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Necro DS life blast discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


A change to Life Blast would be nice. I agree with some of the other posters here. Make it faster, lower damage. Make it a projectile finisher and it would create some interesting combos. Depending on certain situations the finisher would be a condi remover.

Ideal: Updating some skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


“Change is important, when it matters.”

When i hear that i am reminded of an old man rocking in his chair happy with what he has and not truly wanting anything to change or has convinced himself that nothing will ever change.

Change matters now, not later. You should always be looking forward.

You say “Then just don’t use blast finishers on the field, which shouldn’t be an issue because you’ll never have finishers anyway.” Isn’t that sad? I think Anet should give Necros more options to combo their skills.

“If a signet is currently only taken for its passive, then you don’t change its passive. Same with the other way round.” I disagree with this thought. Signets were made to give the player a hard choice. If this signet is only good for its passive then my earlier statement holds more weight. It should be removed and placed with in the trait system. Because the player will then never use its active hence making it a waste of space on an already limited utility skill slot.

I’ll yield on the second portion of the bone minion ideal. Glad you liked the ground target option for the initial cast. I am a fan of minion master. Its the reason i made a necro. Always made me sad when i sat on top the walls of a tower and my minions couldn’t do much but sit and watch.

I get it that flesh wurm is important to tpvp. I use it just as much. But i also feel that the minion is actually wasted and the active portion of the flesh wurm skill would be better off being its own new skill. That would mean that the active on wurm would need to be changed if a new skill were to become the new “mobility” skill.

I am also glad you liked the spectral grasp ideal. Another thing that always bothered me when playing. Watching my ghostly hand fly towards the enemy. Then that enemy (whether aware or not) simply moving back two steps and the hand misses. So annoying!

“We will never get mobility either, because we’re not supposed to.” Yes i read the class description. We are meant to face tank alot of crap. I will yield on the corpse requirement as it would probably be to situational of a skill. But the ideal was to replace the active on wurm so the wurm could actually be a “minion.” Therefore, a skill was needed to replace the loss of the flesh wurm’s active and make certain necromancers happy. Ie. Consume Corpse.

“All in all your ideas are cool but the skills you intend to change are backbones of most Necromancers. I hope at some point we will get new and interesting skills.”

Thank you for thinking the ideals are cool. I understand they are “backbone” skills to some. But to others they are not. They are simply my opinions on how to make them a better backbone skill. New skills would be cool, but i think making the one’s we have better comes first.

Good talks!

Ideal: Updating some skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I’d like to thank everyone for their responses. Did not expect this many. Lol.

I laughed so hard when i re-read what i wrote about the flesh wurm and what you pointed out about knocking them up!

Ok, so i want to clarify that i am not making change for the sake of change. That statement bothers me alittle. I don’t disagree that certain skills might need more attention then others. But i do disagree that some you may think are fine, are not. These are only opinions clumped together on one page so as not to create multiple topics. Furthermore, if anything in are history has shown us is that change is important for growth.

I’ll start with well of darkness. My suggested change is targeting the fact that the necromancers combo fields aren’t used to their full effect. I’ll repeat myself, it is redundant to have a blind attached to a darkness field when it can be accessed by a blast finisher. Yes they are only a few blast finishers but i am sure it would not take long for people to build around the skill/combo field to make it the most effective.

Signet of locust was a shot in the dark for those wanna be vampires. I am not a fan of the cliche but from what i read vampire builds are hurting. This seemed like a good skill to address some issues with that build. I also think the 25% movement speed should be moved to the trait tree and the movement trait with the daggers and death shroud only should be completely removed/changed. Which is why i would change the passive.

Consume corpse was added because i know how important and few ways necromancers have towards mobility/escape. In my mind i thought it would be cool, for instance, if our minions were considered corpses. Therefore we could still teleport to them (ie wurm) but it could be used alittle more often in a fight, depending on minions or dead npc mobs. Or something like targeting the flesh golem using his charge then consume corpse to him creating a distance for escape/mobility. Maybe instead of gaining health you can gain a certain buff based on the corpse you tele too. I don’t see it being a bad mechanic.

