Showing Posts For Tsplodey.4719:
Did you try and see if you get extra minions when red orb despawn by using death nova?
I’m 99% sure it doesn’t work. It did seem to proc one from the splits dying though.
Are you running Signet of Spite? That doesn’t work in Shroud.
3. Easy navigation – Over time as you explore the map, you will appreciate the simplicity of the concept and the intricacies of the design. It actually gives you the hint how inhabitants (nuhochs for example) live there and and how easy it is to navigate the map once you get accustomed.
This is how TD went for me as well. At first it was “wtf how do I get anywhere?” but over time I learnt how each part of the map is basically its own mini-zone with the trees or caves as points of connection, and how the wallows can get you nearly anywhere from Teku Nuhoch. It’s become probably my second favourite HoT map over time (VB is just too much fun to glide around in).
In regards to the meta event, I agree it needs a reduced timer. It’s a bit silly how much of a delay there is before the Chak Gerent, you shouldn’t have to go hunting random events just to keep 200% map participation. I also think the Chak Gerent should be changed in two ways:
1. Less HP. While I love hard content, I think open world events should be doable by “organised pugs” (think Triple Trouble). We have raids now for the hard stuff.
2. You should be able to do a partial completion for a lesser reward (once again think Triple Trouble, you could decap 1-3 heads). The event shouldn’t totally fail if one lane does, you should be able to kill 1 Gerent and get something out of it.
I think that’s all TD really needs to be brought in to line with the other HoT maps.
You can, but if you’re specced in to Reaper (why aren’t you specced in to Reaper?) your fears will chill them and they won’t move far.
exactly what map do you need to complete in magus falls for necromancer’s cache? i completed verdant brink today, and didn’t get anything, much less the necromancer’s cache….
Did you have 100% Tyria map completion before HoT? If yes, there’s a bug preventing the Magus Falls map awards from being received.
Everyone is saying how annoying it is when your chill is overwritten, but cant you just reapply your own and have it tic again? You know with the hundred sources of chill reapers have.
Yeah it’s not really a problem in small group situations unless you have multiple Necros for some reason and it’s not really a problem in large group (PvE) because nothing in the game is tuned that tightly to require your Chill dot to be up 100%.
Depends what circumstances we are counting. I’ve had a 10k tick while a mob was broken. Also had 8-9k with Quickness but no break but both are only very short term circumstances.
RS1 can keep you in shroud for a looooooooooong time if you’re not taking damage, especially with quickness.
Nope, it’s coded as a hammer. I’m unsure whether On-hit sigils need to be on the active weapon to proc though.
The ruins in VB where you escort the Pale Reavers is decent after that event has passed through. You can do a loop around the top of the pit and back towards the west and there’s 5 or so that should constantly be respawning as you get back to them.
You probably need better Internet. I managed silver on that adventure with 250+ ping.
So I heard that Necromancer(Reaper) will definitely be used in raids thanks to Gravedigger. I don’t really play necro due to being in Speedclear guilds, but they are saying that once the boss hits 50% necros will have some of the highest dps. What do you guys think about this?
frankly, i have yet to see a gravedigger hit for more than 15k.
The tooltip says it’s 1,25 secs to cast, but i suspect they forgot to include the aftercast. Anyway, being generous, 15k in 1,25 secs is 12k dps, which is great, but you have to be able to complete the long casts without dodging or dying…
It’s not hard at all to hit 20k+ Gravediggers in group content settings, and 30k when a mob is broken.
Depending on how much overlap there is with crafting the new and old legendaries, I’ll be making Twilight + Eternity a.s.a.p.
I just hope they make DS a weapons swap rather than take weapon swap off of RS. That would be horrible.
I’d be happy with that just so I don’t have to make sure I’m on Staff before going in to DS.
I was dumb and forgot to move a few things in to my bank (namely my ascended GS) before starting this weekend. Am I stuck with exotics now or is there a chance of getting a reset option?
Yeah trying to solo this is an exercise in frustration. Two people make it pretty easy though. Its because the catapults have someone else to fire at imo.
I recently reinstalled Guild Wars 2 after a ~5 month break only to find out my account was hacked. My character’s gear was totally different (full magic find!) and they even moved it to a different home world.
After a few emails back and forth they managed to give me back access to me account, send me another copy of my serial code (original email was lost somehow), restore my character, and they were even nice enough to put my main character back on his original home world, all quickly and efficiently.
10/10 customer service experience, thanks again.
Biiiiig agree. Can be a big pain in the rear. Would also kill for an option to change the linking hotkey away from Ctrl.