(edited by Sorin Noroku.5342)
I second the idea of High level Fractals and/or Raids. I love to do both, and it’s extremely rewarding for me! The ability required for raids is dependent on how invested you can be. There’s guides out there to get one started, do take note of them. However once you learn the mechanics and whats required of each boss, you can then shake it up! Lowmanning them or changed the party comp all together (a friend just released a video where not a single person was a dps spec on a boss!).
DPS stats moved over from fighting bosses in raids or against Golems do NOT accurately transfer over to PVP and WvW. Those measurements are made against AI over an extrended period of time , with that same AI having many hundreds of thousands of “hit points”.
Saying the class that does the most damage against those bosses is best at delivering damage is akin to saying the best runner of the 26 mile marathon is faster then Usain bolt.
If all you have to run is 100 meters , then it does not matter how fast that Marathon runner can run 26 miles. Usain bolt will beat him to the finish line.
This guy gets it, remember all qT benchmarks are for RAIDS they are the maximum damage you can do and HOLD over a VERY LONG period of time!
These are also under best examples, and do not count in dodges and mechanics from raids, which is another reason why condi is favored, as damage still goes on while you’re doing mechanics.
These benchmarks should NOT be considered for anything that last shorter than 130 seconds, as thats typically what it takes to down a 4 million golem with a subpar rotation. As many things in pvp/wvw/pve do not last very long, these benchmarks are a bad example for this.
Power, while needing some love, is not that subpar to condi. Not unless you’re looking at raids. Power is easier to burst in damage and finish the mob then move on.
@sifu.9745 I respect the condi burst guardian, however as it’s a condi ‘burst’ it doesn’t fall into the category I use for condis. Mainly due to how often it’s able to achieve said burst, and how long before that damage falls off/slows down, when compared to other condi builds that keep stacks high for a very long time. If it’s used to kill things that don’t have much hp (say <100k), then I’d put it with power honestly ^-^!
Come raid with us!
Can I come on my Rev??!!
I kid…I kid…..but great thing you guys doing!!
Many of us play condi rev on most of the tier 1 bosses and some others just fine I wouldn’t mind a rev on my team with exception of Deimos/matt/samarog as break is low, and as it’s still pre-PoF, no range option.
Sadly, I believe Tex just simplified NA’s issue…. vets will clear in the first day or two, and then the LFG is dry except for a guild needing a pug or two… not many people will post up, just check if there is a posted one. This leaves new players to attempt to find raid guilds, who, as some have told me, ain’t even interested in training, so much as clearing.
That’s one thing we’re hoping to solve with this discord! As I type there’s about three groups going, and more people asking when next will be up, and trainers saying when they’re next available!
Many look at qT benchmarks and fail to see something. These are raid benchmarks. This is for a fight that lasts SEVERAL MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something most pve doesn’t see. If you take power into a dungeon, things will die before condi has a chance to build to maxum power, and then when they do, they have to start over again. This is where power shines, if the fight lasts less than 30 seconds, power should be surpreme. If it lasts longer, this is when condi starts to shine.
Also remember, this is with full buffs. Already have all your might and GOTL, everything. Power is in need of help, but not that much. The trade off is that condi is just better for the long haul of damage. Not only that but if you do mechanics for raids, you’re still ticking damage where power would fall flat.
TLDR: power is burst, condi is long drawn out fights.
Since this post, we’ve hit over ONE THOUSAND MEMBERS!!!! This community is fantastic and I’ve personally seen MANY people get their first kill on many bosses! I’ve trained all of tier 1 myself, and within one night we knocked them all out! Two even in one try! So many members are getting the raid bug here! Maybe you could be one of them!
The veterans are all quite helpful with new raiders, and love answering questions! We have a select few even as “mentors” for select roles who’s job is to assist with learning that role and helping with rotations!
I see far too many claiming raids are difficult, let us take you in and see if we can’t help that idea change to “fun” or “easy”!
Come raid with us!
Raids now a days are SOOOO MUCH less toxic than they were before. As long as you know the fight, (can watch videos) most don’t care. We had a Druid today for VG that was at 1,800 toughness and was pulling off the tank. We finished just fine with him. No one asked for kill proof, or to ping LI, or even cared if you were experienced or not, just if you knew the fight.
Which for those not at max mastery, that is highly suggested for you too!
So I’ve noticed when watching the videos that the necro and mesmer elite specs on the videos are reversed from the website.
Not sure where this was supposed to go… but was quite funny to a friend and I.
Has anyone else noticed it?
Enrage is just a flawed mechanism in itself that could only exist in gamelike environment and break any kind of imersion. Logically, any kind of human, creature, demon or whatever would just run away the moment they find themself in a dead end. More than that, It’s illogical that something could have a huge surge of strenght after having being bitten to death by other things.
