Showing Posts For TehPenGu.6127:
The fact that this has not been answered by A-net breaks my heart. One of the better threads I’ve seen on the matter. Good on you OP.
Freecam with functionallity allowing spectators to jump to events (hpdrop-based etc) should allow sufficent cam controll. There are other games which have delt with similar cam challanges before and lived to tell the tale.
But you’d honestly want to watch 40 minutes of bunkergames? Bringing Dota 2 in to this makes me sick tho, that is a dynamic and vibrant game that changes from month to month, sometimes week to week when players find new combinations and strategies to play out. When you see “new” lineups in GW2, I at least thought: “Get a load of these guys, lets wipe them over.” And we oft did, by capping early and never dying to less than 1on3.
I came to this same conclusion a month or so ago. Still hang around the forums now and then to see if things are going the right way.
Suggestion to solve this problem easily:
Add a “sweetener” to voulenteering for a team swap! It’s that easy. If you voulenteer you could get a substancial one-time glory boost (long time since i played now but:) of 40-60 or so. That should have people pressing the button like mad, and you would have balance easier. You could even only offer the voulenteer option to the top 5 players of the team with most players, in order to ensure that the worst players just swap teams, gets the bonus and then leaves the game.
Additionaly: make sure all glory is rewarded at the END of matches, thus forcing people to play it out if they want their reward.
Would you watch GW2, as an E-sport?
There has been much talk of ambition from the GW staff, especially one of their main goals with PvP: becoming an E-sport. It never even struck me as kitten before I thought about what makes a good E-sport.
I’d say that you would not watch something that offers little entertainement value, let’s say watching grass grow. You’d watch something that’s fast paced and upredictable, or heavy on the strategy side with a variety of playstyles and ways to mix the fray.
At the time I last played tourneys it was a game of hunkering down and aiming for a single purpose: Do not die. With the added tactical benefit of: Stay in the circle.
This does not make for entertaining watching. I can only imagine the commentary: “Player one STILL alive. Yepp, weather is fine today. Not even slight rain outside as player two and three again unload their brust into player one that just takes it and goes on trucking. I once had a cat.”
So what I want to know, and would love an answer from someone that has some knowledge of this whole “E-sports” struggle for SPvP is:
Why do you think the current PvP makes for a entertaining watch?
I can understand that WvWvW offers more in this regard, but there are a lot more pressing matters in SPvP that could do well with more info than: “We are gonna let ppl watch while you suffer!” (Not Anets actuall words) I wont bring these issues up as there are sufficent threads on the forums for that if anyone wants to read about it.
I will follow what OP stated. Please Anet, for the love we both bear for GW, be that Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2; talk to us! We just want to know whats up, even if that means beeing told nothing is going to happen before next year, let us know so we don’t have to speculate in the darkness any longer.
What`s your glory rank , judging by your Peacemaker greatsword i`d say your new to the pvp game. Practice your mesmer some more.
Yes, once you get better theif stops doing less dmg….
OP: I have seen that screen too many times in the past week. Only solution I have for you is to do what everyone else and their mother is doing: Bunker up!
Good post OP. I think you hit the nail pretty much on the head with this list.
I love killshot! Because its so increadibly easy to avoid. The dmg is not that high, there are multiple ways to reflect a projectile in this game, and LoS kite totaly makes it useless. I’ve played ranger, so I have seen people kite projectiles for most of my career, and killshot is on no account a hard skill to avoid.
1. Healing Guardian bunker
2. Close Point Defense Mesmer
3. Ele Roam Aura Share/ Thief Roam Venom Share
4. Axe/mace+mace/shield Warrior for burst
5. Condition Support NecroOh look I made a balanced lineup…
Indeed, how horribly silly of you
So hellkaiser; you can kill everything except bunkers? I got some news for you: No one can 1on1 a bunker. That is sorta their purpose.
At least you can melt the faces of everyone not playing bunker.
Your argument just makes you sound spoiled. You wanna be able to 1on1 every single class and build with your one godtier build? GW1 has some lessons to teach you if you care to learn them.
Daendur, this pretty much sums up the issue you bring up:
The dmg output is scaresly high if you look at the numbers. Its more the fact that they bring a lot of team utility. Especially giving everyone a burn attack makes them hurt, but you will have no trouble surviving a bunker guardian on any balanced spec. Killing them however, thats another story.
You are saying
4. Ranger
5. Ranger
This lineup would whoop the floor?
Why is there an assumption that the player wants to make distance? There’s nothing wrong with a melee-orientated Ranger and it would be horrible to leap back when you’re a close combat build. The only change that is necessary is the ability to break the automatic chaining to doge, use different skills, etc.
^a hundred times this. I tried melee. Once.
If you really want to go ranger, go ranger. But don’t say we didn’t warn you when it stops beeing fun.
Spoiler: It stops beeing fun.
GS is lacking. It has some burst actually, but in the long run it deals too little dmg. You are better off spamming conditions again with axe torch and a SB.
To be quite honnest I think whatever changes are comming are not going to be massive enough to make us stand out in PvP. Why? Well, I dont think Anet dares change the game this much this early, and will simply try to tweak the numbers on their current skills and utilities on the classes in need of changes. Meaning they will prolly lower the dmg on the backstabbers, and perhaps up the dmg and rework the CD on many a skill for ranger. But I have a hard time seeing them go :
“Okay, lets make Ranger something unique and rewarding for tourney players, lets rework what we got wrong!”.
That beeing said, I dont see them saying that for any class anytime soon. GW2 is still giving most of their love to PvE. I love halloween for instance, but I would trade all the work they put into that on balance changes without a whim.
Playing anything but theif against the theif/bunker meta is like bringing a fistfull of pebbles to a gunfight. Its not impossible to come out on top, its just bloody unlikely is all.
