hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
I’m on Gandara since early acess and have been actively participating in WvW for almost year and a half. I don’t have a clue where we currently stand or what are our strenghts and weaknesses. Current matchup isn’t representitive because opposition is basically non-existant. On reset I saw first enemy player 2 hours after the reset started.
We haven’t been challenged at all in this matchup so we don’t know about quality of players who transfered since they haven’t been tested. Gandara could dominate and it could fail hard as queues could hurt us, it is all up in the air at the moment.
Confirmed now, PT will move to Gandara this thursday at 8pm. Looking forward to fight with you all. We’re finally bring a proper guild to Gandara to fight alongside YaK.
April 1st is in a week.
But gandara will win tournament so why they would go some other crappy servers?
I doubt it, having people playing at hours enemies aren’t present is what brings matchup victories – Gandara was always strongest in EU primetime, our off-hour coverage is where we lose the ppt game.
Fights with Aurora Glade have always been fun and challenging. Biggest rage on Gandara’s forums ever was when random match-ups tricked us of “dream” matchup between Gandara, Aurora and FSP.
They seem to be a fun server to be on and if you are looking to move consider them seriously.
Horrible idea. Deck is already stacked in favor of offense anyways but this will take it one step too far.
Gates that can be attacked my normal attacks is already a nuisance since an attacking force can destroy the gate by just autoattacking regardless of defensive siege. Sure – you can down them but they get instantly resurrected in a few seconds.
Why does Anet so hate the idea of a determined group investing their time in escorting dolyaks, doing supply runs, sieging up tower and with such preparations successfully defending the structure?
There was a great rivalry between Piken Square, Augury Rock and Gandara dating back from when we played three amazing consecutive matches last December. It kinda died after Russian guilds transfered to Piken and destroyed balanced matchups we had.
Now Gandara and Aurora Glade have a great relationship – we both have similar playstyle with lots of roaming groups so it is always a joy to fight each other…
Not entirely sure if I should defend Desolation or not, as this discussion is rather pointless. However, I’ll still give it a shot. I’ll be straight down the line here, you decide what you make of it in the end.
As I took the lead and struggled to revive the server and rally the guilds, you could say I know what happend and how it happend. What happend to Desolation? Did we tank the Silver League? Far from it. A couple of weeks before the League kicked off, we lost major forces again for the third time.
From this moment onwards, we had to be realistic. We knew what Vizunah was all about. Most of those Guilds who remained were active during that era and pretty much did not want to get stomped once again. Therefore we decided to get into Silver League. Did we had to do an effort to drop down? Not at all. Our poor numbers took care of that and eventually we dropped and ended in Silver.
(emphasis mine)
You are kinda jumping into your own mouth here mate. You didn’t tank but you lost just enough rating to get into silver.
Also, it wasn’t a PvE crowd that introduced 5am 10 omega golem rushes to the silver league.
We faced you twice during your tanking phase and the difference was staggering – much less skilled opposition during prime-time then in pre-league matches and heavy nightcapping. Congratulations on becoming what you hated – Vizunah Square.
Judge for being the best small scale roamers with great individual skill and healthy attitude with great sense of humor.
You’re “losing” by 200 points, having made thousands in the last day.
Not to mention look at our previous match-up: your weekend was weak, but you made it up in the week with night and morning coverage.
“Dat logic”
Wait a second shouldn’t we be stomping all servers in silver league without any problems if we belong to gold league? Whats going on? Why Gandara’s resistance such good against gold league server? Maybe Gandara is worth gold league after all? Or this is just result of duoble teaming? Why Deso is having problems with Gandara? You must admit one:
a) you are double teaming very well thats why Deso is struggling;
b) Deso is not so strong after all and wasn’t tanking to get to silver league;What is your choice?
c) Dedicated players stayed up all night to prevent your Russians from night-capping so we were ahead at midday Saturday. Not really sure we can keep it up for 2 weeks…
An alliance? I just spent 6 hours in WvW and I think we received more pressure from FSP then from Desolation. We fought the big FSP groups all night – KALE, AoA, Punk and others.
Besides, borderland focus doesn’t lie – link
Have to love those 6am golem rushes at EB Keep. I think Deso had more omega golems then we had defenders in map at that moment.
Time to get used to it…
Actually, I think doors should follow the same rules as walls and make so that only siege equipment can damage them.
There is nothing more frustrating then when a zerg just facerolls on your tower door and you can’t do anything to stop them. You can siege up your tower, have it manned, have early warning due to scouts, destroy every piece of siege they place with your prepared siege and still fail in defending because they will just dps the door down with superior numbers. You can’t wipe them since they grossly outnumber you, you can’t slowly kill them as anybody who gets downed will get instantly resurrected by his allies and you can’t outrepair their damage to gates hoping for reinforcements.
Now THAT is what needs changing.
