Showing Posts For Sinnyil.3648:
Yup, congratulations, you did the one thing that would get me to uninstall =\.
Happy Wintersday!
56 views and no replies? I realize this is a small matter but no one has any thoughts on why such a simple thing has been left bugged since release?
Since release, the light armor from Sorrow’s Embrace has had it’s token prices all mixed up. For example the shoulders cost 300 tokens, rather than the 220 that every other shoulder piece requires. Honestly, with all of the bugs in the game I know this isn’t the most pressing (since the cost of a full set is the same as other sets) but seriously, how hasn’t this been fixed? It’s disheartening to see prior content constantly left in an incorrect, incomplete, or downright buggy state in favor of pushing out new content with completely new bugs (I’m looking at you, fractal disconnects).
I’m no programmer, but this really seems like an issue that could have been fixed in the first month, as just a few token costs need to be modified. So how has this managed to stay bugged for so long?
Gw2spidy can’t really be used as a source because they don’t pull their numbers every second, or even minute. I believe it’s every hour. Even close to the even t’s plug being pulled you could basically tell when an overflow finished, as multiple of every precursor were posted and purchased, and many dropped by significant amounts as the undercutters warred while the exceptionally rich snapped them up.
It was a solid idea to try to debunk the relatively high percentages being reported, sadly spidy can’t be used as an infallible source in this scenario due to the windows in which it captures its information.
If you know of any site that pulls data more frequently or another method of determining total volume sales, I’d love to see it. I am quite interested in the actual amount that dropped.
For my data I assumed that about 50% of people sold and 50% held on to their precursors for a later time. I think people vastly overestimate the common sense of people who play MMO’s. I have seen absolutely no indication in over 10 years of playing MMO’s that the vast majority of people who got a rare drop would have the market sense to “hold onto it for future profits”. Also the only people likely to keep their precursors are the ones who got the one that they wanted, everyone else would most likely sell theirs and buy the one they wanted, which if I had access to a more real time market site I would be able to better account for.
Plus I never claimed this was a super accurate calculation. In fact I specifically said that this was an order of magnitude calculation. If anyone has any suggestions that aren’t based purely on hearsay on corrections to my orders of magnitude I would greatly appreciated hearing them.
None that I know of pull them any more frequently. You can set up your own (somehow, don’t ask me!) but it’s too late for that.
We’ve had people on these very forums admitting to buying multiple dusks/dawns/etc yesterday just to take advantage of the market supply shock. Sadly, I don’t think anyone besides arenanet or some who just happened to have a personal API with tracking running at the time would be able to give us a glimpse into the full impact on the market.
I did manage to snag a zap pretty cheap though!
Gw2spidy can’t really be used as a source because they don’t pull their numbers every second, or even minute. I believe it’s every hour. Even close to the even t’s plug being pulled you could basically tell when an overflow finished, as multiple of every precursor were posted and purchased, and many dropped by significant amounts as the undercutters warred while the exceptionally rich snapped them up.
It was a solid idea to try to debunk the relatively high percentages being reported, sadly spidy can’t be used as an infallible source in this scenario due to the windows in which it captures its information.
@OP. Your friend was lying to you about multiple full runs including loot, sorry. But cool if he did wind up with all that in his single run.
You are unfortunately mistaken. Multiple completions of the DE chain was in fact possible; all you needed was an alt and to find an overflow server still running the chain. If your alt was level 65-80, you would receive rares and exotics scaled to your level, and if your alt was level 1-64, you would receive level 65 rares & exotics.
So yes, some people do have 4 free-ish 20 slot bags on one character, and every event completion had the chance of giving you a precursor. I have a friend who got the shield on his level 7 (and I hate him for it). Heck, people on trial accounts got precursors. And events were running up until the new build at ~10:40 pst.
Sadly I didn’t get one, and was unable to personally extensively server hop due to my noece’s 5th birthday party. But I was able to buy a cheapish zap due to the supply increase!
Me, I’m MOSTLY fine with the existing system, but some of your ideas do seem useful, plus I agree with the person about Rare crafting needing a tab.