I’ll touch on why i think the other changes would be good later. At work :P

Thank you for the responses/debate!

Ideal: Updating some skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Couple of ideals about certain skills.

*Bone minions – initial cast should be ground targeted. Why? Because it would make the skill more useful for the explosion (blast finisher) instead of waiting for minions to spawn and run to location.

Bone minions already active – skill should grant bone minions the swiftness buff and rush target, upon reaching target explode, if no target selected then explode at area bone minions are at. Note: when skill is activated both minions rush at same time. No more one at a time and not knowing which one detonates first.

*Flesh Wurm – new active, ground targeted, wurm tunnels (instantly) to new location and knocks up enemies in small area of effect.

*New skill (kinda) – Consume Corpse – ground target, teleport to corpse and heal.

*Plague Signet – passive, copy your current conditions to 5 enemies around you (icd: 5 seconds). Does not transfer amount of stacks or current durations. Would grant one stack and/or 5 seconds of duration. Active – remains unchanged.

*Signet of Locust – passive, steals health from up to 5 enemies around you every 10 seconds. Active – steals a larger amount of health from a single target.

*Spectral Grasp – no longer a projectile, A ghostly hand appears at target, after a 1 second delay the animation of the hand closes around the target and then pulls him towards caster.

*Well of Darkness – remove blind, change to Torment (stacks depend on length of time spent in the area of effect. Combo field of darkness and already having blind on the skill seems redundant to me. This way you can get more out it and if you need the blind you can still get it from the combo field.


GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Update on Ticket #568324

Thank You.

Can you answer this

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


As far as topics with 0 replays go. My Change Death Shroud and Change to Spectral Wall has 0 lol.

Can you answer this

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Thx for the honest answer. You are probably right about that, it being too much of a drain. But then I guess I would argue: let us keep one active with no degen. Think it would fit the trait where it lies being the first 5 points in the death tree.

Can you answer this

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Problem for them being there? Or you think it will be too much dps? Is the 200 calculated after taking toughness into account? Also if I remember their bleeds don’t benefit from our +condition. Correct me if I am wrong. So I wouldn’t think it would increase dps too much. Tho I do agree that minion AI was better we might see a huge difference in dps without any other changes being made.

Can you answer this

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Anet would it be so game breaking if the jagged horrors did not degen health and we were allowed to have a max of 5 jagged horrors thx to the reanimator trait? Any other jagged horrors created would kill off the one with the lowest health.

I know there is a lot of topics in reference to this topic but we should continue to create topics like this to keep it at the fore front of Necro problems.

Change Death Shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I like the basic ideal of this mechanic. Giving necromancers a second life bar to make them more durable. But I would like to suggest an alternative to the current death shroud.

As it stands now we get 4 skills to use and a UI that does not show us much of anything. I would like to see those 4 skills be added to our slot skills (as you guys see fit to place them in their respective tiers). Our UI not change when we uitilize our shroud.

This will allows us to be different types of death shroud users. For example if I like using the dagger and can equip spectral grasp, dark path, and use my death shroud to help me stay in the fight as I wear down my opponent. Also please make it a leap finisher.

This will allow us to see our buffs/debuffs that are on our character. So we can make a decision whether it would be smarter to stay in or out of death shroud.

It would give power necros a good damaging spell in the form of life blast. Probably need to give it a cool down. But a direct damage spell would sate them. For better effect make it a projectile finisher.

Life transfer would find its way in a lot of builds as it would be a great way to AOE and build your life force. It would be very helpful to those who spec into Soul Reaping.

Best of all Doom, for god sake this should be a common spell for the Necro and should last at least two seconds.

I think this alternative would still fit into your vision of what a necromancer is. The guy you can’t get away from and/or the tough kitten to take down. Especially since we lack a lot of finishers and escapes.

All my opinion of course. Leave your thoughts.

Reanimator Trait

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


The trait would be so much better if the jagged horrors did not have degen and were capped at 5.

Tho minions overall would be better if they benefitted from our stats and the AI was reworked.

Change to Spectral Wall

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


In my opinion I believe this ability could be more useful if it were changed. Right now it causes vulenerabilty to foes that pass through it and protection to ally’s that pass through it.

