Why not add a queue to enforce balanced teams. This would be for both rated and unrated matches. And of course optional for custom arenas.
Basically for a 4v5 for example, add a queue for the last player until the other side has their 5th ready to play.
The team with 5 would get to pick who sits out so there’s no possibility to exploit team comp or anything.
I don’t understand why 4v5s are still allowed in a competitive game mode for rated. And for unrated matches it’s over half the games which is just an unsatisfying waste of time for both sides. Easy fix for broken game mode.
Eles need redesigned elites. Tornado will have no use. FGS was already only for mobility/escapes. Elemental is only for small scales.
DB was never a good server to WvW in even while they were T2. They were artificially in T2 because NNK/TFV and w/e Asian guilds were keeping their PPT high overnight. Then during NA times all they could or would do is backcap and avoid fights because of low pop/organization during these times.
I don’t know how DB fits in T3, I would think a lot better. If you want T2 scale/style fights, I recommend FA/Mag. Now that FA finally got here and DB’s asymmetric coverage is gone from this tier, T2 is extremely balanced right now for all 3 servers and hopefully T1/T3 or Anet won’t destabilize this anytime soon.
Mix celestial with some knights/ptv/zerk/zealots for WvW. I’ve done the math on this and you get higher effective offense and defense by mixing a good amount of celestial into a balanced build. With a high amount of celestial gear (50%+) you want to emphasize power and toughness for the non-celestial gear.
Full celestial isn’t as good as a mix because the low power means precision and ferocity also counts for less per point which actually means lower final offense/defense (even if the individual stats add up to more). This is for WvW.
For PvE I guess full zerks is always better since damage is predictable…
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
Don’t know what the above posts are saying but 315 ferocity is way better than 100 power… Probably around twice as strong (depends on your power/crit chance). But point-for-point power is pretty much always better.
Honestly I prefer it as it is.
No they don’t stack. If you have multiple movement buffs, you just get the fastest buff available.
This is usually swiftness but I think mist form gives something like +50% movement speed and “One with Air” gets maximum out-of-combat movement speed (in combat) — it doesn’t actually double it, unless walking backwards I guess.
Not “meta” but here’s mine for WvW: http://youtu.be/uX1V3il648I?t=8m48s
I’ve also gotten top 100 in NA solo and team ladders with the build, using celestial of course.
Step by step process.
1. Post your own build to critique.
2. Trash that build and get glassier.
3. Out damage healing signet and blocks.
4. Dodge whatever is needed to be dodged…….(Hammer / eviscerate / etc)
5. Use Stab.
6. Use Signet of Restoration.
7. Stop using soldiers and knights gear.
Seems like a recipe for failure… A warrior will easily win against a glass build. You have to go tanky and win by attrition.
A good warrior is the most difficult match up for ele though.
Basically get tanker, don’t get comboed (run arcane shield, armor of earth, lighting flash), and then you CAN win by attrition. Burning will probably be a big portion of your damage on them.
You’re on defensive mode until they use endure pain and berserker stance. After that, try to get as much burning on as often as possible and whittle down their HP.
Try to save dodges for after you see sigil of intelligence on them. Particularly if they’re switching to either GS or axe. If you’re stunned, that’s when you would stunbreak. Never waste a stun break for random stuns unless you see big damage about to happen because most/all 1v1 warriors are running high crit power and rely on sigil of intelligence for the spike.
Basically, if GW2 had better PvP modes, PvP would be better.
Thing is I play pvp games like your suppose too, but when you play it irregularly like a game after 2 weeks, I go up faster that way than playing a game everyday.
Like I said I was 95% before the decay started happening. If you win a game you go up 1% if your on leaderboards you go up like 100 spots. I went up 1% and 100 spots, as if I won 2 games.
You guys can babble about me facing better mmr players and won it so I went up faster, but I been playing pvp so long I know that’s nothing but mumble jumble. Because I know for fact that you only go up 1% and down 1% now. Its never going to be ‘since you lost to bunch of newbs, you go down 5%’.
Also whats your take on if you decay from 300 on leaderboard all way to 0%, you think they should be granted free ride all way back to 300?
Maybe its good because this pvp community is so small it doesn’t even matter.
That’s not correct. The fact that YOU do only go up and down 1% from wins and losses means that you have played a lot of games and there are a large pool of players at the skill level you play. Just because you think you see a different pattern doesn’t mean it’s using a different system for you.
