Showing Posts For Surreal.5243:
This patch honestly didnt change anything… I usually dont complain about those ridiculous patches but this is the biggest joke i ever saw since literally nothing changed xD
Bump for being the only one i know after looking over 3 pages
Clearly thief due to his ability of constantly outnumbering fights / beeing able to fast decap open points.
If youre not good with thief then go for Cele Ele/Engi since theyre the strongest classes overall and have high potential of winning 1v1’s along with great aoe dmg/grp support.
Please seperate the “looking for” forums again. This is so confusing since the titles are not saying what Mode (PvP/PvE/PvX/WvW) they are looking/recruiting for. It takes very long time for me and probably for everyone to find the threads we are looking for. This is the worst forum change ever.
Sorry for posting this in the bugs section but i didn’t know where else.
Please Anet i beg you change this back to how it was before!!!
The combat system!
Other games just suck compared to gw2’s… i mean theyre better at most other things but combat system is rly important to me. After playing gw2 other games feel so strange when it comes to movement and stuff.
But nowadays i just play for fun since its not worth putting effort in smt that doesnt reward you and therefore its also allmost impossible to find/form a decent team because every good players thinks like this.
esports patch inc 2016
Good to see all the developers appreciate your feedback Empa!
Hey guys i go by the name of Moldrak/Sicknature and im looking for a team. I allready played in several good teams such as Like a [Sir] and Read it Backwards [BooN]. I was able to sustain myself in Top 25 Leaderboards (the old one) as well as top 100 qp leaderboard when i was playing active and im looking for a team again that’s able to play on a decent lvl. I think most ppl wont even look up the forums but i’ll still give it a try. I’m rather inactive right now but if you’re interested just leave me a ingame message. I will check it every now and then.
If you’re looking for a dedicated player with potential for your team don’t hesitate to contact me.
(edited by Surreal.5243)
Exactly what i’ve been saying allmost since release. Thief is just the most broken kitten because of their mobility and back then they where even oneshotting all them glassconanons…
Few Facts:
-Can at least decap before you reach the point → forces you to sit afk on point/bring your own thief (as mentioned before)
-Can allways outnumber fights for a certain time before you reach the fight → the advantage of having 1 player more (thief) that can do pretty good damage in a short time period can win you the fight.
-The thief forces a Bunkermeta because if you play glasscanon he can kittening oneshot you. Sure other classes can oneshot too but none of them are nearly as effective as thiefs are – they can even one shot you like porting in stealth to you from a 2000 range and kitten – i mean what the heck!?!? Furthermore you can never ever run away from thiefs or even outplay them trough positioning because he has like infinte ways to port to your spot.
I could go for days about how bad thief design is when there is clearly no counterplay to thiefs mechanics/mobility but tbh writing this text was allready a waste of time…
Man i would love to see my originally team come back but this will never happen exactly because of the 2 reasons mentioned here
1. no incentives to play
2. patches every 4-5 months or so
unfortunately last one wont ever change and thats why gw2 is a lost cause.
they should just rename it into signet of skill – then ill be fine with it
Give us hairstyles!
Free bump for a great post by a experienced and good player
I just wanted to add : GIVE US CASTBARS this would make this game so much better and kills random dodge/interrupt/(insert)…. → Nobody likes random mechanics!
(edited by Surreal.5243)
I hope you don’t forget about engis since they don’t fit the meta same like eles.
You must be joking.
Not at all (Talking about Top25 tPvP – not some soloq/hotjoin bs)
Five Gauge somehow manages.
Idk about NA meta and kitten but you will have a huge disadvantage playing one in EU
(edited by Surreal.5243)
I hope you don’t forget about engis since they don’t fit the meta same like eles.
You must be joking.
Not at all (Talking about Top25 tPvP – not some soloq/hotjoin bs)
I hope you don’t forget about engis since they don’t fit the meta same like eles.
Well if this is your roster then you should be looking for a thief and im not playing it. Thx anyway and gl finding a thief.
btw been first page (top25) on leaderboards whenever i played actively…
(edited by Surreal.5243)
Finally some beef. #lmfao
GL with whatever youre going to play in the future. Cya guys. FITTA!
I’m Moldrak also known as Sicknature and i am looking for a new team or other experienced players like myself. I played with Read it Backwards [BooN] and Like a [Sir] (last one some of the older players may still know).
Just contact me on Forum or Ingame
(edited by Surreal.5243)
That map isn’t enjoyable at all and it feels like ages that the community wants anet to remove it from soloq… One of the few reasons i refuse to play soloq (if im not bored as kitten).
I think we should just keep hating Anet. It’s like the only competition left. Who hates harder.
forgot something: ESSSPOOOTTTZZZZ!!!
40 percent increase isn’t that much considering that nobody was/is playing xD
would like to know the true amount …
These Mesmers are just semiviable for pushing far and staying on treb. They cant defend (due to stealth) and they suck in teamfights (no need to explain)…
On top they aren’t even close to be best class in 1v1 – try condi warrior against them and hf watching them die…
cheers kittenes
True dat… There’s a lot of lag these days – at least on desolation
Yes you got it!
Thief is OP only because of stealth!
And Ranger because of Shortbow 1!
Ele even more dmg when all he needs is a lil bit of survivability – fail
More invul for the warrior – fail
Passive heal for the mesmer – fail
Another AI for the ranger – fail
Necro heal… welcome to the meta mm bunkers – fail
All the stuff leads to even more bunkerplay and AI. Obviously most people don’t like the idea of a bunker meta since it’s boring to play and to watch – gj ANET
Bunker play is good. MMs aren’t even true bunkers, they’re hybrids. Anything to slow down the TTK is a good think, idk why people complain about it so much. At least versus hybrids you have some time to fight and people aren’t dying in 2-3 seconds flat left and right. The burst meta was lame as helllll. Same with the AOE meta. I’d rather be in a semi-bunker/hybrid meta than in a burst meta ANY day.
