Showing Posts For Seercull.1495:
Hello everyone, I have a big problem. Before I can explain the bug itself, I need to explain what happened beforehand.
I was just doing the daily kills with my ranger and when I was finished I went to the Heart of the Mists to get to LA for free. When I entered the Mists, my client started lagging (the kind of lag when everything around you stops but your character can keep walking. after some seconds, an error message appears and throws you back to character select).
I walked up to the gate but walked THROUGH it since I was disconnected and the teleportation obviously doesnt work when you have technically no connection. So I walked ahead and fell off the cliff and ended up faceplanting on the mists (you dont fall for ever, there is actually solid ground you land on, you get teleported back to the mists when you are not disconnected but I was disconnected so I was chilling down there for some seconds).
After around 10 seconds, I was thrown back to the character select as expected.
Then I do what I do usually and restart the client. Then I tried to log back in with my ranger but for some reason, the game did not load in – the loading screen flickered between a Lion’s Arch and the Heart of the Mist Loading Screens so apparently I was caught between both loading screens when I lost connection. I waited for 5 minutes but then I noticed that something was wrong. I logged back out to character select and logged in with different characters – every character was able to load in but my ranger can not get past the Heart of the Mists loading screen.
Now I’m sitting here with my Ranger not being able to load into the game. I’m watching the The Heart of the Mists loading screen since 15 minutes now. Please help! I wanna play my Ranger again!
This sucks a bit, i just listed “firebringer” for 110 gold, it took my listing money, and the sword. But no sign of it on the TP. Jeez what a way to lose 100+ gold.
Why dont they just take the TP offline when it’s running bad like this, they did when the game was released.
yea, same thing happened to me (just with less gold) let’s hope it will resolve itself
Yea, in fact I put up a buy order for 2g and 8s and didn’t get any item yet ands when I check the “Items i’m Buying” tab theres nothing in there so that 2g down the drain. i hope when they fix it my buy order comes back so i dont loose the 2g. In general it’s verey clunky, everything takes extremely long to load.
I think the credibility of these posters just dropped by -1,000 points…
Changes to important things like salvage rates would be listed in the update notes if they have changed. If it’s not in the update notes, then no changes have been made by the development team.
Vol you are contributing nothing to figuring this out.
If YOU would like to do a 2000+ sample size then, by all means please try it.
Otherwise refrain from criticizing people who are constructively posting on this.
I did one of the initial 100 salvages and later made a video of me doing another 10. (admittedly the 10 was a small sample)
I will NOT be salvaging anything else as of now. MY RATES have been lowered. If you don’t believe me that that is your prerogative.Actually I’m one of the few voices of reasons here. I’m not to keen on joining the circlejerk that just cause you have a lower ecto chance means Arenanet OBVIOUSLY kitten the rate.
I did not get even one single Ecto.
Oh go ahead, nerf the game some more.
Yes, ArenaNet has just nerfed ecto drop rate.
Just like this time.
And this time.
And here, too.
And that other time.
And of course here.
People should read this. Those complaints about having nerfed the salvage rate of ectos is proof that the GW2 community is not reliable when it’s a matter of talking about drop rates.
+1. I HATE the people in this thread, on reddit and especially ingame that didn’t believe me and others when we said that there was something fishy with ectos, JUST BECAUSE they for some reason had good luck with ectos.
Thanks for the thread and all the people that provided the data necessary to back this up. Signing out!
@Regina I won’t get on your case for that one but bugs always slip in – you could not have known. Luckily the situation was resolved.
Bugs creep in. Unintended consequences and code interactions happen. I’m simply suggesting that something is up and should be looked at rather than dismissed as WAI.
And I’m only talking master kits. BL kits seems to be working the same as before. It’s possible that the chance for 2 and 3 ectos with the master kit has been turned way down. I never looked at the distribution of 0 vs non-0, just the number I ended up with at the end relative to the number of items I salvaged. So the 0 vs non-0 may actually be the same, just chance on multiples significantly reduced.
