I have been getting similar ping issues lately and some people i talk to in game have experienced similar . Its only in gw2 as well talk of malware and virus is nonsense.
Shafted again? Druid was a good e spec provided a different way to play ranger and was good in many game types.
From the time i spent messing around on soulbeast i think it has a decent amount of potential and seems to have more options of possible play styles than some of the other new elites. The only thing i found disappointing was dagger just meh from animations to skills. I feel like people get this idea in their head of how a new spec should play and when it comes out and doesn’t align with how they pictured it in their head they spit the dummy.
Fractals are the supported 5man pve content these days with new fractals being added relatively steadily and the quality being quite high. I think the game could do a better job making new players aware of fractals as while leveling you just get mail telling you about dungeons and in most mmo games dungeons are the bread and butter pve .
Have killed it 3 days running maybe its just the time slot i do it in but i can’t remember the last time i have seen it fail. I was actually thinking that if anything it is to easy these days even with one worm missing a burn yesterday we where still able to easily get all 3 heads down.
Ember bay for me feels like a traditional gw2 map and of the three it is the one i most enjoyed. Bitter frost is beautiful but i feel ultimately shallow , bloodstone fen was like a bad acid trip. It sounds super negative but for the most part i am very happy with the game and you cannot complain about the rate we are getting new story chapters. That said i would totally be fine with a longer wait between story chapters if that means it came with a map that has more meat on it than the most recent ones.
Things i would like to see in the next map
Change up the harvest map currency buy ascended stuff formula.
Meta event/world boss that has some interesting loot and super rare stuff like preserved queen bee making it worthwhile to do repeatedly.
Ambrite weapon style collection.
A few low mob density exploration hang out sorta areas.
I really like the idea of cool little hidden things in game like this and hope anet continues to add this sorta stuff in game.
I found the ring itself to be a nice little poignant nod to gw1 lore.
If my understanding is correct and you can still make progress in rewards even if your team loses the match i will definitely start playing ranked again this season. I am by no means a hardcore pvp player but i figure its important to have players like me playing to keep the game mode healthy.
Ascended armour reward and glorious hero skin is really appealing to me as well.
The only other thing i am curious about is how we will finish the ledgendary back as i have the pre but not all the gifts.
For pve unless you are going for cutting edge speed clears you can use pretty much whatever you wan’t. Maybe just make an exo set just to check out if you like the condi play style or not then go from there.
Anet has nothing against capes its implementing them in a satisfactory way that’s the difficult part. I think there are even a few costumes and Armour’s that could have been a bit of a tester for capes. I am fairly optimistic we will eventually see capes there is a ton of demand for them and personally i think a wvw ledgendary back would be a great way to introduce capes back into the game.
After i finished my HoT masteries months ago i haven’t been back to any of those maps outside of AB for profit making i don’t see them as having a ton of replay ability. Have been enjoying bloodstone fen and now ember bay which is where i think you will find most people in open world pve these days.
I think the population remains stable and healthy it would also be higher than during that content drought earlier in the year. But the HoT maps i can see becoming increasing ghost towns especially as it looks like we will be getting a new map with each living story chapter. Might be worth Anet looking into ways to make the non AB maps more accessible or worthwhile.
Good to see you are still enjoying your ranger.
Worth mentioning that you can obtain viper(or any stat) accessories , rings, back and amulet without doing raids via the new maps . Bloodstone fen has amulet , back and rings while you can grab accessories from ember bay and also another back item.
You can get ascended viper back,amulet,rings and accessories from bloodstone fen and ember bay. Plus crafting viper weps and armour isn’t particularly expensive these days so its fairly easy to get a full condi set.
Glad to see that it will be coming this month but i still have a lot of reservations in regards to the amount of content that we will be getting and the replay ability . If its just gonna be some story missions plus a new fractal and pvp map i can’t see it holding my interest much.
When i first started playing the game i wanted to make a dark magic user wielding massive power through my staff to destroy my enemies . Pretty soon i realized it was just utility weapon which it does well enough but geez wouldn’t it be cool if we had a staff that just oozed power and allowed us to do some crazy ranged damage?
With elite specs i cant see any reason why they couldn’t make one which just changed our staff skills rather than giving us an entirely new weapon. Would much rather this than some crappy offhand .
Its kinda hard to comment without knowing what build you or the warrior are running but looking at your stats it looks like you are running some kinda of glassy power build.
This kind of power shatter glass build is quite hard to play, generally you blow your burst and if the other guy is still standing you gtfo . This type of build is really not ideal especially for 1v1 . There are other chrono builds you could have used which most likely would have destroyed anything the war was to run. Really its down to you using the wrong tool(build) for the job.
Also player skill comes into it if you are gonna run glass need to know what you are doing other ways you will get blown up as happened.
I was no Trahearne hater but i don’t think he fits as a legend.
