Hi Evan!!
Yesterday you asked if there was any Sigils I would 100% take every time I found mine and posted them on reddit also
Sigil of Exploitation Deal 5% extra damage to targets below 50% health.
Sigil of Opportunity Deal 5% extra damage to movement-impaired foes.
So with Executioner thats a 32% dps increase.. Then we can throw in sigil of intelligence for a 100% crit chance on weapon swap for 3 hits ..
Even after all that ive still got 1 more sigil slot I could throw in that im still theorycrafting about.
Also the Sigil of Revelation range needs toned down to be melee range only to be fair to the idea of stealth mechanics in the current game. The idea behind this is if I’m stealing +backstab to an enemy and im not even in melee range he could just weapon swap and totally cancel my spike with litterally no counterplay to it. It was also mess up stealth rezzing if it was a large AOE effect. the CD rate is totally fine.
(edited by ades.1386)
Balance right here guys… this sums up the whole season.. UNBLOCKABLE PULLS, traps that HEAL even if EVADED (yeah that makes sense) oh and they dont go away… youre looking at a comp that can put 9 traps on 1 spot and never have to worry about a cap from an enemy.
This is just a coin toss in the air:
Sometimes I’m in a fight which I will win so easily or lose so certainly I wonder why my or the opponents team won’t just surrender.Now of course we don’t want surrendering to be a casual thing, so there must be some criteria. Lets say that the option to /gg becomes available in pvp once the following conditions have been met:
- The opponents team has more than double your points, or the gap is larger than 150 points
- your team has a member which is offline or hasn’t left the spawn point in over 1 minute
- more than 7 minutes of play time has passed
(please, I don’t want this to turn into a flamewar of opinions, its just a coin toss and I want to have a civil conversation about it)
I would add in if x amount (2-3) teamates has zero points by 5 minutes in you can surrender, overall i really like this idea!
Min, Reckless, Sind, Vallun, Bruno, myself and many other of us all play D/P over staff,
like the posts before staff is a telegraph, does not offer the team support of stealth and blast fields that d/p does nor the clean spike from backstab (if used right on a low target thats an ista down/kill for your team) by going staff/ bw you give up the stealth fields for your team, the mobility from shadowshot, you give up the interrupts from headshot, the burst from heartseeker+auto chain.
Staff is yes great for teamfights and holding on nodes. However that said, that is not your job as thief, thiefs job is to use the mobility of its class to +1, decap and FINISH a fight QUICKLY. By holding a pocket in staff not doing the listed above you are not helping your team to its full potential.
Staff/ D/P:
If anyone has some interesting d/p dash builds i am open to them as well, Im generally looking for anything that can solo roam decently
you got beat in a 2v1 against a thief.. Im sorry but either you 2 are really bad or that thief is above average.
Thief is easy to kill and should be even easier in a 2v1, you drop aoes, condi and force it to play against you, your problem you tried to play on its terms by letting it dodge around and evade.
lets say its a d/d thief spamming 3, well you would simply evade, or interupt when it tries to cnd off you, that shuts down about 1/2 its skills, then you would simply counter it with aoe or burst when it lands.
Staff thief is even easier, Vault is a MASSIVE telegraph, many classes can either block, evade, dodge or drop aoe where its gona land so its forced to move again blowing a dodge.
The fact it beat you 1v2 to you, means you and your teamates failed to recognize the counters, and focus an area/ lock it down, a thief should almost never win a 1v2 let alone as you described a 1v3 in your advantage if im understanding what you are trying to describe.
Im going to have to agree here, as a thief main anytime my DH can hold long enough for me to come back and help it so we can make it +1 situation were gona win, (goes without saying because we outnumber) this is the way it should work ideally.
Now heres where the problem lies the usual team in soloq you will run into 2 DHs and a Mesmer
You will have 1 Dh bunker home all game so it makes it very hard to commit a decap on far if attacking. Said Mesmer will also thrown down a portal on its home (essentially making a 2vx on far for you) while it plays on mid to help out the other DH bunkering mid with x classes also on that team.
