(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
Why stray from original GW1 Ranger so much? And by stray I mean making pets mandatory instead of optional?
30 or 24 sec CD for 1 might stack? Please. Get outta here with that non-sense. That trait just got PVE nerfed to pathetic uselessness. It’s not a good trait with 24-30 CD… At all. All three traits suck (now) as a matter of fact.
Needs weapon swap and in a god kitten hurry.
Everybody say it with me:
Large health pools do not equal challenging content.
Love me some weapon swap <3
I look at that stuff and realize I just don’t want to do fractals now.
Yup, you’re a zerker elitist jerk now lol
Need weapon swap. Bad. I’d really really like to be able to go melee then swap to range while in combat… oh, and traits that don’t suck kitten .
And skill 1 is the one that is going to be used the most…
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
Requires 40 new hero challenges to complete, several of which require masteries that require as much EXP to unlock as leveling to 80 several times over.
Yeah, that is grind.
This guy gets it.
New roles? No.
It just more of the same it did before.
Hmmm… Yeah, we did all suspect that was to be the case, didn’t we?
Please check your Internet Connetion and try again.
That happened immediately after updating from to the 7th patch.
(edited by Moderator)
"And if you fail to fill these roles?"
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
or you can say
Old & Busted: Dungeon Meta
New Hotness: Raid Meta
Some people just don’t understand no matter what there will always be a optimum setup (thus meta) to run for content.
I absolutely loathe time gates with a massive hate for more time gates. Everytime I hit another time gate the more I loathe them. I’m just waiting for my wife say she’s done so we can move on to another game because it’s getting full on ridiculous with the gates.
Dear Social Justice Warriors,
Please stop trying to turn this game into a big political message.
This game has enough problems without having to be further dragged down by political correctness.
Everyone who just wants to play the game.
Quoted for truth.
Pets don’t suck. Ranger players, on the other hand, do. With specializations it will be easier to spec into Beast Mastery line. Anyone who’s ever kittened about their pet has obviously never specced 6 into Beast Mastery and saw the results of giving love to your pet. Or they refuse to use the Heel/Stow function in trying to manage combat/ooc scenarios.
Cool story, bro. Yeah, pet’s suck. That’s why so many complain. Sure, if it was just a few, then we could write them off as bads, but it’s been legions of people complaining in the Ranger subforum and in the CDI over the past 2+ years. You missed the CDI you say? Perhaps you should go read through the 66 pages. And perhaps, while you’re at it, go back through the Ranger subforum and read all the threads about Pet Suckage. They acknowledge it in the CDI and admitted (Jon Peters did if IIRC) they won’t/can’t make them better because they’re tied (meaning they use the same code) to general Mob AI. So, that means they have to be decoupled (use diffrerent code) from Mob AI and they said, again in the CDI, that it would simply be too much work to do that so they will continue to band-aid it. I’m not holding my breath it is going to be any better in HoT…. What I do believe is possible is to have an Elite Specialization that outright replaces our F1-F4 with pet specific buffs. Meaning, you chose a bear for F1 you get toughness buff, jugar for f2 you get a damage buff, etc. That I do see happening… At least I see it happening after certain Devs leave Anet.
So much for having maxed out Revenants within minutes of the expansion going live.
Maxed out everything? No. Maxed LvL 80? Yes.
I will flip the kitten table if they don’t grandfather existing characters into the new system.
Same here. I ain’t doing that again.
(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
#2: Staff is extremely weak. So kitten weak no matter the gear or traits.
#2.5: Needs weapon swap
#3: Staff needs to hit 5, not three.
#3.5: Needs weapon swap
#4: More squishy than thief without the damage.
#5: Needs weapon swap
#6: Extreme lack of build diversity since there’s only three utilities.
#6.5: Needs weapon swap
#7: Needs more damage so bad.
#7.5: Needs weapon swap
#8: Energy use and cool downs?! WTF? Stop this madness. One or the other, please.
(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
As long as killing things is the goal, DPS will be king. CC/Support might move up in importance but they will not be more important than DPS.
