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Nothing in PvP "Feels" Impactful

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

I totally agree with this. Good post.

Do you also think that anet is kind of uncreativ with the trait-design.
That to many of the traits are just “filling material” but basically have no use or are
simply to weak to be taken anyways and most of them are also just number-juggling instead of real gamestyle changing traits.
I think this is one of the minor problems too and have made a post for that.
I´m writeing about that and have made some new own mes-traits as inspiration.
Some of them are not bad and maybe could be even added to the game and
you probably can also do some kind of those with every other class too.
Traits that are actually impacting your playstyle and not just some 10% dmg increase.
Check it out if you want:

REACT ANET. Tell us what you are thinking about the current state of pvp.
If you think its just fine and you continue to do it this way, I won´t bother anymore.
If you see the problems and are planing to make huge critically changes with this game, at least in the long run, we at least know you even noticed the problem.

Questions to Anet and PvP and futur of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The community has now pointed for along time to the problems they thing the PvP is having, but for what reason soever anet wasn´t change anything to better and I don´t see anything coming soon.
That´t why I hereby want to ask you and anet directly some explicit questions to the futur of pvp!

What´s the reason for anets bad spvp/wvw policy?
-Do they actually think pvp is kind of fine how it is and it doesn´t need to be changed?
-Are they intentionally making GW2 a pve game and destroying PvP more or less unaware or simply not careing by carering the pve community so much in pvp, by making it easy spamy and reward grind based?
-Do they actually just simply have no idea how to change pvp to better and fail trying to not making it worse?
-Do they simply not care at all about pvp anymore?

Other questions to that:
-Who is responsible for the pvp in the game?
->Do they have a dedicated PvP group or are they more or less all just working on
pvp/wvw by the way.

Anet: What is your futur plan for PvP/WvW combat?
->Do you think it´s kind of fine with the path you are directing it and continue to
do it this way?
->Are you having any plans of having seriously critically changes in PvP, Combat,
Build diversity, Traits for the futur?
Or: Are you kind of inhibit of having seriously changing something in PvP?
->If so, why are you inhibit of having seriously changing something in PvP?
-> Are you afraid of pve people would be leaving PvP, who are currently populating
the PvP-mode for a huge part when it would be changed back to a
“more competetiv” way?

In my opinion PvP has been totally scewed up for along time now.
It is a worthless, boring zerg and spam, everyone is playing the same hybrit stuff.
Anet was constantly equalizing class capabilitys and it´s just boring and they just don´t play as unique classes anymore if you ask me.

If they are changing something in PvP they have to do it serious and right.
They have to break the hybrit meta and make berzerks and tanks finally viable again.
They have to break the spam and with it the zergfights.
Stop catering the pve people who have no interest in pvp in pvp.

Here I have posted something of wich i think is a problem too.
It´s a collection of mes-trait ideas that would actually mechanicly change something instead of some meaningless number juggling what is changing as good as nothing.
You can check it out if you want. It´s just inspiration of what I think anet could do with this game if they truely wanted it.
Here the link:

Anet if you read this pls response. I want to know if I can expect anything from pvp in the long run or if you are eighter totally okey with how pvp is going and are going to continoue as you are just doing it.

Have a nice day.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

MASSIVE Balance changes.

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The problem that gw2 pvp has for many years now is that anet was adapting everything to having basically the same capabilitys in everything.
There are no unique classes anymore, everything is kind of the same boring ****.

The game has a constant “hybrit-meta” for many years now, even if it was sometimes more more dmg based and maybe sometimes tankier.

There was only a short time when spvp/tpvp in gw2 was rly awesome, it was like untill 1year after launch. There have been alot of bugs, lags and some more balance issues maybe, but it was more skill based then everything you have had since then.

Back then you actually had classes with there own unique capability in movement, dmg, duelling, tank, the builds where mostly split in more berzerk builds and tankier ones, today everything is the same hybrit stuff.

Today you are having a boring hybrit meta, everything has kind of alot of dmg but is also having a ridiculous amount of heal and cleansing spam, with a spam of everything and only zergfights, due to that the skill/competetive aspect of the game totaly fell under the table. You see how they are actually just filling the mode with farming pve people who are chasing after rewards and dailys.

Pvp is dead and it was on dying for years now. Anet had the expansion to fix it up and now the second one is coming, but they haven´t ever seriously bothered about pvp and they probably won´t.
There are constantly posts added like this for years now, everysince with the same problem and anet eighter doesn´t care or has no plan of how to deal with pvp.

