Showing Posts For Sereloth.4378:
I have fun with the world events. If you don’t, that’s not ANET’s fault. You are the type of person that the moment a hurdle presents itself in front of you, you want someone else to do you something about it. Ugh….
I’m a big fan of the new dailies as well. And, at least for my playstyle, they seem to happen during my regular play much more than before. For example, before I usually had to go out of my way for the daily dodger and aquatic kills. Although it only took about 5-10 mins each, I still had to go out of my way. It doesn’t feel like that as much anymore.
So I read though this thread and still really didn’t see any answers……
Are the rewards limited to attempts?
ex)Guild kills 1 of 2 in tier one..Are they limited to that one failed attempt for 1 week?
Are the tiers limited?
ex) Can a guild get rewards from tier 1 one day then tier 2 the next?
If a tier is failed via partial kill or no kill at all, can it be attempted again for guild merits within the same week?
Can a guild do multiple tiers within a day?
Guilds can do as many tiers as many times they want to everyday, as long as they have the influence (I believe it is 200 influence to activate each tier).
The rewards are what’s limited, not the attemps.
Guild Merits: The guild is limited to getting merits once a week per tier per mission. Ex. my guild, on the first week, got the guild merits from tiers 1, 2 and 3 from Guild Bounties, and more attempts did not reward more merits. The Guild Merits just recently reset, however, and we can now gain more by doing more Guild Bounties.
Guild Commendations: Each member is limited to getting commendations once a week per mission (not tier). So the first week, we got 2 commendations for killing one of the bounties during our Tier 1 attempt. More kills (regardless of tier) did not give more commendations. This also recently reset, and most of our members now have 4 commendations after we did Tier 1 several more times. Eventually, once we have all missions available, we will be able to get 10 guild commendations (2 per mission type x 5 different missions) per week.
I hope that clarifies.
…you might consider changing it to something clearer, in that case. Honestly, if you haven’t said it, i would never have guessed that “master” is about green items.
Really? You wouldn’t have guessed that you have to craft "Master"work (green) items during the “Master” Crafter achievement? You need something even clearer than that? Forget the fact that if you mouse-over you get instructions. Do those need to be clearer too?
People that are asking to choose from the entire list of possible dailies do not know what they are talking about. Each day of the month will have new dailies to choose from. If there’s 9 or 10 dailies to choose from each day, that’s a pool of 270 to 300 options each month. Do you really want to have to shift through 300 options each day to choose your 5 dailies. Get real….
I’ve loving this new daily system. I was able to finish it much quicker, and I got to choose what I wanted. I stayed in Wayfarer Foothills working on the new Living Story, and just from that and doing some other quick events I completed 4 of the 5 I had selected. Then went to LA, completed the easiest JP and I was all done. I like this.
Everyday of the month will have a different set to choose from.
The small guild people have been complaining about this for days now. I was wondering when the no-guild people were going to show up……
The patch is not out yet.
It was said that for some guild mission non-guildies can participate and get a personal reward.. so.. was this a lie?
Once a bounty mission is done, can you do that tier again for those who missed it the first time or can I join in on another guilds bounty mission once they stareted engaging the mob and receive a personal reward (for that week)?
“If you participated in the event to take the bounty down, you will immediately receive your personal reward for guild bounties for that week and your guild will receive completion credit for that target.”
The answer to your first question was literally two posts above yours. I mean, c’mon people!
Two of the first dyes I ever identified were Black. I used one and sold the other for 10g. Ever since I’ve been identifying with not such luck. However, I do like unlocking all of the dyes, so I’m OK with it. Once I start getting too many repeated ones, I’ll start selling them unidentified on the TP.
Runes are a great idea for creating good builds. They can allow you to use all Berserker gear and add some Toughness or Vitality if you want. But you have to be smart about it and actually plan it out. As mentioned, the easiest way is just to buy the runes you want from the TP.
First, I have never personally seen this happen.
Second, don’t blame the system, blame the people using the system this way. As a community, we have the responsibility of keeping others in check. Which means, instead of asking Anet to change this system, we need to discourage people from using the system this way. How to do it? By making it meaningless. Disregard the 4k+ warnings, and join them no matter how many achievement points you have. If enough people do this, they will eventually realize it is a futile effort. Further, once they realize that achievement points have absolutely nothing to do with player skill in dungeons, that should reduce this as well.
So yeah, like the poster above said, don’t ask for the tree to be changed because of one rotten fruit. Eliminate the rotten fruit instead.
