Showing Posts For bluebacker.8679:
….not worth the repair bill.
If you open them solo, even in areas you are the proper level for, you will get killed by toys about 10-15% of the time and end up with damaged armor.
Kinda silly to have it this way.
There are other games out there that already do what you want.
/15 char
OP, what you are descibing is a ‘skinner box’ game. There’s already a bunch of those available. I’m glad GW2 isn’t one. GW2 may not grab you and that’s ok. Nothing is for everyone.
if you are not happy with this game, or feel like it is not what you expected
Posted by: bluebacker.8679
Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, but not always entitled to display said opinion. That’s apparent in the Free Speech cases that’ve been done.
I also know that this is the internet, and not under US stewardship, which also means you are no longer specifically entitled to your opinion. There are no laws or rights applied world-wide. I’m not advocating stupidity though, this is where common sense and the “golden rule” come into play. Leave the same way you enter, with respect.
To add to this: IF a person is ‘entitled’ to their opinion then I am ‘entitled’ to my opinion of their opinion. I suppose whining could be considered an opinion if you use the loosest possible interpretaion of the word opinion. Also, the difference between an opinion and an educated opinion can be as vast as the ocean is wide.
Easily yes. Nothing’s perfect but GW2 is very, very good and I have confidence in Anet to keep fixing, improving, and adding to the game.
It seems that my character can run faster than toons in other mmos.
Of course, ‘fun’ is a subjective term, and everyone finds different things fun. I enjoy running around Frostgorge with no real goal, just doing events, killing mobs, rezzing downed players. I guess that eventually, by doing this enough, I may end up with enough stuff to craft an exotic weapon. I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m just having fun playing the game to play the game.
If the only reason you play MMOs is for the ‘phat lewt’, maybe GW2 isn’t the game for you. GW2 is the game for those of us who like to play the game, regardless of virtual pixellated rewards.
This is the point that many of those complaining and critsizing are missing. If you don’t enjoy the gameplay for the sake of the gameplay then GW2 isn’t for you…at least not in large doses. There are other games out there that will probably suit their playstyle better. They are not wrong to want to play that type of game but GW2 is not going to fit that bill for them.
She needs to learn the basics more or less on her own. Unless her IQ is in double digits it won’t take long and it’ll be less frustrating for both of you. Once she can move, attack, open her inventory and so forth THEN get together and baby-step through a starter zone.
Really nice write up. I’m still leveling my main. I’m currently lvl 56 so I clearly don’t play as often or as effectively as you do but; I’m having a great time with the game. I’ll hit 80 6-7 weeks in with almost zero crafting.
I think you’ve looked under the hood pretty well and all-in-all, for a game a month old, it seems to be in pretty good shape. Yes, it still needs some tweaking to keep hardcore players engaged but if AN has proved anything it’s their track record for being responsive.
Again, it’s only been a month and look at what they have already done / tried to do. I think they’ll get there sooner rather than later. I sounds like you got your money’s worth and if you hang with the game I believe that you’ll be rewarded for it.
Doesn’t matter, Pandamania comes out today. If you want to play WoW it’s available to you, enjoy. I’m tired of WoW, so very tired, can’t bring myself to follow that rule set anymore. Thankfully this is a different rule set.
Me too. I played launch through Cata and I recall the rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth over how little content was actually added and many hated the changes made by that expansion.
I have not and will not purchase MoP because it really is going to be just more of the same……. GW2 is different and it’s better. AN is much more responsive to its players and, although GW2 is really good as it is, I expect it to get even bigger and better over time.
There are number of bugs that continue to persist. Broken events. Broken skill points. Broken story quests. Some of the fundamental mechanics still require re-balancing and tweaking (condition focused characters). The trade post is still frequently in maintenance. In other words, there are tons of things to complain about. But oddly enough, I’m still enjoying just playing the game, running events, gathering and crafting, fine-tuning my ability to deal with over-agro in Orr, and just wandering in the world. Some of us just like the way the game plays and feels and try not to sweat the bumps in the road.
There’s no other place in the gameverse I’d rather spend my time in than Tyria.
GW2 is very different from – - – and – - – clones like R – - -. The biggest PvE benefit is the downleveling system so that ALL the content remains viable for your charater ALL the time.
The WvWvW is settling into nothing short of amazing as the server matchups begin to sort themselves out.
I don’t play sPvP at all anymore. Battlegrounds, scenarios, or even arenas, are just not my thing. There’s PLENTY for me to do in GW2 without sPvP.
Nothing is for everyone why come and cry n the forums? If you like – - – then go play – - -. Pretty simple. I lke GW2 so I’ll play it instead of paying for an expansion and another year of monthly fees for a stale 8 year old game that many people will blow through and be complaining about within 72 hours.
Prediction: the same people complaining here will be flaming on the – - – forums within two weeks from today….better there than here, lol.
You said it yourself; over 250 hours put in. You got your $60 worth. You plowed through way faster than most players and put in what is easily a very unhealthy amount of time. And no, 6 hours a day is not “comparatively short to the average MMO player”. That’s pretty much no social life status if you have a job. You know what else it is? A lie. The game release 26 days ago if you count the headstart, and you’ve played for over 250 hours. That calculates to between 9 and 10 hours per day.
Content isn’t limitless. ANet’s going to make more though. For now, I guess, shelf the game and wait. I know it might be hard; you’ve played the game for at least 9 hours a day on average, after all, but I’m sure that you’ll find something to do with your time while you wait for ArenaNet to give you more content to speed through five times faster than most people.
This is the answer. If you don’t want to Wv3 or SPvP or level an alt or work on getting all crafting to 400 or run all the dungeons on explorable mode thorough all three paths each or run back through the zones to experience the dynamic events you inevitably missed or work on crafting a legendary item then yeah, you’re done until an expansion / content update comes out.
Good news for you is that you’re not paying a monthly fee while waiting.
Remember, It’s always 5:00 pm somewhere……
The server matchups will sort themselves out in fairly short order.
It’s going to be ok.
IF this turns out to be wildly unpopular then ANet will rethink the change. If you play different characters does the cap still apply? IF not then the shared bank may alleviate some of the concerns. I only play 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week. It’s just all the time I want to spend playing a computer game so it really doesn’t impact me at all but at the same time.
I want the game to be wildly successful so that it gets updated, expanded, and supported for years to come.
You clearly haven’t found the in-game brothel have you? Wink, wink; nudge, nudge.
Ya know, the older I get the more I realize that no matter what the situation is there will always be someone who will complain about it.
I believe that tiered tournaments for SPvP will be coming.
….worth upgrading for in your opinion?
Angry Army has transferred to Northern Shiverpeaks. The Wv3 void left by the Asension Alliance has been filled!