Showing Posts For YuGiOh.4906:

Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


My permanent hair style contract is bugged , it shows male hairstyles when i’m on my female character , also when i click on the male hairstyles it gives me new female hairstyles ? now i can’t use it
( one of the “new”? hairstyles)

(edited by YuGiOh.4906)

Deleted my main by accident

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Hello , i was deleting beta characters for space , when i clicked on mesmer and typed the name my ele ( main) got deleted instead , i’m freaking out right now , i have 100% map completion and a legendary on it , is there any chance anet could restore the character for me ?

Team-Q Instances broken {Hotfix Needed!!}

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Have the same problem, now Im locked out from playing my Guardian as I get bombed with those messages each time I try and load in a PvP map. (Including Heart of the Mists)

gw2 error code 5.11:3:159:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


I cant get logged in, I got to tPvP and my guardian gets bombed with these messages >_<.

Another Fk up on Anets side, yey…

Got same Error’s trying to Join the Lab, and farm a little, hence why I moved back to PvP. Same crap.

Character causing mapwide lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Was in the map with Seka, when she informed the map about the topic.

The lag caused by her just being there was unreal, at first I thought it was myself, so restarted the game, and got chucked back into the same map.

She asked me to check my mini’s, so I went to a location by myself pulled one out, and instantly it go hidden, which almost never happens apart from being in crowded areas.

She then switched characters, and the lag almost instantly disappeared.

Guild Bank Hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Either way, you cant redeem your items, becareful how you setup your ranks next time.

Guild Bank Hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


it was someone that left your guild, look to see who left it, and add them to either blocked or friends list, and if the unknown name shows up as that person, you found your thief.

Request for removal of transfer cost

in WvW

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


I understand that Vabbi is doing better then what it used to do, but trust me when I say this, I’m one of Vabbi’s dedicated WvW players and Vabbi hasn’t had any major transfers before or after the leagues started. We’ve had one guild (10 players) and a few roamers (5 or so) transfer in.

Vabbi has built a community and is working with the same numbers as before and that’s why we’ve pushed our self out of T9.

I understand that FoW, WSR, UW have lost a lot of players before the leagues, mostly them moving to Gandara & and the likes, for “better” WvW.

I’ve been fighting for more transfers for Vabbi for the better part of a year, and yes how I do agree “we’re” still the lowest pop server EU, I dont want that to change. Or Vabbi will end up like every other server… KARMA TRAIN!.

Small Scale is where its at, and Vabbi is more than willing to provide that for us!

My apologies, I didn’t mean to offend. I always loved fighting Vabbi before all these tournaments because Vabbi was mainly a roamer/havoc server and it was easy to get great fights.

I assumed you had more than 10 players join since the few weeks before the tournament and it looked as though you guys had some serious buffing, I had never seen you guys pull out those kinds of numbers in a very long time.

Either way, I added you guys to that list when I posted since I wasn’t too sure of your actual numbers.

It’s mainly our PvE guilds coming out to play for achievements. xD

Request for removal of transfer cost

in WvW

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Since the reply I received from the support email told me to post this here I figured I would do so.

I request that you remove the gem transfer cost and restrictions to the lower populated servers to entice players from larger populated servers to join and help make the season more challenging and more fun for everyone.

For the EU, the servers that appear to be most in need are: Fissure of Woe, Whiteside Ridge, Underworld and perhaps Vabbi, but they’ve had some transfers and seem to be doing okay right now so maybe lowered transfer cost rather than free for them. (If someone from Vabbi disagrees, please say so in this thread so the devs can judge for themselves)

For the NA servers, by the ratings it looks like Kaineng, Ehmry Bay, and Eredon Terrace could use the free transfers but if someone from NA could confirm, that would be great.

Giving these servers free transfers should help even out the matchups and provide a place for players in the higher matchups to go if they feel that they are being stuck in queues too often. From what I’ve seen from the EU side, these servers are very friendly and the players that have stayed are loyal and fiercely fighting despite the lack of numbers.

Also, mods, please refrain from moving this to the recruitment board, this is about reducing the costs and the recruitment board already has threads active for these servers. Thanks!

Anyway, that was all – feel free to add feedback and discuss.

