Showing Posts For WUROCKET.5182:
Be prepared for an army of angry virgins to come in here saying it should be solo queue only.
The fact that ranked is duo/solo only in a hugely team based game is why nobody cares about rank or pvp.
Nobody wants to play this crap. You spend half your time worried about a tiny little status bar instead of focusing on fighting and dodging.
Maybe in pvp, Condi damage increases effectiveness of conditions like cripple/vulnerability/blind instead of buffing damage. So condition classes would be like debuff support.
Condi should have been utility instead of damage. Conditions like poison, weakness, slow etc have more nuanced effects that require more brain power to play around than just OH kitten FIRE CLEANSE
Condi ruined gw2. On launch PvP was power only and was very engaging and felt like a fighting game. Now it’s aoe Condi spam where 75% of your attention is on watching a tiny status bar
Both of the new class mechanics introduced by our two elite specs limit our normal class mechanic… Berserker mode is an attack speed buff. And Full Counter is so brain dead to use because its going to get proc’d by the hundred random aoes going on in any group fight.
Core warrior feels like the elite spec.. build up 3 adrenaline bars to unleash a massive burst. I can only hope the next elite spec lets you build up like 9 adrenaline bars for a mega burst… that would be cool.
d/d + gs, demolisher amulet, leadership runes
defense, disc and spellbreaker
healing signet, the superspeed + resis SB skill, endure pain, bers stance and elite signet.
-Been enjoying it myself very much. Kicked ass on it. Don’t know what you’re all on about saying it’s bad. Perhaps try watching a stream. Rom’s perhaps..-
Core warrior is better than this. Resistance is NOT condi clear… I dont think you guys realize that scourge has AOE boon corruption
I feel like we are living in different worlds here. Resistance feels beyond useless if there is a scourge on the other team.
Only thing I can think of is the aoe boon strips and reveals for pvp. Other than that, a vanilla power warrior who goes into Strength, Defence and Discipline with Might Makes Right is better. Puts out a lot more pressure than Spellbreaker.
why take spell breaker when you have scourge with sand sade aoes and elite converts every boon to condition
For high resistance uptime, condi clearing, the ability to toss condis right back in their face, superior cc, boon ripping, and general ass whoopery.
I seriously think the majority of you are playing a totally different game/have invested absolutely zero time in understanding what you’ve been given.
Resistance isnt very effective against a necro who can just instantly turn it into another condition. Also, what condi clearing did SB bring?
Only thing I can think of is the aoe boon strips and reveals for pvp. Other than that, a vanilla power warrior who goes into Strength, Defence and Discipline with Might Makes Right is better. Puts out a lot more pressure than Spellbreaker.
why take spell breaker when you have scourge with sand sade aoes and elite converts every boon to condition
100% this.
Condi Spellbreaker. Hmmm.. delish…
Im doing much better using this… if spellbreaker turns out to be a condi spec…
The whole spec is based around going full glass and double dagger has nothing but mediocre damage with a tiny bit of cc and mobility. Painfully easy to kite… warriors sprint and bulls charge feel like must takes.
Prepare to instantly melt in any teamfight, spec brings nothing better for dealing with condis (and there are gonna be a LOT of them)
Might Makes right builds don’t work too well either because you lose out on either disc or defense by taking strength.
Your guys thoughts?
Yep. Dagger abilities are very boring… heal is so slow and removes boons… really?
If we are talking pvp… I think that 100b needs to get split from PvE and have it’s PvP damage buffed
Id say from my experience the most common class is necro or ranger. Neither of which is OP
Condi thieves are imo one of the more enjoyable classes to fight, because we are both 1 mistake away from dying
No condi clears at all? That must be rough to play
Condi Zerker is definitely EZ mode warrior. Very easy to land abilities with big long lasting AOEs and even if you miss a burst you can nearly instantly use another one
Get rid of the solo/duo restriction. Let the best teams have the highest ranks.
It is much better for PvP than Berserkers Power.