Very sad. But they appearing are totally incompetent when it comes to wvw/pvp in this game. TOTALLY. ;(

When will the matchmaking get fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The core issue is the combat itself.
Pvp today is only a huge spam/zerg and as more spam/zerg there is in a game as less worth actuall skill has.
spam/zerg+this stupid hybrit—> no skill needed

I played the game from the start and I know from own expirience how you could actually carry something in pvp. Thanks to this spam/zerg and massiv heal spam it has become totally impossible today.

The cliff between actuall good players and noobs effectivly isn´t there anymore or ridiculously low.

As long as this is a thing and good players aren´t even rewarded in actual fight for their skill, how can you expect the matchmaking to work.
It´s logic. Also back then you didn´t even have a mmr-matchmaking and we didn´t hadd this problems there.
The combat-system more or less doesn´t allow huge impact of the sinlge player skill and as result you can´t carry and also the matchmaking can´t classify if you are eighter great or bad.

As long this is a thing and it has been for many years now. I think there won´t be a working matchmaking, very simle.

First things first. The combat system is the main problem here and the matchmaking suffocates from that.

PVP is not dead!

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

@Pecar You are right. But it´s not only the cc/condi spam, it´t the spam of everyhing basically. Heal, condi, cc, condi remove. It has been a problem for years now and it always just did become worse.
If nothing comes with the expansion you can forget about it. It´s a pve game now.
And I wouldn´t count on anet, seriously.

-_- ;(

the silver curse

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

But befor they think about going on the mmr system over and over again tryring to fix it, they have to fix the combat in it´s core. For along while now the game was continouesly going down a way where “skill” doesn´t matter anymore due to heal spam, spam over all and it´s ending up in a huge zerg.
I remember times like till 1 1/2year after release when playing berzerk was a thing and you could actually carry decently hard. It has totally become impossible today.

Maybe you can carry to some degree, but you just need to watch healseth or frostballs or any others “pro-player” stream to see that you can play perfectly supirior and it will get underwhelmed by the zerg.

I´m telling you, theoretically, If anet would bring back a bug-free slightly balanced version of the first year GW2, the noobs in this game, wich are alot of them, would be crushed and “skill” beeing something worth again and beeing able to actually carry something again would automatically fix much of the mmr-matchmaking frustration you are having today.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

just another lowlevel catering of anet

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

We all know this map and it´s just one of the later exaples of anets catering to everyone but the pvp-community, where “competetiv” and through that “strategie” was actually a thing.
Skyhammer was once a unique map and the “breaking platforms” and beeing able to throw someone out of the map throuh immobelize or cc was what made it like that at the MOST part.

THIS was the mechanic of the map. THIS was what made it unique to every other map.
But now it´s just another victim of anets pve attetute equalization like everything is todday in pvp/wvw.

Ofc with it beeing the old skyhammer it would give a huge adventage to knockback/pull/cc heros like engis. But why not. What´s the problem with having different levels of capeblitys for each different class at certain situations or environmental causes.

But no. “Everything has to be able to do the same”, “Everything has to be equal”, "no “stratetic” componets allowed like that of skyhammer".

As it is that they changed “Clocktower” in favor to the not teleport classes althought it was a well map befor.
As they changed the new coloseum because people thought there are some kind of advantage for teleportation or else.

GG anet.

If we are already at the topic the old capricorn map newer players probalby doesn´t know about was also better then this new one. You had a underwaterpoint, a actuall ship in the mid and a cannon and it was nicely designed.
I never understand why they even patched it out in the first place. Just saing.

Spvp will continou to die over time if they continou making this kind of changes who all fall in the same categorie for me. The attetute to want everything easy, slow and casual what ends up in the game totally not beeing “competetiv” anymore but a huge spam/zerg.

Have a nice day.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

pvp going downhill. unplayable.

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Man there is too much spam of everything, heal, condi, burst, everything.
Anet doens´t know what they are doing for years now.
It was already going down the hill befor HoT and with HoT it just became alot worse.

