The sole purpose of being able to link and unlink servers is to thwart stacking.
What? The purpose was to consolidate the spread thin WvW population into half as many matches.
People need to bugger off with the anti WvW population stuff. It is not fair when one server has more population when the other, but the solution isn’t to ruin WvW by spreading it back out again. The solution is to condense the remaining population into better matches.
Which was the goal of linking.
If one pairing gets too top-heavy, they can simply unlink and relink to a lower population. It’s preventative because it was the No.1 complaint on the forums and nobody was willing to do anything to fix it ourselves.
I think this unfairly demonize the players. I seen guilds try to balance out populations and fix timezones so they are not lopsided.
It is honestly like throwing a pebble to try to stop a tsunami. Usually what happens is that those guilds break.
But I guess no one ever gets credit for trying do they? They just get lumped into bandwagon players instead. Success is the only thing that matters.
Hi, we all know TC needs all the help they can get, but really, having Arenanet come in and claim camps for them (see mini map).
So… that explains the secret leaking of information and heavy stacking onto TC prior to the linking. But odd how TC still loses to BG so badly. BG didn’t stack and is no different than what it previously was. Can Anet be fair and help BG claims some camps too?
You probably don’t see ANET claiming camps for BG because they are stuck in the queue.
I am seeing this also. Swapping out the trait till I see it fixed.
Why would a later time for reset help the west coast? This will give everyone another hour to enjoy prime time on reset.
Some people on the west coast work until 5 or 6. When that happens, we probably have at least 30 minutes to get home, meaning we’re home by 5:30 or 6:30, being generous. Can’t enjoy that extra hour of reset if we’re not able to be here for it.2
Well you guys have the whole night to enjoy it. Where as people on the east coast dont. Especially with queues and everything.
Queues don’t disappear for two to three hours. If by enjoying the night you mean watching Netflix for a couple of hours and having practically all interest in playing dead by the time you log in, then yeah, reset night is great.
That said, I am all for starting earlier. People who actually have fun on reset night can play an hour more. It will be completely pointless to try to make reset night for me. I have my Friday back and just go out and do something that actually is fun. A win/win situation.
while adding tactical value to towers would be nice i do not think that supercannons would be the way to go
I agree. It seems the wrong solution.
I think the only reason I would be remotely for it would be the opportunity to talk like Dr. Evil and put my hands up to make the quotes sign whenever I say the word laser.
Makes thread taunting the guilds that moved from TC to DB.
Wonders why his server is getting focused.
Dunno. I can do the math.
Actually I can.
It appeared for a while that Alpine would not be coming back and it would be silly to spend resources to fix something that is going away.
Since it is back and will be back on a permanent basis, this issue and other glitches/exploits should be fixed.
All I see from ppl disliking the ABL so far boil down to “it’s not new so we don’t like it”. Which is a pretty lame and weak argument. Are there real and factual reasons as to why ppl dislike it?
It’s not more blobby or zerg oriented than what I’ve seen from the DBL. That argument is pure unadulterated BS. So, really, what is it?
I’ll tell you what I never noticed in the past before the DBL but notice now that I consider a flaw/bad design. The enemy spawn on each side is so close to the south towers and the side keeps. Doesn’t take long to wp into a map and start attacking a keep.
But that’s the benefit! Action instead of a track meet.
Depends. In late NA, that often means your notification that an enemy force is on your bl is a scout, well roamer, running to your keep and saying its flipping or the keep has flipped.
There would be a fight later if that group sticks around which is usually not the case. More often, you are just flipping it back with no resistance.
I am sure it is much better during primetime. It is what it is.
Happened on desert bl too. Just easier on alpine.
- Revenant running dwarf has a lot of stability.
- Elementalist running Earth line can have an AOE stability when they attune to earth.Guardian isn’t great at much, it was nearly replaced by Revenant as a driving class and would have been if Revenants AOE stability was more practical.
Well if there are plans in the works to improve revenant AOE stability so it’s practical in wvw, I hope this thread doesn’t ruin it.
I am so ready to switch the hour that happens. Move my gear over and go.
If they do that, it would be a relief. I can drop my guardian and use of the buffed classes that would give AoE stability since the other aspects of survivability and boon share and healing are quite frankly superior on other classes.
The only reason I play guardian is AoE stability. It would be good to be able to just be better it what I do for the group. If it means changing classes, so be it.