I understand that Vabbi is doing better then what it used to do, but trust me when I say this, I’m one of Vabbi’s dedicated WvW players and Vabbi hasn’t had any major transfers before or after the leagues started. We’ve had one guild (10 players) and a few roamers (5 or so) transfer in.

Vabbi has built a community and is working with the same numbers as before and that’s why we’ve pushed our self out of T9.

I understand that FoW, WSR, UW have lost a lot of players before the leagues, mostly them moving to Gandara & and the likes, for “better” WvW.

I’ve been fighting for more transfers for Vabbi for the better part of a year, and yes how I do agree “we’re” still the lowest pop server EU, I dont want that to change. Or Vabbi will end up like every other server… KARMA TRAIN!.

Small Scale is where its at, and Vabbi is more than willing to provide that for us!

Vabbi For The Win

in Looking for...

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Vabbi is the last medium Population server in all of GW2, it’s always been the underdog server, and has always been the best server for small scale and roaming.

As some who has been on Vabbi since day one, I’ve seen the rise and fall of Vabbi, and going from a Very High pop server to a medium.

Right now, Vabbi is rising again, and its been all thanks to its loyal and core players!

Right now Vabbi is winning the current match up vs FoW (High Pop) & UW (Very High Pop).

27th ( BT / WSR / Vabbi )

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Yay drama for our last matchup thread on this forum

Out of curiosity where are people planning to move to after this sub forum is closed? Looks like is a thing but since we will probably be eternally paired with vabbi wanted to know where you guys plan to go ^^

Love reading the forums for all the dramas/comments would be a shame if it died out.

Well this is one forum warrior that wont be moving to another forum. I don’t trust crappy websites.

27th ( BT / WSR / Vabbi )

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Goodluck everyone! This being the last thread before this section get closed.


We don’t normally play reset night, but if we do we have around 10-15 players roaming. Last night we called in a favor from [VIN], and those poor WSR’ers got a taste of their own medicines.

Reset night: (Charliex)


in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Merry christmas from WSR!

Well everybody have own priorities we have families and friends and you obviously have only GW2 so sad.

I agree. When everyone was in bed, having fun, playing other games with their families and friends, the WSR opportunist come out to play!

Dat Karma train is sooooooo op, still.. You wont be beating BT anytime soon, eh? They basically handed you 100,000+ ticks because they where too excited for xmas


in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Merry Xmas all.


in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


That WSR nightcap!

Look who’s the PvD’s now :P


in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Nice siege wars with [PvP] @ Cliffside, Lol at the dumb mesmer and the fail portal bomb. Back to LA now for snowball fights!


FOW/WSR/VABBI : Bronze League week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


@Tash: I know that my previous comment appeared to be a “lighthearted jest”, but since i won’t be on vabbi for much longer, let’s try it with a bit less passive aggressiveness:
You are a joke. My favorite part was when you veiled on a solo roamer who was fighting a sentry.

i’m not really sure why using invis for a roamer makes us a joke, but in light of this [and because we’ll probably be seeing much more of vabbi and fow after the season] i thought i’d share a friendly guide of when [TasH] teams [run by me] will gank roamers.

1) if you’re in our way
2) if i think it would be funny
3) if you’re looking the wrong way
4) if you’re on our border
5) if you’re in wvw
6) i don’t like the look of you
7) you’re attacking a friendly
8) you’re attacking someone else
9) you have a legendary
10) you attack us/ our objectives
11) you are bear-bow

we may also: stack might, invis, build seige, emote, use kites and shout insults at you over our ts. i really don’t know why roamers expect special treatment in wvw and i can’t help but think “welcome to pvp” every time i read one of these posts.

[TasH] stacks might and invis to mine iron. [TasH] will build ballistas for roamers. because sometimes, it’s fun.

I’ve never seen a Tash without that guild group, and I do a fair bit of roaming on your borderlands. I’ve only been veil bombed once and died, and that was when I sat back down from taking a wee wee. Truth be told, I was laughing my kitten off, not that it happened, but why you actually thought the need to kill someone not moving, maybe it was a practice run? I’ve seen my group of LST’ers wipe your group, we did the stack, the might spam, the AoE, and you lot veil bombed into a brick wall! Credit, we lost 2 lowbie players, but the rest was lvl80 and you’ll got stomped. This was a fair while ago now, maybe a good month back, before I started hating you lot, when the fights were even. Those were the fun times, whats happened since then?… Enjoyable fights… no more. Sad Face

I’m a bit disappointed, I want a ballista built for me! I think I would make a good target, if you can find me! It wont be that hard, look for the purple glowing thief,

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


It’s nice to see a thread so active, even tho its mostly boring. Can we get more video’s please, the audience is getting bored.