The legends all draw on guild wars 1 lore which is intentional and i don’t believe that will change with the next legend. Then you have the power of Trahearne i think i fighting ability the player character is the equal if not stronger than Trahearne and then you compare him to the legends we have so far a dragon a demon….. yea he’s not in the same league.
There is also the fact that he is a necro would be pretty boring to just get a bunch of necro skills for rev.
Thing about fractal is that to be getting ascended chests you will most likely be doing high level fractals which really means you already have a lot of ascended stuff for the required agony resistance.
I really think for your first set you will most likely just have to bite the bullet and craft it. In the mean time make sure to run teq every day for the chance of a weapon chest drop other things to do are complete the leystone armour collection armour pieces are purchasable for map currency now so it is easily farmable and will give you a free armour chest and the events will give you gold and materials for crafting other ascended stuff.
If you are into pvp wvw rank chests can give you ascended drops and i assume the new reward tracks can aswell. In spvp there is a belief that the glorious reward track has a slightly higher chance of providing ascended stuff and my anecdotal evidence is this is true.
Once you have one character fairly decked out in ascended stuff you can put ar resistance stuff on your gear and do the daily high level fractals for a good chance of ascended drops.
Dunno why a new player would immediately buy HoT? and even if they did the vast majority would want to play around a bit before boosting. It also means more people doing metas in the HoT maps which is a good thing.
The 80 boost was clearly designed for the people who where complaining they did not feel buying HoT was value for money. So along with all the other stuff that comes with HoT you can now also boost and character to 80 and get some nice dyes etc. Besides most people i know already have hundreds to tomes stacked up so its not like its a new thing.
And if for some reason there where less materials on the TP that would just mean people would farm them to make the most of the high demand and low supply eventually it would settle down to true value of the item. The boost will have zero effect on the economy .
Elite Spec power creep = p2w – Simple.
And 50 bucks is overpriced indeed. I was lucky getting HoT as a gift once.
Personally, i would never have bought HoT in the first place, because i’ve informed myself about its content (cough) beforehand.
I can understand OCs point of view completely.
Expansions are not pay to win.
That’s like saying the base game was pay to win before HoT came out if you didn’t pay for it you certainly where not gonna win…..
All these people that have an issue with having to purchase an expansion maybe you should not play MMOs’ then?
Expansions are a staple of MMO’s and in most cases come with increase in character level increase in item level etc. This game is quite different in that you don’t have to grind off an extra 10 levels but in order to keep things fresh there are new specs people can use once they get the expansion. In many cases the elite specs are upgrades over the base profession but the reality is even if they perfectly balanced every elite with the base prof the player with the expansion will still have an advantage over you as they have more options available.
If your not willing to fork out 50 or so dollars for hundreds of hours of entertainment you mustn’t be really interested in the game in which case why does it matter to you how competitive you are in pvp?
I don’t want to spend hundreds of hours playing this game. You’re completely right though, if I were a die hard GW2 player, that played every day, and was grinding hard for a legendary, buying the expansion would be crucial.
However, I’m not a die hard fan, and when I do play, I like to have the same advantages in PvP as other players.
Why should I be at a disadvantage just because I don’t want to pay $50.
This game costs money to run and new content costs money to make hence the expansion . Do you think people playing other MMOs complain that they can’t compete with expansion owners because of a huge gear and level cap increase? . Fact is nothing in life is free if you don’t wanna buy the expansion fine but lose the sense of entitlement and enjoy the fact that you can play a high quality game for nothing…….
Maybe you should check out some other games you will not find a better monetized MMO ……..
Given there will always be a “best” spec for a profession it would be impossible to perfectly balance it so an non expansion owner can play whatever profession they want and be exactly comparable to an expansion owner by having less choice you will always be at a disadvantage.
I would be fine with pvp matches grouping non expansion owner against non expansion owner but then you would kitten that you gotta wait hours for a match.
Expansions are a staple of MMO’s and in most cases come with increase in character level increase in item level etc. This game is quite different in that you don’t have to grind off an extra 10 levels but in order to keep things fresh there are new specs people can use once they get the expansion. In many cases the elite specs are upgrades over the base profession but the reality is even if they perfectly balanced every elite with the base prof the player with the expansion will still have an advantage over you as they have more options available.
If your not willing to fork out 50 or so dollars for hundreds of hours of entertainment you mustn’t be really interested in the game in which case why does it matter to you how competitive you are in pvp?
I was fairly happy with the game pre patch but the patch really blew my away so much unexpected good stuff ! I really really prefer this approach of just deliver good kitten rather than talk about stuff before hand then building up hype and end up failing to deliver some things.
Linking old trait lines with certain weapons and skills would certainly create more opportunity cost in picking your build. However if anything it would probably leave you with less choice in your build than we have currently.