Agreed. There are plenty of interesting alternatives that could achieve the same goal (DPS check) while not breaking immersion.
One, obviously, is what you suggest – the boss tries to escape, and the raid is forced to block the escape and/or kill the boss before it succeeds.
Another would be for the boss to generate an environmental hazard as a result of taking damage. An example would be damaging blood (poison, frostbite, burning, or other condition depending on boss type/origin) which pools at the boss location, forcing the raid to carefully control boss position to avoid tanks dying while at the same time ensuring they kill it before the entire area is covered, which would ensure a wipe.
Yet another (which works best for mechanical bosses) is for the boss to have some overload mechanic which triggers at some percentage of HP and takes a fixed period of time before discharging/exploding, killing both the boss and the raid.
Another one would be to give the boss a strong regeneration mechanic, so that groups simply had to out-DPS the regen. This could be further complicated by adding fight mechanics that take off large chunks of HP each time, so that the DPS just has to be great enough so that the boss doesn’t out-heal the mechanic damage.
One boss could trigger some signal at a particular point in the fight, after which reinforcements arrive to wipe the raid.
There are lots of things that could be done that are better than enrages.
This guy! This guy here has some awesome ideas! These sound fun!
@Sorin Noroku.5342 – You can see the enrage timer plenty of time with pugs training or players not knowing mechanics. You finish the fight at 3-2 players. One time I had to do the last 10% of cairn alone with my druid, the enrage was at 6% remaining.
I like to help players in difficulty or beginners -probably because I don’t have something else to do with raids atm-, but I think I shouldn’t survived the enrage alone during a lot of time, and I don’t think the devs wanted to have the raids designed like this.
That’s part of what I said being something was missing. Mechanics/People dying/Not doing what they should be. Those are main causes of enrage. People learning the fight, or learning their class are doing one of these things. Missing mechanics due to being new, or not doing what their class needs to from being new to it.
Warrior needs to pump might, not doing it, dps suffers. Ele needs to do damage, not doing it well enough, fight takes longer. etc etc.
Being new/training is a perfectly fine example of a reason to hit enrage. ^-^ Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they’re bad. Just saying that’s the reason for enrage. And with hitting enrage, my view is that the extra damage is punishing enough. For new people to run out of time, to be SO VERY CLOSE, and instantly die. That would infuriate me. Now, if we’re that close with new people/people dead, and maybe I could survive a bit longer and win and not have wasted time. It’s more worth it. Otherwise people could be “30 seconds left, 15%, just wipe, we wont get”.
I just don’t understand why OP would want MORE punishing enrage. Sure some fights can be finished solo, some can’t. You wouldn’t have been able to finish sabetha alone in enrage. The platform would die. Gors would kill with world ender.
Even still, most fights should never hit enrage if everyone is doing what they should be. The only reason it’d hit enrage is if you’re messing up mechanics, or people are dying. Which then you need to look at who’s messing mechanics, and who’s not watching their own health. (Seriously, EVERYONE has a heal, use it if you’re taking too much damage)
So I really don’t get what the OP is saying about enrage not being punishing enough. You shouldn’t see it anyway. If you are, you’re not doing enough, and then the extra damage is just punishing enough.
What Nagr.1593 is saying is good info. If you want some cheap boon duration, exotic trinkets with platinum doubloons is plenty! If you run say exotic zerk trinkets with plat, you get 24% boon duration (1 ammy, 1 backpack, 2 earrings, 2 rings, at 4% each). That tied with sigil of concentration of 33%, and food of 20%, you’re looking at 77% boon duration already.
Going even cheaper on runes, say herald runes (protection on heal use) of 15%, this puts you to 92% which is enough to keep perma quickness up (I’ve done it without food before, so at 79%, don’t recommend! It was tight.). If herald runes are too difficult to get, a no risk set would be 4 traveler runes with 2 platinum doubloons in your armor (23%).
If you use that, you sit at exactly 100% with sigil of concentration BEFORE you even use a commander item! Also no bountiful sharpening stones! Which means, you’re able to use Superior sharpening stones for extra damage, as you’re already in zerk gear. If you want to tank, you can do similar but getting knight’s trinkets, or commander armor.
(edited by Sorin Noroku.5342)
That’s kinda what the raid lobby was for
Well, minor sigils and runes really aren’t worth the effort to anyone who has a max level character. There are thousands of them sitting on the TP which nobody wants to buy. I’d like to be able to add them to the “junk” list, but that’s just a personal wish and would probably take too many resources to properly code into the game. Guess I’ll just have to live with manually selling them off to the vendors.
