Showing Posts For aflarge.1439:
I just.. I collected so many dyes on my main, and now that I’m starting a new character, it’s a SERIOUS bummer to be set back to just the starter dyes. Are there any plans to have dyes be account-unlocks instead of for individual characters?
The site you linked for the build makes you watch a 90second ad fullscreen, and even mousing over to another monitor pauses it. Try using instead
the quickness sigil on my weapon can proc when I’m downed, making for hilariously fast junk tosses.
What I always said pre-patch for what the toolkit needed was the 1 attack needed to be changed(it does decent damage..but we’re not exactly a class that can survive in melee range swinging a mace around), the nails need to be instant, prybar’s knockback should be restored, and the magnet either needed to be an instant or have it’s range doubled. I always mentioned the range doubling as more of a joke, but they apparently took me seriously on that one.
Now, I dance around the idea of a rifle/nades/toolkit/bombs and rifle/mines/toolkit/bombs (if I take out nades, I take 10points from explosives and put them in tools, getting the shorter cooldowns, giving me a shield to use every 16 seconds)
The former is better in more chaotic settings, and the latter is FAR superior in 1v1’s.
I just wish there were more visible back items, and if we had them visible, they’d show up instead of our kits.
I was expecting some bug fixes. Like Flamethrower not missing. Didn’t get that.
I was expecting skills being moved around, deleted, and added (to reduce the redundancy of many of our skills and increase functionality/synergy of skills in a kit with each other). Didn’t get that.
I saw Elementalist got their spawned weapons to have default stats… I then wondered why our Kits (if they can’t use our stats and sigils) didn’t get the same treatment—to have default stats and sigils added to benefit the kit.
I expected Tool Kit to be… I don’t know… I just expected changes there. People hate it. Even those that find it useful, find it boring. You hit people with a wrench and throw nails for monkeys sake. I might as well pick up the trash on the ground like Wood Planks and hit things with that. Just as useful and just as boring. And why aren’t we using some novel Engineer tools for our tool kit? We are using tools that a stay at home mom has—nails and wrenches.
Tool-kit is useful, you just have to think of it as a utility kit, and not as a weapon kit.
Been tweaking my look for a while now. I’m not crazy about the boots, and I’m thinking of getting the tier3 chest, which would force me to grab something else for my shoulders..but I’m pretty happy so far
Been tweaking my look for a while now. I’m not crazy about the boots, and I’m thinking of getting the tier3 chest, which would force me to grab something else for my shoulders..but I’m pretty happy so far
I run rifle/grenades/mines/bombs. Lots of DPS and control options, with the only downside being I have to preemptively protect myself from bursts(placing a mine right next to me so if I get stunned, I can blast them away, for example) In the end, I think it’s a fair tradeoff, as it has extremely fun and versatile gameplay while maintaining a good charr style(using potions, magnets, and batteries always feels like more of an Asuran engineer style than Charr);ToAg0CnoSykkIJbSukkJNG5MC|
The bomb kit is more for utility than dps. I usually just switch to it to drop a smoke/sticky bomb. It does less damage than grenades(with grenadier), but it’s nice to be able to use the bomb autoattack to destroy the treb/base door while still being able to keep an eye out for flankers.
Survivability =/= Durability.
The rifle wouldn’t be necessary, I just.. like it.
Grenades, though, are straight-up more effective for a wall siege/defense than anything else I can think of. The mortar would be actually-effective if it didn’t require a straight line of sight(Which it shouldn’t, as it’s.. a MORTAR.. and that’s kind of the point of mortars)
Charrzooka is also pretty useful, but I hesitate to recommend racial abilities, since not everyone selected the obviously superior species :P
Edit: This is my WvWvW build;ToAg0CnoSykkIJbSukkJNG5MC
(you’ll have to copy and paste the URL)
(edited by aflarge.1439)
Static shield, when thrown, does not throw the shield you use, it just throws that stupid round wooden one.
This is especially irritating because I finally got the halloween shield, only to see it not even show up on what should be it’s most awesome ability.
It’s to prevent geometry clipping with the larger bracers.
I know it’s something everyone wants.. but I can never find anything from the devs addressing it. It’s possible I’m just bad at the internet; has anyone heard anything official?
