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Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I haven’t actually played GW2 in a long time, so there are a lot of things I haven’t kept up with. I just read something about skirmish “victory points” and “war score” now contributing to Glicko rating adjustments? And I saw something else that says that victory points are not available via any API?

Is all this true? Because if it is, it means I haven’t been correctly calculating new ratings the past few weeks, and that I cannot calculate new ratings going forward because the GW2 API does not have the needed information (i.e. this is not simply a matter of writing some code to handle things a new way), which in turn means the probabilities will be wrong.

In which case, calculating and posting these numbers is a colossal waste of time (even more than it was before, I mean). So unless I get me some education quick, I think that means the end of my probability estimates.

Here’s the important bits if someone else wants to attempt to take up this task (I had to make all these files .txt files to attach them, so remove the .txt extension after downloading).

I use the calc.cmd file to make things easier on myself. It’s not necessary, it just saves some typing. basically you invoke calc.cmd and tell it whether you want numbers for NA or EU, the date of the file containing leaderboard ratings, and today’s date. It will then do the rest, calling gw2match.exe for most of the grunt work.

I use sed to delete all the linked worlds from the leaderboard file, because linked worlds don’t matter for anything related to scores or ratings. I included the sed instruction files that do this, if you are interested. sed itself is available from numerous sources; I use the GnuWin32 version myself but just about any version is fine.

Most of the work is done by a program called gw2match.exe, which is written in C# (source attached as Program.cs). It has very few comments so it’s not the easiest thing to follow, but I didn’t expect to have to ever explain how it worked to anybody. You will also need a .NET JSON parser. These are commonly available so I didn’t bother to attach mine.

gw2match has lots of modes, most of which are for experimentation and irrelevant. The important modes for calculating probabilities are mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2.

Mode 0 calculates new ratings based on 2 inputs: previous ratings and current scores. Current scores normally come from the GW2 API but they can be read from a file if you want to see what the rating outcome would have been if scores had been different, or if the scores you want to use aren’t currently available from the API.

Mode 1 calculates probabilities of getting a particular world as one of your opponents. It needs a ratings file as input because ratings affect the probabilities. Mode 1 produces the “na1” and “eu1” files.

Mode 2 calculates probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. It also needs a ratings file as input. Mode 2 produces the “na2” and “eu2” files.

If somebody wants to calculate probabilities going forward, the first step is to figure out how skirmish scoring works for rating updates. Then either arrange for the needed scores to be in a file, or figure out how to derive what you need from the API. Then make any changes needed to the Mode 0 code (possibly no changes at all if you can generate a score file), and the rest should work as is.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


is it just me, or does the WvW leaderboard not have updated ratings for the NA servers?

NA says “Next Update 11/4/16 6:03 PM PST” which is very overdue. All the NA ratings are exactly the same as they were on 11/3. EU appears to be fine.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Turns out the new linkings are the same as far as the calculations are concerned. Only the host servers affect the calculations, and since the list of host servers didn’t change the numbers turned out to be fine as-is.

Here are the numbers for this week.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Too late, already forgot.

If we get sufficiently advanced notice of the new linkings I can re-run the calculations. I am guessing we will not.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


ArenaNet has explained pretty clearly how the “temporary” adjustments are applied. They don’t affect the published ratings, they are just silently added/subtracted for the purposes of making matchups.

Note that while the adjustments do not appear in the official ratings, they do appear in the predicted ratings I post, because that’s the way my tools work. Arenanet discards the ‘adjusted’ ratings immediately after matchups are done, but I keep them so it’s clear to everyone what ratings I used for the calculations. But I do not carry them over week to week; every week I start with the official ratings posted on the leaderboard, estimate the new ratings based on current scores, then I manually apply whatever adjustment I have reason to expect will be in effect for the next matchups.

Despite the lack of any announcement, it does appear that the adjustments were removed last week. The NA matchups we got don’t appear to have been possible if the adjustments had still been in place.

