Showing Posts For draylore.2837:
For example, I tried playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion (before skyrim went out) mainly due to the reviews and its top rating. Played for 10 minutes, then uninstalled the game. Am I doing something wrong? Nope, just clearly the game wasn’t meant for me.
Hehe that is about twice as long as I was able to play Oblivion. =P
I can sorta understand what the OP is talking about. In fact his name sounds familar….Rift?
Anyhow, I was getting burnt out on other MMOs and thought the reason was because of the gear grind or the constant race to increase stats. Its kinda interesting to me that the one thing GW2 has taught me is that I need those things to keep me interested in a game. GW2 was never designed for that so I think players like myself and the OP quickly find ourselves asking the question…….“Now what?”.
For us getting ‘prettier’ is not progression.
Nothing against the game… is what it is and IMO they did an exceptional job of it. Its just not the game for a certain type of player…..unfortunate but not much we can do about it.
I have shelved GW2 much like I do any other no sub game ive played……ive gotten more entertainment hours out of this $60.00 than any of others combined so I am not disappointed….its just without tangible ‘carrots’ I simply have no interest in logging on anymore.
Curious to see what they do in terms of “Whats next?”…with their first expansion.
Laptop with GTX 2gb 580M. Thinking about getting the 680M upgrade kit for it for xmas but considering GW2 hardly stresses the 580m i really don’t need it.
Its unfortunate. While GW2 has been praised alot about how it has ‘changed’ MMOs and improved so many aspects of MMOs…… the area of encounter/mob/boss design they have failed and taken the genre many steps back. Remove the Holy Trinity yet make everything nothing more than a tank -n- spank. Just seems at odds.
The 3 Dragon events have been disappointing to say the least. To even categorize them as ‘dynamic’ events is insulting since they are in no way dynamic.
Mob respawns are pretty crazy IMO.
I had a mob respawn as I was pressing F to loot it .
Rifle is pretty much all I use in PvE these days. Swap to sword/horn occasionally …mostly for #4 speed boost =P
I am convinced that he/she with the highest Toughness gets aggro.
Because in GW2 high health is about the the only thing that makes them ‘bosses’.
Underwater effects and art design = WIN
Underwater combat = fail.
Its just horrible and the bugs (most of which also exists on land) seem to have worst effect underwater.
Also things like fast respawn on mobs and such while somewhat annoying on land are really annoying underwater because you have to deal with them respawning in all directions. Majority of mobs underwater being ranged caster types also makes things worse since again your dealing with respawns and such from all directions. GW2 client and fov doesn’t lend itself well to being aware of things going on all around you at long range.
Add all that to the fact we are 1/3 as effective combat wise with underwater weapons and it just frustration.
The fact that your MMO beginner family is having hard time is normal….its not because the content is too hard……in fact its rather simple by any serious MMO standard I know of. Instead of asking Anet to make the content even easier for that minority of players why don’t you teach them how to get past that ‘beginner’ stage so they join the rest of the casuals. These dungeons can be beat by random pugs of the most casual of casuals ….ive seen it. So your crew just seems like an extreme exception and the just need some experience and practice. Dumbing down the content even further really wont do them any favors if they ever wish to expand their MMO play. GW2 is pretty much a MMO on training wheels…..might as well take advantage of it and have them learn something.
By lumping your inexperienced crew into the “Casual” category you are implying that the games dungeon content is for hardcore only……which frankly is utter BS……its extremely casual friendly. No gear checks…….the only thing required is awareness and class knowledge……..which can only come from practice….not dumbing down content.
(edited by draylore.2837)
Sounds like the OP is using the term Casual when he is really talking about bads.
yes, but in all fairness, casual has adopted that meaning sadly.
Casual A: not spending endless hours of your life in front of the screen, plays when life allows and feels like it. Playskill can still range from absolutely abysmal to pro.
Casual B: does not read any info about the game, does not think about character builds, does not experiment with in game mechanics, reiterates the same mistakes over and over without trying to alter approach, then complains about difficulty.Actually, I am thinking of myself as a fairly casual player (A) and am somewhat surprised by the notion that I should obviously fail at the story dungeons.
