the current top buy and bottom sell prices. You need to know the id of your item. Get that through the items endpoint (v2), or through some nifty online source!

If you want the complete set of listings, for coding purposes, see this:

Recipe Ids - this will help you get your ids easier, if you don’t have them. Use the recipe search endpoint. Here:

All of these endpoints and fancy terms simply mean that you visit the URL you constructed from the things you need, and you get the data. It’s structured to be somewhat human-readable and I don’t know how you’d cater to that representation in a spreadsheet, but if you want to delve into it, the GW2 API uses json encoding for all the data it passes to you.

That’s everything you need!

What remains is for you to find out how your spreadsheets will make sense of the data you get and what you want them spreadsheets to do for you. Give me a shout if you need help with coding, or an explanation about the endpoints!

Icons: If you want a fancy spreadsheet, you can also get item icons from the GW2 Render Service. There’s more about the service at the API wiki. What you need is an item, accessed through the items endpoint; the data of that item contains an Icon URL, and that URL points directly to the icon resource online.

Vendor Prices: If you want your spredsheet to include vendor prices, you get that from the items endpoint. The data has a special field for that – look it up!

Don’t be afraid to give me a poke if you need more help!
Happy holidays!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

New player, which proffesion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


To expand on what Ascimator, jackalag, and Bandit said, here’s my opinion.

If you are a risk-taker, the most risky class you can take is a Thief. Thieves are notoriously squishy – but also famously rewarding to play. On the minus side, Thieves have a very high skillcap and you need to be very familiar with GW2’s combat mechanics to get the most out of them. On the plus side, the Thief is just as survivable as anyone else, for me. Due to the high skillcap, good Thief players are more skilled than, say, good Warrior players.
Wanna play a Thief?
I highly recommend that you take a walk through other professions first. Thief can be frustrating to learn well, if you can’t appreciate its virtues.

On the other hand, why don’t you try an elementalist?
No one’s saying that the Elementalist is a “shoot them from far, sit still, profit” profession. No, all professions in GW2 are mobile, agile, and mean. What you should think when you hear “Elementalist” is:

  • lightly-armored, but protected by magic
  • magic-wielding, spell-slinging
  • close-mid-long range fighter
  • storm – earth – fire (- and ice)
    Why not try Ele?
EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Endless Retaliation Mobs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


With golems, it’s usually a golem squats down on the ground and buffs everyone around itself. I can’t recall if the golems in that story do that, but chances are, they do. One will squat and buff all of them with retaliation. Focus fire on that one, interrupting him when he squats down.

There’s several ways to do this!

Get rid of their retaliation:
A. You can interrupt the Retaliation golem.
B. You can pull your target away from the rest (with Scorpion Wire), steal his boon, and kill them all one by one.

To survive meanwhile:
A. Put down a smoke screen on top of your target and work within.
B. Use Ambush, so you don’t get all the fire.
C. Use something other than pistol/pistol – better use melee weapons (I use D/D) for your main attack because they are more survivable.

To survive retaliation:
A. Rely more on condition damage.
B. Hit less times, but for more damage (no P/P Unloading – you’ll need a sword for that)

There’s more, always

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Endless Retaliation Mobs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


arenta, when you are fighting golems with a thief, you need to think outside the box.
Read closely because this may save your life.

Boon stealing is fine, but as you said, they reapply the boons very often. They squat and they start buffing. The same goes for the golems in CoE, the gong dredge, and a handful of bosses.

When you are pitted against monsters actively buffing themselves, think thief-like:
Thieves are the single profession with most interruption power in the game.

I tell you: just bring a pistol in your offhand. As a thief, you are nimble on your feet. If you know how to play, you won’t need to rely on stealth to survive. All you need to continue dispatching your enemy is to interrupt him in the right moment.

If you don’t fancy pistols, there’s other ways too, but you would need to play around with your build and utilities.

If you want a quick tutorial on how to do it, poke me in-game. I can show you how to survive without sitting in stealth too

Happy holidays!
Seal Axon

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Q: Positional Relay Beacon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Season One (with the quests these items are for) was sadly one-off. You can’t repeat it, or enter any of its instances, unlike the Season Two personal stories.

I vaguely recall throwing these items away as I got the upgraded version. Wiki says:
“Obtaining [the Positional Relay Beacon] is needed to allow the opening the portal to access Scarlet’s Playhouse. It does not have to be in your possession.”

Throw it!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~