I only vote to change it if they change it to a floppy disk.
Always <3d the Aesthetic behind Gw2. You did well in your time here. Good luck in future endeavors.
And welcome Horia.
<- This player has high expectations for you.
Five out of Seven.
Quaggan Mugs? Yes please. It would keep my coffee o so Coo~
The real intresting test would be an average or a bit above (like 1500) player, playing at primetime for 1-2 hours a day. How long would he need playing his main class (mesmer is a less played class here) to get from 600 to 1500 points in solo Q. I think unless super lucky not in a single season …
Started the sesaon with 680 rating as a solo mesmer. At 1350 right now. Its not the 1500 you where asking for, but it as about 70 won/60 lost games.
Press ‘O’ while in game. Brings up your trading post. Go to buy more gems. Buy gems. Exchange gems for gold. Buy legendary weapon off trading post.
The trading post interface is its own web browser. So that right there, is the website you are looking for.
Edit* Screenshot of some ones TP that got infected with Malware. So yea, its a web browser. (not my own screenshot)
(edited by Telemin.7380)
Jetpack for life. And the two wintersday backpacks from year 1.
Last year it was on the 10th. I am thinking this year it will start on the 13th.
If you could only buy black lion keys with real cash, I would see/have a problem.
As long you are still able to obtain them with gold, I do not.
I am all for gold sinks.
I want to see what they did a few times in year one. Spend real cash (not gold to gems) and get little freebies.
First they did that with the kites. Then they ended up having the use 50usd to get that golem mini.
But that is what I want to see.
ET > SoS > BG > ET > BP > Ebay >ET. All of that since launch.
I dislike getting thrown into the mystic forge while I have no interest in that event. All I wanted to do was use the bank npc.
I like this proposal quite a bit.
But how would you incentivize people to move off stacked servers? Sure, you did say free transfers, but that does not guarantee them to move. Would they be forced off/kicked?
“The result would be that guilds that want to expand would have an excellent option to do so with a move to these new open worlds.”
How are guilds supposed to recruit for something that is server specific when there no longer is any server specific maps.
As for transfering…. I am already on ET. No need for me, but I do hope that others would go for the new worlds. And as much as I hope that players would spread themselves out, they have already shown time and time again that they would stack servers.
Edit* I guess I would be interested in transfering to free world, in an effort to rebuild a shattered community.
Second Edit* The only way I see this working is if all current servers are destroyed and every one is forced to pick a new one. But this will be a highly unpopular and controversial opinion.
(edited by Telemin.7380)
My two cents: This is too little too late, considering that server identities have been systematically killed off with pve mega server and current world linking.
So, I guess I am saying leave it as it is and not use any development time on it.
I’m not happy that 1 of the 3 rewards was a guaranteed ToT bag. I don’t want to sound greedy but… really?
Exactly this. Heavy nerf, in my eyes to chests. I rather get a booster than a ToT bag, or a gift during winter. But whatever, it is what it is and I dont buy keys with real money to begin with.
When PvE mega servers came around, I asked for something like this. Attempting to bring pve players into wvw, in smaller servers, became near impossible when that happened. So in short, I am in favor of this as long as it remains server specific. Not host specific/mega server.
I wish my male sylvari could use those sword dragging female animations. Maybe in the future, Anet will let us choose one of the two animation styles on character creation/make over kits. (hint hint)
I remember when the airship to Genderan Fields came about. When they released the pass for it. I was so excited by the notion of Airships.
Back then I used to think, I hoped, that the airship would travel around Tyria, making stops in the various locations that the LS was taking us to. It could have been such a great tool.
Instead, it just sits there, as does my permanent pass.
There are actual videos of the 16 hour runs. Gliding has made world completion faster. Add in the executioners axe toy. And above else, knowing your route.
very few people would go through the intentionally set up agony to get a legendary weapon for example if they all had the same base stats as an exotic.
At game launch, all of them where exotic, and with only soldier stats to boot. Many people got them back then.
Go behind them, out of the skills range or break ‘line of sight’, which involves more than going into stealth. Aka using a pillar, corner or another obstacle.
I love how these forums are going Chicken Little " The Sky is Falling" before seeing the actual changes.
I was about to take a break from work and play for a bit.
I guess this is the universe telling me to be more productive outside of the game.
Even with most things being account bound, I do not do Alts very well.
Many years ago, I used to play pen and paper RPGS. In those games, progression took quite a bit of time. Which led to the mindset of sticking to one character only.
That mentality is something I have not been able to change in the decades since.
Out of curiosity, how do the necromancer minions look in the Chinese version of GW2?
Before my guild imploded, we used Skype Group Chats for out of game messaging/chats.
Its not quite exactly what you are asking for, but it achieves the same purpose.
Highest I have seen mine was 31k. I am now down to 20.5k. Been giving out quite a bit of stuff and helping other guilds grow, not to mention poor speculation choices.
I have not felt compelled to grind since LS1 and the 2 week releases/temp achievements.
Well, maybe the pvp seasons to some extent.
But with content being permanent like it is now (other than the festivals), Things get done when they get done.