You’re welcome to send them all to me! I’d love to receive them! Please feel free!
I use defender in raids on Cairn or on Sabetha where the protection it gives is helpful, or if I’m running minstrel and want to boost my potiential to remove damage even further. After those two, I don’t need it much.
I have 400 on all crafting, and some above (leatherworking and tailoring are around 420-450, weapon/armor/huntsman are all 500)
A lot of groups will accept kill proof as a means to get around LI as LI only says how many bosses have died, not which bosses. So you could have killed wing 1 ten times to get 30 LI, or killed vale guardian and escort 15 times each for 30 LI. The end of the day, it just says bosses died. The groups that fill fast are usually the ones that don’t care about insights and just want you to do your best, sadly these are the ones you’d need, but they fill fast.
I highly suggest finding either a guild with raiders, starting a squad yourself, or just being honest with your group. Being honest with the pug is my preferred way, as guild with raiders could be as toxic as pugs, starting a squad yourself can take awhile as some might look down (plus 300g for a tag now o,o).
Being honest with the pug by saying, “Hey, I know wing 1, i have 30 LI, but I’m not terribly experienced with other wings, is this okay?” A lot of groups will just go “yeah, do you know mechanics?” and take you. If they don’t, then they’re stuck waiting.
As a raider nothing bothers me more than the LI requirement. This past reset I posted for some pugs for my group, listed no LI, and took a dude who never killed the bosses past Sabetha, and we took him to xera. Little to no issues.
TLDR, be honest, faking LI is bad, save at least 1 trophy from the kills to prove you killed/get mini!, don’t let elitists pull you down.
PS: I’m seeing more and more groups for 60+ LI for VALE GUARDIAN!!! LETS STOP THIS PEOPLE! PLEASE!
Besides, the HoM was a way to reward longtime fans of the Guild Wars series. To make those skins obtainable in another way is a slap in the face to the veterans. How would you justify to them, “We’re taking your acomplishments and making them pay/wait to get. Sorry your old account isnt worth the same anymore”
The deal is that people consider it funnier and more enjoyable if they are doing something optimized. It makes them feel better in general that they are doing something well. This might sound weird at first but, are we not encouraged to do our best at whatever we do?.
That said, this is not a real pressure outside of Fractals/Raids. Marauder, Valkyrie and the like works wonders for survivability as well as damage. You can also wear Celestial to be an all-rounder (change build as you wish without ever worrying about equipment!) and do well at most stuff.
Just remember though, toughness in particular needs a rework. They have severly nerfed it because of a previous PvP bunker meta, and it is basically a junk stat. You need vitality and proper use of protection+vigor much more than you need toughness, as enemies will simply pierce through you in groups. So it might actually be hindering yourself rather than protecting yourself, if you wear toughness equips.
What’s more optimal though, a dungeon run with 3 party wipes or a dungeon run 1 minute slower than the world record?
3 party wipes can happen even in tanky gear. You also have to look at it this way, if things die faster, you take less damage. The lower you go with damage stats, the longer enemies live. Also, “1 minute slower than the world record” is also running the same build as world record, but not shaving seconds off here and there. So the 3 party wipes and 1 minute slower could be the same group with different experience.
If you like damage, but want a bit more tanky, I suggest Marauders armor. It’s zerk with bit lower damage for a bit extra health. More health is better than higher toughness.
Why can’t you just wait until the weekend if it is more convenient for your group to do so? I don’t see the point in punishing other groups because you want to wait
its not just my group since its something that will take x hours to complete it would be better if more ppl were able to run it freely on release day. No one likes to be late in the fun.
I mean lul so many ppl took day off today to raid because the release was in the middle of the week. A release during the weekend would be better for the bigger picture.
Then you need to account for people who work the weekend, and are off on days like tomorrow and the next day, such as myself. We had a group ready to go in tonight and most of us are off the next day because we were gonna go in at a late time. Now we just get to do it on our off days, which is good for us. If we had to wait till the weekend, half of our group would be gone, so you could get your group.
Hi all,
Sadly we’re not going to be able to launch the new episode “The Head of the Snake” on its intended release date today.
We were hit hard by the Seattle area storm and resulting power outage. We’ve been working to bring everything back online as quickly as possible, but after a series of setbacks, it’s become clear that it won’t be today.
Please accept our apology. We’re going to keep at it through the night and hope to be able to launch tomorrow, but obviously we can’t promise anything.
MoPlease launch it at the regular time tomorrow as opposed to as soon as possible
Honestly I’d like it ASAP! I play throughout the night, so if it drops then I could possibly still host the guild event my guildies were looking forward to.
