Showing Posts For Talyn Sneider.1825:

SoloQ builds for necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Well…condi route is at the moment in my opinion an all or nothing gambit.

I’ll give you what I use when solo queuing…just don´t use it at high level pvp, but at low to mid level it’s quite effective.

And remember you will always need help, but you’ll also last longer and serve as a DPS sponge. Hopefully your team mates can pull some kills and peal for you before you get stomped.

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

As I posted in the Guardian thread, I am unfortunately done because this is clearly the development path they have chosen for trying to balance PvP. It’s either lazy or it is a signal they honestly do not want players who enjoy playing GW2 the way I have enjoyed playing it.

If that’s the case, oh well. It was an awesome few years.


Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

…pvp wasn´t perfectly balanced…but heck it was fun.

i found your problem. gw2 pvp isn’t about being fun. it’s about esport, and conquest maps. someone said it before like this:

consider this: if fun was a goal of gw2 pvp, we would have:

tru tdm (that 1 map don’t count an u kno it)
dueling (at least in the hotm)
something (anything) to do while waiting on queue
random arena (gw1 style or similar)
other modes (2v2, 3v3 whatevs)
original hotjoin (8v8 10v10, something like alliance battles in gw1)
… prob forgetting something….

pt is, any or all of those things could add a level of fun for at least some people

rather than seeing any of these things, we see anet push esports and team queue for conquest

therefore, fun is not a part of the current goals/strategy for gw2 pvp

i guess u could say they finally added something to do while waiting on queue by lettings you queue outside of hotm… so progress?

Slow progress…but progress…

The absence of fun may explain long queue times…just a notion…

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I could understand they did it once in a while in a crysis…but it has become the norm…a build that has been released to the game population should not be removed…it should be balanced. We want more variety not less.

And don´t accept it’s hard as an argument, GW1 brought new skills on each expansion, and they were usable in pvp…pvp wasn´t perfectly balanced…but heck it was fun.

And you could play it your way…you know…like it says on the manifesto.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Completely agree with you…

You can say that keeping more builds in game will hurt ESPORTS, but the lack of replay feature, pause feature, low visibility, excess of skill effects hurt it much more that this ever would.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

This Season Is going to be...

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


Mark my words q quer’s this season is going to be fast paced and action packed the changes anet made were absolutely excellent slight tweaks to classes that needed them but nothing to butcher them! ele q quers I ask one favor from you and that’s to get gud! you can still be a dedicated healer surprise there are other stats that have equivalent healing power as clerics! better yet, instead of making a coffee coming back and using some skills your going to have to be engaged and actually (get this) dodging ! no more facetanking makes bads sad

get rdy for some fast paced pvp folks, Anet did a great job with this patch, you shall see as the meta settles, and for those whom don’t, welp sorry to say you probably never were fully engaged in pvp and relied completely on your builds to carry you sad panda

TLDR: Enjoy the upcoming fast paced, skillful, engaging gameplay to come!

oh and unrelated for that guy whom wont log in, could you try not logging into the forums too? that’d be pretty swell!

Perhaps you could take a breath and relax a bit

Best regards and have fun.

To each it’s own.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I think the Cleric Amulet needed to go, they got rid of Soldier, Soldier made you yourself sustainable but with Cleric people could heal 5 door breakers faster than a trebuchet could damage them. Usually hitting them twice with it is enough, a healer could pretty much negate the trebuchet damage. Magi, well it has vitality instead of toughness and precision instead of power. I can imagine a lot of healers will pay the gold and unlock it. Would like to see it go as well as it has the same healing power as Cleric so could be used to keep enemy NPCs alive pretty much indefinitely. Either that or bring back cleric but nerf the Tempest and Druid healing abilities beyond recognition. Nothing wrong with making them able to heal so that door breakers can survive an extra hit or so from the treb but not much more than that.

If this is about doorbreakers why dont make trebs 1shot them ( or giving them an unremoveable stack – they die at 2 stacks) instead of limiting build variety and purging eles from spvp?

Or God forbid actually balancing Eles so they can´t keep doorbreakers alive for large ammounts of time.

You know actually balance work instead of:

kitten that amulet is too hard to balance….no biggie remove it and let´s keep on rolling

I did suggest that, getting rid of Magi or bringing back Cleric but nerfing the healing ability Druids and Tempests have. Door breakers, I suppose guards as well were the problem, they could keep the guards alive a lot longer than I think they should have been able to. Though that would usually be against the player, not the Trebuchet, unless you are a good shot with the treb.

That is what should´ve been done, we as players should stop cuddling ANET and start demanding they step up their game, and STOP cutting corners.

We want more pvp development and we want it NOW!