Play the game doing things you enjoy. Accumulate wealth, items, materials as you have fun in whatever way or mode that may be.
So many people here don’t like to dodge moa…why…why people don’t like dodge moa!? Why people come here to complain because they don’t like to dodge moa!?
Dodging it is almost impossible, try playing mesmer. 90%+ of your moas will land
I am such a subpar mesmer. At most my moas hit 50% of the time.
Do GvG Videos count? :P
(Probably not because this is the pvp forum. I just wanted to feel relevant.)
7.2k Hours, most of them idleing/afk in LA.
The Bard x 2 (Second Southsun Event and I forget where the other one came from.)
Dusk x 1. Generic dredge in dredge fractal on the first day of fractal reform. The one where our fractal level got dropped to 30 or so.
The longbow. The name now currently eludes me. From the Mystic Forge. 3 AC Shields + 1 Mystic stone.
Howl – random player in WvW
My (extremely biased) vote goes towards mesmer.
That portal/mobility lets your personal efforts affect more than one point at a much more consistent basis.
Yeah, it’s hard to find four others that know their stuff and their class… You’d have to be in a crazy pvp centered guild for that, and practiced with them.
I clicked Yes at the end of a match (You know, those 15 seconds that people really want back). Bam, the next game I had a premade. No voicecoms, no practice. Several wins.
I am glad that they care about you, yet saddened that they do not understand your hobby.
When I used to play competitive WvW (Zerg busting/20 v X), our driver would always get Moad.
That would not stop him. Leaps would still be called and he would moa leap into the zerg that outnumbered us.
Funny times. I should go look for some videos of it now…
That chat log…
While I support the idea of new halls. (in this case, more is better), how would situations where a guild that captured one of the existing halls (and upgrades) wants one of the new ones?
Could be handled like it is now. You pay the price for exploration and run the claim guild hall mission and the new guild hall replaces your old one.
What about all the upgrades that you already unlocked? Would those be removed? While I do not mind ( I am all for gold/material sinks). I know many would be in an uproar over that.
right now you can switch guild halls, and all upgrades are transferred to the new hall. I don’t see any future ones being any different
We learn something new every day. Thanks for clarifying.
While I support the idea of new halls. (in this case, more is better), how would situations where a guild that captured one of the existing halls (and upgrades) wants one of the new ones?
Could be handled like it is now. You pay the price for exploration and run the claim guild hall mission and the new guild hall replaces your old one.
What about all the upgrades that you already unlocked? Would those be removed? While I do not mind ( I am all for gold/material sinks). I know many would be in an uproar over that.
While I support the idea of new halls. (in this case, more is better), how would situations where a guild that captured one of the existing halls (and upgrades) wants one of the new ones?
Except they do have it as well. (and more finely tuned) There is a reason 80% of their player base ends at rank 20 at the end of each monthly season.
Id rather not. Had enough land/guild drama with my one year of ArcheAge.
But I would like to see guilds have a larger role within the game.
All I have wanted since year one is Dual Foci (Focuses?). Made one minstrel and started on a second. Progress on that stopped with the wardrobe changes, but still, Dual Foci please. :P
The best way to improve as a player is to take as many 1v1s as you can against players who you know are better than you and who will beat you. Fighting players who you beat does not really teach you anything. Yes, in the end you will lose but you will find that the more you do this, the longer you survive and eventually you will be able to beat that player.
If you are going to practice 1 v 1, make sure you practice on Point.
If you cannot get a better player to fight you 1 v 1, get two others of your skill level and practice 1 v 2, again on point. Remember, not all fights will be fighting others to decap/capture points. You will often find yourself fighting 1 v 2 to hold a point, while you wait for some one to +1 you.
And a big one that I think has not been mentioned. Know when to stomp, when to cleave and when to raise. Each one is situational.
Thank you for posting about this.
Even more thanks for making it happen.
I hope all that attend enjoy themselves.
If I had known about this in advance, I would have attended. But instead I am doing one of my usual meet and greet of some of the ET players. (How many times must I humiliate myself infront of you all? HOW MANY!?!? Because Vegas, San Diego or San Antonio have not been enough. :P )
Currently in San Antonio for round two of small scale server meet ups.
Man, the community is so iffy on these things.
One on hand, you got topics like this one.
On the other, you have the “Do not take these 15 seconds away from me” crowd.
Complain about premades, yet when given the tools to fight against one, they are not acceptable.
I have a generic keyboard and mouse.
1-5 remains the same.
(f1)Z, (f2), alt+q, (f3) alt+e, (F4) Shift +q. (f5) shift +e
(heal) g, (utility 1) R, (utility 2) C, (utility 3) shift +r, (elite) shift +f
(weapon swap) click in the mouse button 3/wheel.
The ability to change chat colors between the 5 guilds chats.
I often find myself replying in the wrong guild chats.
Yes please.
I find myself often carrying one sided conversations, thinking I am talking and responding to people in other guilds, when in fact, I am repping my bank guild.
GW2 is a grown up game.
I am sure you know this, but GW2 is rated T for Teen.
And a linking to the ESRB site to boot.