Well that’s your opinion. I think burstmeta took way more skill and coordinated play then this lame warrior/bunker meta. Now it’s just classes spamming their skill like brainless bots with huge survivability. For me and most of the other top or former top players i talk to it’s no fun. Why do you think all the good teams left? Yes – because the playstyle of these classes is lame and every noob can play it more or less properly that leads to to fact that skill doesnt matter a lot.
No it’s bad overall – there is no viable engi
Ye fixi… triple warri team can even carry you
Ele even more dmg when all he needs is a lil bit of survivability – fail
More invul for the warrior – fail
Passive heal for the mesmer – fail
Another AI for the ranger – fail
Necro heal… welcome to the meta mm bunkers – fail
All the stuff leads to even more bunkerplay and AI. Obviously most people don’t like the idea of a bunker meta since it’s boring to play and to watch – gj ANET
(edited by Surreal.5243)
Necro vs. Warri fair matchup
Mesmer vs. Thief fair matchup
at least when it comes to 1v1 sitiuations. And i can’t even emphasize enough that you can’t adapt 1v1 balance to tPvP balance. This is a whole different thing and people bringing 1v1 arguments in tpvp balance discussions just don’t know kitten. Balancing around 1v1 is just the most stupid thing you can do so stop crying for it…
This game should be balanced around teamplay. Unfortunately anet didn’t get this and guys crying for 1v1 balance neither. If you want fair 1v1s go play a kittening Egoshooter or some kitten like that…
(edited by Surreal.5243)
Just no
There were titles for the players who played well in the past (top 100 quali-points),
so why not now?!
But still they messed up things back then… Me and most of my former teammates were constantly top100 and suddenly they implemented 1 round tn without mmr and every noob was farming like hell.
I knew a bunch of scrubs that farmed like ~150-200 qp in this short period.
I still hope for seasons with titlerewards @ end of season like gladiator titles in WoW after they fixed all the issues…
I appreciate Anet finally realized that transparency is the first step to succes even though they kitten up everything else…
To reach let’s say top 50 honestly doesn’t take much time at all …
Condition meta!? Stop trolling guys…
Obviously YES! Actually i would rather AFK than playing skyhammer.
Waisting time on things nobody needs. You should fix your priorities. Game is dying
thanks brah
I dropped 78 Ranks in the TPvP leaderboard (38 ->116) for not playing 13 days while others camp in top 50 for ages.
How is this even possible?
Don’t get me wrong i don’t give a kitten about my ranking and that is exactly the problem.
The leaderboard at its current state is just a piece of kitten and no one can really tell how it works or even how it is supposed to work – there is no transparecy at all.
I beg you Anet please fix the leaderboards make them run properly, teambased and implement seasons (with rewards) along with good balance patches to bring back competetive players.
Thank you
Nah man i’m allready overwhelmed by using my skills actively! QQ
From what I understand, people are upset that they can’t come and go from hot join and still be rewarded before the match ends. If hot join is the place where new players are learning PvP, is it healthy for people to be coming and going as they please? Is it good to promote that habit?
I’m sry if someone allready mentioned this but i had to stop reading after this comment and just wanted to let you know that you dont learn a kittening kitten about PvP in hotjoin.
If u want hj to be the place for ppl to learn pvp.
-Make it 5v5
-Punish multiple ppl capping points (no reward if more then 1 standing there capping or something like that)
-Reward the winning team with way more points or half the points of the losing team
1. Implement Seasons
2. Reward Achievments like:
-Top Team @ end of season on the leaderboard/ladder
-Top 100 @ end of season on the leaderboard/ladder
-xy amount of glory farm
-xy player kills
-xy blue/red lord kills
-xy trebuchet hits
-most tournament wins as warri/ele/mesmer… on server
and so on….
rewards could be:
-unique titles for the top tpvp team(s) like the gladiator titles in WoW (<-most important for me!)
-private server
-mentioning @ wall of fame
-guildbanner @ heart of the mists from the winner team/guild of the tpvp season
(edited by Surreal.5243)
Sensotix unfortunately you won’t be the first to realize that they don’t listen to players who spent most time in “competetive” tpvp and actually care and know what this game needs.
They don’t understand that you need to have a competetive scene with top players and streamers and sponsors and all that stuff for casuals to look up to and give them the possibilty to become better by learning from them.
It’s hard for the casuals and beginners to get into the game since there is nobody to teach them how to play properly…. instead they go into HJ’s and the first thing they see/learn is how to do it the wrong way (zerging/multiple players capping points… and the list goes on)
That’s one big point why this games tPvP is dying. Look at the top100 and then tell me how many of them are active players? Furthermore tell me how many of them weren’t allready playing since the beginning? You see what i mean…
The result is theres no incentive wether for competetive players due to poor development and lack of basics a pvp game needs as well as for casuals.
1.) Leaderboards/Seasons
2.) Balance/Build Diversity
3.) Rewards System/Incentives
Imho some sort of Capture The Flag would fit this game the most. Like mentioned before it’s allmost impossible to have TDM in GW2 since there’s way to much damage and it would make most classes somehow unviable. (It would basically lead to “stealth and spike” scenarios or some bullkitten like that)
On the other hand Capture The Flag would force build variety since u will need either a bunker or a high mobility class(flagcarrier), heavy cc and/or support classes (flagcarrier support) as well as glasscanons (to kill enemy flagcarrier).