Showing Posts For codpin.6542:

Personality should affect your Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


Personality should affect your appearance not stats. Just like in Mass Effect or Start Wars games.

If you are aggressive than you should look more kitten maybe with some scars and such…
If you use charm maybe you should look prettier, something sexy, i dont know… something nice so you can actually charm something
And if you use dignity you should have some faint glow around you or something…

But all these wont happen so i wont put much hope on it…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Auto Pickup for looting

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


This would be another step towards making botters life easier. At least thats how i see it and i think its the main reason ANet is not implementing this.

Giving you the option to bind another key only for loot purposes, that would be a great addition indeed.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Salvage asc rings for T6 mats and vials

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


Hopefully they will do something about the rings when they will take a look at the rewarding system and tune it up. Right now you spend 1h+ for a 20+ fractal run and get less gold than a 10 min CoF run. Not to mention the item drops, chests full of blue and greens all over the place.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Salvage asc rings for T6 mats and vials

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


As it is right now, if you do regular runs of fractals, there is a high chance that your bank is full of useless ascended rings. Not only they are useless by their stats, but you can’t do anything with them, no mystic forge, no salvage, no nothing.

My suggestion is to let us salvage them for T6 mats and a chance for vials or globs. I’m not including shards because that should be limited only for higher lvl fractals. It should be the same as when you salvage a lvl 80 rare, but instead of having a chance for 1-3 ectos, you could have a chance for a vial or glob of essence.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

I just did part 1 of Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Its been a while since I ran path 1 did they add more way points?

Nope. There is 1 at the first chest, aka the ooze boss and the next one is at lupi. I dont know why they dont add a wp after every boss, like in the rest of the paths.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


This is absolutely an issue as the game matures and we are working on ways to make running story mode with someone worthwhile even if you have already run it so players just reaching these dungeons can more easily find groups to play with. It will probably take some experimentation before we find the right motivator.


I see this reply was 6onths ago as I did my search. Not sure if anything has changed since I’m somewhat new? Having said that, it still seems like no one wants to do story mode, and I must do it to get to the others. I’ve been asking in Lion’s arch or the respective dungeon’s zone for 4 days now, and no one wants to do them. Something has to be done to make it worth while, because people don’t seem like they want to be bothered doing the story mode when the current system seems weighted to reward the EXP versions.

Use and you will find parties for story modes rather fast.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Kick system

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


Not sure if this has been suggested but i’ll post anyway. Tire of seeing people getting the grief in dungeon and time wasted. Having been a victim myself (not recently) but never the griefer. Here are a few suggestions to anet:

1. Kicking option become unavailable after a certain progression in the dungeon has happen. Example the team is half way through the dungeon or on 3rd fractal round.

2. Remove kicking entirely in dungeon run.

3. If a individual is kicked. The team is not allowed to invite anyone else making the team live with the decision and try to beat the dungeon with 1 person short.

4. Kicking require vote of all 4 members instead of 2.

If anyone got any other viable suggestion lets hear it.

The only valid point in your post is number 4 to which i agree.

Kicking is there for a reason. If a player goes afk or gets disconnected and doesnt come back, why should the whole party be punished? Wait for a certain amount of time, if he doesnt come back, kick him and invite someone else. Or if the player is trolling the whole group, pulling random groups or dying in purpose, why should we have to put up with his kitten? Kick and invite someone else.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Better party-forming UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: codpin.6542


Atm everything that relates with grouping is rather poorly implemented.

- kick system – broken. When you need only 2 votes from a total of 5 members, instead of 4, its almost guaranteed griefing.

- no party leader – I like the fact that everyone can invite in the party. I don’t like the fact that everyone can use target, in pugs especially, everyone targets everything. Also the fact that there is no party leader, but there is an instance leader (as in the person who enters first in a dungeon) is quite stupid.

- raid group or some other kind of large group – I get that GW2 doesnt have raids, its all good. But when you, as a developer, come with content that requires a larger then 5 group of people, such as guild bounty and so on, and you don’t give players any option to group up => fail

- inconsistent context menu – Sometimes when i right click a player name i have the option to join or invite or even both. Most of the times tho i dont have neither. Am i missing something?

- wrong error messages – Try to join a player that is not currently in a party and it says that the player name is not found. WTH? First time when i encountered this i actually thought that the player who posted on LFG went offline.

And this are all the things i remember right now, they are plenty more.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

GL and colorblindness

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Every enemy aoe has a red circle. Every enemy ground attack has also a red circle. How do you expect them to fix that? It would mean to redo this for all the content in the game.

You know nothing about the process that goes behind software development, and I hope to god that anet’s did not do it the way you imply it to be. It is very likely that you could change a few variables to change the color of said circle no matter what type of enemy you’re dealing with without having to go through all the game content. If this game has been reasonably well developed it shouldn’t take much to give us the possibility of switching red into something else as an option.