I love this matchup, so much fun fights We even decided to troll TUP and MYA a bit by 5 of us charging into their big fight west of Lake tower. Results were obvious
It is so funny to see what attack downed you so fast and when you look at combat log it turns out it was EVERY attack
To the AG longbow ranger I fought between Hills and Lake – thanks for a fun fight, too bad another Gandaran jumped in at the end of it. Also, kudos to TUP for running over us and not attacking us while dueling.
Can’t wait for more action tonight – last night wasn’t our regular WvW night and still we had 10 people on, I guess others are enjoying this matchup as well.
I’m sorry but stealth isn’t thief’s core gameplay mechanic that shouldn’t be countered – it is having initiative counter instead of cooldowns on your spells.
And now about traps – do they cost badges AND karma or one of that two? Anybody tried it yet? Do you even see it when enemy triggers it?
The fact commanders often ask you to get on a voice-system (outside of gw2) is directly related to the fact they get ‘muted’ on the teamchannel. I agree it’s kinda annoying at first to tell who is commanding and who is just talking in teamchat. Also the colors of map and teamchat are so similar, that often when fighting I don’t see the difference.
According to the wiki, commanders also should be able to edit maps. Draw on them for orders to go to or where to place what siege. But I’ve not seen that part working.
You need to be in their squad first for that to work and most people don’t do that. It is very rudimentary and I only saw it used once.
Had some good fights tonight against both servers. Even if we end up on the 3rd place, i think this week we’ll have a fun and intense matchup
Shout-out to YARR (hope i spelled it right) you guys put up some really good fights.
Yeah, reset was fun – a lot of small to mid scale action was a refreshing change after 50-man guild groups steamrolling everything in T4. We won some, we lost some but had some great fights. And whoever says escorting Bessie (that is how we call our dolyaks on Gandara)is dull and boring hasn’t been trying to escort them yesterday. They could really make it a PvP scenario – 20 people defending Bessie and 20 attacking it
(edited by gabal.4520)
Does anyone else think the WvW achievements are a little…excessive?
Yakslapper (the coolest title ever) Requires some huge amount slain, (I heard 1,000,000 killed) One for escorting Yaks is like 500,000. The King of the Castle 25,000 times.I don’t think a lifetime achievement should actually take a lifetime to complete.
Worst thing is – you aren’t even a yakslapper when you get your title eventually. You are Ultimate Interceptor or something like that…
Did Riverside had some server event including rangers tonight? I can’t recall when I encountered so many rangers in a single night.
1. Removing the cap would probably break the game even more. Zerg strength would multiply exponentially, put more players against less enemies to win automatically. The only thing it would “prevent” is balling up in small groups on a small area. Which is kind of stupid, since that’s Guild gameplay and what many, many enjoy more than zerging.
2. This would cause a problem of economics, ie the rich win every time. Cant afford siege? No keeps for you, cause you cant get in, haha! No. The solution is to introduce a damage cap against gates, ie only say 5 people can damage them at once and after that its “blocked” (but any number of siege can hurt it).
OK, your arguments made me realize that removing AoE cap would create an unbalanced gameplay unless it is tied in with other changes but I still stand with the idea that doors should be treated as walls and be destructible only by siege. And don’t make me laugh with “economics problem”. I get all my siege with badges, from random drops and from jumping puzzle. You don’t have to spend a single silver on a siege if you don’t choose to do it. Right now you don’t even need siege if you have big enough zerg as you can auto-attack the gates down in minutes with defenders being unable to do anything about it. Hell, you can’t even repair the gates if you have supply as you’ll die from AoE and mesmer phantasms passing through gates.
I agree, you are supposed to fend off an invading force if you are prepared. We were prepared in defending Cragtop and managed to destroy every siege invaders built. Eventually they ran out of supplies and proceeded to just auto-attack the gates down with 50 people they had in front of the tower by then. It was silly.
Bay is much easier to attack since you can treb inner wall from a Vale camp which is the most easily defended camp in the Borderlands (only 2 entry points if we don’t count spawn).
What needs changing is that burning oil on top of the inner water gate at Garrison. You can’t hit ANYTHING with it.
Sorry to NR guy I chased and killed near Hero’s camp and who was probably going towards GvG – we didn’t realize that was going on the map at the moment.
That Riverside warrior lowbie @ AG BL who was teabagging, dancing, sitting, sleeping on top of my body, fondling my womanly parts while I was tanking the floor, I’m going to get you. I’ll find you. I’m going to hide legos inside of your shoes and leave dirty laundry inside of your fridge. Sadly I don’t even remember your guild tag or how you look like so I’ll just have to kill every single RS and do exactly the same things to them. Viva la memory of a goldfish!
Sounds fun, can I help?
The reward is fun and satisfaction you feel when outwitting a human opponent by using a cooperation of people in your guild and on your server.
Spot on!
