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Vicious Lacerations suggestion

in Revenant

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Instead of having Vicious Lacerations acting as a stacking buff, change it to a stacking debuff which increased the damage taken. Then, if you switch targets, the stacks on the first target disappear and it starts stacking on the new target.

On the one hand, it aids killing big targets in group content, but on the other hand, its worse on killing smaller, numerous enemies, as they don’t keep the damage stacks as long.

Gives Rev another unique trait to bring to raids (on top of Assassin’s Presence) and makes Ferocious Strikes better for smaller scrappier fights where its hard to keep stacks on a single target.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


All I want is a trait/signet passive with +% movespeed. I am tired of falling behind people who can keep themselves permanently faster, while I’ve got to burn utilities to keep up.

Symbol of Swiftness can only do so much.

Feedback: Guardian Greatsword change, 10/7

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


They should at least balance the buff and nerf. They doubled the recharge of the Symbol, but only dropped the recharge on leap by 5. Give Leap a 10 second recharge, and we’ll call if even.

Tanks to canadians to ruin EU server experience!

in WvW

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I have the sudden urge to sing South Park’s “blame canada” song.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Do you wanna know why ArenaNet cares about botting so much?
Cause gold farmers undercut their bottom line. Because they want to be the ones to sell gold to you in the form of GEMS

It’s about their revenue, not your entertainment.

And no, for ArenaNet, these two things are not necessarily linked.
All the built in gold sinks in this game a whole host of other poor design choices are what is going to make this another ghost MMO by year end.

Gold sinks are a bad thing? So you like inflation?

Guardian: Swap Shield skill 5 with Focus skill 5.

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Lest we forget, you have to spec into Zeal (power) for the focus traits. Doesn’t make sense for something always used for personal defense.

Guardian: Swap Shield skill 5 with Focus skill 5.

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Well, I may be a lil off, but I think Shield should get both #5 skills and focus should get both #4 skills. Then we’d have a ranged support offhand and a pure defensive offhand instead of two half baked offhands.

They’d have to be rebalanced…but…i dont know.

Surmia vs FoW vs Dzagonur 1 Hour in...

in WvW

Posted by: arcdash.4039


So you want A-Net to force other players on to your server? Even though they can still switch back for free? Actually, how would you keep these players when players can move from server to server once per day for free? Do you just want the servers locked so that people can’t leave? Do you expect A-Net to remove player’s choice of server?

That will not happen.

In all honesty, it’d be much easier to pack up your guild and move to another one, one that has space for everyone.

Does homosexuality in Sylvari feel rather forced?

in Sylvari

Posted by: arcdash.4039


What I find odd is that Sylvari is the only race that has a moderate amount of homosexual couples. Are there even any from any other race?

Need BARD class

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Please explain your ideas for a bard other than “I want a bard”. How would its skills work and interact? What would its class ability be? Would it be more complex than an Engi with instruments instead of kits?

chose warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: arcdash.4039


As far as racials go, I’d say charr, they have some of the coolest. Next would probably be asura, and then norn. Sylvari has good ones, but they take long to recharge. Finally, human has very…bland skills.

I feel bad for using dual maces. Thoughts and Questions about our Future.

in Warrior

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Yeah, I don’t think anyone questions the main hand mace. Its the off hand one that gets odd looks. My guess would be that most people using mace would be going defense, so they’d either take a shield or a sword. A ranged knockdown is a very cool skill, but a stun and 3 seconds of blocking would win over most people.

Signet of Rage

in Warrior

Posted by: arcdash.4039


All the other classes are jealous.

Go into any one of the threads complaining about a certain class’s elite skills, and at least one person will either mention Signet of Rage by name or suggest an elite signet of their own design. It may not be the best elite…which is questionable…but it seems to be the most popular.

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


No, I know exactly what we should get:

Signet of the Champion-
Passive: Guardian has Unshakeable
Active: Allies gain two stacks of defiant.

….Oh come on, it’s not OP at all!

Sure, why not. This has my support.

Scepter #2...make a phantasm?

in Mesmer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I’m not sure how this will work balance wise, but at least to me, it makes sense. Just, on block, create a phantasm that auto-attacks and does damage, rather than…not doing damage.

It sticks with the whole idea of making shatter fodder with the scepter, benefits from the traits that affect phantasms, and it helps the scepter deal damage all in one. It also makes the scepter (with an offhand) able to make 2 phantasms with one weapon set.

