Showing Posts For gitflap.9031:

Afk for 10 minutes

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


But I don’t want shared participation. To me that’s basically cheating. It’s taking credit for someone else’s work. It also risks the implication that scouting requires review and approval of a zerg in order to qualify as activity, which is a little insulting. Why not just give scouts credit for their own activity? Or at least allow them the option . . .

I also don’t understand why ppl keep mentioning afking and scouting together as if they were somehow related. You can’t scout and be afk at the same time, or at least you shouldn’t be able to. That’s another problem with shared participation actually, it encourages afkers . . .

And how would you do that? How are they going to differentiate, code wise, who is scouting and who is just wandering around at keep, doing nothing?

I think there’s a lack of understanding among many people of what “scouting” entails. Babysitting a structure is only a small part of it. You do that sometimes when there is a large enemy presence on the map and your Spidey Sense gets all a tingle. Mostly nothing happens.

The bulk of scouting is much the same as “roaming” while avoiding small fights unless it’s for a camp.

Sometimes a few of you will team up to take/defend a tower when your main force is elsewhere and, when it seems safe to do so, you might join said force to defend/cap a keep.

Participation is only tricky if the map is fairly dead. Otherwise it’s not too bad. I’d like to see 10 secs for refreshing siege and maybe gold, silver and bronze yak escorts at say 4, 2 and 1 min.

Nerf ACs, Buff Ballistas and Reduce Supply

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Siege is the bane of WvW

Wrong. K-Train blobs are the bane of WvW.

[Suggestion] Make defense profitable again

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


The last thing we need is to reward players sitting on siege in keeps. If anything, they need incentives to come out and fight.

Every time anyone posts anything at all about improving siege or defending in this game mode, somebody feels the need to “contribute” like this. Go play CSGO or something. Stop cluttering up forum threads with your toxic, knuckle dragging, Alpa Male drivel. I saw a vid, when the game was first launched, of a quadroplegic guy playing GW by blowing in a tube. Bless him. You want him to give you a square go? Defending and siege, scouting and Yak escorts, repairing and refreshing…these things give some people a way to contribute to and enjoy WvW. If you don’t like it…kitten, kitten, kitten the kitten off!

World Linking Beta

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Thanks for that Dayra. A fine illustration of how to be constructive. Dig up an ancient post and make a lame joke. Game mode not suiting you? Go away. Same goes for the rest of you. Don’t like it? Do something else.

(edited by gitflap.9031)

Only 1 Zephyr Rucksack left in TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I think it would be totaly wrong to reintroduce stuff from years ago for people who weren’t playing when these things were available. It’s a good thing that some things can’t just be aquired; that you had to be there to get them. And I’m talking as someone who mostly missed out through lack of attention to PvE.

(Suggestions) Rewards in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Fewer Ascended rings and an earring now and then. Otherwise I’m fine with it as is.

Siege - suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


You can’t have any constructive discussion about siege on this forum. The knuckle draggers won’t stand fot it. Without siege, WvW would be a big mosh-up in a field. Fun for a week tops. These Einsteins would have you beleive that ACs etc ruin what otherwise would be a fantastic game mode where men (well, protozoa on legs) could 1111111 other likeminded Lummoxes, thus getting “gud” in the pursit of “phat loot.” In reality, it is they, and their hairy -backed bretheren, who have done the most to ruin the mode for anybody with 2 or more brain cells. OP, I think your ideas are pretty interesting. They deserve further discussion. They won’t get it.

Incremental Movement of Siege

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


you also have a choice to get off the siege and actively play, but then you wouldn’t be protected by a wall.

Why bother to reply to a post if all you can contribute is this level of unhelpful dross? Still, it gives me a chance to bump the topic. maybe someone from ANet will see it.

Account-wide gathering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I’m gonna dig this up again. Can I please dedicate 3 shared inventory slots to my account wide gathering tools? It’s why I bought the slots. I’m heartily sick of having to guess which toon I forgot to divest of the tools before I logged off. C’mon ANet, you know this makes sense.

Incremental Movement of Siege

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Could you please make it that when I use the mouse on the left/right arrow to alter the targeting position of a mortar or treb, it moves by 1 increment only. Rather than mostly 2, sometimes 1. It’s a small thing but, when you have to reposition mortars as often as I seem to be doing lately, it would be quite useful. Tnx.

Account-wide gathering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Before HoT I bound “J” to loot pickup. I probably only lost 4% or so of my loot. I wouldn’t like to go back. It’s inelegant and inefficient. I remember to swap out my gathering tools 90% of the time. Maybe I’ll get as high as 96% after a while. But how hard would it be to auto-equip/unequip. This is basic stuff that, for several thousand gems, we shouldn’t have to think about.

