Showing Posts For Stasis.5630:

HOPE IV - Champion Risen Wraith

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stasis.5630


And again the server crash was close had the event chain right just waiting for the timer but even with 10 people pleading someone not to kill Lyssa 1 person solo’d it down..

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

HOPE - Gift of the Cataylst. WTF.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Yes it is all four lanes that have to go down. My suggestion would be to utilized squad UI and place down group food for pugs

Also seems to work bests when no more than 15 on nuhoch.

That Lyssa though. Needing an event to take longer on a single instanced megaserver map is not happening during any primetime

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

HOPE IV - Champion Risen Wraith

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stasis.5630


So I and others have spent several days waiting for this event and as much fun as the dance parties and hours of waiting with other HOPEfuls. Bit of background it spawns during “defend the seal of union” comes up at Union waypoint after the Lyssa temple hasn’t been cleansed for around 20-30 mins and is a 50% spawn with another event.

I feel its creating a negative representation of the community for us to be asking other players to NOT finish a dynamic event (many of which are new or FTP characters just hitting malchors for the first time) It makes me as a veteran feel horrible for what this is causing and I am trying my best to set a good example by helping commanders with other suggestions like " could you please do Dwayna first and give us some time for this event to spawn"

With no success as of 3 days and many… many… hours

This step has taken longer than the entire rest of the legendary journey which i have extremely enjoyed up until this point. I realise its not supposed to be something done in a week (but alot of us love the weapon and have not been able to put down the collections)

I just don’t think your intended game design was to see the veterern players with no self control yelling in map chat saying things like “stupid pugs never listen” its not anyones fault they want to experience the games events but it is influencing ours

If there is some way we could set up to get onto a new IP without taxis into malchors or as an alternate suggestion to make the Champion Risen Wraiths that spawn in cursed shore events count for this collection

Thank you so much for the legendary journey !

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

HOPE IV collection bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Have done Karka 4 times now with no drop.

Any trick to getting this part to drop?

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Same here just finished VB, Auric and tangled 100% and no reward for any of them T_T

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

07.07.15 bugs

in Engineer

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Grenade barrage no longer displays the Predator particle effects when traited (Static discharge procs from it still do)

Not sure if Quip was also affected.

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

New skills, old skills, lets talk

in Engineer

Posted by: Stasis.5630


I have been an avid engi forum reader since the beginning and i’ve decided to speak my mind seen a few posts talking about mortar going unchanged since release.. and it spurred on some ideas about how we could help our class become everything we want it to be.. and also i’m sick of the threads complaining about nerfs and op kitten which is just not that productive really.

So I want to start a more positive thread style which could hopefully be used to give kickstart dev discussions about the future. Basically free design ideas from the people who experience the class everyday!!

So open discussion on any skills and utilities! what you want to have, what to change currently and why!
So I’ll throw some off the cuff ideas:
I want the elite Elixir x to enhance all my other elixir abilities or bonuses based on what elixir was last used. For example elixir b makes me into a combat ready kitten, elixir c into a condi clear monster, elixir s lets me still use abilities while in the invuln, elixir h overflows to everyone around me etc!

Or give me dual wielding shields! with a chain attack like ele conjure shield so I can run in bomb support and smash peoples faces in with my aetherized shields. Engi is like a candyshop of possibilities compared to other classes to me so excited for the future!

hell some of those pve nade skills I saw doing map completion would be nice too!

Get amongst it

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

Mortar as a Gadget?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stasis.5630


I have genuinely tried to make mortar work for group support in 5-10 man wvw roaming but i would describe it like this.. trying to hit super elixir is hard enough… so when you tell me lets double the time it takes to fire and the travel time for a heal that is less effective.. than we are going to put it on an elite skill. There are better options sadly as much as I want it to work.