I rly don´t know what they are thinking or if they are even ever looking into the forums.
People are posting this kind of posts for many years now and the only thing anet was every doing was patching things out what didn´t were a problem and were even working nicely. I´m still wondering about the 3-round-tpvp system with gems reward they pached out for no reason at all, because it was working well, population wasn´t a problem and the community was nice. In my personal view that was the start of the falldown of spvp.
They obviously must see that pvp/wvw is getting worse and worse and instead of fixing the real problems they are filling it with farming pve people.
It was a very nice base game and instead of fixing the real problems they are fooling us around with their expensions, hybing us with stuff like new elit-specs, gliders and now mounts and another elit-spec is coming probalby scewing it up for good this time.

I don´t know what anet is thinking. I can´t get it at all.

Undecided PvP community!

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Again this pve attetute here where everyone starts crying when not everything is equally and easy.
You have a map where classes with teleports have a advantage: “Oh this class has capabilities I don´t have, oh it´s so unfair pls anet fix it make everything the same and easy and boring……..”

You know I was 95%+ pvp player and I wanted each class to be unique and have differences in capabilities. I know the whole “original” spvp community would be the same oppinion.
Not just pvp wise, rpg wise it would also make total sense.
But somehow pve people, who are also the main population in spvp today because Anet got it done to make everyone leaving who had any “real” interest in pvp, are alwayas crying about everything not beeing totally equalised when it comes to capabilitie differences or like here with this map.

This people are rly annoying and it´s just sad for the game.

But seemingly anet wants it like that……. -_-

Undecided PvP community!

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The old capricorn was better. I don´t know why they patched it out. Maybe because of the under water point. Don´t know.

too much "filling"material, Mes Trait Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

If you ask me the massiv spam of everything, heal, dmg ect. is the main problem and anet has to fix this first.
But in this threat I want to talk about another issue that I have with the game.

When it comes to the traits in the talent trees anet hasn´t been very creativ in my opinion.
Too many of the traits are just “filling material” and there are often similar traits for each class.
The most embarresing example is the 50% fall dmg reducen everyone has….. -_-
But there are alot of traits that are so weak compared to the “meta”-traits that they were never used and are never used today.
I think anet should get together for a brainstorm-table and do something against that.

I do have alot of time atm and were getting some ideas for new mesmer traits together.
Here are the ideas.

I Stuns and dazes of you are now ignoring stability.

I Changes your Portal ability. Setting your portal exeunt forces enemys in X-radius to the portal exeunt to use the portal.(They can´t port back)(Or variation)


I You are now able too choose a off-hand weapon on the on-hand weaponspot at one weaponset. Your weapon-swap cooldown is decreased.

I Gives you the ability to immediately change posision with your last/latest/one of your clones.(Gives you the ability to immediately port to the position of your last/latest/one of your clones. The clone is shattered by that.)

I Changes every Phantasma ability. You are using the phantasma ability now activly on your own but do not summon a phantasma anymore.


I Your auto-dmg is percentually spit up too all existing clones.(no clone->you 100% auto dmg, 1 clone->you 50% auto-dmg and clone 50% auto-dmg and so on)

I Adds one/two/extra bounces to your staff autoattack.

I Changes your staff illusion abilitys. 2. ability does now change your position with the enemy focused(but doesn´t creat a illusion anymore). Your phantasma does port the hit enemy now to itself on every successful attack, but the attack doesn´t bounce anymore.(The phantasma does now change position with the hit enemy on every successful attack, but the attack doesnt bounce anmore.)

I Changes your Feedback/Timewarp/both ability. Feedback/Timewarp/both does now hold your staff autoattack inside and grands it limitless bounce inside.


I Every illusion does reflect projectills permanently.(Every illusion has permanently “Mirror”.) (Every illusion has a small radius projectil reflectiong bubble.).

I Every illusion shattered grands near allys invisibility for X/1,0/0,5/0,25 sec.


I Illusions can now see invisible enemys and attack them(, but do not reveal them with their attacks).

I Illusions can now be cast despide no viable path/through object.(How it was once untill it got patched out. Will be especitally nice in WvW and I rly don´t think it is OP. It just adds some uniqe harrasing ability to the mesmer.)


I personally think they are rly good and could in some variation be implemented in the game. The ideas don´t have alot of animation work because the core animation are all mostly already there.
I also think there is alot of stuff you can do with the other classes to make them somehow more unique.
Tell me what you think about it.
Post your own ideas, but follow the example pls.

However. If they don´t solve the core issues there is no hope for the pvp in this game anyways. But they are working on a new expansion and that´s why I´m posting this.
Maybe they will read it.