Account-wide gathering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I just upgraded my unbreakable tools to account wide and bought three shared slots. The current system seems rather clumsy though. I have 9 toons and I swap between them often. It is very easy to forget to unequip the gathering tools before I swap. Would it be possible in future to auto equip/unequip shared tools when changing toons?

ps. I did do a search for this. Sorry if I missed something.

Poll to remove siege disablers?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Let’s all just agree that PvD Karma-trainers whine at just about everything. Pls don’t give them any (more) credence ANet.

Queue on home borderland

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I can’t count the number of times I went to home border to use bank/crafting stations and stayed to help out. Just did it in fact…went to use guild bank, stayed for 45 mins to fight. Never did it at primetime. Close the stations if there is a queue. Oh yeh, too late for common sense yet again.

Where went WvW Guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Yep, far fewer guilds raiding on borderlands these days. Mostly just pugblob and roamers now. Shame.

World Linking 6/24/2016

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I am sorry anet I can not agree with what you did with BP, us and FA together made a very solid linked server we weren’t too overly populated and we had decent coverage across the board but not overwhelming since we never got first generally. The two servers worked together really well and showed what you wanted from two servers being linked, that they made that server less empty on both sides and made it an actual community. I will see where this week goes but honestly BP and FA should have shown you how its meant to be done with them. Frankly I already want them back for me and my guild’s fun.

ANet don’t want to merge servers. They’re not doing a stellar (or even basic tbh) job of maintaining a distinct server identity; especially with 3 & 4 way linking, but they don’t want to unnecessesarily make some people unhappy by having their beloved servers absorbed by another. Hopefuly we’ll soon be past the blah+ nonsense and also be able to see what server the people we’re paying/fighting with actually belong to. Can’t be that tough to implement, can it?

Stopping enemy players from messaging you?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Had that a few times. Just ignore it. Sometimes it can lead to a nice chat with the enemy. Piken ranger even sent me a mini one time. But if they get whiny and abusive, shrug & move on.

When is Desert Bl coming back? Tonight?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Two weeks was all the Alpine honeymoon lasted. Qs back on EB like nothing changed. Except the reward track brought in a multitude of PvEers who are now fueling these Megablobs that are currently choking the gamemode to death. If the 35% that leave are these knuckledraggers then I won’t miss them one bit.

How to win each week in WvsW- Robot Manual

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I think it’s done. Return to Alpine hasn’t produced any lasting (2 weeks ffs) change in how the mode plays out. Gandara, my server, now blobs like Abbadon at it’s blobbiest. And TS is generaly full of macho bullkittenters who like to say ‘kitten ’ so often it sounds like wishful thinking. Oh kitten , I can’t use the word for forced, Illegal sexual penetration on this forum. What a kittening world we now live in.

No poll equired

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Oh yeh, you just reminded me. Some solo Ranger/Mes/Thief contesting a structure by hitting the door/NPCs a bit is also nonsense.

Why? I am pretty sure that guards will voice an alarm if an attacker attacks them, doors will be closed etc etc…
Regarding the walls, if I fire a heavy stone at the meetinmg line of two walls, would they not both be damaged?

First point: Yeh, but in-game the mechanic is easy n cheezy. The quaggans used to do this and they got fired.

Second Point: No. Your stone would break on the butress and you’d have wasted your time. Seriously, is this how the thread is going to develop? Looks like I shot my stuff at a butress.

No poll equired

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Oh yeh, you just reminded me. Some solo Ranger/Mes/Thief contesting a structure by hitting the door/NPCs a bit is also nonsense.

No poll equired

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Easy to see yo’ve never been on the other end. 15 mins trying to fix a fortified wall with only one or two others helping. Not so bad now, with faster dollys, but still a pain. If you defended a lot, you’d hate this. One projectile, one wall. Seems perfectly fair to me.

Pedantic Edit: You wouldn’t aim at a butress. It’s 10 times stronger than the walls at either side. I had to say this…I know, it’s a game :p

(edited by gitflap.9031)

World Linking End

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I happen to be logged on so I’m gonna add this. From a purely EU perspective, it’s obvious that the likes of Deso and Gandara did not need to be linked (Vabbi & RoS). I think, generaly, linking went too far up the chain. Oh, and calling it linking or an alliance is a joke atm. I’m on Gandara and I have no idea who the RoS players are. In fact, I couldn’t say for certain that there are Slurmies playing at all. I think that’s a shame.

No poll equired

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


What’s wrong with siege damaging multiple walls?

