Showing Posts For esperai.1068:
o7 reperting in for friday resets plz, gives us Australian based players 2 full days to WvW with the NA guilds instead of just 1 before reality hits on Monday.
In RADelaide, can confirm kitten ping of 200-400ms on NA servers, 600-3000ms (!!!) on EU servers even on 100mpbs fibre speed.
bumping this up because I haven’t given up hope of this happening
Rest In Pepperonis, T1 servers. We’ve evolved from Red BL being “DC BL” for many months to all BLs being affected equally.
adding my account here to confirm this is bugged for me too – no challenge mote, it’s the last achievement I need to attempt so it’s blocking all progress towards completing my plague signet.
Confirming here every time I open my hero panel my finisher gets reset to default.
Your location: Adelaide, Australia
Time and date of incident (plus time zone): 24hrs a day, there is no time it stops (GMT +9.5…yes, .5 – not a typo)
Game World: NA – Jade Quarry
Brief description of what you’re seeing: Anywhere up to 10 second skill lag and gameplay latency lag – everyone will run in opposite directions in the middle of the fight for approx. 10 seconds then rubberband and super-speed to catch up to current play. This happens roughly 2-3 times 5 minute block (the 10s skill lag is permanent but the rubberband/superspeed is 2-3 times per 5 mins) and makes PvP/WvW unplayable.
Game IP connecting as per /ip:
ISP Line Speed: 17Mb/s
Playing from Australia – the game is literally getting to the point where the lag is making it unplayable. I can’t WvW, I can’t Dungeon, I can’t SPvP, I can’t fractal when I’m consistently 5-10 seconds behind everything that is going on.
Hell, I can’t even make the best of it and sit at a trading post flipping items because the lag makes for mis-clicks.
Reporting this as a bug seeing as though I just had it happen myself and confirmed what causes it.
In Sorrow’s Embrace P1, at the start on the walkway if you go up to the turrets that keep those barriers active and choose whirlwind attack up against the turret (either the left or right), you will shoot through it and be able to move freely onto the next one. I was expecting it to stop me (just like if you whirlwind up against a corner) but it didn’t.
I found myself inadvertently zoomed through ahead of the rest of my party as the only war in my group, they were not able to pass until they had killed both turrets.
(edited by esperai.1068)
For serious.
It’d wouldn’t take a lot because you already have the alphas and texture packs done, just make the grey/silver part of Radiant and the black part of the Hellfire gloves/shoulders/helmets/boots dye capable.
I appreciate it’d be hard to change the color of the glows/flames, so just the “metal” part so that we can have SOME kind of choice of coloring it with our armor schemes.
It’s such pretty gear, but it feels unfinished without the ability to dye the main skin to match your current sets.
I don’t bother with the forums often because it’s normally full of bleating and chest puffing, but people talking about the fact that JQ should apparently hate SoS because of our history don’t really get how JQ works…we love and respect a good tough opponent. Will you frustrate the kitten out of us? Absolutely…but we’ll always enjoy the challenge. I’m enjoying the nostalgia aspect of fights against SoS in recent times, they were a great opponent we fought against for many weeks and they forced JQ to improve ourselves through how good they got. In their heyday they weren’t as dirty as SoR and BG have made T1 matchups with the maliciousness and saboteurs (they weren’t saints by any means but comparatively) there were some awesome fights back in those JQ/SBI/SoS matchups.
But, servers rise and servers fall…is SoS the opponent they once were? No…but is that any reason to treat them with disrespect and not appreciate the fights they bring? Not at all. They’ve wiped and been wiped, farmed and been farmed. It’s the nature of the beast. I have a lot of respect for the guilds that stayed on SoS.
I don’t see why Human female and Norn female hairstyles shouldn’t be interchangable. They’re both humanoid…I mean I understand why you couldn’t have Sylvari or Charr styles interchangable but Humans and Norns are very similar and it would realistically only require scaling up or scaling down the models so not a significant amount of work by ANet.