Your first point – having it moved to the Hero Panel – isn’t really needed. BUT! I do think that the ability to know how many of an item you have at vendors (I.4) is very nice. Perhaps put a line in the tooltip, “You have XX Mangoes.” – similar to how, at a crafting station, you are told how many of the material you are about to make you already have.
II.1, 2, and 5 all sound good to me. The ability to reorder the tabs, and to have the game REMEMBER that order (and which ones you keep collapsed) are definitely beneficial. Reordering items within a tab will probably be more effort than it’s worth; it would be a lot more data to manage, certainly. And being able to exclude categories when Depositing All would certainly help people, as well.
However, I do NOT think we need a “Withdraw All” – the sheer amount of items would flood many players’ inventory, bringing up the overflow panel. With the ability to craft directly out of storage, I don’t even see any need to ever do this; its only benefit ever would be for selling them, and that doesn’t seem to be enough to merit such a change.
Your points about town clothes are an intriguing idea, but perhaps should be simplified to “just give us a second Town Clothes tab in the hero panel”. Like so:
PvE Armor – Town 1 – Town 2 (- PvP Armor, in the few screens it shows up in)
Only two! I know that there are games out there that tend to go overboard with such things, but this isn’t other games, and I would like to keep it simple. (Plus, in this game, costumes are account bound, so you could use “Town 2” on various characters to store different costumes. And if you have more costumes than characters, well, that certainly isn’t Arenanet’s fault, is it?)
And yes, I agree wholeheartedly about the “Rare Materials” idea. I would keep them separate from the gems, as they are classified as separate. BUT – look at them. There are eight different types, each of which has an item for each of the six crafting tiers. This level of organization is equal to that held by Common and Fine materials, both of which have tabs.
I am NOT asking for tabs for “unusual” materials – things that do not fit into a regular pattern. They can stay in the bank proper. But Rare Materials follow the same structured organization that Common and Fine ones do; it only makes sense to do this, at least from my point of view.
Thanks for the feedback! I do like your multiple sets of town clothing idea. I forgot I had something similar in Rift. They could even assign a gem cost to it, I totally wouldn’t mind.
It doesn’t seem like you we’re opposed to anything in the list beyond “eh, not seeing the point” so I don think I hac to make any actual changes. Let me know if I’m wrong!
The staff is not a ranged weapon. Its a melee weapon with a 600 range. It is, in fact, the longest range melee weapon in the game.
Mesmer greatsword would like to refute that statement!
Guardian staff is though, to my knowledge, the longest range multiple target melee weapon in the game
Due to the progressive nature of both zones and the personal story present in the game, I find an increased level cap inevitable. In fact to do otherwise would make no sense with regards to story flow, every step is a different level (besides the last couple) and every “arc” is bracketed by segments of 10. To suddenly have that flow halted while the story trucks on would fly in the face of the precedent set and be completely jarring to any new player.
You can separate story segments with space just as well as with time or levels. Say your previous mission ends, and the next story step is at the far end of a new zone, behind events and stuff related to the story as it stands at that moment.
This is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is not how the game has been set up.
And unlike this alleged gear treadmill (which, depending on the final implementation could be good or bad, I’m personally reserving judgement and hoping they aren’t in the process of slaying the golden goose) there has been no indication that increasing the level cap in expansions is not part of their design philosophy. In fact, the opposite was indicated quite some time ago, so at least if/when it happens no one can accuse them of being big fat stinking liars going against what they’ve stated previously…unlike some scenarios possibly related to current events.
Due to the progressive nature of both zones and the personal story present in the game, I find an increased level cap inevitable. In fact to do otherwise would make no sense with regards to story flow, every step is a different level (besides the last couple) and every “arc” is bracketed by segments of 10. To suddenly have that flow halted while the story trucks on would fly in the face of the precedent set and be completely jarring to any new player.
Add this to the interview linked above, and any other conclusion doesn’t make sense, and its not necessarily a bad thing given how this game treats leveling as a linear progression. You can barely sneeze without gaining a level. One path of an15 minute dungeon? Level. Level a crafting skill to max (either over time or all at once in 10 minutes), 10 levels. Finish your daily? Almost a full level. As long as you’re doing something besides sitting in LA reading forums on your second monitor, you can’t help but gain experience.