You hit an undamageable butress head on and splash damage takes down the wall on both sides. It’s unrealistic is my main problem but, if those walls are fortified and you drive the attackers off, it takes an age to fix them up. Why not just damage the wall you actualy hit? Or don’t actualy hit, with splash damage. One is enough I think.

No poll equired

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Reading the post about future polls and it got me thinking. How about fixing a few things that very few people can, in all honesty, disagree with. I’m talking about simple fixes here, not stuff like nightcapping & bandwagoning. I’ll start it off and, hopefuly, people will chime in.

  • Spawn siege on Alpine Bls. Get rid of it. It’s cheap and cheesy.
  • Server identity. Milenium can give the + a name, why can’t you.
  • There’s only one official Spanish language server and it’s constantly full…no fairs. Sort pls.

I’m bound to think of other things. Easy things. Oh yeh.

  • Siege only damaging one wall at a time. That’s a good one.

OK, that’ll do for now.

ANET-Night capping is not a thing!

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Servers seeking out, and usualy paying, guilds from other time zones to cap maps in the dead of, NA/EU, night, is nightcapping. If servers stop doing that, it will cease to be an issue. That’s the problem right there. Server stacking/winner joiners, that’s a huge problem too. You can’t solve either without changing fundimental flaws in the human psyche. Relax and enjoy the game.

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


3% of BB is non Spanish…not worth complaining about IMO.

I would like to check that number, as it is very accurate. Where is it published?

It isn’t published. Been on BB for over 2 years and I’m telling you. I know many people would rather think of Baruch as talentless nightcappers rather than give them any credit, but the whole Mexican Nightcappers thing is a myth. You can beleive me, and why on earth would I bother lying about it, or you can choose not to.

How I estimated 3%…well, BB has a big TS takeup, always, and the vast majority of the little flags are Spainsh. And I’ve played late at night and early in the morning. What confuses people, and I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, is Spanish culture – the tendency to eat dinner late and stay up late. BB primetime starts and ends around 2 hours after other EU primetimes. Hence the impression people have that they nightcap. They do a bit, but accidentaly, not actively like on some other servers.

Reduce the impact of night capping?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Servers deliberately stacking offpeak hours is the problem, or the solvable one anyway. But it relies on servers not doing that. For players who work nights/shifts, or live outside of NA/EU, it would be unfair to punish them for playing the game mode.

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


As for the OPs point, it works the other way too. Some EU servers have NA or OCX guilds/players to do their nightcapping.

I can’t see a solution to this…best just suck it up or play something else.

(edited by gitflap.9031)

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


And I mean not from Spain…in case there’s any confusion.

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


3% of BB is non Spanish…not worth complaining about IMO.

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Or for example problem with Spanish server Baruch Bay which gets players from Spanish speaking South American countries.

No, it doesn’t.

Alpine Borderlands needs to be prio #1

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Oh, Anet. Pls rotate weekly or something. If nothing else, it’ll show once and for all the difference in popularity between Alpine & Desert.

For the record, I used to hate Desert, now I don’t.

Alpine Borderlands needs to be prio #1

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I eagerly await the day we have three separate Borderlands maps — alpine, desert, forest — and we can choose to play whichever whenever.

Yeh, at first I thought forest/jungle for the third Bl. But, howabout a city, like Kaineng, with neighbourhoods instead of towers & keeps, warehouses instead of supply camps, and fat Charrs squeezed into 2CV vans instead of dollys?

(edited by gitflap.9031)

Alpine Borderlands needs to be prio #1

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


On Gandara EB has always had queues. It’s no different now. EotM means that nobody is forced to play DBl till q pops. So many people post on this forum and just make kitten up to suit their arguement.

Alpine Borderlands needs to be prio #1

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


You can argue as much as you want that desert BL is amazing. The hard fact is that nobody plays it, which is why Arena Net is bringing alpine BL back.

35-40 Gandarans/RoS fought 40 or so SFR for the last 2 hours on Gandara Border. Baruch had 10 players there as well for a while. 90 people ain’t nobody.

As for Alpine; they were always due to return at some point.

One Annoyance about the Desert Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Hell yes! Autorunning while checking the map & you’ve been stuck behind a root or on a stair the whole time. Fix it. Fix it now!

Thanks :p

Pro's and Con's of Server Linking.

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Spare a thought for poor old Baruch. They’ll never get a date.

Offensive Small-Team Play: Alpine vs. Desert

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I agree with the OP. DBl is every bit as good a map for small scale play as Alpine. Maybe better. There are a lot of different routes and hiding places. Once you learn the map, and I’m not quite there yet, it’s not that hard to get around. The shrine speedboost is v useful in this respect.

