Showing Posts For cupcakesandcatnomz.3924:
I used to want SAB back so badly but now I just don’t care anymore, even if we did get it back now it’ll probably buggy as heck and it would take months to get fixed in an awkward kitten way. That’s how arena net does things, the fun’s just gone..
I want the game actually fixed, a completely new team would be nice but unlikely,
Also if the next expansion doesn’t have the tengu as playable race then the game is as good as dead to me.
Crappy games attract crappy players, that’s why we’re all here :p
my body is totally ready for the next big riot xD
The fractals update was a fluke, nothing has changed and nothing will change either, wvw is the next thing that gets some attention and after that we might hear something maybe, depends on how much they effed up at fixing wvw!
Gw2 would be so better off if it were to be separated, just giving pvp it’s own place would do wonders, it has such an alien fanbase compared to pve and wvw, and we wouldn’t have to suffer from those wonky class balance patches anymore since they only break gameplay.
Dev posts should be taken with a grain of salt anyway so it doesn’t really matter where they post, just put on a speed dial and you’re good to go
Fractals are still broken like many other things, don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon.
It’s not possible to release an update for software of this size without bugs. When I say not possible I mean literally not possible; I don’t mean just hard.
Your frustration is totally understandable, but also based on a misunderstanding of the reality of software development.
If you disagree with me, you don’t understand the field and you’re wrong. Go and ask an engineer if it’s possible to make an invincible bridge. Now disagree with him. You’re still wrong.
You’ll enjoy the game a lot more if you realize that bugs are inevitable and just accept that they’ll happen from time to time
oh please, this is such an overused excuse and clearly a copy/paste one too, these bugs would have been spotted in 5 seconds if they took the effort to test it first.
No, just git gud or go home, wanna be a casual? Go play dungeons, raids are for the big boys!
Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
HoT isn’t bad, gliding is fun and I really like the revenant gameplay as long as they don’t nerf it but I’ve pretty much seen it all now and nothing of the little amount of actual content is engaging enough to keep me playing, SW is still the most fun and rewarding map, dungeons even tho nerfed to death are more rewarding than any of the new maps and events, and I know that raids are coming but they’ll probably be bugged for the first few weeks and the crashes and dc’s are still a thing with the 64bit client still in beta so I can’t really say anything about that.
I’m not really feeling the 50 bucks worth of expansion here, ofc I really don’t have a choice if I want to continue playing with friends and guildies but it’s really biting at me.
Am I too sour?
This game is going downhill fast, I hope we can change this with a big enough riot or itll pretty much become a grindfest / pay to win micro transaction game :c
Thats actually pretty hilarious :’D
I think the designers dont know how to model actual pants so they cover it up with weird jacket and flappy bits, the only decent looking pants skin is the ascalon one, hell it even looks good on charr. But they’re probably too lazy to put any effort into making good looking skins unless its for the gemstore, and those are pretty lazy too :/
Yes it’ll be released on the new nintendo console next year
OP and anyone who has a problem with charr needs to jump off a bridge, into a fire or in front of a modrem.
Charr master race > y’all
You’re entitled to being salty, anything else would be a waste really :/
Nah, gw2 has pretty much killed off any hopes for gw3, but that’s ok, something new will come eventually as it always does
A big disappointment from start to finish, i hope this wont be a taste for what’s coming with HoT :’x
Map completion rewards + renown hearts
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Back in the day there used to be over 600 heart quests, now it’s half, don’t expect any new ones :’)
It really shouldn’t tho, teq isnt rewarding enough to put any effort into it
Some people just don’t deserve legendaries, its that simple
That’s what you get for buying blindly, enjoy the salt :>
Only 4 new armor sets (per armor type)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Modeling is actually quite easy, yes it takes a few hours or days depending on how many people are working on it, its just that arenanet effed up by going at it the lazy way, if they just sticked with the cultural armor design they would have had way more options but no they want it to be quick and easy money for little as possible work, and that’s why we have outfits, easy money :>
Like anyone cares about celebs xD
ArenaNet Overthinking it with these Names
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Totally lost my kittens when they came up with dragonhunter, its the worst xD, i like chronomancer cause its a word you don’t hear too often and has a cool ring to it, but the rest? Good god whatever where they smoking :’)
Kinda proves how kitten they went into making this game xD an mmorpg that’s missing most if not all of the rpg elements :’)
Meta builds are pretty much the cancer of this game, slowly killing the community and leaving a big salty tumor in its place, give it time, it’ll get noticed once its big enough ^^
Are you already Bored with Stronghold?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Im pretty much tired of the entire game, its just not meant to be played for long periods of time
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Jesus christ you guys are still whining about this?
Its the only way to get kitten done around here so yeah, we’re still whining about this :>
Eh if anything changes then just stop playing the game, its that simple :p
The hypetrain crashed months ago, is it time to raise the dead and try again?
You know what’s really disgusting? The charr variant! Which makes it simple, just don’t buy it
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
A guardian with a bow should be called a bowner, do it or riots!
How to get rid of that stupid SMS request??
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
“E:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -nopatchui -email emailhere -password passwordhere
gw2 has been slowly dying since 2013, its not a secret, yeah the expansion has hype and stuff but after 2 days people will have seen everything it has to offer and leave again.
some will stay just to troll and kitten, but once wildstar goes free to play a lot will jump over, leaving just a sour, salty little group of players that’ll ruin it for everyone else :p
All engineers are now isaac clarkes!
Funny, i made 84g today farming sw, i got a buttload of t6 materials and way too many stardust bows and carapace boots, its not that hard to get gold these days but you gotta know how to use the tp, just randomly selling stuff is for simpletons :p
For a game that runs on fashion this is quite a shameful thing, and i don’t think it’s too much to ask for since this particular achievement requires a buttload of gold and/or farming :x
"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
Kinda proves that arenanet only selectively listens to its players, gw2 might die because of these kind of bad choices :x
Ugh i don’t wanna see anymore outfits, it’s such a lazy system, let those designers work for their money and create more cultural armor that doesn’t clip and brings some actual uniqueness to a fashion driven game :x
This all could easily be solved by just waiting and not be a whiny little fruitloop :/ this cap is good, it pretty much killed off the goldsellers spam whisps and map chat is readable again, get used to it!
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cupcakesandcatnomz.3924
the expansion will release at the end of 2015, the patch that fixes all the bugs and makes it playable probably soon™ 2016
Anything that makes life easier gets a +1 from me!
Why even do you need so many bags?? There isn’t even enough worthkeeping loot in the entire game to fill a 20 slot bag o.o
I got the celestial / wupwup ascended light armour and didn’t have any problems making it, i think you shouldn’t focus so much on the time and just go with it. It’ll be done eventually
being able to play as a big monster kitty, it’s the only reason i play this dying game :x
I thought that legendary stuff was over the top flamboyant and in your face, this just looks like a semi neat ascended backpiece, does it have effects or sounds? Cause it looks rather meh :x
They should offer a 3d print service where you can have your character printed, some company is doing that with the world of warcraft models!