I just spent 40 bucks on gems this month and the best way for my opinion to be felt is not to buy anymore gems. I mean I can always run dungeons for easy gold right? ;-)
I can guarantee you not one more penny of my money will be spent on this game if it continues down the path it’s been on since Nov 15 when all this began.
There are way to many good games out there to be loyal to one that doesn’t appreciate ALL of it’s players.
This is such a horrible attitude to have. Specially towards an MMO. First of all, “appreciation” is an internal state. Therefore, a person can appreciate someone else without acting on it. What I can assume you are referring to by “appreciate” is “cater”. You want Anet to cater to ALL of it’s players’ wishes. Can you imagine what a mess of a game that would be? There are so many complains and suggestions about how each and every person would like GW2 to be, that there’s absolutely no way to satisfy every single player.
If I wanted to play an MMO that released content for a large group of players and then exclusive content that required a much higher gear or requirements I would have kept playing World of Restarts or Tortanic.
I want to play a game where all the players can enjoy the content and not a select few. if that means I want to be catered to then sure I expect to be catered too. If I don’t like something why would I continue to support it?
Your view is distorted. The guild missions are available to every player. Some will have to work/wait longer than others (e.g., smaller guilds, and even players not in a guild). Without Anet’s reasoning behind this, all we can do is speculate. There are already some good points on this board. For example, it is possible that they have designed this content to be gated to smaller guilds because of the required world/server space of running too many guild missions at once. I think that’s a good possible explanation. It would be nice if Anet would tell us specifically their reasoning, but I do not believe they owe us any reasoning at all.
Further, given the parameters put forth by Anet, and assuming they are unwilling to change them, you then have to make the decision whether or not the content is worth it for you to continue playing. I would absolutely back you in quitting the game if this game no longer provides you with satisfaction. However, expecting that all content put forth by Anet from now should be specifically available to you is idealistic, unrealistic, and, frankly, quite sophomoric.
Regardless of what I just said, though, I think we should wait a bit more to get more information before making rash decisions.
This is such a horrible attitude to have. Specially towards an MMO. First of all, “appreciation” is an internal state. Therefore, a person can appreciate someone else without acting on it. What I can assume you are referring to by “appreciate” is “cater”. You want Anet to cater to ALL of it’s players’ wishes. Can you imagine what a mess of a game that would be? There are so many complains and suggestions about how each and every person would like GW2 to be, that there’s absolutely no way to satisfy every single player.
I didn’t say that… correct your quote.
Woops! Sorry about that. Fixed.
Nobody is arguing that large guilds should not be given content for large guilds. I fully endorse that.
I also fully endorse large guilds having cool things they can guy.
What I do oppose is not being on equal footing on launch day…
Also… I oppose the idea that some rewards might ONLY be available when content made for 500 people is completed. Rewards should be based on expenditure, not the exact content completed. Meaning that a small guild could save up for that big reward if it wanted to. And I do realize we don’t even know much about what forms the rewards are going to take, this is purely in response to your previous question asking if larger guilds complete content for larger guilds they should earn rewards of better quality than a small guild can in no way complete on it’s own. Cost isn’t the issue… people are willing to save up… equality is the issue.
My 20 man guild should be on equal footing with EVERY guild in the game when the new content is released. If we don’t have enough influence to research that upgrade, so be it… but gating it in a tree we have no use for is kitten poor treatment. Making the upgrade cost tens of thousands of influence to research isn’t the issue either… if you want it to cost the same as getting all 5 tiers of AoW… I’m fine with that… as long as on patch day I have the same opportunity as every other guild in the game to research that upgrade.
We don’t appreciate being told we aren’t equal… that our only choice is to pay the tax, wait a few weeks, and bleed players….. or dissolve a guild we have pride in to join the collective and tattoo a number on our neck.
I don’t understand the bolded part. So you would be fine with it costing the same as it currently would cost being in AoW tier 5? What’s the point in that? You would pay the same but get less perks. By doing it the current way, you are also unlocking WvW perks that you may at some point decide to use.
I just spent 40 bucks on gems this month and the best way for my opinion to be felt is not to buy anymore gems. I mean I can always run dungeons for easy gold right? ;-)
I can guarantee you not one more penny of my money will be spent on this game if it continues down the path it’s been on since Nov 15 when all this began.
There are way to many good games out there to be loyal to one that doesn’t appreciate ALL of it’s players.
This is such a horrible attitude to have. Specially towards an MMO. First of all, “appreciation” is an internal state. Therefore, a person can appreciate someone else without acting on it. What I can assume you are referring to by “appreciate” is “cater”. You want Anet to cater to ALL of it’s players’ wishes. Can you imagine what a mess of a game that would be? There are so many complains and suggestions about how each and every person would like GW2 to be, that there’s absolutely no way to satisfy every single player.