I wasnt implying that all the content had to be redone, just the fact that the color of those circles had to be the same in all content. As someone else already suggested, being able to choose the color yourself would be a solution. But again, as i said earlier, doing this would take even a bit of effort and will be useful only for a handful of people and i dont think anet will even consider this.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

GL and colorblindness

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Every enemy aoe has a red circle. Every enemy ground attack has also a red circle. How do you expect them to fix that? It would mean to redo this for all the content in the game. I’m not saying i dont feel for you, it sucks, but to change all this for just a few people? Im afraid its not gonna happen…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Chest Loot Timer, anti-melee or just dumb?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: codpin.6542


Just grab the baubles as you kill each mob, dont wait to pick them up after you kill them all. Thats how i do it and i never missed one.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


@randomfightfan: if im not mistaken, i think i saw a video of you soloing lupi. (if im mistaken, then ignore the rest of my post) This means that you do a lot of dungeons, because otherwise you couldn’t be so experienced in pve content.

Well, i do a lot of dungeons myself, i could say that dungeons represent more then 70% of my ingame time. And for the last 2 months my luck was kitten. In 2 months, doing so many dungeons i got a total of 2 (two) exotics and a bunch of rares. And those 2 exos dropped in last week, before that i had a 2 months period of no exotics drop. I know this is all about RNG, but i couldn’t ignore the fact that my guildies and pugs that were with me in dungeons got plenty of exos and i was getting blues and greens.

So my theory is that there is some kind of account DR system, because i have 3 80’s and i play almost the same amount with all of them. The problem is that this DR is applied to all the content in the game, because i experienced bad drops from all kind of events.

TL;DR: I think that doing many dungeons gets you some kind of account DR that is applied to all the content. Or there is some kind of bug involved.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Arah P2 boss.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Never done it with a mesmer so i can’t confirm it, but if it really is as you say then it could be a real problem for a party with certain classes in it.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Arah Dungeon Explore...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Are there any Potions of Slaying that help with this one, like there are for others? Do Potions of Undead Slaying work on Risen?

Undead = Risen

Yes they work. The potions are cheap (in their strongest version they are about 4-5s) and if you really want that extra damage you can get the superior sigil of undead slaying for about 2-3s, but i would recommend to put it on a spare weapon that you use only in arah or when farming Orr regions, because anywhere else you would waste some other stats or bonuses.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Arah P2 boss.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


What p2 boss are you talking about?

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Guild Missions with alliances

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: codpin.6542


Its number 2.

So for an “alliance” to work, you need guild A to rep guild B, guild B starts and all players get the chest, but only guild B gets the merits. Then guild B rep guild A, guild A starts and complete the bounty so that guild A can get the merits also. But keep in mind that the second time you do the bounty, even in a different guild, you wont get the chest again.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

How to: get the most from your Nvidia GPU, high end PC and GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: codpin.6542



Why is this topic called this way? I mean, beside the point where you say what driver you use, the others are so generic that this could work very well on AMD cards as well. No point in calling it a Nvidia performance boost thread.

Also… while i understand that OC is not for anyone, saying you shouldn’t OC your gpu or cpu unless there is a factory OC its plain crap.

It’s not a bad thread, most of the advices you gave are common sense for most but could help some people. Its just the title that bugs me and that the mods gave it a sticky without renaming it.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Hope you stocked up on Ectos

in Crafting

Posted by: codpin.6542


Yea… pretty much this ^^

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

arah path 3 bugged ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


If you have this problem, use the wp back to where the spiders used to ambush players on their chased return path then run back to the altar. Stop before the exit where couple risens patrolling ahead of the huts. The chicken cut-scene will start there.

Afaik, the wp you are talking about only appears AFTER you trigger the chicken event and you get that cutscene.

In any case, when you run from lupi to the end boss, you will see a quest marker on your map, at around half way there. When you reach it, slow down a bit or even stop for 1-2 sec so that the npc can reach that point. You will get a cutscene and a wp there. After that just move along to the end boss.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


The game is not designed for hard large scale events. You don’t have a raid frame, only 5 man party. Try coordinate 50 ppl. Its not possible without voice chat. And that’s just 50 ppl. On a large scale event there would be almost 10 to 20 times more than that.

Plus the culling system that still remains in PvE. You can’t see what most others do, you only see the people around you.

Go and take a look at balthazar temple. Thats the hardest large scale event in the game. And it’s closed on most servers, because people fail it over and over again.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

[Gandara] ASq recruiting (PVE/Dgn/Frac)

in Guilds

Posted by: codpin.6542


ASq is still recruiting. We are focusing now on expanding our guild a bit more for the guild missions.