Axe/axe is just a bad weapon set for PvP. It’s way too one dimensional. You could probably make Axe/shield mace/axe work though. Another problem with axe/axe is quickness overwrites the dual wielding attack speed.
So you want warrior to just be able to face tank instead of having to dodge roll because face tanking requires more skill? And spamming aoes on point requires more skill?
Use core with strength/tactics/whatever
Take forceful greatsword and phalanx strength
Condi or Power?
The solution is painfully simple. Allow 5 man stacks in ranked so new teams can actually practice. Being a team player and grouping up with people to win is a part of pvp. kitten all this solo que garbage where the matchmaker decides the game
New sword burst:
Immobilize your foes with a deadly slash. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
Immobilizing Slash
Damage: 550
Vulnerability x5 5sec
Level 1 immobilize (2s): Unable to move.
Level 2 immobilize (3s): Unable to move.
Level 3 immobilize (4s): Unable to move.
Number of Targets: 3
Range: 130
Get a few knights items
Sword burst needs to be totally reworked, such an otherwise cool weapon ruined by a kittenty burst skill
Bulls Charge also evades during the charge now
Y’all need to look at the build again. I take lyssa runes and mending.
You have to land the burst for the condi clear and resistance can be stripped easily…
The reason Hambow was a thing is because cleansing ire procs on longbow burst even if it doesn’t hit anything.
WvW is potato land so run whatever you want but just know any good mesmer is going to annihilate you
This is simply not true, warrior can put out an overwhelming amount of dps/cc pressure while being seemingly unkillable if played correctly. I think a lot or you guys are not understanding how busted Might Makes Right is.
This is much better for small scale fights:
Gear: Mostly berserk/assassins with a side of toughness (knights/cavaliers)
i am only going to speak to the Discipline versus Arms line.
To the advantanges of Discipline over arms in these particular builds.
The only thing I see would be the Condition cleanse on fast hands and access to the second weapon set faster.
Warriors sprint is superceded by Signet of Rage activated.
Adrenaline gain in Arms with high crit build is higher.
Might only stacks to 25 max. Using might on crit food and a sigil you can usually get there with GS without the might on weapon swap.
Burst mastery is generating a percentage of damage more on burst only. My build with a higher crit rate and ferocity will generate more damage on every hit including the burst.I think people underestimate the amount of Adrenaline Furious can fuel . with a crit rate as high as my build has If I am cleaving 2 enemies just the AA cycle will generate 6 adrenaline for the AA chain. Using 100 blades can generate 16 adrenaline. Every single attack that hits has a 90 percent chance of giving adrenaline. I am not forcing myself to swap weapons just to get might and adrenaline. I just have to attack and there a whole lot of times I do not want to swap my weapons.
Can you detail what advantages your build has by taking Discipline over Arms?
-Fast Hands (this is a life saver trait, lets you switch to your other weapon to block, interrupt, or burst when you NEED to)
-With rune of lyssa, save signet of rage to use as condi clear (also lets you benefit from signet of rages passive, which generates a lot of adrenaline)
-Burst mastery, saves 10 adrenaline everytime you burst
-Generates 5 adrenaline on weapon swap
-Lower burst CD
-The extra condi clear lets you take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, which gives stability and a lot of vigor. (vigor when combined with might makes right = infinite dodges)
-Mending gives 5 strength on a 15 sec CD (remember 5 strength = 700 hp and 10 endurance)
-2 might on weapon swapEssentially what you get is: More bursts, more might, and much more mobility/survivability
I do not think you get more might given might is capped and I am already able to have 20+ might easily in my build.
I tested the adrenaline gain of both back and forth and I get more out of arms. Your return of might on your burst as example is 10 and you get 5 off a swap. If you do the math covering those seconds (and especially if you cleave) you are getting adrenaline every hit in arms and in the period of time for swap/burst you can easily get 15 hits thus 15 adrenaline.
I am not sure where you get added mobiity. It just warriors sprint and swiftness overwrites that. There certainly a downtime on swiftness where sprint kickin might help but it manageble with a lower signet of rage cooldown from Arms.