(edited by Sereloth.4378)
It all depends on the server you are playing in. However, a lot of players are now at level 80 and, therefore, are mostly in level 80 areas, dungeons, or meta events.
There’s been two updates recently. One was stated to have no content changes but had maintenance purposes (and to reset some events and gathering nodes). The other was to add the bag and bank slot consumables to the Gem Store. All the information is available to you right here on this forum.
Uncle Salty, your solution of being able to do 3 days worth of dailies would still give problems to a subset of the population. What about the player that is only able to play 1 hour every 3 days? They don’t have the time to finish all 3 dailies so, according to you, they are “missing” dailies that they could be getting and, thus, will take much longer to achieve the laurels necessary for their first amulet. Poor player
Should the system be changed for that person? If you answer no, why not?
There will always be someone that won’t be satisfied with a given system. Always.
So you build a system that satisfies most of the population, so you set up some arbitrary cut-off point to what lengths you’ll go to satisfy the most persons. So dunno, in this case I’d look at the number of players and how many dailies they do per week/month, stuff like that. If number of dailies done on average per unique player done was low (idk 15 out of 30 per month – here’s the arbitrary part) I’d change the system so dailies can add up for 2-3 days.
Hell, it doesn’t effect players that do dailies religiously and it helps the people that can’t/forget/whatever do them all at once every few days…hm, even if you do them daily you can then have a choice when to bother and not be forced to do them every darn day.So no idea why people are even against this. Some kind of reverse entitlement :P
The problem is that you also have to realize that the purpose of the dailies is not exclusively for the players’ benefit. Anet is getting something out of it as well. Being a non-subscription game, their main way to increase profit is through the cash-shop. In order to increase cash-shop sales, they need to get more people to visit the cash-shop. In order to get more people to visit the cash-shop, they need more people playing daily. So there you have your dailies. I have accepted this. I have accepted that the dailies are not exclusively for my own benefit. And I am OK with that.
Actually, there’s a side-effect of the dailies that does benefit me (aside from the rewards). If there are more players logging in daily, I have more chances of being able to complete content that requires more players (e.g., dungeons, fractals, etc.). I’m also OK with this.
I think a poster mentioned this before, and I agree that it comes down to acceptance. Those that accept the current system for what it is (a somewhat dual beneficial system) seem to be the ones defending it. Those that are choosing not to accept the current system (for whatever reasons) are the ones advocating for change.
Uncle Salty, your solution of being able to do 3 days worth of dailies would still give problems to a subset of the population. What about the player that is only able to play 1 hour every 3 days? They don’t have the time to finish all 3 dailies so, according to you, they are “missing” dailies that they could be getting and, thus, will take much longer to achieve the laurels necessary for their first amulet. Poor player Should the system be changed for that person? If you answer no, why not?
Just read the thread. Now I’m even more excited for the Feb 26th patch!
Thanks for the post, OP. I agree with most of it. Including your wishlist I’m looking forward to seeing the game grow more. I’m pretty sure I’m sticking around for quite a while with this one.
It’s open on Tarnished Coast right now 7:36 PM (CST)
I agree with Arduin. You are making it seem like you financially supported this company through your 4-5 years of playing their game. However, in actually, you used up their server resources for 4-5 years by entertaining yourself with their content, and now you demand free stuff because you believe you supported them. I’m not so sure there is a better definition of “gamer entitlement”. And the person that said they got absolutely nothing from playing GW 4-5 years? Really? If you got absolutely nothing from it, why did you play it for 4-5 years? Uggh, some people annoy the heck outta me….
You are right. I totally forgot about how exchanging rates change frequently.
The problem I have is they ban/suspend first and ask questions later. They should get in contact with the individual first discuss the issue and give them a warning and if the problem persists they can then ban/suspended. I am dealing with a suspension of my own and am none to pleased about the way they are handling it because it is very unprofessional. I would have to say this has been the worst customer support experience I have ever had which is sad because I very much enjoy there product but with a experience like this my view on ArenaNet has changed and I honestly don’t know if I can recommended there products any more considering how poor there customer service is.
Why should they do it your way instead of their current way? You were told not to create an offensive/inappropriate name, you broke that rule, you pay the consequences. Why do they need to discuss this with you at all? If they do not enforce their own rules, then the rules become meaningless. It sounds like your reasoning is that “I didn’t know it was an offensive name”. That’s not a valid reason for you not to serve the suspension. You don’t get out of a ticket by telling the officer that you didn’t know you were speeding…
Ask community if it’s common to lose interest in GW2…
Get response that it doesn’t matter what they think and they should quit.
