Showing Posts For Thrutian.7931:

Why elite spec reqs DON'T need to be changed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


They are just called “elite”. There is nothing elite about them. They are on par with any other profession. This isn’t character progression at all. Using the word “elite” gives the illusion that you are working for something that will better you character. These elite traitlines and utilities should cost the same as normal traitlines and utilities.

I think you’re getting specialisations and professions mixed up.
They are “elite” because they give you access to an extra weapon, a different or additional class mechanic and 5 new skills. The other specialisations (the other traitlines) don’t do this.

huge lag spikes sinces HoT release

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Also experiencing this. I get periods of huge lag, 60% of the time everything is fine. Though chat seems to work fine while I’m lagging.

It’s also annoying because I ask other people if they are lagging and it seems to only be me.

Is it too late to ask for a refund?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


When a game starts charging for things that affect combat, such as whole classes and new skill sets through the xpack, it’s a sign of a money grab and the game going down hill, I don’t mind charging for content, but not for things that affect combat.

What? You make it sound like elite specialisations give you an advantage over the ordinary specialisations. Which, in fact, they do not.
They aren’t whole classes either.
There are also a bunch of expansions from other MMO’s that introduce new classes and skills, are they money grabs too?

Forced into scrapper traitline

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


That’s how elite specialisations are being balanced. They are meant to be choices, if there were no trade-off then they would just be upgrades.

GUILD HALLS, unobtainable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


To be honest it sounds like what most of you really want is Player Housing. I also want this.

GUILD HALLS, unobtainable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


You guys are complaining because you need to play with other people in an MMO. Funny. Fair enough you want to do things on your own, but don’t get mad at Anet because you want to be alone in a GUILD.

Perhaps you should have done research into guild halls. They did state that you need a group in order to get them.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


The tester’s theory is this will work, but he’s not 100% sure yet.

Tried it. Hasn’t worked :/

We’re going to try importing your live character to one of our dev servers and see what we get.

Did you:
Crash out of the mission?
Quit out of the mission? Also how did you quit out if so?
Lock up from no cutscene playing?
Fully patch client or still streaming?

Got to the very end cutscene. The cutscene failed to play making Gw2 stop responding. Force closed the game and reopened. Reattempted the mission, same thing happens. At that point I left the instance with no way back into it. Fully patched client.

Basically this, except when I got back into the game I used the Hidden Depths waypoint while inside the instance and I was instantly booted out of it.

How big is HoT Update?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


If I remember correctly it only had about 110,000 (?) files and was approximately 2GB total.

(edited by Thrutian.7931)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


I’ve tried quitting the chapter and joining parties (hoping I could go in with them) but to no avail.
I guess I’ll have to just do the Halloween event until they fix this.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Also experiencing the issue of the bugged HoT story quests. It crashed when trying to gather at the rally point. I logged back in, I was still in the story instance so waypointed to the Hidden Depths waypoint (to get there quicker) then it suddenly kicked me out of the instance. Now I can’t get back in.

Kind of annoyed right now, please fix this soon.

(edited by Thrutian.7931)

Unbalanced Heal Skill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


We don’t know the heal amount and CD of the skill. If the heal is low and the CD is high enough it wouldn’t be that OP.

This. Honestly, it’s really too early to start complaining. All we know about it is that it heals and removes conditions, nothing else.

Patch previeuw

in Living World

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Guys relax, it just went live. More information will be added over time, same with the previous patch previews.

The living world should end imo ..

in Living World

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


I’m always checking the releases page for updates. The only thing I look out for are new skills/traits they said they were going to add, because right now nothing else appeals to me.
I don’t care about skins or mini’s.

Why Teq leaving?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


1) Countless waves of mobs flood in while you’re fighting him.
2) There are no villages nearby to be set on fire.
3) 90% of the NPCs are already dead 2 minutes into the fight.

Modified Anti-Stealth Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


I know one game where stealth lasts for a longer period of time, but your character flashes out of stealth for a split second (making them visible). I don’t know how people would feel about that in this game but it works pretty well.

Tequatl - Modified Wallpaper

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


This isn’t really a creation. I recently set the Tequatl wallpaper as my desktop background and thought it was missing a few things. So I made a quick edit which adds depth of field, slightly enhanced colours and a yellow glow around the eyes and mouth, as well as a dark tint on the outskirts of the image to make it more atmospheric.
Here’s a link to it for those who want to use it. This is the 1920×1080 version.