(This post maybe will be moved but I reasondly posted it in the pvp forum because I wanted a audience who is somehow interested in a challenging game(if you know what I mean))

Forest of Niflhel

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Good example for a pve player crying about simple pvp mechanics he doesn´t understand.
It´s wanted like this man. LOL
It´s supposed to be a “competeiv” game mode. Just get out of here. LOL
Can´t believe it. He thinks it´s “not fair”. xD

Whats the plan for necros?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

For me necro should be
-hight aoe condi dmg
-off-point teamfight(sup)


-aoe condi dmg
-sustain, in mid of teamfight


-slow roaming but short-time speedbuffs for fights
-high burst dmg
-low sustain

That´s how it was most of the time and how I would like necro to be as a class.
But anet has “everything needs to can do everything” policies(is it the right word?).
That´s why we are in this spam today. That´s why anet is scewing everything up.

By the way.
Watch my Post in PvP-Forum “Too much filling material, Mes trait ideas”.
It´s alot to read but I want anet to read it. Tell me what you think.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

too much filling material, New mes traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

In my opinion the pvp in this game is completly broke. It´s crap.
Anet has to do alot of restricions to stop the spam of heal, dmg, dodges, everything.
That´t the core issue if you ask me.

But there is another one. If I look at the talent-trees of each class, like half of the traits are just filling material and I think this rly sucks and does take alot of build-diversity away here.
To just take the most embarrasing exaple. It´s the 50% Fall dmg reducen every class has.
If you ask me Anet need to get a brainstorm table together and do something against it.
And not just some weak passiv or 10% buff/debuffs. It has to be something what is rly mechanicly changing. Ofc something what doesn´t take animation work or at least not much.

You need to have some traits, even in the same talent, what are rly competing with each other and not just one trait everyone is taking because it obviously is the best one.

I mained mesmer once and often have alot of time left, so I started to get some ideas together. I think they are rly good and don´t need alot of whole new animaton work.

I think there are alot of things you can do with the other classes too, to get some rly unique changes done.
Here are the trait ideas: They are not categorized in mastery, some are stronger, are weaker: They are only prototypes, so don´t tell me anything is op, Anet can do what they want with it(obviously).


I Stuns and dazes of you are now ignoring stability.

I Changes your Portal ability. Setting your portal exeunt forces enemys in X-radius to the portal exeunt to use the portal.(They can´t port back)(Or variation)


I You are now able too choose a off-hand weapon on the on-hand weaponspot at one weaponset. Your weapon-swap cooldown is decreased.

I Gives you the ability to immediately change posision with your last/latest/one of your clones.(Gives you the ability to immediately port to the position of your last/latest/one of your clones. The clone is shattered by that.)

I Changes every Phantasma ability. You are using the phantasma ability now activly on your own but do not summon a phantasma anymore.


I Your auto-dmg is percentually spit up too all existing clones.(no clone->normal autoattack dmg, 1 clone->you 50% autoattack dmg and the clone 50%, and so on)

I Adds one/two/extra bounces to your staff autoattack.

I Changes your staff illusion abilitys. 2. ability does now change your position with the enemy focused(but doesn´t creat a illusion anymore). Your phantasma does port the hit enemy now to itself on every successful attack, but the attack doesn´t bounce anymore.(The phantasma does now change position with the hit enemy on every successful attack, but the attack doesnt bounce anmore.)

I Changes your Feedback/Timewarp/both ability. Feedback/Timewarp/both does now hold your staff autoattack inside and grands it limitless bounce inside.


I Every illusion does reflect projectills permanently.(Every illusion has permanently “Mirror”.) (Every illusion has a small radius projectil reflectiong bubble.).

I Every illusion shattered grands near allys invisibility for X/1,0/0,5/0,25 sec.


I Illusions can now see invisible enemys and attack them(, but do not reveal them with their attacks).

I Illusions can now be cast despide no viable path/through object.(How it was once untill it got patched out. Will be especitally nice in WvW and I rly don´t think it is OP. It just adds some uniqe harrasing ability to the mesmer.)


Proof this game is 95% build 5% skill

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Make dodges and interrupts important and start to reward damage orientatet builds instead of this boring af tank meta which is around for 3 years.

Agree. The game was ment to be a competetiv game but they totally scewed it up. Everything is just a huge spam and zerg in this spvp. I know there is alot of dmg, but I feel like people are healing themself 10 times over back to full befor they are actually dieing.

