Showing Posts For Sniser.1297:

So, no more blasts on evasive arcana [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


You can’t ignore the fact that Evasive Arcana was too powerful and mighty like it was. Don’t get me wrong – I completely understand your frustration as this build introduced some new levels of fun for me. Dodging is mostly a good feeling in any case. Having a blast finisher along with it also brought an amazing deal of pleasure, no argument there. But… it was still imba when used with all the proper gear, traits and rotation. I was throwing unbelievable amounts of boons and heals for my party and it was all done on a fresh lv 80 toon, w/o full exotic gear or any of the runes for boon duration. In some cases I was able to get to 25 stacks of might and when my group was consisted of 2 or 3 melee chars – it was a great improvement.

When you scrutinize it you realize that it did too much:

  • Blasts without an internal cooldown;
  • The ability to produce AoE boons for might, swiftness, regeneration, protection, resilience, frost armor, an AoE heal, AoE conditions;
  • It actually closed the gap for melee characters in dungeons. You know how everyone is complaining about melee toons always being at disadvantage in PvE – this trait improved on this by a lot;
  • In combination with staff this trait provides TOO much support out of one character. In reality this build was superior to a 30/30/x glass cannon build, making the actual full-on-dps build not viable. Why would you roll it, when you can still deal large amounts of dps and have the best support for your team? In other words it summarized the PvE state of the class with one build, which is never a good sign of balance.

I side by you on your quest to get a response from Anet. I don’t expect them to roll back the changes, but I am surely interested enough in reading a blog post, or a simple forum post by them, explaining the reasoning behind their decisions so far. They have done that before and it works well. Some of us cannot simply grasp the depth of an MMO’s balance. Some reason will emerge as soon as they make an effort to communicate with the classes they’ve affected. It’d be wonderful if the dev team wrote in the forums to all classes on a more regular basis.

What viable glass cannon build ? can you show me a viable glass cannon build for elementalist? I would love to see a video from you without dying almost all the time using DD in PvE or sPvP.

I aggre about blasts without an internal cooldown had to be fixed but fully destroying the last viable build…
Even if only the evasive arcana in earth attunment still creates a finisher blast would be fine

Thank you for ruining my fun!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Instead fixing the elementalist they just destroyed the only mechanic actually nice and fun about the class

So, no more blasts on evasive arcana [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Great ANet you just destroy the last trait line and fun I really enjoyed as DD creating combos to get power stacks with skill. it wasn’t easy but it was FUN.

Time to find another game and stop buying gems. thanks

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sniser.1297


For all those who say “GW1 was all about cosmetics!” Well All rpg are about developing your character, its the philosophy in this kind of game. You suck and you become a hero.
Item progression is a type of improving your develop as hero without increasing your level. PvP ladder is another way to improve your “hero” compare to others.
if a rpg game doesn’t have any way to improve your character then “there is nothing to do” feeling the gamer gets and he leaves.

For me to be a perfect game this game needs a PvE only progression(resistances PvE). WvW (realm abilities) only progression and a sPvP ladder system

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sniser.1297


My 2 cents its I like the change but only if its not a big increase on stats. if I want to skip this “tier” I can still be useful in the next dungeon

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


short and simple. I hate it, please remove it

KB/KD/Push/Launch/Pull need to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


WTB a stability ability in slot utility. Less QQ more pew pew.

AMD 7970 HD Catalyst 12.10

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sniser.1297


First thanks guys for the answers

its clocked at 500mhz automatically by amd when the gpu is under low workload since gw2 is minimized the gpu is idle.


Thanks I will try 12.11 first and then 12.8

AMD 7970 HD Catalyst 12.10

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Its not overclocked I didn’t touch it.
its spanish but as you can see the mhz its from default and temp its fine


(edited by Moderator)

AMD 7970 HD Catalyst 12.10

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I reported this bug already several in game times but looks like its not fixed after 2 month.

After serveral hours and several minimize the game to look internet I get this issue. Several huge shiny poligons start to dance on the screen. The only way to fix it is close the game, start again.

I attach a “cool shiny” screenshoot.