No class rebalance…. I’m really tired of the current tempest fiesta already. Give us the previous balance patch where you can take anything in the game and it’s just as good as everything else. Also I know the necro bug, where they are actually good, is fixed. Is it too much to ask to bug necros again?
Unfortunately, Anet has decided that skill = the ability to copy builds from websites – and the punishment for not doing so is crippling your group and severely lowering your chances at ever seeing the content.
This is so far from the truth. Listen, eles can “copy paste” builds and stuff all day long. But, at the end of the day, a bad dps rotation matters WAY more than copy paste. I have ele friends that when they’re in, the boss dies WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY faster than when I’m with pug groups. Sabetha is the best example, phases her at second cannon aka one minute in 25% gone, where pug groups struggle to get it at phase 1:30 minutes in. Those thirty seconds is huge! And you know what? My buddy is running non meta food, sometimes no food. So just “copy and paste” doesn’t work. The problem is that those builds that have been discovered are some of the best POSSIBLE damage for that class. I’ve seen the same (phase at second cannon) done without eles. Then there’s the group that did her with 5 people faster than I’ve seen 10 people reset clear. Copy paste surely is not the thing people need to be aware of. Find a class you want to play, practice it until you get to required NUMBERS of dps. That’s the thing. I’d take an engi if it can hit the same numbers as an ele. I’ve seen warriors hit more than ele on the golem. It is skill towards your class that matters
Trailblazer is meta for WvW condi classes I hear, Wanderer is easy to acquire baby mesmer tank for raids, commander is very meta for chronotank. Vigilant and Crusader I don’t know of those for builds.
Mesmer isn’t the only tank, Rev, Guard, even Ele CAN tank. The reason a mesmer tanks is lower dps than the rest, but they provide quickness and alacrity, so this class logically loses the least when they tank as their goal isn’t to provide dps but rather strengthen others. As for fractals, tanking is different there, there’s not someone who can purposely grab aggro away from others, as such, just help your party in ways that your class does and you’ll be good. (mesmer quickness, warrior might, guardian protection, ele dps, necro condi, etc etc)
This is a FANTASTIC thread! I’m going to read through later and see what I can help with.
Personally, I’ve always wanted a Bolt legendary sword.
As far as “lots of time and farming” yes ascended does take more time then exotic; how ever be honest how long does exotic take…
well let see … are you making medium armor?
Got 1 Hardened Leather Section from doing an octovine. You need 3 to make one square and 10 squares to make one insignia and 6 insignias for a set. That is from around 15minutes of doing stuff. Assuming around 2 hours of play a day and the need to acquire the other parts. Maybe 2 months?
Umm is that an answer to when I said “how long does exotic take?”. I really doubt it takes anyone 2 months of 2 hours a day play time to get exotic armor (at least if they are trying to).
Yes Ascended might take a bit longer, but really exotic is so fast it’s really not an adequate measurement to how long it “should” take to gear up. Honestly I don’t really see a problem with the ascended armor stats and acquisition. (I’ve made multiple sets and haven’t really had any issue) If you don’t think it’s worth it, then don’t worry about it. If you want the extra little bonus to stats, go for it!
You can easily gear up almost any character just by doing dungeons. Do the dungeon that has the armor you want, all 3 paths each day, full armor set in 7 days. Less time if more than one dungeon has the armor stats, or if you do dungeon frequentor (8paths and repeatable during the day) for another 150 tokens of your choice.
On top of the gear you get as drops there, which can be salvaged to sell materials to buy what you need/just craft what you need.
The only thing were this would be needed is for
Internal Cooldowns from Traits/Runes
Sometimes you could make game deciding decisions depending on the Trait being ready or not
Yes please! Make my Mesmer job easier!!!! Please post this to QoL topic for easy dev viewing!!!
so let me see if i understood this correctly.
1) Bloodstone magic can manifest t self in a physical form that looks like red rocks, and aparently theres an abundance of it
2) I thought the purpose of the bloodstones was to contain and hide whatevers left or magic away from the dragons not to serve a meal for the dragons to put them to sleep early?
3) I thought one would require that key bloodstone in order to unlock the other bloodstones magic. apparently we just had to blew it up? and now its leaking and manifesting it self everywhere for everyone to take its power.It forced them to sleep early because they couldn’t absorb enough magic to stay awake, the world was empty of magic again. It was locked away from them. The dragons sleep when magic is gone.
basically your saying once we kill 1 elder dragon you have no choice but to kill them all since they absorb each others magic.