Used it post patch and can barely feel WHaO now…
Why in name of all that was good and kind was Might transferring capped? I can understand fixing a bug that lets you infinitely stack boons but Might wasn’t one of those boons affected since it stacks in intensity, not duration. It was literally never a part of the problem here. The best you could do was gain a big stack of might for a few seconds, burst and then watch it trickle away. The response here wasn’t a fix, this was butchery.
Rangers have several ways to apply long duration might stacks like 15s on Clarion Bond. It was very possible to have big stacks of might for around 15s consistently.
That’s still not a problem though. Exactly the opposite of a problem. That is a good use of boons, and it’s time limited. The problem was that you could infinitely stack every single stacks duration boon permanently. That’s not okay, but completely gutting the skill and putting a hard cap on a boon that wasn’t part of the problem is above and beyond overkill.
They could just make it so it only copies boons while in combat. This would allow rangers to get stronger as the fight goes on, but prevent people from stacking so much that they enter fights fully buffed.
If people want to front load damage they have to deal with the risk vs. reward of blowing cooldowns and their heal to buff themselves when they first engage a fight. Otherwise they have to put a lot of thought into when they use their cooldowns and heal. Either way they wouldn’t have permanent boons.
Or they could just make it not copy quickness but all the others? Since, apparently, quickness was the problem and what everbody was QQ’ing about
(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
I could’ve dealt with a CD that lined up with the traited pet swap CD… but 30 sec CD? They smoking some good kittenzy up in the Anet hizzy.
Happy for y’all in PVP… In PVE, on the other hand specifically dungeons/fractals, we will be worse off… I’m pretty certain of that just on the basis of losing so many damage modifiers.. I will be doing LESS damage than before.
The only racial skill that is useful is the Norn’s Become the Bear for the fire room in the Thermunova fractal island. That’s about it as far as I know… so all my toons I plan on using in Fractals I make Norn for that reason.
This is a pretty good build to start with then modify to your playing abilities/skill:
I use a variant of it.
TD is probably my favourite map out of all the maps because it has so many distinct areas. When I first found that central cavern and finally figured out what all the “x has appeared in y lane” stuff was about I was seriously impressed. From a technical standpoint, the map is quite an achievement imo. The meta event is quite hard, and I’ve only tried it a few times however with that said, I don’t get what the deal is with people absolutely needing it done right now. Tequatl was also hard, and then he got nerfed to the point of just being a complete joke, where’s the fun in that? I’d rather have an event that’s rock solid and requires herculean coordination to complete, that actually feels like an accomplishment when it’s beaten, than some watered down joke that any Tom, kitten and Harry can do with their eyes closed.
I’ll wait 6-9 months before pugging this one then… Like I did for teq
Title of this thread should be “Druid is PVP Meta” so I wouldn’t have had to click it. I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
Dude, we are still in beta and only got about half of the skills. It’s way too early for judgement.
Actually, they’re (Anet) asking for judgement (assess the Rev in it’s current form and provide feedback) as it is now according to the press release.
But if the elite spec was just a straight upgrade to ranger DPS there’d be no point in anyone ever using ranger, and that would be sad.
I paid for the Druid just like I paid for every aspect of HoT. I want the elite spec to at least be useful to me in dungeons and fractals. I want to get my money’s worth out of the elite spec that I looked forward to the most… Sadly, there’s just too much of a DPS loss taking the Druid spec for my tastes. Maybe if there was party wide offensive support it’d be worth it, but it’s not. I mean, I expected the Druid to be support, I just didn’t expect the utter lack of offensive support in the traitline.
People that wanted HS as a trap were not expecting arming time to be a factor. Arming time is the worst thing ever, and only created so the DH wouldn’t be grossly overpowered.
Also, since when in history does trap have a positive connotation?
It’s funny that people said I wouldn’t notice the arming time. Like ****ing Hell I don’t notice the arming time. It seems forever from when I hit 6 and when HS triggers, and because of that arming time to actually triggering, it’s not where I need it to be. I want my old HS back. This kitten is kittened.