And that’s a good thing. It makes leveling feel like less of a chore than it does in other games. Heck, this is the first time in a while I’ve had a max level alt, and pretty soon I’ll have two. Maybe 3 after that. And traditionally I hate alts.
This isn’t guild wars 1 (which I loved, and played off and on from release) this is an actual MMO. You don’t reach max level 10% through the story, the story progressively increases in level with you while necessitating you leveling between steps. There’s gathering, and actual crafting (also with tiers) and tiered dungeons (which require interaction with actual players rather than min-maxing your NPCs to automatically do 95% of the work for you). The zones aren’t instanced (well, not the same way), there aren’t 1000 skills to outfit your character with, and most importantly, the expansions will be true MMO expansions for this actual MMO, and not stand-alone yet interconnected games like factions and nightfall (with eye of the north serving mainly as a lead-in to GW2).
GW2 is an entirely different type of game from GW1. There are some similarities, but many, many more differences. An increase in the cap in GW2s game model makes logical sense, where it didn’t in GW1, and both of these things are ok.
But please understand that while set in the same world, these are two drastically different game infrastructures and the infrastructure for the game we’re talking about should be your point of reference for building on that infrastructure. Not some other game entirely.
You can do this with any class/race, if you don’t mind spending money.
The inquest potion makes you an asura. Very helpful for large races and jumping puzzles.
There’s also a consumable rifle you can buy from a karma vendor after an event in malachcor’s leap. Don’t remember the info exactly, but I do remember that the event chain involves chickens. This bundle has the jump shot skill.
Now, I don’t think you can use both at the same time, but if you’re not in the mood to roll another class for easy mode jumping puzzles, the option is there for you at the cost of coins.
I think the rifle is overkill in most cases though. The asura are basically like pressing tbe jumping puzzle easy button. Adding the rifle shot as well is basically like saying “no, I don’t deserve this achievement.”
I’m saying this as a guy currently leveling an Asuran Engineer specifically for world exploration
Definitely male charr. I think that happens sometimes when I mark stuff? Going off memory here
i’m surprised no one suggested a rare material storage space
Oh, like lodestones and cores and such? That’s fantastic, and I’ll add it in to the post. Thanks! I had this thought as well but my brain is so…wheee! shiny. Butterflies.
4). More informed kharma purchase decisions when you complete a heart and oh! Mangos! Do I need mangos?
I’m a bit ambivalent on being able to pull things out of the bank from the field, but I have to say I would love to know what I have stashed, cooking material-wise, for this precise reason. So even just a read-only view would be great (or a stock list?)
See, that’s the beauty of it just being the collectibles tab. There’s no benefit to being able to pull your mangos out in the field, as you can craft directly from the bank at stations, you can put an item on the TP from anywhere, and none of the collectibles give any sort of advantage in the field. Being able to see your collectibles from anywhere is great for all the crafting mats, being able to withdraw them mainly benefits minis, and would make them more popular.
I would be against accessing the general bank from anywhere (other than the ways already implemented through BLC randomness). That actually confers an unnecessary advantage, whereas the collectibles is more just for the convenience of it.
With the advent of the costume brawl, I thought to myself “it’s a shame I can’t use my awesome normal set and costume brawl”. Then this idea hit me:
A new transmute stones for normal items, to costume/toys.
Basically, it is exactly as it sounds. You’d have to add a costume/toy slot for offhands as well. As far is toy abilities, just standardize them across the item type. You could even go as far as having separate 4 abilities dictated by offhand to people could shield bash or block or whatever. Perhaps even change the 3/4. So for example, with a one handed sword you’d always have the same 1-4 abilities as anyone else only using a 1 handed sword, but if you throw a shield on you’d have the normal 1/2 and different 3/4. Possibilities here are actually sort of awesome the more I think about it!
You would have to keep the attacks pretty basic though to not outshine the costume sets.
These stones could be a new gem shop option, though I think they’re a little too niche for BLC inclusion.