Each dragon could only absorb the magic that belonged to them, via the orbs. Death orb, fire orb, plant orb, etc. when we killed an elder dragon, no dragon held that orb, so other dragons could snatch up the magic. The bloofsgones worked similar. Locking the magic away where the dragons can’t touch it. When there’s no more magic in the world to eat, they sleep until magic is replenished. The magic deeps from the dragon’s and back into the world, they wake up, gobble it back, sleep, seeps out, gobbles up, etc. now that the magic in the bloodstone was exploded and released, the dragons, now used to the shorter cycle, could be awake for longer, as there’s more magic to gobble up! So we need to trap the magic again, to force them to sleep sooner, or keep killing them until we have one super dragon to fight…… remember the dragons are as strong as the gods were if my lore holds true
“One viable build”
You have the sympathy of every Elementalist.
Eles atleast have, Staff, FA Staff, FGS Staff, FA dag/warhorn, Heal Auramancer dag/warhorn, Heal Auramancer Staff, Zealot Auramancer Dag/Warhorn.
Engies have… condi…maybe power bombs/grenades…Hammer in pvp…
so let me see if i understood this correctly.
1) Bloodstone magic can manifest t self in a physical form that looks like red rocks, and aparently theres an abundance of it
2) I thought the purpose of the bloodstones was to contain and hide whatevers left or magic away from the dragons not to serve a meal for the dragons to put them to sleep early?
3) I thought one would require that key bloodstone in order to unlock the other bloodstones magic. apparently we just had to blew it up? and now its leaking and manifesting it self everywhere for everyone to take its power.
It forced them to sleep early because they couldn’t absorb enough magic to stay awake, the world was empty of magic again. It was locked away from them. The dragons sleep when magic is gone.
My guess is Feb 7th
You were correct!!! You get a prize! (+1 bloodstone dust)
Unless I’m mistaken, bloodstones were never “inactive” just that we didn’t know how to use the magic from it. However, also need to know these bloodstones contained enough magic to send the dragons to sleep EARLY! And it’s been seeping out
Normally I centralize the heals on my enemy target. The Druid heals are pretty aoe, and if people are close to the target, they get heals there. If they run out, I just warn them I won’t chase them with heals.
1. Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.
“a penitent expression”
synonyms: repentant, contrite, regretful, remorseful, sorry, apologetic, conscience-stricken, rueful, ashamed, shamefaced, abject
“she stood with her hands joined below her waist like a penitent child”
1. A person who repents their sins and (in the Christian Church) seeks forgiveness from God.Considering it’s going to be a raid.. I have a severe doubt the bosses we’re gonna fight are gonna be penitent in the slightest
But my bet for the portal location is going to be Confessor’s Tomb close to the camp in Bloodstone Fen
Spirit tonic quest…. bastion of the people who repent for sin, could also be akin to “FISSURE OF WOE”!!!! As the first discription is “feeling of sorrow and regret for having done wrong”. Let alone ALL THOSE GHOSTS WE SEE IN RAIDS PRIOR!
Legendary armorsmith of fissure of woe, I see your tricks!
So the way Signet of Inspiration works is if you have any of the boons on you, you share what the signet says. The way a boonshare chrono would benefit a warrior is with two buffs primarily. Quickness and Alacrity. Quickness is 50% faster activation of skills, including auto attack, and alacrity is 33% faster recharge of skills. This means that your warrior will attack more often, which will give you more might. It also means their headbutt, f1, banners, any other skill, recharges faster. Which your warrior will LOVE! At the same time, you’re giving those boons to yourself, so your own rotation gets faster! It’s possible to have 100% quickness and alacrity uptime on stronger bosses. With that, both you and them will do more damage in a shorter timespan.
Yes, if you have might you will share might, HOWEVER, you’ll only share 1 might. On the flip side, if you get protection from something, you can share that to your warrior!!! Runes of the herald is one supply. A lot of mesmers can upkeep near 100% protection uptime from those runes alone. Which means warrior takes less damage and their heal Signet is more useful!
Common boonshare chrono a use inspiration 122, domination 222, chronomancer 333, sig of inspiration, well of action, timewarp/grav well. This means whenever you summon a phantasm, you share boons (24 seconds cooldown), and whenever you use the active Signet you share AGAIN!!! (Same cooldown). With continuum split, you can reach four uses of the boon share (2 inside with trait and active, 2 outside)! This is also 24 seconds of quickness from the signet and trait alone. With both signets being 24 second cooldown (faster with alacrity!!! 33% faster! 24 seconds is without!)