I have a windows 7 64bit with latest drivers. and amd 7970 with the latest catalyst drivers


Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


This is my original build

This is my new setup

I changed arcana final shielding at 25% hp to 33% chance to gain vigor on crits
I changed out the 10 earth and stuck 10 into water and picked “Cleansing water” trait.

10 additional water gives +100 vitality and +100 healing power
10 additional earth gives +100 toughness and +100 condition damage

In WvW and PvP, the major difference is that in Wv3, I need more burst healing since I’m going to be charging into the frontlines. I also need perma swiftness up in WvW more often than in PvP since I’m going to be running around more. Therefore, I need glyph of elemental harmony for its 12extra seconds of swiftness and burst healing for WvW and PvE, and signet of restoration for HP sustainability in PvP.

Onto your question:
I took out 10 earth for an additional 10 water for the following reasons:
-Armor of earth is nice, but if I can sustain myself above 50% hp in most situations, why do I need it?
-I prefer to activate armor of earth manually so that I can free stomp without being interupted, and channel without being interupted. So an automatic armor of earth does not work in my favor
-10 extra water gives 2% extra dmg per boon, and an additional method to cleanse conditions. the 2% extra dmg per boon is extremely useful, especially coupled with runes such as 2 superior runes of monk (15% extra boon duration) and 2 superior runes of water (additional 15% extra boon duration). I find myself stacking 4-5 boons every now and then, and I always have atleast 2 boons up (vigor and might are always up in battle). Other boons such as regeneration, swiftness, and fury are up most of the battle as well, so that gives a total of 5 possible boons unless I’m missing one. 10% extra damage overall to all attunements makes a big difference in battle.
-The cleansing water trait is very nice as well, as this gives you, as this gives me many more means to remove conditions. From this trait, I gain several additional methods to remove conditions by gaining regeneration:
1. Attuning to water grants regeneration, from arcana 5, so I remove condition
2. Casting Glyph of elemental harmony grants regeneration under water attunement
3-5. Casting any cantrip utilities grants regeneration due to water 3 trait.

There might be additional methods of removing conditions off this trait, as it states that giving regeneration to allies removes conditions as well. But the 5 methods above to additionally remove conditions counters any condition builds out there.

I have the exactly the same build with the same traits. The difference im more focused on crit dmg with my items 2400 armor 26% crit(without fury) 56 dmg crit.
what I find really important its several elementalist got to the same conclusion, what build they like.

Since people in MvM is usually using full berserker they will have half hp after a half combo(some firegrab miss and things like that) a full combo will kill them.

People Will Leave

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I play SPvP when I play alone or a controlled enviroment for tPvP but I like to play MvM when I like to roam killing players even if we are out numbered.
MvM doesn’t mean only zerg vs zerg its also for roaming around

Nerf or Buff is not what PVP needs

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I don’t aggre with the OP. The problem with Burst is only when you die in 2 seconds but you can’t kill in 2 seconds as well.
I remember Daoc casters would killed you in 3-4 seconds but they would die in the same time as well .
Tanks(bunkers) survived a lot , they were designed to survive and soak tons of damage. if you don’t survive and you can’t kill then why are you going to be a tank?

I really like the design where all classes if they spec for it, they can do any role. Specialization is good for teamwork, even FPS now have roles for with they weapons and kits.

I would see ok if a thief can kill me in 2seconds but IF I can do it too for example if I’m a ranger or necro and I’m specc for it.
The same way I would see fine if a thief can tank like a guardian if both are spec for it.

The problem is this is not possible right now and creates unbalance.

The last sentence will be.
I’m a player and I like to play X class because I love his mechanics and I love their background theme. and I want to play this Y role with the unique abilities of my class X

Short history. As a player in all MMORPG since 1997 I have been playing a mage archetype. I like spells and I like damage but I always have a secondary character melee with support healing like a paladin.
In this game, first I started playing as elementalist staff trying to repeat the mage archetype but soon I found I could play a mage melee dps with some support and healing I can do both playstyles in the same character so and I don’t need that secondary character anymore I’m not super high damage character or super high healing character but I do fine with this balanced build and I enjoy it

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I’m glad you are fixing underwater combat but why only half sharks? No sharks please!
I would be double glad

Steps to miss a trebuchet in front of your face with Lighting Whip

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I know but since exist in beta ANet may need to refresh their memories

Steps to miss a trebuchet in front of your face with Lighting Whip

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Step 1 – Equip your main hand dagger
Step 2 – Go to kyhlo and go to the trebuchet
Step 3 – Look to the devil trebuchet, master of dodges
Step 4 – Start auto attacking with the powerful Lighting Whip
Step 5 – Then while you are holding your right click button pressed, use your A and D movement keys like crazy. first A after D, first A after D like a class of yoga, don’t stop.