Your teams problem is now you must somehow either abandon your home node (so their thief/mes/x can quick decap it or worse port to it and full cap then come back to their home if needed) so if you push mid to make a fair fight youre already at a disadvantage because now they can peel off whenever because you all commited. While your teams decap class is forced to either play the sides and watch home for inc (then rush back home and stall while your team wins mid or pulls off)
ALL of this going on bear im mind skills and rotations are going on. That is way long enough for passive boons and traits to reset so X team can gain a reset DURING A FIGHT (This should never happen remember Season 1 & 2???) so now you mave have broken down the passives and defenses of the Mes and DH combo well too bad their up again, so you start over.
Our other problem lies with the magic 30 pip range. The majority of players would rather have better matches waiting an extra 30 secs – 2 min to have a better game than get shoved into horribly lopsided fights in the sake of “speeding up a game”
This season has had a lot of problems that need addressed extremely quickly if we dont want to lose even more people for next Season.
Lets see…
Raids : Rev is better and has more support, you bring a thief if you need nothing but pure raw dps, Thief is pretty low on the wanted class list
PvP : you are the stay out of fights decap/+1 bot, the job of the thief is to run around decaping rotating the map and jumping into any fight they can quickly finish. Thief is not a 1v1 class
WvW: Other than roaming thief and the new vemonshare (not really new, weve been using venomshare in wvw zergs forever) There are many classes that do better condi damage, have more health, get more buffs and can provide better group support than a thief.
Most thieves are used as scouts to flip camps and sentries or they group up with another class for easy +1 fights.
Many people are pretty unhappy with their Thieves currently, we were hoping this patch would change some things but really it didnt do anything to improve the Thief.
Gota second Terissimo, her playstyle is fast and agressive, she explains what is going on and how to pay attention to it, she breaks down positioning timing, combos and has pretty regular updates.
Actually.. this would fix a lot of problems with passives procing such as Engis invaun state on low health (when he goes small), Warriors Endure Pain, Stealth on low health, and could break through Eles Diamond skin and Mesmers boons.
Its really not that far out of the design realm and would provide some much needed buffs to steal, as it currently sits most thieves either use it for interupts/dps or in wvw with the condi meta running rampant to steal boons and hide while the condis tick off in stealth
Allowing us to bypass passive buffs BY TACTICAL PLAY instead of say another gimmick would be a welcome addition and add some complexity but it would also reward thieves greater than the current steal skill.
So ive been playing Thief since for a very long time now, however Ive still always had trouble with condi staff mesmers while playing d/p.
Generally ill flip to Sb to try to get the clones away however they just keep spamming condis and shatters. Is there another weapon setup or way to approach the fight I should be looking at?
Hi all please note I have never played condi in my life so this build is probably horrible, I am currently looking into trying a condi build, please give me any suggestions or ideas.
Paging Noble Soul…
Its pretty close to the meta WvW D/P build, except I flipped in bandits defense for blocks, Haste trait for damage and quickness/stunbreak. Also I’m not to sure whether to keep in blinding powder or flip it for another skill.
I opted for warrior runes for the HP and weapon swap cd helping my sigil of intelligence crit bursts, however Im still having some trouble dealing with condi classes in wvw such as chronos and staff necros/reapers. Is there another viable option for food/runes that I should be looking at that would help?
(edited by ades.1386)
I spent about an hour or so on the DBL the problem is roaming on it is pointless, theres to much time between objects to do anything, while you run from your spawn and grab 2 camps and some sentries (maybe a tower if you have enough people) the enemy team is over there backcapping you, or upgrading the entire north of the map, the problem is
TOWERS ARE NOT VIABLE! Lets look at EBG a small group can grab a tower then siege it up to put pressure on a keep and keep an eye on camps, the DBL have none of that towers are simply worthless land masses for xp and points, they provide no strategic positioning.
Either more them closer to keeps so they can provide some kind advantage similar to the Alpine BLs or rework them so they hold more importance. Currently it is not worth capping towers other than ppt.
X T D.6458
3)How do you feel about the rate you earn reward track points?