Of course, this doesn’t fix the other problems the scepter have, and I have no idea how balance works, but as long as the phantasm is comparatively weaker than the other less spammable ones…

Logan.... (Spoiler, only read if you've done Twilight Arbor story mode)

in Human

Posted by: arcdash.4039


A-net is perfectly okay with everyone hating Logan. Even after all he’s done to redeem himself, the damage has been done. People will always see him as the guy who abandoned his comrades to his love interest.

Human female + greatsword

in Human

Posted by: arcdash.4039


As long as I’m not the only one who hates the high pitched squeaks.

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Anlyon, I’d gladly trade tome of courage for fiery greatsword. I’m sure most eles would feel the same.

Also, to all those who will, don’t bring up Signet of Rage. EVERY class is envious of Signet of Rage.

Thieves & Rifles: Snipers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Stop saying Guardians have a weapon that has 1200 range. I mean…the scepter is there, but the orbs can be dodged simply by moving left or right.

Monthly achievement without WvW participation

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I don’t get why you HAVE to do these achievements. They’re goals, not requirements.

Commander Rating

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Also…if you got a troll commander who’s popular with his guild…they could keep him way above average while he’s leading people to their deaths.

Rangers Compared to other Classes?

in Ranger

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Braxxis, every class envies Signet of Rage, welcome to the club.

Maximum Regeneration

in Warrior

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Yeah…Dolyak does have Vit+tough. You’d prob be better off with Soldier’s though in most circumstances for the free condition removal.

Dual-Class System

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


The whole point of having different classes is to…have them be separate. Warriors shouldn’t be getting stealth, Rangers should not be raising the dead, and Engies should not be using magic. Each class has its own special flavor to go along with it.

Monthly achievement without WvW participation

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


So…you’re refusing to do something optional and you’re complaining you’re not getting a reward for it?

Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I got a naga AND rebound my keys. Take that, internet!

Another Mesmer Moa Bird Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Back in the ye olde days of guild wars 1…if you couldn’t interrupt a skill with a 1 second cast time…you couldn’t interrupt.

Worse comes to worse you could always block it. Just like most other projectiles.

Focus or Torch with Scepter

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


What AlphaDuck said. The Torch and Focus are, oddly enough, more geared towards melee range. The Shield, on the other hand, supports allies from behind and is good for keeping away melee guys.

Engineer elites and general rambling

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Railgun being an electromagnetic cannon that probably can shoot through walls. Basically…it fires projectiles at stupidly fast speeds, doesn’t need to use explosive primer, and probably will knock around whatever it hits. So if there was a railgun kit, it’d probably have at least one form of knockback or knockdown attached.

Also…easily a long range weapon. A root might actually be a good way to balance out the high power and range, but I was thinking a very obvious charging animation of some kind, but…hey, this is all theory.

Majority of Dual skills need a redesign

in Thief

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I think P/P might actually be designed specifically for PvE. Unload becomes your primary attack to down foes, and all your other pistol skills support it as you kite around.

Engineer elites and general rambling

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


You got me thinking Graywolf… but… combining your idea of a long range kit with that of the inventor thing… I came up with the idea of an Elite Railgun skill. I think that might be the way to go for a future skill. Long range, tech-friendly, and Grenth kitten awesome. Hell, you could slow down the animations to make them easy to spot, achieving balance while still being incredibly awesome.

Noone wants to do Honor of the Waves Story...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Yeah, by the time you get to do HotW, you’re probably already in Orr, prepped to face Zhaitan.

Sword/Sword - Scepter/Pistol Power/Crit Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Wait wait wait…Mesmers can use dual swords? WHY WAS I NEVER TOLD?

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Wouldn’t this be better for the Dungeon forum? It isn’t exactly an Ele only phenomenon to die.

Shortbow > Longbow

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I don’t want the Warrior’s longbow! I want the smaller, sleeker model. Instead of the 1337 sn1por skillz, we’d get dodge rolls! I don’t know, maybe its just me, but the shortbow’s idealistic agility seems to fit the Guardian more than the brute firepower that comes along with the longbow. The longbow skills for both Ranger and Warrior seem to be more about nuking and pure damage, while the Shortbow for Thief and Rangerboth have inherent evasiveness.

The pure damage aspect of the longbow for either Warrior or Ranger doesn’t really mesh with the Guardian thing. Even the Greatsword gives retaliation, and when traited it can heal you. The shortbow, on the other hand, as seen with the Thief and the Ranger, still has a bit of punch to it, but also has an extra bit of tankiness and utility, something that I think would fit Guardians more.

Engineer pistols Q-skill needs to be more like Thief pistol Q-skill

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


why is it a Q skill though?