Here are the predicted probabilities and ratings for the upcoming matchups, assuming no adjustments.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


HoD and SoS ended up only 3 points apart, but for the purposes of the calculations they were estimated to end up 35 points apart, based on how the scores looked on Thursday.

the actual matchups are done based on the final ratings at the end of the matchup, but at that point nobody will be interested in probabilities. Hence the need to estimate what we think the ratings will be at the end, based on how the scores look on Thursday. Normally the scores on Friday aren’t very different from what they were on Thursday, percentage-wise, but if a server makes a last-day push things can change and that will throw off the numbers.

Here is what the probabilities would have looked like if the estimated ratings had been exactly right (which they never are):

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Snowreap.5174)

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Here’s what the NA numbers would look like if the 10/7 adjustments stay in effect this week.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


yeah, that was going to be my assumption as well, that “temporary” really means “until further notice”. Actually I am expecting ArenaNet to post today or tomorrow that the adjustments are being removed; it really doesn’t make sense to continue them.

In anticipation of such a post, I’ve run the calculations without any adjustments. I’d like to avoid (a) having to run the calculations over again and (b) having to monitor these forums for the next 30 hours to see if Arenanet says anything.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Sorry about missing last week, my PC was being repaired and I don’t have the programs I need for this installed on another computer.

For this week, I started the calculations but then I saw the 10/7 Glicko adjustment post ( Yak’s Bend is going from a +150 adjustment to +75?

Oops. I had no idea there was a +150 adjustment in place. Apparently it has been there since 9/16. So all the NA numbers I’ve posted since 9/15 have been wrong.

So, here are this week’s numbers. I don’t know if the NA numbers are right or not (as usual, ArenaNet has said the adjustments are “temporary” but hasn’t said how long “temporary” is. Is YB going back to the default of +150 this week? Or are they staying at +75? If they stay at +75 does that mean NSP and DB are staying at +150/-150?

I am assuming that the NSP and DB adjustments are being removed, since NSP is now solidly in T3 and DB is now solidly in T4 (last place in the ratings), as ArenaNet intended. Continuing +150 for NSP will put them solidly in T2 (with a chance to get into T1), and continuing -150 for DB will give them a 1455 rating which is just insulting.

And what about YB? Continuing +75 for them would give them a matchup rating of 2046, which is higher than the #1 server. While I believe that ArenaNet thinks YB is strong enough to stay in tier 1, I don’t think they believe YB should be the highest-rated server in NA. So I’m guessing the +75 is going away this week as well.

That means, I am applying no adjustments at all this week. I am going to assume that the 10/7 adjustments were for that week only (even though the 9/16 adjustment turned out to be “until further notice”). I would really prefer for ArenaNet to be clearer about this kind of thing.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Glicko movement if #4 beats #1?

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


The fact that the servers are #1 and #4 doesn’t directly matter to Glicko at all. What’s important is that the #1 server has a rating of 2036.4021, and the #4 server has a rating of 1921.0294.

The way Glicko works, the difference in ratings is used to establish an expectation. Because the servers are over 100 points apart, Glicko expects the higher-rated server to win by a significant amount. If the servers were only 5 points apart, Glicko would still expect the higher-rated server to win, but not by a large margin.

If a server does better than their rating would predict, they gain points. If they do much better they gain more points. If a server does worse than predicted, they lose points. This can happen even if the server wins, if they win by less of a margin than was expected.

This week, the #1 server is expected (by Glicko) to beat the #4 server by a lot. Instead what has happened is the #4 server is winning (not a blowout, but they are solidly ahead). So #1 is going to lose rating points (26 points or so), and #4 is going to gain rating points (32 or so).

These rating changes are not going to be enough to change the rankings (#4 will stay #4, and #1 will stay #1) because Glicko knows that even good players or servers can have a bad game sometimes. So ratings will change, but in order to change enough to switch places in the rankings #4 has to do consistently better in multiple matches (and #1 has to do consistently worse in multiple matches).