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Just like to thank the [Psy] guild for standing with [LST] in Anzalias Pass, while the commander ran away like a little girl.

We killed many, many BT’s in less that a min.

7-8~ish [LST] & 7-8~ish [Psy] 15v50+

So if a small group can derail a zerg of such numbers, I bet BT are kicking themselves right now!

Be aware you little Vabbians and FoW-ers i’m gonna catch you all.

This isn’t the Pokémon Leagues, its GuildWars2.

So did these duels ever go down, I’m interested in watching!

i recorded that inc was really cool :P

Oh please do upload, I tried to capture it but fraps wouldn’t load in time. :/

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


I would feel sorry for the Sin guy, but he just wants to capture us, so I feel a little insulted.

Sin, maybe you should go out and buy a PlayStation, buy Little Big Planet, and waste the rest of your life on that, because if you cant stand up for yourself and make good on your claims everyone is going to walk over you. Show us what it feels like to be roflstomped eh?

As for the duel, 5v5, 10v10, etc.. I think you’re going to get thrashed, you actually might want to get your friends in on this one, so you wont feel as bad.

I’ll even add to the pot, 10g, if you and your friends beat the Imp’s or BNF’s. But make sure you show up now.

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Just like to thank the [Psy] guild for standing with [LST] in Anzalias Pass, while the commander ran away like a little girl.

We killed many, many BT’s in less that a min.

7-8~ish [LST] & 7-8~ish [Psy] 15v50+

So if a small group can derail a zerg of such numbers, I bet BT are kicking themselves right now!

Be aware you little Vabbians and FoW-ers i’m gonna catch you all.

This isn’t the Pokémon Leagues, its GuildWars2.

So did these duels ever go down, I’m interested in watching!

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


OMG dat night cap, everything is wooden, enjoy!

Yes, enjoy both that few hours deep at night when you can play as normal wvw servers. Someone says here you don’t care about score, lol.

Would just like to state, maybe 75% of Vabbi actually don’t care about score (they probably don’t even know how to play wvw?), they use WvW for leveling alts that they’ll never use again. The 25% actually care about WvW, not for score, not for tick, but more for the fun and enjoyment that small scale provides.

I could name several guilds that just love picking on zergs, and thrashing them, just for the thrill of the kill, and improve their gameplay, all small scale roaming guilds.

Vabbi is a normal WvW server, we have our zergs, we have our roamers, we have our defenders. What we don’t have and don’t want is numbers. If we wanted to go up the ladder, we would have done so months ago, but no.. we want to stay at the bottom.

P.S. Vabbi isn’t as bad as what you might think.
We’re number 26th for ratings, WSR is the poooooop server now.

I guess we’ll have to drop some rating to get our status back!

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


OMG dat night cap, everything is wooden, enjoy!

Yes, enjoy both that few hours deep at night when you can play as normal wvw servers. Someone says here you don’t care about score, lol.


Vabbi done something for both Vabbi and Fissure, and that’s so during prime time we can focus the kitten beeep outa BT, not for score, not for tick, but for good enjoyable fights, but I guess BT 90% of BT’s zerglings are idiots among many eh? You’ll PvD them gates rather than siege them.

Enjoy this week is all that I can say, upgrade away, them WP’s wont last over night!


Have fun! Enjoyed killing them dolyaks for two hours outside of your Garrison yesturday, finally got zerged to stop me, and one got in. Sad times, sad times!


22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


OMG dat night cap, everything is wooden, enjoy!

22/11 Blacktide / Fissure of Woe / Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Got messaged by a certain someone that FoW are kicking up big time about being stuck Vs. Vabbi.

You lot can do one of two things.

  • Suffer, and suck it up? Yes, no?
  • Move to another server? Yes, no?

Seriously, you get one – two roflstomps every few weeks, and once you come back down into the t9 were you belong obv you complain? Geez give it a break.