This post is funny. Compared to the multiple forum topics with several pages of complaints in the DBL launch this outcry for bringing DBL back feels trolly. GG.
Very true but this forum is filled with rage from WvW’ers all over, we just don’t seem to be happy complacent types.
That being said though if they keep pushing in this strategically backwards map direction we’ll have a plain gray flat field with 3 veteran lords where the keeps used to be that are behind a fence that you can jump over.
An exaggeration. However, in that example, why even have the NPCS at all?
BG too strong.
DB is like the server version of WHOA. They ride the coattails of the better server/guild and claim to be good. The reality is their just full nomad and can sustain until saved by a decent force.
P.S. No one likes you Sladie.. Think it’s your weird, sickly, high pitch voice. IBTL!
Eh, it is good to see someone is still interested in the game. I am struggling to get my raid to stop snap chatting and watching YouTube videos during our fights.
When they first gave access to Desert maps in HoT beta, I hated those. Big, confusing, full of high things to fall into death. I was pretty disappointed when not that much was changed to the actual release.
Still in the months to follow I learned to move around the maps. It was easy to explore those as there was never any enemies around. They have been patched several times now and I feel the maps are fine. Only thing that really bugs me atm is how big the keeps are and how difficult it is to find an enemy in the keep.
thats because majority still dont play the desert maps and for all of you telling them to keep them youve never been in a 4 hr fight for a keep in the alpine bl most of you have only seen the dersert bl and those that were there on the alphine and you say you prefer the desert bl well you were a bottom tier server werent you
I have. Those epic fights usually consisted of standing around watching trebs fire at each other and large groups running in circles doing a whole lot of nothing.
Well, I guess some people consider Fort Aspenwood a bottom tier server given the amount of hate it has received over the years. It is not a particularly kind thing to say.
I prefer the desert bl but the alpine is fine. The gameplay on it was good enough for years. Sort of like my opinion of Batman vs Superman. Definitely ok.
DB has said from the beginning it wouldn’t stop until it is #1 – and it might well be its time with the imbalances we seen now. It’s just a matter of time.
Odd. Not the impression I get at all from DB. I honestly can’t imagine who on DB would actually say this or be for it.
I play T2 NA. I can’t remember the last time I saw an actual 1 v 1.
I found plenty of them last week in EBG. Might have had to do with low pop servers being thrown in the mix.
Funny thing was 1v1’s were non existent on my T3 account, I don’t remember seeing FA run any small groups at all, and I’d watch their blob turn from smaller guild groups to chase down solo roamers.Late NA to clarify. Queues are massive for EB. I like the borderlands well enough and burned out majorly on EB during my brief T5 stint.
Yeah you won’t find many on the bl until the alpine returns. That map is made for zergs. I’m not an EBG fan either but you are ten times as likely to find 1v1’s and small group fights there, even when it’s queued.
As far as small groups, been the opposite in my experience. That is mostly a factor of timezone. The number of drivers drop off a lot when I play. So, EB tends to consolidate and usually I just see an omniblob there. I suppose it would be better if I tried to get in earlier.
There is usually 4 to 8 man groups trying to cap stuff or the “zerg” is usually 10 to 15 on the borderlands. It is not remotely constant action to be honest.
The alpine will probably improve the number of smallish encounters. I hope so.
Hopefully, I won’t be constantly be trebbed and mortared when fighting around a camp which used to happen a lot on the alpine borderlands.
I play T2 NA. I can’t remember the last time I saw an actual 1 v 1.
I found plenty of them last week in EBG. Might have had to do with low pop servers being thrown in the mix.
Funny thing was 1v1’s were non existent on my T3 account, I don’t remember seeing FA run any small groups at all, and I’d watch their blob turn from smaller guild groups to chase down solo roamers.
Late NA to clarify. Queues are massive for EB. I like the borderlands well enough and burned out majorly on EB during my brief T5 stint.
I play T2 NA. I can’t remember the last time I saw an actual 1 v 1.
Guess I need to update my post it note about who to hate this week.
At least I never have to change what to say about them. I just pencil in the server name for the usual list of the alleged lack of whatever they are doing.
Still not seeing any cool armor skin themes, t-shirts or even slogans for these alliances or whatnot so still not excited.
If more people are willing to play the Alpine map, they should bring them back. I just don’t think the number of people playing the BL’s will increase by a whole lot.
And realistically, if you are a havoc squad looking for fights and your only fights will be vs 40, your best option is just to log out.