Besides alot of bugs and ofc some balance issues the first year of the game was very good in spvp, but after they just started screwing it totally up.
At that time I remember how you did take rangers ulti-spirit to rezz yourself, or this engi heal toolbeld elixir to rezz you up again on your own.

There was actually skill involved there. But noone does this stuff anymore, because it has become useless in this spam.
And back then there where actually some noticable differences between the capabilitys of each class. Nowdays everything is kind of the same spammy crap.

Let´s see what they do with the expansion. But after all this years I wouldn´t expect anything as a spvper from anet. Most of the skills in the ability trees are already filling material, I don´t know what they want to do with the new classes.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Bugabuga. Man spvp basiaclly has the same old mapes for 4 1/2 year now besides stronghold. There were tons of basic bugs for years and they didn´t bottor fixing anything.
Spvp is at least as left behind as wvw bro.

Compare number of maps in WvW (EBJ, one Alpine and now one Desert) — 3.
Maps in PvP:
Stronghold: Completely new, new mechanic
Battle of Khylo (old and “improved” now)
Coliseum (completely new)
Forest of Niflhel
Legacy of Foefire
Revenge of the Capricorn (new one)
Skyhammer (2 iterations)
Spirit Watch
Temple of the Storm

Sooo…. no. PvP got more changes: coliseum, new game mode map and a bunch of changes to other maps Plus most of the balance changes were all because something was OP in PvP (and got nerfed everywhere as a result — engie and turrets, mesmer things, blocks, eles healing too much etc)

But the WvW maps are much bigger.
Yea maybe you are right. But I don´t know why the 2 left behind childs now fighting about who was/is more left behind… ??
The greatest and foundational problem for me was and is the combat itself, that anet was giving everything to much of everything. This hybrit thing. This spam, particularly the spam of heal.
I do like WvW too. But I don´t like the current state of combat there as well.
I have the same problem with both modes.
But as it always is, anet needs for everything months and years. And then it´s not said yet if they are not just making it worse. -_-

I have years of promising and hoping behinde me. I´m seriously not hyped for the new expansion. For me it´s just another way for anet to get some cash flowing.
Pve is their one and only loved child. They don´t like pvp, not spvp neighter wvw-pvp.

We are in the same boat friend.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

Describe the current meta in one sentence

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Man how you are hanging yourserlf on terms. ridiculous. Spvp is on the gound and those who deny that untill now go back pveing man, yo obviously got no glue soever.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Bugabuga. Man spvp basiaclly has the same old mapes for 4 1/2 year now besides stronghold. There were tons of basic bugs for years and they didn´t bottor fixing anything.
Spvp is at least as left behind as wvw bro.

Would more Elite Specs save PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

People who care for spvp don´t play it for the rewards. They play it for compete and having a good game. Pve people are the only ones who misuse spvp as a grinding place.
But thats not want it should be about, and obviously not what it was suppose to be about.

I hate when people say this.

You play for a reason, seriously i this stuff drives me insane.

Helseth, Noscoc and many of the other Pro players have all said things like they were gonna quit the game but Anet came out with X to keep them around.

For instance they came out with Leader Boards, for many of us it was about getting as high of possible of a ranking.

I made top 300 in solo que and top 500 in team que. Anet removed these and then things like AG tournaments- ESL- WTS – TOL tournaments came.

Then the Grind Boards came out. After 2 of those we the Pro Leagues, why are people leaving?

Because there is nothing to play for.

PvE players dont want to play because they killed rewards. Pro players dont want to play because they already know, im sorry but the top 50 players in the game know who they are and they know the others at that level.

The above average player like myself, i want to be challenged by playing the best players in the game, potentially get a top 250 spot that gives a unique item and make some gold off of it.

I didnt play this season till 2 weeks left simply because i saw none of the top players were playing. A cheap way to get a top 250 title, as a competitor it doesnt sit right with me if i got in the top 150 knowing the 50 ESL players from the Pro League are not even playing.

And they nerfed rewards to where i have to craft now? WHAT ANET, THERE ISNT EVEN CRAFTING STATIONS IN THE MISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As someone who played alot of ball back in the day. The first step is proving your the best in your school, then the area, then the state, then the country and finally the world.

Players like MJ and Bill Russel retire way before there time is because they are looking for the next challenge.

If there is no challenge, people will stay for the cow/ cash/ shiny drop.