Is it our responsobility to maintain other peoples motivation?
If they are losing interest, it’s their personal thing, nothing is going to change that. What if every single person that is losing interest to GW2 posted it on the public forum? Threads like these doesn’t belong here.
If you’re losing interest, take a break. Or even quit. It is pure logic. Losing interest in an entertainment medium is common, it’s not breaking news to post on the forums.
Not your responsibility, but certainly a lot healthier for a community if you have the good nature to at least try and help bolster his enthusiasm
A good helpful supportive community overcomes nearly ALL lacking gameplay and design elements. Telling him to leave is like anti-advertising for something you (at least I would assume) profess to enjoy… Seems irrational to me, but that could just be me.
Or do you think that players who “burn out” (read: run into the walls) on this game go on then to recommend the game to all their friends and family and feel like this was a wise investment in terms of entertainment?*
Maybe I’m just crazy but I don’t think all the smoke is a dry ice machine, and is in fact fire.
I’m not arguing that this doesn’t offer a lot for it’s retail price btw
Good job, you didn’t read any posts I see or you would’ve seen that some of us are actually trying to help. GG indeed.
Then my post wasn’t directed at you, was it? :/
Anger management, please consider it. You’re unnecessarily hostile.
I disagree with the bolded. I don’t believe there’s a good reason to force yourself to play something you no longer get any satisfaction from. If the person has truly lost interest/motivation, and he continues to play something he no longer enjoys, it might actually lead to a dislike of the game. Which may lead to dissatisfaction, a general negative view of the game, complaints about “nothing to do”, and negative reviews to family, friends, and others that have not played the game. So no, I think it’s healthier for us to tell him to take a break.
Also, yes he is likely to recommend the game to others if his experience before hitting this wall was actually fun. And it sounds like it may have been, since he made a second toon that he got to max level as well.
It’s astonishing how people are able to complain about something that hasn’t even happened yet. I truly hope all the cynical, negative people in this thread are leading happy, successful lives. I truly do.
On topic, I’m excited about this coming update. The guild missions are intriguing and I hope they are fun. I also hope they are not instanced though. I’m looking forward to selecting my dailies as well. In regards to PvP, the new type sounds like it might be fun. It looks like their rating is coming along, so hopefully their matchmaking system will be coming soon as well. I wonder if this update will also have the dungeon group finder?
Well Atherakhia, you were right from the beginning. I will gladly eat my words. According to the official answer, transferring servers can be done for free if you delete all of the characters on the account.
Ugh, sorry to hear the poll got trolled zTales. It was a nice endeavor, thanks for trying!
You can try sending them the gold that they can exchange for gems. Maybe that’s why there’s no gem gifting? We can technically do it by sending gold anyway.
Reading my post again I realize it sounded like I was referring to you specifically. However, I was just commenting on the example you provided.
Also, there you go again with “Why? Because I can’t think of a single game where this is the case.” Why should that affect Anet? I don’t understand how you can use this as a valid reason to justify someone not reading the warning. Specifically, here’s the warning you get when you select initial server:
“Are you sure you wish to select [server name] as your permanent home? If you want to move to a different home world in the future you will need to purchase a world transfer.”
I think the meaning of that warning is clear. It specifically says you are choosing a permanent home, and that to transfer you have to purchase a transfer. There are no conditions about that last statement. It is literally saying that you have to pay for transferring, no matter what.
(edited by Sereloth.4378)
Because not only should each character be independently able to choose which server they want to play on, but if you make a character on a wrong server, you shouldn’t be forced to go out and buy a new $60 game or a $20 game pass (which is only $10 less than I paid for the game) to fix the error.
Something as important as a once-in-a-lifetime decision to choose your server is simply too large a decision to make for a player starting out for the first time. Perhaps if you had to level to 10 to get off some newbie island and once you left the newbie island you chose your server and were stuck with it, fine.
But how many people out there bought the game because a friend told them it was awesome and in your eagerness to join them, you forgot to ask which server they played on. Thinking the problem can be corrected, you just make an character to see how the game works with the intention of remaking when your friend comes home from work only to find out your SOL because you made a life-altering decision 30 seconds after you installed the game and before you could even decide what kind of character you wanted to make.
That’s why it’s poor game design and shows a complete lack of concern for the playerbase. It’s the kind of error a new game designer makes… like when you were in highschool and your teacher told you to make a tic-tac-toe game and you coded for every possibility except for if there was a tie and you forced them to shut down the game and restart it.