From a PPT perspective, you are not slowing them down and by not being there, you are using your best method of defense, boredom.
All Anet has to do is bring back Alpine then see how many players in all tiers play the BL’s 24/7 for 1 week. then everybody know the answer.
The answer will be the same as now. 1 scout will sit in each keep (if you’re lucky) and then when a blob attacks, they will call EB for the zerg. That’s all Alpine was ever about.
During prime time, a few guilds will roam about on the south of the map looking for a fight, and will attack a keep when there’s no enemies. Just like on Desert maps now.
Alpine is not some magical map where everything is wonderful and sparkly. I think a lot of these forumwarriors are looking at things through rose-tinted specs.
Your experience (or lack of?) was far different than mine. In multiple tiers I always found players that spent the majority of their play time either defending/upgrading or attacking the alpine bl, myself included.
EBG was pretty much considered the scrub map where hopefully someone would pug tag for the zerglings that couldn’t cap or defend anything without someone telling them what to do.
Played T2 most of my time in GW2. Been here since release. My experience matches Lenardius. My guild had to switch maps multiple times to find people to fight several nights, usually weekdays.
Unless we were defending home bl, EB always queued first. And even then, if it was Tuesday or later in the week, EB always queued first.
Actually I don’t really understand the complaint about being spawn camped. It is the perfect live fire opportunity to work on your group’s ability to pick targets, focus fire and test the limits of your survivability.
It just makes fight under normal circumstances that much easier.
Running with the zerg doesn’t prove anything and it is a crutch. It only makes you sloppy.
Lol, I will continue to do what I want and t3 your ebg
keeps because of the current double teaming from fa and db. Also I might add that db will back stab fa which is funny.
There is actually someone who still cares in our matchup. It seems to me everyone is bored out of their minds.
Good to see. It’s like 2013 again. So, the game is not dead, just mostly dead.
For off hours with population disparity, all paying for upgrades did was make you realize that logging on when your server is outmanned is a waste of time.
It was a particularly vicious twisting of the knife.
If this gets implemented to pay for upgrades, I will just stop showing up when outnumbered.
Lastly there are effective ways to kill offensive siege without defensive siege. If you have one person with a smoke field and 2 other people that understand blasting you can usually stealth up enough to get to the siege and get a burst off on it. Sure you might die but this is RvR. If you portal stack and push out with 3-4 people you can usually disrupt a siege and eventually stop it even if the other server has more numbers. Have a melee player push out as a distraction then have your range players bomb the siege, or disable, or pop a tag to rally people, or call out in your TS/map chat the attack. There’s so many non-seige options but people are too lazy to get gud at the combat system they just like their 1 button bag machines.
You can try this, but you will die and the siege won’t. In the time it takes you to return, the enemies will have resupplied and built more siege than you can damage in your next attempt. That you posit this as effective betrays a misunderstanding of how tanky siege engines are or a limited experience of facing very small (5 or less) groups.[/quote]
He is usually standing on the wall bombing down in this scenario. Speaking as the guy having to jump out of the portal, in a 5 v 20 scenario, that never works. It only succeeds when numbers are about even or they are standing stacked up and you get off a massive bomb. Five is usually not enough to achieve that.
And you pretty much have to kill the players. Killing the siege takes too long and no one has enough sustain to allow a larger group to free cast against you that long.
Well hopefully there will be more fights on the bl because I know I will fall asleep if I run around Alpine BL with the same amount of fights pre HOT since the borderlands were deserted then too.
This game has always been RvR lite. The move back to Alpine BL simply reinforces this.
Those players who are wanting a more in depth RvR experience should look elsewhere. I know I will.
This is just ridiculous. Now whole guild, from JQ, have left that server and gone to TC to push TC to T1 and let JQ drop. This is just fair weather type of WvW but the usual for these people who like to manipulate glicko. This basically says, to me, that glicko needs to be scrapped.
Any ranking system could be manipulated by redistributing population. Glicko isn’t the problem, population balance is the problem.
For example, you could have a simple ladder ranking system and it to could be manipulated by moving population around.