It’s based on the ELO rating system which roughly means the MMR of both your team and the other team is accounted for. It’s possible you can win and go up or down far more than 1 percentile depending on your games played, your team’s MMR and the other team’s MMR but because there are a large pool of players at your level, it’s able to give you very balanced matches. Consider yourself lucky.
Also, as stated above, the leaderboard is meaningless so what is the “free ride” here? The alternative is to “reward” more active players over more skilled players which means the leaderboard would have the more active players, even if more skilled players (who might play less) could regularly beat them. As much cheese as there is in GW2’s pvp, it’s better to have a skill-based leaderboard over a grind based leaderboard.
I am now top 7 on the leaderboard after 11 games played. So stronk and very legit ofc.
The rating goes by team result, not player or player score in game (which would be dumb), so that happens when you get carried a lot of games early on. Keep playing and the MMR will find your skill rather than your luck. If you kept up the same results consistently you really would be top 7 and not just getting lucky teams.
Just because a vocal subset of players hate it and posts on the forums continually doesn’t mean that the general population dislikes it.
Actually, the reverse is true.
Because that thread only asks for the “favorite” map, a choice like skyhammer may appear to be much more popular than it really is.
Let’s say that about 70% of the playerbase dislikes skyhammer enough to want it removed from solo arena. There are probably another 20% who don’t care too much, and 10% who like it.
So imagine that 90% of the playerbase spreads their votes around 6 different maps—about 15% per map, varying fairly widely from map to map. Skyhammer comes in at a solid 10% and appears to be not significantly less popular than other maps, even though only one in ten players actually like the map.
This. Maybe a poll for “Least favorite map” would be more telling.
So what that my favorite map isn’t skyhammer. Usually after playing skyhammer I feel like quitting tpvp so I go to to WvW to roam, which is much better fights than than stealth mesmer pulls, perma stealth scorpion wires, and un-dodgable cannons.
Does a simple “favorite map” poll account for that sentiment?
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
It’s a huge problem in hotjoins to the point that they’re not worth playing because it’s almost every game.
I don’t care about soloQ or teamQ, it almost never happens there.
After a few weeks inactivity in teamQ I was in the percentiles. Then I lost a single teamQ game and went up to 90 on the leaderboard (was formerly around 86). So losing still brings your leaderboard ranking back to your MMR.
There’s nothing wrong with how it works. MMR is an invisible variable for match making while the leaderboard is just a status thing. MMR should NOT decay with inactivity or else you would have people coming back after a week or two of inactivity and then roflstomping a few games till the “MMR” caught up again. It just would not make sense to have MMR decay.
- Random Arena : Pretty much like soloQ but instead of leaving after the map you won you stay with the people you had and continue to win, the more you win the more you have points (for RA title) and loot with a max of 25 consecutives wins, you can also leave after one game if you don’t like the party and you’ll find a last while it’s looking for your next opponent.
RA WikiSounds great on paper, but with the low population now that would be horrible. The losing team will be scattered then reformed to fight the same team they can’t beat. It be almost as bad as when sync queuing was a thing.
It was exactly the same in GW1 and it worked fine. RA was the most popular PvP mode.
Um.. 6 times now. Guess I’ll try one more before submitting a bug report.
Edit: it ended. kittening ridiculous though.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
6^5 is 1 in 7776 chance for a 5 game sequence.
Is it my lucky day or is soloQ broken??
Score should be paused when teams are uneven for hotjoin.
The problem with skyhammer is it’s not balanced for all classes. It’s basically made for mesmers, engies, and one thief build. I’m not sure what the intention was in the design but it’s kittening stupid to keep it in the soloQ rotation.
Sigil of air scales with power, not condition damage.
Since this is PvP and not PvE, activation per 10 seconds is meaningless because you’re not doing constant hits. With fury up it will be roughly 25% chance to proc per hit with 3 a second cooldown afterwards. You have to model that with how you’ll actually be landing attacks.
This means against a very evasive class like a thief where you don’t get hits in that often, it could easily add around +20% damage because ICD becomes less important. Against a guardian where you may be hitting them almost constantly so the ICD becomes a much bigger factor, the % damage increase will be much lower.
I agree you can’t discount sigil of doom just because it can be cleansed. The cleanse itself is usually a resource.
250 power gives in the range of a 10% damage increase for a balanced ele build (will vary with stats).
Air probably procs every ~ 1/8 hits but will depend on attunement, play style, and crit chance. In theory if you’re not hitting often it can go up to every 1/4 hits assuming good fury uptime and normal precision (= ~50% crit chance). When it procs it does close to what a lightning whip critical does (slightly less).