I am not sure I like that this is based on being progressed by the scoring tick. I think it should be more fluid and progress whenever you do anything that contributes to the track. This way progress is not lost if someone has to leave and its before a scoring tick advances their bar. People should not be encouraged to just stick around waiting for the tick just to advance their bar, because it could cause issues especially if people are trying to get on the map to defend something.
+1 Awesome Idea, theres many times players cant stay a whole tick due to time constraints, or theres slow periods where after a big fight, people will jump off after a raid ends or winds down, so by slowing down the action were being hurt because there isnt that ongoing participation anymore which takes away from that progress we just made.
1.How do you feel overall about reward tracks?
While they are headed in the right direction this creates a problem that needs to be looked into as it currently stands, the largest participation should scale according a few things based on size (a 40 man blob should not get the same percent as a small 5 man team capping a tower because its easier and encourages blobing to get rewards, we already see this in eotm), a roamer and havoc squad of 5 should be be able to hit the 550% cap just like a blob without being forced into a numbers game. Scouting, repairing, yak escorting while easy is still vital to the gamemode and needs to give rewards or nobody will bother defending anything, successful defends should also give greater rewards if your team is outnumbered.
We are now able to generate wealth and achieve some sort of goal in WvW which is fantastic! Im averaging roughly 2g an hour from my track, salvaging, and gathering, so I am now able to cover my food costs much easier.
2.What are your thoughts on the rate at which you gain participation?
I again would look at my issues with the track, it feels very based on what is happening in WvW, if youre primarily a early morning NA player like myself, there is very little chance for me to hit 100% in my 2 hour timeframe I have of playing simply because there isnt enough going on, or not enough people, rewards and population need to be tied to encourage diversity vs blobbing for an objective to get the most percentage possible.
3.How do you feel about the rate you earn reward track points?
Currently it feels like I am not being fully rewarded enough for solo roaming and the percentage at which I earn feels slightly slower than the PvP tracks pending on timezone I am playing in (either early NA mornings, or before NA prime) there simply isnt enough going on to generate a decent amount of participation to hit that tick quick enough.
4.Overall, what are your impressions about the types of reward tracks we have?
Cant complain here, we now have an option to get skins, transmute stones, and other things we would of had to jump to other game modes to get.
5.Are there any other reward tracks you would really like to see?
Make a class specific reward track that should roughly take 1 week to complete assuming a 2-4 gameplay per day average player, consisting of food, stones, oils, at the lower end of the track then lead up to chests of exotic equipment then follow it by set of 6 superior runes we can choose (Account bound of course to prevent tp crashes) this will let us try out new builds without spending small fortunes on the tp. At the very end grant us a choice of either X Laurels, a static amount of gold (maybe 2-3g) or 1 ascended gear piece (account bound on acquire) of which we can pick our stats. Naturally this would compete with crafting and Fractals but the goal is too keep people in WvW as much as possible, by allowing us other means to gain gear you keep players in the gamemode.
Airships and banners are disabled unless Outnumbered Buff is active.
Even just did the planning and resolution for you guys, it’s just time write the code and add it to the next iteration.
This is an amazing idea!!!
it would still support defending and help the numbers game. giving it to the outnumbered team provides a fair chance in a successful defense without it being abused by the larger team.Except it is abusable and goes against Anet’s design philosophy around the ‘Outnumbered’ buff.
If a larger force is attacking SMC, what stops a large, organized group from leaving EB, having someone activate the AC130 gunship, E-waypoint, and then have everyone waypoint back in? Anet doesn’t want players yelling at other players just to get a buff, thats why they refuse to make the Outmanned buff give any worthwhile stat increases.
And the idea also says that guild groups big enough to even afford the upgrade cant use it, they have to leave it slotted and hope someone uses it for them. They don’t get to reap the reward of all their farming.
This solution mitigates a problem while causing 3 more.
This would point it to only being able to use if originally outnumbered, the larger force would never be able to activate it. There would never be a chance for the team with more numbers to use the ship ever. If the buff went away the airship would stop and cancel out nulling it ineffective. SMC also would have swords up so you wouldnt be able to waypoint back into it and use the airship. Once the larger force came back and outnumbered the attacking team the banners, frost and ship would not be able to pop.