In a PvE setting this is not hard to pull off. Drop the wall on top of your opponent or walk backwards till they run thru it. In PvP this is not so easy to pull off.

My suggested change is to take away the vulenerabilty and replace it with “any enemy attempting to pass through this wall is feared away”. The fear would last 1 second. “any ally that passes through it gain the will of the undead.” grant stability for a certain amount of time.

Furthermore each spectral skill gains life force in some form. I believe this one should be no different. We should gain life force (capped to a certain percent) for each person that comes into contact with the wall. Like we drain them of their soul as a cost.

I believe this would better benefit my ally’s. It would give them a combo field they could stand behind and make use of and protect them.

Thanks for reading.

Things you'd like to see from Guild Wars 1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Alliances. Have the commander icon be bought with influence instead of gold. So guilds with in the alliance can give, by vote or another way, one person the commander icon so they can organize that alliance in WvW.

The alliance of guilds will be the only ones who will see the icon. This will help prevent spying and the commanders who trying to actually help, not get trolled by other players.

Making the commander book available by paying 100 gold was a bad idea.

Mounts Please Pretty Pretty please with suger on top!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I disagree with mounts. The original GW game did not have mounts and like the original game we can go anywhere we have been. I like this gameplay style. This game is not WoW. WoW did not have waypoints and therefore required mounts to get around at a decent speed.

Travel in this game is far better then WoW.

With so many bugs on the necro why play ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


The game is what you make it. Same with the class you choose to play as.

Necromancers have bugs, a lot of bugs, I continue to main necromancer because I have high hopes for this class. I won’t turn my back on this class and I truely enjoy playing this class. I hope others find why they enjoy it too.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485



Thank you for your service as well my fellow brother in arms.

My wife and I play together as well. It’s great having something to do together.

Good luck in your endeavors.

On a side note we do have something in common! We both chose Necromancer lol. Love the class.

Blood is Power change your feelings?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I welcome the change to this ability.

This ability always confused me as to why it gave life force in the first place. Our other corruption spells did not do the same. When they changed this to granting might and took away the life gain, this spell makes sense now. I mean the title says Blood is Power! Therefore it should boost our power. I support this change and look forward to experimenting with new builds.

On a side note I agree with the spectral grasp change as well.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485



Re-read my first post it never suggested the removal of commander. How you get “removal” from let the guild he represents see it. Is probably cause you did not fully understand my point of view. So I took the time to try and understand your point of view. What little information I found on your website I can see your little group is based on military command. Which I am not against being a veteran myself as well as you.

So to avoid further argument since we can’t see eye to eye on everything I think we both can agree that the Allaince function should be put into place to help with the commander issue that plagues the forums.

And in regards to your insults not just to me but to others as well I think you should re-read your rules on your web page, #2 I believe it was.

On a personal note my wife would kill me if I spent $500 on a game for an icon.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I’ve said it in a different topic. I’ll say it here again. Make the commander icon visible to the guild he represents and only the guild he represents. This icon was meant for organization with in WvW. But once you have multiple commander icons on the WvW map you will have more confusion then organization.

Unacceptable. I lead 7 different guilds in WvW. Only one guild would not be sufficient to perform in WvW.

However, to supplement that with constructive criticism…

Option 1: Only show it in WvW.

Option 2: Only show it to those you invite to your squad (that way anyone not in my squad doesn’t whine/bysch/moan about a tiny blue icon on a massive WvW map and we can still coordinate those we are responsible for without incident)

Option 3: Automatically hide the icon if you have less than 1 full party 1 person in your squad (that way you can still coordinate 2 parties, but if only 1 party or 1 person, it won’t show at all).

Etc etc etc.

There are a million ways to make people stop whining. Unfortunately I disagree with your approach as it removes the entire point of the Squad Commander (the ability to coordinate multiple guilds). Such an idea would be utterly stupid and obviously comes from someone who not only doesn’t understand the option’s utility nor do they WvW on a regular basis.

Take your pick from one of the options I provided, which would satisfy the QQs, any combination of them, or create one of your own that doesn’t essentially remove Squad Commander from the game altogether.