To be equal in a 1v1 in this case, it would need to proc every 1/10 hits and do identical damage to an ‘average damage hit,’ whatever number that may be.
So it depends on frequency, crit chance, and average damage/hit relative to a proc. I don’t know an accurate average damage/hit which of course depends on play stayle and skill use but just in my head, it would seem to me air is considerably more than a +10% increase, closer to the range of +15% or easily higher.
But this is considering single target damage excluding the possibility of cleaves on clones or minions. If looking at AoE, of course 250 power would become better. Then again, with bloodlust, you do have to get the stacks before you see the benefit. I would much rather use air.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
Sigil of battle is already better after 9-10 seconds. And way better after the next swap.
I would think air adds more DPS unless you’re something close to full zerk.
I don’t know about intelligence but the arcane buff procs even for attacks that miss. Arcane retribution won’t activate nearly as much as the maximum possible on paper. Ferocity in general is the weakest offensive stat.
A lot of these crits will be activating at random times which means it’s not any better then crits from precision.
It’s not worth giving up so many utility and trait slots for a build like that where most of the crits will not even be on-demand.
GS+Mace/shield are basically crit power/bunker builds with huge crits relying on stun>swap>sigil of intelligence to burst. I’ve seen these for a long time in OS, particularly mace shield+GS but I guess it’s catching up to the meta now.
You need all 3 utilities as stun breaks/teleport and good dodges to beat them and even then, it may be hard to get damage on if they’re playing smart because they can be kiting between their big cooldowns. They’ll also be running -condition so it’s almost impossible to keep them at range but the main thing you need to watch out for is their stun+ combo.
The Mace/shield+GS will generally have very low damage except their burst so you should be saving stun breaks exclusively for the stun, swap,100 blades combo and need to do that fast when you do finally get caught. Depending on crits the 100 blades spike can regularly do 15k+ damage within the stun duration if you have ~2400 armor which can mean full to zero. Attrition is not their goal, they would be at a disadvantage playing like that—it’s all about their spike and between that, they’ll try to minimize damage which may mean kiting with GS, shield blocks, or trying to get you to burn cooldowns.
D/D seems at a big advantage in terms of build wars because GS, shield, and -conditions can kite and mitigate d/d so well in combat. I had a long fight with one of these, probably about 5-8 minutes where he was kiting damage and I managed to dodge almost all his stuns but he finally caught me with no stun breaks and it was a full to 0 combo with 100 blades. I concluded even if you play perfect, it’s likely to lose to this build 1v1 because build wars. I imagine it’s not nearly as useful in a team though.
Hammer+axe/shield I haven’t seen as much of or at least not much that were any good but that would be more about attrition and constant damage then a cheese spike. I would assume it also uses crit power + sigil of intelligence in the build though.
I’ve been considering testing +40% condition food vs warriors for the cc to stick better.
I love firegrab as is, it’s a skillshot that has a lot of satisfaction tied to landing a nice big one.
Agreed. I’m happy with hard skill shots with big rewards.
If anything is in need of a rework, it’s some of the scepter skills like water 2… Probably fire 2 as well.
Hydromancy radius: 240
D/x normal skill range: 300~600.
I’m curious about the damage on this that would justify using a 9 second ICD sigil that would be out of range much of the time.
At least it’s is useful on my trident since it’s whole reason to exist is to get out of water ASAP.
I give up….
Don’t give up, L2P.
Ok so coming back with some results from you guy’s input – I help my team defend home and just roam around the map and I feel much more impactful. However with 1v1’s I have begun to notice I don’t seem to do much damage, is there a dps rotation I can use? At the moment all I do fire 3/fire 5/fire 4/earth 2/earth 4/air 1 spam
Besides fire 2, 3, 4, and 5, use earth 2 for cripple (all purpose), earth 3 for cc or combo in a firefield for bonus points, or to track stealth (earth 4 is a good followup), air 5 to setup fire 3. water 3 for chill or blast, water 2 for damage+heal (it’s very good damage), lightning 2 for damage mitigation and stamina drain.
Of course I’m not describing these as a rotation, they’re just skills you should be using all the time.
When I just started D/D, damage seemed very low until I understood where the damage is coming from and how to put it on. I guess the main things are make sure you’re keeping burning on as much as possible, blast your two fire fields at every opportunity, and try to land the burst at the end of burning speed as much as possible.