Step – 6 take a look on the bad looking evil trebuchet you will miss like crazy of course because the trebuchet is dodging. Enjoy!

(edited by Sniser.1297)

Elementalist damage + quick suggestions + Dev feedback request

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


this is 100% true. Using D/D I miss a lot, and when I don’t miss I feel I have to work a lot harder than with my thief and I’m not speaking about attunment or combos.

- With Firegrab I must have 100% aligned with the target.
- with Dragon fire and Cone of cold I must try to guess where my target is going to be if she or he its moving so the cone will hit.
- with Lightinging whip I can’t be too far or too close or straffing to much
- Vapor blade will hit only twice if the target is stationary if its moving.. well no way, even if you are moving will miss a lot more
- Burning Speed I can’t be or too far or too close. Sometimes I have to waste a dodge backwards just to be on the “right position” just to be able to use it.
- Magnetic Grasp if the target is moving away I must be at least 50%closer to be able hit , because the projectile is moving so slow the target will just move away runing even if it was in the range of the ability

this is only hit issues even after the “improvement” they hit a lot more but the abilities still are missing a lot. I don’t miss with my other characters why I miss so much with the elementalist?

if we start to see how many requirements we need to be able to hit with our spells then … well it becomes quite crazy.

Anyways I believe our auto attacks should have a little bit more damage for 1 fire, 2 water and 4 earth(bleed a little longer)

(edited by Sniser.1297)

Downed State - A constructive assessment

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I have several friends left the game because the downed state. its simple really fustrating to manage get several people down and die because you are unable to finish them off.

- I would increase the bleeding speed.
- Increase the 2 ability starts with cooldown to 4s and make it a single interrupt. if nobody helps you. you should die
- 3 aoe interrupt or avoid being finished. starts with 10s cd
- 4 heal but with a bigger cd if you get interrupted

Downed state suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Sniser.1297


At this moment there is 2 big issues with the downed state.

1 .- small force has very bad time to kill a bigger force because they can’t finish them off
2.- In ranged combat its also impossible to go and kill the guy you just take down and it takes ages to kill him attacking.

First I want to say. My main is an elementalist so I know what is when I’m in downed state I know I will be killed very soon unless I get some team mates help and I think its the way it should be. for all classes.

Since the downed state is to prevent just the focus killing, and giving your mates some time to help you I’m sharing the next idea…

when someone get is downed state:

1.- They can only use 1 and 4 abilities.
2.- The ability 2 is a single interrupt and starts with 4s cooldown. This way if you aren’t helped by a team mate, there is 1 second time frame before you can interrupt anyone.
3.- The ability 3 is a aoe interrupt and starts like now. 8s cooldown

the other fix I would do… is when someone is not attacking you in downed state the health goes down veeeeeeeeeeeery slowly. Why?

Unless you or any of your team isn’t healing you… The full bar should be empty in less than 15s since no one is helping you to survive.

This way you know if you keep attacking the guy or the zone where is the guy he will be finished in 10-15s.
if nobody helps you, you deserve to die.

I think this would fix all the issues and fustration with the downed state while keeping its utility to prevent the spike damages deads in team fights.

tornado & whirlpool are buffed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Oh thanks, I ‘m so siquishy I didn’t saw it

tornado & whirlpool are buffed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Its only me or now when the elites are used I’m getting like 75% more hp while the skill is working.

I think after the dmg nerf they buffed the health.

Elementalist changes - October 7

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Let’s be honest. Whirlpool was overpowered. Dot.

Even with 33% damage reduction, it still deals good damage, and what makes the elite devastating is the combination of damage and aoe pulling-in rupts.