Yes it is unfortunate. By most standards I fall into one of the many definitions of Casual yet I am able to get thru most of what the game offers. GW2 is one of the most Casual friendly games I have ever seen so I get really annoyed when I see players like the OP trying to suggest otherwise.
(edited by draylore.2837)
I met more people…….that I added to my friends list ………from which I was able to pool from later to form groups, raids etc using Rift’s LFD tool than I ever could have standing around Meridian or whatever using chat.
I mentioned Rift’s tool as a example……GW2 would have to do something similar but not exactly……..due to the way professions work and the lack of trinity which is exactly what the Rift tool depended on.
But some sorta auto-matic group maker that would send group to dungeon could be done in GW2 I would think. Hell I really have not seen much ‘specifics’ in people using chat to find groups……..its usually LG2m or LFG….implying that all you need is 5 and due to the way professions are designed and the lack of defined roles it would work unless you end up with some really oddball mix of 5 which is unlikely. Now if they would allow us to re-trait on the fly (perhaps only in a LFG tool formed group or something) it would make things even better since we could adapt if needed.
All that said….its is 2012…… like it or not ….people just are not going to live with the days of spending hours in chat trying to find or make a group. Something is needed.
Fortunately for GW2…the game was never designed to be a heavy PVE focused game so its a minor cost well worth having something different in terms of classes.
The majority of content in GW2 is PvE so I have no idea what you are talking about.
That may be true in quantity but its pretty clear to me that the focus of GW2 ..especially profession design and mechanics is PvP not PvE. …maybe the name Guild WARS might actually be a clue. =P
Something like what Rift implemented would be awesome. I really enjoyed puging in Rift because of how easy/quick it was to form up a group.
Improve would imply such a ‘tool’ exists.
Last I checked there is no LFG tool in GW2 short of asking in open chat.
I enjoyed Rift and believe it has one of the coolest class/skill systems. It was very nice to pretty much be able to form a group with any 4-5 friends regardless of class and be able to make it work via role swapping or whatever. What kinda discouraged me from Rift was their knee-jerk reaction style to game updates/patches……and while it may seem odd to say……much too quick turn around cycle for updates. It really made it hard to figure out what was working and what was not because they would change so many things all the same time every few weeks at one point.
So far Anet seems to be taking a much more sensible approach to ‘changes’…which i am sure some will complain about.
The worse thing Anet could possibly do is listen seriously to the endless forum QQs about class balance….where most idiot posters seem to live by the motto…….“why exaggerate when you can over exaggerate”.
Anet has their data concerning PvP and should make balance decisions based on that alone.
I would send Anet $$ if they would respond to those QQ threads with a simple “L2P in nice big RED letters” =P
(edited by draylore.2837)
While many people are applauding Anet for getting rid of the holy trinity……it does come with a cost that many seem to not acknowledge……..the cost is that mob/Boss design has to be simplistic so that any ‘group’ of ‘be anything you want’ can have any hope at winning. Fortunately for GW2…the game was never designed to be a heavy PVE focused game so its a minor cost well worth having something different in terms of classes.
I think it all depends on what ends up being …“The GW2 Player”. The game is still young so there are still alot of different type of players playing the game. The traditional mmo PVE ‘raider’ people used to always having that next ‘gear/item carrot’ at the end of the stick probably will grow tired quickly since that is not how GW2 is designed. The PVE centric anti PVP players will quickly leave since GW2 was never designed to be a PVE focused game at end-game. The folks that enjoy getting every last achievement, disco, yada yada will probably find quite abit to do for some time still.
I fall into the former more PVE focused so am rapidly getting bored since i find little incentive in repeating content more than once or twice….but the beauty of GW2 is there is no subscription lingering that causes me to have some false sense of entitlement to content. I can put the game on the shelf until the next DLC/expansion without regret. So far the leveling,exploring PVE content in GW2 has been the best of any MMO i have played so I definitely got my $$$ worth…..but I knew going in that GW2 was ultimately a PVP game and not a PVE/progression game I prefer….and if I did not wish to take part in that the game would come to a sudden stop at 80.