I’m so glad Aurora have been a lot stronger than last week. Whatever the drama, qq, and rubbish that gets posted on the forums this is by far the most competitive tier in GW2.
I concur with this – it wasn’t really fun last week with Aurora not being present much. You really need 3 competitive servers for a good matchup, a week with empty Arborstone was the worst matchup I participated in since I started with WvW.
I’m pretty sure Meteor Shower can hit more then 5 as each meteor can hit multiple targets.
Also, auras are capped at 5 people as well.
I think the timeframe of 6pm resets on east coast and 3pm resets is horrible.
Well you could always petition to get the same reset times Europe had. The beloved Europe, that Anet caters to so greatly. That Europe.
How does 2am – 5am depending on timezone sound? Thats what we have had to endure.
Oh please, it wasn’t 2am – it was 2:20 with WvW crashing around 3:30 usually with 2 minute notice. Oh the good times.
Explain me this – if you complain you’ll have queues now I guess you have them anyway at that time of day. Last week we got outmanned on our home borderland one hour after reset started.
Even if you get queue you’ll get in eventually and manage to play for a few hours on reset night. In EU participation dwindled considerably as it is really hard to stay up every week until dawn, last few resets I managed to stay for hour or two maximum before collapsing in bed out of tiredness.
The end of a match is WAY more important than the start of a match.
I’m all for a compromise but this went in the opposite direction of what it should’ve been… don’t move it earlier, push it to later.
I don’t agree, in most cases matches are pretty much decided much earlier (with the exception of few amazing down-to-the-wire fights).
source: AG player on 24 January 2013
I S U P E R S I N I.4761
Being as we had the pleasure of playing with [XxX] last week, I would just like to say we really enjoyed having you on Aurora Glade for the week. Great support you offered, in the things AG did in last weeks match up.
I would like to ask if you would consider returning to the server, being as you are clearly the best guild on Gandara Currently. I would just like to ask you to rejoin us before its to late. “give it some serious thought eh?”
Thanks for the help, and thanks for the fights this week its been a lot of fun.
IGN: Disaproval
guild: [KISS]Alliance
server: Aurora Glade
Well played sir
Another example of ANet trying to place a bandaid on something rather than actually fix the problem. The reset is now at 3pm PST or 6pm EST, which means EST is just getting home from work and eating dinner and PST is still working for a few more hours. Add in Q times and the PST players will be lucky to get on at all, a lot probably wont even bother trying on reset night.
I would gladly trade your 3-6 PM reset start for what we have now in European time-zones. You can recognize WvW regulars on EU servers by completely messed up sleeping patterns – we have suffered greatly on resets since the daylight savings moved it one hour back then before as less and less people showed up every week.
We have been asking for something like this for months and are thrilled Anet finally decided to balance things a bit.
Great! They finally heard us
And here the flyhackers are inside our garrison, right after they killed me and a couple of arrowcarts on the wall..
Same guild tag as in Hills – I guess Gold Club Deutchland are the resident cheaters at Riverside server. I will keep an eye out for those cheaters, they can be dangerous…
Riverside seems to be a bit desperate to get the Hills back – after rams, catas and trebs failed we noticed 2 Riverside on Hills vista – got only the tag on screenshot as I was occupied at the moment with shooting mortar. So please, can you inform guild leaders of a guild with tag GDC they have cheaters amongst them? We will surely keep our eye out…
Well, since we were fighting hard to get our Hills back from Riverside we focused on their borderland with plan to spread them around while we are trying to evict them from there. So we went and took your BL so you don’t feel neglected We like to spread around, don’t worry, I want to hit Riverside hard after what was probably some spy wasted supplies from Garrison 10 minutes before Riverside zerg attacked it…
Stay tuned…
Can we dare to hope Anet will finally listen?
Don’t hate the player – hate the game…
Baruch deserved to win – they had better coverage, they played their strenghts and took advantage of ours and Aurora weaknesses.
Congratulations and good luck in T3.
I think rating prediction at Millenium site is a bit off…
Gandara’s heavy reliance on infantry and small guilds means resets are generally when we are the worst. Since I started playing WvW we had 2 resets where we did good, and one of those was back in T6…
Also, I’m not looking forward to waiting to 2am for reset to start, I envy NA players who get to have reset on primetime…
Who the kitten are this YOLO guild? It took me almost an hour to get into Gandara BL and when I finally joined I find this megablob running around steamrolling everything in sight. I don’t know where they came from but I hope they go back – they are one-trick ponies who lack any tactical skill other then using huge numbers. How long are free transfers open? If this blobiness continues I might switch to some non-blobby tier.
It was VLK, Clan Valkyria. Using hacks as a ranger and he still died all the time and didn’t get to kill anyone? He is bad and he should feel bad! He was also jumping on top of buildings where no mortal can jump. Maybe BB has some niftyy keen superpower friends? Either way, recorded some of his silly derping and reported him.