(edited by ades.1386)
Airships and banners are disabled unless Outnumbered Buff is active.
Even just did the planning and resolution for you guys, it’s just time write the code and add it to the next iteration.
This is an amazing idea!!!
it would still support defending and help the numbers game. giving it to the outnumbered team provides a fair chance in a successful defense without it being abused by the larger team.
Ive worked closely with Coron and Grimaldi for many years in game now so I figure ill throw my 2c in also..
Anytime you can use 1 player/1 item to totally nullify the effect of an entire group (15+) from lets put this into matter of fact a PVE item (seriously why include forcing pve grinding into wvw?) the cost for these is so high it forces small guilds to play at a severe handicap to which there is no hope.
Lets say youve got a 40 man guild at high level guild hall you break out 2 dragon banners, a turtle banner and your sheer numbers against a small 15 man guild.. now before the small group could use skill and tactics of the map (ie chokes, walls, gateways, bridges) to try to hold their own, with these banners you can now grant a perma might, stab, fury, protection and throw it into you comp. The smaller team has 2 choices, either die or run.
This has been going on ever since banners came into play. Ill set up the daily situation we face in T2 on SoS, we are outnumbered nightly, somehow we manage to break outer SMC open, now we face frost damage, cold movement debuff, an absurd Airship with mass aoe damage every 3 minutes, cannons mortars, defenders and another wall in our way. All outnumbered there is no way the smaller team has a chance to coordinate an attack and it very well cant sit and wait due to the airship pounding down, so they are forced back out to wait for a cool down. While SMC gains more supply and upgrades automatically. giving the defenders more time to set up.
Being outnumbered in fights leads to other problems (which is being addressed instead of implemented swiftly) Lets say your side gets lucky and downs 8 out of a 30 man group (thats a pretty good chunk in wvw) youve now got a problem, that other 22 can still push you while their backline can simply stop WHILE IN COMBAT and rez those you just killed completely negating your teams efforts.
For small scale roamers:
Auto upgrades are the worst thing we can have happen to us, ill give a scenario your 5 man havoc comes around and sets up to take down a wall, its a fight against time as this wall is upgrading, refreshing its defenses, and again negating your efforts. Havocs have absolutely no way to combat these mega defenses in place. they are also shown on map by sentry taking out their small sneaky efforts. Solo caping a camp is time consuming and not rewarding due to the auto upgrade system made doubly hazardous due to the new BLs terrains defenses harming movement and reactions for your small defenders and reaction teams.
What we want as a community is a system that doesnt rely on PvE to be competitive, fair rewards for our efforts, server balance (not an easy fix I know), and most importantly to feel like our efforts are worth it.
We know a Beta Test is coming (we like this) what we need from it is hard open feedback and strong testers (veterans, hardcore wvw players, streamers, GvGrs, roamers and defenders) not a mass public advertisement similar to the new BLs where we waited and waited to ktrain around the map(That isnt normal WvW its advertising and false hope) that will be reviewed, edited and taken into deep consideration. 3rd we need a date, a hard matter of fact date (You are marrying us and the invitations are being sent out you cannot change the date and expect people to show up with no notice) Weve got a new family (new WvW forming but nobody knows whats going to happen) we need details of the frosting, cake(rewards) and life after the ceremony(beta test) in this case.
(edited by ades.1386)
Just had my 1st arena GvG last night.. few things I noticed that need to fixed without any upgrades required
1. Map is way to small for a 15 vs 15 if you both stand on the edges and go 1 ring in (ring being the design pattern) you can bomb the other side
2. This arena NEEDS a countdown timer – coordinating a go timer based on map chat doesnt work due to suppression and counting in guild chat doesnt work when you are repping another guild
3. Getting people to a guild hall is a abysmal, 1 person from your guild has to be in the other guild or get taxid into the hall then taxi every other person into the hall
4. You cannot set up prior parties while trying to enter the hall
5. The horrible floor design – a shiny floor is not a good idea for watching out for AOE
6. NO EDGES – Who thought of this dumb idea?! lets just knockback and fear everyone off the edge! this needs addressed without the upgrade process
1. Both teams show as enemies making it extremely confusing to see the action
2. You cannot click on any players inside the arena to view health/buffs/condis
3. The dome around the arena is a shiny swirling orb – this needs to be a clear surface for easier visibility
QOL issues
Guild halls being instanced is a terrible design you can be in the guild hall with your friends but also be in another instance of the guild hall, after a certain time the map will shut down kicking you out.