Yes the Signet is all we have (besides shatter and wells) to share boons. Boonshare is a build that goes I HAVE PROTECTION!!!! NOW YOU GET PROTECTION AND YOU GET PROTECTION!!!! Etc etc with all the boons. You only share what the Signet will say, so max you share is 6 seconds of protection, however this is PER USE of the Signet!! You also share 6 seconds even if you yourself only have 1! You have 1 sec protection, you use Signet, you now have 7 seconds and they have 6. Use phantasm, you now have 13, they have 12! Obviously, time of cast takes time away, but as long as you have protection, you share the 6 seconds with 100% boon duration. This is where it’s nice! You can do the same with aegis, resistance, stability, anything that the Signet says!
(edited by Sorin Noroku.5342)
we have HOT stat ascended armor in pvp that im pretty sure free players dont have access to. we can have legendary armor in both of those places.
The HoT ascended PvP armor is new. It also doesn’t show much prestige (see how many people who got The Ascension prior to the new change felt about the tier thresholds being removed). Remember, I said a gate that would make it feel prestigious, also, why would PvP need legendary armor? Why would they need a legend back either is my question too…
WvW I could see needing legendary armor, as it actually uses your current equipped gear. But how do you gate WvW legendary armor? What would you be able to do in WvW that warrants it?
Even one HoT-exclusive collection piece in first tier makes the whole thing HoT-exclusive too, which is kinda invalidates your whole post.
The question was for what gate do you put it behind in another section of the game that would make sense. To me, raids is a logical gate, that is for HoT. If they only wanted to make it HoT only, that’s easy. Just not have the collection unlock unless you have it. Just like s2 weapons needing a mastery. They wanted it to be behind a skill wall. What skill wall would you use if you didn’t use raids?
However, this is starting to get off topic.
Could just fight her in her room, and when she does the sword attack aoe, just have a Mesmer distort the team… gg, all done, no worries. I mean one FAstaff tempest can easily hit the entire room.
The most logical place to apply a gate is raids.
Nope. Considering the exclusivity and narrowness of that gate, it’s the least logical option. It’s just completely out of place compared to all the rest of the game
I ask you then, where would YOU have placed a gate for legendary armor that was not crafting with the mastery like the weapons, that could show prestige? The only location that made sense to me was raids. Now, remember, it must be in a location that is exclusive to HoT as wether you disliked it or I liked it, which to be honest at the time I didn’t care, it was a selling point of HoT. We can’t place it in WvW, as nonHoT players do that too. Can’t just drop it in PvP for same reason. Sure they could have you grind out the metas over and over and over for a chance at the drop, but then we have things like chak eggs. Or we could have it like the new weapons, which is running around the world and then spending gold, which for more casual players is just as bad as raiding, because then you have to farm AB nonstop. Not many enjoy that. The next logical sense to me would be to tie it to raiding. It’s a new thing, they needed something to push people in that way, to play it and learn the hard content. So they put legendary armor gate there.
@Nikkinella: Your problem isn’t that raids are difficult or you can’t do them it’s that legendary armour is tied to raids. ANet should have made it independent of raids as now there is 0 prestige to anything in raids as it can all be bought.
Legendary weapons are tied behind WvW for the PvE-ers and tied behind PvE Map completion for the WvWers. Tying legendary armor to Raiders is a similar thing. They said legendary armor would be for those doing HoT stuff. The only logical gate to make it seem as prestigious as we want it to be is Raiding.
Tied behind wvw for pvers? HAHAHAHA! Let me just take a moment to laugh at that. It is in no way tied behind wvw for pvers. You need gift of battle, which is absolutely effortless to get. You do 4-6 hours of afking with a booster. You don’t even have to actively play wvw or interact with other players in ANY way at all to get it. Kill NPCs, (which isnt pvp it still is pve if you’re just killing guards btw) Then afk in spawn and collect your prize occasionally killing another pve mob so the bar doesnt decay. I could see your argument if you actually had to actively fight other players or get map completion in wvw, which is what you SHOULD have to do that get a gift of BATTLE, its a gift of battle after all not a gift of afk.
Sorry but it is in no way at all equivalent to the amount of crap wvw players have to go through in pve. AFK for not even a whole day to get gift of battle. Why cant I just pop a booster and afk after killing a pve mob and get gift of exploration? I would have to actively complete those maps and do events and hearts and all that crap if i wanted it. It is in no way comparable so dont you dare use that weak excuse.
My point is, it shouldnt be tied exclusively to pve. There should be legendary armor for all 3 modes. Its just poor game design on part of anet that they didnt think this through. And as someone else has already pointed out, there is no prestige anyway in raids as they can just be bought. Its just stupid to lock legendary armor behind content that only a handful of people would even want to do in the first place.