If #1 and #4 get matched up again next week, the rating difference will probably be only around 50 points. So Glicko will still expect #1 to win, but not by as much (Glicko will expect it to be a closer game). If #4 wins again, by the same amount, #4 will gain rating points again (but not as many as this week) and #1 will lose some. The amount gained/lost will be fewer than this week because the ratings are closer together, so even though #4 would still be expected to lose, a win next week would be “less unexpected” than this week’s win was.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Snowreap.5174)

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


yeah, humans have a hard time dealing with low probabilities. our brains aren’t wired to correctly process that kind of information.

it doesn’t help that the actual end-of-match scores are sometimes different enough from the estimated scores that the actual ratings end up different from the estimated ratings, which throws off the rest of the calculations. this is the main reason I post the estimated rating files (the last 2); if the estimated ratings turn out to be wrong then the probabilities will be wrong as well.

posting on Thursdays is a balance between estimating matchup outcomes too early to be accurate, versus posting probabilities too late to be seen by all interested players.


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


not sure what happened to the supposed resets for volatility and deviation, because the leaderboard ( doesn’t show any change.

anyway, here are the probabilities for the new matchups (with new linkings applied).

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probabilities for the upcoming matchups. It’s still unclear whether ArenaNet is still adjusting matchmaking ratings or not, but at this point unless we see an “impossible” outcome I’m going to assume we are back to normal unadjusted matchups.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Well, here are the estimated matchup probabilities for the upcoming matchups. It’s unclear at this point whether ArenaNet is still adjusting matchmaking ratings for the bottom 3 NA servers or not, so I’m posting numbers both with adjustments (“adj” in the filename) and without.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


The problem is this post here:

It says that CD was going to get a +300 bump the first week, then a +200 bump the following week. But it didn’t say if the following week would be the last week of temporary changes, or just the first week of +200 bumps that would continue a little longer.

Basically they haven’t said how long “temporary” is. Clearly it’s at least 2 weeks, but we don’t know if it’s more, or if it is how much more.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Here are the estimated matchup probabilities for the upcoming matchups. I am assuming here that CD, SF and DH will each get +200 applied to their ratings for NA matchmaking purposes. It’s unclear whether ArenaNet will actually apply these adjustments or not. It may be best to not trust the NA numbers at all. EU numbers should be fine.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Here are the estimated matchup probabilities for the upcoming NA matchups. I am assuming here that CD, SF and DH will each get +200 applied to their ratings for matchmaking purposes. The last post I’ve seen from ArenaNet on this topic indicates that CD would get a +200 adjustment this week but said nothing about SF and DH so I am assuming they will get the same adjustment as last week. If these assumptions are wrong then of course the probabilities will be wrong as well.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming EU matchups. I will wait a while before trying to calculate probabilities for NA matchups, in case ArenaNet posts an update regarding NA matchmaking rating adjustments. As always, the “eu1” file lists the likelihoods of getting a particular server as one of your opponents, and the “eu2” file lists the likelihoods of getting particular pairs of servers as your opponents. The “eu” file contains the estimated ratings used to generate the probabilities.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


This week I am posting numbers for EU only. It is still unclear whether ArenaNet is going to make manual adjustments to the NA matchups (and if so how much the adjustments will be).

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Here are the probabilities for NA, assuming the following matchmaking adjustments:

CD +185
SF +130
DH +100

Note that ArenaNet said they “might” make these adjustments, and that they were based on July 14 ratings. Since today’s ratings are different they might choose to make different adjustments for the upcoming matchups, in which case these numbers won’t be valid.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I haven’t seen any confirmation from ArenaNet that they are definitely going to be adjusting the matchmaking, or what the adjustments will be. Despite the silence, I suspect they are going to do it anyway (advance communication not being one of their strengths) but just in case they don’t here are the numbers assuming no adjustment.

Since it’s unlikely that the EU servers will get any adjustments (they have no locked tiers) these numbers are probably accurate for them.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Snowreap.5174)

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


There is a possibility that ArenaNet will manually tweak things starting July 29 to make certain impossible matchups possible:

But as a side effect of this, calculated matchup probabilities will be wrong unless the calculations take those same adjustments into account. If this can’t be done I may have to stop posting numbers.

