One hour and half to play at best ? That’s hard to handle. If I were in your situation, I would just quit playing games altogether.
Honestly, I cam’t imagine a life so devoid of family and activity that an hour and half seems like such an insignificant bit of time that it would not be worth trying to do anything with it, while here I am thinking that if I can get 30 mins to escape and play I won something.
I think you missed the sarcasm.
What they’re saying is that you dont need to do all 8 fractals in a day, you can do one a day for 8 days which is enough to get the final reward as its a repeatable achievement (not a daily).
I used to be a dungeon player and I geared up all my toons by doing dungeons back in the day. I also got most of my gold from them (CoF farm in particular). When the economic nerf came most people left dungeons, and when they rectified it, the damage was already done (in spite of rewards being pretty decent now). A shame indeed.
I used to vow never to do fractals; hell I didnt even want to craft ascendeds (legendaries were a joke to me). I did, however, start doing fractals on my zerker ele. It took a while to learn the mechanics, and I died a LOT (particularly cause of my class and build). Once I realized that I could gear up to ascended with fractals, I started doing the dailies everyday. Also the gold is quite good for the amount of time spent inside.
Eventually, I worked my way up to level 100, learned the encounters to the point where this so called “twitch play” sounds ridiculous to me. Yes, you have to pay attention, but reaction time in all fractal encounters is quite forgiving once you know the tells. This “turning your head off” phenomenon described in this thread is what happens to me when I do fractals.
I urge people to be patient with this; there’s plenty of wikis, youtube guides, and helpful community members who will explain and guide you through any particular encounter. Do your research.
Things to know:
T4 pug groups are, in general, very proficient. Moreso than lower tier groups and are rarely elitist. All fractal daily combinations can be done in under 45 miutes with a decent group.
You’ll identify the elitist groups because they require pots and food in their LFG. These are usually the ‘speed runner’ groups that want to finish dailies in 30 mins or less.
T3 is the hardest tier imo, a lot of pug groups still havent perfected mechanics and the Last Laugh instability is just sadistic. It might take you a while to get through this tier, especially if you dont have friends who can carry you to T4.
If you are having trouble identifying tells, lower the animations to minimum in your graphics settings for a bit less clutter. Once you know the tells, you can push them back up.
If you’re color blind, you can use overlays such as Reshade 3.0 (look into GW2 Hook, search Woodenpotatoes recent video on Youtube) that can tweak the color scheme of GW2 allowing for more contrast on those red rings.
TL:DR – Yes its a shame dungeon community died out due the (brief) reward nerf. Yes fractals are harder until you learn the mechanics; do your research and be patient with yourself. Visual clutter can be reduced by reducing animations in settings, color blind people can help themselves by looking into Reshade to tweak the game’s color combinations.