I’m more lamenting my loss of an easy TP income source that I used to buy a 20 or so gems a day. In general with the loss of this, rares will be more difficult to sell because players like me were buying so many of them. Upside, prices on them should go down in an attempt to reduce any glut that happens. Also the supply of runes should go down as high volume daily salvaging stops. At least I haven’t been adding to the T5 cloth and leather glut, selling to a vendor instead.
IF it’s only Master’s Salvage Kits and not Bl Lion Kits that would be horrible.. and could lead to some (maybe even understandable) conspiracy theories. And yes, +1, ANet take a look at the code, the ecto rate seems to be off – lucky it’s not just me.
Changes to important things like salvage rates would be listed in the update notes if they have changed. If it’s not in the update notes, then no changes have been made by the development team.
Remember “Final Rest”? I do. I think that something is fishy with ectos aswell. SO MANY people are randomly asking if any1 else is having problems with ectos atm – I don’t think it’S coincidence. For me the return rate is terrible as well. 21 rares 2 ectos so far and still counting.
As you mentioned yourself, you need to get a Versatile Infusion to be statistically competitive. I know I have a certain case of OCD as well in that I have to shoot for the best … even if it’s very trivial.
I’d like to call it the “You Dun Goofed Up Tax”. Because well … You goofed up in picking the wrong infusion slot. That means you’ll need to spend more than you have to in order to reach “maximum” potential. Due to their flexibility, they are also most costly to make in comparison to slot-specific infusions.
For example:
The Versatile Resilient Infusion requires:
- 100 Passion Flowers
- 250 Armored Scales
- 100 Philosopher Stones
- 50 Mystic Coins
The Regular Resilient Infusion requires:
- 250 Karka Shells
- 100 Armored Scaled
- 1 Philosopher Stone
- 20 Mystic Coins
Some things considered, if you intend to get the Shiny version, which is like a stack or so of Ectos, then I’d hold off on any of the top-end infusions until then. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting money since any infusion in that slot gets destroyed every time the back piece gets upgraded.
ea, thanks for the heads up but i won’t kitten up on that one, I will keep my versatile vital infusion that I am now making for when my capacitor is shiny. The southsun update makes making a versatile infusion way less painful, 26g for +5vit is fine in my books, the previous price of over 60g was a bit too much. Well, I guess my question was answered so thanks everyone. i will maybe make a suggestion for changable infusion slots.
Really, infusions are so costly for the additional +4 or +5 stat that they really are not worth having. For example: It takes +21 points of precision at level 80 to gain a 1% increase in critical chance.
Just purchase a versatile simple infusion for the +5 AR and move on would be my suggestion. Save your gold/materials.
While this is definitely true and I have done it for a long time, it is really REALLY hard for me to stay away from achieving the maximum stats. While I know that it is a personal problem (that I think a handful of players have), I really hate to run around, knowing that I don’t have the max. Amount of stats that I could have (idk if it’s just because I’m a perfectionist or have OCD or whatever).
Apart from that, there is actually no reason for the capacitors NOT being downgradeable/have their infusion slots changed.
Well, actually, in retrospect I sound silly when saying “I dont want to spend 26 gold” and than I complain about not being able to stay away from max. stats. Bit hypocritical. So I’ll just bite the bullet and spejnd my gold on the stat infusions. i would still appreciate it if you could change the infusion slot of the fractal capacitor.
Really, infusions are so costly for the additional +4 or +5 stat that they really are not worth having. For example: It takes +21 points of precision at level 80 to gain a 1% increase in critical chance.
Just purchase a versatile simple infusion for the +5 AR and move on would be my suggestion. Save your gold/materials.
While this is definitely true and I have done it for a long time, it is really REALLY hard for me to stay away from achieving the maximum stats. While I know that it is a personal problem (that I think a handful of players have), I really hate to run around, knowing that I don’t have the max. Amount of stats that I could have (idk if it’s just because I’m a perfectionist or have OCD or whatever).
Apart from that, there is actually no reason for the capacitors NOT being downgradeable/have their infusion slots changed.