Legendary weapons can be obtained by anyone regardless of your game mode preference. The new ones are obviously locked to pve players only because you’d have to do pve stuff in the new maps to get them. The previous ones can atleast be obtained by pvp and wvw players because we can just buy them. Legendary armor should atleast have more than one way of obtaining it as well to make it fair. One set for pve that can be gotten through raids, and a separate set with a different skin that can be gotten in wvw or pvp.
My arguement of WvW gated for PvE-ers is this, as a PvE-er, I’d rather do dungeons with my 6-7 hours than sit in WvW watching a timer as a bar goes to red before decaying. It’s STILL A GATE to PvE-ers. WvW has a flow to it, even for those roaming to get camps to afk at spawn. Even then, now we have PvE players taking spots that other WvW players could have.
PvE still needs to do WvW stuff, just like WvW still needs to run around and press f on spikes to complete a heart. Sure WvW players are more gated behind map completion, but that doesn’t invalidate the gate for PvE players.
The reason I defend the gate of raiding for armor, is that it was something to help sell HoT. The most logical place to apply a gate is raids. Going on the theme that s2 legendary weapons has, crafting makes sense as well. The gate that I dislike the most on legendary armor is provisioner tokens. However, I can’t think of anything that would be logical to replace it.
I just set up a thief to farm my pearls, a full run takes about 12 minutes, hits all HoT maps with mussels in a nice line, then is done. I can usually get 1-3 pearls a day with little issue. I’ve also had really good luck with pearls getting them from raid chests. It’s like an average of 1 pearl per 6 chests.
@Nikkinella: Your problem isn’t that raids are difficult or you can’t do them it’s that legendary armour is tied to raids. ANet should have made it independent of raids as now there is 0 prestige to anything in raids as it can all be bought.
Legendary weapons are tied behind WvW for the PvE-ers and tied behind PvE Map completion for the WvWers. Tying legendary armor to Raiders is a similar thing. They said legendary armor would be for those doing HoT stuff. The only logical gate to make it seem as prestigious as we want it to be is Raiding.
I suggest the commander armor for starts. This is the zerk and boonsharing armor. This keeps damage high and allows you to boon share. The SoI nerf was more of a change and you can EASILY reach 100% boon duration and keep almost all of the boons shared by SoI up nonstop as long as you have a second application. Such as Shield 5 or Well of Action being the second application of Quickness.
This allows you to do a small rotation to apply quickness and alacrity to your warrior, which boosts its attack and recharge speed. Warriors attacking grants might which will share to you, boosting your own damage. This allows synergy between the two classes.
A second selection would be the minstrel set. You are now Nomad + boon duration. Healing, tanky, large health pool. This means you’re more of a healer towards your warrior. You support by the same Quickness and Alacrity, as well as some strong heals and pulsing regen. You can take the healing mantra and another mantra of either Daze or Stun break to keep your warrior from taking damage, healing its damage, or getting it back on it’s feet. You remove conditions from it. It grants you might, but you wont deal more damage as the benchmark for minstrel mesmer is 2k dps, compared to a 10k-17k on commander (with all boons and perf rotation).
These two would be the best bet, both of which use a near similar build set up, just different heal/third utility, and armor sets. You get a ton out of each.
If it’s just you two, doing pve content, I HIGHLY suggest the first option.
Next thing I could think of would be a condi mesmer with a focus on disrupting. Take mantra of daze, gravity well, focus pull. You apply a lot of aoe condi and extra confusion when you interrupt them. It’s less support for the warrior, but damage prevented is damage healed! This is more the warrior supporting you with might, but with pulls of focus and gravity well, things are now nice and clumped for your warrior friend to WRECK UTTER HAVOC!
If mirage is to be the new name, I’d love having THREE MORE CLONE SPOTS! This would boost the number of phantasms we could have out, making more illusions that would fit being called mirages. And seeing more life draining skills, kinda like how negative regen ticks were a thing in gw1. Like if you’re in a desert and you run to a mirage because you’re thisty for water, now you’re more thirsty as you expended your energy and it’s just a fake!
i wish i knew enough people that wanted to burn the market. if your cool with wasting your time you could easily crash it. just sell your raids cheaper than theirs. they get nothing you get it all. they drop their prices you drops yours.
I watch a lot of the raid sellers on twitch. This wouldn’t work. They don’t drop prices in NA if someone undercuts them. People go to them since they finish it in 1-2 pulls. They have a name/brand you’d try to muscle your way into. Though I do encourage you to try it! More raid sellers could mean more people interested in raids, meaning more people pugging!
Are you taking the trait in dueling for clone on dodge? extra clones! Fantastic!
Though leveling a mesmer is ANNOYING as once something dies, poof goes clones/phantasms. Mesmers get better once you enter end game. Where a mesmer gets “hard” is raid/fractal. As a job of a mesmer is to give quickness nonstop.