And Vabbi is a non threat, if you attack us I will forum warrior you into the ground. A promise, you know I will do it too.

HamHam, when I read it I just lol’d.


Yeah, we got a queue pretty fast this week unsurpringy.

You lot attacked us whilst we were trying to take a Tier 3 Tower off BT, so its all out war now.

Looks like someone has a pine cone up there beee’s hind. Your gona get attacked because you lot attack everything, and dont think what it will do later. Revenge is a baitch.

Nice match up so far, might just pay FoW a visit now after that, and prevent them upgrades happening later. So when BT are finished roflstomping Vabbi, they wont have to do much on FoW either.

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


That is why I bandwagoned to Vabbi, OP night blobs to carry the server.

I know right, “Weeeee r Vabbi, Yes? Weeee go for #1, Yes? Win leagues!”

We’re so OP, Anet has assign us our own league, Platinum! Piff WSR and AS are nothing butt pooooooooop on our shoes, even SFR and Piken Square had nothing on us!


15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906



What kind of reaction are you hoping for posting that screenshot.

Don’t worry Hammy, this guy is nothing more than the typical fecal matter, that is a person.

If we get maybe 10 players again tonight they’re BL’s will be green. Oh gosh, think of what that will do!

Vabbi is so over powered, we’re green we’ve got that many queues Anet’s had to update our BL to take on more players. We can now have 10 players on each BL! Yush! Zerg time. Thanks Anet <3

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


No, you’re third because we night capped you. Do you really think WSR is weaker than Vabbi?

if you take second place from nightcapping [and continue to do so] then yes, vabbi is obviously stronger then wsr.

No we’re not, we don’t have the numbers during the day, and we don’t have them at night either. So please stop saying vabbi is stronger because you have no idea, your not here, so please don’t talk for us. I’m here, I play at both times, 4pm-8pm : 12am-4am, we have less than you lot. The night capers are probably no more than 10 players at night time, spread over 4 worlds.

But my point was clear, it was bullS*** how WSR took advantage of AS attacking us, WSR is and always will be an opportunist server.

and i’ll say again to be clear. this was not the wsr server, this was [TasH]. it was a co-incidence arborstone was there, and we took advantage of it. i don’t see anything wrong here.

You wouldn’t, of course not. The downfall of WSR has spiked some big headed elitist, yes indeed.

WSR doesn’t have many skilled players, or roamers. Just numbers.

It’s seriously like a game of Command and Conquer, tactic is everything, and WSR pulled them off, but Vabbi could have held it for much longer. 1k supplies in keep, and pre-built siege.

you were attacked [successfully] by a [TasH] guild team. i find it odd that you’re reduced to flaming our server after you clearly understood that this is a game of tactics earlier.

Which will continue because our borderland is being karma trained again, you lot probably had your fill of PvE the last few weeks, and let out the frustration on us because “we’re” a push over. We’re got more odds stack against us as we’re got all the bugged towers, and keeps this week. I wouldn’t be surprised if WSR and AS are doing it to us. WSR have been caught countless times, by FoW, cheating.

I enjoy defending a lot, and when we get overpowered fair enough, we don’t have the numbers that we get sent against. That’s the life of a loyal vabbian. But what I dont like is when they have to double team to get stuff done. That’s just disrespectful to the worst server in the kitten game.

if you find defending fun that’s fair enough, but when you’re defending you need to be prepared for when a guild spikes a keep. i on the other hand, find it’s fun to remove waypoints. if we had more people on for longer, we would have removed the other arborstone waypoints too.

I’m probably the only one person that noticed your attack on Garrison, and informed Vabbi about it, still by the time we got there, there was a zerg of you inside, and AS outside.

Now please stop bringing up old post, we’re past this. Move on.

P.S. I have the up most respect for [TasH], with what they had to endure when you lost all the other WvW guilds. But as a server, WSR can officially go to hell.

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


All this ppt talk. Is being second some kind of pride achievement?

I couldn’t care less about capturing points, or the ppt. 1st place, 2nd or 3rd.

I enjoy defending a lot, and when we get overpowered fair enough, we don’t have the numbers that we get sent against. That’s the life of a loyal vabbian. But what I dont like is when they have to double team to get stuff done. That’s just disrespectful to the worst server in the kitten game.

