Showing Posts For Trippen.3408:

highest pvp crit [sPvP]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Trippen.3408


The fact that people can’t just sit back and smile at this entertaining video just shows how jaded a lot of people in the community are.

The video was just for fun. Get over yourselves and stop trying so hard.

Gw2 281 Twitch Viewers

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


LoL took a long time to become popular and get the kind of views it has.

GW2 can definitely get there. Right now, it has none of the features enabling twitch viewership, but they are coming and very soon.

Personally I prefer watching GW2 pvp videos – and I think many MMO players from all MMO games would prefer to watch GW2 rather than DOTA or LOL.

MOBA / FPS / RTS are the current esports formats.

GW2 is the only game that can add MMO to that list.

You are thinking so short sighted.

1st) I was in the LoL closed beta. Yes, it started out small (as many games do) but the community and excitement CONTINUED to grow. Similar to WoW when it launched, it only grew, and grew, and grew. Just over two years later, LoL became the fastest growing game in the world. It is currently the most played game in Korea and has held that post for almost a year.

2) Can we honestly say that GW2 continues to grow? GW2 had over 6k viewers a day on twitch when it first launched. They would watch Sockersot and other people on team Paradigm along with the Alpha Collective crew, like Erho and Powerr. Since then, many of those streamers have quit and now gw2 never seems to get more then a few hundred streamers at peak times.

3) MMO players only like to watch THEIR MMO. MMO PvP is so niche, they won’t know wtf is going on unless they play that game and know the meta, or have a general idea of it. Even then, MMOs are not viewer friendly and are constantly being tweaked and evolving. Its the reason why WoW’s arena only flourished for 2 years on the E-sport tournament scene.

I predict GW2’s SPVP will improve greatly once the ranking and proper ladder system are implemented. But, GW2’s launch came and went. The online gaming community as a whole is very finicky and moves on from games fairly quickly. The market is too saturated for them to give games a second chance if their first impression wasn’t positive.

What Esport is there like GW2?

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Here are some current E-sports that are played in dreamhack and major tournaments like ESL: League of Legends,Counter-Strike:1.6, Starcraft 2, Super Streetfighter 4, Quake Live, Heroes of Newerth, and Dota 2.

But, there’s still tournaments being held for a lot of other games (in various formats) like Warcraft 3, Halo, Supersmash brothers Brawl, Age of Empires 2, Fifa, Guilty Gear, Blaze Blue, Tekken, and even WoW.

Out of all these games, there is only one mmorpg that could be considered an E-sport and that is WoW. Now, Blizzard’s developers have come out and said that WoW, and mmorpgs in general, are just not viewer friendly enough to be successful to a wide audience. And I think that makes sense.

Imagine this: you have never played a video game before, you start watching a match of League of Legends or Starcraft 2 and get a general sense of who is winning, what basic strategy is being utilized, ect. The maps are easy to navigate and you easily get a general view of the whole match.

Do you think the same can be said for GW2 or any other mmorpg? No. People will start watching a match and be like ‘WTF is going on’. Mmorpgs are niche games. You have no idea what is going on unless you have played it, and even then, you have to keep up with the current meta, the latest builds, ect to actually get a good feel of what is going on.

Ranger downed state is unacceptable. Discuss

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Simple as that.

Are you purposefully trying to be ignorant?

No other class can use their F1-4 class mechanic abilities while downed. Even Rangers cannot. None of their pet skills work while downed, EXCEPT for the wolf’s 2 second fear. Will you continue to justify this bug? You think it is intentional that out of all the pets, only the wolf abilities can be used while downed?

Oh the Irony..

New PvP system, Tournaments should be removed

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Why you gotta hate on MOBAs and WoW’s arena

Idea about Heartseeker

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


I main a ranger and I don’t really have an issue with HS.

ranger pets need a range limit

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Pro tip: kill the pet.

sick of mesmers...

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


This game desperately needs a fleshed out ranking and elo system. Atleast then, there would be visible representation of what professions and team comps are the strongest. Also, there wouldn’t be all of this ridiculous fighting between people about which profession is stronger and weaker then the other. The rankings and elo would be evidence enough to show how weak or strong a profession is.

But anyways – Mesmers OP.

State of tPvP (Top 10 QP Perspective)

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408



Balance shows up the very first moment a new player enters PvP for the very first time. The first meta starts with how difficult your chosen class is to play. And in GW2 the first thing any new to PvP player learns is that some classes are VERY VERY hard and some are HEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKER

Best post in the thread. Abilities like backstab, heartseeker, mind wrack, 100 blades are OP as anything for noobs/low-skill players to the point where these players will be so turned off GW2 PVP that they will never stick around long enough to learn how to counter them.

Good balance comes from smart, timely use of many abilities, not press an IWin button and win 80% of encounters – this applies to high as well as low skill levels.

I completely agree. As a ranger, I would be willing to give up Quickening Zephyr if it meant less ridiculous burst in game.

Thief/Mesmer being feared when not needed to

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Hmm lets take a look at another thread:

What does Swilo (#72 on leaderboards in NA) say about Mesmers?