When you’re not getting hit or have stability up, earth 5 as a blast finisher, to zone a point, AoE cripple, bomb a down, with teleport, or all the above at once… At lower MMR, most people don’t know the timing to dodge this skill. In the worst case it will force a dodge and give you a 3 might. Or else force a stun.
There are good combos between fire to other attunements or other attunements to fire but no rotations because that’s contingent on what you need in the fight, what skills land successfully that can setup something bigger, and what you have available at the time.
As an alternative start for D/D you can rush the other team’s far point and contest it on almost all maps. If I have a guardian to mid I’ll usually try this. You just need to watch out about being collapsed on from mid.
If you’re using the Possible Healing and Effective HP values for anything, do be aware of the note on cell A31; the possible healing is basically how much health you would recover if you used every healing skill/attack available to D/D consecutively.
The healing calculations are probably the weakest and most rigid part of this spreadsheet, so make sure to check the cell comments to make sure the calculations will work for your situation.
(Edit: There was confusion about EHP and Zealot’s gear here, but I figured out where Zephyrus was going with it after I posted)
This sheet used to have a control for “% of damage taken is condition damage” way back when, which would increase the value of healing power/vitality, but I could never get really good test results to enter meaningful values for it. Maybe I should add that control back in?
I realized that was how you were counting healing power. I was already considering zealots gear but didn’t have a good way to compare healing power with some of these other secondary stats like ferocity or precision my head.
Since I’ll typically use all healing skills more than once in a fight, and also since healing power combats condition damage while toughness does not, I value healing power with a higher weight than it’s “EHP” value. It might be good to have the ability to weight EHP considering condition damage or have a separate EHP value for condition damage exclusively which would probably just be HP +1 healing rotation.
What legitimate PvP build/class do you think is the 3rd most mobile?
I’m assuming windborne dagger or zephyr’s boon. You would probably want one of those on D/D if you actually cared about mobility.
If a mesmer used mass invis they might or they might not escape. Stealth is a guessing game. Not sure the point there.
Not sure your point on guardians or necros… Good necros can be a challenge. Guardians generally not.
I’m not having problems being caught by rangers or engies.
XvsX elementalist is excellent on pretty much any set. wth…
Speaking of the sigil of intelligence: has anyone tried building around it?
Something along the lines of having lots of cav/valkyrie gear (not much in the way of precision stat at all) and relying on the sigil to proc your crit dmg. I ask because I know a thief that used to use a the 100% crit chance from stealth trait thus using valk/cav gear they could be super tanky and hit like a truck.
Pretty much every “good” warrior in OS has done that since it’s ideal for warrior skills in 1v1, almost cheese. They can’t usually do much until you’re out of stun breaks and get caught in a stun. It can take a while, but then they win. I don’t see it working with ele because D/D’s spike in fire is not reliable like that and also attunement swaps would proc it at random. 1-trick spikes don’t work against any decent player. You’ll still need precision because ferocity in general is the weakest offensive stat, by a lot.
Sigh … Why don’t people who want to contribute to damage calculations just contact me?? It’s a shame to see work being done twice when we could improve on what has been done instead!
Pretty sure he did improve on what’s been done before. It’s all about the presentation.
There’s plenty of math that’s been floating around on reddit as well but for one, I’m not aware of anyone doing EHP like that before, including healing power. And also combining an easy way to compare defensive and offensive stats at a glance.
It’s looking like some zealots is actually a reasonable alternative to berserker on my build.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
Intelligence, Energy or doom for roaming would be the only others I would consider, probably intelligence. I suspect sigil of intelligence will be nerfed down to 2 attacks at some point because of how much it’s being abused on warriors.
There’s no way Force even comes close to air or intelligence for damage.
One of the most useful things I’ve ever found on these forums, thanks!
Good way to factor healing power into effective HP too. After crunching some numbers I ended up switching a couple pieces of gear.
Ele is mobile only if he wants to flee with a fgs, that won t work btw to follow your target..
Why not? You can use it to close gaps and then drop it once you have big skills up. What’s your point there anyway? If you’re chasing someone you shouldn’t need it anyway unless you’re running a build that can’t kill anything period.
Are classes other than warrior or thief outrunning you? Otherwise I don’t understand what you’re trying to point out about the 3rd most mobile class.
If you want to talk about balance compare the skill with equivalent skills in the class (other ele heal skills). Or else consider the class as a whole with another class. If you pick and choose one skill from one class and another from another class, it’s not going to be meaningful.
