thief being an agile melee glass cannon with dirty tricks is not just my interpretation of the class, it’s what’ it has always been. and not inly in GW but in most MMOs and other videogames with such a class.
there’s a big difference in an elite spec that expands a class’ playstyle and an elite spec that goes absolutely against what a class is designed for.
thief is and has always been in its core, a melee glass cannon, extremely agile and using dirty tricks to get the upper hand, as backstab or poisons.
this spec is absolutely the contrary. you fight from a distance an are 100% static. I never liked the idea of riffle and even less now that I’ve tried it.
there’s a big difference in an elite spec that broadens a class’ playstyle and an elite spec that goes absolutely against what a class is designed for.
thief is and has always been in its core a melee glass cannon, extremely agile and using dirty tricks to get the upper hand, as backstab or poisons.
this spec is abkittenely the contrary. you fight from a distance an are 100% static. I never liked the idea of riffle and even less now that I’ve tried it.
(edited by coso.9173)
I’ve always played a thief, so deadeye but I’m not crazy about it to be honest. the stuff I really like about the thief isn’t part of the deadeye. I like being stealthy, agile, a trickster, deadeye is pretty the contrary to these. a sniper stands still, hundreds of meters away from its victim for the lucky shot.
yeah, light colors make beards pretty much invisible too…
is there any chance this could be done? many times I’d like to have a different color for hair and beard. like silver hair and black beard. I think it creates a cool contrast, and looks awesome in real life too!
something like this (minus the leather jacket of course)
well if the people who wanted mounts were a minority then Arenanet wouldn’t have changed their stance on it, simple as that.
making a complete new design for another gender is of course much more work than simply fitting en existing one to another shape.
And this topic is a petition for them to CHANGE their views on the topic, so even if untill now the only unisex stuff we have is male oriented, what we want is them to realize their mistake and change that.
why would make unisex armor mean no more female armor? still using the ESO example, there are lots of female oriented outfits for example. that is in your head.
i’m so glad the endless debate of adding mounts or not will end <3 it’s been way too long!
i don’t think we have enough info yet to know that. I hope it’s relatively balanced.
of course, we should have choices for everyone, but for now, males have little choice in amount of skin shown. specially for medium armor.
love them aswell. the female afro is everything. <3
Can we honestly stop with the massive gender differences in clothes? I mean I understand adding a bra for females if the male version goes barechested, but not anywhere near the point we have now.
Outfits and armor should look pretty much the same for both genders, for example ESO does it that way, you can even wear a white wedding dress as an orc if you want.
These limits only have downsides. it limits players to what they want to wear, and it means MORE work for arenanet, since every outfit or armor requires 2 versions, guy and girl version. which in return means we get armor and outfits only half as often as we could if we had unisex clothing.
I know many of you will think that males would look ridicuouls with female clothes, and it’s true. but it’s not as we can’t have ridiculous characters now, even more considering some f the legendaries too.
like I mentioned in ESO, even though there are lots of female outfits to choose from, we hardly see them much in male players, mostly those that actually look good on both genders. So it’s not like everyone and their mum will start dressing their norns with short pink skirts (which they can already do now btw)
Also, please. more armor variety! we’re sick of having to post this all the time but you guys still don’t seem to get the memo.
i really don’t see why they can’t be shared. let guys wear long hair and braids, let girls have short hair, it’s godkitten 2017 and these limits are kinda dumb IMO.
heavy and light armor classes get to enjoy bare chest armors for males, why medium armor can’t have at least a few to choose from (not counting cultural ones of course)
I hope some of the new ones will be more varied
i haven’t had any DC’s in all day long. I’ve played without issues for hours. but in the last intance’s final fight I’ve been DC’ed TWICE and forced to do everything again. I doubt it’s my ISP because there¿s no reason for it to happen only there.
the battle is long and pretty annoying to do a third time in a row, so I hope you guys can fix whatever is causing that issue.
myself I have no will to go through it all over again a third time. so I’m out for tonight and hopefully it’ll be solved later.
high pitched scream
(edited by coso.9173)
i’m glad we’ll finally get mounts so the naysayers can stop saying “mounts wouldn’t fit gw2 because of reasons”.
if it’s because it’s easier to reuse existing armor and make changes to them, there is the glorious chest piece that is short and tight, why not base more on that one????
we’ve been asking this for YEARS! abd still the devs keep ignoring it. blows my mind they won’t want people to spend money in stuff they want.
for someone who claims others don’t read your posts, you really don’t do it much either do you?
the system is already in the game. it just applies to a small zubzone instead of a whole map. that’s the difference.