Novice game design showing no foresite whatsoever. Something you’d expect from someone taking their first programming or game design 101 class.
Most of us have to suffer and pay the consequences of our mistakes in the real world, I’m not sure why it should be different here. In your example, you made several mistakes that led to your dissatisfaction. Why should Anet be the one to solve your mistake? You were given advanced warning and several ways to solve it if you decide to ignore the warning* (paying for transfer fee, guest until you have enough gold, guest in your friend’s server, stop playing the game, etc.). I think that’s as much as Anet should do.
*And you did decide to ignore the warning. In another post you said that most games do server selection differently, so you assumed this game worked the same. Therefore, you ignored the fact that GW2 is a different game and does not abide by the rules of other games.
Perhaps a minor annoyance with multiple solutions, but another good example of how game mechanics and design decisions affect game culture. There are other problems with the new dailies. Consider the daily dodger. Perhaps Anet wanted to reinforce dodging behavior as it is a key element in the combat system. But, when I’m doing, say, tar elementals for the daily I hit them once ranged and then go through a series of dodges getting multiple evades. What it is actually teaching is not dodging (already knew that, thanks), it is teaching sub-optimal combat. It is an artificial behavior to get the daily done, not play the game as you normally would. This was actually one of the good things about the old dailies. I never had to think about them; I just played the game as I normally would and then, maybe, cleaned up kill variety before logging out. Reward for playing the game, ideally, should be for playing the game, not the reward system.
That’s if you choose to view it that way. I choose to view it as training. The daily helps you train your evades 15 times each day. Yes, when you train, you go out of your way to increase your skill.
However, even viewing it as training, I’m still able to get the daily dodger completed during my normal gameplay. And I play mostly in range combat as staff elementalist!
From my observations things aren’t painfully bad, but it is interesting to note that in a group event if a player or NPC goes down, it’s not uncommon to see folks stop fighting and swarm over to revive. I’m guessing if some people get to the person/NPC too-late to participate in the revive they may feel “cheated”.
I’m not too concerned about it though. There are plenty of others to revive and getting that daily is not a problem.
I’ve seen this too. I was in Orr doing events with a bunch of people before the daily started, and everyone seemed to prioritize damaging the boss before reviving. However, as soon as the daily started, a crowd would form on top of downed players to revive. I actually had a hard time getting to these downed people on time and I even got the message that there were too many resurrectors a few times. Haha. Eventually I got it without worrying too much about it though.
It’s bad enough you lost your legendary, but also having it sit there on your bank gathering dust? Ouch.
Hopefully Anet can restore your Mesmer.
Good luck!
This guys in-game name is his current forum name with an added r at the end. I’m going to go ahead and assume that he didn’t “innocently” choose a name that he was unaware was inappropriate….
It’s been said before, the ToS that we accept before playing is our first warning, the 72-hour ban is our second warning. I’m not sure what 3rd is, permaban?
Anyway, I’m going to assume that you will take one of two actions next:
a) Quit the game because you feel their response was inappropriate and you don’t want to support them
b) Create a new name that you are more careful about and is not inappropriate.
Regardless of which option you choose, it seems like their system was effective in getting rid of a name that was reported and deemed inappropriate.
Well, there’s literally X’s on the map (at least Wayfarer Hills) for the refuge camps with the memento collectors.
It’s rather unfortunate how some people misuse the word “forced”. Many of you have mentioned that you want to play the game your own way. Guess what? You still can. Playing your own play-style includes deciding whether or not you want to do the daily that day. It’s the opposite of being forced, it’s your own choice! That’s one of the reasons the daily rotates on a daily basis. You have more freedom to choose which days you want to do them.
If gaining a Laurel outweighs your dismay for the task being asked, then you will most likely choose to complete the daily. If your disgust for the daily task outweighs your want of a Laurel, then you will most likely choose not complete the daily. Your choice. Evenmore, as someone mentioned, you will eventually be able to choose which tasks to do from a longer list of dailies. Even more choice.
It was 1.2 gigs total.
As an elementalist, I didn’t have too hard of a time completing this daily. Yes, there were times when I killed an enemy with a combo finisher and it didn’t count, so it definitely is bugged. However, once that’s fixed, it’s not that bad.
I just did 2 events where there were at least 2 or 3 other people and lots of mobs. Waited until their HP was kinda low and then used Arcane Wave (combo finisher). There were almost always combo fields down, so I was able to get multiple combo kills with just one wave (3 at max).