I like this idea. ANOTHER! Smashes idea in the ground
I will say this; I love the necro mechanics, and play necro as much as I do with my guardian. But necro and ranger (my other condition specced char) have one immense problem atm: we get dumped on by any BS theif. Its not a matter of me beeing an “utter noob”, its a simple stated fact:
1. Press CnD, let animation start = 6k dmg
2. Press steal before CnD animation ends = 5kdmg
3. Press Backstab === 10k dmg
And that takes my 18k hp to the ground without me beeing able do respond to it in the space of 1.5s. Because I am slow? Mayhaps, but what can I do against that? Spectral form does not agree with my build, and my stunbreakers are valuable spells for my build (not like lightning reflexes on ranger) with long CD’s.
If you pick necro or ranger to go against a theif, the theif should win that encounter 9 out of 10 times unless he is going something off.
What is a guardian? Its a super bulky dude, that deals little enough dmg when built for sustain, but can hold his own against anyone for several minutes if not forever.
To help achieve this they got their stability, which allows them mobility to kite and dodge nasty stuff, and revive or down other players without getting interupted.
Aegis stability (30 trait) lasts 3 secs and has a 40 sec CD.
Stand your ground is the stronger one, which lasts for about 6 seconds (5 in pvp version I do believe) and has a much shorter CD. Around 25-30 sec, if I recall it right.
Does not seem to affect the 3 hit wondercombo of steal + CnD + backstab = 20k++ dmg in the space of 1 second. Which is a really massive issue for those of us that are not going guardian.
There was a time when I would defend any build and class I liked, but it reaches a point where you stop liking the class and stare jellously at the other kid’s toy. It reaches a point of self loathing; “Why wont I just roll the class instead of my lame good-for-conditions-only ranger?”
Gotta say, killthehealersffs has the same image I have been seeing all day. 10k backstab, 5k steal and 6k cloack and dagger. Did you know: When theifs see the cloak and dagger animation they hit steal, making them teleport, deal steal dmg and cloack n dagger dmg in one hit, making backstab real easy.
What fun is it when one class goes around dumping on most of the other classes? They burst, go invis and jump around with their shortbows at portal speeds. They can even go in pairs and jump inside the base on legacy of the forefire to backstab the lord without ever raising the alarms of the gates going down.
I remember when hotfixing imbalance was an actuall thing. According to Anet I believe they are going to let things “sort them selves out for a while”. Hopefully you will have more than theifs, ele, guardian and engineers to balance the game for once you get around to actually making changes.
If any team where to exploit the current “balance”, they could make gems by simply midigating the skill need a balanced team would need to pull the same.
With staff ele you can deny the other team use of their treb, meaning you are free to leave yours for the wolves.
Dreamteam compositions please.
1. Engineer —> bunker
2. Guardian --> Bunker
3. Theif —> backstab
4 Theif --> backstab
5. Elementalist —> Staff ele support/bunker
Got massive nuke and great sustain for team and holding points alone against several opponents.
Anything I can imagine swapping any of these for would just make the team weaker, as the other classes bring nothing new to the table these ones allready sport.
What is you dream team?
For instance tell me how I, as a necro with 18k hp, am supposed to survive steal + cloack and dagger + backstab = 20k dmg
And that still leaves me facing the rest of his dps. Theifs not a BIT strong compared to necro you think? Playing as a theif makes me 1on1 players far above my skill level.
Good post. Have not seen Anet comment on ANYTHING regarding unbalanced aspects of the game. Never saw no one say “So hey, this is the deal; we know X is over the top strong atm, but we will be changing that asap.”
I don’t think the community would be able to handle comments like that, especially if ANet decides X isn’t actually over the top strong.
What I want is feedback with spesific content. Not words of comfort that could well mean anything.
Theifs are the easiest class to kill with, henche the fact that so many are playing them.
Good post. Have not seen Anet comment on ANYTHING regarding unbalanced aspects of the game. Never saw no one say “So hey, this is the deal; we know X is over the top strong atm, but we will be changing that asap.”
Problem with theif:
Even as a GLASSCANON, they have great sustain through kite and downedstate. Meaning: they are not glasscanons at all, they are super bursters with massive kite.
Topic says it. Get killed in tourney, try to respawn, stuck in loadingscreen. Doom!
Hey fellars, I was talking with a few guildies the other night about the night raids many servers have experiences recently.
None of us felt like this was a particullarly good thing, and that it may well be a side effect Anet didn’t consider when releasing the final product.
Some fundamental stuff: we got EU, US etc servers for two reasons.
1. Connectivity, you don’t wanna have terrible lags because you are sitting half across the planet paired with a terrible connection.
2. Time zones. Yes, you don’t wanna see empty places all over at the peak of the day.
In the time zones lies the problem. People can pair upt and pretty much have no “nights” at their servers, making sure they never leave WvW without strong defences.
What I suggest is simple: Night is night, we sleep at night, except for in the weekends.
Meaning that from 07:00 GMT to 03:00 GMT the WvW servers are wide open Mon-Fri, and from 03:00 – 07:00 you get four hours of sleep or whatever floats your boat.
In the weekends you’d have the servers running from friday 07:00 to sunday 03:00.
All I need now is for you to tell me why this should NOT be implemented.
Been owning tourneys all week, don’t know where you come from man. You expected something else than you got, okay. I did not. I got the exact class I knew was comming since the necro spotlight.
Its not how you want it, perhaps, but its how GW2 choose to portrait it, and it goes extreeemely well along the lines of the GW1 necro. Which I salute them for. PvP needs balance, have patience and it will come. If you wanna play “evil dark wizzard” in an MMORPG, its not a lot of options out there.
I crave this. Badly.