Hello everyone, as a part of the administration of Clan Valkyria multigame comunity,first I have to apologize for what happened.
I confirm that he was using hacks (we caught him as we read this) and we inmediatly kicked him out of our guild. Also we reported him for using hacks and we expect that he’ll be banned soon.
Again I apologize in the name of our guild for this guy, and ask the comunity not to judge our entire guild for 1 guy, we are +300 player and it seems not all of them are clean players.
ChuckCompany Cpt. of Clan Valkyria Multijuegos
Well played sir, if it was a member of my guild I would urge officers to do the same.
Maybe lots of people are returning to check out the post-culling wvw; maybe wvw has always been like this but I was unaware of it because of the culling – either way the numbers of people (on all servers) and scale of the fights is astonishing.
The big problem, of course, is the unbearable lag that such large scale battles produces and, ultimately, kills any hope of having a proper, fun fight.Sadly, even a dedicated ‘peaker like me, could be tempted by the idea of a free transfer to a lower tier server where, I assume, lag isn’t such a problem.
I have a feeling they have increased the number of people that any server can have on a map. Seeing everybody in enemy blob is one thing but I’m quite sure I haven’t seen so many green dots on mini-map before the patch…
I had some skill lag but not all the time so I hope it won’t occur much any more.
I didn’t expect much from this passive traits but I’m dissapointed that they didn’t include “do more damage to siege”. I would have took it straight away but then, I’m notorious for constantly suiciding on enemy trebs…
Some players just go ahead and ruin everybody’s fun. A guardian and ranger from guild Army of Albion [AoA] repeatedly passed through the gate at Sunnyhill during Far Shiverpeak attack on it at Gandara Borderland right now.
You put a shame on the guild whose name you wear and your server. Shame on you!
I was that ranger, we we’re ramming Sunnyhill and I was using a greatsword to help damage, using skills and whatnot, then whatyaknow I was inside that tower, if you we’re inside you saw me jumping off of it. When it hapened the second time I acted on instinct, saw an enemie and tried to kill . 1 – It was unintentional. 2 – If there’s any shame to be had it should be to those gate designers who aparently oil it enough that two norns are able to slip through.
When you passed through the door first time it was an accident – when you did it second time and did what you did (finish a defender, attack the NPC) you were exploiting.
I’m always willing to give a benefit of a doubt but this ranger and guardian both entered twice that I saw them and then hit the players inside – this players downed me (I’m an ele and I mistformed inside) and went to attack the Lord.
Some players just go ahead and ruin everybody’s fun. A guardian and ranger from guild Army of Albion [AoA] repeatedly passed through the gate at Sunnyhill during Far Shiverpeak attack on it at Gandara Borderland right now.
You put a shame on the guild whose name you wear and your server. Shame on you!
I haven’t experienced this kind of defense but is 1-second immobilize really that much game-breaking?
It requires multiple coordinated warriors with a right trait to pull off and excuse me but if you are getting hit with multiple arrow carts anyway it should hurt you a lot. Especially if you invested into making superior arrow carts…
Gandara are defending so well, seriously gg
But please use less AC there are 5-6 per doors ^^
We heard Golems are allergic to them so we are making sure
My former guild leader activated guild catapult which you can’t put back in inventory just when big enemy group charged us so she couldn’t use any of her spells and died instantly. Enemies got a free blueprint along with loot bags that time…
I used rtl after I jumped towards the Water camp south of hills. Only to hit the wall instead of water and die instantly… Also, once I attacked quaggan node together with an invader trying to destroy it. After a few minutes I realized I’m attacking my own node – that other guy must have been very confused…
The funniest such moment happened in another MMORPG I played but I’ll translate the situation in GW2 terms.
A certain consumable which was available only at one vendor in game was required for a special spell which allowed you to capture the end-dungeon boss and fight it again later in a special arena. Me and guildies were getting ready to fight and one of them said he will run to get said consumable. Only to say in guild chat:
Him: There are none on sale.
Me: What do you mean there are none on sale?
Him (slightly aggravated): just what I said, there are none on sale!
Me: Please don’t tell me you are buying them on Trading Post?
Him: Well where else are you supposed to buy them?
Me: From a NPC that is 2 feet away from Black Lion Representative
Him: … I’m going to kill myself
Everybody else in guild: ROFLMAO
He was buying that consumable from trading post at double the prices vendor was selling them – somebody was making a mint on him. No wonder he was always broke
Seeing the numbers the russian zerg have sometimes you wont ever have a problem with being outmanned
Lmao. I’ll just take it as a compliment, you saying we have a large zerg
How would you call that group that comprised of NuG, SPRT and dozen others who conquered Garrison on Gandara BL yesterday with 2 omega golems? We can call it blob if you prefer it that way…
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