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I think the Cleric Amulet needed to go, they got rid of Soldier, Soldier made you yourself sustainable but with Cleric people could heal 5 door breakers faster than a trebuchet could damage them. Usually hitting them twice with it is enough, a healer could pretty much negate the trebuchet damage. Magi, well it has vitality instead of toughness and precision instead of power. I can imagine a lot of healers will pay the gold and unlock it. Would like to see it go as well as it has the same healing power as Cleric so could be used to keep enemy NPCs alive pretty much indefinitely. Either that or bring back cleric but nerf the Tempest and Druid healing abilities beyond recognition. Nothing wrong with making them able to heal so that door breakers can survive an extra hit or so from the treb but not much more than that.

If this is about doorbreakers why dont make trebs 1shot them ( or giving them an unremoveable stack – they die at 2 stacks) instead of limiting build variety and purging eles from spvp?

Or God forbid actually balancing Eles so they can´t keep doorbreakers alive for large ammounts of time.

You know actually balance work instead of:

kitten that amulet is too hard to balance….no biggie remove it and let´s keep on rolling

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I’d like to add my voice to the nonsensical blather while making wildly unintelligent claims that make little to no sense given the details of said amulets. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!

Your assuming amulet removal decisions are based on balancing numbers and not marketing and an effort to keep a game mode with very few new features feeling “fresh”.

That to me is non sense.

Amulets will be removed to keep the masses happy in a marketing move, not to balance.

And even so, magi will be on the chopping block, just wait and see.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Magi amulet can also be removed

Go on ANET keep cutting corners and going the easy way…

After that condition amulets should also be removed…
After that 4 stat amulets since they offer too much stat spread
After that marauder…since it offers too muck vitality and dps bonus

Keep going and see where this is going

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Why is it ok for guardians to be so OP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Well mate…I take it you are somewhat inexperienced in pvp.

I´ll send you a wiki link to a boon that can prevent those sudden deaths:

Now an active action you might take to prevent some more of those deaths:

If you have access to protection/reflects save your cooldowns and use them when needed.
If you don´t have access to protection hug a team member that has ( tempest eles are your friends )
If you don´t have access to reflects hug a team member that has ( tempest eles and scrappers are your friends )

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

SURVEY regarding MMR Hell - please answer!

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Character Name: Thorin Ragesand
Does MMR Hell exist: No
Current Division: Diamond
Where I think I belong: Diamond

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

my road to ruby

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

At a rate of 3 games per day ( with lots of days I can´t play due to real life ), I hit diamond with 30 wins out of 35 games.

My advice to anyone still struggling:

Learn tempest and scrapper well.

At low tiers use scrapper and push far, prevent it from being capped and try to hold 2 vs 1 as long as u can.

At mid high ruby you´ll want to play tempest, go to team fights and heal heal and heal some more.

If the team fight is going to be lost exit it and go to a point you have capped and guard it so you allow your team to have a safe point to rally after spawning. By doing this you’ll also lure enemies to your point, allowing your team mates to try free capping some point.

This basic strategies are easy to use and have a huge return.

Best of luck to all you guys.

Casuals unite

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Suggestion about off season

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

As long as there are exclusive rewards for ranked you will always run into the same issue. Especially the legendary

If players are placed in different divisions according to their ranked mmr that problem should be less significant.

For the bad players that actually have high mmr, the possibility to lose divisions will put them in a league division according to their skill level.

Of course pve players will complain in the ranked season, but they will eventually settle for the rewards of the unranked season.

Hope this helps

When exactly have you seen the players of this game settle for anything? There would be just as much hostility as there is now and it won’t be just the pve crowd. Titles and things would be fine but when you add legendary things to the mix it’s asking for the pve crowd to want it as that’s where the stats would actually mean something

Ranked league will still see heavy QQ, all skill based systems cause this…I think that can´t be solved. But u could give some legendary rewards in unranked season too to calm the player base, most hardcore pvp players will also play unranked season so this shouldn’t make them too angry

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Suggestion about off season

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

My point was PVE isn’t a skill level so suggesting unranked should be for PVErs is a little misguided. Logic dictates that greater participation in leagues is a good thing. If the system deters people it’s time to rethink the system not send people elsewhere.

I agree with you, and In my opinion most pvp’ers would play both leagues, I admit that a skill based system will send some people (pvpers and pvers) to other areas of the game but this is what having a skill based system causes, some people will not want the stress/pressure or even don´t like to admit their own skill level.