Pretty much every 5sec
I dont mind the yellow mobs…..they die fast enough. But I do think they could stand to increase the respawn time across the board. Sometimes its kinda frustrating to work hard to defeat a tough champ only to get overwhelmed by trash around them that you just killed like 5sec ago all the sudden respawn. Or to feel good about getting thru a rough section only to barely have enough time to gather your loot, admire your ‘handywork’ before everything is back up and on you.
Do the smart thing……..forget about trying to craft your own weapon…….just spend the 1-3g and buy one off the TP. Unless you want to spend alot of time grinding you will save yourself lots of gold this way. Also, If you ignore crafting all together, earning gold becomes alot easier.
Because in terms of longevity…….GW2 is a PvP game not a PVE game……their focus on balance, changes, etc will be on PvP. I don’t care for PvP yet I recognize that that is what the game is about.
Geez about overreacting.
Its taken me some time to get used to GW2’s ‘endgame’ as compared to other MMOS. GW2 is not about progression(gear, raid, etc) or gear grind like so many of us are used to from other games. A few hours upon hitting 80 you have the best gear avail (i.e you not gonna loot anything better….hence no gear progression) for very little cost. What ‘endgame’ in GW2 is a little vanity….the search for skins and achievements, etc and mostly PvP. If you are like me and have very little interest in PvP then enjoy the game for what it was getting to 80 (for me it was the best leveling experience….both in terms of classes and content) ive ever had in a MMO……..put game on shelf (after all there is no subscription) and wait for first DLC/expansion.
Its just a different beast and it has to be judged for what it was intended to be instead of being judged for what it was not.
The “people rushed to 80” defense just doesn’t fly in GW2……where you are given XP for everything you do. That like many other things was a design decision so they should have been ready for it.
For me the thing that is killing ‘endgame’ the most that the few places and things PVE wise there are to do at 80 are infested with bots. I need/want to go farm abit to get some needed mats for new gear and have to deal with the centipede trains of bots everywhere. It just leaves me with a nasty feeling toward the game. And the more and more ANET claims to be ‘working’ on the problem the worse and worse the problem is getting.
In the end it all boils down to the player………a bad player will be bad regardless of ‘spec’….a good player should be able to make even the extreme glass canon specs work….but odds are a good player will not run such a spec at 80….especially in a dungeon.
Personally I just do not see the benefit in running passive 5sig spec at 80….the amount of crit you get just seems small compared to what you lose out by not utilizing other utils, shouts, etc. I know @80 I typically only have one signet slotted…Sig Of Rage ….just using For Great Justice and Sig of Rage gives me perma 75%+ crit chance in addition to might. Have a hard time justifying gaining that little extra i might get going with he 40 precision/per unused sig considering what I would give up in terms of support/survival.
My gear is mix of DPS oriented and survival oriented…. and all my runes are survival (soldier)….i.e toughness and/or vitality. My fav spec for dungeons is 0/25/0/30/15 using sword/axe or sword/horn and rifle.
Shoe me where he asked for help or anything? All I saw was a rant about being forced to go ranged which is utter BS.
Hmm, not sure what I am doing wrong but I treid using SweetFX and the GW2 client will not launch…. no errors…nothing just a slight pause as if its launching…even see the window for a sec or 2 then gone. Remove the SweetFX files from the GW2 directory and GW2 client works fine??
Ok. This thread is kind of funny actually. Looks like most players don’t even know how to build for max DPS. To get that kind of kill shot, you do the following (and note the 25k kill shot posted in this thread):
1. Full Berserker’s level 80 Exotic gear. This should be obvious. And it goes without saying you pack full Ruby accessories. Edit: And weapon ofc.
2. High-DPS rune set like Scholar, Divinity, Strength. Other options like Eagle are also fine. You want power and crit damage.
