Showing Posts For asobinin.5467:
I don’t even…
“Im a gatherer-crafter, I shouldn’t be railroaded into kills.”
“I hate events, I only do dungeons. I shouldn’t be railroaded into events”
“I hate dungeons, I only do events. I shouldnt be railroaded into dungeons.”Sometimes I think the only way for ANet to dodge some of you people is to make the monthly achievement 50 login attempts.
They’re supposed to be breaking the mold with this MMO. For Hearts, we have a choice of what to do. Why not with a monthly achievement. Why not pick any 5 different hard to achieve objectives out of a possible 7? No one is asking for it on a silver platter, just having some hated activities removed.
You’re probably right. The achievements should work that way to give players more viable options.
Now, in the mean time, I’m more than sure Anet is doing achievements this way as a means to promote various aspects of the game. Anet wants you to go out and experience various contents.
New expansion is all fine. In fact, new contents is always good. That said…
Increased level = hell no. The good thing about GW1 was that the level cap was set to 20 and the stats for max gear was never increased. Period. THIS was the holy grail of GW1.
The game (expansion) offered quite a lot of content, so you played through it for a while. Naturally, you’ll get bored after a while, so you’ll set aside the game and play something else. However, the game was good so you’ll come back after a while. And that holy grail promised you one thing. You were never left behind. Your character remained as strong as before (minus the new skills that the expansion offered) level and gear wise. It was easy for people to just jump right back in and have fun. There weren’t silly level grinds or gear grinds that you had to do to become effective again. You remained pretty much effective once you reached max status, and this was a big factor for me.
Ascended gear broke that promise in GW2 (Well, sorta. It’s not fully implemented yet, and people cried a lot so Anet backpeddaled on that one. It’s a bit too early to pass judgement so I’ll reserve my coment for now). That’s why many people are kitten off, and worry the future of GW2. I’d like to know where Anet said they’ll raise the cap in the future. Link please. But if that’s to happen, that’s two pillars broken from the original design and I’m sure there will be more cries heard from the community.
So all in all, new expansion = good. Deviating from the original design = bad. There’s enough MMORPGs out in the market. No reason for GW2 to become one of them and disappear.
THERE ARE some mistakes and flaws to the winter’s day, but I’d like to use this opportunity to give my thumbs up to Anet. Great job!! Enjoying it so far.
From how GW1 holiday events were run, GW1 vets expect those events to be recycled + some more new stuff for the subsequent years.
Still, waiting 2 years to complete the whole minipet collection is a bit absurd.
I haven’t tried it yet so I’m going to ask, although I kind of understand it from the lack of posts:
Tixx dungeon rewards don’t reset like the dailies?
Didn’t mom tell you NOT to gamble?
You just missed it. That is all. No bug here.
It’s troublesome to locate the little ones, but it’s perfectly achievable. Just keep on at it.
WTF. I’m Mrs. Christmas, and I’m totally lovin’ my outfit. So as my Halloween costume..
Anyhow, it’s your opinion to dislike the costumes, but that’s that. I love mine, and that’s my opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Let’s just leave it at that and not make stupid posts on the forum. Just keep it to yourself if you don’t like it. No one’s forcing you to buy the attire.
Geeze, this warrants a L2P. Also, please don’t feed the troll.
Asides from the deployment hiccup, I think the winter’s day event has been great so far, minus the few annoyances. It might take a while to learn the timing of the game, but once you get it it’s not too difficult. Have you attempted to put any effort in it? Don’t expect everything to go your way at your first try. GW2 is an MMO, but those mini games borrow ideas from other genre (which you may not be familiar or good at), which I think are great.
Just because you suck and put 0 effort in it, calling out to have those mini games removed (or never appear in the future) from the game is selfish at the very least.
Doesn’t Anet have enough people to do both???
Just get rid of Ascended gears. Simple as that. If they want to add infusion, do it so that the exotic pieces could be infused, just like they did in GW1. FOTM should just have a cool skin, and that’s it. Just like GW1. People were happy with how that worked in GW1, and they’ve played that for so many years.