Except they don’t even kill you. They merely down you. With a tiny amount of teamwork you can get back up (this does not exist in open sPvP), and they have exhausted their cooldowns.
Except when I’m downed by a quickness face-melter, it usually includes a quickness finisher..
Quit saying “non-human” races. The charr is the ONLY race that looks bad in leather armor because of it’s shape.
And my problem with the medium armor isn’t that the tails clip through the coats, it’s that the coat-tails always seem to explode out to the sides, almost as if charr wear those weird Victorian dress-scaffolds. I still don’t understand why they didn’t just do a cloth simulation for the coat-tails. They’ve already got cloth in the game(on some weapons/backpacks)
Netshot is pretty much the greatest thing ever for my grenade/mine/boots build. Netshot, Grenade Barrage, Blunderbuss, Mines, Rocket Leap(at melee range), and then rocket boots/grenades at range
Only problem I have with rocket boots is how it seems like more often than not, my blast hits invisible walls.
On the bright side, at least when that happens I’m CC’d on my own terms!
Gear turns it into little more than a competitive spreadsheet.
Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
I just got a G700 for my home computer, and I have to say.. Logitech is quite good at making mice.
The other mouse, which is one I’ve had for..I’m not even sure how long(somewhere between 5 and 10 years) is the MX518. The only reason I’m even replacing it now is because the plastic on the bottom has worn away a bit, and the leftover adhesive is starting to get problematic.
I don’t understand why they didn’t use the sPvP gear system in WvWvW. Gear dependence takes what would otherwise be the most enjoyable PvP experience in an MMO today and warps it into nothing more than a prettier version of tier4 Warhammer Online. (except now even the level 2’s who still haven’t gotten their first pair of shoulder pads get the privilege of facing off against the fully-geared 80’s)
The charr were doing pretty well conquering the world, it’s just.. they’re allied now..
The long coat with the tail just bother the begeezus out of me. Good looking armors seem a pipe dream for the Charr right now.
Ehh, charr generally look awesome in high level plate.
Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
It never hinders me at all, I steer with the mouse, and I never take a finger off W(unless I switch to autorun)
Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
I have a 5-button mouse, but I didn’t even change any of the mouse keybinds.
My keybinds are:
Weapon skills : 1 2 3 4 5
Heal: alt+1
Utilities: ctrl+1 ctrl+2 ctrl+3
Elite: ctrl+4
Tool Belt: alt+2(healing toolbelt skill) shift+1 shift+2 shift+3
A lot of people have trouble gauging how good the engineer is because their weapon skills are significantly less impressive than those of other classes. While this is technically true, it’s a bit misleading. For other classes, utility skills exist to help out the weapon skills. With engineers, it is the exact opposite; Engineer weapons exist to aid your kits/utility skills.
Hope this helps!
Rascal’s coat, you say.. I do like how that looks. Why do some trenchcoats blast out to the sides while others hang correctly?
(the pirate’s coat also seems to look fine)
I just wish that racials were available in spvp I like that pistol.
The tail clipping thing..that’s not really what bothers me. What bothers me is the fact that the trenchcoat bottoms/skirts and such just EXPLODE out to the sides. Doesn’t help that I play an engineer, and and there MIGHT be three or four chest armor pieces that don’t make me look like I’m wearing one of those weird victorian dress scaffolds. I’ve been hemorrhaging transmute tokens on my chest armor.. and frankly I’m getting a little sick of the poofy-armed jerkin(although I must say it is quite dapper)
I don’t know why they didn’t go with a cloth sim for the coat tails. It’s already in the game for things like banners, backpack accessories, etc.. Why not coat tails? That would change things from me hating nearly every piece of medium armor to absolutely LOVING them.
Gravity is the Charr’s only natural predator.
For some reason, when I’m anywhere but in sPvP, my grenade tool belt ability is unavailable underwater(yet works fine in sPvP)
And at the Battle of Kyhlo, ground-targeted attacks don’t function in the vicinity of the capture point. (For a mines/grenadier engineer, this means that I simply can’t fight there)
What if there was a system in place where you could combine kits? I have no idea how it would be implemented, but if you could have 3 flamethrower skills and 2 grenade skills, I think this would be better than 5 grenade skills…
There’s virtually no CD on kit-swapping, and you can do it even when you’re stunned.
