Showing Posts For XanBie.3675:
If you find someone, I need the greens and up for Set 3! Willing to pay a fee =o
Yeah Any light shed on the achievements would be nice, would suck to have another achievement half done >.< (I’m looking at you WvW season 1 !!! xP)
Ah I worried this would be the case =/ With prices flying high, I sadly won’t be able to finish my set :S Unless theres a soul willing to share minis haha xP Alrighty though, thanks for the quick response on the matter!
Quick question,
Anet stated their will now be a new Achievement for unlocking mini pets for the account (when you make them account bound). So what I would like to know is will the achievements like Miniature Collection – Set I(II/III) be still available? And if so, how will they work now that the bank tab will be gone?
Thanks in advance!
I had a possible suggestion, and although I’d be the first to slam someone for complaining about something this petty xP I’ll blame my OCD for collecting.
I wanted to know if we could be granted all the starter skins for the Professions we actually own on our account. I personally am in a bind (and I’m sure some others have this issue) where all my toons are level 80, and I have one of each class. This leaves me with 2 options: Delete one to get all starter skins (would suck tbh) or not get the skins at all (also sucks haha xP)
I’m just curious if this can be done, else maybe some opinions on getting the skins from other players.
Six Minutes to Knightfall STILL bugged.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: XanBie.3675
Maybe it includes the first 5 minutes of invulnerability too? :-)
Wouldn’t be the first time we have to kill something while it’s invulnerable! coughwurmheadcough
Joking aside, this could be the fault in Anets design atm, it may start the clock on their spawn and not on their event trigger.
I know people get it randomly IF the knight their on died within 6 minutes, but that is all I know =/
Can I get a confirmation on whether this achievement is working or not? As in if I killed them all in under 6 minutes, would I be guaranteed the achievement. I’m hearing a lot from both sides so let me know! (even better if Anet can answer)
Like a lot of other aspects of the game, ArenaNet endeavors to keep people playing by wasting their time chasing carrots rather than providing fun content that people will want to play because it’s, you know, fun. People should want to be doing content because they’re having a blast, not because “I’ve sunk so much time into this already I might as well keep going until I get this stupid achievement.”
Although I agree this achievement is frustrating due to it bugging out, I have to say if you don’t find this content enjoyable your better off playing a different game. I’m fairly certain many of us play the content because it’s fun to play, and the achievements are looked at like a challenge. There’s really no carrot on a stick as you have absolutely no need to get that achievement for any reward save for a few achievement points.
Was that an satisfying ending? **SPOILERS**
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: XanBie.3675
Psst the ending is on the 18th (epilogue)
I’m seeing a lot of “wtf not enough answers to anything” threads, so i thought I should shine some light on known facts. The biggest issue people are having is comprehending why Scarlet woke up the dragon, and although this is purely speculation it DOES have enough proof backing up the claim.
Claim: Scarlet (as well as all Sylvari) are minions of the Elder Dragon Mordremoth
1) From “A Study of Scarlet”, Vorp tells the player that Omadd’s (Scarlets mentor) machine was meant to allow the user unrestricted access to parts of their mind (paraphrasing) parts that may in fact be kept behind a barrier for a reason.
What is known at this point is that while scarlet was in the machine (in her mind) the pale tree was trying to stop her from exploring further, to not go past that barrier (a barrier presumably set by the pale tree).
TL:DR > Mordremoth was already in Scarlet’s mind, just in a dormant section
2) Sylvari by nature are similar to dragon minions in 2 ways. The first is that they are spoken to by a higher ranking member (The Pale tree) and second they can’t be corrupted by other dragons (that is dragon minions can’t be re-corrupted).
TL:DR > Sylvari are similar to dragon minions
3) Scarlet knew information about Caithe not even Faolain knew (from Aetherblade Path if TA). This information could have been passed down by Mordremoth who, as an elder dragon, knows everything its minions know (which would encompass the Sylvari).