Why change that all of a sudden? Change what have worked, and all I’m hearing is complaints. The new decision surely isn’t popular.
El Hefe and Galen Grey, none of this uproar existed before the Lost Shores patch. For the most part, everyone enjoyed the game, did what they wanted to do. After the patch, everything is so different. How do you explain that? Are people out of their mind suddently after the patch? Just because you ignore the new contents doesn’t mean everyone else should. What’s the point of creating a content if it’s to be ignored? For it to be a good content, it needs to be enjoyed by and accessible by the majority of players.
I like playing in the new dungeon infact, but it’s so hard to get a group for my particular level. None of this existed prior to the patch. If I wanted to find a PUG for a dungeon, it was instant. Now, I have to spam in LA for an hour just to get a group for a particular level of my fractal. THIS is not fun. This kind of thing was supposed to be so yesterday. It wasn’t supposed to exist in GW2. So tell me, what am I supposed to do if I’m trying to enjoy the content that I like, but the process for it causes me agony.
Just because you two enjoy the game your own way and ignore the pressing fact doesn’t change a single thing about the effect the patch has brought up on to the community. People are suddenly losing appeal with the game because of the patch. Good for you to find the game still fun. You can’t dictate fun for others, so respect that. Don’t just write it off as “take a break”, “just play what you find fun”, or “the problem isn’t serious so stop worrying”.
Whether YOU awknowledge it or not, the patch created issues, players are unhappy, there’s an uproar, and it’s affecting the dynamics of the game.
Setting aside the whole issue of Ascended Gears, I just want to play a bit of fotm, but the level system just makes it impossible. I just spammed an hour in Lion’s Arch for my particular level and only found 3 more players. Of all, 2 left during the recruitment because it was taking too long. It’s such a backwards system.
Please change it so its a queueing system. That way, we can just sign up and go on about in the world to do whatever we want to do. When the time comes, we’ll get the queue asking if we’re ready to join the fractals. I don’t want to sit in LA spamming to find a group and waste time. So yeah, I’m playing way less than what I used to since the Lost Shore update, and it’ll continue that way if fotm/ascended gear continues its way.
1) 0 – I have full exotics and 100% completion, but I have tons of area still left to play.
2) 0 – I need to grind to get those Ascended gears I don’t like grinding
3) 0 – The line between Exotics and Legendaries was fine. Just like in GW1.
4) 0 – New skins are fine. New tiers are not. If you want to add mechanic, you can add without creating a new tier. And if you’re going to add new tier, it should be easy to obatin, however, I’d not go that road.
5) 0 – Bug fix and skill/class rebalance was my top on the list.
1)graphics (1-bad…10-amazing) – 8
2)sound(1-bad…10-amazing) – 8
3)story concept/originality (1-boring…10-captivating) – 7
4)loot/reward (1-lost all my money…10-gained amazing items) – 0
5)stability (1-extremely buggy…10-no bugs) – 2
6)network connection/speed (1-laggy,disconnections, 10 – perfect connection) – 2
7)mini events length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – 7
8)overall event length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – 4
9)overall Satisfaction (1-worst experience ever,10-best experience ever) – 2
the skins are not new, there’s a vendor near the WvW portals that sells them.
personally i would buy the 250 charges gathering tools.
They aren’t new, but I don’t want to spend karma to get it either, when I can churn out a few of the commendations from junk. I haven’t converted my commendations at all since that’s going to result in a ton of bank space eaten up by those skins. I’m saving space and only using up 1 slot right now, so news on when Lyns is going poof will be appreciated.
You know, my bank is quite full right now. I do appreciate that extra slot.
I’m more than sure it’s coming. I suspect they just haven’t had enough time to implement it by the event.
Lol so true!!! Awww now all I could think is Anet gyrating on my cheeks
snipped for brevity
This is the question that needs to be answered above all others.
lag.None of that would’ve mattered REMOTELY as much if Anet had simply given themselves and us time to GET THINGS DONE.