Another idea would be that once you have unlocked the elite ,the skills and weapon that comes with the elite can be used regardless of whether you have the elite trait line slotted or not. This way you are only slotting the elite for the trait line itself and the ability change it brings which is still fairly attractive but i think new interesting builds would be possible.
Appreciate the responses it is exactly the kind of info i was looking for .
I recently hit 80 on my thief and from when i first started playing her i envisioned wielding dual daggers as my main weapons . I chose critical strikes , shadow arts and daredevil focusing on having a lot of access to stealth and being able to backstab alot . My knowledge of thief is pretty much zero though and i am sure my build is probably terrible so i was hoping some one may have ideas for ok dagger builds. I realize that other weapons are favored over dual daggers but this will mainly be used for open world pve stuff and i am not concerned with it being “meta” or not but i also don’t wan’t to suck badly.
TD is one of the most impressive maps in any MMO the amount of effort that must have gone into it is insane. If you spend a bit of time there it becomes easy to find your way around and if i am playing a new character i find the HPs in that zone are really fast and efficient.
It is also a place in India.
Hard decision but probably the correct one it seems the game is getting more of a clear direction since Collin has left. Legendary are cool but not substitute to actual content LS3 is way more important.I feel the expansion in general was a massive learning experience for anet it kinda seems like they said this sounds cool lets do it for a lot of things and ended up biting off more than they could chew.
Just need to go back to the basics and keep producing the sort of content that made us love this game and i will be happy also maintain the communication with the player base!
Probably for the best but i wonder if it would be possible to release the other legendary in the style of the original ledgends i.e without any collection just a random chance for pre through drops or mystic forge.
Season one was always gonna be a clusterkitten with new elite specs and an new profession.
Season two balance is much better there is still professions trending better than others but that will always be the case in these types of games . I feel i can hop on any profession and not feel a bleak sense of hopelessness that i felt in season one meta .
Hopefully the next balance patch continues to improve things.
Nice to see people who just go out and kick kitten rather than look for excuses in why they lose . I’m sure they are reserving a place for you in Valhalla .
I am enjoying the HoT maps for what they are but the one problem with them is that they all pretty much function in the same way with a big meta event being the focus of the map. More variety in the maps would have helped to satisfy a broader amount of players and greatly increased replay-ability. They seemed to have acknowledged this ways a problem and i am really looking forward to the next map that is released.
Its bizarre that if you wan’t to play a condi build you have to arbitrarily jump through extra hoops that would not be required if you went power. I am generally happy with the game but the way new stats are handled irritates me greatly.
Personally i enjoy sword has a really visceral feel to it just melting people with impossible odds up feels so brutal ,sword 3 is really cool also and sword 2 hits like a truck. Staff auto looks cool but the only staff ability i find “fun” is staff 5 . Mace is underrated imo really cool looking abilities and the attacks feel like they have a ton of weight behind them pitty condi stuff is way more effort to get than power gear.
Alot of people where using the fact that there was some rev stacking in the esl finals and they where the most represented profession (if memory serves) as an indication that they are OP. There are a lot of problems using the absolute bleeding edge 1% of top pvp players and trying to balance around them as they may as well be playing a completely different game to the average player.
Rev is no doubt a strong profession that stacks well ,it has clear weaknesses though and if you are not a skilled player you will most likely find it difficult to stay alive. As for will it get nerfed in the future? of course it will as will every profession at some stage. MMO balance is constantly changing just compare season 1 to season 2 and then next season people will be complaining about something new the cycle continues.
At the end of the day play the profession/s you enjoy its way more satisfying than just jumping to whatever is supposedly “meta” then switching to a new proff when it is inevitably nerfed.
You can get in at any level if you are in a guild with a guild hall.
I usually enter VB once i hit level 70 as you level insanely fast and can do alot of HPs so by the time you are 80 most of your elite is unlocked.
I have zero interest in raiding and most likely will never set foot inside one .The strength of the game lies in accessible open world content that you can drop into and enjoy at any time.
An anet post (probably on reddit) mentioned that raids are only being made by a small group of people like 5-8 and doesn’t effect development from other parts of the game. I am happy for raids to exist if this is the case but don’t lose sight of what type of content made the game a success and in which the bulk of players are interested in.
I think druid was the most successful elite in delivering on actually offering a different style of play for the profession. In that it is different from base ranger not everyone will enjoy the new style which is fine they can still play base ranger problems arise when every other professions elites where merely strait upgrades on the base profession . In my opinion druid is what an elite spec should be and the problem lays with other elites .
I completely disagree. I think reaper and chronomancer were the true standard of what elite specs should be. And of course, they were among the first specs released, with the most time spent on them. The reception to both those elite specs was unequivocally better, and the player feedback and development time were clearly a result. Feedback lead to huge gameplay changes which allowed people who play the spec to be a part of the development. Ranger was the last released spec and of course got the least feedback, so the lack of development is clear.