Casual or “hardcore” players are welcomed, we do daily dungeon runs and all sort of PvE activities, so if you are in EU and looking for a nice and cozy guild, send me a mail ingame (it will be faster then posting here) and we can talk more.


Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Feedback about TP initialization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: codpin.6542


Let’s say you made some search and closed TP window. After that, if you open the TP if always opened with last search informations … This creates 3-5 sec time without being able to do nothing on every TP opening.

This is annoying and should be fixed.

But the fact that it redirects you to the gem store page, its all about marketing and it will stay this way. I would be happy if it would simply open at the gem store every time and not waste another few seconds while swapping from the last search to the gem store.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Gaming Mouse for GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: codpin.6542


G700 user here. I have all 3 utilities and the elite skill bound on the side buttons and it works like a charm.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


confirmed… seafarer still open atm

thx braindrops!

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

What's the breakdown on Ascended gear?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


First of all, we seem to have different opinions on what is required to get these “pro” items. Ascended stuff is really easy to get. Back piece and rings, you can get carried by 4 other players in fotm and bam! You got them. Does it look pro to you?

Ascended earrings… they are “harder” to get simply because there is a time gate on them with the guild missions and such. Again, no skill required to obtain them.

Legendary weapon… tell me one thing that requires skill when farming and grinding for the mats. One thing and i will back up. But there is none…

Second… where all this “respect” in a video game? How can you respect some pixels? Because you dont know the person that moves those pixels. I understand respect in a very different way then you it seems. If there would be some people that deserve respect in this game, one of them would be wethospu. Not because he is full ascended and carries 15 legendaries. But because he has proven his skill in many ways and he may deserve respect from the whole community. But even so, i wouldnt call it proper respect, just some kind of appreciation of his skill and work.

Im gonna stop here because this is getting off topic.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Any server with Balthazar Temple uncontested?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


Melandru temple open somewhere?

Why go off topic instead of using this thread ?

Please dont do that in the future.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Death isn't a punishment; it's an experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Healers in the traditional MMO trinity model act as support in a group. But if you look deeper; what they’re actually doing is erasing the mistakes of their allies by filling up their health bars. The downed state is actually very similar. It allows every player to heal any player.

Wrong. In a traditional mmo, you rarely have the ability to evade the damage as a dps class, because most mobs and bosses have some sort of attacks that do aoe dmg and is way better to take the hit and continue your dps. Also, healers are there mostly for the tank, because he needs to take the hits for the entire party.

On the other hand, in gw2, you can evade and mitigate almost anything is thrown at you.

Hope you see the difference and why there is no need of active and dedicated healers.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

(edited by codpin.6542)

Confused about megabosses after next patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Or Is it a guaranteed rare for each megaboss per account daily?


Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

What's the breakdown on Ascended gear?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


Funnily, you will not get any respect nor a preferral choice joining a group even having a full ascended set, noone respect anyone on this game about anything, not even wearing a legendary, go figure.

Why would you demand respect for wearing ascended or legendaries? Any prick with a lot of spare time can get those so i see no direct connection between good items and respect. Respect is earned, but not with stats…

Also, who wants respect in a video game? Really now….

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Captain Ashym and Fiery GS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


I thought gs was timed based because whenever we had more than 2 warriors and we were all melee, he would swap to staff at 50% but never swapped to gs because we killed it too fast. Hence my presumption.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Captain Ashym and Fiery GS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


From my experience, he starts with sword and shield, then swaps to staff then swaps to gs last. I think the staff swap is triggered by his hp reaching 50%, but the gs swap is timed based. I’m saying this because he only gets to swap to his gs when we are slow dpsing him.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Can we get a workaround for Simin?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


The whole path needs to be increased to like 120 Tokens. Same with the Jotun path. Why run them when you can run the Chicken path in 1/3 or even 1/4 of the time for the same tokens?

Because there is a difference between a challenging path and farm path. If you want to farm arah tokens, go for path 3. Its easy and its fast. If you want a break from the monotony, go for the other paths.

I just did p4 with some guildies last night and it was fun. I was the only one that did p4 before (even before the nerf) and i was surprised how easy Simin is now. I mean they really nerfed it. We did it the first try, even if the guys didn’t had much clue what’s going on and we had a few people being petrified for more then a few seconds. Now with this nerf, i think p4 became the easiest path for an organized group. Its still long as hell but the bosses are waaaay to easy and the trash skipping is easier then in any other path.

I can’t understand people that want every path in every dungeon to be farmable. Every dungeon has its farm path and its longer and more tedious paths. Deal with it.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

(edited by codpin.6542)

Viability of zerker warrior alt outside CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


You never ever get 1 shot from any risen or any enemy in open world pve, unless its a champ or something. And believe me when i say this, i have a full zerk war and mesmer. And by full zerk i mean i dont have anything but berserker items on me, from armor to trinkets and weapons plus ruby orbs.