3. Food with crit damage is a bonus.
4. Guild claim keep buffs.
5. Weapon with Bloodlust sigil to stack 25×7/10 (Superior at 10 per stack is expensive, I have 7 per stack for +175 power fully stacked). Note: since the Rifle is a 2h, put the sigil on your weapon swap. Then use a Sigil of Force on your Rifle for +5%.
6. Full glass cannon trait build. Pew pew pew.
7. Go shoot someone. Preload it with SigRage, FGJ, vuln debuffs if applicable / immediate. Add in Frenzy so you can immediately follow with a rapid fire volley to ensure a kill after you down them.
That is how you brutalize someone in WvW.
Yep …and its alot to go thru just to be able to take advantage of idiots while leaving yourself open to be brutalized by non-idiots.
^using shake it off also removes a condition though. .
Not too mention that with Soldier’s Rune using Shake It Off strips two conditions
I just find Shouts much more useful than Banners.
Yeah i noticed that sometimes it does not trigger when I think it should………I kinda figured it had something to do with shared cooldowns with other sigils… maybe all sigils regardless of type (i.e on crit proc, on swap) share common ICD.
Gonna regret what I know to be feeding a troll……but…..what exactly is forcing you to stand back and spam a ranged ability?
I can only assume by “swing swords and go in and fight” you actually mean “melee like in other MMOs…….yeah stand in front or back of mob and spam buttons in a predefined rotation until mob = dead…never having to move” ?
I have had to issues as a warrior mixing up……Sword/AXE about half the time…..Rifle the other.
I also recommend Sigil of Geomance if your trying to AE farm events.
What does it take?
Hmm…..some gear……..a rifle………some traits…..a few select utils……..and most importantly…….I weak….stationary……unprepared idiot…..err target.
Most definitely ….YES.
I consider Guild Wars 2 to be in the same category as single player games considering it only cost the one-time $60.00…… cost wise its no different than Mass Effect, Halo, yada yada yada. I have gotten more entertainment hours out of that $60.00 than the majority of those other games combined.
The beauty of GW2 when compared to other MMOs is that if I run out of things to do or am no longer having fun I can just put it on the shelf just like those other games and not feel ‘cheated’ because of some sense of entitlement I may have based on subscription fee. When an expansion or (DLC as I look at it) comes out I will be ready to go. I think the worst part about subscription based MMOs is that people tend to try to validate every hour of every month in terms of “game value” which is just impossible for game designers to fulfill. GW2 does not have that problem…….as long as people think they got $60.00 worth of entertainment out of it then everyone is happy. I personally think GW2 is one the most ‘complete’ $60.00 games I have ever played and I have already reached the point where I am finding less things to keep me occupied.
(edited by draylore.2837)
“Infact a laptop for gaming is gneraly a bad choice. "
Simply not true elitest talk. I game on a laptop, well what they call laptop, it’s really a “desktop replacement” that’s “mobile” but it’s still a portable laptop and it’s more than satisfactory. Apart from the looks I get at airports or on the plane because it looks like it is ancient due to it’s size, it runs recent games at highest settings and it’s powerfull enough to get my actual work done. Asus G74, in case you were wondering.
Oh, and that’s only a 560m.
Yeah I game on a Sager (i7-2760QM | NVIDIA GTX 580M) that is a gaming beast. So far been able to play GW2 @max as well as many other games and able to take it on the road. I am happy to have payed the extra $$ for the convenience. The only thing ive had to do to it is reapply thermal compound to the CPU/GPU at about 1 1/2 years old cause I noticed gaming temps running hotter than I liked. It was extremely easy…in fact easier than doing the same thing to a desktop. remove a few screws, clean off old paste….repaste…..put screws back in……done.
I used to be one of those people that mocked laptops for gaming……not anymore.
I payed just at around $1500 for it and while high by desktop standards IMO it was not crazy expensive considering the performance and convenience.
(edited by draylore.2837)
Its the people that run around with 5 signets always on passive and speced with Deep Strike that baffle me……last I checked the amount of crit you get at 80 from 5 signets is pathetic at best.