We’ll see how things go.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Glicko making it impossible for CD to move T3

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


the way the linking works, the ‘host’ world gets all of the rating benefit of a win (or the loss from a loss). linked worlds don’t get any rating change at all. EBay for example hasn’t moved from 1528.6343 since 4/22, even though they are ranked #12, because they’ve been a linked world since then.

so a 4-server linking might be very very powerful, but only the host world will see any kind of rating change as a result — the other 3 won’t see any rating improvement at all. and when the links change in the future, we might see CD fall again as rapidly as they’re now rising.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I see that matchup stagnation / locked tiers are back in NA with a vengeance:

The following servers are now 100% likely to play each other and nobody else:
Crystal Desert, Kaineng, Eredon Terrace, Borlis Pass
Sorrow’s Furnace, Ferguson’s Crossing, Gate of Madness
Darkhaven, Ehmry Bay

the rating gap between CD and SBI is over 300 points, so it’s possible this situation will persist for a long time.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

no numbers last week because I forgot. even if I had remembered the numbers would have been worthless due to the world linking changes.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


not trying to steal any thunder but doesn’t the WvW Matchup website already do this in a user friendly format:

is that Gudradain’s new site? I see the old URL isn’t working.

“already” implies they were doing it first. actually it’s the reverse; the website is new. for users who are interested only in their own server it’s a fine site, but if you want to see how much variation your server has compared to others (i.e. you are shopping for a server that has more randomness than the one you’re currently on) then my data is more useful. my data is also useful if you want to quickly see which tiers are currently “locked” with no randomness at all.

if I were certain that nobody was interested in my numbers any more I would stop posting them, it would save me time every week.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


p.s. Sorry about the late post, my normal plan is to post these numbers on Thursdays.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

MOS matchup Scores Wk9 / matchup list

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


by request, I’m posting estimated probababilities for the upcoming matchups in this thread also. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Ok, I’ve been watching the ratings and scores for a few weeks, and I have concluded that there’s nothing wrong with my math.

For one matchup only (April 22 – April 29) it looks like ArenaNet used a rating calculation very very different from the standard Glicko-2. I was not able to figure out where the numbers came from, even after making adjustments to the Glicko-2 Tau parameter. It’s entirely possible that the ArenaNet calculated ratings are outright wrong, based on bad data or buggy code.

But wrong or not, (or more to the point, explainable or not) ArenaNet’s decision is final so those are the ratings we ended up with on April 29. And after that, rating changes appear to track closely to what would be expected based on the scores, using the old Glicko-2 algorithm we’ve had for years.

So it would not have been possible for me to predict probabilities for the April 29 matchups, but it looks like I can do so for any matchups before or after. So I’m resuming the posting of probabilities.

With that, let the cut-and-paste resume:

here are the estimated matchup probababilities for the upcoming matchups. “na1” and “eu1” files show the probabilities of getting any single opponent, “na2” and “eu2” files show the probabilities of getting a particular pair of opponents. the last two files are the estimated rating outcomes for the current matchups, assuming that final scores don’t meaningfully differ from today’s scores.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I suppose there is another possibility. If the final matchup scores were very different (in terms of percentages) from what they were on Thursday, it is possible that would have caused the predicted ratings to be different from the actual ratings.

But it looks like every server in the NA list has the wrong rating (except Blackgate, which is off by only about 1 point). It seemed unlikely to me that all the matchups would have seen this kind of last-day change. But I suppose it’s possible that there has been a surge of activity/interest in WvW right down to the last day due to the recent changes.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Well, it looks like my predictions for rating and deviation are not accurate, which means the probabilities aren’t accurate either.

I don’t know if I can fix this; there may not be enough information available to me to identify the issue. As an example, look at NSP:

I predicted their rating would go up from 1447.1173 to 1467.7891 and their deviation would go down from 260.0455 to 214.2828. But the GW2 leaderboards say that NSP actually went to 1490.1838 / 188.2237.

This means that Glicko-2 is zeroing in on what it thinks the “true” ratings are much faster than I am (the rating is moving faster, and the deviation is shrinking faster). The speed at which Glicko-2 does this is determined by the Volatility value from the leaderboards and an internal constant called Tau. In 2012 Habib Loew stated that ArenaNet was using a value of 0.6 for Tau. It is possible that ArenaNet is using a different Tau value now, but without knowing what it is I can’t do the calculations.

Until this is resolved I am going to stop posting probabilities. It might be possible to figure things out by trial and error but the time I have available to work on this is very limited.


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