This past season is a perfect example of no one really having a reason to play and it showed with a 100 or so gold 3 players getting into the top 250 NA.

Man Helseth, Noscoc and co are only the tiny rest pieces of serious spvp players what was left. There great majority of the orinial spvp community was gone years ago. Anet just managed nicely to replace those with this reward-chest-farming pve people, so the spvp populaton got a boost by that.
You leave, anet promises, you come back, leave, anet promesis, you come, back, …… that´s the game and the hope for some change holds it running. And some are just more patient with it then others.

I didn´t meant spvp players don´t care for rewards at all, I enjoy the fancy skins too.
I just meant that real spvp players won´t stay long just for that, they want the competition and some real balace content and you kind of told the same even if you denyed that right before.
For pve people it´s good enough to have a crap pvp like it is today when the rewards are fine enough. But for real spvplers that´s not enough to hold them, they will leave sooner or later when the game continuously sucks like it does today and they see that anet doesn´t care at all.
And again. The spvp community didn´t just leave with Helseth, Noscoc and co, it was already gone long before. They were just the few ones who lasted the longest.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

Would more Elite Specs save PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

People who care for spvp don´t play it for the rewards. They play it for compete and having a good game. Pve people are the only ones who misuse spvp as a grinding place.
But thats not want it should be about, and obviously not what it was suppose to be about.

Make everything squishier

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

It´s rly not that fast after all, you don´t need a fiber con for that. And there is nothing to argue about anyways.
Like around the first year gw2 it was like that and it was very fun and worked well(ofc alot of bugs, balance issus, usuall stuff).
It´s always just the ones who come from pve who want everything slow and easy.
If they want to save the spvp, they need to look back at that time and get some inspiration from that. This hybrit thing has no futur.

Describe the current meta in one sentence

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Boring massiv healing hybrit spamfest ending up in a huge zerg requiring not the slightest skill at all.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

it´s a totally different game. You have no mana in gw2 but in gw you had it. In gw you couldn´t jump or dodge. Gw was very a static tactial game i think. Gw2 is a totally different game with same artstyle and story.

Or am I wrong? I just played it very short time very casually and much too late.

Make everything squishier

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Yes you are right. This hybrit thing doesn´t worke. It´s boring.
Every class has too much of everything. I´m writing the same thing for months and years now. Anet doesn´t seem to care much.
They are just catering the pve crowd the nice easy farm pvp what they want.

I´m having no expectations but I´m curious if they are going to change something drastically with the new expansion coming out.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Seriously. If they would load the first year version of the game. The real spvp people would destroy this pve farmer noobs hardcore.
I´m sure of that. They wouldn´t even know what was happening to them.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The 4. point is the most importent after all. The combat in this game lags in it´s core.
In the first year when this hybrit and spam wasn´t a thing like today and hits actually hurt, you could destroy noobs in this game and it rly felt like your skill is worth something.

I know rly well how friends and I were used to go Hot-Join for farming noobs 3 vs 8 basically. It wasn´t the kind of zerg spam like it is today.
I know people were crying about thieves 1 shot backstab and stuff.
Some things were more op then others blabla. The usuall stuff going on.

Befor I think about matchmaking mmr ect, I think about this.
When I play this game today, I find myself back in a spam/zerg.
You kind of see a differece bettween skilled players and those who are not.
But it is marginal compared to what it was supposed to be.
I mean, even against a skilled player, I see myself healing me back to full like 10 times(exaggerate) over befor someone dies. -_-

And maybe people overrate mmr then. Because this needs to be fixed first.
Your skill must feel to be honored in fight insteadly, if it does not even that and you find yourself back in this zerg, you maybe can´t have a working mmr.
If you have a good combat, you can carry much more then you can today with this hybrit spam zerg.

Most of you kind of missed the time when the game was at it´s best point.
They scewed it up like very soon.
The game how it was the first year was the best version of the game.
Besides the lags, ballance issues and stuff. I felt myself actually carrying something.
Todday is just awefull to play.

How do you feel about the state of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The spvp today totally is a passiv casual grindfest for pvelers.
Anet doesn´t care or doesn´t seem to have a problem with that.
So it will stay that way, Forever…… ;(

Pre HoT question about healers

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Back then there where also some hybrit classes, but the healing never was as massiv as it is today.
Also everyone basicelly only healed itself, but there were not that much outgoing heal like for example aura tempest does today.