“Coming from someone that has mostly played Mesmer since the beta. To say Mesmer right now is “balanced” is probably the most lawls worthy thing I have ever read on these forums. They are way too strong and even bad ones can easily do way too much.

The only viable spec is shatter and has been for a while(the fact that they buffed it shows Anet have no clue what is going on). It has the best elites in the game. Most of the utilities are strong or worthless there is no middle ground."

And what does Powerr, the current #1 NA Qualifying Points player have to say in response to swilo?

“Thank you
well said
good game

Right now Mesmer is the most blatently overpowered thing in the game right now. Swilo hit it spot on.

Rez signets need to be nerfed super hard as well and/or reworked.

Time Warp is ridiculously overpowered and needs duration nerf at the least.

Hybrid necro is too strong compared to the other aoe dps.

Warriors dont have enough mobility in team fights, I would suggest an elite that makes them immune to conditions, or some more of that somewhere. Also a way to not make shield so mandatory. Warriors are amazing duelists however but that can’t be their only role.

Engineer bunkers like nerva mentioned are strong and we are thinking about running one ourselves potentially once people catch on how to counter us. Right now because they dont have stronger damage than necros or rangers and being that they are basically a melee class when in bomb kit, makes them an inferior choice. Also with portal in the game it just makes it more difficult and pointless to leave something back point that isnt just a portal.

Rangers are strong now but only in 1v1 and 2v2 scenarios. They are sub-par in big team fights. Trap ranger is probably their strongest spec, tanky signet power builds however are good and can counter this trap spec.

Ele is the versatility class, while lacking things in the dps sphere they make up in utility (cc, innate defenses) Make for great bunkers, awesome treb control, but much like rangers are very bad in big team fights. D/D is the best shutdown in the game, unless you are trying to shut down a warrior because that won’t happen

Guardian has probably the most viable specs in the game. The class is just ridiculously strong across the board for obvious reasons.

I’m gunna reserve my opinion on thieves for now, but I know that they are very strong and their stealth up-time is probably too strong.

Immediate needed changes imo:

-Revert mesmer trait “shattered strength”
-Nerf time warp to 6 second duration
-Nerf signet of undeath and illusion of life cooldowns to 4 minutes and cast time to 3.5-4 seconds.
-Make rez utilities only rez one player in spvp/tpvp OR make all rez utilities vengeance based.
-either bring corpse hp back up to previous state or nerf poison on corpses
-take toughness out of the game. from what i hear gw1 didnt have it and there were no bunker problems
-deathmatch and moba game modes
-money and resources thrown into pvp

Good day!

Thief/Mesmer being feared when not needed to

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Its hilarious how the OP draws a picture of, in his mind, how easy it is to kill Mesmers and Thieves – but its really only his shortsightedness . What happens when a Mesmer stands still and auto attacks with his clones? You are taking a lot of damage, you cannot afford to simply ignore the clones – you need to dps them down. Put that requires you to waste useful abilities. Only then, you suddenly find the real Mesmer, you pop everything, and then what? He goes into stealth and you wasted your important cooldowns.

Thieves are able to go into and out of stealth way to conveniently. P/D and always maintain distance, only to reset the fight if you stun and begin bursting them.

Stealth in this game is broken. It allows far too much control of the fight. Mesmers and thieves can reset and escape better then any other class. Broken mechanic is broken.

Wow the jaguar is amazing.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Cool beans.

Rangers are OP

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Too funny. Frustrating as hell, but I lol’d.

What build just destroyed me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Possibly a heavy Beastmastery and wilderness survival build.

I could be wrong, but I do know there are some heavy BM builds out there that utilize the ravens because they actually have some strong burst. I have run a similar build myself and once I pop rampage as one and sick’em, my pet does a lot of damage…if my target stands still.

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Why will my pet suddenly stop attacking a target, despite having full HP and not being called to stop attacking?

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Dueling should have been in from the get go. I’m kind of surprised this was overlooked. Sure, you see rooms with 2 or 3 people who are only dueling – but you must rely on a gentlemen’s agreement for others not to interfere.

GS/SB + BM is excellent.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


sorry guys ima let you finish, but GS/SB is the best weapon combo of all times. i roll with BM, marks, signets and about 1800 toughness. pet (when it hits) hits like a truck and sustain is awesome.

GS gives you amazing defense with 1 and 4, in addition to 5 chained with SB’s 5 for long stuns. GS 4 also links up with SB’s 4. these two weapons synergize.

yes, like yourselves, i felt like i got punched in the stomach today with this patch. but i do wanna keep playing my ranger, and this is the one positive i found. try it out. it’s a great alternative to yawn axe/torch/traps.

Hmm.. I actually tried something very similar to this yesterday and found that 1h sword+torch/SB is still better then great sword. I found the evasive skills from 1h sword to be superior plus the torch (or warhorn) provide the range attack I need that the 2hander doesn’t supply, specially with the clusterkitten of aoe damage and CC’s being thrown around.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Disappointed in my ability to pick professions.