So … you know Glicko …
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
~Inigo Montoya^this^, the problem is “population balance” or “server stacking”. It’s funny that ANYONE thinks that by moving servers they’ll have fun again. I’ve been on AR since 3-day-head-start, therefore been with the server during it’s ups AND downs. AR once got up to what, T3/T4, now we sit at the very bottom of the barrel again T8/24th! Funny thing is, we’ve had many people leave that ended up just eventually disbanding anyways! I tried to warn people, “you think moving will make things any better”, they didn’t listen, and now they probably don’t even play the game any longer – because if you have any “issues” on one server (say for example internal guild issues), you’re going to have them on ANY server you play on. Sure things being different may keep you enticed for a LITTLE bit longer, but you’re ultimately doomed to quit, just depends how many times you’re willing to rinse lather and repeat before you do.
With that being said, and population balance being the issue; THAT is what NEEDS to be fixed by anet! It wouldn’t matter if everyone from T1 dropped all the way to T8 just to raise up the T8 servers, eventually things will wind up in the same exact place they are now; just with different server names in different “places”!
So why keep rinsing, lathering, and repeating? ANet really NEEDS to stop putting BANDAIDS on this situation too (EoTM, and all these “gimmicks”), they NEED to PROPERLY address population balance before everyone quits!
Although, at the same time – we technically don’t “need” anet to fix this for us, IF we as a community did it for ourselves. Although I think the realistic odds of this happening is about 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% Instead of “server stacking” why don’t all of you “peeps” from kitten split up and redistribute yourselves to T5-T8? Unless there’s something I’m not aware of, there’s not even any real reason to “PPT” or “win”, it’s a game for crap’s sake, PLAY to have FUN! If you’re not having fun on your outnumbered server, don’t just go add to the stack in a high pop server, start trying to get people to come join yours! if you’re not having fun on your stacked server, don’t just go re-stack another one, disperse yourselves! Although, that as I said is pretty much a dream, I don’t envision us “the community” ever actually doing that on our own, there’s likely a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of that happening. So I guess in the meantime we’ll have to wait to see if/what ANET comes up with that will FORCE us to disperse and more evenly distribute ourselves among all of the servers…
My guild moved to T5 for various reasons. We moved backed to T3/T2. The primary complaint was the level of activity during not NA prime was extremely low.
Simply put, there was no reason to log in except during NA Prime. Since we are a PST NA guild, that wasn’t going to work for us.
If ANET spreads out the population more without ensuring that there is enough population during off peak hours, the off peak population will disappear. Though perhaps it may be too late anyway and for the NA servers, the best NA can hope for is that NA prime time survives.
While stacking to create a four server rotation sounds like a way to break up the monotony, all that happens is a tier gets burned down to the ground. The gameplay becomes incredibly, well, the best word is sad.
It does rebuild after awhile. Just another cycle in the erosion of the population.
Well my personal preference, which will never happen because it would require a major game rework, is that defending using your actual skills were more effective because the ground is better defensive so actually fight while defending instead of spamming siege.
While it is a nice idea, I think it doesn’t happen for the same reason people bandwagon onto a server. People want to log on and have the easy win and not have to put in a lot of effort for a victory.
In this case, it is picking on the weakest server not teaming up against the strongest server.
A reduction to 100 gold would be fine if the badges needed were increased proportionately.
The other issue is that quite a few commanders won’t tag up because of people criticizing and dissing them. I understand why people do this, some commanders are not very effective. That is because they aren’t trained properly. For this same reason plenty of people buy the commander tag but won’t tag up because they lack experience or are frightened of bad feedback.
Would be nice if there was somewhere giving instructions on how to command in WvW.
Servers have done this in the past. The results are mixed. Multiple websites have guides and there were guilds that have experienced commanders who were willing to instruct. TLC comes to mind from personal experience.
Yet a commander tag shortage has been a persistent problem. The burnout rate is high. The rate at becoming effective is very slow.
No one wants to join a tag till it is proven successful. You can’t learn to fight effectively until you have numbers. It is difficult to get over the hump for a new commander, so to speak.
Backseat drivers who think they know everything but never tag up are just a bonus irritation.
In WvW, not anymore. Support frontline builds are no longer effective enough. The tools you have are for the way things were, not the way things are now.
The enemy is the enemy. Fights are fights. Duels can be done without disruption in custom spvp instances. There is no such thing as “ganking” in wvw. Players zoned into wvw knowing the rules of the zone. Winning trumps anyone’s perceived notion of honor or chivalry.
Nah, I understand what is meant. Lots of times when we jump a solo or two to three man group of obviously newish players, I usually remark that the next we see them they will probably be in the blob. We shouldn’t be surprised that blobs eventually is what we have left to fight after a while.