Mcrocha, anyone can easily see you’ve lost all crediability. Please, do yourself a favor, exit stage right before you do any more damage to yourself.
If anyone was wondering, before 1 day ago that the build was posted on Metabattle they had Beast Mastery as the last line.
The skill challenges that you have completed will give you Hero Points retroactively. Those that you have not completed will need to be completed.
Good. That is a relief.
I’ll just got grind out the remaining SPs on my main account alts. That shouldn’t take but a couple of days…. :\
That is good, 2 updates in a row without nerfs.
I’m surprised more people didn’t have this as their first thought.
From what they’ve released so far there’s no reason to switch from my current DPS or Phalanx build for PVE end game content (read: Fractals).
I miss the QD champ train
I know I know. I know it’s impossible… but they can make up for it through much more control and giving my pet some evade frames while I dodge :P
No, fixing the AI in this game is necessary. Nerfing a trait into never being used again in PVE is not.
For PVE I’m running Pred’s Instinct and Onslaught now… and guess I will be forever because I doubt they’ll roll back this ridiculously bad balancing move.
If they really just wanted to listen to the playerbase they could send ingame surveys.
OP paid for a product. He wants to get his money’s worth out of it. For him it was the Druid doing want he wanted it to do. He has every right to complain just as much as others have the right praise it.
Don’t be mad I’m calling you out on the lie that NM was a meta battle build for more than a day. Truth hurts, doesn’kitten If you’re willing to lie about that, bluntly, to try to prove your point, how much else are you willing to lie about to prove your point?
Nope. Not OP… it’s actually pretty nice now.
See. See everyone? Threads like this IS the reason that the Suggestion subforum got trashed, locked down, and put away into the archives.. 99.9999% of the Suggestion threads are pure garbage.
Shame that the CDI felt largely like a giant waste of time… That being said every time I read this line “Also, what if stowing the pet and having an aspect gave the Ranger some kind of aura that communicated to others they are in that “aspect”?” I get some jiggly feelings in the stomach that the perma-stow option will one day come true despite the whiners and “You need to play how I want you to play” crowd that doesn’t want anyone to have pet stowing options because THEY don’t want pet stowing options so no one should have them..
There wasn’t enough information from the data mining to go very far reliably.
Doubt it. Colin has pretty much said-without-saying that dungeons like AC, COE, and COF are dead content and Fractals will be the only 5 man instanced content hence forth…
Those might have planned dungeons early on but I’m about 100% positive they’ve been scrapped.
Because they are trash builds… Except for that one day, you remember, when WHaO would copy boons like a boss? Yeah, that was a very good day when a NM build wasn’t trash.
And if you don’t want to be called a lar don’t tell lies. It’s pretty simple. You said it’s been on meta battle awhile, it hasn’t. It’s been on there all of one day. That’s the lie.
Does ANet dev team have a small frog fetish?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
Their frog fetish pales in compairison to their Plant People fetish.
Opinions and all that funky jazz, Sina…
when people say “good ranger” it usually implies pvp. and yes, it was useless compared to Entangle, which has been the only reasonable choice since spirits got nerfed.
Heh… I don’t think of PVP at all when someone says “good xxxxx”.
Only 4 new armor sets (per armor type)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
Yeah… As Test points out, I’m not holding my breath for new in-game armors. If anything, 99% outfits to be purchased with gems and the most minimal they can get away with armors in game… then later they’ll let them be purchasable with gems.
BWE3 Extension - Raid Availability Open
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
Unfortunately I need to sleep, and then get up and go to work for a living.
Would love to give it a try after work though… Best answer would be another beta weekend
Happy for you, OG, that you’ve never wanted/needed to stow your pet or not have it out during combat or during a jump puzzle or just in general. I have quite often wanted to stow or perma-stow my pet depending on the situation… Just give me the option to do it, Anet! But, I digress.. I doubt they’ll make the F5 that perma-stow although anything is possible… but it is arguably reasonable for them to give us another open keybind like they did for active/passive. I think that route is much much more likely and quite possible when HoT goes live.