Having a mixed approach will just make people feel frustrated and neither group of players (hardcore and softcore) happy, with what I suggest there is also a bit of frustration but at least you can say: “Kitten this, I’ll wait out for unranked/ranked league, which is more to my liking”

What you have now is:

Hardcore player point of view:

“kitten this, leagues ain’t skill based, my games are full of players that shouldn’t be on this division, this sucks, ill wait for season to end….oh kitten wait, unranked will mix all players and games will be awfull…kitten nnnn”

Softcore player point of view:

“Kitten this, leagues matchmaking sucks, I get paired against premades and better players, I can´t progress, I want to buy pips and get to diamond give me da wingsssss, this sucks, Ill wait for season to end….oh kitten wait, unranked will mix all players and ill face better players and games will be awfull….kitten nnn”

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Suggestion about off season

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

What’s the bet you’ve been dropped on your kitten by a PVEr in ranked?

I’m a casual player, and don’t have a giant ego so this kinda of approach has no effect on me

I’m pretty sure there are many pve players that would beat me and I’m pretty sure there are many pve players i would kill.

Everyone would be welcome to come to the ranked season, just don’t expect to progress if you don’t have the skill. For me I feel my place is diamond, so I’m no elitist.

What I defend is something for everyone. A ranked season for people that want a skill based system and an unranked season for people that want to progress.

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Suggestion about off season

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

As long as there are exclusive rewards for ranked you will always run into the same issue. Especially the legendary

If players are placed in different divisions according to their ranked mmr that problem should be less significant.

For the bad players that actually have high mmr, the possibility to lose divisions will put them in a league division according to their skill level.

Of course pve players will complain in the ranked season, but they will eventually settle for the rewards of the unranked season.

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Suggestion about off season

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Alternate a skill based league (current one) with a farming based league.

I’ve never in my life believed in mixed approaches, and what is plaguing guild wars 2 pvp league system is trying to be skill based but not lose a large chunk of the audience (less skilled players) that is why you see some features that destroy and pollute the division of players according to skill (safe pip spots, not being able to lose divisions).

So here is my proposition:

Ranked league:

-Players will lose pips and tiers in all divisions
-Players will lose divisions
-Players can queue as teams
-No class achievements
-Keep improving current matchmaking system

Unranked league (off season):

-Players can´t lose tiers
-Players can´t lose divisions
-Increase number of pips of each tier to 10 (the number is optional)
-Players can only solo queue
-Class achievements
-mmr based matchmaking so that all players can progress

There should be a different set of rewards for each league

-Ranked league (gem rewards, skin rewards, title rewards, legendary rewards) – idea is to give rewards that are attractive to pvp players)

-Unranked rewards (large karma rewards, laurel rewards, ascended rewards, skin rewards, legendary crafting materials, lots of achievements to earn) – idea is to give rewards that are attractive to pve players

The general idea is to make unranked a place were new players can have fun and be rewarded by it. And make ranked leagues a pure skill based system and reward them better.

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

MMR - diminishing returns

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

It’s not easy to manipulate MMR at all.

Try finding 2 other decent players at sapphire level (hard part – easier at start of season ), group with them, you’ll have a very large advantage and thus will win more often that lose. This over time will increase your MMR, when you have a 58% or greater win rate try solo queuing, if you get bad teammates repeat the process.

Even a casual player like me (2-3 hours a day) has over 20 players in contact list that are more than decent at pvp.

If you find a good player in a match proceed to add him to friends (even if he’s on enemy team), that way you can contact him later on if you want to try this.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

MMR - diminishing returns

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


1- Introduce diminishing returns to MMR gain/loss (percentages are just an example, ANET has better information to estimate these).

For each 3 consecutive wins MMR gain will decrease by 10%.
For each 3 consecutive losses MMR loss will decrease by 10%.


This will mitigate some of the MMR manipulation I’ve seen in this season.

MMR can be easily manipulated (preferably at sapphire level) by queuing with a group of average skill players, you’ll get easy win streaks and increase your personal MMR to a decent level and then proceed to play solo, you’ll then get on the right side of Match Making and receive better team mates leading to easier matches all around.

2- Balance MMR gain/loss depending on team sizes

MMR gain example (percentages are just an example, ANET has better information to estimate these):

Solo player: bonus of 5% to MMR gain
Duo queue: bonus of 3% to MMR gain

All others remain unchanged

MMR loss example:

Solo player: Decrease of 5% to MMR loss
Duo queue: Decrease of 3% to MMR loss

All others remain unchanged

This will soften MMR impact of facing premades, making solo and duo queues a little more fair imho.

Hope this helps

Edited: To fix broken English, sorry it isn’t my primary language.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)

Its just too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Bad play, I need to “l2p”, horrible matchmaking, even when i win 2 in a row I get placed with 4 first timers for the 3rd game. AFK’s and people who do not know what they are doing.