This idea has been kicking around in my brain ever since I used a bank access express and it just opened my bank window without summoning an NPC. If that capability exists, this surely couldn’t be that hard of a change, and then I just kept adding on the idea.
I. Move the collectibles tab from the bank to the hero UI. This has no detriments that I can tell offhand as you can already deposit from the field, and there’s no mechanical advantage to withdrawal (though I’m sure there are some I haven’t thought of!) and would have multiple benefits (in no particular order):
1). Increased usage of mini pets. Currently you don’t see these little guys too often since they take up a valuable bag slot, and unless you use an invisible bag will go right back to your bank when deposit all collectibles is used. Being able to access your minis from anywhere will increase their desirability, thus bolstering both their gem and gold sales.
2). More informed decisions when determining to deposit or sell a collectible in the field. While not a huge benefit, some OCD people like to just have one of everything so none of their icons are greyed out.
3). More informed decisions when determining when you have enough of that resource you were farming to craft that item you want.
4). More informed kharma purchase decisions when you complete a heart and oh! Mangos! Do I need mangos?
II). Increased customization of the collectibles UI. When I want to reorganize my bank, I just move things around. The collectible UI doesn’t even remember which categories I minimize. Again in no particular order:
1). Remember UI preferences. A given seeing the opening of this suggestion, but included for completeness.
2). Customizable ordering by category. Not everyone wants their cooking mats on top! I’m sure many crafters would rather see their base mats, or fine mats, or gems first. I’d love to put my minis on top personally.
3). A “withdraw all crafting” button. For when you go to sell every last harvestable/dropped crafting mat. Should note that this shouldn’t apply to account bound cooking mats. Perhaps just a separate withdrawal function on each tab coupled with the last suggestion.
4). Separation of account bound and sellable cooking mats. For at a glance knowledge of where you’re missing what from. Maybe make this feature toggleable, as I’m sure not everyone cares.
5). Deposit all given toggleable preferences. Even if its just a check mark for minis (and possibly one for town clothes, see below). Invisible bags are great and all, but having one just so my mini doesn’t get deposited is sometimes more trouble than its worth.
III). Suggested before but fits here…a collectible tab for town clothes! Perhaps as a separate buyton on the hero pane or bundled with the other collectibles. So much quality of life:
1). Frees up five bag slots per stored outfit (pirate, cook, etc). Makes these and holiday outfits more attractive to purchasers!
2). Ease of swapping outfits increased, as well as transfer between characters.
3). Could separate tabs into outfits/standalones/toys, or by sets/standalones. Could also have a separate “special” tab as with the minis for the promotional stuff (gw2 hat, gw2 shirt, free stuff from gem shop for events, etc).
4). Will increase incidences of impromptu costume brawls across Tyria when coupled with the first section.
IV). Collectible Tab for rare crafting materials, ie: essences (putrid, vile), and lodestones (along with their lesser tier counterparts). These could also very well just be included in the gems tab. Similar enough.
Anywho, any other ideas others have that fit the improved quality of life collectible theme?
(edited by Sinnyil.3648)
With the four Halloween tonics available from the event (plastic spider, Halloween, concentrated Halloween and candy corn) there seems to be a simple but elegant solution for those of us that the RNG gods just dislike:
Mystic Forge recipe: 250 of each = one endless.
The sheer amount of bags required to even obtain 250 of each puts a massive limitation on this, the account-bound nature of both the tonics themselves and the endless tonic ensures limited impact on the economy, and it at least would make opening your 50 thousandth bag feel like you’re at least still progressing towards something.
It just seems like four slots in a forge recipe and four different tonics is a match that was meant to be, doesn’t it?
Originally posted in the Halloween forum which has been archived, probably should have been here from the start anyway!
I’m guessing I opened about 10K ToT bags, normal and personal and finally got it from a normal one. I got 250 of each, but by the time you have 1000 tonics, you almost dont need the endless because it’s going to last you until next year anyway even if it’s in 4 slots instead of one.
I dont know about this suggestion. It’s supposed to be rare, obviously, and this would surely make it far less-so. This isn’t a terrible suggestion, but it’s just one of those things that are luck and would kind of ruin the mysticism of it if it were changed.