I’m very upset atm because my ineptitude lead me to upgrading an exotic capacitor to an ascended one with crystals which gave me an Offensive Infusion Slot instead of a defensive one. After I’ve noticed what I’ve done I realized that I had to use philo stones to get a defensive slot. Now, that method of upgrading is a little bewildering but I won’t complain because it’s my fault. Anyhow, I think it’s very unfrogiving and therefore I have a question:
Is there any way to downgrade my capacitor back to the exotic version to avoid buying another one for 1350 relics or any way to change my infusion slot to a defensive one? I know that there are versatile infusions but despite the drop in price of passion flowers they are still very expensive.
If there is no way to change the infusion slot, I really REALLY want ArenaNet to either:
Make the final version of the Capacitor (Shiny) to have a versatile Infusion slot OR make the capacitors downgradeable with (Master’s Salvage Kit, Mystic Coins, Vial of Condensed Mist Essence or something) OR (which is the best way) make a recipe for changing the infusion slot (Capacitor (with offensive infusion slot), 240 Philosophers Stone, Vial of Condensed Mist Essence, Mystic Coins -> Capacitor (with defensive Infusion slot).
Please make it a bit more customizable, it’s much too irreversible atm and really annoying! I know that it was my fault but it still kinda sucks that it’S now 1850 relics down the drain/ I need to spend 26 gold to get a versatile infusion.
What I’m seeing in this thread is a lot of people who don’t understand what’s going on here.
Arena Net is completely 100% owned by NCsoft and has been since BEFORE Guild Wars 1 launched. NCsoft owns Arena Net. Every possession owned by Arena Net is the property of NCsoft and always has been.
So, NCsoft doesn’t get ANY of the sales from the sales shop directly because NCsoft gets them even if Anet gets them. That’s how corporations and parent corporations work.
Anet has bills to pay. They have employees to pay. They have expenses. NCsoft hopes that Anet will be a self perpetuating property than can keep going and making them more money. There’s zero reason for NCsoft to remove money from the cash shop. It’s theirs anyway.
No, I don’t think you are right here. Look, I have no idea about all this corporate stuff whatsoever but I do know a thing or two about game design and i definitely know ANets design philosophies and how they thrive to make a game that is a piece of art.
And NCSoft have their fingers in the development of GW2 which kitten es me off. They should be put back in their place as publishers and publish the game instead of ruining ArenaNet’s creativity. i like to remind you of a certain thread in this forum ( ) and NcSofts decision of BANNING a Cantha expansion ("NCsoft was firm in its decision to stay away from “Asian” themes and keep it “universal.”).
Plus, the great collapse has once been a Canthan Quarter until NCSoft decided that they didnt want the theme. Now it’s a big hole. All that work – lost.
I want to know how much power NCSoft has over the delopment of GW2. IF they were able to basically remove a whole district of Divinity’s Reach, why would they not be able to introduce all those disgusting game mechanics – why would they not be responsible for all the real money RNG chest bull kitten from the past? Because I’m sure they are.
So while you may be right when you say that money plays no role here, interfering in the development of the game certainly seems to be a factor – and it’s influencing the game in a negative way.
The one thing where this guy is completely off the mark: Arenanet HAS to receive some % of gem store sales. They do get paid, they have hired a lot since launch, because the game is growing. Where is his proof that the 10$ I might spend goes 100% to NCSOFT. How does he know? His perception on what he read in that article? You are raging about that?
Also, early on they said they are going to make frequent smaller updates…get this, for free.
Look, I respect your optimism but you have to lower the pink glasses at some point. Lookin at what is happening now, you can be pretty sure that alot of money goes to NCSoft and not to ArenaNet. Usually, the publisher gets more money per sale than the developer.