I have pride in the fact that I’ve been on a sinking boat since the start, a captain goes down with his/her ship.

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


No, you’re third because we night capped you. Do you really think WSR is weaker than Vabbi?

Vabbi will always be the weakest server, and its a bloody shame.

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Some people call PvD’ing gates and doors or get crossed swords fun to take towers, and keeps, I beg to differ. There is more skill in one of Jamo’s wet farts.

But my point was clear, it was bullS*** how WSR took advantage of AS attacking us, WSR is and always will be an opportunist server. WSR doesn’t have many skilled players, or roamers. Just numbers.

So let me make myself clear. Bull F’ing S***.

I’m so sorry if this makes you sad. All I can say is grow up please. Understand what your doing, and live with it, k?

Okay. We’re cool.

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


What a complete bullkitten way to loose our side of the map. Zerged from both WSR and AS. Have you got nothing better to do? Attack each other you mad little zerglings. And stop karma training, ya noobs :P

you probably noticed we also took arbor garrison whats your point?

My point is clear, whats your point for pointing out what was already made clear?

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


That’s so true, AS was breaking down the south west gate, while WSR sneaked the Water gate.

I feel sorry for the players that actually defended against WSR, you guys are legends, as for the rest of Vabbi, open your eye’s please? You mind actually see something.

[This applies to the people at Garrison VBL]

It’s seriously like a game of Command and Conquer, tactic is everything, and WSR pulled them off, but Vabbi could have held it for much longer. 1k supplies in keep, and pre-built siege.

(edited by YuGiOh.4906)

15/11 Vabbi/Arborstone/Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


What a complete bullkitten way to loose our side of the map. Zerged from both WSR and AS. Have you got nothing better to do? Attack each other you mad little zerglings. And stop karma training, ya noobs :P

Connection Problems @ 6pm - 8pm every night.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Just what the topic title says.

Every night for the past month or more at those times I cannot login to Lions Arch, or any other location for that matter. I default all my characters to LA. I can get to the Character selection screen and pick one, then Im in a forever ending loop loading into LA, then I get kicked back to desktop by a GW2 network error, and loading GW2 up again.

I’m on the Vabbi server.
I’m from the UK, my ISP is British Telecom.

- Windows 8.1 – 64 bit
- Intel Core i7 3770K 4-Core Ivy Bridge CPU @ 4.5GHz
- 32GB Corsair Vengeance 1866MHz Gaming RAM
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 2GB Graphics Card

My ISP Package.
I’ve got the best package BT has to over.
Unlimited BT Infinity 2

I’ve been told to download a program called WTFast from which actually lets me online. I’m currently using a trial version of it, but what I’d like to know is why at those times should I be forced to pay for another program just to get online.

I’ve did the diag tests been told I’ve got major packet loss and such, but what I don’t get is I don’t have it at any other time of the day. I could be getting zerged by 50-80+ people and not drop frames below 50 on max settings. But at these times poof I’m gone! DC’ed.

Help please!

(edited by YuGiOh.4906)

Vabbi & WvW - make it playable for us?

in WvW

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


If ArenaNet really cared about lower tier servers they’d introduce a “Transfer for (Item, Reward,Gift?)” policy, that would benefit not just them as they’d get money from gem transfers, but also for the smaller tier servers.

It would encourage players, small guilds, or even larger ones to come, and move.

(While Server is in Medium)
10-15% WXP?
15-20% XP?
20-25% Karma?
(While Server is in High)
5-10% WXP?
10-15% XP?
10-15% Karma?
While Server is Very High/Full
Default , Nothing.

This would balance the populations out.

Another thing would be nice to allow a guild to transfer its upgrades, i.e. if you have unlocked the Guild Puzzles, and all that bling, you could pay in Guild Influence and Guild Merits to move the guilds upgrades. This is one thing that’s been preventing a lot of guilds from ever leaving their home server, because if they move they loose everything, until they move back.

01/11 Blacktide/Drakkar Lake/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Congratulations to Drakkar for winning this week. Can we move on now instead of being trapped in this? Or could you at least do the favor and park your blobs outside of the spawns so we don’t have to move to get some fights?
Thanks in advance.

