HoT gives me Season 3 Living Story? Unclear
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Yunielesca.2850
The 3rd episode is still active so you’ll get it for free, but you will have to pay in total 400 gems for the 1st and 2nd episodes, Out of the Shadows and Rising flames.
Indeed it’s not written, but I did the heart and now it works.
Thx Anet
The best would be to have an option to change the distance of the weapons on each character.
Because on my male human elementalist, it’s perfect. One of the only outfit on which the staff doesn’t clip in the back.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
That’s why I use the electromagnetic ascender, that’s better than nothing because to me, a mursaat has to float.
But I’d like a toy without all the electromagnetic effects, and if possible a character who stands straight instead of leaning with the ascender.
In fact, the best would be a new cosmetic category of ways of moving, with your character automatically switching to the selected one when out of combat.
Having to look for it in your inventory is really tedious, plus the fact that it disappears when you move in another zone.
I’m sure more persons would buy these items.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
Very good patch.
I really appreciate the path you’ve decided to follow with the living story and the way you’re making visible links with GW1 lore and the skins you bring back. That’s really what I needed, to feel I’m playing in the same universe.
Concerning rising flames, the new map is very good, fairly big and the hearts help to fill more space. I’d like to see more maps like this, on one level, it should take less time for you to make them, and it will allow us to get more maps and see more different things.
The story is quite short, but if you can keep the pace it’s really great.
The music is also good, although I think the theme for Ember Bay doesn’t fit the zone very well. I just love the music called Taimi’s game part 2:
So, I’d say you to keep going, because you’re definitely on the right way and I’m getting back trust in you =) .
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
It will be better if it is fixed yes.
Thanks for asking.
The squads you’re talking about are not toxic squads but the best squads.
Many players don’t join the subgroups or switch map without going in the group 1. The result is simple : you join the wrong map by joining the guy who left the map but who is still on the subgroup, and successful maps are lost.
In the squads where the commanders don’t kick, it’s the mess. I prefer strict squads than messy ones where you’ll miss 2 or 3 maps because people were unable or too selfish to respect the rules.
The bug was causing your gear and weapons to be bound to other characters from other players…that was not only a story of soulbind gear becoming account bound.
More over, this game has no maintenance while other mmos, some with subscription, have maintenances every week.
You can’t seriously demand a compensation for 10 hours of maintenance in 4 years.
Anet can be criticized on many subjects, but certainly not this one.
His head blew up…
BOOM haha!
There’s just no way he could come back, or maybe in GW3 as one of the new gods (like Kormir x) )
It’s really annoying, especially when your allies think that you come next to them and that you don’t care, while you just can’t see where they are downed.
And it makes the exact same thing for some enemies :/
I’m talking about pvp, which is why it is even more problematic.
Yes, in fact the French translation must be misleading then. Because in French, it clearly states that the unlimited tools will replace the tools of all of your characters. :/
Thx anyway for the answers, unlimited gatherings tools are still not for me then
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
Basic Unbreakable Gathering tools (no skins)
A full set of 3 tools (harvesting, mining, chopping): 2400 gems
The description lets think that it replaces our normal gathering tools on ALL our characters instantly, which would mean that we don’t have to move them from a character to another?
Can someone confirm plz?
I’ve remarked some changings on the afternoon(I’m in France) when i was selling loots from Tarir. I wondered if it was me selling slowlier or if something had changed xD
I even thought for a moment that the limitation was removed, but I got the message. Only once, while usually I had it many times.
You’re going on the right direction. Those messages are so much annoying, above all with all the loot we get in HoT
Thank you.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
Waiting for content is a habit in this game, you should be used to it now.
Only 3 months to wait to get one episode of the season 3 :’D
I’m shocked and surprised, for once Anet nerfed the mesmer?!
Wait…that’s what they’ve been doing for 4 years
Bit behind the times guys, Chaos weapons have been in the game for over a year…
We all know that thanks, but many didn’t know why the prices were dropping.
Thanks RoseOfGilead, it’s interesting to know that Zodiac weapons prices are also crashing for this reason.
So, when do you release the fow armors and the voltaic spear (on land, I know it’s already available as an underwater weapon) to go with with the chaos gloves and the tormented shield?
You can have it for 25 pounds on amazon UK and 26 euros on amazon FR.
These are not digital, you’ll receive it at home, so you might pay for delivery depending on where you live.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
That’s not free, you’ve paid an expansion for it…
You’ll get another LS episode. It is a good compensation.
Cmon, does the another useless gold sink more important than story?
We’ll get the living story at least in july lol, what are you going to do untill then, replay the same 4 maps again and again and again?
Legendary weapons where never part of HoT content, they where released after HoT launched. You where required to own HoT to get them..same with raids, we where told they would be coming after HoT launches.
So if anyone is talking rubbish it would be you. Yes Legendary weapons getting canned is bad, but we knew when we got HoT, that they would not ship with it. People need to remember this.
It doesn’t matter if they were released at launch or after, they were part of the advertising of the expansion, and the article promising 16 new weapons has been made few days before the date of release.
It’s false advertising.
Maybe for the next expansion Anet will advertise only what they are sure to deliver…well I understand why they insisted on legendary weapons for Heart of Thorns because that expansion adds so few things that they had to fill it with every ideas they had in mind.
And then people wonder why they don’t tell us everything they’re working on and when they expect it to be finished…
You’ve got the point, they sold us something which was not finished and that they don’t intend to finish
Plus it makes 3 years now that they promised new legendaries, first for free, and then to sell their expansion.