In a team formation with 3 warriors you ABSOLUTELY need to change to a supporting character, swap to tempest, and at the least you’ll have a fighting chance.

To go into a match with that comp is asking for a loss, and you can and should at least do your part to balance the team comp.

Hope this helps

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Win Ratio Formula question

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

What if i dc for like 2-3 minutes and come back and turn the game into comeback?
Because i’ve had such games, especially on foefire. They should give me a freaking award for this. Its harder than it sounds.

I agree with you…but at the moment this is what we have in terms of rules.

My advice:

If you expect to take more than 1 min and half to return to the game, don’t. At least you avoid making your team mates lose a pip if you can’t turn the match around.

If you have a bad internet connection, start your gaming session with an unranked game and check the stability of the connection, if it holds go to ranked.

Hope this helps

Edit: fixed my English (not my primary language, sorry)

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Win Ratio Formula question

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Should I include
- desertions
- byes
- forfeits
into ‘totalGames’?


By my experience:

Desertions = You left the game and got dishonor = you lost a pip
Forfeits = Someone on your team left and got dishonor = no pip win or loss
Bye = Someone on the opposing team left and got dishonor = you win a pip (if you win the game)

Hope this helps



Bye = Someone on the opposing team left and got dishonor = you win a pip


Bye = Someone on the opposing team left and got dishonor = you win a pip (if you win the game)

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)


in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

As someone who sufered from clinical depression I have to ask ANET to take a harder stand on this, this is not something that can fit into a 3 hour or more ban, I can tell you that if people are already on the edge this will push them over.

People’s lifes are on the line, please act acordingly.

To anyone whos thinking about suicide, avoid pvp and whisper me, you are not alone.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

8 man necro match

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

A cold front has hit gw2 pvp season, we advise all players to remain indoors

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

8 man necro match

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

And remember Nothing burns like the cold.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

8 man necro match

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I’ll bet it was a cold match…you should have taken that chance to just chill

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Have you stopped playing the league?

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Still playing earned two tiers in sapphire yesterday, standing at tier 4.

To OP, I know this feels unfair and believe me I’ve been on a losing streak 2 times to get to this place, but I notice a difference the more I play even If the system is bad.

Remember with this system good TEAMS will go higher, good solo players will reach mid tiers (ruby/diamond)

Casual players will on average get to ruby with a lot of hardship and effort.

Keep on it and don’t give up.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Simple Ranked PVP Advices

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Dealing with MMR system, do’s and dont’s

-Avoid several losses in a row, after losing 2 consecutive games stop playing and wait for player pool to change
-When winning in a row play until you lose 2 consecutive games, ride the wave as hard as you can
-If you get a low MMR on account of a losing streak (you ignored first advice) try to get 2 more experienced players, one playing tempest and another reaper, repeat until you salvage your mmr.
-Never EVER EVER EVER point your team mates failings during game, they may not be performing well but by saying so you’ll decrease his and your own performance
-If you want to point something to a player ping his position and the rotation he should do (semi experienced players will react well to this but poorly at WTF why did u leave mid? )
-Mindset, if you are angry, salty or frustrated, take a break go do something you love, then return to game. When playing on a bad mental state you’ll be likely performing poorly

Here are my tips, if you still want to improve and you’re an average joe…try them out

And remember they are grossly over simplified, search for guides from high level players if you want to improve on these tips.

And have fun

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Simple Ranked PVP Advices

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I will not comment all your tips. Many are wrong because they are out of context.

For Tempest going into a -1 fight will save the fights because it will get EVEN.

Tempest+Scrapper can hold versus 3 for a long time, meaning your 3 others can keep the two other cap point.

I will give link to Olrun (Never lucky pro team) tips for all meta builds:

Overall, I agree with you that playing META build is helping a lot to wins matches.

yeah i kinda feel bad for giving tips that are out of context, players that are experienced should disregard this tips, they are more oriented to the average joe, that plays a couple hours at night, hopefully it will help them to realize they should start looking for more information and improve their game.

Thanks for replying and for the link.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Simple Ranked PVP Advices

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


Difficulty: medium
Impact on game: large
Lower skill players carry potential: large
Role: on point bruiser
Need for fast reflexes: medium
Kiting ability needed: medium (when pushing far you’ll need to kite 2 players frequently)

To learn kitting check:

And then go to a empty hotjoin arena and practice

Use “Sneak Gyro” as the optional utility skill

When should you swap to this class:

Has your team a bunker? If yes continue, If no use tempest
Do you have 1 or less reapers? If yes use reaper, If no use scrapper


Start by following your team to the starting team fight, after that keep an eye on empty points and hold them (this will allow your bunker to rotate). If you find yourself bellow on points you can risk pushing far
(only when you can keep it from being capped or when you can win the point). When pushing far your job is to keep attention on 2 enemy players, be carefull if a reaper or a third player aproaches, when this happens rotate to another point and return to far as soon as you can.