Oh how I wish Tornado was even anywhere close to what the current, nerfed-but-still-strong whirlpool is.

was nerfing ele really #1 on the priority?

Read the patch notes. Nerfing the Guardian and the Mesmer were the #1 priority.

Maybe whirlpool was overpowered but siquishy as we are , now why do you want to put yourserlf in so danger for so low damage?
At least they should give the elite a protection boon for all the duration

Arcane Precision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


yeah it sucks. 30 points arcane is only for evasive arcana

Hydrospike - New defensive Spvp D/D build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I’m using exactly the same build but the difference is I use the valkyrie amulets and different runes for more damage.

Quick update

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Great, now Anet will destroy the only spec usefull for Elems. Because with the other builds you will be killed so fast with subpar damage

Idea: lets offer up changes to the class (one per person)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I would be happy with a little bit more damage in auto attack and survivality
and fix several things like.

Why daggers spells with small cone attacks are casted? In melee range both (me and the target) are moving. try to land Lightining Touch, or Fire grab.
Lightining whip will fail a lot even if I’m moving (strafing) if my targets moves.. well good luck to hit something….

And some cooldowns are too big for example frost aura… 40seconds? really? why? its not a A5

Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Burning retreat also is quite annoying. It can be used only in combination with updraft or just to go to the target if they are far away, losing a lot of dps.
Instead the charge could go to the target you have selected or at least let us to click again in the hotkey and do the explosion before it finish its path if we want to do it

Removing Raid on the Capricorn or making it optional

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I hate that map I just hate it, too many sharks. Underwater combat is meh too. My 2 cents

Conjure Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


It seems a little bit OP to me…and I have no more buttons to bind

How so?, if i understand the idea correctly the weapon we would get would be based on out attunementt. So in the utility slot i would have “conjure elemental weapon” (a fitting name if i do say so myself) and if i’m in fire i get the axe or if i’m in air i get the hammer etc.

I would be exactly the same power we have now as we would loose certain attacks based on not being in certain attunement.

A similar idea is to have the same 1 utility, but just make it conjure the weapon based on what attunement your in at the time and you are stuck with it.

I thought a similar thing with the elite fiery greatsword, it kinda doesn’t make sence that it’s fiery only (as every other attunment has a version of a weapon). So why not have an “elemental greatsword” instead, all attacks on it are the same as they are now – but each attunment gets a style of damage/buff/debuff added.

Fire would conjure – fiery greatsword with burning effect attacks.
Water would conjure – icey greatsword with chilling effect attacks.
Air would cunjure – lighting greatsword with a speedbuff.
Earth would conjure – Earthen greatsword with a bonus to toughness.

Yes this is the idea. I love your proposal too.

Conjure weapon actually feels like they are going against the idea of the elementalist: using the attunement swapping

Conjure Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


you don’t need more buttons, its like a different weapon they use the f1 – f4 , 1- 5

Conjure Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I was thinking well every conjure weapon looks nice in some way… but there are 2 big problems.

1 . there are very few charges for each weapon
2. We are stuck in that weapon until we use all the charges.

I check out and the range are nearly equal for frostbow,axe and hammer/shield
The elementalist class looks very focused on swapping between attunements.

So what if instead having 4 separated weapons we actually have 1 conjure utility spell to use the 4 weapons at the same time just like our attunements.

This also free 3 utility slots for something more useful

Elemental Suggestions/Bugs that need fixing.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


There is a huge issue to, actually all builds out there request to have at least 5 points into arcane for the trait Elemental attunnement, it feels like forced with all the attunnement dancing.

Elemental Suggestions/Bugs that need fixing.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sniser.1297


Lightning Whip still behaves strangely when in motion. Often times I can’t hit stationary objects within range if I’m moving. Other times, I can’t hit them if I’m standing still. Occasionally it misses enemies one second and the next, target still in the same relative position, and it hits.

It’s just overall wonky. If it was an aoe attack the weird conical hit zone would make sense, like Wave of Wrath on the guardian’s staff, but seeing as it’s a single target attack, it shouldn’t have nearly this much trouble.

This is true, in motion the attack miss a lot, lighting touch and fire grasp have the same problem, you and your target need to be stationary or moving forward.
if both of you move doing circles it will miss 90% the time