As an Icelander (aka a “real” viking), can people please stop “defending” my race like they’re part of it? Nordox doesn’t seem to know what the kitten they’re talking about by getting all offended about moustachio’d male Norns and comparing them to my ancestry. It’s a game and they’re loosely based on my culture, not a carbon copy. Do the mispelt Nordic names bother me sometimes from a language syntax standpoint? Sure…but it’s just a game.
Oceanics / Morning/Day EU people are more than welcome to contact me in game for more information about our presence in that timezone and what we have to offer.
I’m one of the guild leaders on JQ and I’d be willing to take some time in game to run you through what our server can offer you and to see how you fit into the potential for the server. As others have said, we are somewhat lacking in NA right now so you would definitely be a welcomed addition to the JQ family. We’ve been a T1 server since forever, it’s been months since we spent a week in T2. If stability is what you want, our history shows that we can offer it.
Feel free to PM or mail me in game.
How good is it being the only oceanic guild!\.
Flake my massive Norn can is the size of 2 small children, so I field a solid team all by myself in Oceanic
I may be biased but I love our Oceanic and SEA players more than any other timezone on JQ – we have so much fun and poke and laugh while we fight which is always important for keeping morale going.
I’m in Oceanic, but I’m Icelandic so on the chance that we have any Scandinavians that want to consider transferring to JQ to run during our EU timezones… hæ / hej / hejsan / hei you have someone that speaks your language and can liaise for you.
I too, <3 Ooze.
(edited by esperai.1068)
Seriously, ascended back items are left out? You have a week, please hurry and add them so I dont have to do fractals, or add something specific to WvW like weapons to force PVE players into it like we’re forced to do their stuff.
Those ascended fractal backpieces are a total pain in the kitten to complete. If they were going to be put in with a badge equivalent, I’d expect that it would be something in the realm of about 3500 badges for one, not including the ectos that are required to ascend a fractal backpiece. The logic for this is the fact that the vials/globs/shards required to upgrade backpieces from fractals are extremely rare, you have to do way more fractals than just to get the 2300 relics to be able to do the upgrades to make sure you have those items.
I’m all for WvW only peeps getting their equivalents, but make it an equivalent hard-as-hell to work for item so that those of us that do love WvW but did go jump through those PvE hoops to get our BiS backpiece don’t get F’d in the A for it.
I would definitely say JQ is one of the most stable because we’re the last standing in T1 and as people have posted before with the MOS rankings, the most consistent. Guilds come and go, other servers come and go, PvE events come and go, big egos come and go, but JQ is the honeybadger and remains T1. We’ve only dropped to T2 once and that was back in the Titan Alliance days of HoD, months and months ago.
Our community pretty much shrugs off drama like water off a duck’s back – we watch the drama then move on with our business. Someone else in the thread mentioned that the guilds that transfer into SoR stay there, the same can be said for JQ; SF and PRX/WARD are a notable pair of big name guilds that are still here. We also have some very consistent guilds that have been on JQ since day one like my own, HzH that have no intentions of leaving JQ.
That fight at Hills was epic. Not even being able to get off downed skills? NUTS. Nuts but fun. GG to all 3 sides, that was one hell of a fight and not one I’m going to forget anytime soon.
For the people that are saying JQ is dead, come on now let’s be realistic instead of fatalistic. This is not the first time that JQ have found themselves having to dig deep. Of the 3 servers currently in T1, we are the only one that has “organically” formed and as such, we have a large PvE base. We haven’t had the influx of WvW only guilds that SoR and BG have had recently. If ANet is going to insist on having these limited time only PvE events every month, JQ is going to suffer and that’s going to be a fact of life to deal with.
Yes, JQ has been #1 in T1 for a long time now. The dominance of SoS seems to be forever ago, but it wasn’t that long ago in GW history that JQ was digging in their heels as the honeybadger and clawing 3rd and 2nd every week against a stacked SBI and SoS. We’ve done it before, we can do it again.
Have we gotten a bit soft and spoilt for being #1 for so long and forgotten our honeybadger past and we’ll have to adapt and remember our roots? Possibly…but hey, it ain’t easy being green
I’m the Oceanic-based leader here in HzH and we’d love some more Oceanic / Euro folks – don’t let our NA base deter you, we have activity and support for you as an international guild in all timezones.