-Learn healing turret combo ( skill 6 twice and then F1 )
-Use healing turret near your bunker or low health team mates the extra healing helps a lot
-Use hammer skill 5 and 3 to CC, don´t open the fight with it, keep it when you see players at 25% health (chances are you’ll interrupt a healing skill)
-Keep hammer skill 4 when focused (will save your life when a reaper get’s too close and pops reapers shroud).
-In small team fights when a team mate is being stomped pop sneak gyro
-When you see a team fight and a reaper/ranger/dh outside of point dealing ranged damage use skill F3 (from bullwark gyrus) when using it try to stand on top of as many team mates possible
-Blast bullwark gyro when enemies are at 25% health
-Keep skill 2 for ranged attacks, specially DHs.
-If pushing far and you need to disengage use sneak gyro
-If a low health mesmer or thief stealth use reveal
-If another scrapper covers a rez with sneak gyro use reveal
-Keep pressure on enemies, stay as close as possible to them and hammer away, use elixir kit skill 3 then 4, swap weapon and keep hammering away without the jump back
-If an enemy is kitting you, don´t be afraid to use elixir kit to keep aplying pressure and crippe
-If a team mate is being condi bombed use elixir gun 5 on that players as soon as you can
-Remember your role is not to be the killer but the steady pressure, don’t expect to take a bunker down alone, ideally you’ll soften enemies up so a reaper comes in for the kill
-when at close range and you need healing use F1 (healing turret overload) and hammer 3
-Keep slick shoes for enemy rez attempts or if your team is focusing enemy bunker (wait for him to port first if tempest)
-When being followed by enemies, go for tight passages and use slick shoes and do a diagonal to cover the whole passage.
-If your bunker is being killed frequently follow him around and use healing turret on him, use hammer skills as body block. Use slick shoes to take pressure off him.

Next post: dealing with MMR system, do’s and dont’s

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Simple Ranked PVP Advices

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


Difficulty: easy
Impact on game: large
Lower skill players carry potential: large
Role: condi damage dealer
Need for fast reflexes: low
Kiting ability needed: high (you will be focused a lot)

To learn kitting check:

And then go to a empty hotjoin arena and practice

Use “Rise” as the optional utility skill

When should you swap to this class:

Has your team a bunker? If yes continue, If no use tempest
Do you have 2 or more reapers? If yes use scrapper, If no use reaper


Always try to arrive at fights after they are happening for a while, this way you’ll have enemy players on cooldowns. Avoid guarding points, try to +1 as much fights as you can.


-If low on lifeforce stay back and use staff
-Keep fears to disable rezes and bunker heals
-Enter point and surround yourself by as many enemies as possible and pop Rise
-When someone gets into down state ( your or enemy team, cleave as hard as you can, reapers shroud, skill 5 then skill 4 then skill 2 then skill 3 twice to interrupt heals, autoattack to finish standing players)
-Use reapers shroud skill 2 to increase mobility
-Keep elite to take pressure off your bunker, if you see his health falling fast cast it near him
-If youre being pursued cast staff skill 5 on ground and run over it, most enemies will follow over it and be feared
-Use reapers shroud stability for stomping when you can
-If you down several enemies and theres another team mate on point leave the stomping to him and proceed to +1 another fight
-When running between points use warhorn skill 5
-If fighting revenants/dhs/tempests pressure with staff, swap to scepter, autoattack and corrupt boons, swap back to staff and cast fear as soon as he starts getting near 25% health
-Keep staff skill 4 and utility skill plague signet for when you are full of conditions (specially if you have confusion/chill)
-Try to use utility skill signet of the locust for when surrounded by enemy players, to maximize healing
-Signets also corrupt boons, if you arent pressured use then offensively
-Priority targets are DHs, if you see them focus them as hard as you can
-If you are focused try to kite, at around 30% health run to your bunker so he can heal, then continue kitting, rinse and repeat

Next post Scrapper

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Simple Ranked PVP Advices

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

This post is destined to medium skill players that want to progress, and is a non comprehensive guide on how to be helpful in matches:

(yes I know its over simplistic, but it’s a good starting point)

First start to learn the following builds:


Difficulty: easy
Impact on game: large
Lower skill players carry potential: small
Role: healer
Need for fast reflexes: low

Use cleric amulet

When should you swap to this class:

Team comp has no bunkers that can heal, look for rangers and other tempests in your team, if you find any whisper them and politely ask if they are running cleric, if the answer is no proceed to change to tempest.