First off, I never suggested to remove the commander option. Second, constructive criticism doesn’t involve insults, but we can go there. Third, you should never jump to assume you know someone. Personally I love WvW and think its great fun. I have spent countless hours enjoying that aspect of the game.

You say you lead 7 guilds. Is this 7 guilds all at once or at different times? Or is this just an example of you sending out a text of chat in /map to random people and assuming they are following your commands and that gives you the right to say you are leading them?

If you are leading these guilds at one at a time then my suggestion would stand. Let that guild you represent and only that guild see your icon.

If this is an alliance of guilds that you consider yourself the leader then I would suggest a guild option to select your map commander for each guild that is in the alliance. Which would also lead into a new guild function called alliance where numerous guilds would be part of a collective where as I stated could choose their map commander.

You are blind if you do not foresee the utter confusion that multiple commander icons on a WvW map will become a negative impact on that servers performance. The map chat alone would and will become worse with time and the amount of increasing commanders.

Furthermore your statement that one guild is not sufficient to perform in WvW is false. Even a small guild can gain points for their server. It does not require a commander of several guilds. Is it more effective to have multiple guilds attack various points of interest? Yes.

So to answer your question on which option of yours I would choose. None.

As a final thought on the subject I think it was a poor decision on Anet’s part that they make the commander book bought with gold. I could easily just say you are a gold buyer and support gold farming. I believe the commander option should have been a guild choice/option. Better yet, if my ideal of an alliance was with in the game it would be a choice of all the guilds. But as it stands it just shows you had the gold to become one.

1V1 Player Duels ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Duels were so annoying in WoW. Getting spammed again with duel flags is something I would not like in this game. Duels are just another way for people to get a bigger epen.

But I will suggest for the masses that duels be allowed in the Heart of the Mists. Only in the Heart of the Mist. I also agree that I would still like to see a feature added to dueling. The ability to flag yourself for duels. So instead of someone running up and spamming you for duels you allow others to see you are wanting to duel. This will avoid flag spamming and only allowing it in Heart is the Mist will centralize it so people will know “if I wanna duel I go to Heart of the Mists.”

Achievements per character, not account

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I am against this suggestion as well. I can see it being abused and exploited as other posters have stated. Anet wanted a more casual game, therefore achievements should be account bound because causal players will not want to play multiple toons just to keep up with the other players who have the time to farm the daily’s. Furthermore if items that become easier to get means the cost raises. It would take more mats hurting the casual player and rewarding only the hardcore.

Weapon swap for Ele's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I would say I am against faster weapon swaps “out of combat.” I feel Anet’s focus should be else where and I see this option as not needed.

You are requesting an ability to swap weapon skills “out of combat” easier. But this new ability shouldn’t be an elementalist only ability. Because it has no effect “in combat” that could change the current outcome of a 1v1 fight.

I would have to ask, is it truely needed for all the classes? I think it is not needed atm. It just takes classes alittle extra time opening up our inventory. In hindsight you want a button to push and then select a new weapon set. How is that any different then hitting the inventory button and selecting the weapon set you want? Your argument is its harder to find the weapons. But I would argue if you are “out of combat” you have no need for “fast” weapon swaps.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I’ve said it in a different topic. I’ll say it here again. Make the commander icon visible to the guild he represents and only the guild he represents. This icon was meant for organization with in WvW. But once you have multiple commander icons on the WvW map you will have more confusion then organization.

Commander icon/sign always visible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


It is imo annoying to see commander icon in the PvE world. Furthermore I would like to add that I think the commander icon should only be visible to the guild it represents. Why? First because it was most likely the guild that paid for it and got the icon to help them be more organized. Second eventually there will be numerous commander icons flooding the WvW map and all of them thinking they are leading the masses. Eventually you will have even more confusion occurring in the WvW map chat.

This will not help the servers in the long run. So like I said, make it visible to that guild that wanted it.

There is no real way to be 'invisible' or anonymous

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I would love to see the option to log in as anonymous. Sometimes you just wanna run around and enjoy some solo PvE.