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

@Jourdelure. Anet basicely replaced the whole original spvp community with pve people playing casual spvp for fancy skins and chest.
They kind of didn´t even care for the spvp in this game in the first place and I know it,
I basicelly only played spvp since release.
It´s sad and disappointing but it´s the truth.

High risk, High reward?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

@Cynz, Thank you.

High risk, High reward?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

At least everyone who played the first 1-1,5 years of spvp knows(or should know) that
zerks should be quite possible to be played in spvp successfully.
There were also tank versions of classes. For example the tankyest ones like cele ele and tank guard.
There were here and there some balance issues, but it was in any case better than today.

The problem is that the balance between dmg, heal and defence is just in a very bad state.
Everything is permahealing against to much.
Heal dominates the game to much.

quote from a nother thread
“Gw2 pvp used to be all about dodging high impact skills/combos or baiting dodges so you can land yours” And who would even arguee with that, besides some pve people(oh I love this gentle language).
I totally think he got it on the point with this.
And I know it could be like that, because it basicely already was like that at times.
Anet just totally scewed it up, because they never had a plan of spvp and don´t have it now.
Of course I do understand why all this pve people, who are also like the majority in spvp today, totally fine with this passiv hybrit game how it is today -_-. But this spvp was suppost to be some kind of competetive if you understand what I´m saying.

say no to useless cooldown reductions

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

But there are and were a lots of this threads already.
And It seems that there are getting threads opened, also some serious ones with good points. Just for everyone giving his oppinion, but beeing unrecognized by anet anyways.
The thread kind of dies just some days after anyways. New ones with the same core messange are opened, just to be unrecognized by anet again anyways.

I rly would have liked the game to get in line again. But I´m watching this process of the decay of spvp for years now and this is out of the window if you ask me.

Anet never rly cared about spvp and they won´t come up with something now.

Anet basicely replaced the original spvp community with pvelers playing afterworks some pvp to chill. Lureing them with fancy skins and chest and of course they like this
passiv kind of donkey play anyways more. So why would they even want to change something back to cometetive spvp.

It´s sad but true.

say no to useless cooldown reductions

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

gw2 is everything else than remarkably well balanced.

What did you feel was so egregiously overpowered last season?

the whole game is in a state of overpoweredness and spam. core specs are basically useless, half of or even more of all skills / weapons are useless and should in no way be buffed with cooldown reductions. gw2 pvp used to be all about dodging high impact skills/combos or baiting dodges so you can land yours. this aspect of the game is close to nonexistent these days. balance looks different. just because it is playable doesn’t mean it’s well balanced.

You are totally right. Don´t get annoyed by this ignorant pve bots like phineas poe.
They have no plan soever.
“Gw2 pvp used to be all about dodging high impact skills/combos or baiting dodges so you can land yours” and I totally agree with that.
But this spvp degenerated to a passiv pve grindfest long ago. So don´t bother.
Nothing will change. They basicely replaced the whole spvp community with a pve community playing spvp afterworks and for fancy skins and chest. Sad I know.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Locoz, when I talk about 5-player-teamqueue, I´m talking about premade groups. So you couldn´t even queue solo. So what are you even talking about?

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

Without a 5-player-teamqueue, you will never have a working mmr based matchmaking.
So I guess you have to decide what you want. MMR based matchmaking what actually works. Or a single-player queue.
And I don´t know if the spvp player population is great enough to fill both, a sinlge- player-queue and a 5-player-team-queue.
If you ask me they have to force people to a 5-player-teamqueue.
They need to try it if they rly ever want a working mmr based matchmaking.

The spvp in this game was never suppost to be a grindfest for some pvelers who what some fancy skins and chest!! So why we are even discussing about this.

PVP mode that bans elite specs

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

The idea isn´t that bad. I think too that the elit specs didn´t do anything good for the spvp.
Besides a small hybe and some extra money for anet. -_-
But I know Anet since release now and I´m pretty sure that there isn´t coming anything that would actually change something to good for spvp ever.

Anet is to bussy designing new fashion for the gem-store I guess. They never cared the tinyest bit for spvp, they won´t come up with something now……. Sad but true.

High risk, High reward?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

zinkz, zenith and cinn don´t bother but you have no plan at all. At times you could play like everything glassy and successfull. You could play Mesmer glassy, Ele, Warri, Engi, thief anyways and if I think back for some time, nothing was healing as massiv as now, besides some ele or guard. I can´t remeber TrapCondiRangers beeing very tanky either. Ele worked very well as a glasscannon at times.