Getting owned by mesmers in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Mesmers excel at 1v1. My suggestion is run away and get backup, because you will never beat a decent mesmer with a ranger. Mesmers are especially hard for rangers because confusion absolutely destroys the shortbow, they have projectile reflection and rangers don’t have good AOE or burst to get rid of clones and phantasms quickly.

You’re joking, right? Cond Ranger plus one handed sword/torch plus rampage as one equals dead mesmer. We have amazing AOE abilities, son. They are called “traps” and can be used as large ground targeting spells.

I do agree that torch is probably the most efficient way to take out clones. However, I think traps are too easily countered by any Range class that knows what to look for.

Don’t get me wrong, traps are AMAZING against melee. But its too easy to counter a Trap build Ranger as range, especially as a Mesmer who can summon new clone every 12 seconds or less and reset fights.

Funniest Moments in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Watching Warriors pop 100 blades and not hit anything. Gets me (off) everytime.

Leaderboards QQ topic

in PvP

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Sry for my poor English, I’m rank1 on the EU, and i think that they should’ve not made this ladder, it’s a bad joke, as you can see only few teams are playing PT, casual teams have almost 0 chances to win.

The QP’s ladder shows that Anet made a poor decision… i knew from BWE2 that the tournament system was a bad idea, the concept behind it it’s bad, and you can’t do much about it.

They wanted to be different for the sake of being different, and that’s bad. I know that it’s easy to complain, so now i’m gonna explain how they could’ve done better, with less effort.

3 Queues:

a) hot join, 5v5, unranked
b) soloQ, ranked
c) premadeQ, ranked

2 ladders:

a) soloQ ladder, reset once a year
b) premadeQ ladder, reset every 1-2 month/s

1 tournament:

a) A monthly tournament, where the top X teams of the premade ladder are invited to play.

This tournament system was a kitten nightmare, so many bugs, so much time spent coding for nothing, so much effort for have a bad format. They wanted to be different, and they just ended up doing something overly complicated.

If they were coding a simple elo system and not tournaments, we would be playing with ladders, private servers and ratings already.

Great Post. I would like to add that this system is very similar to league of legend’s system and it works extremely well. League of Legends is currently the #1 Esport in the world and having a simple but effective system really helps drive it’s success.

PvP focused Ranger - LF guild :D

in Guilds

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Hello everybody – Ranger solely focused on PvP LF a NA guild with like-minded people. I usually play from 9pm to 1am throughout the week. Can play any spec, even though the vast majority of them are bad at the moment (incoming Ranger buffs mid November!)

Some things about me: 24 year old male who likes fat bottom girls, happy dogs, fine whiskey, and long walks on the beach.

(edited by Trippen.3408)

I don't want to play my ranger anymore

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


…well actually I do, but i’m burnt out from him being a second tier profession in SPvP.

I’ve tried a lot of build thus far. Some that come to mind: shortbow bleed stacking with zephyr and sharpening stones toughness and condition, trap and condition stacking (with torch and shortbow), shortbow precision, longbow power and precision, NM and BM tanky heal stacking, BM pet focused, Torch and burn duration stacking with sword and dagger offhand.

My favorite build is probably the torch and burn duration stacking because I set them on fire, then just run around like an idiot. It probably isn’t the best build, but I enjoyed it. Bleed stacking with SB was fun but felt lackluster when zephyr and sharpening stone were down. I really enjoyed a heavy trap – condition build, because it would s**t all over HS spamming thieves.

But anyways, I realize that a main component to Rangers is their pets. Well, our pets are crap. I understand they are bugged – but they need vast improvements. Their special abilities should not have a cast animation, they should be instant. They should have a constant movement speed of 130%. No more having to spec into our pets having increased movement speed so they can actually start doing the job they were meant to do. If you think about it, a pet is just a tool that allows us to stay on par with other classes. Well this tool is unreliable, it is slow to attack and chase, it can easily be killed, and it sometimes won’t do what you want it to do. Make it so a pet has 75% reduced damage to aoe attacks. This will atleast keep pets from dying without being targeted. Doing something like continuous restoring 3% of their total health every 5 seconds would do wonders in their ability to stay alive. Continue improving pet’s pathing issues. They need to be as reliable as casting a DoT on an enemy. Keep their dps weak, thats fine. Just make them have consistent damage so they can be relied upon.

This brings me to my next point: survivability. I think the ranger needs improved mechanics. Right now, Hide in plain sight, Barkskin, and shared anquish are our best mechanics for survivability and they are ALL in the Wilderness Survival tree and they are ALL traits. Well what happens if you don’t want to spec in wilderness survival? Sure, you can focus on using special abilities like Signet of Renewal or Stone or the Protect me Shout, but pets are unreliable and die easily. These abilities take up very valuable special skill spots – which greatly hampers your dps. Rangers have very little, if any, escape options. Therefore, when we get into a battle, we either need to kill our target, or lose. Ideally, a mechanic that would allow us to reset a fight. But that may be wishful thinking.

I just want to kill some good Mesmers already