The arena also needs a middle line, and 2 team starting lines (make this more official to counter against people pushing to early before a start), Or better yet let us customize the floor with our guild logo or add lines and markers.
Thanks [BMO]!!
myself also being a heavy GvGr, by limiting us to a 2 month grind of building this arena we would of once again turned the tables on the populations for WvW servers (Look what just happend with the GvG exodus to T3 it didnt go well and screwed up T2 and T3) adding the arenas is amazing for us! We can now GvG different guilds from different tiers so we no longer have to worry about server stabilization and Im going to hazard a guess most of us will move back to our respective T2 servers we loved. (Honestly we didnt really want to move away from our friends we had no choice because we were all split up in Tiers/servers)
Dropping this arena time to to 2 weeks we can surely be safe in saying that is worth doing and wont be a major time constraint on the one group of players that will use it the most. Contrary to belief WvWrs are some of the poorest players in Gw2 (GvGrs even less we dont make money in OS) by having to farm resources, gold materials and what not for 2 months much of us would rather just move to a new tier so we can all fight each other or the other option no one wants but its already happend… We got tired of the Omiblob 50vs 50 WvW server blobs fighting in open field WvW
For those that dont know about the GvG scene Ill break it down a bit:
15v15 man fights in a designated spot (usually OS)
No Rezzing full dead teamates (Youre dead until the round is over)
Most GvG fights are scheduled we use TS, Timers and scores to track fights
We try to stay out out of the PPT players way we dont want to fight in towers and keeps all day (most of us could not care less about server ppt glicko score) we are here to fight each other for pure fun. Its large scale PvP that we just didnt have before.
Thanks Anet for listening to our cries and helping out your small (but extremely tight knit) GvG community, were trying hard to bring into the main focus of the game and this is certainly a step in a very helpful direction.
Hi Chris!! ( I didnt do it!! Im just posting this for another person)
We know you guys love the community and are wondering if you could help a poor soul out on Reddit who is confused?
Hey guys I found an old dev response that may help:
If you’re using a router, hub, or switch, please disconnect it and connect directly to your modem before running this utility. You may have to reboot your modem and/or computer to reestablish your Internet connection. If this isn’t possible due to your network setup, please run Game Advisor with the router connected as the information will still be useful.
To run Game Advisor, please perform the following steps:
Download Game Advisor here: http://us.ncsoft.com/gameadvisor
When prompted, save the file to your Windows “Desktop” so you can access it easily. Please save the file before running it (running it from the website can cause file issues).
Double-click on the Game Advisor file and then click on the icon for the game you are having trouble with.
Click “Test Computer and Connection” and wait a few minutes while the test completes.
Once the test completes, a “Test Result” window will come up showing the location of the test result file. Please attach this file to a reply to this e-mail.
Once we receive the test results, we’ll have a better idea of how to resolve your issue.
Module: LavasoftTcpService.dll
Thats your problem .. use Google to find a way to get rid of it.
C:\Windows\System32\LavasoftTcpService64.dll – not-a-virus:HEUR.AdWare.Win32.OptimizerMonitor.heur
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LavasoftTcpService.dll – not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.OptimizerMonitor.j
OP you have C: virus clean your computer..
I’ll be taking the weekend off work to play.
Oh wait…
Gaile will there be a Dev meet and greet like we did with the new LA?
It was an awesome fun time running around and exploring!
That patch bug where every time you stealthed you got insta revealed, We Thieves/Mesmers wanted to hunt down the Devs.
Its not going to happen, the whole reason the WvW population balance changes came into effect was because of server stacking. The very reason Anet changed how the population counts is because of this.