Fury uptime in arms is also higher.
To more bursts, you get all of one second shaved off in the time between bursts and I do not think it all that significant given Arms pumps out more damage on each and every swing including those bursts and the ones between bursts.
I understand fast hands for the condition clear and faster access to other weapon and as mentioned that the only real edge Discipline has so it gets down to "More damage (in arms) versus more utility/flexibility in discipline.
if you are hitting mindless dummies, then yes your build is better. However, your build has NO stability, and it’s only good condi clear is to land a burst. Anyone good is going to condi bomb you and they just need to dodge 1 skill and you’re dead.
Your build is for zerg or pve, which is fine. But you will get absolutely dumpstered in a 1v1 against someone competent, because your build simply does not have the tools to survive.
We need better amulets before Im gonna run hambow again. I really wish anet would just nerf amulets rather than remove them.
That wouldn’t even be that OP… because the problem with axe dual wielding is the total lack of mobility
I like that change a lot.
How about some mobility?
Speed up #4/increase its damage and make #5 a leap of some sort. The shockwave is super lame imo and a nightmare to use
This is much better for small scale fights:
Gear: Mostly berserk/assassins with a side of toughness (knights/cavaliers)
i am only going to speak to the Discipline versus Arms line.
To the advantanges of Discipline over arms in these particular builds.
The only thing I see would be the Condition cleanse on fast hands and access to the second weapon set faster.
Warriors sprint is superceded by Signet of Rage activated.
Adrenaline gain in Arms with high crit build is higher.
Might only stacks to 25 max. Using might on crit food and a sigil you can usually get there with GS without the might on weapon swap.
Burst mastery is generating a percentage of damage more on burst only. My build with a higher crit rate and ferocity will generate more damage on every hit including the burst.I think people underestimate the amount of Adrenaline Furious can fuel . with a crit rate as high as my build has If I am cleaving 2 enemies just the AA cycle will generate 6 adrenaline for the AA chain. Using 100 blades can generate 16 adrenaline. Every single attack that hits has a 90 percent chance of giving adrenaline. I am not forcing myself to swap weapons just to get might and adrenaline. I just have to attack and there a whole lot of times I do not want to swap my weapons.
Can you detail what advantages your build has by taking Discipline over Arms?
-Fast Hands (this is a life saver trait, lets you switch to your other weapon to block, interrupt, or burst when you NEED to)
-With rune of lyssa, save signet of rage to use as condi clear (also lets you benefit from signet of rages passive, which generates a lot of adrenaline)
-Burst mastery, saves 10 adrenaline everytime you burst
-Generates 5 adrenaline on weapon swap
-Lower burst CD
-The extra condi clear lets you take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, which gives stability and a lot of vigor. (vigor when combined with might makes right = infinite dodges)
-Mending gives 5 strength on a 15 sec CD (remember 5 strength = 700 hp and 10 endurance)
-2 might on weapon swap
Essentially what you get is: More bursts, more might, and much more mobility/survivability
(edited by WUROCKET.5182)
I think Bulls Charge is far and away the best choice for that 3rd utility, it turns your ability to stick to someone from good to god tier. And bulls charge -> arcing slice is a ridiculously strong executioner when you have might stacks built up (and you will)
This is much better for small scale fights:
Gear: Mostly berserk/assassins with a side of toughness (knights/cavaliers)
Lyssa for condi clear on signet of rage is nuuttts
I wish sword could get a new burst skill that wasn’t so kitten.
Use give might sigils and strength runes with GS and you literally have infinite dodges.
I’ve never played thief in PvP, but all I know is that once you catch them without a dodge they die instantly. The class relies on them. I’d say thief is one of best designed classes in the game, because fighting them is so different.
I didn’t even think of this. You tested It? If so it should be changed to give 3 more seconds.
Team Support:
I honestly think anet made this good because spell breaker will destroy it
i use knights in pve and zerk in pvp cuz i from oakland
mah big boi andy use dis banner like it aint nuthin.
the regen? yup. he got dat!
helllllla good.