And just because the game is growing doesn’t mean that it’s all fine and dandy for ArenaNet. Most living story updates seemed.. underwhelming compared to what Arena Net had in mind, I’m sure. You do have some valid points and as I said Dontain’s arguments are a little off here and there, but to me it seems like ArenaNet’s design philosophies are altered by NCSoft’s plan to cater the game towards an RNG heavy grindfest-liking audience in form of the Korean market that makes up more than 5 times of the sales that Europe/NA do.Im not saying its 50/50. But the guy in the vid is making it sound like arenanet gets nothing. I just dont think that is the case. And I don’t think this guy has enough evidence to support his claim.
I agree. There’s not enough hard data going around to make credible arguments atm.
The one thing where this guy is completely off the mark: Arenanet HAS to receive some % of gem store sales. They do get paid, they have hired a lot since launch, because the game is growing. Where is his proof that the 10$ I might spend goes 100% to NCSOFT. How does he know? His perception on what he read in that article? You are raging about that?
Also, early on they said they are going to make frequent smaller updates…get this, for free.
Look, I respect your optimism but you have to lower the pink glasses at some point. Lookin at what is happening now, you can be pretty sure that alot of money goes to NCSoft and not to ArenaNet. Usually, the publisher gets more money per sale than the developer.
And just because the game is growing doesn’t mean that it’s all fine and dandy for ArenaNet. Most living story updates seemed.. underwhelming compared to what Arena Net had in mind, I’m sure. You do have some valid points and as I said Dontain’s arguments are a little off here and there, but to me it seems like ArenaNet’s design philosophies are altered by NCSoft’s plan to cater the game towards an RNG heavy grindfest-liking audience in form of the Korean market that makes up more than 5 times of the sales that Europe/NA do.
You know, I’ve been subscribed to Dontain for a long time now but I don’t really know how to look at this video: Saying that GW2 is totally stale is obviously not true and that every part of new content sucks is neither. The Molten Facility has been the dungeon with the best design so far and there is a new one coming in a week. GW2 is more consistent with updates than any other MMO I’Ve played so far and even if they might not be as big as an expansion, they keep me playing.
But yes, I agree, that some things in GW2 don’t seem like ArenaNet’s style. The fact that Europe and the States made up only 13% while Korea made up 64% really frightens me. I want to know HOW MUCH say NcSoft actually has in the development of GW2. At the moment, GW2 seems so catered to the Korean market and I don’T want to be racist but those guys seem to like all the RNG and farming bullkitten.
Gw1 has shown me the design philosophies of ArenaNet. I cannot recognize them in GW2 as clearly as I was once able to. But noone really has intel on how much NCSoft can influence the development of the game. For example, I heard that there was no Canthan expansion coming up because NCSoft didn’T want to localize it for Korea or something, some cultural thing. Now that really sucks and chockes creativity. I wish ArenaNet could be independent, I’d even pay subscription fees for it.
/E: I think Reddit is a better place to have those discussions although a lot of guys seem to be full of kitten over there
So, apparently, those things targeting algorithm works with toughness which is kittenING kitten and dumb and should be fixed ASAP. I am a warrior with a really tanky pvp build so they ALWAYS ran after me (and I still won every match). Here’s a small solution: Just play naked. This will reduce your toughness so they wont target you, but some1 else with high toughness. But that doesn’t solve the problem. ANet needs to change their targeting algortihm.
I did the destroyer event chest run yesterday. There were like a hundred players involved. I got greens and blues at the end. I asked around if anyone got anything good. Only two replied that they got crap drops. If someone got all rares I expect them to yell in chat but no one did. Did rare drop rate really increase?
The megadestroyer and Arah chests did not get buffed for some reason. They still only drop blues.
Here is a list of chests that have a >90% chance of dropping a rare:
1. Jormag
2. Shatterer
3. Sunless
4. Jungle Wurm
5. Hydra Queen
6. Shadow Bohemoth
7. Maw
8. Fire Elemental
9. Grenth
10. Lyssa
11. Melendru
12. Dwayna
13. BalthSo each character can get at least 13 additional rares a day over what they could before the patch. I usually get closer to 20 a day now. I’ve gotten 100 ectos since the patch playing only casually.