So what’s the logic?
I think Anet is under the notion that such 1 time event creates buzz. I think they’re fooling themselves to think that such 1 time events are “epic”. On the contrary, they aren’t epic at all. It just creates all the above mentioned problems. What’s epic though, is the amount of angry players they have created in such a short time.
I’m wondering about that too. The event was nice but if that was all about the island I won’t go there very often. When it was first announced I thought it would be something like Orr or at least something like the starting areas of the game.
I suspect Anet not having enough time to flesh out the island, asides from the 1 time event. I think they only had enough time to complete the 1 time event. It does feel very empty on the island at the moment.
It even gets funnier when Anet did a server maintenance to patch up the overflow hole. Many people were in the middle of the event, just to waste time on it.
Complaining in a thread about people complaining about complainers…
1 time events are fine, only if handled correctly. And Anet pretty much did everything wrong about this 1 time event.
- Lag was expected, and yet we were crammed in a small corner at the very same time. Even EVE struggles to keep 1000 vs 1000 matches smooth on a single shard(world). What makes Anet think they can pull it off without lag.
- Event times just ignored a whole continent, and many others as well. (I’d like to see stats from Anet backing up their claim on “the time was chosen so the majority of the players could attend”. Honestly, what were the stats?)
- Issues with the overflow server. I was in middle of the event, got booted, logged back on, just to find myself in the middle of the Karka cove surrounded by Karkas. Basically, I was on a different overflow, and the event hasn’t even kicked off on that server yet. I think you should be logged back into the same overflow server so you can at least pick off where you DCed.
- Epic loot at the very end. Shouldn’t belong in an event. Only commemorations. This would have saved a lot of the gripe going on the forums right now. No one wants to feel cheated in a game, especially by the company.
- Short window to attend the event. Why did it even have to be this short and played only once? Why can’t we have the event run for at least 24hrs to give everyone a fairer chance?
People play for fun, or I should say, people will stop playing if it isn’t fun anymore. GW1 was fun, and I put in a lot of hours. Events were handled nicely in GW1. Honestly, I don’t recall hearing the community cry out this loud about events in GW1. I think the 24hrs repeating event gave everyone a fair chance. And if you were away for an extended period, it sucked not being able to attend the event, but at least you didn’t feel too bad.
Heres a thought. Drop the whole RNG system for everything.
RNG=Random Number Generator
do you have any idea how boring a game would be without RNG? think about it.. you kill a boar you always get a chunk of meat. you have to remove 90% of the crafting ingredients You’re not going to have a separate rock for each jewel and now with now RNG you can have one of them drop randomly now and then with every gathering action on a mineral and its unfeasible to have so many rock types. Everything would need to be pumped up in terms of requirements. You can no longer have a named exotic crafted using just 30 corrupted lodestones, it would be way too quick just kill 30 corrupted elemental so instead you’d require something like 500 of them. You’d also have to remove all cool drops from the game. You cant have a boss drop that named exotic you like else it would take 1/2 a day and you’d get all the gear you like and then what? why would you play the game?
Dropping rng might seem like a nice fix but I dont think it is, I think it would make the game worst not better personally!
So grinding for hour’s end to farm mats are a fun game design? No thanks. Working towards legendary is good, but some of the requirements are just so ridiculous. I’m playing for fun, not to work inside a game. Grinding is a decade old concept to keep customers in games, and it’s a concept for subscription based game. It shouldn’t apply to games like GW, where you only pay for the box price. I think time has changed and Anet do away with this cheap concept. They got the core of the game right, so I do hope they iterate on it.
