Showing Posts For Warsoul.2647:

Do my eyes deceive me? Charged Lodestones

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


We need account bound lodestones availble for 5k Karma each…PLEASE.

I support this IDEA, got my 1m karma and 60g rofl

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I agree the point that single drop brings much more advantage. I played about 300 hours this started from head start. I missed 2 or 3 days daily achievements and I run 3-4 daily dungeon tokens out of week. But I’m no where progressing those legendary.

I sought the Karma was main bottleneck for legendary and farmed it hard on daily bases at least 1 hour per day. But when I came to 1m karma, it’s no longer bottle neck and I have to farm around 600-700g which is another 300 hours… It would be much fair, if legendary costs around 200g and 1 million karma. and you cannot get 1 million karma in 1-2 lucky drop…

weapon master

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I’m pursuing weapon master achievements and basically playing with my warriors.

I’m finished with GS, axe, sword, LB, hammer.

Now I have rifle, mace, shield. and i don’t know how to make 5k kills with Warhorn.

which profession is better at AoE farming with Rifle, Mace ?

But, recently i found out that equipping sword on thief and using #3 much better at killing AoE than warriors MH or OH.

Ecto Salvage

in Crafting

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I have read many speculation about ecto drop rate nerf something.

But I felt that lower level items have less ecto drop rate. wiki said 68+ rare/exotics have chance drop 0 – 3 / 0 – 5 ecto drop rate.

Other posts said mystic salvage kit has 88.65% ecto salvage rate.

But, I feel like 70 lvl rares have 25% salvage rate and 80 lvl rare has 90% salvage rate.

Hope, rich players have many rares to test my assumption.

Axe/Axe for Farming

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


axe/axe – rifle = glass cannon is much better DPS in dungeons. I use sword/axe for Orr farming because I already mastered with GS.

Let's Talk: Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Rifle (Kill Shot) – good at 1 hit K.O. Theif, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineers. When you trait into crack shot, it penetrates through so you can kill 3 cloth wearers in single SHOT.
Sword ( Flurry) – good at immobilizing dynamic event mobs, other players will pissed when you immobilize horde of mobs.
Longbow (Combustive Shot) – pretty strong finisher in WvW full group fights.

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


After reading all these posts, I have concluded.

I think making exotics out of rares are 20%. so there are X number of different exotics, we need 2*X/5*4 number of rares to make pre-cursors greatsword.

Force vs Bloodlust Sigil, advice needed.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


well I have read research from reddit.

Bloodlust gives 8.8% – 4.4% damage increase depending on attack power 1000 – 2000 power. I suppose people have around 2600 power and maintaining 25 stacks are troublesome.
Sigil of force is plain 5%.

Is it just me or are Survivability warriors nothing compared to guardians?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


it’s all the sames. really depends on gear + build + skill. The most of the guardians get tank/heal gear first, while most of the warriors get DPS gear.

warriors are exctinct

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


The biggest advantage of Being warrior is able to combine 21 different weapon combinations. But warriors can have same 2 weapon set equipped in combat…
But elemental only got 6 weapon combinations, but 4 elements x 6 combination = 24 sets of skills, and 4 elements x 2 weapon set equipped = 8 sets of skills

In Pve, I constantly swap hammer, longbow, axe+sword. But in pvp, it is not easy to switch according situations.

(edited by Warsoul.2647)

How is a level appropriate group supposed to finish AC?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I think Higher level chars have less advantage in lower level dungeons. Lets say I’m wearin g full Berserker gear, I get around 50% crit chance and 46% crit damage on 80 level. But on 35level, i get something 68% crit chance and 16% crit damage. But I remember when i was 35 level, i had almost 96% crit chance and 21% crit damage with 5 signet builds.

SO as 80lvl, i prefer to wear MF gears in lower level dungeons, instead of wearing my serious gears.

AC Bug

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Yesterday, PUG group did path 1 and path 2.

Hodgins could not initiate the scepter collection task, basically he could not open the door of scepter room.
Detha could not initiate the mortared room tasks, basically the NPC did not show up.
So let these NPC die by graveling, kohler etc. These NPCs are come to designated place but does not start the tasks.

I never had such bugs, but I suspected in this pug group there were guy with [sunrise].
Hope, the legendary are not causing the dungeon NPC bug.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


if you see guy with over 3 signets equipped on warrior,

  1. : leave party
  2. : ask him to change build nicely
  3. : get 3 supporters

Best Trait Route?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


This is my trait, I have done dungeons and solo pve and some WvW. usually wears zerk gear in WvW, explorer’s gear in dungeons. This trait basically exploits the 30% boon duration stacks, 60% boon duration with 2/6 monk and 2/6 water runes. Plus, very nice party-wide healing from shouts.