What can you do.

PvE/PvP week again for me.

If Vabbi play their cards right neither BT or DL will have a night cap team we could beat BT to 2nd this week :P

01/11 Blacktide/Drakkar Lake/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Another boring match-up. Funny how “Bt War [WvW]” left Blacktide to go to RoS.

BT you pulled some nice numbers tonight.

@ the Drakker Lake treb’er in Vabbi Keep in EB, I feel sorry for you, your team must hate you because your gona be trebbing for sometime. Fortified Walls (Veloka Tower).

25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


@ YuGiOh , what the hell r u smoking that get to your head
1- yea vabbi is the weakest server here and yea u r outmanned , but if u don’t improve urselfs nothing can be helped , i see vabbi ( blob or whatever u wanna call it ) and i just charg even with alf ur number coz i know we gonna win somehow
2- FRS joined RoS again not coz bandwagon and not to win this league , if i remember correctly FRS transfered AFTER the league started so they won’t ebenfit from winnign the league in RoS
3- i don’t see DZ being any less matching against us , i seen them blobbing , i seen then abuse the sieges and using crazy amount of ac and balista even in open fight or before charging ANYWHERE , also seen the 70+ omega used yesterday
4-i believe EVERY server have Q and that coz of PVEér hunting after achievment , how ever in 1 or 2 week or if u losing u won’t see any of them i’m sure
5-( this is defending my guild FRS ) , we NEVER blobbed we always start raiding alone or with 1 or 2 friends , but when u get wiped u always tend to say blob this and blob that
i never seen a guild on RoS that actually blobbing like u keep QQ about
@the guy who said FRS only fight behin a tower u definitely didn’t meet us when we raiding , if u do then u r lootbag

man please lets end this bad mouthing and back to the QQ it was amusing XDD

I’m sorry but I personally don’t give a crap about you, or who you are? But I’ll reply anyways.

1) Yes Vabbi is the weakest “WvW” server, and maybe “PvE” server aswell. Vabbi doesn’t blob, organized guilds blob, there isn’t one organized guild on Vabbi that runs a group larger than 10-15. So what you seen was an unorganized zerg. Just saying, Vabbi has dedicated guilds, and players, as every server has, but still I see FRS with no server of its own, does this upset you because its true? Good.

2) I couldn’t care less about FRS joining RoS, but they however will kitten up the bronze league for more deserving servers. Like every other guild that joined RoS AFTER the leagues started.

3) Just lol.

4) I hope RoS get some mad queues. Enjoy your PvE pop.

5) I’ve seen the FRS videos, that is everything I hate in high tier servers, all these 1 skill spamming. Isnt that “skill-less”?

25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906



Like I told you before Stikko, FRS (or Xaoc what ever you call your pre guild) will never have a home server to call its own. I’ve heard quite a bit about you, and your fanboy Xaoc guild, impressive, I did have a good giggle to myself.

In your sig it says Gunners’ Hold right? Your on RoS buddy with every other guild that transferred with the Free Transfers & after with the hope to “win”. No respect to all those guilds.

You start on a server stick to it, or move and help with the community. FRS has no intention on working with RoS, but just come here for leagues to kitten up all the other “great” servers here, and screw them out of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. RoS doesn’t deserve to win this current matchup. And you’ll know it.

Unlike [Imp], Vabbi benefited from them here, and Vabbi has improved with their help. When FRS was here, you guys did nothing but complain like little girls, about not having enough people, not having enough gold to upgrade… you said it takes balls to transfer your guild to Vabbi, where is FRS now? FRS is nothing but elitist NBSC! wana know what that means, you can message me ingame.

Enjoy the game guys, I know I will.

Gona make use of the [LST] sPvP server this week, and get some new finishers ^^; the Yak one looks trollie

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Woah, Vabbi’s got its first queue in 10 months!


Those words. Is it possible to use them together in a sentence like that?

It must’ve been a short one as I never encountered one tonight. It certainly doesn’t sound right though does it ^^

It lasted for 10 mins, I couldn’t get into EB. But a queue non-the-less. :/

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Yes I’ve seen 2, even tho they only moved to RoS yesterday…

I’ve not met a queue yet though, however it would be understandable as I hear a guild has moved down JUST to kill HT…. oh good, more zergguilds arriving ¬.¬ Why can’t they leave the small scale tiers to be like.. small

EB is lagging like crazy right now. Why do people not understand that it’s not the higher tiers that lag, it’s the giant zergs… most of which consist of the very people that complain about it!