Hydra queen drops rares for lvl 40 even if you are at lvl 80. Therefore you have to erase the Hydra Queen from the list since lvl 42 rares don’t give ectos.
Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Seercull.1495
EU Server Gunnar’s Hold
Shadow Behemoth didn’t spawn in his timewindow either, must be the servers
(Got kicked out of the game when I teleported to the Tarnished Coast)
Supposing I’d buy the Mystic Forge Stones for the Mystic Salvage Kit and the Black Lion Salvage Kit for money (money->gem exchange course atm is: 1,94 Gold for 100 Gems) which is mathematically the best Salvage Kit for salvaging lvl 70+ rares for Globs of Ectoplasm? And with best kit I mean the best price-performance ratio, I am well aware that the Black Lion kit yields the best rewards but is it worth 5 + Gold?
First there was the thing with fractals which has been partly fixed but you still didn’t fix one of the most annoying, effing things in the game:
DON’T make the dungeon instance’s existence dependent on the part<y member that went inside, it causes so many problems. Just like 2 minutes ago: I want to pick up my loot from the CoF boss and last chest. Cool, Boss dropped a rare item but my inventory is full so I clear up my inventory real quick aaand… the party member who created the instance leaves and I loose my loot -_______________-—
This happened more than once to me and it’s just annoying. Now, I’m not and expert when it comes to all this network stuff but you cant tell me that it’s difficult to make it so if everyone leaves the group you can still stay in the dungeon.
I just want this to be fixed like many other people and I think the priority of this issue is very high so please deal with it, thanks
Do you think or know if you can reach 35 AR with one of the new Ascended Amulets? As far as I see it, the only infusions you can put into the amulets are the infusions you can buy for Laurels, I doubt that you can put a Versatile SImple Infusion from the Fractal Robot Vendor in there but I’m not sure so I’m asking here.
My suggestions on improving this boss fight are the following:
Quality of Life improvements:
-Rusty Torches’ animations should be improved to be less clunky. Additionally, if you drop a torch, you should not have cooldown on Weapon Swap.
-*The Elemental Source’s “Crippling Storm” should be entirely removed and the KD-missile should be slower and more obvious so it can be more easily avoided.
General improvements:
The teleport point which is located directly next to the Source on the opposite direction of where you entered the fight should be removed and the Veteran Ice elementa’ls aggro range should be shortened.
The Veteran ice Elemental’s missiles should no longer aplly Chill. The damage can stay the same.
-The Veteran Ice elementals should not spawn everywhere on the battlefield but a certain number should be spawned close to each member of the group. This change might be a bit surprising if you read the whole topic but let me explain:
The only reason why the Elementals spawn everyhwere on the battlefield to keep the players from running around the whole battlefield and it’s also the reason why one member is (almost always) teleported very close to them is so that he pulls all of them to the group. Because otherwise, the fight would be too easy and a group would only have to deal with one or two (at most) Vet’s during one phase.
To make it more difficult I think 4-5 (depending on Fractal Scale) should spawn close to the group but they should come in waves. 2 during the storm rages and 2 more when it ends so it’s easier to deal with them.
-The Elemental Source should regenerate HP when there is no player nearby but the fight in itself should be nerfed. This should incorporate a fairer bossfight:
How it should be:
If every individual plays well you will do it on your first try. If your group screws up you should loose and you should be punsihed and forced to do it all over again.
How it is at the moment:
If every individual plays well you will still loose if the Ice Elemental teleports one member of the group to a certain location wich will make this member of the group pull every veteran Ice elemental in the vicinity to the group (unless he can turn himself invisible). You will most likely wipe but it doesn’t matter because the Elemental Source doesn’t regenerate health and you can respawn and damage it again. Rinse and repeat until it’s destroyed. This way to do the fight is frustrating and boring but, if you have an unorganized team/teamcomp nescessary.
Therefore, the fight should be nerfed (Veteran Elementals) and the CC reduced while the Source itself should be buffed (turn the “Crippling Storm” into a damage dealing AoE-move or something) and be able to regenerate health if the group wipes. Along with Quality of Life improvements, I am sure this will make this fight way more enjoyable and less of a frustrating chore.