Spectral Walk patch was actually a nurf.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I personally would like to see the teleport option remain active while the skill (the 30 second shiftness portion) was in use. Therefore I can teleport back to my original spot at my leisure. I have never done the run in, DS, and life transfer combo. But I think this option would give those people the option to do that again. Also give the others who likes the new ability to love it more. Necromancers, imo, are selfish type casters. So this change would feel like a necromancer play style.

Necromancer suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


I would like to suggest a slight change to spectral grasp. Can we make it to where the ability will also target and pull to you, friendly players. I can see this being a nice little ability to save downed members who are caught in arrow cart storms. This would also be effective in dungeons to help revive downed npc’s or players that are too close to the fight.

Of course I am also seeing this as a possible troll ability by pulling around your friends. So to avoid that, is it possible to make it only work on downed friendly targets?

Though if you don’t mind the trolling I wouldn’t object to the great times I would have with this remade ability. Lol.

In game guild calendar

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Unless I have completely missed it.

I would like to suggest an in game guild calendar to help set up and plan guild events. As it stands now we would have to use an additional website dedicated to the guild and expect people to visit that website for guild information. I think this is a hassle and would be better resolved with more in game guild options.

Thank you

No tokens in story mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Just checked our guild history in reference to our influence gains. It only shows us gaining influence for logging in. No gain from the dungeon. We did the dungeon last night, about 8 hours ago.

No tokens in story mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Again thank you for the information Vicwolf. Guess we’ll wade thru the story modes with low expectations so we can get to the real dungeon running.

No tokens in story mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Thanks for the support Purina and Joe Chip.

No tokens in story mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Thank you for your response vicwolf. But what about the influence?

Considering we completed it in our first run. I don’t think we did bad at all Cappy. But I guess everyone is not elite like you.

Nothing helpful to add don’t add anything at all.

No tokens in story mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakar.3485


My guild and I ran our first dungeon together after we all got past lvl 30. The catacombs, which I read is a pain in the butt for a first dungeon. We did it tho, defeated all the bosses and got …. Nothing useful? No tokens, no influence for our guild, and a crappy rare from the end boss that luckily matched our respective armor types but with stats. we did not want.

So few questions I need answered please.

Does story mode not drop tokens? Would seem like a waste of time imo.

I thought I remembered ANet stating that players would all get something they want as a reward for completing the dungeon? After 3 hours I got nothing I want.

Furthermore I think story mode is broken. Everyone got the initial story cutscene but after that the only one getting the cutscenes was me. So I skipped the cutscenes since no one else was seeing them. Therefore I have no clue what the story was about.

How much influence are you suppose to get for a full guild run?

(edited by Shakar.3485)

What should I be statting for to increase minion damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Use axe as weapon. This will stack vulenerabilty and increase your minion damage.

Necromancer skill bugs?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Hello, I have question in regards to spectral walk and the wurm secondary skill (teleport). Are these skills working as intended? When I use spectral walk and jump across a platform I do not return to that platform I originated from. Instead I end up slightly near the area I jumped.

The secondary skill for summon wurm allows a person to teleport to that wurm. I have attempted this again from platform to platform and instead I end up at the ledge of the originating platform.

Are these skills working as intended?

Jumping puzzles

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Been reading here for a few days and haven’t seen this tip come out yet so figured I would post it.

When doing a jumping puzzle in the dark you don’t have to use a torch to see where you need to go. You can use your ground targeting AOE Circle to map it out for you. Furthermore you can hold down the right mouse button and it will remain in place for you to judge the running space you have when attempting the jump.

This does require you to turn off the ground targeting assist in options if you have it enabled like me :P

Happy Jumping!


LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Shakar.3485


Thank you all for your invitations. I will be sending out PM’s to the guilds I feel that better suit me. Please do not be insulted if I do not send you a PM. I am sure your guilds are great fun and that I would be missing out on creating great friendships. But I would like to focus on a few guilds (if I could, just one).

Thank you again.


LF guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Shakar.3485



I am looking for two types of guilds. First a PvE focused guild for dungeon runs and second guild with a focus on WvW (on Ferguson’s Crossing).

Currently my highest lvl toon is a lvl 39 necromancer. For what it is worth my age is 31 and I have experience with multiple mmo’s as far back as FFXI.

Thank you for your consideration.