GS –



Toughness & Power, theory & numbers

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


@ Fadeaway, Question: did you add the skill damage? such as Arcing Slice have 480 base damage? or 100B have Damage (8x): 1,624?

Besides, literally speaking game designers are trying to keep the balance of game, so they will would not give advantage to one stat another. I think you will have same overall result with Power vs Crit.

Warrior bug compilation. [Closed, used the sticky]

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Discipline – Brawn: Increases burst damage by 0.1% per point (to a max of 3%). Should this be 1% per point?

It’s a nerf…

I thought Tactic – Vigorous Shouts does not work with Superior Rune of Vampirism 4/6 bonus.

Greatsword idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


As I’m fan of HB, its only good downed players.

Royal Ascalonian weapon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


well i suppose there should be Karra Ghosthammer according to wiki. if this NPC is removed, my question is void

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Bah never I knew I was on #1 server, anyway this ranking reflects really good with players on the server.

Royal Ascalonian weapon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Are these 2 vendors selling same weapon skin (Karra Ghosthammer & Historian Symon).

If I get Royal Ascalonian Greatsword (lvl35) and (lvl80), they have skin and effect?


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I did not know where to ask?

Is there any chance that general Pve drops exotics? let say with 200% MF something.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


19.5k HP and 1600 toughness = not really though. 23.5k HP and 2300 toughness still struggling to survive.

100B only good to finish the downed players

lol bull rush is not good as GW1, I guess it was bull’s charge (25 sec CD, 3 sec knockdown etc.).

WvW Map completition rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


@Kyus, I hardly in honor badge, 40 badges are 1 month = WvW, SO i needed it badly to get my 500 badges collection!.

Map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Updated map completion rewards for Plains of Ashford and all World-versus-World maps to match the map level/content.

Any chance that we could get rewards or complete the WvW 3maps again.

(edited by Warsoul.2647)

Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


WOW this is almost same as my build. I use GS and Forceful Greatsword and Shout recharge 20% faster with banner of disciple instead of “shake it off”.

Banners give me permanent, swiftness and Fury coupled with signet of rage.|0|60|220|65|16754|246|0|0|0|0|25|1525|1846|0|15|1084|0|0|30|1057|1510|1056|0|0|0|0|8|0|0|28037|28016|53498|53498|53498|53498|53498|26058|48792|0|0|0|0|

Berserker gear + Rune of scholar + Sigil of damage and Sigil of Life (on secondary weapon)

I find this one very effective in WvW or sPVP|0|11|220|65|16754|246|0|0|0|0|20|1525|1846|0|20|1084|1081|0|30|1057|2417|1056|0|0|0|0|8|0|0|28037|28016|53498|53498|53498|53498|53498|26058|48792|0|0|0|0|

(edited by Warsoul.2647)

Help me understand the longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I find longbow’s quite effective, anyway I beat all those veteran mobs and skill challenges with longbow.

1. You don’t have to specifically trait the longbow, because it’s skills are very strong.

All I do is spread burst skill + #3 you will see mobs die instantly with blast. #2 is just for adrenalin building. #4 & #5 pretty good in 1v1 situation.

GS warriors with 4-5 signets in Dungeons anyone else hate this

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Well, people say banner sux, but i find it free swiftness + signet of rage = 15%- 33% speed in solo pve. Anyway, I know GW2 was not intended designed role into class, but warrior still excels in DPSing.

How, and why, I think Magic Find works

in Crafting

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I farmed with 0% MF, 40% MF, 85% MF each scenario same mobs for 30 mins.
0% – 2 blues + 10 white, + 10 grey
40% – many blues (crafting material (325)s and gears) + many whites.
85% – 1 yellow, 2 greens, many blues (crafting materials (400)), 2 whites

So, I though MF is affecting to rarity of the drops

anyway after 30 mins, the grey will start drop only grey, guess anti-farm code.

Guild Wars 2 Appreciation Thread

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


interesting fact is I have spend moderate amount of time and huge amount of money to WOW. But it seems, I spend moderate amount of time and 0 money to GW2. And I spotted playing WOW and distributed my 4 imba accounts to guild mates.

Add-ons and GWII

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


GW1 best addon was texmode for revealing map.

Warrior's traits bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Confirmed furious Forceful Greatsword not working on spear criticals

Forceful Greatsword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Forceful greatsword is not working on spear. Does not gain might with spear fights.