(Sorry for this wall of text, English is not my mother tongue and I have certain problems of getting to the point/expressing things in a concise way. I still hope that people get what I’m saying here: People who know about fair game design and understand Anets design philosophies should get what I mean.)
Have a nice evening
/E: and sorry because of the structure/multiposts, forum was giving me error messages like there’s no tomorrow)
(edited by Seercull.1495)
-All these factors promote spawn rushing. To rephrase it and summarize it again;
Frostbite: Frostbite makes you automatically go into rush mode and forces you to light bonfires with torches the latter of which have clunky animations. Plus, if you drop the torch, you have cooldown on weapon swap which is also annoying.
Elemental Source CC: Unreflectable over-the-top AoE (and sometimes even chain-) CC which annoys the living hell out of you, especially if you are in a corner and/or trying to revive some1.
-Fight has certain phases and teleports you around: The fight has certain phases in which it teleports you around the battlefield. There is one problematic location the source can teleport you to which makes you aggro alot of Veteran Ice Elementals that WILL f your day up. Wiping is often the easier solution to the problem and it’s not worth the hassle to kill the Veterans if you can just wipe, respawn and come back with the Elementals having lost aggro.
-Veteran Ice Elementals are tough: The Ice elementals deal tons of dmg and together with the source’s CC they can easily make your group wipe, ESPECIALLY if you pulled too many during the storm.
-Checkpoint is really close to the Source boss fight.
-Source doesn’t regenerate HP: This factor promotes spawn rushing like no other.
The Source bossfight is an interaction of certain mechanics which make the fight too hard for unorganized teams/bad team comps. Over the top CC consisting of chain knockdowns, cripples and chills are simply annoying and add nothing to the fight.
Veteran Ice Elementals spawn in too high numbers and deal too much damage. The most problematic part is that the Source’s teleportation mechanic can make you pull Veteran Ice Elementals without you even standing a chance.
Furthermore, the check point is very close to the bossifght when the bossfight itself is structured in phases and the boss is unable to regenerate HP. All these parts add to a mentality of giving up (especially because of the frustrating CC and bullkitten that can happen during this fight) and just spawnrushing the source.
(edited by Seercull.1495)
For people who don’t know: During the fractal a debuff called Frostbite is apllied every second which stacks in intensity. With it, the dmg it deals increases exponentially. Frostbite can be dispelled by approaching or creating a source of warmth, such as lighting a bonfire with Rusty Torches found in the fractal.
-The frostbite mechanic is the main gimmick of this fractal and I have nothing against it. It changes your mindset and makes you appreciate warmth and the campfires scattered around the fractal, it’s a design choice and well-used gameplay device/mechanic. In general, it’s not one single mechanic that creates problems in the fractal, it’s the combination of them all.
? The Frostbite mechanic promotes rushing. You usually want to finish or go trhough a part as quickly as possible because otherwise the Frostbite will stack up and deal too much damage. It also forces you to gather around a campfire, especiqally during the Elemental Source fight.
The problem which occurs here is that, together with the Elemental Source’s annoying AOE knockdowns and the Veteran Ice Elementals ridiculous AoE dmg this can become a problem: The frostbite mechanic severely hinders your mobility and shrinks the zone in which you can act. This is amplified even further during a storm, during which Frostbite is apllied even faster.