Engineer elites and general rambling

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Compared to some other classes, Engineer has decent elites. Mortar I hear needs to be tweaked, but Elixer X has a shorter cooldown than its comparable elites, and supply crqate…well I just like supply crate. The elites could be much worse.

Engineer weapons \ weapon kits

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


No i did not read what you posted. Because you’re just trying to tell us how your favorite class is underpowered. There are people in each of the classes forums arguing about how their class is underpowered in one way or another.

Toolbelts are effectively extra utility skills, by choosing one utility skill, you get two skills with different effects. Other classes only get one skill per utility slot, while Engies get 2. Sure, if you pick a kit, you’d get 5 weapon skills and a toolbelt skill, but that’d be like a Thief having grenades in the secondary weapon slot and having grenade barrage as a utility, except you would’ve have nearly as much switching cooldown. Or you could take Rocket Boots and Rocket Kick for what is effectively extra utility, something another class would have. The reason Engies have toolbelt skills is so that they aren’t sacrificing a slot just for the weapon skills, they still get something to use when they’re not using the kit. So basically…the toolbelt skills act in place of the lost utlility skills.

Take for example the healing skill Med Kit. The kit itself is somewhat weak healing wise, and the main self heal, which for another class would be the skill in the utility slot, is actually the toolbelt skill. But the kit itself is still valuable in the healing slot because it also functions as a weapon slot like you’ve said.

So basically…Engies get 4 extra skills to use to their discretion. Most of them tend to stand on their own, especially the kit ones.

Engineer weapons \ weapon kits

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


But by your own definition, Lyuben, kits are utility skills. Which they are.

And how do toolbelt skills not count for anything? There’s one for each utility slot, so even if you’re not counting a kit as a true utility skill for some reason, you still have extra skills on your bar that you were able to choose and make your build around.

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Honestly…I thought most of the missions were relatively easy. Sure, there’s a tricky underwater mission, and one where you have to fight off enemies by yourself, but most are pretty reasonable. I don’t get why people think they’re too hard.

Are Anet contradicting themselves?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


No rifle, no longbow. Shortbow, if only because Warrior doesn’t have it.

Staff - Does it need adjusted?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


So…staff is support yes? How about the autoattack give a short buff of some kind to allies in the cone? I don’t know…why not?

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


I think the main reason people don’t like the tomes is because they’re entirely different from any other skill Guardians have. Its more like one of the Ele’s conjure weapons or one of the Engi’s kits. On that note, my favorite elite for Guardian is the Fiery Greatsword, thank Balthazar they always drop a spare.

I really don’t get why they gave Guardians the tomes, it just doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the class. You can make some arguments how ToC fits, but it has nothing to do with the whole magical slasher concept of the Guardian.

End of story mission needs to be scaled to party size and made to be soloed.

in Personal Story

Posted by: arcdash.4039


So you, in short, you want the dungeon to be doable by one person? Then why would anyone ever do it with 4 other people?

Priory Defense of Lion's Claw...

in Personal Story

Posted by: arcdash.4039


But I’m the Hero! I can easily hold off an entire invading army of undead! I mean…the enemies in that quest aren’t even all that difficult, and besides, I have plot armor, I could survive anything. At the very least I could’ve fought alongside Sieran or something.

Shield #4 Skill Opinion

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


4 could use an AOE buff though, because most people who use a shield are going to be in or near melee range, and often when a Guardian is playing in a group, all the other teammates like to stand farther away. If it got a buff, I’d want it to be able to affect those around and behind the Guardian.

Heal kit--how do you switch back?

in Engineer

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Elixer H is better in terms of numbers, but it recharges slower. As for the Turret, if you pick it up it recharges in 15 instead of 20 while healing for the same amount, or you can leave it down for the regen. However, I like the med kit myself, since the bandage on top of the packs heals for more than either of them, it removes conditions, and you get swiftness.

Quay - Its pronouced "Key"......

in Audio

Posted by: arcdash.4039


By the way…at what point did anyone even say “Quay”?

Guardian or Warrior

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


…in shortER, Warrior has versatility, but Guardian has survivability.

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


What I don’t get is…why did they give Guardian the Tomes at all? Why not at least give us a non elite version or something. Most other classes got super versions of their skills for elites, while we got elites from who knows where. It just seems to have come from completely out of the blue, and in my opinion it doesn’t really fit with the rest of class.

I use Renewed Focus just because…before I had Renewed Focus I don’t think I ever activated my Virtues. It actually lets me use them now while still getting the passives. But seriously…I played a bit of Warrior, got a look at Endure Pain, and died a little inside.