For example, signet of malice (thief heal-on-hit) is positively terrible compared to signet of restoration because not only is the healing lower, the heal is on-hit, not skill use. Should I use this logic to say signet of restoration needs a nerf? It’s not meaningful to make that comparison while ignoring everything else.
Balance is about choices. Signet of resto is a strong choice (compared to other ele heals) for non-glass d/d, d/f builds, as well as s/x builds. If you agree with this, you can’t claim it needs a buff. But pointing to different skills on different classes while ignoring everything else about the class differences is meaningless.
Much of the answer boils down to how much emphasis you put on a single, small-scale fight/duel out in the open world. More often than not, who wins means nothing more than the egos behind it try to place on it.
My vote for best goes with “the profession you have the most fun roaming with”. For me, that’s Power Necro.
Whatever a player does in WvW, unless he is a commander, will be insignificant by itself either way. So, it all comes to down to the fun factor that you get from doing whatever you do, and to a lot of people that involves killing other players by themselves.
Why do you have the most fun roaming with the power necro?
What does it bring to the table? I am interested in knowing.
PPT is insignificant, WvW is all about the fights anyway.
But assuming you’re referring to PPT, that’s not true. Roamers just flipping camps can do more than a full zerg unless everyone is in K-train mode. Sometimes when things are really dead you can flip all 6 camps on a borderland which is actually worth more than soloing a keep (which can also be done solo, given enough time…). I did all 6 camps several times in seasons vs BG — supposedly the most populated server. I don’t even care about PPT, it’s just that’s what I’ll do when looking for people to fight.
If there are zergs on the map, roamers will usually be scouting them as well. Not sure how you could consider that insignificant.
Anyway, the best roamers are GS warriors and thieves. Worst I think are necros and guardians.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
WWW …….
What have both mesmer and thief builds, ele lacks?
They can go offensive because they have surviving mechanics.Ele can ’t be built like pvp to be balanced.
You won t prevent your opponent to escape while you won t be able to escape yourself.Opposite to what happens in PvP.
And in case of multiple opponents(and allies) they focus you because DD:
If tank does no damage
If DPS can t do anything to prevent a fast Death
If balanced is like dps.You lack a role….everything you can think of is made better by more than 2-3 other professions…(except for zerging).
It’s pretty much the opposite of all this.
Ele is very well suited to a balanced build or a more defensive stat setup because of hybrid damage from constant burning and the amount of damage coming from might.
Ask a mesmer or thief if they can do damage on a more tanky build. Of course there are condition builds but condition builds don’t make big plays, they’re more 1v1/roaming builds and not even much better if at all. PU mesmers are a not a big threat and can’t even consistently win 1v1s anyway — I’m assuming this since I haven’t lost to one since coming back to GW2 over a month ago.
Thieves in WvW are pretty much 0 risk. In pvp they’re decent, S/D can at least play on the same level, D/D thief can win a 1v1 but not often. If you’re seeing something completely different, learn to play thief.
For mobility/cc, your opponent will not be able to escape (except GS warrior and lucky thieves) and you yourself will be able to escape pretty much at will. If you already wasted the skills you would have needed, learn to play (learn to think ahead).
RTL: 1200 range
Lightning flash: 900 range
Burning speed: 600 range
Total: 2700 range. That will usually break combat.
Here’s an example of that distance: http://youtu.be/yZ4A0C6hmpc?t=15s
If you run it (I don’t), add in FGS for another 900+900 (1800) range of dashes on short cooldown.
In small groups, let them try and focus. All utilities taken by eles are generally defensive. Both d/d and staff have plenty of defensive skills, d/d in particular.
For roles, eles can fill in almost any role and multiple roles at once and can excel in just about any scale, whether solo, small team, or zerg. Would you call all roles lack of roles? X, Y, or Z class/build being better at a single specific role is just balance.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
I’ve noticed condition ele is very strong 1v1 which seems true of condition builds in general. I would be more interested to see how it fares in 1v2 or possibly 1v3 situations. 1v2 is my pretty much my limit with a non-condition ele. There are very few 1v3s I can do because of how fast I will melt when caught in big damage.
I may have to try something like this with an exotic set.
I’ve never found it worth getting cleansing water on D/D anyway. Auras will be much more mitigation in a team fight, not even counting the offensive capability, but slightly weaker in a 1v1 situation.