After 3 years they made only 4 weapons, there are serious development issues in this company.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
I’ve never bought gathering tools for this reason.
It’s supposed to be convenient, and actually it’s not . Except if you play on only one character or you want to spend hundred of euros only to get gathering tools on all of your characters of course.
Not that way no.
However, I would be interested in an evoluated system of the alliance versus alliance mode that existed in GW1, with moving borders and factions.
Not only for raids, we would also need one for world bosses, one for HOT maps events, and also one for hero points because now it’s more and more complicated to find people to make these.
I’m sure we need others, but I can’t think about them for the moment.
Well, I guess I’ll just stop playing with my mesmer and play again with my ele.
I’m used to it now, that’s always the same with Anet concerning this class.
The bots are real, I’ve reported 5 in one game. Buddy of mine is streaming this atm, they always take the snowman lane.
Sad thing is, they might be playing on f2p accounts
What would be the point? Can’t move anything out of a F2P account.
Edit: Hmm I guess you could use it to buy guild hall upgrades.
F2P accounts have access to the TP, trading gold that way is easy and that’s how goldsellers are proceeding.
However, Anet is able to see it x)
Well, it’s true that naturally you would presume that 10 euros = 1000 gems because it would be the most logical, but that’s not how Anet decided.
I presume that way you can’t really know in gems how much you’re spending so you spend more, while 10 euros = 1000 gems you would easily see how much you’re spending exactly so it would be less interesting for Anet x)
10 euros = 800 gems, not 1000.
So 400 gems which is half of 800 corresponds to 5 euros, not 4.
Yes, maybe it’s linked to my server and the fact that there would be less people today, I don’t know.
edit : Yup you were right, nothing has changed, I was just lucky because my server was empty I guess.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
When there was a patch earlier I thought this would be the thing they’d be fixing.
No such luck.
It has been improved by far.
It kicks you out from times to times, but very few times compared to before the update.
However, I remark that now when it kicks you out or you leave from the JP, it sometimes ports you at the tp and not before the jumping puzzle portal ><
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
It’s not free, you paid an expansion for it…
It’s THE award of this wintersday, so it seems pretty normal to require from the players to play to all the activities.
Three times untill 12th january, you have plenty of time to make it.
Windows 8.1, client 64 bit and same problem, quite boring.
Hope you fix this soon
As always, the first target is the Mesmer.
It’s Déjà vu.
And once again.
As you can see, it says that it has failed while it succeeded, the big chests, but only 15 aurilium and one bag.
And it is not only for me, it was for all of the players.
I’ve experienced this bad bug twice in a row now.
The Octovine meta event has succeeded, but two times, the message that an exalted had to sacrifice appeared, with two opposite consequences:
First, I got only 15 auriliums instead of the 75 I should have get with 100% participation, only one bag instead of 5 etc…
Second, the big chests appeared as the event has succeeded even though the message says that it has failed.
A fix would be appreciated, ‘cause opening the chests in Tarir is costly in aurilium and at this rate, I won’t be able to open that much chests
I don’t think so.
Poor base content and nothing new untill mid january, still lots of things appearing on the cash shop, and now this new direction with the raids in which they are pushing the community to an extreme elitist behaviour therefore excluding the vast majority of the players
It wouldn’t be a problem if raids was the elite content, while dungeons and fractals were created at the same time.
They have killed dungeons and decided not to make any new, they didn’t make any new fractal, but created content which can almost only be made with your guild.
I play a game to play, not to wait that my guild decides to make this content or to wait dozens of minutes to find a correct group via the inappropriate LFG system.
Except if they change this new state of mind, I am pretty sure I won’t prepurchase the next expansion pack.
(edited by Yunielesca.2850)
Why are people so certain that there won’t be any more raids if they don’t get easy in any way? I don’t understand it, I really don’t.
Because the vast majority of players who is excluded from this content won’t pay for this kind of content?
I completely agree with the op. The raid is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
For years, Anet has said that they didn’t want the holy trinity in their game, and what are we seeing for these raids? Need a tank, need a heal, need dps shared between condi and zerk.
If Anet wanted to make the raids as a guild content, as it requires so much preparation that nobody would take 40 minutes to make the correct group, joining on TS etc, they should have said it so, but they did not.
What I see is that the raid is already deserted, few people at the entrance, and there’s not so much lfg announcements for it.
If the aim is to make content for few people, that will miserably fail.
The problem with the female version is clearly the dye areas and the way the four areas are cut.
That’s why, to me, the male version is way better, but not good enough for me to buy it.
Timegate here, weekly cap there… Am I the only one that feels this is what we call artificial longevity?
Rewards sound meh, but still looking forward for doing some 10 man coordinated runs for the sake of having fun.
Well, earning the currency is not limited in time. I rather think that this weekly chest is there to “force” or highly pushes all the PVE players to participate.
You have a warning at the bottom of the message saying that it does not come from Anet, you don’t even need your antivirus for this.
Same problem, and I don’t think it’s intended, ’cause who would throw 125 currencies to get only 10 once?
When trying to ascend via the mini updrafts, it doesn’t always send you into the air.
That’s because you jump into it, just walk into it without jumping and you will have no problem.
Good alt friendly decision.
Even though I’ve made my main character to the 400 points thx to the 100% exploration, which will be completely useless, I’m happy for my other characters which don’t have a lot of exploration but will still be able to get their spe
Yes, it seems that it’s more a megaserver problem with the new maps and I’m still wondering why.
Because the release is in 46 minutes ^^
are you sure
Yes I’m sure, you’ll be able to play it in about 41 minutes now.
Because the release is in 46 minutes ^^