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How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


That would be awesome but unfortunately that would require the complete redesign of all the WvWvW maps. I just don’t see that happening.

Treb from garrison

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


We all know that balistas can hit trebs at a high angle. In BL, most trebs fall to a balista on the bottom at garrison but when the trebs built farther back, the balista no longer has the angle to hit it.

I built 6 balistas at different locations but it seems to target the base of the treb, making it hit around the top-middle of the cliff.

Has anyone been successful at killing a treb like this? attached a picture



in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Saying “I am making no excuse for why SBI is losing” and “50% of SBI don’t want to win” is called contradicting yourself.

Reporting a player exploiting area

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


This is a WvW forum.

plus, that area is not an exploit. Just one small area that gives invulnerability. There’s a spot like that North of the citadel near the gate

Stealth does not prevent capture?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


No, you can still prevent caps in stealth. Test it again

Stealth does not prevent capture?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Arcadius I am going to assume you ethier play a Thief or your main is one and you are defending them here and in my post about this same topic. I was with you greyblue at that point, total bs.

Secondly, Anet needs to respond on the current way Thiefs are, because if they even remotely hint that they are balanced, I am rerolling one.

I’m a thief. I’m one of those who is still enjoying the gimmicky pistol whip haste spam (got tired of killing so slowly as pistol/dagger). Thus you’ll hardly see me in stealth abusing the render bug.

How ever. I smile every time I see a thief doing the cloak and dagger trick. I whip out my shortbow. Start spamming clusters which really hurt with my class cannon built. 5 seconds later I see a thief with a downed icon on them. End of thief.

What scares me lately are the glass cannon instant steal+backstab combo thieves and warriors with kill shot. Thankfully they nerfed assassin’s signet, but still easy to be instagibbed by thieves using that combo. The warrior’s 18k kill shot is a pain if they are where you can’t see them and they can see you. Especially with player culling.

A thief who is toying with you with the cloak and dagger hopping should be the least of your worries.

I disagree. Yes I lose quite a bit of damage going CnD stealth but I still put out quite a bit of damage. How? There is a small window at the end of stealth that allows you to backstab and not have the “revealed” debuff. This allows you to backstab and CnD right after~

Thieves are pretty OP, there’s no denying this

Thief exploiting/abuse.....getting old and tiresome Anet....

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


I think it’s pretty easy. I’ll be releasing another video soon of picking off people in zergs. I’m wearing berzerker gear and it’s pretty hard to finish off a thief like this.

Great video of a thief stopping a zerg from getting a camp.

in Thief

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Preventing enemies from capping points (ie OP Thieves)

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


I am hearing a lot of “u bad just AoE everything” arguments when it comes to thieves preventing a cap. The bottom line is you have to be very very coordinated to kill a thief doing this. In one day, I gathered some video to show how effective this is. I only came across one guild that was able to gather up the entire zerg into one cluster preventing this strat.

Dear Anet, stop trebs from inside castles

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


The ones in spawn do not differentiate which type of siege is placed. It blocks all siege. Additional code would have to be written. Would it be hard? Maybe not, but I am pretty sure there are way more important issues a programmer is dealing with atm.

Dear Anet, stop trebs from inside castles

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Fairly easy to make it so? Do you think coding is simply “Treb-0 (within castle)”?

Perma-Stealth During Combat Thief Glitching

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


  1. way to finish off a CnD thief is to get everyone in a tight circle, stand at the edge of the capping point, and spam AoE/Auto attack around them. If there are NPC’s nearby (ogres, quaggans) to help cap, stand near them. NPC’s instantly attack the thief when he gets out of stealth regardless of culling.

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


When you get a large enough zerg and rush into enemy spawn, you can get past the instant gibbing arrows at the entrance. I don’t see the point though since the enemies have the invulnerability buff and the other side don’t.

Broken orb alters

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


No the altars are bugged. Yesterday in our enemy’s BL, we owned all 3 keeps and in all 3 keeps the altars were destroyed. We had the orb but nowhere to place it. It’s not repairable when it should be.

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


When you see it…

I don’t see it… care to explain?

Commander who is not lvl 80.

Is this fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Give me a reason to stay on to play against a mob that would otherwise cut me like butter and you will fix WvWvW. Right now +exp +karma are the last things I want when I log in. I want a fighting chance.

I want free siege equipment or carry dolyak sized supply with me. I want dynamic events for outmanned sides that reward you with a sizable amount of money OR maybe siege equipment with an expiration on it that requires no supply. These are simple suggestions that would keep me playing if I log in to see an outmanned debuff and 90%+ of the map taken over.

Server transfers are hurting our server community (Jade Quarry - LONG)

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


500 gems to transfer. Chump change but let’s get the ball rolling Anet and adjust the figures later.

Teleport Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Teleport skill allowing players to go through walls

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Why do you think Anet gives people at spawn invulnerability? To prevent dummies like you from spawn camping. The img you posted, you are right next to their door. You are asking for the ability to spawn camp them before they can even touch the door to get out of their base when you shouldn’t be there to begin with.

[Bug] Thief Ink shot able to teleport into EB Lowland Keep and Bay

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


[Bug] Thief Ink shot able to teleport into EB Lowland Keep,e7xWa,QVuRV,e7xWa,QVuRV#1,e7xWa,QVuRV#2

If you position yourself in the water by one of the ledges and aim your character up, you are able to shoot the ability “ink shot” onto said ledge. The three screenshots depict the bug. This allows thieves to take out siege inside without having to break the outer wall first (I found out when I saw 2 thieves from the fire guild in JQ do this).

Trebuchet and other seige weapon ranges

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


hahah, do you even know the distance of 10,000 meters is? Because if you did it would be pretty obvious that the range of the in-game treb is not 10,000 meters

Question: Is this workign as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


wait, what? how does a balista aim up?