RNG has its place, but I don’t think they should apply for epic gears. In Ultima Online, they implemented a guaranteed drop system (I think that’s what it was called). It’s basically an RNG that keeps improving the chances every time you kill a boss. So say, the 1st round you have like 5% chance for loot. Next time you kill the boss, your chance for loot is increased to 10%, and so on so forth, that eventually you will be guaranteed a drop (and at such time, your chance for loot will get reset). The point of this system is to keep the RNG, but reward players still for playing the content if they didn’t get the drop. It’s a bummer not to get the drop, but you didn’t feel bad because you knew your effort wasn’t wasted. Just a thought…
Oh, and as for the epic loot in an one time event? Don’t do it…
This is exactly why you don’t put loot in events. At least the good ones. Just hand out everyone some useless commemoration to remember about the event, and attending the event itself should be enough. Players shouldn’t be lured to attend events with phat loot. The event itself should be rewarding enough.
Essentially, Anet dropped the bomb and created some huge disparity within the community. The unlucky ones will cry out loud, and the lucky ones will tell them to shut up. We don’t need this kind of bickering between the community Anet. What happened to those 24 hours event that repeated every few hours? At least that gave everyone a fairly large enough window to attend and have fun. And speaking of fun, you don’t need to impress us with “epic one time event” Anet. All we want is fun, and it is quite lacking from the events so far.
Meh, if there’s any, it’ll probably be another chance to do the event.
Good for you Aleaf.8174 that you are happy with the incomplete game you paid for back in August. That’s not the concert I paid for.
I expect Anet to do a better job, and any defects in their game be fixed promptly. Because if things are left shoddy, Anet would not see my money for future expansion packs.
The cost for the seemingly “free content” we just got isnt’ actually free. The cost of it has already been calculated in the initial box price, or, will be recouped later. Nothing is free boy. We all pay the price at some point, so stop dancing around over this mystical free stuff.
They should have had bracketed times, AND POST THEM, for 24 hours so groups would be able to get filled. I got into some of the latter ones and their were almost too few doing them.
Anet’s biggest problem is a lack of communication during events like this. People NEED time tables so they can schedule and please for love of god post estimated times of completion. The Ancient Karka event took way too long and it ran into IRL schedules. If you can’t give a rough estimate of when an event will be completed then you didn’t test it enough and thus it shouldn’t be put in live servers. Make a program that runs the event with the maximum amount of players before releasing it.
I 100% agree….people need times for the REAL LIVES….and there needs to be MANY events Occurring over and over for the maximum benefit to all players….and 1 TIME time chest deal….you get that thing 1 time your done….let those of us who haven’t gotten it have our chance. During my 1st attempt at noon PST….it was 4pm by the time the next part of the event was starting and I had to leave to do something important….I had no clue i would be sitting in game playing for that long for a in quote “1 hour Event” my RL kicked in and i realized I couldn’t believe i had been at this for 3 hours already…..
VERY frustrating
I’m gonna go with no. Why should Anet schedule events around everyone? If you got tickets to a free concert and you can’t make it because of your schedule, would you complain about not getting to see it?
And I have no idea how fail your group was but the event ended for me by 2:30 PST. And they never said it was a “1 hour Event.” If you actually READ the post, it’s a “Multi Hour Event.” Multi generally means 2+ hours.
And lastly, you made your choice over doing something IRL or playing the game. Everything has an opportunity cost. You made your choice.
And was this event so awesome? Was it worth it for Anet to piss off so many of it’s player base? Anet could’ve easily designed it so that many many more could’ve enjoyed it. But they didn’t.
And this isn’t a free concert. We paid for the ticket. People, please stop getting fooled by the notion of free content update, because it isn’t. The cost for the update has already been factored in.
Oh yeah, Tyria changed forever. It’s now filled with so many angry heroes.
Haha. Thanks Chaladar. This thread took off some of my heat.
Come one Anet. It’s 2012. You are trying to break the mold of a typical MMO here with GW2. You know better that RNG should not be used anymore in an MMO. It worked for the first decade. It’s not going to work anymore, and you’re just driving your player base mad.