Please don't scrap DBL

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Hated DBl at first but they’re growing on me. I like the shrines. I even think the Barricades are a good idea. I like that the central bs is gone, though the space is pretty pointless now. I don’t understand the whole side keep WP thing. It seems unnatural. Mostly I solo roam or run with 1 or 2 others. I think the meta for large scale battles has gotten out of control, but that’s not the map’s fault. Anyway, the last few weeks, I’ve been enjoying WvW again.

Potential Change to Reset Time

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


+1 for friday reset

Would like lords and guards to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Oh ANet! Look what you did! We had a flawed but wonderful game mode but now people are talking about the relative merits of NPC guards and lords. I don’t blame you that much for your mistakes. We all make mistakes. But your hubris is unforgivable.

Wrong Answer again Anet RIP WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I play on gandara (tier 3?) and there is a queue on ebg almost every day at prime time. After reset their is usually a queue of about 60. This all due to the fact that literally nobody wants to play in the borderlands

No change there then :p

Another WvW Director

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


I’m guessing:

Population Imbalance = Merged Servers or Megaservers
Reducing DBL navigation problems = Gliding (Obviously DBL was designed with this in mind)
Improved WvW rewards = who cares? (PvE players I suppose)

Expect Cata and Treb abilities to launch players over walls a la Lineage when Gliding is introduced. As it will be on all maps at some stage in 2016. I’m hoping they nerf autoupgrades, but it might not matter if Megaservers is the route they choose. Megaservers won’t kill WvW but it sure will change it. I can’t guess how well server merging will go down with the community…but at least there will be a community.

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Thanks for posting yet another thread that will support anet’s inevitable decision to go megaserver with wvw.

As you say…inevitable. HoT did that. But nightcapping threads, I agree, pointless.

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


gitflap.9031 ty for the best joke ever, baruch deserve to be top omg lol, baruch is very weak, they loose almost every fight, you just win from nightcapping and nothing more, you never deserve to be on top of eu, you need to play in NA server with other timezones, this is no whining or crying, thats just the truth, believe it or not

Oh dear. You’re from Rivercart! And you’re moaning about how another server plays. You probably own more AC blueprints than I have braincells. Good old Baruch. I hope they make your life as miserable as possible

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Baruch primetime starts and ends a couple of hours later than the average European primetime. It’s a cultural thing. Spanish people tend to eat dinner late and stay up late. Other servers don’t have the coverage they used to; the NA and Oceanic guilds who capped stuff at night when most of the EU was asleep. Auto upgrading exaggerates the problem…they who cap last, cap longest.

I haven’t played on Baruch since HoT, but a week or so before that we had Kodash and Piken. Kodash were the nightcappers in that matchup holding our EB and BL keeps, and Piken’s, T2 or better, with defenders and siege when I turned up around 8am GMT.

When BB primetime does start, they fight as well as anyone else. And they were obviously the least affected by the HoT changes of all the EU servers. It’s a 95% Spanish server and they deserve to be top. Stop whining about it.

Are defenders extinct?

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Same as above, more or less, except I no longer play WvW. When I go to home border to use the facilities I still see a few of the old guard. It’s nice to see them but it makes me sad at the same time. I don’t even stop to ask them what they get up to these days but I hope they’re still having fun.

WvW: the future! *

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Fast forward 12 months. Get there however you want. Wait, the WP is contested and it’s kind of a pain to run there. Oh, you can glide! That’s handy. Notice how servers are no longer a thing? It’s Realms or Factions now. Get used to it. Make sure you join the same one your friends joined. And there are multiple instances of the four known maps: Alpine, EB, DB & EotM. And, kitten me, there’s STILL a queue on EB! At least they brought back the Quaggan event on Alpine. And the Centaurs are actualy contesting Mill! Personaly I love the new cookery event on EotM. Outbake those motherkitteners for big points! You can get an Ascended drop and a backpack that looks like my dog’s kitten ! And there’s Spring Tournament to look forward to! Maybe it’ll be fun.

*I’m not employed by ANet. I’m making this kitten up. No way it’ll even be this good :p

Blade n Soul a threat to GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Your thoughts…..?

Not really, it’s just too different. Yes, any new game will take some of the GW2 population away (at least for a while), but in the end the biggest threat to the future of GW2 is GW2 itself (or, should i say, Anet and their current design goals).

Yeh, it’s ANet’s poor decision making and seemingly flawed and fixed vision for GW2, outside of PvE anyway, that’s making me look elsewhere. It’s a great game, none better out there atm and posibly for the next year at least, but management at ANet seems hell bent on making it less great with every passing update. Neglected single player games and other activities are taking up more and more of my time now. Got fantastic value for money from GW2 over the years, so no hard feelings on my part.

(edited by gitflap.9031)