For how long did you play spvp in this game if I may ask you. Probably not the first 2 years after release I guess. -_-
Crinn you are talking like you would know the game, but you have no plan at all.
Get out of here.

High risk, High reward?

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

That´s the main issue that I have with this game. Anet were on constantly equalizing everything. But class diversity is what every MOBA and every RPG makes what it is.
Now we are at the point that everything is playing this hybrit stuff and nothing else is rly viable to play.
Everything has just as much heal as dmg and it all ends in a huge zerg.

They need to strictly adjust every class to what it´s characters are.
Guards should kind of be what they are even named like, teamsupport and some extra heal.
Thieves hight mobility, hight dmg, stealth, glassy but maybe not very 1v1 viable→ like the good old backstabthief was suppost to be.
Ele can be the hybrit something. normal dmg, extra heal and low armor.
Of course brun guards could be viable and make sence. Of course glassy eles make total sense too.
But you have to make a point there.

What is the problem with people wanting everything to have everything.
Is this how you play your rpg in general?
It´s boring and doesn´t work. And we who think like that, have just not that much support, because the whole original spvp community left the game after anet scewed everything up on and on. They are just too many who already gave the game up, me included. (don´t ask me why I´m posting here anyways, I have a lot of time)

everything is this "boring hybrit something"

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

That´s where you are wrong. The game has mechanics like stealth and invulnerability, blocks, dodges. It should be very possible to play glass versions of classes.
I played zerks the whole 1 1/2 year very successfully.
And they can also customize thinks like mobility ect.
But what anet does is equalizing everything. And thats my issue.

everything is this "boring hybrit something"

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

I just want to point 2 things.


We had now 5 seasons of a bad matchmaking and the smart people of you know that.
But I also have to say. I don´t think that a mmr based single player matchmaking will
ever work anyways. It just can´t.
You get randomly thrown into a team without a mmr fundation soever and somehow your skill will make you make your way. But it´s delusional. It doesn´t work that way.
Also because spvp in this game is a zergfest, maybe exactly because of that.

I think a matchmaking system for premades only is the only way it can ever work.

Everything is this “boring hybrit something” :

I know anets intension was to make a game without trinity.
But this “everyone needs to can do everything” sucks in my oppinion.
It doesn´t, how it´s intends probalby were, create diversity, it does the opposite of that.
There was a time at the beginning where people played whether a zerk or tanky verson.
Backstab thief, shatter mesmer <→ cele ele, def guard
And I want this back.
The game swapped into a game with every class beeing this
boring “hybrit something”. Without giving you much of a choice.
And it ends up in a huge zerg because everyone has just as much heal as dmg.
People doesn´t rly care much about getting hit, because it´s easily healed up.

Everything is a huge zerg in this game where the single players skill has no weight anymore. I basicely only played zerks and I can remeber very well carrying teams with beeing good in 1v1 1v2 back then.
It´s not possible anymore. And If I think about it, this totally adds up with the point that single player mmr doesn´t work at all.

From the urban dictionary:
“Nowadays term zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging”

The point that every class has this massiv heals and survival ability and that hits don´t hurt much enough equalizes the boundaries of skilled players and non skill players too much, especially in groupfights. Yes you see a differce between them, but it´s not enough. Everything is this “boring hybrit something”.

I rly don´t have any hope for the spvp in this game anymore. I don´t play it anymore.
I know the spvp communtiy is no real spvp community anymore, it´s a grindfest for pve players.
But I wanted to tell you anyways, what I think what this game lags on.

Anet. If you ask me. You need to break up with equalizing everything, with this hybrit meta, somehow and probably need to force people to premades, if you want a working mmr matchmaking.

Tell me what you think, but be rational and spare yourself with reference to my allegedly not existent skill, how people are often doing it if they are not the same oppinion.

Have a nice day.

(edited by gw niko.1049)

Change something, Current state of the Meta

in PvP

Posted by: gw niko.1049

gw niko.1049

I just agree with everything.
But i really haven´t much hope for this game anymore. ;(
A other point who hurts much is that they deleted the 3-Rounds PvP, it also hits my motivation for playing this game. But really first they really have to fix this points you written.

Pls A-Net, follow this review. He brought it on the point.