Actually pretty similar to build and approach I have been using for farming. I run 0/30/10/30/0 spec, Sword/Axe and Rifle. I swap the Major traits alot depending on what I am doing at the time. Mending, Shake it Off, On my Mark, For Great Justice, Rage Signet. Sometimes swap in Bolas if I come across Champ or Vet I want to kite. Gear is mostly Rampager’s w/Soldiers Runes. Seems to be sturdy enough and the DPS especially when farming events and such with Axe #5 works out nice. I sometimes swap to Horn mostly for #4 for when I want to get across zones/areas a tad quicker
I loved outleveling my crafted gear, by crafting gear, which caused me to craft yet more gear. Life is much better at 80 though.
Ha LOL. It only got better at 80 when I finally realized it was way cheaper and quicker to just play the game and buy whatever exotic armor/weapons I wanted and just gave crafting the big FU. =P
Give your laptop intakes fans and heatsinks and nice clean.
You will be surpirsed at how only a small amount of dust and grime can cause a laptop to heat up.
To be honest it wouldnt matter what game or program caused the increased heat, the fact that it gets this hot shows an issue with cooling. I mean for OC’ers we purposly go out our way to find a program that will put the most strain on a part to try get it to get as hot as it would ever get… then we adjust our cooling accordinly.
Your laptop has now found a game/program that taxes it enough heat up the components, as it would/could wih any other taxing game/program. This is just the first time it happens to have done it hard and long enough to overwhlem your current cooling .. whether it be becouse of dust or not remains to be seen.
Yeah thats my project for this weekend. Going to clean her out as well as reapply thermal compound. Its almost 2 years old now so can’t hurt to redo the paste.
I play on a Sager gaming laptop that has a 580M. Up until GW2 I had have been really impressed with the Sager’s cooling. But for some reason GW2 is just stressing it like nothing else…..@max settings Ive seen it hit low 90s. Has not caused any FPS drop yet but its starting to worry me when I see it hit those kinda temps. Other games even on max settings like Skyrim, BF3, Rift, etc rarely brake 75.
Ive been very pleased with Warrior thus far. I run a Sword/Axe and Rifle semi dps/support build that gives me enough things to keep me busy that I never feel that sense of building up to that one trick that I did when I tried Greatsword or other pure DPS builds. Went heavy into Tactics which lets me switch out if needbe to horn and shouts for more of a support role. Not the highest DPS but also not the glass cannon effect I seem to see alot of other Warriors suffering from.
What brand of laptop to you have? Some of the more gamer oriented Laptops allow pretty simply upgrades for GPU. I have a Sager and its was rather easy to upgrade its 580M to a 680M using kit provided by the retailer…….however was rather expensive but no way around that when dealing with high powered laptops. Couple screws to remove old one……..apply some paste/pads….install new….update bios. Really not anymore difficult/different than doing a desktop CPU upgrade.
And one of the best things I did was slap a Samsung 830 SSD in it.
I have something like 50 or so unopened chests in my bank…..the only ones ive opened have been with the few keys ive gotten in game. While its kinda frustrating…….I accept that this is one way they are trying to make their micro transaction system work for them which is their business model.
I knew going in that playing GW2 would mean I would be presented with many incentives to spend $$ for gems. We as players have to accept that if we like the game and want to keep playing it Anet needs to make money via the gem store. There is absolutely nothing in those chests that I ‘need’.
Its sad…..after going broke trying getting my Armorsmith to 400 so that I could make my own gear at 80 and am now even more ready to just give it up and just sell any mats I may happen to loot and just buy my gear off the TP for fraction of cost. Just looking at the amount of fine mats I would need and the rate I get them at pretty much finalized my opinion that crafting in GW2 while cool in mechanics is utter fail in every other way.
Hmm while GW2 does have bugs …but when compared to how some other MMOs I have played at launch …GW2 is perfection No crashes, no BSOD, no lag so bad my toon just stands there for 10min when I press a hotkey…… 4+ hours just to log on……yada yada.
Bull Charge+ Frenzy+100 Blades instantly kills anyone stupid enough to just stand there. .
Fixed it for you.