To be honest I stopped keeping track of how many of each of the items I had, just started dumping them on a bank alt. In your opinion, would it be more acceptable to amend my suggestion to be four stacks of one kind of tonic, and make it four separate recipes? So like, 1000 of the same tonic instead, making the recipe far more difficult?
That’s goes right in line with my point So for those folks who just are THAT unlucky, and put that much effort into it…yeah?
With the four Halloween tonics available from the event (plastic spider, Halloween, concentrated Halloween and candy corn) there seems to be a simple but elegant solution for those of us that the RNG gods just dislike:
Mystic Forge recipe: 250 of each = one endless.
The sheer amount of bags required to even obtain 250 of each puts a massive limitation on this, the account-bound nature of both the tonics themselves and the endless tonic ensures limited impact on the economy, and it at least would make opening your 50 thousandth bag feel like you’re at least still progressing towards something.
It just seems like four slots in a forge recipe and four different tonics is a match that was meant to be, doesn’t it?
When I was building it I thought it would be in poor taste to break people’s armor. So he brings you down to 1% health instead.
For the future, couldn’t you use the same death thingie as falling? That doesn’t cause equipment damage
Onyxia is deep breathing more often too!
Yes you can. I currently have a friend doing just this.
There are multiple tiers of tonics so I assume various dusts will be needed for the different ones.
It also looks like there’s tonics that artificers can craft as well, but those are a bit harder to guess just from the name.
Ghost peppers just fell a bit from 70 down to mid 50s. Interesting to watch the market during this!
Ok, so the PC gamer video briefly showed the Halloween cooking recipe list. From lowest to highest Kharma cost we have:
Candy Corn Custard
Strawberry Ghost
Candy Corn Almond
Glazed Pear Tart
Glazed Peach Tart (Rare)
Spicy Pumpkin Cookie (exotic!)
Since we have a bit till it starts, any speculation on what materials we may need for our new treats? Some are obvious, like strawberries, others a little less so (I assume Ghost poppers for the exotic cookie…looks like others do too since the price has doubled in the past hour or so…I wish I had money). Tarts are generally pretty easy to make…what do you suppose glaze is made of? Hm.
Watch, as the price of ghost peppers skyrockets because of the brief showing of the halloween cooking recipies! Woooo
Moving up to T2 tonight, so BCRP is going to be doing some murdering in WvW! Check us out!
Psyched to get back into T2, let me know if you want to run with us!
Currently we’re rocking PvE dungeons while WvW is slow and Blackgate moves back up the tiers, check us out!
Who we are: Blast Corps is a guild that came together with several small man groups of MMO veterans. All of our officers have at least 10 years of competitive gaming experience across a number of MMOs. We are focused on becoming a zerg busting force for Wv3 domination. On top of that, we are a friendly and comical bunch of kittens looking to crack skulls. We started on Beastgate at the game’s release, and are happy to call it our home.
What we’re looking for: Our ideal candidate would be a level 80, unguilded, WvW pro who can follow directions, and is clad head to toe in the perfect exotic stat set while still exhibiting an extreme sense of style. This is of course a preference (but we do want you to aspire to this ideal!) so at a minimum we’re looking for individuals with a desire to WvW, the ability to run with a group and follow directions, and who are at least halfway through their leveling progression. While preference will be given to those who wish to make BCRP their primary guild, applicants who only wish to run WvW with us flying our tag will be considered as well.
What to expect: A short trial period where you run with us, smacking around enemies and having a good time. This is to assure you will make a good fit.
BCRP uses Mumble to communicate both socially and for WvW instruction, and is a requirement.
To Apply: Currently any class is welcome to apply, but this may change in the future. Please check out our website and fill out our application. If you wish to speak with someone in the guild regarding your application or to find out more about the guild in general, feel free to contact Sinnyil, Deehorsey or Redtah in-game.
It’s time to get movin’
This really looks like they’re evening out ability cooldowns on our weapons as a possible precursor to bringing them all in line with each other. At least I hope, otherwise it just seems sort of random.