I’m not saying I like the idea btw, just saying the system is already in place and it’s alreayd been done in the game before, more than once.
some people really hate others to bring ideas from other MMOs in here. they feel threatened somehow. I couldn’t care less for BDO specifically but I’m sure it does something right and we could always learn a thing of two from how other games do things.
will we get more customization options for characters? we have LOTS of colors for eyes and hair, but what about new faces, more facial hair options, scars, earrings, blind eye(s) stuff like that? in a game such as fashion eer I mean guild wars, new cusotmization options should be relatively common and constantly updated.
we already have a similar thing in the ice map where we need an elixir to survive in the coldest zone, or venom mastery to be able to stand in the venom, so it’s not like it’s something that hasn’t been done before.
a fractal in old LA is probably our best bet.
Human males have slim options, what are you on about?
I loved the old system too. It was nice to see the character up close. I just wish it had better animations to show emotions than just stand there…
wow this looks awesome. it’s exactly what I want to do as a thief. any tips on the combo you’re using? I can’t really yell it’s way too fast XD
Yes pleaaase!!!
I so want this. I prefer simpler designs and not overdesigned stuff too! The models are already there! You can make money from it! Why are these not yet available blows my mind!!
I dunno man, I mean there are tons of things to do at endgame, but you don’t seem to enjoy any of them. I know I don’t enjoy pvp and I’m missing something because of that, but I have still other things to do.
but as you said “So what to do as a casual player, who isn’t into raids, fractals. pvp and wvw” that are 4 whole game modes you’re dismissing. most games don’t even have so many to choose from. If you don’t like any kind of group activity, the only thing I can think is world bosses, regular map events and jumping puzzles.
If you’ve been playing for 2 years and a half and nothing interests you anymore, I think you should better take a small break. I did it and it helped me want to play again. go and play other games meanwhile and you’ll enjoy yourself again when you get back.
Also I’m pretty casual myself, I only have 1 char that I played, but I still do low level fractals, they’re fun, and pretty casual.
(edited by coso.9173)
is it that hated? I think it looks entertaining. I’ve always been a big fan of a more strategic approach rather than UGH KILL FAST. and this definitely requires a strategy and a preparation. it’s like setting a trap with a glass of water on top of the door and wait giggling till someone opens it and gets soaked XD
okay, so I mainly PVE, but once in a while I want to WvW. I know skills and traits get changed automatically, but now I want to use a different build that requires actual different equipment (runes)
so for those of you who do that, how do you do it? do you have 2 sets of armor? do you constantly replace runes?
I’m tryong to find the best way for someone who isn’t swimming in gold
WvW too I guess, right?
ah you’re rigjht I forgot about the heal.
why 2 dodges? didn’t the skill now recover 50 endu instead of 100? that’s just 1 dodge less
well I could say mesmers have access to stealth the signature move from thieves in like all MMOs XD
Yep, vault was butchered. I absolutely hate how it looks and feels.
I don’t notice any difference with vault? maybe with quickness, I haven’t tried it that way yet, but normally I can’t say it feels any different from before…
so in general, no meta changes for thief in any game mode I guess? :/
it’s funny to see the different points of view. thieves think they got the shaft again, other classes think thief got even more powerful, mesmers think that now with revenants, they’re not wanted anymore, revenants think they’re stil useless and no one will want them, eles think they got the shaft too, other classes think that the ele is top of the game and got mostly buffs and a couple of well earned nerfs…. opinions, right?
thanks! I’ll check how it goes, do you know any condi build links that are still viable?
even if both shadow step and vault require line of sight, I’0m still able to get to places with vault that I can’t using shadow step… weird.
can you vault across gaps/jumping puzzles fine still?
yep, just tried it that way and it worked…
even if both shadow step and vault require line of sight, I’0m still able to get to places with vault that I can’t using shadow step… weird.
haven’t felt any differences with vault so far…
good for infiltrator strike, good for soa in condi cleaning, good for traps, still worried about vault that won’t be able t be used for more strategic jumping in JPs, but so far not having any issues with it…
I’m going full power/berserk now, but I prefer a more strategic approach, mmaybe condi thief… sounds much more fun and entertaining.
so any news on this? it’s supposed to be today, right?
Yes, today is the 22nd. Its only 830am Pacific right now. Normal patches don’t roll out for at least another half hour, generally speaking. So, look for at after that point.
thanks for the info
i guess it has its uses in WvW, as long as you use it really close and in a straight path, but even the smalles stones on the way sometimes mess things up…