I’m kind of curious about this. Roughly how much gold would it cost for you to pay to get enough crap to make legendary armor? As a purely wvw player, I absolutely detest pve and have no desire to ever do raids. But having stat swapping armor would greatly help in wvw. How much would it cost me if i paid for it so i can just afk while someone else does it for me so i dont have to suffer through all the pve crap?
At the price that we sell for right now to just get the 150 LI’s it would run you roughly ~12,000 gold to buy the current raids weekly at 9 bosses a week, though that would be before discounts.
Some guilds are close but generally that’s about as low as it would get for just the sheer number of boss kills, bare in mind a number of guilds do the underhanded thing of charging more if they don’t like you or because there are so many people buying they jack the price up.Well, I guess I’m going to have to spend alot of actual cash and convert it to gold for that. Or maybe I’ll just wait and hope they make wvw or pvp legendary armor. That seems ridiculously expensive.
Mr. Credit Card Warrior, be aware you also need ~90 Mystic Clovers and a gift of condensed might and magic for each piece (6 total each). This leaves you to around another 1.7k gold to buy the mats. Also need 300 provisioner tokens at 12 a day. Most items are 1g-3g per, if you wanted to buy them.
@Rising Dusk.2408 I’ve noticed a drop in skill on sabetha as well over the past few months! So it’s not just me! I had to threaten to remove the sabetha statue from our raider’s corner for our guild to kill it on saturday.
There is no trade feature in gw2. We’re limited to sending mail and the trading post.
Warrior = guardian with damage. Guardian = defensive version of warrior with less damage.
Making a warrior more defensive will give you a guardian. Warrior was meant to deal damage. A warrior and their stances honestly is nothing large. Most warriors only heal through heal ticks. Condis will wreck a warrior as will CC or pressured damage.
Guardians only have their low life pools BECAUSE they’re so defensive. To lower a warrior’s health would mean it would die always and everyone will cry for a buff.
You just cited the warrior 2 greatest strengths as its weaknesses. High resistance uptime while out of berserk mode, spam able condi cleanse whilst in berserk mode. Care to explain how condi ‘wrecks’ Warriors? CC? They bring quite a bit of stab to the table pulsing. Even condi Warriors take the stab trait. And if faced with a cc heavy comp you’re 1 trait off meta to take passive balanced stance.
Most warrior’s I’ve seen only use a few things for condi help. Swap removes condi, Cure condi on f1, resistance.
Resistance being the easiest to fix, any form of boon corrupt/remove fixes this. Mesmer sword auto, necro scepter auto, both in meta, fixes this. Let alone more necros are taking wells now. Condi chrono is also heavy issues. This leaves the warrior to either fight through the condis and hope he can spam f1 fast enough to survive, or pop his precious resistance. Trap condi damage from ranger is also a high condi spike that baits out that stance or even worse, the healing signet pop.
CC, while most wars have stab out the wazoo or stunbreaks, any class that does a ton of CC will break a war fast (See meditrap spike). You also have the warrior being a counter to itself with MaceAids. Stun/KD/Daze for days.
Pressured damage in the form of pewpew or someone who can live through a warrior’s damage will also win over the warrior. The only thing they need to make sure of is to hit more than 1k dps while staying alive. My own playing has shown numbers around 1k healing while max adren health and healing signet with dolyak runes.
Also, a warrior is incredibly easy to counterplay. The zerk stance is thrown up almost right after a headbutt which has a huge tell and is easy to dodge/block. This will throw the warrior back a long way. Shield 4 is shorter range and similar tell. The last they can do is maybe a bull’s rush for a KD to build adren. Dodging a shield 4 or a headbutt while they’re out of zerk stance is easy. If they get into zerk, they have a 1.5 to 2 sec recharging f1 for a strong hit. However they have 15 seconds to get as many as they can in. You normally cannot CC a zerker out of that mode as most take pulsing stability, but with a few at the same time you can cost them some precious seconds.
What I’ve found from playing versus them, the fire field from a longbow is annoying but easy to move out of that most don’t stick you in it. The mace is highly damaging and annoying, kite/dodge. Greatsword is strong and even stronger under 50%, use a block or keep health up.
Rev can glint heal when in trouble, Ele has stability and heals/condi cleanse, Necros need to run, Thieves too, Guardian has blocks enough, Mesmer has enough distorts/evades/dodge/block, Engie converts condi to boon, Druid heals, Warrior vs warrior can counter each other, depending on who gets the drop.
Oh what I wouldn’t give for the days of gw1 denial Mesmer in gw2!!! The days where you could rupt their next attack and deal 1/5th of their life in damage!