In theory the skillset is really freaking nice but the whole stationary thing which with it being a mortar is inherent i don’t think they should change that. I think it should be seen as an opportunity to be balanced around that as its weakness.. e.g. make the damage / support worthwhile for someone to be stationary and forcing groups to push on you to destroy the mortars (imagining that being called in TS lol)

Or another potential solution I would use:
Place it and then when you reactivate it open up a ‘kit’ like skill bar and you target the skills like a ‘kit’ and the mortar fires them from its position like a ‘turret’ and you can pick it up to reduce the cooldown and reposition.. combines the feeling of a kit and a turret giving it an ‘elite’ like best of both worlds or kitten child however you want to see it.

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

The future is now

in Engineer

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Hey guys I know I for one dislike the randomness of elixirs. 90% of the time I dont get the buff I want so what if there was a trait in the alchemy tree called master elixers or something that gives you all the buffs? No more “:(” after you get stability instead of stealth when disengaging. Obviously this wouldn’t work for the ultimate elixir you cant be a rampaging manstorm. (or could you) Scientific experiment gone wrong PLOT TWIST.

This all got me thinking and I wanted to make a positive post for the future of engineer like what skills could come in with expansions etc etc anything really, let your tinkering imagination run wild!

Maybe elixirs that clones us or creates a field that prevents skill usage (something like knockdown on offensive skill use) since we are jack of all trades/control spec I would love more options that put pressure on my opponents maybe turrets cause confusion or fear when destroyed to prevent them just being aoe cannon fodder.

I discuss this with my guild all the time but maybe weapon variations so there are two1-5 ability skillsets on weapons so we have our current shotgun rifle and then one focused on range combat perhaps.

And at some point a reliable gap closer like ‘Rocket powered wings propel you to your target knocking them down’

and and and a Mech suit/kit elite skill so it still has a cooldown but we get to feel godly for a minute. The option to have a robot arm in game!?! “Are you sure you wish to perform bionic enhancement on your character?” could give us a cool unique look

This just turned into an idea dump XD anyway anyone else with some cool ideas?

TLDR Cool engineer things that could happen in the future and discuss GO!

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Well played SF it was fun to have SM for a few hours

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


LOL…you guy have you alliance and we will be here for many more weeks…look forward to so many more weeks of this. At least Fergs cam out on top of your alliance cause if ET did that would have been so much worst. You were right guy on FC they would just fold to you after you used them

Pshh what alliance not everyone cares about that thing. Killing invader’s and having fun is what WVW is/should be about. Taking stonemist was for some laughs loving the battles tonight keep it up all

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

[Build & Video] Diving Into Zergs

in Engineer

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Im running 10/0/20/20/20 so very close to your build. I’m hesitant to run vampirism because of the repair bug that stops it working and I heard the invulnerable doesn’t always go off too. Have you noticed any of these? Im running guardian runes for teh lolz of setting people on fire when you run through them not the most practical but heck.

I found the bomb kit makes you more of a target and the big red circles seem to scare/put off smaler groups of inv compared to tankcat. Im the main control/distraction of our guild squad running distraction for our cannon guild dps and it works great. What food do you guys/girls use? I can never decide over the -40% condition or power/vit

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

Ferg's Night Crew

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Nice to hear a guild stepping up on this. Gets frustrating when you only have 6 people total to defend fergs overnight. happy to run with you guys if you need some numbers we have a few auzzies/kiwis in Yarr

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Giving a shout out to the fergs night crew! You guys made taking back our side of EB epic so proud. Much respect to the sf defenders (cosa comes to mind) you are probably taking everything back now but heck it was fun while it lasted

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


To the Engineer and Warrior I believe from the Guild Yarr . Thanks for the fight even though i could not burst down the Engineer and after 15 min we went our separate ways. I hope you liked my unusual attempt after around 10 min of fighting to try get you down which almost worked i think. :P

Thanks for the kind words. We really enjoyed your “unusual attempt” mad props for that, well played. If you ever need a guild your more then welcome in Yarr

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]