Before you could wait until the wee hours of the morning and get lucky to transfer, often massive guilds would do this and throw off the balance of WvW (Looking at you YB and every single WvW tourny ever…)
If you re opened up the servers people would just flood all the highest servers because in general people think “Low” population servers are empty and have no idea it doesnt effect PVE and the player may never even do WvW thereby they are taking up a WvWrs spot on a higher map.
The goal was to try to balance populations and open it up to a better balanced WvW, nobody is forcing you to stay on a full server.
Hmm.. I wonder If I should make a FTP account on SoS… (Love you guys!)
I would like to see a mix of types of guild videos catergories.. IE not most people want to see only pve, only wvw videos Im going to guess Gaile is hosting this project so Im going to also hope that she will include videos from different areas of play
GvG guilds
PVE guilds
WvW guilds
PvP guilds
Dungeon guilds
World Boss guilds
Dont let this become a glorified hey look at my guild thing!! the best thing you can do is show all areas of the game and all different types of players dont focus on just one aspect!!!
Readinga bout a lot of gvg, I think it would be great if there was a seperate gvg map that contributed to your teams color that week. I say teams color because I believe servers are an out dated system that need to be re worked.
The problem with that would then be youd have all your GvG guilds taking up server space, like in our recent past problems, you could have a full server but it would be totally dead in WvW.
Guild halls should help with some of the pressure for sure by allowing structured GvG fights, but personally Id much rather be out in the community fighting than hiding behind in some set map where no one notices anything.
It costs them nothing but play time. Transferring down costs something like 85 gold, that’s maybe a day or 2 of doing PvE if they don’t have it already.
I don’t know which game you are playing but I’ve been playing since release and I don’t have 85 gold…
Run a week or world bosses.. youll have over 100g easy, I make about 20g a day just doing them, mix that with PVE dungeon runs, selling your junk youll have tons of money.
Anet locked the T1 servers because of the problems it caused with server stacking. its not going to change any time soon, those servers no longer bounce from very high to full anymore.
We used to to run color tags in T2 maybe that would help??
Blue = Open PPT raiding
Yellow = Open Guild Raid (come play with us!)
Red = GvG Closed Raid
It worked pretty good, but yes I agree it would be very confusing if you didnt know what was going on. Ive also noticed most of T3 doesnt use TS and they like to map chat. A higher encouragement level for teamwork is always a bonus (aka dont go hiding in your private TS GvG guilds…) personally on my server we never lock our TS down unless its a closed raid. It helps the scouts they can jump in and run along with us and we can respond with numbers.
“On top of that, the large majority of the players dont understand that the GvG’rs dont want them around. Instead of commanders that accept everyone and play for fights, we now have a bunch of commanders that run around untagged and dont want anyone following them but their own guildies so they can have perfectly even fights, and they don’t make any effort to help the addons. This is really confusing for the vast majority of the T3 WvW’rs who don’t understand why these guys aren’t helping to take or defend anything and are actively trying not to be followed. It’s also created this whole elitist level of WvW for the native T3 population who are basically told “don’t follow any of the transfer guilds, they dont want to play with us, they just want to play in our yard.””
Youve got it backwards, the GvG guilds came to T3 so we could gain more people/fights and come play on an even level while avoiding the blobs. Most GvG commanders will be happy with pugs running along as long as they dont hinder a fight or cause a blob, GvG guilds dont like blobs they want fair fights and high skill. my guild moved over and we recently have acquired many new faces simply by running around and having people follow us. Sure we dont tag up all the time sometimes were in a “organized” 15v15 fight other times we will tag up if were running small and could use the help.
Your other part is true, GvG guilds dont care much for PPT which is why you wont see us fighting around them, we mostly go to south bay, south hills or the ruins to fight so we can stay out the way of the roamers and let them do their own things.
T3 is still a great place to play how you want.
well sure its hows skills like wall of reflection, smoke screen and a bunch of other skills work, GW2 is a very team based game.
1. Youll get hit not your teamate, you stood in the arrows path
2. No the rock will get hit and your enemy will get “obstructed” its the same as you trying hit a player behind a wall you cant do it because you dont have clear line of sight to your target.
3. most projectiles go in a path, there a few that home in such as mesmer mirror blade bounces, trick shot from thief etc etc.