(edited by Thrutian.7931)

Kit's doesn't make any sense!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


About the med kit…
I mainly use it for myself when I’m very low on health. The fact that the actual heal is on the toolbelt is extremely useful because when you combine it with the Tools trait line, you can lower the cooldown and have it reset when you are at 25% health via Inertial Converter.

Turret toss: Stupid Idea: Needs Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


They should also remove Waypoints, those aren’t present in modern times. Heck, they should also remove the 4 (or more) other character slots because we don’t yet have the technology to take over multiple beings whenever we choose.

This is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. If you don’t want to throw them, don’t get the trait.

Six Stun Breakers in One Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


You don’t need to be at 25% health to use them, their cooldowns reset when you are at 25% health.

Super Jump !

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Quick! Take the video down before “they” see!

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


L2P Noob, next time remember to use your trap card and you would have won. Oh sorry, wrong game.

Shadow return nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


They should have just reduced the time you have to shadowstep back or gave it 2,000-4,000 range. When I was testing it out, it seriously made me realise how tiny 1,200 is in this game. When you exceed the 1200 metres your “original location” gets dragged forward in your direction the further away you move, which explains the issues people have been experiencing. What they need to do is make it so that if you exceed the maximum distance then the window/time you have of shadowstepping back gets cut off after a few seconds.
The worst part about all this is that we’ll have to wait for the patch next month and that’s if they even decide to change anything.

Shadow return nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


In addition, the above skill says “returns to starting location” yet it will only teleport a maximum of 1200 range (I think..?).

The phrase ‘starting location’ obviously refers to the fact that if you are within 1200 range, it will not teleport you 1200 range in the direction you came from, but rather to where you started (whether it is 0, 600, or 1200 range away).
…Edit: And if you really, really want to argue semantics, check this out
“Teleport to your target”, “1200 range”. By all of the above arguments, this skill (and every teleport ability in the history of video games) is contradictory. Yet nobody has any problems with how it works.

See, this guy understands. I don’t understand why you guys are emphasizing the fact that it says “Return to your starting location” even though you can clearly see that underneath it says that the range is 1200. Meaning that it will teleport back as long as you are within 1200 (metres?) of your original location.
Just like Sunflowers said, if a skill allowed you to “teleport to a target” and underneath that it had “Range: 1200”, are you expecting your character to teleport to an enemy that is on the other side of the map? That’s just plain stupid.

(edited by Thrutian.7931)

Shadow return nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


If they had just implemented it without the bug in the first place, or fixed it WAY earlier, then you guys wouldn’t be complaining about it being “nerfed”. Fair enough it was useful in PvP/WvW but it wasn’t intended to work like that.

Ranger patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


So now Spirits can die in 3 hits instead of 2…
Seriously don’t think 60% is going to make them much better.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


The pet would have still two modes of operation: passive and active.

In passive mode, the pet would not fight at all and would never aggro mobs. It would essentially act as eyecandy. You’d still get the sense that you were running along with your bestest animal buddy, but you wouldn’t have to deal with all the annoying micro-management that has so far entailed.

If perma-stowing can’t be done. Add this.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


I hope the Pet AI problems includes Lick Wounds and Search & Rescue not working half the time.

I think rangers will finally get their day.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Do you want me to fly to the USA and come down to your HQ? It’s as if you want that to happen.
The least you could do is reply…


How Future One Time Events Should Run

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


Another good idea is to just have large instances. Players gather up on the map, when a certain amount of players have joined, the event kicks off. If you complete the event fully then you get a reward and you will be unable to get a reward or re-enter the instance (just to support the fact that it’s meant to be a one-time event). This idea is simple and is better than what they had in place because players can join when they want.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


The event was fun, but wasn’t perfect. If Anet does decide to make another one-time event (which I think they should), then they should change the system in such a way that ensures people can do the event when they wish. I had an idea of having a large instance, for example, you speak to someone in lions arch and sail to the island (at any time of the day), when approximately 80 people are on the island, the event starts. Then when a few events have passed that specific instance closes (just so that people don’t end up missing the whole thing) and a new one opens for more people to join. When you have done the event fully you will unable to visit the INSTANCED area but will still be able to travel to that island to do the ordinary events.
Basically, it’ll have the same concept as story instances but designed for a larger amount of people. Having an event that is described as one-time but is repeated throughout the day contradicts itself.

That’s my idea. I think it’s quite feasible and caters to everyone. Share your thought please…