I’m sure there’s other points i can make but at this time I can’t think of them lol. Just it is extremely likely given the info we have that this is in fact the case of what is happening :P
The End. Answers? I really didn't find any.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: XanBie.3675
Alot of the questions asked HAVE been answered, or have enough speculation to infer. One thing thats of note is the following:
Very good reason to believe the Sylvari are tied with Mord (earth dragon). Omadds machine was designed to let people see parts of their mind unknown to them (that have been blocked by some kind of barrier), this is stated in A Study of Scarlet instance. In that same instance (and her journal) its said that when she was in her mind, something looked back. Due to recent events, this looking back was Mords corruption, deep inside her mind(and likely all sylvary untouched by the pale tree). This would also explain how she knew things about Caithe (Mord can inform her as Elder dragons know everything their minions know).
this is just a snippet, but dig ppl, there’s info there!
Your not wrong. The issue lies with the rewards (functioning rewards that is) There should be much more incentive to get the 6 min thing done then there is atm. Its either you get some luck and greens vs 10 extra Deluxe Gearboxes.They should ramp the completion reward to make this less Zerg-dependant
The question isn’t the safe spot. It’s whether getting in the downed stay should forfeit the achievement or not, even if you are never hit by the Marionette.
The spot they refer to is in fact safe (infront of regulator). But if you get downed by the boss, you lose the chance to get the achievement. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended, but its just the way it works atm.
I have to disagree with the need for Arcana to be maxed. Im a Scepter/Focus zerker build, and only have 10 in Arcana for the Vigor on Crit. If you plan your moves properly, you don’t NEED the Arcana. Mind you that’s debatable be that everyone has their own play style.
And before I’m shot down, I do main the ele, and I do very well in sPvP/PvE (not to boast). It just takes some getting used to.
Few points:
-I do beleive it was mentioned that the Aetherblade Retreat and Molten Facility may have a place in the fractals.
-Scarlets invasions is permanent.
-Revamped Tequalt is permanent.
-All WvW changes and additions were permanent.
That’s just a sampler of recent things, people need to realise that
A) they cant make things that everyone likes as their will always be people who disagree, and those are the loud ones.
B) We get a lot for content for not paying a dime unless we want to :P
What will keep Tequalt viable for awhile is the chance for him to drop Ascended weapons. That alone is a good reason to keep players killing him once a day minimum. And although I agree, their will come a time where he will no longer be “worth it” in the eyes of the community, I’m sure Anet will have a way of revamping him and other bosses yet again. I think we should complain a little less lol, if you haven’t noticed we’ve gotten tons of free content without forced paying (unless you wanted to xP)
Yeah, in that regard I do hope we will get to do some detective work be that the short story announced several in game characters (Guy who greets awakened Sylvari, as well as the Pale Tree) to get some insight on Scarlet.
That being said, I do believe a history book will keep things in tact in terms of giving players who missed certain events at least a general idea of what happened, and for those who played it a more in depth story line. It’s just a kick-off point, but I hope something of its nature is implemented!
Hey everyone,
I have a suggestion that would help people get more into the story that’s unveiling in the Living World.
The Problem:
I feel that many players don’t seem to grasp everything that’s happening in the Living content, many believe there’s little to no story do to the fact that it is very “hidden” (either through talking to NPCs, on the website ect..). What people don’t realise is that the story is fairly rich with content.
The Solution:
My idea is that we have a History Book (either in game item or panel in the Hero window) That will detail the events of your current and past Living Stories. Now, I do understand that ArenaNet would like to keep people coming back to experience the living world, and to that I say invoke this system: The bits of living story in our history book will unlock based on the major achievements for that particular Living Story. So when we attend the Closing Ceremony, a portion will open up and explain that event in greater detail. I do believe this will appease the players who are really big on lore and what-not.
Just a thought <3
P.S. Show your support if you agree! if we really want this, it’s a possibility
I have a history in bug finding, and think I may have a possible cause. My guess is Deadeyes warping and crowd favorite are mixing up. Everyone I spoke to who had a Deadeye appear in their arena has had the same symptom.
The one who originally had Deadeye has him disappear on warp.
The one who had crowd favorite had the Quaggan not appear.
I submit that this is a possible link between the two, gimme your thoughts!
I found it to be warrior, full guide here >
I’d say thats the best guide, even though thats a biased response xP be that I made it haha
My biggest problem as a guardian doing 8 orb is in the 2nd phase – even if you lure the adds into the portal, only one of them gets transformed, and I have no time or safety to pick it up.