You see, people play games to entertain themselves, not to feed our egos.
Since when WvW players are poor? I’m playing WvW few days, I have hundreds of bags to open.
Imagine a well-coordinated guild of 10 people focused on WvW. multiply 50 champ bags x 10. And I’m not counting on kills bags, and gathered materials on WvW maps.
It has something that does not fit well there. The guys of these so called “small guilds” are allegedly well organized, have teamspeak, organize raids in WvW but fail to organize to reverse its gains in WvW, to upgrade to the guild hall?
Havoc guilds don’t usually have ten active members, they usually have three to five. Also, the time to farm ley line sparks and Silverwastes shovels is a deal breaker for a lot of people. Those are account bound items so can’t be bought off the trading post.
Either way, you have to have members spend a significant amount of time farming because the rate of material acquisition in wvw is significantly subpar compared to both sPvP and PvE.
What they mean on lower tiers is that usually on most weekends there is a total of maybe thirty to forty players per server combined for all four maps. Eternal Battlegrounds doesn’t get queued and the response for someone getting their borderland k-trained is someone will backcaping it later because no one cares.
Yes, but we never have to queue it up to spend influence on it again. We never have to remember to pop it again. We never have to spend more influence to rush it again. Anything we claim will always have it. There is an upside
True. It comes with a huge cost. Congratulations on the accomplishment.
I haven’t seen this in T5 yet. I imagine it will be a couple of weeks still.
The only thing I am caught up on is this. How can someone speak so highly of loyalty be so disloyal and switch servers twice =/
Three times
The livestream already made it really clear that it is balanced around 10 players
Har har har. At the same time when they give out their estimated values to max a guildhall, those happen to be the minimum times (the ones gated by aetherium). No, 10-man guilds will not be able to upgrade even close to the rate given. Again, what they say and what they do don’t match.
6 to 9 months is the minimum? Really? Some guilds already reach level 40 within a month, you really think it takes 6 to 9 months to upgrade to max? The interviewee himself too is unsure the optimal upgrading speed which is why he gave a 6 to 9 months range. The 2nd poster in the thread already mentioned his guild reached 31 with 5-7 people contributing. You just simply refuse to accept that the cost is indeed balanced around 10 people, or is it because you hate the fact that you need to part large amount of your personal wealth into a guild which just means that you place yourself above your guild.
I was like many others, I was skeptical about 10 person able to get it within 6 to 9 months. Then, seeing guilds of those size, one by one coming out and saying they are doing well, I decided to do some maths and logical assumptions. It is indeed possible for 10 person to max a guild hall within 6 to 9 months but on other hand, it is also not logical to do so since many of the upgrades are impractical and ridiculously overpriced despite being impractical, specifically the arena upgrades which is a major mats dump. Chances are, most people are just gonna upgrade what they need and stop at there. However, there will always be people, like yourself, who simply wants everything even if you have no use for 3/4 of the things.
I tend to agree with this. If it wasn’t for the +5 buff, we would be done by the end of the year. And it looks like we will have it by the end of January.
We have about seven contributing.
That said, I am pretty tired of grinding and spending an hour or more a day grinding flax and other materials. I used to wvw during that time. And given the rather small window of high activity that wvw has, I lose 1/2 of the best playtime for this.
Once we get the aura, I am probably taking a vacation from guild hall building. The remaining stuff is so marginal for a small wvw guild, and maybe I can actually go back to just enjoying the game.
It does make trying to take a keep a waste of time in some situations. When the person you just spiked can return to the fight constantly within five seconds, it just not feasible to continue trying and it is better just to log for the night and do other things.
The supply +5 issue for roamers will be changed in that they will no longer be able to +5 camps on the fly. Their best best will be to base out of a +5 keep and run from there if necessary. Start off with some bonus supply and grab more as you can from camps you flip. Obviously a change from where they were.
Also, the +5’s will start dropping no later than tomorrow. It’s coming back.
It’s a good workaround for roaming groups.
It does, however, emphasize the thing that bothers me post HOT for roaming havoc groups. The capability of havoc to affect the map has been severely diminished and are more highly dependent on larger guilds to accomplish anything.
In another thread, it was stated, and makes sense to me, that one of havoc ’s roles is to claim camps so the larger guilds can slot tactics in them mostly because most havoc guilds will not be able to afford these tactics.
The whole situation feels like a demotion.