One of the best WvW communities Ive ever met!!!
I miss you guys <3
I want Grenth pieces, the helm came out forever ago but we cant even get it anymore, with the new reaper class coming out you’d think they would focus on a outfit theme for it.
If i remember correctly you could hunt down TTS, I think theyre on SoS??
they’re pretty easy to find and they are one of by far the largest PVE guilds in the game. they plan events every single day, do daily world boss runs, dungeons and love to hang out and help new players.
The GvG/WvW fight guilds got tired of BS and blobbing from T1/T2 and hoped down to T3 so we could establish some decent fights, for a while personally i was bitter about it because nobody knew what we were doing.
1 week later this is best thing we ever could of done, Im emptying my inventories 2-3 times a night, there is no zerging, everyone fights each other with 20 -20 man guild groups and its respectfull we dont pull server stacking blob tactics.
Server stacking is what killed the game for us, we dont want to fight 50+ blobs with no skill all night, we want to be tested and coordinated. Our general nights go something like this:
7pm – Get ready for GvG fights
8pm – Roam around Borderlands looking for equal match up fights ( we dont go after roamers/ppt players we let them fight their own fair battles)
8:30pm – TRIAL BY COMBAT (fights everywhere, fair fights, taking turns 1 guild v 1 guild no more blobbing ajaming you used to see, its good honest respectful fights youd expect and want)
8:45pm – slow down in fights, repair armor clear bags flip bay/hills/garri for a bit to regather and regroup our fight locations
8:50pm – Last call fights (hop to OS for GvG, any last fights we want or revenge fighting usually scheduled around this time)
T3 is a great place if you want to fight and not worry about the zerging.
The question then becomes how does a condition crit? is it fair that we can block a critical hit from a thief, or shatter from a mes, you cant block a critical condition? conditions already ignore armor, giving them the ability to crit would make it so they not longer do equal damage over time, will bleeding have a higher crit chance then burning? or maybe will regen crit and heal us 1 tick more??
The ability for crits to happen in conditions would totally change the game and force Anet to re balance everything again.
WAR is a fun bunch, if you’re looking to hang out with some cool people check these guys out!
I am fairly confident that because druid demands a staff weapon to coincide with the theme that staff for thief won’t be a thing. While i want a 1200 range choice i am against rifle purely on the fact that it is single target. I am really hoping for “kits” along the lines of engi grenade kit but of course something like ninja stars or kunais type of stuff that promote an aoe style of thief.
I would also love to see some form of kits,
1. Venom kit (our usual poisons, blinds, and maybe a vaun kit?)
2. assassins kit (crit, might, fury, swiftness)
3. support kit (stealth, shadowsteps, call in additional thieves, evades)
It would let thieves go into a greater variety of playstyles and add some new twists.
I dont even remember the last time I used a trap skill, scorpion wire, or caltrops….
Theres been a lot of talk about T3/CD this is my own personal opinions on this subject, we have a lot of great people trying to help T3 become a great place, Its just taking longer than I hope.
We have some amazing people on CD that want this to go and grow into and I realize it takes team effort 1 person cannot force, maybe the higher skilled players can mentor and build up CD. 1 person doesnt make or break a server. Were working on building up T3 into a stable community, it doesnt happen overnight,
I have offended many people and judged too quickly, perhaps one of the things about this game I needed to slow down and realize not everyone plays at a level I want to bring them too. GW2 is place to bring your own people together to build up a server, not try to force it into something in an instant.
Again I dont speak for T3 as a whole, and I think I should of step backed and realized that, Im sorry to all ive offended, I want to help people but maybe there is other ways of doing that than forcing people.
the play with your friends build for thieves..
Hey great to see you guys!!!
[Riot] is awesome group of guys very fun to play and chill with.
The problem with that idea, is just about every spot in Eotm you could glide in from, walls/doors would be pointless, you could easily glide from OBS right into OG keep, or jump from Bell into FR keep if you managed it correctly.
Eotm is not designed for gliding.
Try stealing from a Rev and using your stolen ability if you think those are worthless..
Oh wait you cant because it gives you nothing..