Is there a team fight? you should be there, forget about holding points alone, you are grossly wasting your heal potential.


-Am i going to a point with no players of my team (Bad idea)
-Am i going to a fight where I’ll be outnumbered by more than 1 player (Bad idea)
When counting players in a fight take in account health status. Rule of thumb: 25% health player = -1 in player count, player that has health falling fast = -1 in player count
-Am i going to a fight where my team mates are outnumbering and their health is stable? (Bad idea)
-Keep earth 5 for stomping in high pressure situations, to rez in bad situations, to survive when your focused and you can’t compensate with your heals.
-In a team fight stand next to the maximum number of your team mates, if one breaks off stick with the majority and if he comes back heal him ASAP
-Prioritize healing over dealing damage
-When someone focus the enemy bunker help by cc’ing him (knockdown, chill, imobilize)
-Keep teleport for when you’re focused, always know a safe spot to port at all times (higher ground when possible)
-Keep earth 4 for condi bombs (prioritize the ones that have confusion and/or chill)
-When starting the game declare your play style by saying:

I’ll follow team fights so I can support you guys, guard points.

Next post Reaper

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Eir Stegalkin In Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

High pings [Resolved]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

I waited it out…2 hours later i got a ping of 60 to 100, not perfect but playable.

There might be some correlation with server strain, I started playing at around 21h (Western European Time) and at around 23h ping improved.

Will retest today and if the problem persists will contact support.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

High pings [Resolved]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Internet is working well, speed tests indicate no problem, guild wars has a ping of 400 to 3000.

Can you check if there is any problem wih the servers?

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

So... Bunker Specs?

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Time for another story:

One stormy night I found myself having a faith chrysis…I was left looking at the METArmageddon and not even MMResus could keep my spirits up…I felt like quitting…In desperation i even tried out another mmo….all was vain…..

I looked to the ETHEREAL ONES (arena net devs) for guidance…but they were on vacation…I was alone facing the METArmageddon with no MMResus to save me….

But even the darkest night passes and a new dawn appears…a group of ETHEREAL ONES are launching their space shuttles to destroy the METAOR that is causing the current METArmagedon…can it be? will they succeed?

When I was in this faith chrysis…MMResus blessed me with 8 consecutive wins, so faith restaured

After experimenting with another MMO somehow guild wars 2 problems seem much smaller than before and i got remembered why this has been my home since gw1
8 kitten wins 8 fricking wins….MMResus loves me, may he keep MMRagman at bay
ANET is back baby I have faith in you guys…blow this METAOR and save us O ETHEREAL ONES

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Yeah….after 25 consecutive losses, i was in such a state where i could be 1 vs 1 a 2 year old and I would still lose….finally I shut down the game, resisted the urge to throw my laptop through the window and went to bed….had nightmares about malyx heralds and gravity wells all night

I think I’ve found your problem. Laptops aren’t noted for their great FPS (needed for reading tells) and aren’t exactly ergonomic. I mean yeah there are gaming laptops with good FPS but seems pointless in light of needing to be home usually to game.

As for me I’ve dealt with lots of disconnectors and AFK’ers lately and had a match where we won with two warriors so that was good, likely because the opposing team brought an amber so instead of a match with an average between him and the amber it simply bumped the amber up to his rank…then I lost more games after that -_-

Yeah….and even so I managed to drag my sorry kitten to diamond league…but a PC is on the shopping list…and i’ts harder to throw

Regarding you experience the BRIGHT SIDE:

Winning with two warriors means two players were partying like hell after the win, and in this METArmagedon warriors need all the happy moments they can get…we should all help them out.
You taught valuable pvp lessons to an young amber padawan

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Videos of Tempest Celestial Auramancer PVP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

So I’ve been gone a few months and have just got back into it with the xpac and whatnot. All I want to do is understand this fancy new tempest meta but I can’t find a video that correlates with using either staff or d/f. I’ve always been a d/d or d/f kinda gal, are there any good up to date videos demonstrating this build, strategies, etc? Am I missing something obvious here, is this no longer the meta? Should I just go back to plain ol’ d/d?

whisper me in game and i can show how i use it (I’m at diamond tier…mostly solo/duo queuing as tempest)

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Time for another drama filled story….