Rotgarr, Charr Engineer
Rhothgar, Charr Engineer here….
My opinion: Underpowered Engineer - It is realy bad at pvp and pve
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
Engineers aren’t under-powered, they just have a punishing learning curve. When I first started tinkering around with one in the BWE, I got mykitten absolutely handed to me almost constantly in PVP. Now, the only people who can seem to beat me are quickness glass cannons, and even they have to seriously work at it.
Edit: The censorship function is kind of hilarious.
Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
I agree and I don’t understand what Anet was thinking when designing the rifle for Engineer. Really hope they rework the abilities cause, as it stands they don’t make much sense and I really do love using the rifle over dual pistols. The net shot is probably the only ability that should stay out of the arsenal the rifle currently has. It would be kind of nice if the auto attack on rifle applied bleed or even vulnerability as well! Just my two sense on it all.
Keep your grubby little meathooks off my net shot! It’s the reason I have trouble deciding whether to go with rifle or pistol/shield for my explosives build.
Don’t give up on the engi so fast. It’s one of the more difficult classes to master, but it really pays off. I can’t imagine that any other class is more versatile, and frankly no other class can come anywhere near the engineer in the “So cool!” factor :P
this isn’t the first time I’ve almost given up on it. did the same thing around level 25-30.
Maybe the class just isn’t for me.
Oh, if you’re straight-up not having fun with it, I’d definitely say change classes(no sense playing a game that you’re not having fun with)
I thought it was more along the lines of you liked the class, but you were having trouble being effective with it.
Actually, I think a hammer would make a lot of sense on the engineer.
One of the more common things I see people complaining about on this forum is that they have trouble targeting grenades. I have no problems with them at all, regardless of whether I’m stationary, moving around, in the middle of a fight, or bombarding from max range
I don’t use fast cast, and I don’t click the mouse button. People don’t seem to realize that you can get all of the utility of fast cast by simply double-tapping the ability. This lets you keep the targeting reticle without having to click the mouse for each shot.
Honestly, I think the only change I’d ever want to see happen to the grenades would be if you click to throw out of the range, it just throws it in that general direction(obviously stopping at your max range)
Well, I suppose I also wouldn’t be too hurt if they nerfed underwater grenades, because holykitten they’re ridiculous.
Don’t give up on the engi so fast. It’s one of the more difficult classes to master, but it really pays off. I can’t imagine that any other class is more versatile, and frankly no other class can come anywhere near the engineer in the “So cool!” factor :P
Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
Warrior’s rifle is a lot more like a soldier trained to use a rifle.
Engineer’s rifle feels more like a modified weapon, which makes it seem a lot more like something a fantasy engineer would use.
My opinion: Underpowered Engineer - It is realy bad at pvp and pve
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
If someone can pin us down and beat on us for more than a few seconds, then we’re certainly going to fold.. Engineer’s survivability comes from the large assortment of CC abilities as opposed to durability. It’s more difficult to play an engi than, say, a warrior/guardian, but it pays off in the end. We’re remarkably survivable, we’re just very squishy.
I want them to either let us retain our weapon stats when using kits, or let weapon swap sigils trigger when you switch back to weapons.
I grabbed mortar for WvWvW sieges. Not for my own personal use, as I’m a grenadier, but so people without any ranged muscle have something to do :P
Also, I’ve had every skill I wanted for a long time, and I thought “You know, I never see anyone with a mortar.. I suppose I’ll pick it up”
I actually don’t like fast cast. If you double tap the ability, it functions the same as fast cast, and it’s harder to screw up your aim that way :P
Small guild at the moment(only 28members) but I have every rank2 upgrade and a small supply of buff-banners (about four of each currently)
I have always made guilds in MMO’s, but they’ve always been little more than a social chat for myself and a few friends. This time, I’m trying to make it into a real guild; once I get more people(preferably people who want to be actually active members of the guild), I want to organize more guild events.
I would join another guild, but I’m very particular when it comes to the aesthetics.(Guild name/Logo :P )
Grenades in pvp are pretty much only useful at close range(where they’re VERY useful)
They’re good for sieges in WvWvW, but they take so long to travel the distance, that anyone with a head on their shoulders can dodge them. I’m not knocking them, I absolutely love grenades.. I just feel I should clear that bit up :P