There’s almost no point to powerful auras unless you get zephyr’s boon (already a great skill for D/D without aura share). Or maybe elemental shielding. It’s either one or the other unless you give up EA which I don’t think is worth it.
You’re basically looking at 0/2/0/6/6 or 0/0/2/6/6. Maybe 0/2/2/6/4 for a more passive aura/boon support build.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
Try using either windborne dagger or zephyr’s boon. Only some warriors and SB thieves have higher mobility. Usually it’s only the troll warrior builds that are able to run.
Maybe I’m in the minority for preferring windborne dagger for mobility that will always be useful, over renewing stamina, for a few extra dodges that I probably won’t even use in a fight.
My point in saying you can’t disregard skill level is also that, given equal player skill level between opponents, x class/build vs y class/build at, say, the 50th percentile will often go very differently than the same thing at, say, the 95th percentile.
For example, thieves have always been a classic case for this since the average player really doesn’t know how to deal with stealth and thief mechanics, even against an average thief.
Not sure if the OP is referring to average roaming or dueling top players. You can’t simply disregard skill level. Some classes like thief I’ll beat maybe 90% until I find a really good player who wins against me 3/4s of the time. The skill caps are different on every class which makes it impossible to come up with a general % win/loss for 1v1 (not that 1v1 is even that meaningful).
If you hang around OS in T2 at least, you’ll see a lot of different fights than the average classes found roaming. Over the last week I’ve faced a D/P-S/D thief that I lost about 75% to (20+ duels), warriors (mace shield/ GS crit spike) that I could only beat maybe 1/8 even knowing stun breaks are their counter, a zerker mes I went 0-3 to (only mes I’ve lost to in a long time), a tanky condition ranger that I don’t even know what he was running, and a couple condition eles I couldn’t beat. While pretty much everyone I find roaming I can beat just because the average skill level seems much lower than people specifically looking to duel in OS. So I’m really not sure how you could come up with an accurate assessment class vs class like that when skill and specific builds are such a huge factor.
Overall I would say ele is fine in terms of 1v1 balance, which is a big improvement from pre-patch. In PvP they add a lot in a team (both staff and d/d) though I’m not seeing a huge amount of eles, compared to, say, necros or warriors which are all over the top 100-200. This implies some degree of balance but not overpowered.
I was doing the HOST change to .txt and i did that and it changed it to a txt file, now when i try to remove the .txt, nothing happens! its still a .txt file!
Can i revert it back? i cannot undo change at this point. Any help would be great!
Same here, I’m at a loss at how to revert it.
Only thing I can think is your PC is set to hide file extensions so when you remove the .txt, windows thinks you just want to remove it from the name and not the file extension.
Look up how to show file extensions on your operating system, then when you remove the .txt it should change the file type back.
Alternatively you may be able to copy another file from the “etc” folder, save the edited hosts txt file over that which will make it a ‘generic’ file again, then rename that to hosts.
This worked for me:
Find your hosts file here: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
Copy/paste the hosts file to your desktop.
Rename the file so it becomes “hosts.txt”
Now open the file with notepad. (you need to run as admin if you have that option)
Add this line at the bottom: assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com
Save the file.
Now rename the file again to delete the .txt so it has no file extension anymore and is just “hosts” again.
Now go replace your old hosts file with this new edited one on your desktop.
If you have the GW2 launcher already open, restart it.
This was someone else’s fix, but it worked for me when the Google DNS didn’t work right away.
On FIOS, this worked for me. Patch downloaded in seconds. Thanks much!
If you’re adding in might, you also have to account for fury which is equal to 420 precision. I cannot see how assassin’s this could be worth using on Ele post patch.
Vitality lets you not insta die but it doesn’t help you survive longer in a sustained fight. So basically you need enough vitality to not insta-die from big combos but after that, toughness is going to get you further because it allows your healing to keep up. If you’re getting warn down over time you need more toughness.
If you’re getting insta-nuked then you do need the vitality. But I know you’re not getting insta-nuked because cantrips stop that. Your build also has 300 vitality through traits. You should to drop vitality and add toughness and damage.
The best way to add damage is through power and next best is through precision. Knights is not quite ideal as a set IMO (should be power main) but it does give the stats you need.
Personally I would drop mist form for either arcane shield or cleansing fire. Drop FGS for elemental. Drop sigil of energy for sigil of battle and possibly drop bloodlust for sigil of air.
But the main thing is probably not stats, it’s learning to play (not meant in a condescending way). Thieves are now fairly easy for D/D except for the very best.