On a snowy winters night I was LOST – playing a class i know very little about- …cause…achievements that’s why) so I decides why the hell not let’s go with marauder scrapper….mid fight approaching and HI HOOOOOOO I charged onto the NUCLEAR WASTELAND – also know as point -, CC was flying left and right, AOEs were buzzing, Gravity wells were circling…the works…….combine that with the fact that i was LOST and bammm i was dead….to my surprise i was not the only one….2 other team mates were dead, a DH and a necro all of which were caugh inside the NUCLEAR WASTELAND…there was a lone survivor….one of THE EVERLASTING ONES -also known as tanks-

Well we respawned and behold one of our team mates revealed himself as a KAMIKAZE -player that loses control of his frustration levels and starts shooting at his own team mates…some times understandably but never productively -, I’m yet to see a KAMIKAZE verbal burst turning a game around. We proceeded to be beaten into oblivion and received a gg at the end, followed by scrubs shouts followed by KAMIKAZE rants.

BRIGHT SIDE: if your dpsing learn that sometimes you need to chose the right time to enter the NUCLEAR WASTELAND which is ruled with an iron fist by the EVER LASTING ONES, hide behind pillars, ramps whatever you can and dps at a range, when the NUCLEAR WASTELAND settles down hi hooo away and enter it.
Learned to control my frustration levels…people may be doing wrong stuff -being noobish, kittens or even tanking the game- but that doesn’t justify that you also do a wrong thing…be the better person and remember two wrong never make a right.
Learned that where my liberty ends where my team mates liberty’s begin…I made a real effort to master alternative classes to avoid filling the ranks of the lost.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Now tell me your horror story and so i can give it an happy ending.

If this like the happy ending provided by those massage parlors Ashton Kutcher visits?

Exactly like that but on your soul

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Time for another story….hope you’re ready this one is horrible….

On a dark winters night I found myself 1 pip away from ruby….my palms got sweaty, i couldn’t bring myself to play in fear of losing all I’ve earned, I came online tried to find a sure way to earn the HOLY GRAIL (missing pip to climb a division)….i tried it all full teams, friends, mmr tanking….the works……

MMRagman was onto me, the HOLY GRAIL was forever our of reach, 1 week passed desperation set in…was i at my peak? was MMRagman too powerful to face????

Then after losing all hope of reaching diamond, MMRejus found it in his Hearth to guide me to the HOLY GRAIL, i hold it my hands and proceeded to annoy the hell out of my guild mates by saying WUHUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSS like a 2 year old

BRIGHT SIDE: learned that only when we move past our breaking point will we achieve our goals…nothing comes easy in life.
Learned that I wouldn’t give up even when doubting myself
Learned that MMResus is real

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

i meant the notebook, but thanks for another story!

Btw i play thief so at least you don’t get many:

-Can you swap from thief to another class please?
-Omg a thief again…
-Ok a thief, i go afk.


You truly appreciate when a player comes along and actively supports you and trusts in you defending you from all the NAY SAYERS.
Whenever you win you know you have truly beaten then odds, you have faced the METArmaggedon and survived to tell the tale, only good players can say that
Think on what you’ll be able to do when METArmaggedon favours thiefs in the future, you’ll be like Son Goku after training in high gravity.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

Ok since you asked…here’s another:

On a stormy winter night I found myself with 2 other brave souls, ready to face whatever MMRagman could throw at us……queue poped I checked teams comps, and beholdddd:

The EverWaiting Ones (also know as ESL players tanking MMR so they can have shorter queue times), we strengthened our resolve, I muttered we’re doomed…one of the brave souls said NO where not let’s do thisssss……I grabbed my tempest and tried to wash all the pain away, fell to my back and got back to respawn…….

6 minutes later and a merciful lord kill by the EverWaiting Ones, and we lost 660 to 65…..then as silently as they came they returned to the domain of anguish were they remain still always Waiting always Jumping

To this day when i open team comps I pray to MMResus to save me from The EverWaiting Ones….

BRIGHT SIDE: learned that there aren’t many EverWaiting Ones and if you stick with the crowd of players (prime times) you’ll avoid MMRagman attempts to make you face the EverWaiting Ones
Learned to be humble…no I’m not a pro, yes I still have loads to learn, learned that true pros don’t boast about winning and make their opponents suffering quick.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


Forums have been full of negativity lately…and let me tell you I know a LOT about negativity…been battling with a chronic depression my whole life.
So thought about using the magic power of positivism to make someone smile today.

Tell me your horror stories in this league, and let me show you the bright side of them

(I’m at diamond tier mostly solo, duo queue so I’ve been through most of them)

I’ll kick this off with my own horror story:

On a cold winter night I found myself all alone in the realm of anguish, called the queue, there i was sitting at tier 3 in diamond well under my way to legendary, then out of nowhere MMRagman pulled the Lost (players trying to achievement hunt with classes they don’t kitten about) into my party…

I grabbed my tempest and strapped in for the fight of my life….washed the pain away but still lost 550 to 64…muttered to myself…that’s ok…MMRagman will find another victim…I believe I’ll be blessed MMRejus will protect me next time I’m in the domain of anguish…..