So saying you get 1 shot in open world by mobs is plain bs.

I’m not saying this is the only way to go and i dont have anything against people that use all kind of gear (except mf guys, they tend to be useless). But you have to consider that the current meta game is designed in such a way that dps is better than defense. You can’t mitigate all the damage forever so its better to kill faster than to try and tank it.

If the OP says its a casual player of GW2, maybe its better to just stick with the class that he understands and likes. I farmed cof with my guardian just as fine as with my warrior or mesmer. It all depends on the group you’re in.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Guild Wars 2 Timers tool

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


While that is true, you can repeat with the same character but you will only get the chest, not the guaranteed one. So basically there will be no need to remember which char did what.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Viability of zerker warrior alt outside CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


My main is a guardian, but i’ve been running with a full zerk warrior all kind of content, from fotm to arah all paths and i have no trouble doing so. You really need to know the class well enough and the mechanics that come with it. Also know the encounters so that you can prepare for what is about to come.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Guild Wars 2 Timers tool

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


@Rebort: why even bother? Once you do an event the first time, you will remember where it is and what waypoint to use. But if you are not sure where an event is, you can always ask in map chat and there will be people nice enough to link you the waypoint.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Guild Wars 2 Timers tool

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


@Fuda: a simpler way would be to be able to make some kind of comment on each timer, where you can write the names of your alts that did the event. But because this will be changed and we will be able to do the events only once per account, i see no reason why this would be implemented.

Also the option to update the timers (like on the site, after you finish one) would be nice, but i think its rather difficult to implement. Now the app only takes data from the site, so being able to transmit back means a lot more programming and i’m not sure the site owners would permit that. One reason would be for security reasons and another would be that the site will lose a good amount of traffic.

I’m gonna install the app now to give it a try. Thank you for the effort and contribution to the community.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

(edited by codpin.6542)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: codpin.6542


Any EU server that has the temple cleared? Thank you!

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

All the plants on Tyria screaming at once?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Yumiko sit down! You dont have any imagination at all…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Why are Krytan weapon of the night so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Probably someone stashed it or simply typed a wrong price and left it there just in case. Someone else got the same skin, checked the TP to sell it, saw the high price without seeing that it;s only one item and undercut it so they can sell it faster. And so on…

At least that’s my only logical explanation…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Gilded vs Magical infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


I got the gilded one.

20% more gold > 20% mf

Think of it this way, the rare and exo drops are like very small, so 20% of something really small means almost nothing. If u have a 0.01% chance of exotics to drop, that 20% gets you at a total of 0.012%. The numbers are random, just wanting to illustrate what i mean.

Also, another thing is that, as far as i know, most people use omnoms especially for the gold increase, the mf increase coming second.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

(edited by codpin.6542)

Ascended Accessories-"There can be only one!"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


As a Diablo and Rift player, i already knew what unique meant, but i can see how some people won’t get this the first time. I know i didn’t when i first encountered this mechanic.

That’s why its best to scroll through the whole list of items of that vendor, before buying. If you did that, you would’ve seen that there are 2 rings of each kind of stats.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Ecto salvaging?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


There are days and there are… bad days. The worst was yesterday when from about 30 rares i got like 15 ectos. I’m starting to think it’s way more convenient to just sell those rares and buy ectos. At least this way i’m guaranteed a ratio of almost 1:1

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Odd Race/Profession Combinations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Nothing beats a plant wielding a flamethrower!

Maybe just a flamethrower holding a plant…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Manners in Dungeon Running with PUGs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


I tried to be as polite and modest, yet it seems like I’m doing it wrong.

So you leave the party without announcing it and you call that polite? It’s nothing wrong to leave a party in the middle of a dungeon run, if you have any kind of trouble, but announce it first!

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


Bounties aren’t fun at all. At least not how they are implemented atm. Plus, who the hell came up with the idea to make a bounty npc in a freaking barrel? And if that’s not enough, they decided to put false barrels all over the map….

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Auto unsheathing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


it actually doesnt. aa only works when in combat…

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


a simple 7 day cooldown on guesting could fix this problem. there is no need to limit the pve content on guesting accounts, because there are some people that really use guesting in the desired way, so this 7 day cd will impact only the ones that abuse it.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Overused tactics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


@haviz: if its ok or not, i can’t decide now, because i don’t know if that was intended or not. My point was, why blame players that use the game mechanics in legit way to make things faster?

1) I don’t fully agree. If enemies are able to dodge out of your STATIC skills, its no ok. Because they will most certainly spam that dodge
2) Dont know why this isnt already in the game.
3) Same as above
4) This will make anti projectile skills useless. They could simply eliminate those skills and leave the mobs as they are. I dont agree with this.
5) Good point
6) This takes too much processing, resulting in lag or chaotic behaviour of the mobs. Risky to implement
7) Would be nice

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]