If your idea of what an elite spec should be is a straight upgrade then yeah you would think reaper fits the bill . As a necro main no matter what play style i am going for condi , power , minions etc i have to take reaper there is no reason to ever not take reaper. This to me is flawed design and implementation elites where advertised as giving you a new way to play your profession when in reality reaper is the only way to play.
Here’s the deal.
Pro PvPers claim they do not PvE because its boring, does not suit their personality, <insert any other excuse as you please>.
Then why on God’s good kittening earth would a pro PvPer want a legendary backpiece that has absolutely no direct value to any PvPer who does not PvE? It just does not make any sense.
The simple fact is that ANET wanted to make PvP popular among its playerbase majority of who really do not give a kitten about PvP and so, they introduced an item that has only value in PvE and completely unobtainable thru PvE in this league reward system.
You don’t need legendary items in any game mode let alone back items which provide a negligible amount of stats. It might surprise you but people who pvp also wan’t cool items to work towards the acension is a pvp prestige item the value is not in the stats. There is also a legendary back piece for pve players so there is no reason for you to pvp if all you want is a stat changing back piece.
I think druid was the most successful elite in delivering on actually offering a different style of play for the profession. In that it is different from base ranger not everyone will enjoy the new style which is fine they can still play base ranger problems arise when every other professions elites where merely strait upgrades on the base profession . In my opinion druid is what an elite spec should be and the problem lays with other elites .
The only time i ever get hit by them is when i am in the mists.
Always makes me wonder how they have a market when you can just convert gems to gold.
You could have as many viable builds as you want but people will still ask “whats best?” and play that. Also if you are part of the 99% not in the extreme upper echelon of top play its possible to have success with all kinds of out of the box builds . This is especially true when you are facing the bulk of players who just copy paste a meta battle build and have no idea how to adapt to something unexpected.
Could build diversity be better? of course it always could however there will always be a build that is perceived as optimum , people will always choose to play this build as “duh its the best”
Its as much a problem with the conservative nature of the player base as with anything else.
I actually really like the male version on my female Asura and i think the male version is better in general which is unusual . People are always gonna have different tastes though so you have my sympathy.
Wide rim glasses! and bunny ears then i can die happy.
The game is by no means perfect and some aspects deserve constructive criticisms but i think its abit ridiculous to complain that you are getting screwed over as a non expansion owner.
Considering only around 300,000 copies of HoT were sold, it’d be really foolish for Anet not to cater even more to non-expansion owners.
I would be saying the opposite the money is in the paying customers dunno why you would be catering for the non paying customers.
And if you can’t front up the 40 or so $ or don’t want too you probably don’t even like the game much anyway.
Also it should be mentioned that i can’t think of an MMO that has catered to non expansion owners as much as HoT has i really feel that non expansion players should understand how rare it is to not have level cap increases new gear levels etc.
It in all likely hood would have been much easier to increase the level cap add in new skills whilst you level and increase trait length by one so you have 4, choices instead of 3. The implementation we got with elites and no cap increase is much more difficult to balance and would have been done with people who don’t want to upgrade in mind among others.
The game is by no means perfect and some aspects deserve constructive criticisms but i think its abit ridiculous to complain that you are getting screwed over as a non expansion owner.
The problem is there is minimal opportunity cost in taking the elite spec you only give up a single trait line and in return get access to more skills and a new weapon. For me to not want to take the elite spec the trait line would have to be a fair bit worse than the old lines to make it worth losing the extra skills and weapon. But in reality the idea that all 9 elites could be in perfect balance with the old trait lines and that nothing is better or worse is literally impossible.
For mine the elites going forward should be more niche (fullfill the different playstyle as was advertised) currently on my necro for example no matter if i am condi , power , minion whatever build i still will want to take reaper. I think druid was one of the better elites in this regard as it brought the ability to play almost as a dedicated healer which you would find in a trinity MMO. This brings a new play style to the table and if you want to stay damage focus you don’t take druid (however many still take druid but this is the direction things should have gone)
But really i have no idea how they should deal with elites or if anything needs to be done at all.
Buy it on TP. Better for traders, better for the economy, better for everyone.
“Better for everyone” lmao
Fair enough you have been hoarding skins and don’t want them to dramatically fall in value but at least be honest about it .
Its easier if you say what in particular you are having trouble with and then people can provide you with advice . In all honesty i don’t consider the difficulty increased there are some new mechanics to look out for but once you understand how the enemies work it is fairly trivial . As far as the story goes there where a couple of missions in season 2 that i would say where more difficult than any of the HoT story.
I hardly consider myself a hardcore player i have just under 7k ap and only one of my character has any ascended . I took my revenant into VB at level 75 and was able to get HPs and do events without much trouble .