A bunch of exotics given out is fine, but when you give out such a big ticket item to only a select few, you’re just creating disparity among them. A one time event is fine, but no one should walk off rich from it, or vice versa, everyone should walk off happy from it. The event itself should be the treat, not the loot.
free?… i clearly remember paying for this game….
also… they can take this kind of content and shove it.You’re kidding right? short for eve online dont know of any other MMO that gives this amount of content without specifically charging for it as an expansion and in case of eve you’re paying the subscription for that!
But hey if the bugs bother you so much why dont you ignore the content for a week or two until its ironed out! guess what you’d still be getting more then you get in other MMOs!
Lol so kitten cute. Ignoring the content for a week or two until bugs are ironed out? You do know that this content was an “once in a life time” event that only spawned over 3 days right? And it seems like Phase 1 is still bugged out. As if Anet’s going to take care of the bug either way. They just closed it so they don’t have to work on a fix anymore. How the hell are we supposed to wait till bugs are ironed out? Those who were unlucky can’t finish the content anymore. Not that we have the desire to do so anymore after this debacle.
Happy player voices actually means nothing. Anet should be listening to the frustrated group so they can improve on what went wrong. There were many unhappy players from the Halloween event, and it just seems Anet haven’t listened well from how this event turned out.
Appreciations are given where it’s due. Despite being bug ridden, GW2 is a great game so props for that. As for this event? Not so much. Props to the art team for bringing great visuals. Who ever wrote the event authoring tool needs a boot however, as well as the kitten buggy overflow servers. It’s just driving your player base mad. I’m safe to say that the player base is happy with GW2, but when it comes to events, I think the majority of the player base is just disappointed and frustrated. Something needs to be done. 2 failed events in a row only in a 3 months span is not a good way to start a budding MMO.
Guys, if your expectations are that high, start paying $30 a month, or else please appreciate what ANet has done and stop complaining that much. They obviously don’t have to bring out new contents in such a short time.
Exactly!! I’d rather have Anet not bring out new contents in such a short time. Anet should test their contents so it works properly, rather than they bring out bug ridden contents month after month, just to leave the user base frustrated and confused.
GW1 was such a great game, and it was free. That was Anet’s business model, and they stuck with that model with GW2 also, so please take your “since you’re not paying monthly subs so shut up and appreciate everything” arguement somewhere else where it belongs.
Same here. Wondering what and how much of the “one time” event I missed out on.
Very frustrated and confused.
I’m ok with the idea of one time events, but if you can’t properly pull it off Anet, please, no more of this.
Magic tinfoil hat tells me that the contents will be used for years to come.
Sets aside tinfoil hat
I hope every holiday offers something exciting like this one (and something new as well). Anet, you’ve set the bars high!!
Can A-net trace back where those stolen items/gold has been traded off to?
It’s one thing A-net being unable to reimburse stolen items/gold, it’s another issue if A-net has no means of tracking stolen items/gold to punish those criminals.
Such a coincident that this topic is created on the date that my account got compromised.
When I tried to log on just right now, this whole thing about “verifying my account” thing came up. I followed the steps, reset my password, and then I logged in, just to find that my character’s inventory and gold was wiped. Equipped items (although 1 main-hand weapon missing) were intact, so as my bank stuff.
I don’t use passwords on multiple locations, I don’t believe my password is particularly weak, I haven’t shared accounts, nor have I done anything in particular that would result in my account’s theft. Thus, the above comment from Gaile Gray, given my current situation, is a bit annoying to me at the moment. While I know this world isn’t a perfect place, and A-net doing their best (hopefully) to catch those kittens, as a player, it just sucks to have your account abused, and especially when you didn’t do anything weird to get your account compromised, the statement “These are individual issues.” is just a slap in the face. I used to be one of the “hundreds of thousands of people” playing without any incident, and bam, today, I’m on the other side of the fence.
I’ve been playing MMOs since Ultima Online, and this is the first time I got hacked. So please do tell me what wrong I have done. I already filed a ticket, so I’ll just wait for a response. Meanwhile, is it safe to keep on playing on my account?