There is serious zerging going on on quite a few maps, lagging like crazy :/

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Woah, Vabbi’s got its first queue in 10 months!

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Heheh FoW is great at being farmed.

Yeah right =)

WSR still taking jerrifers through the bug/exploit. Nice….

I guess there is really two ways to look at this, If a class can do it then surely mesmers using portals is the same.

Portals should be line of sight and not up and over two walls and baam zerg comes in to Stonemist.

So if mesmers aren’t treated as exploiters then neither should these, because its a skill after all.

I don’t agree with it, either mesmers using portals or warriors/ele’s leaping in jenny’s/thiefs using bows into SM.

It’s gona happen, and Anet aren’t gona do nothing about it clearly.

If they cared this would have been patched before leagues.

See my point? Green Vs Blue, its gona be the same on all servers I guess.

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Well played to the [YORK] guild from FoW. (7-8?)

You shouldn’t have killed me in the EB JP, I didnt have any intention of touching you, hope you enjoyed being farmed.

Thanks for free loot, and wxp <3

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


:P like i said i already got the achievements, and i dont follow a commander, i’m ussualy the leading commander. and i agree i love defending more then anything and that’s what will be the case for the next weeks. i just made this suggestion because i’d like other people to also get these achievements and they wont get a fair chance to “earn” this in the next weeks. I knew from the start it was a foolish suggestion but i wouldn’t say i’m wrong in making this suggestion.

Hey don’t get me wrong, It wasn’t a go at you, its just that if someone finds it hard to do, they’re not trying hard enough to do it.

And its great achievement points too
but the chests suck! :p they give me soo much crap :/

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


i’d have to discuss this with our server but would vabbi and fow agree on a no defence agreement on friday? so that everyone can get their achievements because the next coming weeks will be insanely hard to cap the most likely high tier keeps from the stronger bronze league servers.

i already got them but this is just for the people that dont already have these and this could be a good chance for everyone to get their achievements.

Achievements – 13/15, all the “hard” ones are done, the easy ones are left, like killing doly’s and taking camps. did most of them on rest night. They’re easy.

Yeah… see I can’t speak for rest of vabbi, but our guild loves defending more than attacking – so we won’t be agreeing to that.

I agree, I never liked defending until I got used to WvW again, roamer gone defender.

If I see people wandering alone and seeing but not attacking me I will turn the other way but that is about it from me personally.

I do too, I even go up and wave at them, if they bow they die, if they wave back, I walk away or invite them to my party..

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


FoW didn’t talk them into joining afaik, they are from Gunnars Hold and have a fair ego (check old matchup threads), they’re there for 1 month to recruit. Infact from what I’ve been told people were saying “we don’t want you” from within 5minutes of them moving and FoW had a queue for EB.

Blergh, right now we have HT/Jd in our BL, and WSR hammering our only remaining EB objective. 40 green dots on minimap in EB (might be an underestimate :o) and outmanned

Hell they’re not on Vabbi and I want them gone, they built 3 Omegas to take out our hills, they blob like nothing I’ve seen on t9 before. FoW’s Jd & WvW has got quite a blob, but we can handle that un-organised group, but this one… oh joy.

Sadly we would have wiped them had everyone been using the pre-built siege (sup AC’s, cata’s the works) but nope thats Vabbi, we defend a T2 Tower to lose an upgrading T3 keep.

Thank god we get two large servers next week, it will be more fun to watch them kick the living crap outta each outer.


We Wiped <GUILD> @ <LOCATION> /w Screenshots and Videos.

Don’t burn out your 1 buttons guys.

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


Oh a new guild on FoW, now that’s disappointing.

Now this match up is once again one sided.

“High Tier [HT]” I’m not sure how Fissure talked you into joining, but your name contradicts itself in this current match up.

Welcome to the trash can tier of the leagues.

18/10 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi

in Match-ups

Posted by: YuGiOh.4906


FoW & WSR be karma training Vabbi because they chicken to attack each other.