A lot of the upgrades require straight gold, as in, items you can only get from a vendor. The question that comes to my mind is given the rewards rate for wvw, what is the time frame that a havoc guild will get the +5 supply buff if they continue to focus on wvw, which is the intent of the guild.
Give wvw acquisition of resources rate, is it two years, one year, never? Well, you would have to buy Silverwastes shovels somehow.
Personally, I find open world PvP tedious. It lacks overall strategic importance in its gameplay and does not feature any higher level tactical and/or strategic coordination.
Ultimately, I find those games shallow.
So, basically, just like WvW. Objectives that mean nothing, produce no rewards, and can not be held for any meaningful length of time.
WvW is just as shallow as any random open world gankfest. You’re just randomly ganking buildings. That’s the primary problem with WvW. Good siege implementations actually attach benefits to owning and holding territory for the players that hold them.
I can earn more gold losing wvw than winning wvw. Score is pointless and awards nothing of material value. Being attached to allies based on server selection in stead of by choice makes the teams meaningless.
RvR in general is an annoying concept, but its an absolutely stupid concept when it doesn’t even award your realm anything for winning
Ganking people in obsidian sanctum has deeper and more strategic gameplay than the rest of wvw combined. There’s an actual objective with an actual reward that you can actually deny your enemy from obtaining.
Interesting. I always thought the strategic importance came from the gameplay itself.
If I play a game of chessmaster, does the strategic gameplay change whether I play for a prize or a match?
If you are arguing that people put their best foot forward when something is on the line, well, I agree and does improve the gameplay significantly.
WvW is a casual game. Those of us who do take it seriously either focus on the fractional aspect that potentially be competitive and ignore the rest or we knowingly lie to ourselves because we find some aspects fun.
I enjoyed the times attacking or defending at a T3 keep with at least twenty players at each side and seeing the back and forth flow of battle.
Being in the small man group and thinking of ways to affect these battles always interested me. Most of what we tried failed but the attempts were fun.
I am just not seeing it for open world pvp. Now, if there was or came along a game that blended the elements well for strategic and tactical fighting, I know I would change my mind.
But then I am mostly jaded about gank specialist crying when they get killed. It is just so tiresome.
It would require a complete reboot. I question whether you wouldvw have a decent conversion rate from the wvw playerbase. The PvE players would not be interested. I suppose you could get some sPvP players but the feasibility of the idea would be completed dependent on getting new players which is a high risk proposition for a game of this age.
Personally, I find open world PvP tedious. It lacks overall strategic importance in its gameplay and does not feature any higher level tactical and/or strategic coordination.
Ultimately, I find those games shallow.
Bad move changing reset nights from a NA perspective. YB used to have queues so bad I didn’t bother. This last weekend there was barely 1 que.
Aside from the sad state of affairs in wvw, Friday offered little in tv fare if you didn’t go out. Saturday, in the fall, often offers up some of the biggest ncaa football games. If my choice is football of gw2, football wins. I know not everyone is in the us or even a fan, but football is huge…..
The attitude shift in my guild is noticeable. We used to make a strong attempt to make reset even though it is a much early raid start time.
Saturday, I was farming DryTop when the reset actually occurred and when normal raid time started, checked to see if enough were on to bother starting a raid.
Reset night is just another optional raid night.
Our actual raid days don’t include Saturday.
Our guild is fifteen players, ten active wvw players.
Our guild level is 26. We have four auras unlocked, the fifth is the next upgrade planned.
We used to raid seven days a week. We are now down to four or less since we need to farm materials and gold.
Quite frankly, if we didn’t have a lot of us log in every day and play the game for several hours, I don’t see +5 as feasible. It may not be anyway. We will hit a materials brick wall soon and the members are losing interest in wvw and gw2.
Tactics are a non starter for us. I just can’t justify the costs. It doesn’t matter a lot during late NA in our tier.(5) What happens in our timezone has such little impact on whether we win the match, it is a complete exercise in futility.
I’ve seen keeps claimed since weeks back?
Yesterday was the first time I saw protected doors though.
Stonemist is a separate upgrade. Congratulations to all those who have advanced their guild that far.
Well at least we can use our guild auras that we grinded PvE for. Oh wait, not in the patch notes.
Actually one of the keeps, you can hit an outer and inner wall with the same catapult.
Uh conversation? Most of the speaking in TS I hear is calling people who are down, what targets are priority and where to move.
Talking is for when you are not fighting or looking for fights.