I’ve tried using virtue of justice with blinding trait but it doesn’t always work ;/
You have to be a lil less scared of the clones haha ^^ Roll through them and pick up fast, even when I want them to kill me, the Visions of Mortality don’t proc that well if they have to turn, oddly enough o.O
If your a war use that, look around there are many guides for many classes. It is slightly luck based with the pulling orbs, but aside from that it takes hard cold thinking :P
Speaks for itself haha xP Did the 8 orb acheiv twice :P
The following guide will help any warrior assuming they at least have Rare lvl 80 gear or higher. I will assume you know the basics of this fight, else I encourage you to read this article:
Only 1 set really needed, Sword and Shield. Here is the skill breakdown:
Sever Artery > Best friend for tagging mobs (will explain further) as well as killing Liadri as bleeding bypasses weakness. Now the easiest set of armor would clearly be carrion, but I managed in berserker’s.
Savage Leap > Assuming you have Auto-targeting removed, using this will help you reach safe zones in Phase 2
Final Thrust > For damage, not really used.
Shield Bash > same as Savage Leap
Shield Stance > Your bread and butter. Use this if your stuck in Shadowfall Circles or to absorb Visions of Mortality you wanna get rid of, your choice!
Healing Signet > Rely on the passive healing to keep you afloat. Personaly, I never activate it.
Endure Pain > Use this to take on ShadowFall Circles or to let Liadri beat retaliation into herself! (assuming retaliation proced) WARNING will NOT work on Vision of Mortality! They WILL down you!
Shake it Off > Your best friend in phase 2, either allow you to roll or walk normally. In the case you have full Soldiers Runes, you can clear both conditions off! (I didnt need soldiers)
Signet of Stamina > Allows you to roll much more without the need for Vigor. Use it in situations where you are desperate to remove conditions (especially if she has stacked bleeds on you!)
Signet of Rage > Run of the mill speed boost in most cases, use when possible.
Strength > 0
Arms > 30
II > Speed on Crit
III > Increased bleed duration
XI > Incase you need a boost near the end
Defense > 30
IV > Now this rally business may seem silly, but this is a key factor. If you strike Visions of Mortality before they explode on you, you will be downed and rallied instantly. With this trait active, you will be placed at 50% HP with full endurance by doing just that! This can be used as a quick heal, and you are also immune the first second of rally, use ALL of this to your advantage. Just make sure to watch your death penalty as abusing this too often will eventually lead to your demise.
VIII > Block out some of those pesky orb pulls automatically, make sure you destroy them when you get the chance!
XII > Great help to damage her without fighting her directly. Take advantage of the fact that while blocking and under the effects of Endure Pain, she will still be hurt by retaliation, so feel free to pop either to allow her to beat herself up. Also note that if an orb pulls you while retaliation is active, the orb will be destroyed.
Tactics > 0
Discipline > 10
III > Your going to need the extra speed!
At this point, you just need to use the above tactics to your advantage, there’s not much else besides knowing the mechanics to help yourself out. I do believe this build allows for the easiest way of pulling it off. Some last minute tips would be to not get crystal greedy (as in popping out crystals even tho death is coming), clear mobs of Visions when you need to make a grab, and don’t be too crazy when your aiming (usualy she will be in melee range anyway).
This being said, I wish you all good luck, and welcome questions/comments. You can either post here for more info or reach me ingame (Char name> Gorva)
Hey I have a suspicion about a possible bug. In SPvP i notice that Rangers are almost un-kill-able in the downed state. Without being on the surface, they keep healing up while being attacked. So this leads me to believe its the pets rez (when you call your animal to heal you in the downed state). BUT the pet is killed at this point, yet still hovers and heals. Has anyone else noticed this? Let me know!
Thank you Robert for the Clarification! Terribly sorry I didnt see your other post explaining the situation :S
Thanks again!
Thats gona be a real shame if its true =/ Cuz i have the omelette, just cant use it cuz of my level
Heres my question, if I don’t have a level 75 character, and the event has ended (past June 4th) Will eating the omelet still award the achievement?
In the case you are a player posting a response, please link your reference/source so I can know for sure!