Any questions, feel free to PM me in game and I can assist.
Feel your pain, we had someone doing that on JQ a few weeks back. It’s nothing they’re doing against the game, no…but what they’re doing is in incredibly bad taste and poor sportsmanship. FWIW, ANet seems to agree that it’s not the right way to win a tier – JQers got together and did a mass report with screenshots via email to ANet and the people that were doing it got nuked.
So sad now BG using Zoom hack in EB… pls keep this kitten in BL … we really don’t wanna face you with the same stone ( just now you hitted klovan with it )
Wake up Anet .. stop this kitten .. and ban them…
i was commanding during that, and we didn’t use any zoom hack. u can place an arrow cart outside of any gate and hit the 5 arrow carts u build behind every gate in the middle by aiming thru the little opening above the door. try building them more to the sides of the gate so they aren’t in view of the counter arrow carts we build
Sorry so you are saying if you can hit the AC ( about 4) that are far behind wall near supply zone by AC that is in front of the door is not Zoom hack. and how you can know that if noone in your zerg is not using it. strange all AC went down "OH cool no seige " is that what you said. Sorry for the sarcasm . opps we are tolking about Klovan tower
Well I used the AC and killed ur siege, and heres a picture showing how simple it is to kill it.
1 ac dropped at my feet ( u can actually drop it back and to the right a good bit farther so it’s out your AC range) and you can click on the siege and kill the 3 pieces of siege with 1 AC
If you have resolution above 1080p that 1920 x XXXX somewhere from 2XXX x 1XXX or
those with multiple screen that can go 5XXX x 2XXX you can achieve zoomhack because the field of view is larger than normal..
Ah but he’s not using above 1080p – look at the size of the pic he posted…
A Chat Channel Drama Advisory has been posted for Jade Quarry in the following Borderlands: Blackgate
[HzH] and random [EMP] members are engaged in pointless channel drama which looks likely to continue for the next hour. SoR and BG parties in the respective borderland are encouraged to kitten a disorganized and distracted JQ team.
That is all.
You mean when we were busy telling people not to give the EMP people that came in trouble and that they were welcome on the map despite all the drama surrounding their guild? As Jet said, the one troll got what he deserved, but we explicitly told people to back off the EMP people that came into the map to try and assist us in the BL.
Noodles was not the sum of EMP – we aren’t going to hold anything Noodles and Christina did against EMP and they’re more than welcome to continue to run and stick with JQ. Ideally, we would hope that the issues that Noodles was causing with other guilds on the server will end now and make for a stronger community between EMP and the other guilds and remove the barriers that Noodles contributed to.
(edited by esperai.1068)
You would think that people would learn their lesson when it comes to exploiting WvW…the server doing it has not come out on top as #1 server at any point, despite all these various exploits, hacks and unsportsmanly behaviors. If you can’t win legitimately and you can’t win by playing dirty, doesn’t that give you a clue by four?
Adding my +1 to this thread – yesterday I was on a solid 45-50 FPS and now since the 28th January patch can’t get higher than 15 FPS and my Guild Wars 2 process is chewing through memory like no one’s business.
I’m playing off a laptop with an Nvidia quadro GPU, 32GB of RAM and an overclocked 3.2GHz CPU so there is no reason for this sudden performance drop; it has to be patch related.
(edited by esperai.1068)
The Legacy of [HzH]:
We were the alliance that held House Zu Heltzer in GW1 for a significant period of time and our guild is the combined forces of the guilds from that alliance. We have a group of leaders stemming from that including myself (Kada), Wok Fo A Livin, Kal L, Dom Takaishi, Ben Sheets, J A Z Z, Burning Anxiety, A Blunt King and Delusions O Jack.
We are a 480+ strong guild with a wide variety of PvX options to offer potential recruits. We have a facebook group and a vent server and when we’re not in WvW we’re running dungeons and fractals.
You can hit up any of our leaders for an invite or if you see our tag in WvW please feel free to ask for an invite and it can be arranged for you.