Frostbite forces you to pick up Rusty Torches and light Bonfires (which isn’t a problem in itself) but the Torch animations are really clunky and you can get caught in an Ice Elemental’s AoE. Furthermore, especially during a storm, Frostbite makes people play carelessly. Everyone tries to find a fire as quickly as possible which makes them pull all Ice Elementals which usually ends in your team wiping. Which leads me to my next point:
-The Elemental Source’s attck that teleports you to a random point in the zone is outright stupid. The are several spawn points you can end up in and all of them are totally fine. But there is one special case: There is a chance that you will be spawned directly next to the Source, on the opposite side of which you entered the fight. This instanlty agrros 4-6 veteran Ice Elementals on your way back (unless you are invisible) which is basically an auto-loose. If a pub gets ported to this location he will (as a natural reaction to Frostbite during the storm) run back to the group in search of warmth, pulling all Elementals with him. This is a big problem, especially because of the fact that:
- Veteran ice Elementals are too strong. They hit for way too much. Their deadliest attack is easily invaded but the problem that occurs is the ridiculous CC that the source dishes out. You will usually end up getting knocked on the ground which is followed up by an Ice Elementals aoe spell which deals (at 3800 armor) around 7k damage. Their missile attacks deal 4k, which is alot but not too bad. The real problem is the damage and zoning they do with the aoe Attacjs,
-Rezzing is rly hard in this bossfight because of the Source’s over-the-top crowd control and the ice Elemental’s zoning potential. The urge to light fires makes rezzing even harder and it’s an all around frustrating experience.
I like the direction Anet went when changing the way of respawning in Fractals and their mentality to remove spawn rushing. However, what surprised me is that the Elemental Source fight in the Sons of Svanir fractal, which is basically the DEFINITION of spawn rushing, wasn’t changed. The campfire part before that was successfully nerfed and I appreciate the change of Archers to the Greatsword dudes but it’s surprising that the Elemental Source fight remains unchanged. Now what is the problem with the Elemental Source fight?
(Before anyone that does Fractal with his guild posts: “DUHH IT’S YOUR OWN FAULT CUZ YOU ARE SOO BAD LOL”, – I am talking about an unorganized, pub group here which is the kind of group most people will do fractals with. These groups usually have pretty bad team comps and with the new patch even some unexperienced people from lower fractal lvls. Therefore, everything I talk about in the next part of this post is only true if we assume that we are dealing with a normal, average group of average GW2 players and thereforeunorganized team. The scale I am talking about is 30+)
Problems with the fractal and why the Source fight should be changed:
I want this fight to change on a mechanic level and from a game designing perspective (pretty much the same reasons why Anet removed spawn rushing in the first place) so my reasons for changing the fight/ suggestions are the following:
-Unlike the Grawl fractal which can not be spawn rushed, the Elemental Source fight (which is not as hard to do as the Grawl fractal but still a really hard fight) consists of one simple objective: Destroy the source. The source is an object which does not regenerate health and the fight basically revolves around the HP bar of this very object. So if you wipe you just respawn and just attack the source again until it’s destroyed.
-The fight itself is very hard and outright nerve-wrecking. The amount of knock-downs the Source dishes out is over the top and totaly unescessary. It simply aggrevates the players and there is ZERO gameplay value found here. The storm that criples you is equally annoying and does not fullfill any interesting function. But what makes the fight the pain in the kitten that it is is the combination of the Frostbite debuff and surprisingly powerful adds, Veteran Ice Elementals.
Signed. Same with Fractal Rings,. i posted a thread earlier about not all attribute variations being there, for example Knight. I don’t understand what Anets problem is, just make all the attribute variations.
So, what’s with the Fractal Rings not having all stat varieties? Power, Precision, Toughness is missing, for instance.
Magni’s Ring of the Bison
+50 Power
+50 Precision
+71 Toughness
+32 Toughness
+18 Precision
+18 Power
Unused Offensive Infusion Slot
Make it happen, ANet. We need an homage to the legendary Norn M. Bison from GW:EN (and some more pink rings).
Hello everyone!
Over the past few weeks I collected some Jugs of Liquid Karma from Daily and Monthly Achievements. Now I want to use them but before I do that I have a few questions.
I know that you can improve the amount of Karma the Jug gives by using a Karma Booster and a Guild Karma Banner.
But: Does the +15% Karma Guild Upgrade (Economy Lvl 3) factor into this? Will it improve the amount of karma I’ll get from jugs? The tooltip says that it’s just for dynamic events, but I just want to make sure.
Thanks in advance and have a merry christmas.