Thanks in advance <3
Yeah, its more the time it takes to get ascended is what we casuals hate, but I’m sure the hardcore gamers love =/
Or remove the stat differences between exotics and rares (sarcasm). Other than fractals, no new content has come out. You’re still as capable as you always were of enjoying the game content in exotics.
The difference in have exotic accessories compared to ascended is not that much. You just have these people that want the absolute best in slot item and are so impatient to actually work for it.
True, but with new ascended items (is rumored to have an entire ascended suit) then the whole thing will be much better then exotic (kinf of like rare>exo)
By the time the other items come out, most players will already have the ascended items. I doubt ascended armor won’t come out until late summer.
True, but that’s assuming not many alts, its rough getting it for everyone. And although this is the first real gear grind, its more to follow the original GW2 motto of no gear race :P
True, but with new ascended items (is rumored to have an entire ascended suit) then the whole thing will be much better then exotic (kinf of like rare>exo)
True, I’m hoping Anet will see this and maybe take an idea that one of us have :P would do a world of good to keep the gear grind back down where it was :p
So, I hear a lot of people flipping out over the new tier of gear, so I was thinking maybe theres a better way to have ascended present without making the community flip out lol?
Maybe it would be better if the STAT differences between exotics and ascended didnt exist. Personally, it would make more sense it Ascended gear was only for the benefit of fractals as Agony is only seen in fractals (and a main way to get rings is through that dungeon)
This can be accomplished either by bumping up exotics or lowering ascended. I beleive a new tier brings up more problems (new stat tier) as:
All crafting is useless (can’t create maximum gear, atleast not yet).
Legendary items need to get a stat boost to match the stats.
People are force into certain methods to obtain this gear (dailies/guild missions/fractals) at least for now.
Anyway, give me your thoughts :P please dont turn this into a yell fest lol, just an opinion :P
EDIT: Also to make people WANT to play higher fractals, maybe just have some fancy skins drop only at higher levels :P
(edited by XanBie.3675)
Yeah we need a new system for this tbh. My advice are one of the following:
#1 Have the requirement to get any chests from other Guested servers be paired with being in a team with someone from that server. For example if a Devona’s Rest wants to guest to EhmryBay, they can get the chest reward unless their in the same team as an EmryBay player. This will reduce the number of floaters
#2 Have the chest rewards be once a day for the account (I’m not a fan of this in all honesty) , as bad as it is, it would prevent farmers from jumping to every server to get all their alts done if they can only do it once. This may backlash wehre we wont have enough players to kill the bosses though*
#3 Have reduced rewards for guesters (again this sucks if you want to join your friend) to deter guesting for world bosses.
#4 Between the main and overflow worlds, have the main world reserved for players who are not guesting, and any other available spots will be for guesters. In the case new home server players will want to go into the map, guesters who are not partied with a home world-er will be sent to the overflow with their parties ect... similar how people are sent out of overflows (personally my favorite :P)
Honestly I prefer the lack of the Trinity, and not just for party setup reasons. For starters, any ‘DPS’ had a very mediocre job, just shoot at the boss and let the other 2 do all the work. Healers had a slightly better role, but not great. And well tanks, just had to keep boss attention. Now to I agree improvements can be made to gw2? Of course, the game is still in its first year, chill people xP
I dont see bringing the trinity back as a solution, but some things can be done (as mentioned above) such as closing off the boss rooms so people can’t res and run in again. This will put more strain on teams who don’t save downed players. Also if a boss is chasing someone for 10 secs w/o any hits, they should switch targets. Lastly, I think bosses should me more vicious in the sense they will target downed players, so the team will have to save their partners quickly.
Also, I’d like to say that an increase in difficulty will kill it for casual players, but that being said a Fractal Type system is a step in the right direction. Allowing the hardcore players to get their fill on difficulty might be what the normal dungeons need, and although some bosses may not be exciting as stated, their promise to make dungeons more fun may solve that issue.
Just my 2 cents <3
Hey hey,
I know its not the biggest deal, but I’m curious about some of the seasonal Items we have gotten, that seem to be nothing more then a space taker.
What I’m referring to are the 2 Books/backs from Halloween, the 3 treasure hunt type items from the Karka event (Bag, Maps). Do these items have any other use other then the purpose they served during their respective events?
I hate to throw away things I can’t confirm to be useless, any help would be great :P
Thanks in advance,