Yeah….after 25 consecutive losses, i was in such a state where i could be 1 vs 1 a 2 year old and I would still lose….finally I shut down the game, resisted the urge to throw my laptop through the window and went to bed….had nightmares about malyx heralds and gravity wells all night

BRIGHT SIDE: Learned to know my limits, now when starting a losing streak (2 consecutive losses) I go out for a walk and give MMRagman some time to himself. Learned that It happens to all of us not just some forum posters, now I relate to every forum post i read.
Learned to enjoy when MMRejus protects me with a chain of victories, bless his soul.

Now tell me your horror story and so i can give it an happy ending.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

Optimistic view of your everyday pvp woes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825


Forums have been full of negativity lately…and let me tell you I know a LOT about negativity…been battling with a chronic depression my whole life.
So thought about using the magic power of positivism to make someone smile today.

Tell me your horror stories in this league, and let me show you the bright side of them

(I’m at diamond tier mostly solo, duo queue so I’ve been through most of them)

I’ll kick this off with my own horror story:

On a cold winter night I found myself all alone in the realm of anguish, called the queue, there i was sitting at tier 3 in diamond well under my way to legendary, then out of nowhere MMRagman pulled the Lost (players trying to achievement hunt with classes they don’t kitten about) into my party…

I grabbed my tempest and strapped in for the fight of my life….washed all the pain away but still lost 550 to 64…muttered to myself…that’s ok…MMRagman will find another victim…I believe I’ll be blessed MMRejus will protect me next time I’m in the domain of anguish…..

Yeah….after 25 consecutive losses, i was in such a state where i could be 1 vs 1 a 2 year old and I would still lose….finally I shut down the game, resisted the urge to throw my laptop through the window and went to bed….had nightmares about malyx heralds and gravity wells all night

BRIGHT SIDE: Learned to know my limits, now when starting a losing streak (2 consecutive losses) I go out for a walk and give MMRagman some time to himself. Learned that It happens to all of us not just some forum posters, now I relate to every forum post i read.
Learned to enjoy when MMRejus protects me with a chain of victories, bless his soul.

Now tell me your horror story and so i can give it an happy ending.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)

Best Classes

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

And to help you get started:

Check this site for builds:

And this one for tutorials and guides:

Have fun and give ’em hell

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

PVP overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

-In pvp each profession is locked to a fixed set of skills and a specific role (like a moba would)
-Because this would lower the overall quantity of builds, add pvp specific professions (mist themed professions, some could be obtained from gem store, some from crossing league ranks) that would add to the number of player choices.

-Add pvp oriented outfits (earned through leagues and reward tracks)

Thanks for reading

No to these!
If you wanna play LoL go play LoL. GW2 game mechanic and skills is good as they are they need balance and best way to do it is to make PvE and PvP stats different but skills in it self is good. If you want to play the same build as everyone else please do go to and play them. I like the good veriable of builds I can come up with and would not like pre-programmed builds.

Name one … just one mmo that has a trully balanced pvp…

There are easy ways to understand why there isn’t one that achieves balance. This happens due to the sheer amount of skills/traits which then lead to an hugeeee amount of builds. This makes calculating the impact of any balance change a dramatic issue.

And the amount of builds is deceptively large, because around 90% of them aren’t remotely viable on mid/high level pvp.

I’d much prefer anet to assume this and work with it, avoiding under performing builds that cater to the special snowflake crowd.

And I also believe that in the fixed builds should be a play style for everyone. Mobas have taken this route and are successful, mmos should learn and adapt.

Thanks for the feedback

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

PVP overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

-Separate pve skills and pvp skills
-In pvp each profession is locked to a fixed set of skills and a specific role (like a moba would)
-Because this would lower the overall quantity of builds, add pvp specific professions (mist themed professions, some could be obtained from gem store, some from crossing league ranks) that would add to the number of player choices.
-In match making select professions by role as well as mmr, one possible line up would be: tank healer, tank party buffer (ala alacrity bunker), 2 bruisers, 1 roamer
-Improve spectator mode to use the same camera scheme of gw1 (overlay on map, and camera could be driven to where you wanted to check the action.
-Improve spectator mode, with an timer to show re-spawn times for downed players on each team
-change most aoe effects to be circles on the ground with a set degree of transparency so they can be overlapped and still visible to the naked eye
-Improve spectator mode so it’s possible to change between birds eye camera and 3rd/action camera following a specific player
-Reduce brightness of most skills, increase transparency of visual effects of skills
-Add pvp oriented outfits (earned through leagues and reward tracks)

Thanks for reading

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day

(edited by Talyn Sneider.1825)